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Programmed cell death, developmental senescence, and responses to pathogens are linked through complex genetic controls that are influenced by redox regulation. Here we show that the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) low vitamin C mutants, vtc1 and vtc2, which have between 10% and 25% of wild-type ascorbic acid, exhibit microlesions, express pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, and have enhanced basal resistance against infections caused by Pseudomonas syringae. The mutants have a delayed senescence phenotype with smaller leaf cells than the wild type at maturity. The vtc leaves have more glutathione than the wild type, with higher ratios of reduced glutathione to glutathione disulfide. Expression of green fluorescence protein (GFP) fused to the nonexpressor of PR protein 1 (GFP-NPR1) was used to detect the presence of NPR1 in the nuclei of transformed plants. Fluorescence was observed in the nuclei of 6- to 8-week-old GFP-NPR1 vtc1 plants, but not in the nuclei of transformed GFP-NPR1 wild-type plants at any developmental stage. The absence of senescence-associated gene 12 (SAG12) mRNA at the time when constitutive cell death and basal resistance were detected confirms that elaboration of innate immune responses in vtc plants does not result from activation of early senescence. Moreover, H2O2-sensitive genes are not induced at the time of systemic acquired resistance execution. These results demonstrate that ascorbic acid abundance modifies the threshold for activation of plant innate defense responses via redox mechanisms that are independent of the natural senescence program.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis dnd1 and dnd2 mutants lack cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel proteins and carry out avirulence or resistance gene-mediated defense with a greatly reduced hypersensitive response (HR). They also exhibit elevated broad-spectrum disease resistance and constitutively elevated salicylic acid (SA) levels. We examined the contributions of NPR1, SID2 (EDS16), NDR1, and EIN2 to dnd phenotypes. Mutations that affect SA accumulation or signaling (sid2, npr1, and ndr1) abolished the enhanced resistance of dnd mutants against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Hyaloperonospora parasitica but not Botrytis cinerea. When SA-associated pathways were disrupted, the constitutive activation of NPR1-dependent and NPR1-independent and SA-dependent pathways was redirected toward PDF1.2-associated pathways. This PDF1.2 overexpression was downregulated after infection by P. syringae. Disruption of ethylene signaling abolished the enhanced resistance to B. cinerea but not P. syringae or H. parasitica. However, loss of NPR1, SID2, NDR1, or EIN2 did not detectably alter the reduced HR in dnd mutants. The susceptibility of dnd ein2 plants to B. cinerea despite their reduced-HR phenotype suggests that cell death repression is not the primary cause of dnd resistance to necrotrophic pathogens. The partial restoration of resistance to B. cinerea in dnd1 npr1 ein2 triple mutants indicated that this resistance is not entirely EIN2 dependent. The above findings indicate that the broad-spectrum resistance of dnd mutants occurs due to activation or sensitization of multiple defense pathways, yet none of the investigated pathways are required for the reduced-HR phenotype.  相似文献   



A wide range of cellular responses occur when plants are exposed to elevated temperature, including adjustments in the unsaturation level of membrane fatty acids. Although membrane bound desaturase enzymes mediate these adjustments, it is unknown how they are regulated to achieve these specific membrane compositions. Furthermore, the precise roles that different membrane fatty acid compositions play in photosynthesis are only beginning to be understood. To explore the regulation of the membrane composition and photosynthetic function in response to temperature, we examined the effect of temperature in a collection of mutants with altered membrane lipid fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The overall fatty acid composition of leaf lipids in a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was characterized by reduced levels of polyunsaturated 18-carbon fatty acids and an increased proportion of oleate as a consequence of a single recessive nuclear mutation. Quantitative analysis of the fatty acid composition of individual lipids demonstrated that all the major phospholipids of the extrachloroplast membranes are affected by the mutation, whereas the chlorplast lipids show fatty acid compositions only slightly different from those of wild type plants. These results are consistent with the parallel operation of two pathways of lipid synthesis in plant leaf cells (the prokaryotic pathway in the chloroplast and the eukaryotic pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum) and with genetic evidence (Browse, J., Kunst, L., Anderson, S., Hugly, S., and Somerville, C.R. (1989) Plant Physiol 90, 522-529) that an independent 18:1/16:1 desaturase operates on chloroplast membrane lipids. Direct enzyme assays confirmed that the mutant plants are deficient in the activity of a microsomal oleoyl-phosphatidycholine desaturase and demonstrated that this desaturase is the major enzyme responsible for the synthesis of polyunsaturated phospholipids. Despite this deficiency in 18:1-desaturase activity, mutant plants contained relatively high levels of 18:3 in their leaf phospholipids. This finding is interpreted as additional evidence that considerable two-way exchange of lipid occurs between the chloroplast and endoplasmic reticulum and that this exchange allows the chloroplast desaturases to provide lipids containing 18:3 to the extrachloroplast compartment, thus partially alleviating the deficiency in 18:1 desaturase activity.  相似文献   

  1. The lipid composition of a mutant ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae which cannot synthesize unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) can be extensively manipulated by growing the organism in the presence of added fatty acids.
  2. Growth of the mutant is supported by a wide range of unsaturated fatty acids including oleic, palmitoleic, petroselenic, 11-eicosaenoic, ricinoleic, arachidonic, clupanodonic, linoleic and linolenic acids; 9- and 10-hydroxystearic acids support growth less effectively, but erucic, nervonic, elaidic and saturated fatty acids (C8∶0?C20∶0)* are ineffective. All the fatty acids which support growth are incorporated into cell lipids, apparently without further metabolism.
  3. The effects of altered lipid composition on the energy metabolism of yeast cells were investigated. Cells containing less than approximately 20% of their fatty acids as UFA cannot grow on non-fermentable substrates, and their growth on glucose is restricted to that which can be supported by fermentation alone.
  4. UFA-depleted cells contain mitochondria which are apparently normal in morphology, furthermore they have normal levels of cytochromesa+a 3,b,c 1 andc and respire at normal rates. This suggests that the lesion in energy metabolism produced by UFA-depletion may be the loss of the ability of the mitochondria to couple respiration to phosphorylation.
  5. UFA-depleted cells incorporate added UFA into their cell lipids and subsequently regain the ability to grow on non-fermentable substrates, showing that the lesion in energy metabolism is fully reversible.

The fatty acid composition of the phospholipids and triglycerides extracted from housefly larvae reared on diets containing no added fatty acids but containing differing concentrations of choline has been determined. Reducing the choline content of the diet resulted in a graded reduction of the percentage of phosphatidylcholine present in the phospholipids of the larvae. This was accompanied by changes in the fatty acid composition, choline deficiency causing an increased utilization of 16-C rather than 18-C acids by the phospholipids. Changes in the fatty acid composition of the triglyceride fraction were also observed but these were associated with insects containing very low levels of phosphatidylcholine. Examination of the fatty acids in the different classes of phospholipids showed that the major change resulting from choline deficiency was in the fatty acids of the phosphatidylethanolamine fraction—the phospholipid which increased as the phosphatidylcholine decreased.Although the fatty acid composition of the different classes of phospholipids was not completely fixed, some preferential utilization of certain fatty acids by certain classes was observed, in both larval and adult insects. The fatty acid composition of the phospholipids extracted from larval gut, muscle, fat body, cuticle, trachea, nervous tissue, and haemolymph was determined. Changes resulting from choline deficiency similar to those seen in the whole larva were observed in all tissues except the nervous tissue. The effect of rearing larvae at temperatures between 24 and 35°C resulted in only minor changes in the fatty acid composition of both phospholipid and triglyceride fractions but the difference due to choline deficiency was observed at all temperatures. The possibility that the observed changes in the fatty acids of the phospholipids are compensatory to the changes in the proportion of the choline to the ethanolamine phospholipids is discussed.  相似文献   

Proximate composition of muscle was determined for the following deep-sea fish species: roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax), mora/deep-sea cod (Mora moro), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis), black dogfish (Centroscyllium fabricii), leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lantern shark (Etmopterus princeps), smalleyed rabbitfish/ghostshark (Hydrolagus affinis), birdbeak dogfish (Deania calcea) and two species of smooth head (Alepocephalus bairdii and Alepocephalus agassizii). The first eight species contained less than 1% fat in the muscle, while the last two contained 3.0% and 3.6% fat, respectively. Fatty acid and lipid class composition was determined for the first five fish species and showed that the dominant class of lipids was phospholipids. The lipids consisted mainly of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was the dominant fatty acid. Roughhead grenadier and mora showed resemblance to cod (Gadus morhua) regarding protein content, fat content and fatty acid composition. However, the muscle from the deep-sea fish species did contain a higher proportion of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) than cod muscle.  相似文献   

Greenberg JT  Silverman FP  Liang H 《Genetics》2000,156(1):341-350
Salicylic acid (SA) is required for resistance to many diseases in higher plants. SA-dependent cell death and defense-related responses have been correlated with disease resistance. The accelerated cell death 5 mutant of Arabidopsis provides additional genetic evidence that SA regulates cell death and defense-related responses. However, in acd5, these events are uncoupled from disease resistance. acd5 plants are more susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae early in development and show spontaneous SA accumulation, cell death, and defense-related markers later in development. In acd5 plants, cell death and defense-related responses are SA dependent but they do not confer disease resistance. Double mutants with acd5 and nonexpressor of PR1, in which SA signaling is partially blocked, show greatly attenuated cell death, indicating a role for NPR1 in controlling cell death. The hormone ethylene potentiates the effects of SA and is important for disease symptom development in Arabidopsis. Double mutants of acd5 and ethylene insensitive 2, in which ethylene signaling is blocked, show decreased cell death, supporting a role for ethylene in cell death control. We propose that acd5 plants mimic P. syringae-infected wild-type plants and that both SA and ethylene are normally involved in regulating cell death during some susceptible pathogen infections.  相似文献   

Although extensive data has described the key role of salicylic acid (SA) in signaling pathogen-induced disease resistance, its function in physiological processes related to cell death is still poorly understood. Recent studies have explored the requirement of SA for mounting the hypersensitive response (HR) against an invading pathogen, where a particular cell death process is activated at the site of attempted infection causing a confined lesion. Biochemical data suggest that SA potentiates the signal pathway for HR by affecting an early phosphorylation-sensitive step preceding the generation of pro-death signals, including those derived from the oxidative burst. Accordingly, the epistatic relationship between cell death and SA accumulation, analyzed in crosses between lesion-mimic mutants (spontaneous lesion formation) and the transgenic nahG line (depleted in SA) places the SA activity in a feedback loop downstream and upstream of cell death. Exciting advances have been made in the identification of cellular protective functions and cell death suppressors that might operate in HR. Moreover, the spatio-temporal patterns of the SA accumulation (non-homogeneous distribution, biphasic kinetics) described in some HR lesions, may also reveal important clues for unraveling the complex cellular network that tightly balances pro- and anti-death functions in the hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

Twenty-six days of fat deficiency brought about a decrease of linoleic and an increase of oleic acid in rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of guinea pig liver. Arachidonic acid was only slightly decreased in some phospholipids whereas eicose-5,8,11-trienoic acid was not enhanced except in phosphatidyl-inositol. All these changes were relevant specifically in phosphatidylinositol molecules and less important in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. Fat deficiency did not modify the relative proportion of phospholipids and cholesterol. Therefore, fat deficient guinea pig microsomes are a good model to study the effect of unsaturated fatty acids on membrane properties. Fluorescent anisotropy of RER membranes, lipids and phospholipids labeled with diphenylhexatriene, was increased by the fat deficiency. The most important increase was observed in liposomes of a mixture of RER phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine and sphingomyelin. A small change was found in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine dispersions at 37°C. The modification of the lipid unsaturation evoked fluorescent anisotropy changes. Temperature-dependent fluorescent polarization curves of RER membranes labeled with trans-parinaric acid did not show inflections in the temperature range from 5 to 45°C but, RER lipids and phospholipids presented a phase separation at about 20°C. This inflection point was not modified by the fat deficient diet. In those liposomes prepared with a mixture of RER phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine and sphingomyelin, the inflection point was produced at about 37°C.The author is member of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifico, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Argentina.  相似文献   

The efficacy of three extraction methods for determining the lipid and fatty acid composition of six fungal cultures was studied. The extraction methods were: chloroform/methanol (2:1), hexane/isopropanol (3:2) and Soxhlet extraction by using hexane. The total lipid and fatty acid composition varied in fungal cultures depending on the extraction conditions. Of the three methods, chloroform/methanol (2:1) was found to be the best for extraction of lipid and fatty acids from fungal cultures.  相似文献   

Two groups of female rats were fed a diet with high (5.9 cal % of linoleate + linolenate) or low (0.78 cal % of linoleate + linolenate) essential fatty acid (EFA) concentration. The effects of the EFA concentration during gestation on liver lipid and fatty acid composition were studied in the fetuses at 15 and 20 days of intrauterine life. Fetal and liver weights were identical in the two groups; at day 20 the contents of proteins, total cholesterol, phospholipids and glycolipids were significantly decreased (p less than 0.01) with the low EFA diet while at day 15 only total cholesterol was affected (p less than 0.05). At both gestational ages the triacylglycerol content was increased in the low EFA group (day 15 p less than 0.05, day 20 p less than 0.01). The maternal EFA deficiency resulted in higher levels of 16:1 n-7 in the phospholipid fractions and 16:1 n-7 and 18:1 n-7 in the neutral lipids. The increase in these monoenoic derivatives partially compensated the decrease of the polyunsaturated species 18:2 n-6 and 20:4 n-6. In conclusion the low EFA diet results in important modifications of the fetal hepatic lipids during intrauterine development.  相似文献   

Wang GF  Seabolt S  Hamdoun S  Ng G  Park J  Lu H 《Plant physiology》2011,156(3):1508-1519
The salicylic acid (SA) regulatory gene HOPW1-1-INTERACTING3 (WIN3) was previously shown to confer resistance to the biotrophic pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Here, we report that WIN3 controls broad-spectrum disease resistance to the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea and contributes to basal defense induced by flg22, a 22-amino acid peptide derived from the conserved region of bacterial flagellin proteins. Genetic analysis indicates that WIN3 acts additively with several known SA regulators, including PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4, NONEXPRESSOR OF PR GENES1 (NPR1), and SA INDUCTION-DEFICIENT2, in regulating SA accumulation, cell death, and/or disease resistance in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant acd6-1. Interestingly, expression of WIN3 is also dependent on these SA regulators and can be activated by cell death, suggesting that WIN3-mediated signaling is interconnected with those derived from other SA regulators and cell death. Surprisingly, we found that WIN3 and NPR1 synergistically affect flowering time via influencing the expression of flowering regulatory genes FLOWERING LOCUS C and FLOWERING LOCUS T. Taken together, our data reveal that WIN3 represents a novel node in the SA signaling networks to regulate plant defense and flowering time. They also highlight that plant innate immunity and development are closely connected processes, precise regulation of which should be important for the fitness of plants.  相似文献   

Fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) is a membrane associated P450 enzyme that cleaves fatty acid hydroperoxides into aldehydes and omega-oxo fatty acids. One of the major products of this reaction is (3Z)-hexenal. It is a constituent of many fresh smelling fruit aromas. For its biotechnological production and because of the lack of structural data on the HPL enzyme family, we investigated the mechanistic reasons for the substrate specificity of HPL by using various structural analogues of HPL substrates. To approach this 13-HPL from Arabidopsis thaliana was cloned and expressed in E. coli utilising a His-Tag expression vector. The fusion protein was purified by affinity chromatography from the E. coli membrane fractions and its pH optimum was detected to be pH 7.2. Then, HPL activity against the respective (9S)- and (13S)-hydroperoxides derived either from linoleic, alpha-linolenic or gamma-linolenic acid, respectively, as well as that against the corresponding methyl esters was analysed. Highest enzyme activity was observed with the (13S)-hydroperoxide of alpha-linolenic acid (13alpha-HPOT) followed by that with its methyl ester. Most interestingly, when the hydroperoxy isomers of gamma-linolenic acid were tested as substrates, 9gamma-HPOT and not 13gamma-HPOT was found to be a better substrate of the enzyme. Taken together from these studies on the substrate specificity it is concluded that At13HPL may not recognise the absolute position of the hydroperoxy group within the substrate, but shows highest activities against substrates with a (1Z4S,5E,7Z)-4-hydroperoxy-1,5,7-triene motif. Thus, At13HPL may not only be used for the production of C6-derived volatiles, but depending on the substrate may be further used for the production of Cg-derived volatiles as well.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid fractions from ice algae sampled from the Barents Sea in spring and autumn were examined for seasonal differences. The ice-algal assemblages were dominated by diatoms. In spring, Nitzschia frigida was the most common species whereas resting stages of Thalassiosira bioculata and Actinocyclus cf curvatulus predominated in autumn. With the exception of one spring sample, neutral lipids predominated over glycolipids and phospholipids in all algal samples. The lipid fractions displayed characteristic fatty acid compositions. In the spring samples the major fatty acids of the neutral lipid fraction were 16:0, 16:1(n-7) and 20:5(n-3) whilst the glycolipid fraction was characterised by higher levels of 20:5(n-3) and C16 polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly 16:4(n-1). Phospholipids contained higher levels of 22:6(n-3) than the other two lipid fractions although 20:5(n-3) was still the major polyunsaturated fatty acid. In the autumn samples, the neutral lipid fraction contained higher proportions of saturated fatty acids and 16:1(n-7) than the two polar lipid fractions and 22:6(n-3) was most abundant in phospholipids. As with the spring samples, 20:5(n-3) was the major polyunsaturated fatty acid in all lipid fractions of the autumn algae. Overall, the fatty acid compositions of the lipid fractions from spring and autumn algal samples were similar and are consistent with diatoms being the predominant group in the ice algae studied. The high level of neutral lipids observed in both spring and autumn samples suggests that the production of neutral lipids is characteristic of ice algae regardless of season. Nevertheless, some species-specific differences in lipid production may exist since the neutral lipid content of autumn samples containing mainly A. curvatulus was substantially higher than those in which T. bioculata predominated. Received: 26 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

The intestinal mucosal fatty acid (FA) composition was investigated in Sprague-Dawley rats after 7 and 23 weeks on an isocaloric diet with qualitatively different essential fatty acid (EFA) composition. For comparison, serum and red blood cell (RBC) membranes were investigated in parallel. The molar percentage of most FAs differed significantly between serum and RBC membranes both in controls and rats fed an EFA deficient (EFAD) diet. The influence of the EFA diet was similar on serum and RBC membrane phospholipids except for arachidonic acid (AA) which was more markedly decreased in serum than in RBC membranes. The FA composition was similar in ileal and colonic mucosa, markedly differing from the jejunal mucosa, in which the AA concentration was lower (13.0+/-0.8 versus 16.8+/-0.5 and 15. 7+/-2.8 mol%) and the linoleic acid (LA) concentration higher (34. 0+/-1.6 versus 17.8+/-1.3 and 15.5+/-2.8 mol%, respectively). The EFAD diet induced a more than five-fold decrease in the jejunal and ileal concentration of LA from 33.9+/-1.6 to 6.0+/-1.5 mol% and 17. 8+/-1.3 to 2.1+/-0.7 mol%, respectively. AA decreased more in the ileal and colonic mucosa than in the jejunum. The changes in the FA composition of the intestinal compartments after EFAD diet were different from that in serum and RBC membranes, and did not further change after 23 weeks compared to 7 weeks after introduction of the diet. The study shows that dietary influences are tissue specific and serum or RBC membranes do not mirror local changes in any of the different intestinal segments.  相似文献   

Summary Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were acclimated to either 5 or 20°C, and then transferred to the opposite temperature, and changes in the fatty acid composition of liver microsomal membranes and the activities of the hepatic Δ9, Δ6, and Δ5 desaturases were measured at intervals of up to one month post-transfer. Inital changes (days 0–3) in fatty acid composition were: (1) an increase in the proportion of saturates and a decrease in the proportion of polyunsaturates during warm acclimation, and (2) a decrease in the proportion of saturates during cold acclimation. The activity of the Δ6 desaturase approximately doubled immediately following the changes in temperature, but alterations in Δ9 and Δ5 desaturase activities required at least 3 days to occur. The results indicate that desaturase enzymes do not play a major role in the initial adaptation of membrane fatty acid composition to changes in temperature. However, the desaturase enzymes may be involved in the later stages (3–28 days) of the acclimatory process. The proportion of monoenes was well correlated with Δ9 desaturase activity during both transfers, and appeared to be adjusted as required to offset changes in the proportion of polyunsaturates. Supported by National Science Foundation Grant PCM-8301757 to J.R.H.  相似文献   

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