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The effect of single versus multiple mating on longevity and fecundity as well as the number of matings required to maximize a female’s reproductive success of the predatory mite Kampimodromus aberrans Oudemans were studied under laboratory conditions. Newly emerged adult females of the stock colony of K. aberrans were placed individually on a bean leaf disc, and maintained at 25°C and 16:8 LD. A young male remained with a female for limited periods or continuously. Mating was a requisite for oocyte maturation and oviposition. Females which mated three to four times during their life and females in continuous presence of males, laid significantly and considerably more eggs than single-mated females. Virgin females lived the longest, and those in continuous presence of males the shortest. In all cases and irrespective of the number of matings, the sex ratio of the offspring was male-biased in the first three to four days of oviposition period, and female-biased in later days.  相似文献   

Females of the southern green stinkbug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), initiating copulation in a female-biased environment produced relatively more sons than females initiating copulation in a male-biased environment. Although families suffering greater mortality yielded more sons, the difference in offspring sex ratio between treatments was not due to differential mortality by sex since the distribution of family size did not vary between treatments. Female condition, indexed by female size and size of the first egg mass laid, did not vary between treatments and, therefore, apparently did not contribute to the results. Thus, it appears that the stinkbug is capable of facultative sex ratio adjustment in response to the operational sex ratio, increasing the production of sons when males are rare. In nature, overlapping generations and female-biased operational sex ratios may occur; conditions under which selection for sex ratio adjustment is most intense.  相似文献   



The phenomenon of sexual conflict has been well documented, and in populations with biased operational sex ratios the consequences for the rarer sex can be severe. Females are typically a limited resource and males often evolve aggressive mating behaviors, which can improve individual fitness for the male while negatively impacting female condition and fitness. In response, females can adjust their behavior to minimize exposure to aggressive mating tactics or minimize the costs of mating harassment. While male-male competition is common in amphibian mating systems, little is known about the consequences or responses of females. The red-spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) is a common pond-breeding amphibian with a complex, well-studied mating system where males aggressively court females. Breeding populations across much of its range have male-biased sex ratios and we predicted that female newts would have behavioral mechanisms to mitigate mating pressure from males. We conducted four experiments examining the costs and behavioral responses of female N. viridescens exposed to a male-biased environment.


In field enclosures, we found that female newts exposed to a male-biased environment during the five-month breeding season ended with lower body condition compared to those in a female-biased environment. Shorter-term exposure to a male-biased environment for five weeks caused a decrease in circulating total leukocyte and lymphocyte abundance in blood, which suggests females experienced physiological stress. In behavioral experiments, we found that females were more agitated in the presence of male chemical cues and females in a male-biased environment spent more time in refuge than those in a female-biased environment.


Our results indicate that male-biased conditions can incur costs to females of decreased condition and potentially increased risk of infection. However, we found that females can also alter their behavior and microhabitat use under a male-biased sex ratio. Consistent with surveys showing reduced detection probabilities for females, our research suggests that females avoid male encounters using edge and substrate habitat. Our work illustrates the integrated suite of impacts that sexual conflict can have on the structure and ecology of a population.  相似文献   

Biased population sex ratios can alter optimal male mating strategies, and allocation to reproductive traits depends on nutrient availability. However, there is little information on how nutrition interacts with sex ratio to influence the evolution of pre-copulatory and post-copulatory traits separately. To address this omission, we test how male mating success and reproductive investment evolve under varying sex ratios and adult diet in Drosophila melanogaster, using experimental evolution. We found that sex ratio and nutrient availability interacted to determine male pre-copulatory performance. Males from female-biased populations were slow to mate when they evolved under protein restriction. By contrast, we found direct and non-interacting effects of sex ratio and nutrient availability on post-copulatory success. Males that evolved under protein restriction were relatively poor at suppressing female remating. Males that evolved under equal sex ratios fathered more offspring and were better at supressing female remating, relative to males from male-biased or female-biased populations. These results support the idea that sex ratios and nutrition interact to determine the evolution of pre-copulatory mating traits, but independently influence the evolution of post-copulatory traits.  相似文献   

A field survey of plant and flower sex ratio and secondary sex characteristics was made in Silene alba. Female-biased plant sex ratios were found, as seems typical for the species. Sex ratio distribution correlated with a gradient of soil moisture (with the more moist area having a more female-biased ratio) and with changes in the density of Silene (intermediate and higher density areas having greater female bias). The floral sex ratio was significantly female-biased only at the site that was most female-biased in terms of plant sex ratio. Otherwise the population of flowers was significantly male-biased. Male and female plants harvested from the field differed in secondary sexual characteristics. Males had more flowers and invested proportionately more biomass in leaf, but less in root, stem and reproductive tissue than did females. Although both males and females were larger in terms of total dry weight at the moist site, males produced more flowers at the driest (high density) site. Here the female bias in plant sex ratio was intermediate, but the floral sex ratio was significantly male-biased. A glasshouse experiment was performed in which plants were grown at four densities. Density significantly influenced plant survivorship and the probability of flowering, and increased female bias in the pots, but it did not affect patterns of biomass allocation in flowering plants. Patterns of male and female biomass allocation did not differ in the experiment, except in terms of reproductive allocation (greater in females) and allocation to leaf, greater in males, but only at the lowest density. This work urges caution in interpreting differences between males and females in the field as secondary sex characteristics, since we find such properties to be overlapping under experimental conditions. It supports the idea that males and females of a species may sustain different reproductive output under differing conditions.  相似文献   

Multiple mating and its effects on the sex ratio in Dinarmus basalis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae), an ectoparasitoid of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), were investigated under controlled conditions. Once-mated females suffer a sperm depletion about 21 days after mating and thereafter are constrained to produce only haploid males. On the other hand, three-times-mated females store more sperm in their spermathecae (335 vs 147) and produce daughters during the major part of their reproductive life. Consequently, once-mated females showed a male-biased life time sex ratio (mean = 0.31) as opposed to three-times-mated females (mean = 0.63). Females can copulate only at the beginning of their reproductive life, and multiple mating must occur before egg-laying activity. This behavioral strategy could be an avoidance of consanguinity in a promiscuous environment. This ectoparasitoid species reveals a reproductive strategy which promotes polyandry and a very high sperm efficiency.  相似文献   

Seasonal environments impose developmental time constraints on insects which can be reflected in body size and sex ratio. By tracking these two aspects in recently emerged adults of 10 species of an odonate community in a number of lakes, we investigated whether (a) body size in both sexes decreased as the flight season progressed and whether this led to seasonal changes in sexual size dimorphism (SSD); (b) SSD patterns were related to mating systems; (c) biases in sex ratio could be explained by mortality rates associated with the largest sex (e.g. in species with male-biased SSD, a female-biased sex ratio; in species with female-biased SSD, a male-biased sex ratio). Our results indicated that adults in most species, but not all, tend to reach a smaller body size as the season progressed. However, the opposite pattern was found in a few species. Predictions about the relation between SSD and mating systems were confirmed: a female-biased SSD in nonterritorial species and monomorphism for territorial species. However, predictions of biases in sex ratio according to SSD were not met in all species. Interestingly, changes in body size and SSD along the season were lake-specific in two species in which these patterns could be examined. These results, although partially supportive of environmental and sexual selection patterns acting on size and sex ratio as documented in other odonate species, indicate that we are still far from understanding seasonal constrains in these animals.  相似文献   

We investigated the lifetime mating potential and the reproductive behavior of male and female turnip moths Agrotis segetum (Schiff.) under field and laboratory conditions. The sex ratio was 1 : 1 in a lab-reared population as well as in two wild populations. Males were capable of mating repetitively a relatively large number of times (mean of 6.7 ± 2.7 matings) when given access to new virgin females throughout their lifetimes. Females seldom mated more than once (mean ± 1.3 ± 0.6 matings), indicating a male-biased operational sex ratio. The mean potential lifetime mating was five times higher in males, while the coefficient of variance was lower in males. There was no differences in longevity between animals that were allowed to mate and animals not allowed to mate, indicating no direct costs or benefits of mating in physiological terms. In males, the number of matings was positively correlated with longevity, but this was not the case in females. Nor was there a correlation between the number of female matings and the number of fertilized eggs. There was a negative correlation between the number of eggs fertilized and the number of times males had previously mated, indicating that male ejaculates were limited. Male spermatophore size also decreased with number of achieved matings. Laboratory-reared females attracted males in the field throughout their lifetimes, with a peak at 3–7 days of age. Wild males, allowed to choose between pairs of caged females in the field, were attracted in equal numbers to females of different ages. Females did not show any mate-rejection behavior in the field. They mated with the first male that courted them. No incidence of mate replacement by males arriving later to already courted females were recorded.  相似文献   

Selection on males to mate at a higher rate than females often results in male harassment of females and counteracting female responses. When the reproductive value of copulation changes over time, these mating strategies are expected to be time dependent. Here, we demonstrate that variation in the intensity of male harassment leads to drastic changes in female daily mating patterns. In feral populations of fowl Gallus gallus domesticus, male harassment is intense, particularly in the evening when inseminations are most likely to result in fertilization. We experimentally manipulated the intensity of male harassment through similar-sized groups of different sex ratios. Male mating propensity was always higher than females', particularly in male-biased groups and in the evening, when males were closer to and more likely to approach females. Females counteracted male harassment by escalating resistance to mating and--crucially--by shifting their daily mating pattern: in strongly female-biased groups with relaxed sexual harassment, females solicited sex in the evening, while in male-biased groups, they solicited sex in the morning, thus avoiding harassment in the evening. Together, these results indicate that intersexual conflict may occur not only over mating rates but also over when in the day to copulate.  相似文献   

Immune system maintenance and upregulation is costly. Sexual selection intensity, which increases male investment into reproductive traits, is expected to create trade-offs with immune function. We assayed phenoloxidase (PO) and lytic activity of individuals from populations of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, which had been evolving under different intensities of sexual selection. We found significant divergence among populations, with males from female-biased populations having lower PO activity than males from balanced sex ratio or male-biased populations. There was no divergence in anti-bacterial lytic activity. Our data suggest that it is the increased male mating demands in female-biased populations that trades-off against immunity, and not the increased investment in sperm transfer per mating that characterizes male-biased populations.  相似文献   

Parasitism, offspring sex ratio and superparasitism of the facultative autoparasitoid Encarsia tricolor Foërster (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) when given access to arenae with different proportions of the primary host (Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)) and two species of secondary hosts (E. tricolor and Encarsia formosa Gahan) were studied.Parasitism and offspring sex ratio were not affected by female age in the range 3–10 days old. When the secondary hosts were young E. tricolor pupae, eggs were mostly laid on primary hosts, so the offspring sex ratio was more female-biased than expected, and secondary hosts were not superparasitized at all. When the secondary hosts were fully grown E. formosa larvae, superparasitism was small and offspring sex ratio was more male-biased than expected. E. tricolor females were able to discriminate between hosts previously parasitized by themselves and non-parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

开花时间决定了植物雌雄功能的交配机会, 最终影响繁殖成功。交配环境假说认为雌雄异熟植物开花时间的差异能引起植物表型性别的变异, 改变种群内的交配环境, 影响植物对雌雄功能的最佳性分配。为了研究开花时间对雌雄异熟植物的雌雄性别时期及表型性别的影响, 本文以毛茛科雄性先熟植物露蕊乌头(Aconitum gymnandrum)为实验材料, 记录了雄性和雌性功能期, 分析了植株开花时间、花的雌雄功能期和表型性别的关系。结果表明: 在植物同一花序内, 较晚开放的花有更长的雄性期和更短的雌性期, 性分配在时间上偏雄。雌雄功能期在时间上的相对分配随植物开花时间的变化表现出相似的趋势: 较晚开的花或较晚开花的个体, 花的雄性功能期相对于雌性功能期更长, 在时间上更偏向雄性功能。而且, 开花时间的差异影响种群内花的性比和植物个体的表型性别动态。随着开花时间由早到晚的变化, 种群内早期以雄花为主,末期以雌花为主, 种群内性别环境由偏雄向偏雌变化, 因此植株个体的平均表型性别则从偏雌转向偏雄。本文结果支持交配环境假说, 雄性先熟的露蕊乌头开花早期, 种群内花的性别比偏雄, 种群表型性别环境偏雄, 因而植物个体平均表型性别偏雌, 性别分配(即时间分配)偏向雌性功能, 而晚开花个体的平均性别偏雄, 更偏向雄性功能的分配。  相似文献   

Sex ratios can influence mating behaviour, population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories; yet the causes of natural sex ratio variation are often uncertain. Although secondary (birth) sex ratios in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are typically 1:1, we recorded female-biased tertiary (adult) sex ratios in about half of our 48 samples and male-biased sex ratios in none of them. This pattern implies that some populations experience male-biased mortality, perhaps owing to variation in predation or resource limitation. We assessed the effects of predation and/or inter-specific resource competition (intraguild predation) by measuring the local catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of species (Rivulus killifish and Macrobrachium prawns) that may differentially prey on male guppies. We assessed the effects of resource levels by measuring canopy openness and algal biomass (chlorophyll a concentration). We found that guppy sex ratios were increasingly female-biased with increasing CPUE of Macrobrachium, and perhaps also Rivulus, and with decreasing canopy openness. We also found an interaction between predators and resource levels in that the effect of canopy openness was greatest when Macrobrachium CPUE was highest. Our study thus also reveals the value of simultaneously testing multiple environmental factors that may drive tertiary sex ratio variation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The sex ratios of the progenies of woodlice Porcellionides pruinosus (Crustacea, Isopoda) raised at different temperatures were studied. Females from three French populations sampled in the wild produced highly female-biased broods at 20°C and male-biased broods above 30°C. The effect of high temperature was not due to selective mortality of females. Sex determination was thus sensitive to temperature in P. pruinosus. We also found an interpopulation variability of sex ratio thermosensitivity and a weak inheritance of male-biased sex ratios at high temperatures. Samples taken from a wild population throughout the year showed that while the thermal conditions required for changes in the sex ratio occurred, there was no significant variation in the sex ratio. On the other hand, almost all the females and many males in the four populations studied harboured intracytoplasmic bacteria. These maternally inherited symbionts belong to the genus Wolbachia and are known to possess a feminizing effect. While in other arthropods Wolbachia are destroyed at high temperatures, the symbionts of P. pruinosus were detected by a PCR procedure whatever the rearing temperatures. In light of these results, we propose that the thermosensitivity of sex determination in P. pruinosus could reflect the removal of the cytoplasmic effect on sex determination rather than environmental sex determination sensu stricto. The reduction in the amount of bacteria (but not their entire elimination), or the inhibition of bacterial metabolism, may be responsible for sex ratio variations relating to temperature. The incomplete inheritance of male-biased sex ratios at high temperatures might reflect a selection of thermo-tolerant bacterial strains.  相似文献   

The optimal number of mate partners for females rarely coincides with that for males, leading to a potential sexual conflict over multiple-partner mating. This suggests that the population sex ratio may affect multiple-partner mating and thus multiple paternity. We investigate the relationship between multiple paternity and the population sex ratio in the polygynandrous common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). In six populations the adult sex ratio was biased toward males, and in another six populations the adult sex ratio was biased toward females, the latter corresponding to the average adult sex ratio encountered in natural populations. In males the frequency and the degree of polygyny were lower in male-biased populations, as expected if competition among males determines polygyny. In females the frequency of polyandry was not different between treatments, and polyandrous females produced larger clutches, suggesting that polyandry might be adaptive. However, in male-biased populations females suffered from reduced reproductive success compared to female-biased populations, and the number of mate partners increased with female body size in polyandrous females. Polyandrous females of male-biased populations showed disproportionately more mating scars, indicating that polyandrous females of male-biased populations had more interactions with males and suggesting that the degree of multiple paternity is controlled by male sexual harassment. Our results thus imply that polyandry may be hierarchically controlled, with females controlling when to mate with multiple partners and male sexual harassment being a proximate determinant of the degree of multiple paternity. The results are also consistent with a sexual conflict in which male behaviors are harmful to females.  相似文献   

The prenatal environment influences offspring traits in a variety of ways and in a wide range of taxa. For example, maternal allocation of steroids to the eggs influences offspring traits in birds, and in some mammals the intrauterine position influences morphological, behavioural, and physiological traits due to sex-related steroid transfer between sibling fetuses. We show that similar phenomena occur in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), a viviparous reptile. Females developing in male-biased clutches had a more masculine allometry (relatively larger heads) at parturition than females developing in female-biased clutches. Males were correspondingly feminized in female-biased clutches. The effects could either be due to diffusion of steroids produced by the offspring or by a general tendency for females to allocate steroids according to the sex ratio of her clutch. Subsequent to parturition, the sexes differed in their growth trajectories depending on sex ratio environment. In males, the difference in allometry between sex ratio environments remained over time, whereas in females the corresponding effect disappeared.  相似文献   

Summary We tested predictions of sex allocation theory with a series of field experiments on sex allocation in an herbivorous, haplodiploid, sawfly, Euura lasiolepis. Our experiments demonstrated the following points. 1) Adult females allocated progeny sex in response to plant growth. 2) Population sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased where plant growth was slow and female-biased where plant growth was rapid. 3) Family sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased on slow-growing plants and female-biased on rapidly-growing plants. 4) Female fitness increased more rapidly as the result of developing on more rapidly-growing plants than male mass. We conclude from these results that there are unequal returns on investment in male and female progeny. This results in facultatively biased sawfly sex ratios as an adaptive response to variation in plant quality.  相似文献   

Taber D. Allison 《Oecologia》1992,89(2):223-228
Summary Browsed Canada yew (Taxus canadensis) populations have a higher proportion of males and a lower proportion of monoecious plants than unbrowsed yew populations. The proportion of monoecious plants increases with time following protection from browsing suggesting that deer browsing causes male-biased sex expression in Canada yew. In contrast, results from comparing browsed and unbrowsed populations, exclosure studies, and browse simulation experiments indicate that strobilus ratios and phenotypic gender of browsed yews may be female-biased. In part, these results correspond to the influence of size on sex expression in Canada yew; small yews tend to be male, but if monoecious, have female-biased strobilus ratios. Large yews are monoecious, but have male-biased strobilus ratios. There is, however, no consistent relationship between size and gender in Canada yew, suggesting that in some circumstances, yews shift allocation to female function in response to browsing.  相似文献   

Summary Baccharis halimifolia (Compositae) is a dioecious shrub which grows on the upland fringe of tidal marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America. We examined the responses of the two sexes to variation in nutrient and moisture availability plant density, and defoliation. By growing plants from seedlings to flowering adults under various combinations of soil type, fertilization rate and plant density, we were able to establish different rates of plant growth and mortality. Plants grown at high density and low nutrient and water supply grew the least, incurrent the most mortality and showed a male-biased sex ratio (73% male). At low density with abundant nutrients and water, plants grew more, survived well, flowered frequently, and were female-biased (75% female). Changes in sex ratio were probably the result of sex-related mortality rather than sexual lability of the seedlings. While changes in sex ratio occurred under experimental conditions in the green-house, no evidence for differences in habitat utilization between the sexes were found in the field and the sex ratio (59% female) did not vary across habitats. In the marsh habitats we sampled where water and nutrients were apparently available, there was no evidence for differential mortality between the sexes. When defoliated (75% of leaf tissue), both sexes showed similar reductions in reproductive effort (number of flower heads/shoot). Our results indicate that differences between the sexes of Baccharis in their response to environmental growing conditions is an important ecological factor associated with the separation of male and female function into separate individuals.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1136-1144
The sex ratio of Cyprinodon pecosensis was manipulated by varying the number of females but not of males. This resulted in some subordinate males changing their breeding tactics from satellites to territorials. The spawning success of breeding males was directly related, and the intensity of male-male competition was inversely related, to the number of available females. Time-budget data indicated a tradeoff between courtship and agonistic behaviour. In the male-biased treatment, males engaged in a greater number of agonistic interactions and fewer courtship bouts; conversely, in the female-biased treatment courtship behaviour was more frequent than aggression. A greater proportion of males adopted the satellite breeding tactic in the male-biased and even-sex-ratio treatments. Smaller, competitively inferior males were most sensitive to changes in the sex ratio. In the female-biased treatment, with an increase in mating opportunities and a decrease in the level of male-male competition for females, average mating success increased, more males were able to defend territories, and some satellite individuals were able to adopt the territorial breeding tactic. Temporal or spatial changes in the operational sex ratio of a population may have profound effects on the dynamics of the breeding system by affecting (1) the proportion of males adopting primary and secondary breeding tactics, (2) variance in reproductive success, and (3) intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   

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