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Niemann H 《Theriogenology》1985,23(2):369-379
The effects of a one-step addition of 1.4 M glycerol (method A) upon morphological appearance and developmental capacity of frozen/thawed day 7 bovine embryos were investigated and compared to a standard stepwise addition of 1.0 M glycerol (method B). With method A, the percentage of intact embryos (classified as excellent, good and poor) was 95.3% (61 out of 64) without differences between morulae (96.5%) and blastocysts (94.4%). With method B, the percentage of intact embryos was 83.0% (44 out of 53). The percentage was similar for blastocysts (89.2%) and significantly (p < 0.05) lower for morulae (68.8%) when compared to method A. The percentage of embryos with a damaged zona pellucida was considerably increased with method A (26.6%) when compared to method B (13.2%). The proportion of embryos with excluded blastomeres was similar in both methods (21.9% method A, 17.0% method B). With method A, pregnancy rates after nonsurgical transfer were 51.0% (25 out of 49) and were better than with method B (40.5%; 15 out of 37). Embryos with a damaged zona pellucida resulted in a high pregnancy rate of 66.7% (8 out of 12). A pregnancy rate of 52.9% (10 out of 17) was obtained with embryos showing some excluded blastomeres. Thus, a one-step addition of 1.4 M glycerol facilitates and accelerates the process of embryo cryopreservation and is compatible with high pregnancy rates. Damage of the zona pellucida does not impair further development of frozen/thawed bovine embryos provided blastomeres are intact.  相似文献   

Cow embryos between day 6.5 and 9 were frozen in 1.5M DMSO in PBS at 2 degrees C/min from seeding to -25 degrees C before being plunged into liquid nitrogen directly or after 10 min at -25 degrees C. Cooling rate from 20 degrees C to -5 degrees C was 9 degrees C/min. Seeding was induced automatically at -5 degrees C by injection of liquid nitrogen vapour. Embryos were subsequently thawed by direct transfer to water at 20 degrees C (group I) or at 37 degrees C (group II). Survival was assessed by culture in vitro and by transfer. In group I, 35.7% were degenerated after thawing (compared to 35.4% in group II). Survival rate after culture in vitro for 24h was not significantly different (48.3% vs 42.8%) and hatching rate after 96h culture was quite similar (33.3% vs 34.4%). In group II, four pregnancies were obtained from 10 embryos transferred. Time at -25 degrees C did not improve the results. Automatic seeding did not impair survival. These results show that the quality of the embryo is the determinant factor for survival after freezing and that the plastic straw is the most suitable vessel for freezing, storage and transfer of embryos.  相似文献   

Day 7 to 9 embryos were frozen by a rapid two-step method to ?38°C before being plunged into liquid nitrogen. Glycerol was used as the cryoprotectant and, following thawing, the embryos were cultured for 12 – 24 hours in PBS + 15% heat-treated steer serum. In Experiment 1, embryos were frozen in 2.0 ml glass ampoules or 0.5 ml Cassou straws. Two levels of glycerol (1.0M and 1.4M) gave comparable in vitro survival rates (1220 and 1325, respectively). A greater proportion of embryos developed in culture after freezing in straws. In Experiment 2, embryos were classified morphologically before and after freezing into 5 grades (1 = excellent; 2 = good; 3 = fair; 4 = poor; 5 = degenerate). Only embryos of grade 1, 2 and 3 were frozen. The post-thaw survival rates for embryos graded 1, 2 and 3 before freezing were 100% (1111), 86% (2428) and 83% (2024), respectively. Furthermore, the porportion of surviving embryos estimated to be of poor quality (grade 4) was greater for embryos graded 3 before freezing (1320) than for embryos graded 2 (624) or 1 (111). The percentage of embryos which developed normally after in vitro culture for each of the pre-freezing grades 1, 2 and 3 was 91% (1011), 50% (1428) and 29% (724), respectively. Of the total number of frozen-thawed embryos which developed in culture, 531 (16%) were of poor quality. The proportion of poor quality developing embryos was greater inembryos graded 3 before freezing (37) than those graded 2 (214). All of the embryos graded 1 before freezing and which developed in culture were of good quality. Results indicate that, if high post-thaw survival rates are to be obtained, stringent embryo selection processes will be required.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the survival rates of goat morulae and blastocysts after different freezing procedures. The viability of frozen-thawed embryos was assessed both in vivo and in vitro. Two cryoprotectants, ethylene glycol and glycerol, were used and three cryoprotectant removal procedures were compared: progressive dilution in 1.0, 0.5, 0.3 and 0 M of cryoprotectant in PBS; a similar progressive dilution with cryoprotectant in PBS plus 0.25 M of sucrose; or one-step transfer in PBS containing 0.25 M of sucrose. In vitro development of frozen-thawed blastocysts was always higher than that of frozen morulae irrespective of the cryoprotectant (52 129 = 40.3% vs 23 161 = 14.3% ; P< 0.001). In vivo, however, frozen-thawed morulae developed equally as well as blastocysts after an identical freezing-thawing protocol. Development both in vivo and in vitro showed ethylene glycol to be a better cryoprotectant than glycerol for goat embryos at both developmental stages (23 vs 0%, 45 vs 35% in vitro; 34.5 vs 21%, 35 vs 23% in vivo for morulae and blastocysts, respectively).  相似文献   

Fourteen horse embryos recovered non-surgically on Days 6-8 after ovulation (Day 0) were cooled slowly to - 35 degrees C (7 embryos) or - 40 degrees C (7 embryos) and stored in liquid nitrogen (- 196 degrees C) for 4-98 days. Surgical transfer of the thawed embryos to unmated recipient mares that had ovulated - 2 to + 1 days with respect to the embryo donors resulted initially in the establishment of 4 conceptuses. However, only one mare maintained her pregnancy to term.  相似文献   

Quick freezing of rat morulae and blastocysts was attempted after they were dehydrated at room temperature. Combined solutions of 2.8 M glycerol and 0.125, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.0 M sucrose in phosphate buffered saline + 20% steer serum were compared. Survival rates (expanding blastocysts 15 h after thawing) were 42.1, 79.4, 87.5 and 16.7%, respectively (P<0.01). Freezing procedures consisted of either a direct plunge into liquid nitrogen (48.8%), holding for 5 min in the neck of a liquid nitrogen container or holding the samples for 60 min at -30 degrees C before insertion into liquid nitrogen. The direct plunge method resulted in a lower survival rate than either the 5- or the 60-min treatments (48.8% vs 76.9% and 77.6%, respectively). After thawing, dilution at room temperature in sucrose solutions of 0.25, 0.50 and 1.0 M gave survival rates of 80.0, 90.6 and 69.4%, respectively (NS). If diluted directly in PBS + 20% steer serum, 86.8% of embryos survived at +37 degrees C vs 0% at 0 degrees C (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Cloning of sheep and cow embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S M Willadsen 《Génome》1989,31(2):956-962
The results of experiments aimed at cloning of sheep and cattle embryos are described. Two experimental approaches were used to study the developmental potential of blastomeres from sheep and cow embryos: (i) blastomere separation followed by culture and (ii) fusion of isolated blastomeres with enucleated eggs followed by culture. Both approaches allow embryos to be cloned, but whereas blastomere separation allows only a relatively small number of genetically identical animals to be produced, nuclear transplantation will probably open the way for large-scale cloning of livestock.  相似文献   

Day 7 cow embryos were frozen in 1.5 M-DMSO in PBS at 0.3 degrees C/min to -36 degrees C and at 0.1 degrees C/min between -36 and -60 degrees C before being plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. They were subsequently thawed (rapidly to -50 degrees C, at 4 degrees C/min from -50 to -10 degrees C, and rapidly again) to room temperature. Embryonic viability was tested by four different transfer techniques. Maximum pregnancy rate (8/12) was obtained with surgical transfer immediately after thawing and dilution of DMSO.  相似文献   

Bovine embryos were frozen commercially in clear double length 12 cc French straws with the wick and powder plug in the center of the straw. One-half of the double length straw serves as a handle and contains a color coded 14 cc straw around which an adhesive backed label has been applied. After plunging into liquid nitrogen, straws are transferred into goblets on canes while under liquid nitrogen. The straws are stored in the liquid phase of a nitrogen tank and canes containing straws are not transferred from one container to another unless the goblet containing the straws is full of liquid nitrogen.Embryos held for longer than 4 hours after collection prior to freezing showed a steady decline in pregnancy rate related to the length of time held prior to freezing. The percentage of embryos thawed and then evaluated as being transferrable was related to the quality of the embryos prior to freeze (Grade 1–93.6%, Grade 2–87.0%, Grade 3–63.8%). There was no statistical difference in pregnancy rates obtained from prefreeze Grade 1 embryos when comparing advanced blastocysts (45.2%), blastocysts (38.7%), early blastoclyst (43.1%) and advanced morula (41.6%).  相似文献   

Deep freezing of sheep embryos.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sheep embryos, collected 1-8 days after oestrus, were placed in Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline medium (PBS). After treatment, the viability of the embryos was tested by temporary transfer to ligated rabbit oviducts. In Exp. 1, Days 5-8 embryos survived for at least 15 min at 0 degrees C in the presence of 1-5 M-DMSO. In Exp. 2, 12/14 Days 5-8 embryos survived after being frozen in 1-5 M-DMSO at 0-3 degrees C/min to temperatures ranging between-15 degrees and -60 degrees C and then thawed at 12 degrees C/min. In Exp. 3, Days 5-8 embryos were frozen in 1-5 M-DMSO at 0-3 degrees C/min to below-65 degrees C before being transferred to liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C), and stored for 12 hr to 1 month. The embryos were thawed at 3 degrees C/min, 12 degrees C/MIN or 360 degrees C/min and, after transfer to rabbit oviducts, 0/4, 10/36 and 1/4, respectively, developed normally. The 11 embryos which were considered normal when recovered from the rabbit oviducts plus 1 slightly retarded embryo were transferred to 7 recipient ewes. Four ewes subsequently lambed, producing 5 lambs. In addition, 8 embryos were transferred to 4 ewes directly after thawing. Three of these ewes subsequently lambed, producing 3 lambs.  相似文献   

Mouse morulae were frozen rapidly to -196 degrees C in the presence of glycerol by a two-step procedure; the embryos were transferred directly from -7 degrees C after seeding into liquid nitrogen vapour at -170 to -180 degrees C and then into liquid nitrogen 10-15 min later. Suitable conditions for the survival of embryos frozen with liquid nitrogen vapour were found to be: 2 M-glycerol, 2 M-propylene glycol, 2 M-ethylene glycol; 5-30 min equilibration time at 0 degrees C; 3-60 min holding time in liquid nitrogen vapour; dilution of glycerol with sucrose out of the frozen-thawed embryos; morula and early blastocyst stage embryos. Relatively high survival rates (69-74%) were obtained after rapid freezing by liquid nitrogen vapour. Morulae frozen in this fashion, cultured and transferred to recipients developed into normal young.  相似文献   

Eight-cell mouse embryos in 1.5 M DMSO were preserved in LN2 by a two-step procedure. Fifteen minutes exposure at ?20 °C protected the embryos against damage during rapid cooling to -196 °C and during rapid warming and rapid dilution. Since survival was poor on slow warming it is suggested that the method permits the formation of some intracellular ice.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of murine embryos with trehalose and glycerol   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Several concentrations of trehalose (0.0, 0.04, 0.1, 0.25 M) in combination with three concentrations of glycerol (1.0, 1.5, 2.0 M) were evaluated for the cryopreservation of murine embryos. Embryos were transferred through increasing concentrations of glycerol in Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline with 10% fetal calf serum (PBS + FCS) to reach the final glycerol concentrations. They were then randomly assigned to one of the concentrations of trehalose. A total of 506 morulae were packaged individually in 0.25-ml plastic straws and cooled from ambient temperature at 1.0 degrees C/min in a programmable methanol freezer. Embryos were seeded at -7 degrees C and then cooled to -25 degrees C at 0.3 degrees C/min before being plunged into liquid nitrogen. After thawing and a one-step dilution of glycerol, embryos were cultured for 48 hr and viability was determined by blastocoel formation. Highest viability (70.0%) after 48 hr in culture was obtained for embryos frozen in 1.5 M glycerol plus 0.10 M trehalose as compared to 31% viability for embryos frozen with glycerol alone. These observations suggest that trehalose can be used in combination with glycerol as a cryoprotectant and that a high rate of viability can be achieved after a one-step dilution of the cryoprotectants.  相似文献   

Hawk HW  Wall RJ  Conley HH 《Theriogenology》1989,32(2):243-253
Holstein or Angus cows were superovulated, inseminated with fresh bull semen, and necropsied about 12 h after estimated time of ovulation. Ova were centrifuged at 15,600 G for 3 to 8 min to reveal pronuclei. In Experiment 1, pronuclear bovine embryos were transferred to ligated or unligated oviducts of 1-d pseudopregnant rabbits for 7 d; 30 of 32 embryos were recovered from ligated oviducts but only 2 of 26 from oviducts and uterine horns of unligated oviducts. In Experiment 2, a Rous sarcoma virus-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase fusion gene was injected into one pronucleus of about half of 404 fertilized bovine ova, using a micromanipulator and interference contrast optics. Injected and noninjected embryos were then transferred to opposite ligated rabbit oviducts. Embryos were recovered after 7, 8 or 9 d. Of 120 centrifuged but ininjected embryos recovered from rabbit oviducts, 66 (55%) were in the morula to hatching blastocyst stage of development. Of 105 embryos centrifuged and injected with foreign DNA, 55 (52%) were in the morula to hatching blastocyst stage. In Experiment 3, centrifuged bovine embryos, noninjected or DNA-injected, were cultured in rabbit oviducts for 7 d then transferred nonsurgically to the uterus of recipient cows. Embryos were also flushed from superovulated cows 8 d after estrus and transferred directly to recipient cows. After 7 d, the uterus of recipient cows was flushed nonsurgically to recover embryos. The proportion of transferred embryos recovered with normally elongated trophoblastic membranes and the proportion of recipient cows with developing embryos were 14 of 25 DNA-injected embryos, 5 of 8 cows; 6 of 15 centrifuged but noninjected embryos, 4 of 6 cows; and 11 of 29 embryos transferred directly, 5 of 8 cows. Results indicate that bovine embryos can be cultured in rabbit oviducts and survive after transfer to cow uteri and that injection of foreign DNA may not increase embryonic loss within the first 2 wk after injection.  相似文献   

A simple one-step method of freezing mouse embryos directly in liquid nitrogen is described. The main objective of this study was to assess post-thaw survival following predehydration in various mixtures of glycerol and sucrose. Also investigated was pretreatment with glycerol prior to dehydration and effects of embryo stage. When sucrose was held constant (0.25 M) and glycerol concentration varied (1.0-4.0 M), post-thaw survival was best (67%) in 2.0 M glycerol. Pretreatment in glycerol provided no advantage over no pretreatment. When glycerol was held constant (2.0 M) and sucrose concentration varied (0-1.0 M), optimum post-thaw survival (81%) was found in 0.5 M sucrose. Morulae survived better than blastocysts (86% vs 72%, respectively). Transfer of thawed embryos frozen by the optimum treatment (2.0 M glycerol + 0.5 M sucrose) resulted in a birthrate of 41%, compared to 54% for fresh controls. This technique could find application in freezing and thawing of livestock embryos on the farm.  相似文献   

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