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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Deltapine 15/21) plants were precultured for 19 to 25 days under controlled climatic conditions in nutrient solutions with different levels of Zn. With the onset of visual Zn-deficiency symptoms the pH of the nutrient solution decreased from 6.0 to about 5.0. In contrast, Zn-sufficient plants raised the pH of the nutrient solution to about 7.0. In short-term studies it could be demonstrated that the Zn nutritional status of the plants remarkably influenced the uptake and translocation rates of mineral nutrients. Compared to Zn-sufficient plants, P uptake rate in severely Zn-deficient plants was increased by a factor of 2 to 3, whereas the uptake rates of K, Ca and particularly NO3 decreased. The accumulation of P in the roots of Zn-deficient plants was either not affected or even lower than in Zn-sufficient plants. Thus, Zn deficiency had a specific enhancement effect on root to shoot transport of P. This enhancement effect of Zn deficiency on uptake and transport of P was similar at nutrient solution pH values of 7.0 and 5.8; i.e. it was not the result of acidification of the nutrient solution. After application of 36CI, 86Rb and 32P to plant stems, basipetal transport of 36CI and 86Rb was not affected by the Zn nutritional status of the plants. However, in Zn-deficient plants, only 7.8% of the 32P was translocated basipetally compared to 34% in the Zn-sufficient plants. A resupply of Zn for 19 h to Zn-deficient plants enhanced basipetal 32P transport. The results indicate that a feedback mechanism in the shoots is impaired in Zn-deficient plants which controls the P uptake by roots and especially the P transport from roots to shoots. As a result of this impairment toxic concentrations of P accumulate in the leaves. The mechanism responsible is likely the retranslocation of P in the phloem from shoots to roots.  相似文献   

The effect of withholding Zn on the uptake, translocation and accumulation of P was studied in cotton plants ( Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Deltapine 15/21) grown in nutrient solutions under controlled environmental conditions. The influence of P on the uptake rate, translocation and distribution of 65Zn in the plants was also examined. Increasing the P supply resulted in severe Zn deficiency symptoms (interveinal chlorosis) as well as P toxicity symptoms, which were characterized by leaf puckering and grayish-brown marginal necrosis. Zinc deficiency markedly increased the uptake and translocation rates of P over the whole concentration range tested (5x10-5 to 1.25x10-3 M ). Uptake and translocation rates of P increased with both level of P and severity of Zn deficiency. This often caused P toxicity symptoms on Zn-deficient leaves. In contrast to P, the concentrations of K and Mg in the leaves were not affected by Zn deficiency. Similar results were obtained for sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) and buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) plants. Higher P concentrations in Zn-deficient leaves or shoots could not be attributed wholly to reduced shoot growth. This was also evident when Zn deficiency was compared with other micronutrient (Fe, Mn, and Cu) deficiencies. Only Zn-deficient plants showed enhanced uptake and translocation of P. In experiments with 65Zn, a high P supply did not depress uptake and translocation of Zn. From the results obtained it is concluded that the P-induced Zn deficiency in cotton, as well as in other species, is primarily caused by enhanced P uptake and translocation and not by inhibition of Zn uptake.  相似文献   

Pregnant Wistar rats fed control and Zn-deficient diets received daily oral doses of 0, 100, and 300 mg/kg sodium valproate from d 16 to 20 of gestation. Only the highest valproate doses induced a small reduction in fetal body weight in the normally fed group. Zinc deficiency caused a drastic reduction in maternal and only a small reduction in fetal serum Zn concentrations. Valproate treatment had no effect on maternal and fetal serum Zn concentrations. Valproate reduced fetal liver Zn content only in the normally fed group. The reduction of liver Zn content resulted from the reduction of Zn-metallothionein. Valproate did not affect total Zn and Zn-metallothionein in kidneys. Three percent of the Zn-deficient fetuses developed hydronephrosis and hydrops. Valproate treatment drastically enhanced the occurrence of fetal hydronephrosis and hydrops. Valproate induced fetal liver necroses, independent of Zn nutrition.  相似文献   

The levels of tubulin protein in developing cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Stoneville 825) fibers were measured from 8 to 28 days post-anthesis using commercially available monoclonal antibodies against alpha- and beta-tubulin. As the monoclonal antibodies against alpha- and beta-tubulin were prepared from yeast tubulin and chick brain tubulin, respectively, indirect immunofluorescence microscopy was used to establish that the two monoclonal antibodies recognized microtubule structures in cotton fibers. Western blots of electrophoretically separated proteins in crude extracts of cotton roots and fibers showed that single polypeptides with the expected apparent molecular weight for tubulin subunits were recognized by the antisera. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to quantify tubulin levels. From 10 to 20 days post-anthesis the level of tubulin protein increases approximately three-fold. After 20 days post-anthesis, the amount of tubulin relative to total fiber protein reaches a plateau or decreases slightly. The rapid rise in tubulin is correlated with the elongation of the fiber and an increase in cellulose synthesis.  相似文献   

Leaves of 12-week-old tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun NN) were infiltrated with suspensions of Pseudomonas syringae pv, pisi (DSM 50291) to induce hypersensitive reaction (HR). Cotyledons of 2-week-old cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala 442 and Coker BR) were infiltrated with Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum (race 10) to induce the disease. In tobacco, HR-related increases in NH+4 levels started within 2 h after infection and continued up to the time of tissue decay. Increase of NH+4 and especially K+ efflux were detected in intercellular washing fluids (IWF). Antibiotics stopped and later reverted NH+4 production and K+ efflux, but only if applied within 2 h after infection. When 10 mM NH+4 was injected into leaves, it was rapidly consumed from the IWF, and also, although more slowly, within the leaf cells. The concomitant K+ efflux was strong but delayed, and most of the K+ was reabsorbed after 2 h. Bacterial cell multiplication in HR stopped before the appearance of HR symptoms and cell necrosis. In the compatible reaction in cotton cotyledons, both NH+4accumulation and K+ efflux proceeded much more slowly than in the HR with tobacco, and bacteria continued to multiply until general cell necrosis occurred. The compatible reaction developed faster in constant darkness than in a light/dark rhythm. Bacterial enzymes produced NH+4, mainly from proteins of host cells, in both light and darkness. Continuous light delayed the main peak of both NH+4 production and K+ efflux. High CO2 concentration inhibited both processes, thus indicating that photorespiration plays a role in enhancing the release of free ammonium during bacterial pathogenesis. This is supported by shifts in the pattern of amino acids. The results demonstrate the accelerating and aggravating effect of ammonium in pathogenesis and HR, though ammonium is not the primary agent.  相似文献   

B. Dell  Xu Daping 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(2):329-332
A glasshouse experiment was undertaken to establish the internal Zn requirement for shoot growth of Eucalyptus urophylla, a fast-growing commercial plantation species widely planted in tropical regions of the world. A Zn-deficient sand was supplemented with ten rates of Zn and seedlings were harvested after three months. In Zn-deficient plants the new growth was dwarfed with small, necrotic leaves and short internodes. Foliar Zn concentrations declined markedly with leaf age in both Zn-deficient and Zn-adequate plants. The critical Zn concentration for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency also fell with leaf age. Zinc concentrations in the youngest fully expanded leaf ranged from 8–11 g Zn g–1 dry weight in plants with severe symptoms to 30–37 g Zn g–1 dry weight in non-deficient plants. The critical Zn concentration for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency at 90% of maximum shoot growth in the same leaf was 21 g Zn g–1 dry weight. This value is nearly twice that reported for several other species of eucalypts and may indicate a higher internal demand for Zn in tropical than in temperate eucalypts.  相似文献   

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