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HIV-1感染者常并发神经系统损伤,患者主要表现为运动功能障碍,认知和行为受损等。研究表明,HIV-1多种蛋白参与上述病理过程,其中Tat蛋白发挥了极为重要的作用。外周Tat蛋白可透过血脑屏障进入脑组织,与脑内感染细胞分泌或释放至胞外的Tat共同作用于NMDAR、mGluR1、多巴胺转运蛋白等,损伤神经系统。该文主要对Tat蛋白的神经毒作用作一综述。  相似文献   

噬菌体展示重组人淋巴毒素突变体库及受体亲和筛选   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
淋巴毒素 (lymphotoxin , LT) 通过 TNFR1 受体传递凋亡信号,从而发挥抗肿瘤活性 . 对 LT 的受体结合区域进行多点随机突变,利用噬菌体展示重组人淋巴毒素 (rhLT) R46 , S106 , L130 三点随机突变组合文库和 S106 ~ F110 区域随机突变体库 . 噬菌体库与固相化 TNFR1 受体进行亲和筛选,富集了能与 TNFR1 受体结合的 rhLT 突变体 . 随机挑选 20 个单克隆噬菌体进行 ELISA 受体结合鉴定,其中 80 %的克隆与 TNFR1 受体特异性结合,有 4 个克隆与 TNFR1 受体的结合能力高于野生型序列的 rhLT. 将这 4 个结合力高的突变体克隆于 pET32a(+) 载体,经过大肠杆菌表达和纯化操作后,检测这些突变体蛋白与 TNFR1 受体的结合活性和对 L929 细胞的杀伤活性,发现 3 个克隆的受体结合性质与其展示于噬菌体上时基本吻合,其中 C199 克隆与 TNFR1 的结合活性比野生型序列的 rhLT 提高了近 30 %,且其对 L929 细胞的杀伤活性提高了近 90%. 应用噬菌体展示技术对淋巴毒素进行体外进化研究的尝试,为下一步的蛋白质结构和功能研究提供了思路,可成为大分子药物开发的有效工具 .  相似文献   

通过噬菌体展示技术筛选出与HIV-1p24抗原结合的多肽,为用多肽辅助p24抗原检测提供实验基础.以重组p24抗原为靶蛋白,对噬菌体随机七肽库进行三轮筛选,用EUSA鉴定第三轮筛选到的噬菌体克隆与p24重组抗原的结合能力,再对噬菌体克隆进行测序分析,同时研究了ELISA中噬菌体加入量及多种封闭剂对噬菌体特异性结合能力的...  相似文献   

噬菌体展示是研究蛋白质相互作用的重要手段, 为深入研究红莲型水稻不育和育性恢复的分子机理, 以红莲型水稻杂种F1花药为材料, 分离纯化mRNA, 经反转录合成双链cDNA, 在双链cDNA 末端加上定向EcoRⅠ/HindⅢ接头, 再用EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ消化接头, 形成两端分别带有EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ粘性末端的双链cDNA。经Mini Column 纯化后, 收集300 bp 以上的双链cDNA 片段, 将其连接到带有EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ末端的T7 Select 10-3b 载体上, 经体外包装后, 以BL T5403 为受体菌构建了红莲水稻杂种F1花药的噬菌体展示文库。经测定显示, 该噬菌体展示文库容量为1.03×106 pfu/mL, 重组率为100%, 扩增后文库滴度为2.14×1012 pfu/mL。对随机挑取的100 个噬菌斑进行PCR 鉴定, 97%的插入片段大于300 bp。  相似文献   

整合素(Integrins)是细胞膜蛋白的组成成分,它们是一类细胞粘附分子,并与形态形成的调节密切相关。整合素在细胞与细胞之间,细胞与基质之间的粘附中发挥着重要的作用。本研究通过选择使用鼠抗人整合素β1抑止性单克隆抗体和刺激性单克隆抗体,利用噬菌体展示,成功地构建了单链Fv抗体(scFv),并对其与整合素β1的结合,选择最佳的可溶性抗体的生产条件等诸方面,进行了应用性研究,同时,也应用链转换(Chain shuffling)试图改变抗体亲和力进行了探索性的试验。  相似文献   

目的:通过研究人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)Tat蛋白对骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)造血支持功能的影响,进一步揭示HIV-1感染者造血损伤的机理。方法:原代培养BMSC,流式检测其表面标志,诱导分化鉴定其多向分化潜能;免疫磁珠分选造血干细胞(HSC),流式检测其纯度;HIV-1 Tat蛋白添加到培养基中培养20天的BMSC(BMSC_(Tat))与对照BMSC(BMSC_(Con))分别作为滋养层与HSC分6组进行共培养,随后计数各组造血细胞总数,诱导分化检测造血细胞集落形成能力;RT-PCR检测BMSC_(Tat)和BMSC_(Con)造血相关因子mRNA的表达强度,ELISA检测BMSC_(Tat)和BMSC_(Con)条件培养液中造血相关因子GM-CSF及IL-6的浓度。结果:经鉴定成功培养获得原代BMSC;免疫磁珠分选的HSC纯度可达95%以上;分6组共培养进行比较,以BMSC_(Tat)为滋养层培养的造血细胞总数及造血细胞形成的集落总数均明显少于以BMSC_(Con)为滋养层;BMSC_(Tat)的造血相关因子的mRNA的表达明显弱于BMSC_(Con),BMSC_(Tat)的条件培养液中GM-CSF和IL-6的浓度均明显低于BMSC_(Con)。结论:HIV-1 Tat蛋白对BMSC的造血支持功能有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

我国HIV-1B'/C重组流行株Tat蛋白的表达、纯化及功能分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据全国HIV分子流行病学研究发现,B'和C亚型HIV-1在我国发生了重组,并以优势株形式在我国广泛流行.为了探讨这种HIV-1B'/C重组毒株tat基因的变异与其表型之间的关系,利用pET表达系统在大肠杆菌中高效表达了三种不同基因变异类型的Tat蛋白,重组蛋白占菌体总蛋白的26%,Western blot显示较好的反应原性,并通过金属鏊合层析纯化了目的蛋白.荧光素酶活性检测表明:体外表达的Tat蛋白具有明显的生物学活性,可以反式激活HIV LTR引导的报告基因的表达;三种Tat蛋白在激活活性上的差异与流行现场检测的病毒载量的高低存在明显的对应关系,说明tat基因的变异可以引起病毒生物学特性的改变,进而影响病毒的流行特征.此结果为进一步研究我国HIV重组毒株的基因变异特征及变异规律奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本文利用噬菌体随机9肽库探索汉滩病毒(HTNV)核衣壳蛋白(NP)B细胞抗原表位。以抗HTNV NP单克隆抗体(mAb)5H5作为筛选分子,生物淘洗噬菌体递呈的随机9肽库。阳性克隆经夹心ELISA、竞争ELISA鉴定后,随机挑取10个克隆,DNA测序,与HTNV76-118株S基因进行同源性分析。结果显示筛选到的噬菌体能特异地与5H5结合,这种结合可被天然抗原所抑制。10个克隆的氨基酸序列相同,均为VRDAEEQYE,与76-118株NP氨基端的aa25-33一致。证实了该线性表位是mAb 5H5识别的表位,噬菌体肽库有助于病毒抗原表位的确定。  相似文献   

Translation of the full-length messenger RNA (mRNA) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) generates the precursor of the viral enzymes via a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift. Here, using dual-luciferase reporters, we investigated whether the highly structured 5' untranslated region (UTR) of this mRNA, which interferes with translation initiation, can modulate HIV-1 frameshift efficiency. We showed that, when the 5' UTR of HIV-1 mRNA occupies the 5' end of the reporter mRNA, HIV-1 frameshift efficiency is increased about fourfold in Jurkat T-cells, compared with a control dual-luciferase reporter with a short unstructured 5' UTR. This increase was related to an interference with cap-dependent translation initiation by the TAR-Poly(A) region at the 5' end of the messenger. HIV-1 mRNA 5' UTR also contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), but we showed that, when the cap-dependent initiation mode is available, the IRES is not used or is weakly used. However, when the ribosomes have to use the IRES to translate the dual-luciferase reporter, the frameshift efficiency is comparable to that of the control dual-luciferase reporter. The decrease in cap-dependent initiation and the accompanying increase in frameshift efficiency caused by the 5' UTR of HIV-1 mRNA is antagonized, in a dose-dependent way, by the Tat viral protein. Tat also stimulates the IRES-dependent initiation and decreases the corresponding frameshift efficiency. A model is presented that accounts for the variations in frameshift efficiency depending on the 5' UTR and the presence of Tat, and it is proposed that a range of frameshift efficiencies is compatible with the virus replication.  相似文献   

Angiogenic switch marks the beginning of tumor’s strategy to acquire independent blood supply. In some subtypes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, higher local vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression correlates with increased microvessel density. However, this local VEGF expression is higher only in tumors with elevated expression of the receptors of the growth factor, suggesting an autocrine growth-promoting feedback loop. Several studies have indicated that VEGF receptors are also targeted by Tat protein from the HIV-1-infected cells. Given the similarity of the basic region of Tat to the angiogenic factors (basic fibroblast growth factor, VEGF), Tat mimics these proteins and binds to their receptors. We evaluated the role of HIV-1 Tat in regulating the level of VEGF expression and microvessel density in the AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell (DLBCL) and Burkitt lymphomas (BL). By luciferase assay, we showed that VEGF promoter activity was downregulated in vitro in cells transfected with Tat. Reduced VEGF protein expression in primary HIV-1 positive BL and DLBCL, compared to the negative cases, supported the findings of promoter downregulation from the cell lines. Microvascular density assessed by CD34 expression was, however, higher in HIV-1 positive than in HIV-1 negative tumors. These results suggest that Tat has a wider angiogenic role, besides the regulation of VEGF expression. Thus, targeting Tat protein itself and stabilizing transient silencing of VEGF expression or use of monoclonal antibodies against their receptors in the AIDS-associated tumors will open a window for future explorable pathways in the management of angiogenic phenotypes in the AIDS-associated non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.  相似文献   

The multifunctional trans-activator Tat is an essential regulatory protein for HIV-1 replication and is characterized by high sequence diversity. Numerous experimental studies have examined Tat in HIV-1 subtype B, but research on subtype C Tat is lacking, despite the high prevalence of infections caused by subtype C worldwide. We hypothesized that amino acid differences contribute to functional differences among Tat proteins. In the present study, we found that subtype B NL4-3Tat and subtype C isolate HIV1084 i Tat exhibited differences in stability by overexpressing the fusion protein Tat-Flag. In addition, 1084 i Tat can activate LTR and NF-κB more efficiently than NL4-3 Tat. In analyses of the activities of the truncated forms of Tat, we found that the carboxylterminal region of Tat regulates its stability and transactivity. According to our results, we speculated that the differences in stability between B-Tat and C-Tat result in differences in transactivation ability.  相似文献   

定向进化是一个循环过程,在构建多样化基因序列和筛选功能基因变体之间交替进行.该技术目前已被广泛应用于DNA序列、基因功能和蛋白质结构的优化和分析.定向进化包括随机基因文库的生成、基因在合适宿主中的表达和突变文库的筛选.构建基因文库的关键是库容量和突变多样性,而筛选变体的关键是高灵敏度和高通量.文中讨论了定向进化技术的最...  相似文献   

The maturation of human immunodeficiency type-1 virions is accomplished through the proteolytic processing of Gag and GagPol precursor proteins by the viral protease (PR). Since virions must be assembled at the cell surface from uncleaved precursor molecules, intracellular activation of PR must be inhibited. We have previously developed a system where the intracellular activity of PR, associated with GagPol, was inhibited by the expression of Gagin trans. The disproportionate synthesis of Gag inhibits the activation of PR in the cytoplasm. Sequences capable of mediating this inhibition were localized to capsid. In this communication, the region of HIV-1 capsid capable of mediating inhibition was further defined and shown to require the major homology region of capsid within Gag.  相似文献   

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