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Why is mimicry in cuckoo eggs sometimes so poor?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I propose that the existence of imperfect adaptations (e.g. egg mimicry) in brood parasites and their hosts (e.g. discrimination abilities) could reflect age-dependent territory and nest-site selection patterns of the host. Studies of various passerines indicate that (1) older breeders tend to occupy nest sites of higher quality than do young birds (ideal despotic distribution resulting from interference competition), (2) nest-site selection affects the risk of parasitism in various habitats, (3) egg recognition in passerines has a strong learning component (therefore naive breeders tend to accept whereas older birds tend to reject parasitic eggs). Because young naive birds, who tend to accept parasitic eggs, usually breed in low-quality areas where they are frequently parasitised, while old experienced birds, who tend to reject parasitic eggs, breed in high-quality areas where they are rarely parasitised, the distribution of acceptors and rejecters with respect to the risk of parasitism is non-random, i.e. populations of some host species may consist of heavily parasitised acceptors and weakly parasitised rejecters. Therefore, the selection pressure exerted by the host on the parasite should be weaker than if brood parasitism was randomly distributed among naive and experienced breeders and affect adaptations such as egg mimicry. This could explain the existence of imperfect adaptations in some brood parasite-host systems.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of nest-site quality and bird quality on breeding performance in male and female Merlins Falco columbarius from a long-term study in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In addition, we tested whether nest-site quality was associated with survival, as well as lifetime reproductive success (LRS). For females, nest-site quality had little influence on any of the measures of breeding performance or survival. Even so, when females switched nest-sites, they tended to move to better ones. Hatch date was repeatable for the same females occupying different nest-sites but not for the same sites occupied by different females. Among males, birds surviving past each age category tended to occupy nest-sites of higher quality, and LRS was positively correlated with nest-site quality. The relationship between nest-site quality and LRS was heavily influenced by the poorest nest-sites. When males switched nest-sites, they too tended to move to ones of higher quality. In addition, chick hatch date was repeatable neither for the same males occupying different sites nor for the same sites occupied by different males. As with most other raptors, male Merlins provide most of the food for the pair and their young during the breeding season, and differences in nest-site quality may have affected the effort needed by males to secure food. Female Merlins, however, appear still to have considerable control over the timing of breeding.  相似文献   

The sharing and collective processing of information by certain insect societies is one of the reasons that they warrant the superlative epithet ''super-organisms'' (Franks 1989, Am. Sci. 77, 138-145). We describe a detailed experimental and mathematical analysis of information exchange and decision-making in, arguably, the most difficult collective choices that social insects face: namely, house hunting by complete societies. The key issue is how can a complete colony select the single best nest-site among several alternatives? Individual scouts respond to the diverse information they have personally obtained about the quality of a potential nest-site by producing a recruitment signal. The colony then deliberates over (i.e. integrates) different incoming recruitment signals associated with different potential nest-sites to achieve a well-informed collective decision. We compare this process in honeybees and in the ant Leptothorax albipennis. Notwithstanding many differences - for example, honeybee colonies have 100 times more individuals than L. albipennis colonies - there are certain similarities in the fundamental algorithms these societies appear to employ when they are house hunting. Scout honeybees use the full power of the waggle dance to inform their nest-mates about the distance and direction of a potential nest-site (and they indicate the quality of a nest-site indirectly through the vigour of their dance), and yet individual bees perhaps only rarely make direct comparisons of such sites. By contrast, scouts from L. albipennis colonies often compare nest-sites, but they cannot directly inform one another of their estimation of the quality of a potential site. Instead, they discriminate between sites by initiating recruitment sooner to better ones. Nevertheless, both species do make use of forms of opinion polling. For example, scout bees that have formerly danced for a certain site cease such advertising and monitor the dances of others at random. That is, they act without prejudice. They neither favour nor disdain dancers that advocate the site they had formerly advertised or the alternatives. Thus, in general the bees are less well informed than they would be if they systematically monitored dances for alternative sites rather than spending their time reprocessing information they already have. However, as a result of their lack of prejudice, less time overall will be wasted in endless debate among stubborn and potentially biased bees. Among the ants, the opinions of nest-mates are also pooled effectively when scouts use a threshold population of their nest-mates present in a new nest-site as a cue to switch to more rapid recruitment. Furthermore, the ants'' reluctance to begin recruiting to poor nest-sites means that more time is available for the discovery and direct comparison of alternatives. Likewise, the retirement of honeybee scouts from dancing for a given site allows more time for other scouts to find potentially better sites. Thus, both the ants and the bees have time-lags built into their decision-making systems that should facilitate a compromise between thorough surveys for good nest-sites and relatively rapid decisions. We have also been able to show that classical mathematical models can illuminate the processes by which colonies are able to achieve decisions that are relatively swift and very well informed.  相似文献   

Nest-site characteristics can have a strong impact on reproductive success in birds. Nest sites should simultaneously protect from predators, offer shelter and provide a favourable microclimate. We studied the relationship between three agents of natural selection (predators [i.e. Adders and birds/mammals], snowfall and microclimate), nest-site characteristics and reproductive success to determine whether these influenced preference for specific nest-site characteristics in the Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta . Pooled over all nests, the relative importance as agents of natural selection decreased from mammalian/avian predation (15% of all nests) through Adder predation (12%) to snowfall (7%), but there were clear differences in space and time. Predation by Adders selected for nest sites surrounded by few medium-sized shrubs. Selection by mammalian and avian predators favoured no specific nest-site characteristics. Protection from snowfall was best in nests surrounded by relatively few medium-sized shrubs. Microclimate had a strong influence on nestling survival and duration of nestling period. In nests on ENE-facing slopes, where maximum temperatures were reached in the morning, nestling survival was higher than on WSW-facing slopes, where temperature maxima occurred in the afternoon. Our results indicate that weak, but significant, directional selection is acting on preference for certain nest-site characteristics through effects on survival and development of nestlings. As predation and snowfall are unpredictable, the evolution of an optimal nest placement strategy is unlikely on a small scale. On a larger scale, however, choice of one breeding area over another may be favoured because of predictable differences between locations in terms of survival and nestling development.  相似文献   

Many widely-accepted ecological concepts are simplified assumptions about complex situations that remain largely untested. One example is the assumption that nest-building species choose nest sites actively when they are not resource limited. This assumption has seen little direct empirical testing: most studies on nest-site selection simply assume that sites are chosen actively (and seek explanations for such behaviour) without considering that sites may be selected randomly. We used 15 years of data from a nestbox scheme in the UK to test the assumption of active nest-site choice in three cavity-nesting bird species that differ in breeding and migratory strategy: blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), great tit (Parus major) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Nest-site selection was non-random (implying active nest-site choice) for blue and great tits, but not for pied flycatchers. We also considered the relative importance of year-specific and site-specific factors in determining occupation of nest sites. Site-specific factors were more important than year-specific factors for the tit species, while the reverse was true for pied flycatchers. Our results show that nest-site selection, in birds at least, is not always the result of active choice, such that choice should not be assumed automatically in studies of nesting behaviour. We use this example to highlight the need to test key ecological assumptions empirically, and the importance of doing so across taxa rather than for single “model” species.  相似文献   

Abstract Based on 10 years of intensive fieldwork, we describe the spatial and temporal distribution of water pythons (Liasis fuscus) on the Adelaide River floodplain, Northern Territory, Australia. Our study provides a cautionary tale, because it was only after several years’ work that we realized that our apparently panmictic study ‘population’ in fact consisted of three subpopulations that were separated during breeding activities although they intermingled for most of the year. The partitioning of the populations is due to the restricted availability and spatial separation of suitable nest-sites (varanid burrows vs root complexes of paperbark trees). Groups of snakes using each type of nest-site comprise quite separate breeding populations, because females move to these sites prior to mating. Snakes return to the same breeding sites year after year, with little dispersal between populations (even though snakes from each population often move through other breeding sites during the non-breeding period). The three subpopulations differed in many traits, including body-size distributions, age structures, the proportions of reproductive animals, survival rates, timing of reproduction, and reproductive frequencies. Thus, if our study had involved only one of the subpopulations (as would typically be the case with studies of this kind), we would have obtained a misleading view of the ‘real’ (i.e. average) ecological characteristics of our study organisms.  相似文献   

Choice of nest site has important consequences for nest survival. We examined nest-site characteristics relative to nest success in Karoo Prinias breeding in coastal dwarf shrubland, where high nest predation is the main cause of nest failure. Initially, we compared nests that failed during the building, laying, incubation and nestling stages and those from which young were successfully raised, to test whether nests that survived to progressive stages in the nesting cycle differed in their nest-site characteristics. Subsequently, we compared the characteristics of successful nests with those of unsuccessful nests. The nest-site characteristics considered included nest height, nest-plant height, nest-plant species, distance from lateral foliage edge, nest concealment, nest-patch heterogeneity and vegetation cover at four different heights. We were unable to distinguish between the nest-site characteristics of nests that failed during the various stages of the nesting cycle. Concealment was the main nest-site characteristic that differentiated successful nests from unsuccessful nests, with successful nests being located in more concealed sites. The other variables that contributed to the discrimination between successful and unsuccessful nests by discriminant function analysis included nest-plant type and distance from edge, which are also directly related to concealment. This suggests that nest concealment is the most important variable influencing nesting success at this site, which has a preponderance of visually-oriented predators.  相似文献   

Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis rely on path integration vectors to return to the nest (inbound runs) and back to frequently visited feeding sites (outbound runs). If disturbed, e.g., experimentally displaced on their inbound runs, they continue to run off their home-bound vector, but if disturbed in the same way on their outbound runs, they do not continue their feeder-based vector, but immediately switch on the home-bound state of their path integration vector and return to the nest. Here we show that familiar landmarks encountered by the ants during their run towards the feeder can change the ants’ motivational state insofar that the ants even if disturbed continue to run in the nest-to-feeder direction rather than reverse their courses, as they do in landmark-free situations. Hence, landmark cues can cause the ants to change their motivational state from homing to foraging.  相似文献   

Egg recognition and subsequent egg brooding are costly forms of parental investment in many species of vertebrates. Life history factors, such as coloniality or risk of brood parasitism, may constrain egg recognition in vertebrates. Female red-backed salamanders ( Plethodon cinereus ) from my study site are territorial and do not share nest sites with other females. They are terrestrial and neither they nor their eggs are likely to be displaced by environmental factors such as flooding. I experimentally tested, in the laboratory, the hypothesis that female red-backed salamanders can discriminate between their own eggs and the eggs of unfamiliar females. Each female was allowed to move about a test chamber containing two clutches of eggs, one clutch with which it was found in the forest and one that had been found with a distant female. Most females remained with one clutch of eggs, which they brooded during the entire observation period. However, they did not significantly prefer to brood their own eggs over the eggs of another female. In a corollary field experiment, I tested whether brooding females that were displaced 1 m from their nest sites would return to their territories and commence brooding behaviour within 3 d. All 10 displaced females returned to their own nest within this time period and were found brooding their eggs. Because female red-backed salamanders at my study site do not tend to share nest sites with other females and because their eggs remain in stationary nests, selection may not have favoured egg recognition. However, the results suggest that female salamanders indirectly recognize their own eggs by actively recognizing their territorial nest sites.  相似文献   

Nest-site philopatry and selection for environmental sex determination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reason for the frequent occurrence of environmental sex determination (ESD) in reptiles is still not well understood, although much effort has been devoted to solving the issue. Stimulated by the occurrence of nest-site philopatry in some species, this paper examines a diploid model of the influence of nest-site philopatry on the evolution of ESD. Analysis shows that nest-site philopatry can lead to ESD because the fitnesses of sons and daughters are not influenced in the same way by nest-site quality. Daughters inherit the nest site and thus benefit more than sons from a high-quality nest site. Conversely, the fitness of daughters at low-quality nest sites is lower compared to the fitness of sons. Therefore, genes causing ESD can spread by causing the production of more sons at low-quality nest sites and more daughters at high-quality nest sites. Suggestions are made to test empirically whether nest-site philopatry led to the evolution of ESD. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nest-site selection may vary adaptively among co-existing species as a result of competitive interactions among the species or in response to density-dependent nest predation. We examined nest-site characteristics and degree of partitioning among 14 co-existing bird species breeding in dwarf strandveld shrubland at Koeberg Nature Reserve, South Africa. Habitat characteristics of nest sites differed significantly among species, indicating strong nest-site partitioning. The principal variables distinguishing nest-site characteristics among species (substrate height, cover at 1m, cover at 2m) were features that distinguish tall-shrub species which are strongly associated with patches of Dune Thicket from shorter-shrub species which are strongly associated with more open Sand Plain Fynbos. Two groups of species which differ primarily in their selection of habitat patch type within the patchy nesting landscape were identified. One group nested predominantly in low shrubs associated with open Sand Plain Fynbos. A second group nested at a variety of heights within tall-shrub species associated with Dune Thicket. Species within each of these groups differed from each other in their relative nest height (ratio of nest height to substrate height), distance of nest from foliage edge, nest concealment and choice of particular substrate plant species. On average, stepwise discriminant function analysis classified 52.6% of the nest sites correctly as belonging to one of the 14 species, considerably better than the expected random classification of 11.8%. Individual species' classifications were 2–12 times better than a random classification. We suggest that high levels of nest predation may have selected for strong nest-site partitioning in this community.  相似文献   

Declines in the spatial extent of the sagebrush ecosystem have prompted the consideration of conservation efforts that view the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage-grouse) as an umbrella species at landscape scales. Conservation strategies that focus on an umbrella species, however, may have unintended negative consequences for co-occurring species at finer scales. In North America, grassland and shrubland songbird populations are declining faster than other avian groups. Conservation of sage-grouse habitats may protect songbird habitats where distributions overlap. To assess the umbrella species concept at fine scales, we quantified nest-site selection for a sagebrush-obligate songbird, the Brewer's sparrow (Spizella breweri). We then compared the fine-scale habitat variables that influenced Brewer's sparrow nest-site selection with fine-scale nest-site selection for sage-grouse in the Powder River Basin region of northeastern Wyoming, USA. We modeled nest-site selection using conditional logistic regression for Brewer's sparrow (2016–2017) and logistic regression for sage-grouse (2004–2007). Both species selected nest sites with higher visual obstruction, shrub height, and branching density, although the selection for higher shrub height was stronger for sage-grouse. Brewer's sparrows selected nest shrubs with higher percentage of living foliage (vigor), and the opposite was shown for sage-grouse. At the nest site, based on the variables we measured, our results suggest that Brewer's sparrows and sage-grouse select for similar habitat attributes, with the exception of shrub vigor of the nest shrub. The stronger selection for more vigorous shrubs in Brewer's sparrows may be because they nest in shrubs, rather than on the ground under shrubs (as in sage-grouse). Most of the conservation objectives for protection of sage-grouse habitats appear to be beneficial or inconsequential for Brewer's sparrow. Local habitat management for sage-grouse as a proxy for conservation of other species may be justified if the microhabitat preferences of the species under the umbrella are understood to avoid unintentional negative effects. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

利用天然树洞繁殖的五种鸟的巢位特征及繁殖成功率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王海涛  高玮  万冬梅  刘多  邓文洪 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1377-1385
对吉林省左家自然保护区次生阔叶林中的大山雀 ( Parusmajor)、沼泽山雀 ( Paruspalustris)、普通跓( Sitta europacea)、白眉姬? ( Ficedula zanthopygia)和灰椋鸟 ( Sturnus cineraceus) 5种利用天然树洞繁殖的次级洞巢鸟进行了巢位选择和繁殖成功率研究。本研究中共发现 1 41巢。五种鸟对树洞类型的选择存在种间差异 ,普通跓不利用裂洞 ,沼泽山雀不利用啄洞 ,其它 3种鸟对 3种洞均有利用 ,但有一定的倾向性。对 5种鸟 9个巢位变量的比较中 ,只有洞口方向差异不显著 ( p >0 .0 5 ) ,其它 8个变量均差异显著 ( p<0 .0 5 ) ,该结果说明 5种次级洞巢鸟对巢位的选择具有其各自的需求。洞口横径、洞口纵径、洞处树直径、洞内径、巢距地高是巢位选择重要变量 ,它们决定不同种类对树洞的利用。巢损失多数出现在产卵之前和孵化阶段 ,44个繁殖失败的巢中有 35个在这两个阶段损失。大山雀的巢成功率最低 ,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。 5种鸟的孵化率都超过 90 %。人为破坏和动物捕食是繁殖失败的主要原因 ,占总数的 61 .4%。洞巢鸟巢位选择中的重要变量影响繁殖成功。普通跓繁殖是否成功受洞口横径和巢高影响 ,沼泽山雀受洞口纵径、树胸径和洞内径影响 ,大山雀受洞口横径、巢高和洞内径影响 ,灰椋鸟受洞内径和洞深影  相似文献   

A number of tropical coral reef fish hold station and display restricted home ranges. If artificially displaced, they will return to their home site. We questioned if marine fish are using the same mechanisms for home site detection as many freshwater fish, that is, by olfactory sensing of chemical signals deposited on the substrate by conspecific fish. Behavioral experiments were conducted on Lizard Island Research Station, Queensland, Australia, in 2001 and 2002. Five-lined cardinalfish (Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus) were tested in groups with split-branded cardinalfish (Apogon compressus) as a reference species and individually against Apogon leptacanthus as well as conspecifics of another reef site. The group tests showed that both species preferred artificial reef sites that had previously been occupied by conspecifics. Individual C. quinquelineatus preferred scent of conspecifics from their own reef site to that from another site. They also preferred the scent released by artificial reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of their reef site to that of similar reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of another reef site. No discrimination between species from the same reef site was obtained in experiments with individual fish. Our data suggest that cardinalfish are keeping station and are homing by use of conspecific olfactory signals.  相似文献   

Social grooming in primates is a complex behavior in which monkeys stroke, pick, or otherwise manipulate a companion’s body surface. While grooming has been associated with important social functions, researchers who have examined its physical characteristics, such as body site preferences, have focused on its role in skin care and ectoparasite removal. Whether the form of social grooming is constrained primarily by utilitarian or social functions was empirically tested by directly comparing this behavior with self-grooming, which was assumed to have primarily utilitarian functions. Predictions made concerning social grooming, based on a comparison with self-grooming, were tested by examining site preferences, duration of grooming (overall and to specific body sites), and method of grooming (stroking, picking, or a combination of the two) in rhesus monkeys. None of these predictions was verified. The physical characteristics of social grooming could not be predicted from the way an animal groomed itself. There was no relationship between site preferences in these two types of grooming. Animals groomed others for longer periods of time than they groomed themselves, both overall and when grooming specific sites. The methods these animals used differed markedly in self-and social grooming: they primarily picked at their own hair or skin but, when grooming others, varied their technique across sites, stroking the hair where it was thickest and picking where the hair was sparse. These results suggest that utilitarian functions are not the most important factors constraining the form of social grooming.  相似文献   

Eight indica (Oryza sativa L.) environment-sensitive genic male-sterile (EGMS) lines, 2-2S, K1405S, F131S, 2136S, Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, GD-1S and N17S, were sequentially seeded with 10-15 d interval at three sites, Wuhan in 1997, Guiyang in 1997 and Sanya in 1997 and 1998, China. The results of investigations on self-sterilities showed that all of eight EGMS lines had stable sterile periods of longer than 30 d at Wuhan. They can be used for seed production of two-line hybrid rice, but can not reproduce themselves. Their stable sterile periods were shorter than 30 d at Guiyang, they can reproduce themselves and can not be used for hybrid seed production. In Sanya, their stable sterile periods were longer than 150 d, all of eight lines can be used for seed production in summer and autumn and reproduce themselves in winter. The fertility of all eight lines were sensitive to temperature. The sensitive stages, sensitive duration and critical point of temperatures (CPT) of fertility alteration in various lines were different. The sensitive stages of 2-2S and K1405S were from 18 d to 9 d before heading, the sensitive durations were 7-10 d and the CPTs were 23.7-24.5 ℃. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of F131S were from 17 to 5 d before heading, 13 d and 24.3-24.7 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of 2136S were from 18 to 12 d before heading, 7 d and 24.6-25.1 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stages, sensitive durations of Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, N17S and GD-1S were from 24 to 13 d before heading and 10-13 d. And their CPTs were 24.6-25.1 ℃, 25.5-26.2 ℃, 25.4-26.1 ℃, and 24.1-24.7 ℃, respectively.  相似文献   

Federally endangered interior least terns (Sternula antillarum) nest on bare or sparsely vegetated sandbars on midcontinent river systems. Loss of nesting habitat has been implicated as a cause of population declines, and managing these habitats is a major initiative in population recovery. One such initiative involves construction of mid-channel sandbars on the Missouri River, where natural sandbar habitat has declined in quantity and quality since the late 1990s. We evaluated nest-site habitat selection by least terns on constructed and natural sandbars by comparing vegetation, substrate, and debris variables at nest sites (n = 798) and random points (n = 1,113) in bare or sparsely vegetated habitats. Our logistic regression models revealed that a broader suite of habitat features was important in nest-site selection on constructed than on natural sandbars. Odds ratios for habitat variables indicated that avoidance of habitat features was the dominant nest-site selection process on both sandbar types, with nesting terns being attracted to nest-site habitat features (gravel and debris) and avoiding vegetation only on constructed sandbars, and avoiding silt and leaf litter on both sandbar types. Despite the seemingly uniform nature of these habitats, our results suggest that a complex suite of habitat features influences nest-site choice by least terns. However, nest-site selection in this social, colonially nesting species may be influenced by other factors, including spatial arrangement of bare sand habitat, proximity to other least terns, and prior habitat occupancy by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). We found that nest-site selection was sensitive to subtle variation in habitat features, suggesting that rigor in maintaining habitat condition will be necessary in managing sandbars for the benefit of least terns. Further, management strategies that reduce habitat features that are avoided by least terns may be the most beneficial to nesting least terns. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

During reproductive swarming and seasonal migration, a honeybee swarm needs to locate and move to a new, suitable nest site. While the nest-site selection process in cavity-nesting species such as the European honeybee Apis mellifera is very precise with the swarm carefully selecting a single site, open-nesting species, such as Apis florea, lack such precision. These differences in precision in the nest-site selection process are thought to arise from the differing nest-site requirements of open- and cavity-nesting species. While A. florea can nest on almost any tree, A. mellifera is constrained by the scarcity of suitable nest sites. Here we show that imprecision in the nest-site selection process allows swarms to quickly reach a decision when many nest sites are available. In contrast, a very precise nest-site selection process slows down the decision-making process when nest sites are abundant.  相似文献   

Cultural competence is used (often implicitly) to make decisions in human service settings. When therapists make decisions about whether or not a particular service will be offered, they place themselves in a position where their own competence can be judged. Using narrative data on independence and the elderly, we apply Edgerton's idea of the cloak of competence to demonstrate this doubling effect.  相似文献   

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