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Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai'an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTLxenvironment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, QphAB and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51 % and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rhtl and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL ef fects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai’an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTL×environment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, Qph4B and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51% and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL effects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Salt tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) at the seedling stage is one of the major determinants of its stable establishment in saline soil. One population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs, F (2:9)) derived from a cross between the salt-tolerant variety Jiucaiqing and the salt-sensitive variety IR26 was used to determine the genetic mechanism of four salt tolerance indices, seedling height (SH), dry shoot weight (DSW), dry root weight (DRW) and Na/K ratios (Na/K) in roots after 10 days in three salt concentrations (0.0, 0.5 and 0.7 % NaCl). The main effect QTLs (M-QTLs) and epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) were detected by QTL IciMapping program using single environment phenotypic values. Eleven M-QTLs and 11 E-QTLs were identified for the salt tolerance indices. There were six M-QTLs and two E-QTLs identified for SH, three M-QTLs and five E-QTLs identified for DSW, two M-QTLs and one E-QTL identified for DRW, and three E-QTLs identified for Na/K. The phenotypic variation explained by each M-QTL and E-QTL ranged from 7.8 to 23.9 % and 13.3 to 73.7 %, respectively. The QTL-by-environment interactions were detected by QTLNetwork program in the joint analyses of multi-environment phenotypic values. Six M-QTLs and five E-QTLs were identified. The phenotypic variation explained by each QTL and QTL × environment interaction ranged from 0.95 to 6.90 % and 0.02 to 0.50 %, respectively. By comparing chromosomal positions of these M-QTLs with those previously identified, five M-QTLs qSH1.3, qSH12.1, qSH12.2, qDSW12.1 and qDRW11 might represent novel salt tolerance genes. Five selected RILs with high salt tolerance had six to eight positive alleles of the M-QTLs, indicating that pyramiding by marker-assisted selection (MAS) of M-QTLs can be applied in rice salt tolerance breeding programs.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy (SD) is an important agronomic trait affecting crop yield and quality. In this study, one rice population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used to determine the genetic characteristics of SD at the early (4 weeks after heading), middle (5 weeks after heading) and late (6 weeks after heading) development stages. The level of SD decreased with the process of seed development, and the SD was significantly affected by the heading date (HD) and temperature at the early and middle development stages. A total of eight additive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for SD were identified at three development stages, and more QTLs were expressed at the early and late development stages. Among them, four, one and three additive QTLs were identified at the early, middle and late development stages, respectively. Epistatic QTLs and QTL-by-development interactions were detected by the joint analysis of multi-development phenotypic values, and one additive and two epistatic QTLs were identified. The phenotypic variation of SD explained by each additive, epistatic QTL and QTL × development interaction ranged from 8.0 to 13.5 %, 0.7 to 3.9 % and 1.3 to 2.8 %, respectively. One major QTL qSD7.1 for SD was tightly linked to the major QTL qHD7.4 for HD, which might be applied to reveal the relationship of SD and HD. By comparing chromosomal positions of these additive QTLs with those previously identified, five additive QTLs qSD1.1, qSD2.1, qSD2.2, qSD4.1 and qSD4.2 might represent novel genes. The best three cross combinations for the development of RIL populations were predicted to improve SD. The selected RILs and the identified QTLs might be applicable to improve the rice pre-harvest sprouting tolerance by the marker-assisted selection approach.  相似文献   

Seed quality and seedling establishment are the most important factors affecting successful crop development. They depend on the genetic background and are acquired during seed maturation and therefor, affected by the maternal environment under which the seeds develop. There is little knowledge about the genetic and environmental factors that affect seed quality and seedling establishment. The aim of this study is to identify the loci and possible molecular mechanisms involved in acquisition of seed quality and how these are controlled by adverse maternal conditions. For this, we used a tomato recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 100 lines which were grown under two different nutritional environmental conditions, high phosphate and low nitrate. Most of the seed germination traits such as maximum germination percentage (Gmax), germination rate (t50) and uniformity (U8416) showed ample variation between genotypes and under different germination conditions. This phenotypic variation leads to identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) which were dependent on genetic factors, but also on the interaction with the maternal environment (QTL × E). Further studies of these QTLs may ultimately help to predict the effect of different maternal environmental conditions on seed quality and seedling establishment which will be very useful to improve the production of high-performance seeds.  相似文献   

Wang C  Chen Y  Ku L  Wang T  Sun Z  Cheng F  Wu L 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14068


An understanding of the genetic determinism of photoperiod response of flowering is a prerequisite for the successful exchange of germplasm across different latitudes. In order to contribute to resolve the genetic basis of photoperiod sensitivity in maize, a set of 201 recombinant inbred lines (RIL), derived from a temperate and tropical inbred line cross were evaluated in 5 field trials spread in short- and long-day environments.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Firstly, QTL analyses for flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity in maize were conducted in individual photoperiod environments separately, and then, the total genetic effect was partitioned into additive effect (A) and additive-by-environment interaction effect (AE) by using a mixed-model-based composite interval mapping (MCIM) method.


Seven putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time based on the data estimated in individual environments. Nine putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time across environments and six of them showed significant QTL×enviroment (QE) interactions. Three QTL for photoperiod sensitivity were identified on chromosome 4, 9 and 10, which had the similar position to QTL for DPS thermal time in the two long-day environment. The major photoperiod sensitive loci qDPS10 responded to both short and long-day photoperiod environments and had opposite effects in different photoperiod environment. The QTL qDPS3, which had the greatest additive effect exclusively in the short-day environment, were photoperiod independent and should be classified in autonomous promotion pathway.  相似文献   

The study of QTL × environment interaction (QEI) is important for understanding genotype × environment interaction (GEI) in many quantitative traits. For modeling GEI and QEI, factorial regression (FR) models form a powerful class of models. In FR models, covariables (contrasts) defined on the levels of the genotypic and/or environmental factor(s) are used to describe main effects and interactions. In FR models for QTL expression, considerable numbers of genotypic covariables can occur as for each putative QTL an additional covariable needs to be introduced. For large numbers of genotypic and/or environmental covariables, least square estimation breaks down and partial least squares (PLS) estimation procedures become an attractive alternative. In this paper we develop methodology for analyzing QEI by FR for estimating effects and locations of QTLs and QEI and interpreting QEI in terms of environmental variables. A randomization test for the main effects of QTLs and QEI is presented. A population of F2 derived F3 families was evaluated in eight environments differing in drought stress and soil nitrogen content and the traits yield and anthesis silking interval (ASI) were measured. For grain yield, chromosomes 1 and 10 showed significant QEI, whereas in chromosomes 3 and 8 only main effect QTLs were observed. For ASI, QTL main effects were observed on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 8, and 10, whereas QEI was observed only on chromosome 8. The assessment of the QEI at chromosome 1 for grain yield showed that the QTL main effect explained 35.8% of the QTL + QEI variability, while QEI explained 64.2%. Minimum temperature during flowering time explained 77.6% of the QEI. The QEI analysis at chromosome 10 showed that the QTL main effect explained 59.8% of the QTL + QEI variability, while QEI explained 40.2%. Maximum temperature during flowering time explained 23.8% of the QEI. Results of this study show the possibilities of using FR for mapping QTL and for dissecting QEI in terms of environmental variables. PLS regression is efficient in accounting for background noise produced by other QTLs.  相似文献   



Gene × environment models are widely used to assess genetic and environmental risks and their association with a phenotype of interest for many complex diseases. Mixed generalized linear models were used to assess gene × environment interactions with respect to systolic blood pressure on sibships adjusting for repeated measures and hierarchical nesting structures. A data set containing 410 sibships from the Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort (part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 data) was used for all analyses. Three mixed gene × environment models, all adjusting for repeated measurement and varying levels of nesting, were compared for precision of estimates: 1) all sibships with adjustment for two levels of nesting (sibs within sibships and sibs within pedigrees), 2) all sibships with adjustment for one level of nesting (sibs within sibships), and 3) 100 data sets containing random draws of one sibship per extended pedigree adjusting for one level of nesting.


The main effects were: gender, baseline age, body mass index (BMI), hypertensive treatment, cigarettes per day, grams of alcohol per day, and marker GATA48G07A. The interaction fixed effects were: baseline age by gender, baseline age by cigarettes per day, baseline age by hypertensive treatment, baseline age by BMI, hypertensive treatment by BMI, and baseline age by marker GATA48G07A. The estimates for all three nesting techniques were not widely discrepant, but precision of estimates and determination of significant effects did change with the change in adjustment for nesting.


Our results show the importance of the adjustment for all levels of hierarchical nesting of sibs in the presence of repeated measures.

Cotton is unusual among major crops in that large acreages are grown under both irrigated and rainfed conditions, making genotype x environment interactions of even greater importance than usual in designing crop-improvement strategies. We describe the impact of well-watered versus water-limited growth conditions on the genetic control of fiber quality, a complex suite of traits that collectively determine the utility of cotton. Fiber length, length uniformity, elongation, strength, fineness, and color (yellowness) were influenced by 6, 7, 9, 21, 25 and 11 QTLs (respectively) that could be detected in one or more treatments. The genetic control of cotton fiber quality was markedly affected both by general differences between growing seasons ("years") and by specific differences in water management regimes. Seventeen QTLs were detected only in the water-limited treatment while only two were specific to the well-watered treatment, suggesting that improvement of fiber quality under water stress may be even more complicated than improvement of this already complex trait under well-watered conditions. In crops such as cotton with widespread use of both irrigated and rainfed production systems, the need to manipulate larger numbers of genes to confer adequate quality under both sets of conditions will reduce the expected rate of genetic gain. These difficulties may be partly ameliorated by efficiencies gained through identification and use of diagnostic DNA markers, including those identified herein.  相似文献   

A mapping population of 104 F(3) lines of pearl millet, derived from a cross between two inbred lines H 77/833-2 x PRLT 2/89-33, was evaluated, as testcrosses on a common tester, for traits determining grain and stover yield in seven different field trials, distributed over 3 years and two seasons. The total genetic variation was partitioned into effects due to season (S), genotype (G), genotype x season interaction (G x S), and genotype x environment-within-season interaction [G x E(S)]. QTLs were determined for traits for their G, G x S, and G x E(S) effects, to assess the magnitude and the nature (cross over/non-crossover) of environmental interaction effects on individual QTLs. QTLs for some traits were associated with G effects only, while others were associated with the effects of both G and G x S and/or G, G x S and G x E(S) effects. The major G x S QTLs detected were for flowering time (on LG 4 and LG 6), and mapped to the same intervals as G x S QTLs for several other traits (including stover yield, harvest index, biomass yield and panicle number m(-2)). All three QTLs detected for grain yield were unaffected by G x S interaction however. All three QTLs for stover yield (mapping on LG 2, LG 4 and LG 6) and one of the three QTLs for grain yield (mapping on LG 4) were also free of QTL x E(S) interactions. The grain yield QTLs that were affected by QTL x E(S) interactions (mapping on LG 2 and LG 6), appeared to be linked to parallel QTL x E(S) interactions of the QTLs for panicle number m(-2) on (LG 2) and of QTLs for both panicle number m(-2) and harvest index (LG 6). In general, QTL x E(S) interactions were more frequently observed for component traits of grain and stover yield, than for grain or stover yield per se.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) isoflavone is important for human health and plant defense system. To identify novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) and epistatic QTL underlying isoflavone content in soybean, F5:6, F5:7 and F5:8 populations of 130 recombinant inbred (RI) lines, derived from the cross of soybean cultivar ‘Zhong Dou 27′ (high isoflavone) and ‘Jiu Nong 20′ (low isoflavone), were analyzed with 95 new SSR markers. A new linkage map including 194 SSR markers and covering 2,312 cM with mean distance of about 12 cM between markers was constructed. Thirty four QTL for both individual and total seed isoflavone contents of soybean were identified. Six, seven, ten and eleven QTL were associated with daidzein (DZ), glycitein (GC), genistein (GT) and total isoflavone (TI), respectively. Of them 23 QTL were newly identified. The qTIF_1 between Satt423 and Satt569 shared the same marker Satt569 with qDZF_2, qGTF_1 and qTIF_2. The qGTD2_1 between Satt186 and Satt226 was detected in four environments and explained 3.41%-10.98% of the phenotypic variation. The qGTA2_1, overlapped with qGCA2_1 and detected in four environments, was close to the previously identified major QTL for GT, which were responsible for large a effects. QTL (qDZF_2, qGTF_1 and qTIF_2) between Satt144-Satt569 were either clustered or pleiotropic. The qGCM_1, qGTM_1 and qTIM_1 between Satt540-Sat_244 explained 2.02%–9.12% of the phenotypic variation over six environments. Moreover, the qGCE_1 overlapped with qGTE_1 and qTIE_1, the qTIH_2 overlapped with qGTH_1, qGCI_1 overlapped with qDZI_1, qTIL_1 overlapped with qGTL_1, and qTIO_1 overlapped with qGTO_1. In this study, some of unstable QTL were detected in different environments, which were due to weak expression of QTL, QTL by environment interaction in the opposite direction to a effects, and/or epistasis. The markers identified in multi-environments in this study could be applied in the selection of soybean cultivars for higher isoflavone content and in the map-based gene cloning.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that maintain genetic variation in natural populations is one of the fundamental goals of evolutionary biology. There is growing evidence that genotype-by-environment interaction (G × E) can maintain additive genetic variance (V A), but we lack information on the relative performance of genotypes under the competitive situations encountered in the field. Competing genotypes may influence each other, and this interaction is also subject to selection through indirect genetic effects (IGE). Here, we explore how genotypes perform when interacting and evaluate IGE in order to understand its influence on V A for sexually-selected traits in the lesser waxmoth, Achroia grisella. We found that inter-genotype differences and crossover interactions under joint rearing are equal to or greater than values when reared separately. A focal genotype exhibited different performances when jointly reared with various genotypes—suggesting that IGE may be responsible for the increased levels of crossover and differences in performance observed. We suggest that some genotypes are superior competitors for food acquisition in the larval stage, and that these differences influence the development and evolution of other genotypes through IGE. We reaffirm the role of G × E in maintaining V A and note the general importance of IGE in studies of evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   

A population of 300 F3:4 lines derived from the cross between maize inbred lines F2 and F252 was evaluated for testcross value in a large range of environmental conditions (11 different locations in 2 years: 1995 and 1996) in order to study (1) the magnitude of genotype × environment and (2) the stability of quantitative trait loci (QTL) effects. Several agronomic traits were measured: dry grain yield (DGY), kernel weight, average number of kernels per plant, silking date (SD) and grain moisture at harvest. A large genotype × environment interaction was found, particularly for DGY. A hierarchical classification of trials and an additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model were carried out. Both methods led to the conclusion that trials could be partitioned into three groups consistent with (1) the year of experiment and (2) the water availability (irrigated vs non-irrigated) for the trials sown in 1995. QTL detection was carried out for all the traits in the different groups of trials. Between 9 and 15 QTL were detected for each trait. QTL × group and QTL × trial effects were tested and proved significant for a large proportion of QTL. QTL detection was also performed on coordinates on the first two principal components (PC) of the AMMI model. PC QTL were generally detected in areas where QTL × group and QTL × trial interactions were significant. A region located on chromosome 8 near an SD QTL seemed to play a key role in DGY stability. Our results confirm the key role of water availability and flowering earliness on grain yield stability in maize.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance of productive and adaptive traits in beef breeding systems based on Bos taurus and tropically adapted breeds across temperate and (sub)tropical environments. In the (sub)tropics, differences that exist between breeds in temperate environments are masked by the effects of environmental stressors. Hence in tropical environments, breeds are best categorised into breed types to compare their performance across environments. Because of the presence of environmental stressors, there are more sources of genetic variation in tropical breeding programmes. It is therefore necessary to examine the genetic basis of productive and adaptive traits for breeding programmes in those environments. This paper reviews the heritabilities and genetic relationships between economically important productive and adaptive traits relevant to (sub)tropical breeding programmes. It is concluded that it is possible to simultaneously genetically improve productive and adaptive traits in tropically adapted breeds of beef cattle grazed in tropical environments without serious detrimental consequences for either adaptation or production. However, breed-specific parameters are required for genetic evaluations. The paper also reviews the magnitude of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions impacting on production and adaptation of cattle, where 'genotype' is defined as breed (within a crossbreeding system), sire within breed (in a within-breed selection programme) or associations between economically important traits and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs - within a marker-assisted selection programme). It is concluded that re-ranking of breeds across environments is best managed by the use of the breed type(s) best suited to the particular production environment. Re-ranking of sires across environments is apparent in poorly adapted breed types across extreme tropical and temperate environments or where breeding animals are selected in a temperate environment for use in the (sub)tropics. However, G × E interactions are unlikely to be of major importance in tropically adapted beef cattle grazed in either temperate or (sub)tropical environments, although sex × environment interactions may provide new opportunities for differentially selecting to simultaneously improve steer performance in benign environments and female performance in harsher environments. Early evidence suggests that re-ranking of SNPs occurs across temperate and tropical environments, although their magnitude is still to be confirmed in well-designed experiments. The major limitation to genetic improvement of beef cattle over the next decade is likely to be a deficiency of large numbers of accurately recorded phenotypes for most productive and adaptive traits and, in particular, for difficult-to-measure adaptive traits such as resistance to disease and environmental stressors.  相似文献   

K Anuradha  S Agarwal  YV Rao  KV Rao  BC Viraktamath  N Sarla 《Gene》2012,508(2):233-240
Identifying QTLs/genes for iron and zinc in rice grains can help in biofortification programs. 168 F(7) RILs derived from Madhukar×Swarna were used to map QTLs for iron and zinc concentrations in unpolished rice grains. Iron ranged from 0.2 to 224ppm and zinc ranged from 0.4 to 104ppm. Genome wide mapping using 101 SSRs and 9 gene specific markers showed 5 QTLs on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 12 significantly linked to iron, zinc or both. In all, 14 QTLs were identified for these two traits. QTLs for iron were co-located with QTLs for zinc on chromosomes 7 and 12. In all, ten candidate genes known for iron and zinc homeostasis underlie 12 of the 14 QTLs. Another 6 candidate genes were close to QTLs on chromosomes 3, 5 and 7. Thus the high priority candidate genes for high Fe and Zn in seeds are OsYSL1 and OsMTP1 for iron, OsARD2, OsIRT1, OsNAS1, OsNAS2 for zinc and OsNAS3, OsNRAMP1, Heavy metal ion transport and APRT for both iron and zinc together based on our genetic mapping studies as these genes strictly underlie QTLs. Several elite lines with high Fe, high Zn and both were identified.  相似文献   

Recent results demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of cell morphology and structure to mechanical stimulation. Mechanical stimulation is often coupled with cell–substrate interactions that can, in turn, influence molecular response and determine cellular fates including apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. To understand these effects as they specifically relate to compressive mechanical stimulation and topographic control, we developed a microfabricated system to grow cells on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel surfaces where we maintained compression stimulation. We also probed cellular response following compressive mechanical stimulation to PDMS substrates of varying stiffness. In these instances, we examined cytoskeletal and morphologic changes in living cells attached to our substrate following the application of localized compressive stimulation. We found that the overall morphology and cell structure, including the actin cytoskeleton, oriented in the direction of the compressive strain applied and along the topographic microchannels. Furthermore by comparing topographic response to material stiffness, we found a 40% increase in cell area for cells cultured on the microchannels versus softer PDMS as well as a decreased cell area of 30% when using softer PDMS over unmodified PDMS. These findings have implications for research in a diversity of fields including cell–material interactions, mechanotransduction, and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Seed maturity is a critical process of seed vigor establishment. In this study, one rice population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used to determine the genetic characteristics of seed vigor, including the germination potential (GP), germination rate (GR), germination index (GI), and time for 50 % of germination (T50), at 4, 5, and 6 weeks after heading in 2 years. Significant differences of seed vigor were observed among two parents and RIL population; the heritability of four traits was more than 90 % at three maturity stages. A total of 19 additive and 2 epistatic quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seed vigor were identified using QTL Cartographer and QTLNetwork program, respectively, in 2012, while 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers associated with seed vigor were detected using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) in 2013. The phenotypic variation explained by each additive, epistatic QTL, and QTL × seed maturity interaction ranged from 9.19 to 22.94 %, 7.23 to 7.75 %, and 0.05 to 0.63 %, respectively. Ten additive QTLs were stably expressed in 2 years which might play important roles in establishment of seed vigor in different environments. By comparing chromosomal positions of ten stably expressed additive QTLs with those previously identified, they might be true QTLs for seed vigor; the regions of QTLs for seed vigor are likely to coincide with QTLs for seed dormancy, seed reserve mobilization, low-temperature germinability, and seedling growth. Using four selected RILs, three cross-combinations were predicted to improve seed vigor; 9 to 10 elite alleles could be pyramided by each combination. The selected RILs and the identified QTLs might be applicable for the improvement of seed vigor by marker-assisted selection (MAS) in rice.  相似文献   

 An F2 and two equivalent F3 populations of an indica-indica cross of rice, Tesanai 2/CB, were constructed and grown in different environments. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield components and plant height and an analysis of QTL×environment interaction were conducted for three trials. Interval mapping of QTL for eight traits was employed with a threshold of LOD=2 using the computer package MAPMAKER/QTL. A total of 44 QTL were detected in 18 intervals of nine chromosomes, including 3 for the number of panicles (NP), 5 for the number of filled grains (NFG), 6 for total number of spikelets (TNS), 3 for spikelet fertility (SF), 7 for 1000-grain weight (TGWT), 5 for grain weight per plant (GWT), 8 for plant height (PH) and 7 for panicle length (PL). The numbers of QTL detected in two or three trials were 1 for NP, 1 for NFG, 1 for TNS, none for SF, 4 for TGWT, 3 for GWT, 2 for PH and 5 for PL, making a total of 17. When a QTL was detected in more than one trial the direction and magnitude of its additive effect, the dominance effect and the degree of dominance were generally in good agreement. In all three trials, QTL were frequently detected for related traits in the same intervals. The directions of additive effect of QTL for related traits in a given interval were in agreement with few exceptions, no matter whether they were detected in the same trial or not. This result suggested that pleiotropism rather than close linkage of different QTL was the major reason why QTL for different traits were frequently detected in the same intervals. When gene pleiotropism was considered, 23 of the 29 QTL for yield and its components and 9 of the 15 QTL for plant stature were detected in more than one trial. This indicated that the detection of chromosomal segments harboring QTL was hardly affected by environmental factors. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 21 March 1997  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for several fruit traits in tomato were mapped and characterized in a backcross population of an interspecific cross between Lycopersicon esculentum fresh-marker breeding line NC84173 and L. pimpinellifolium accession LA722. A molecular linkage map of this cross that was previously constructed based on 119 BC1 individuals and 151 RFLP markers was used for the QTL mapping. The parental lines and 119 BC1S1 families (self-pollinated progeny of BC1 individuals) were grown under field conditions at two locations, Rock Spring, PA, and Davis, CA, and fruits were scored for weight (FW), polar (PD) and equatorial diameters (ED), shape (FS), total soluble solids content (SSC), pH and lycopene content (LYC). For each trait, between 4 and 10 QTLs were identified with individual effects ranging between 4.4% and 32.9% and multilocus QTL effects ranging between 39% and 75% of the total phenotypic variation. Most QTL effects were predictable from the parental phenotypes, and several QTLs were identified that affected more than one trait. A few pairwise epistatic interactions were detected between QTL-linked and QTL-unlinked markers. Despite great differences between PA and CA growing conditions, the majority of FW QTLs (78%) and SSC QTLs (75%) in the two locations shared similar genomic positions. Almost all of the QTLs that were identified in the present study for FW and SSC were previously identified in six other studies that used different interspecific crosses of tomato; this indicates conservation of QTLs for fruit traits across tomato species. Altogether, the seven studies identified at least 28 QTLs for FW and 32 QTLs for SSC on the 12 tomato chromosomes. However, for each trait a few major QTLs were commonly identified in 4 or more studies; such ‘popular’ QTLs should be of considerable interest for breeding purposes as well as basic research towards cloning of QTLs. Notably, a majority of QTLs for increased SSC also contributed to decreased fruit size. Therefore, to significantly increase SSC of the cultivated tomato, some compromise in fruit size may be unavoidable. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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