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An ORF having a potential to code for a polypeptide of 79 amino acids has been identified within 993 nt sequence of 2 kb EcoRI-W fragment of Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV-I). Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence analyses showed its identity with the ubiquitin homologue of eukaryotes (79–80%), Melanoplus sanguinipes entomopoxvirus (76%) and other baculoviruses (72–89%). The ORF is under baculovirus late promoter motif RTAAG but unlike other baculoviruses, three such motifs at –6, –10 and –27 position are present in SpltNPV. The ORF expresses as a 10 kDa protein in E. coli and the purified recombinant protein showed crossreactivity with the rabbit anti-ubiquitin antibodies.  相似文献   

An ORF having a potential to code for a polypeptide of 79 amino acids has been identified within 993 nt sequence of 2 kb EcoRI-W fragment of Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV-I). Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence analyses showed its identity with the ubiquitin homologue of eukaryotes (79-80%), Melanoplus sanguinipes entomopoxvirus (76%) and other baculoviruses (72-89%). The ORF is under baculovirus late promoter motif RTAAG but unlike other baculoviruses, three such motifs at -6, -10 and -27 position are present in SpltNPV. The ORF expresses as a 10 kDa proteinin E. coli and the purified recombinant protein showed crossreactivity with the rabbit anti-ubiquitin antibodies.  相似文献   

The full‐length cDNA of the gene SlituOR18, encoding a candidate olfactory receptor in the antennae of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae), was identified through homology cloning strategies using RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The protein of SlituOR18 shared >80% sequence identity and the same seven transmembrane domains with other olfactory receptor 18 (OR18) proteins sequenced from noctuid moths. SlituOR18 also had a similar structure to SlituORco, encoding the olfactory co‐receptor in S. litura. The sequence between transmembrane segments IV and V was longer than other sequences between transmembrane segments, and the N‐terminus was intracytoplasmic. Analysis by qRT‐PCR showed SlituOR18 was predominantly expressed in adult moths and there was higher expression in female antennae than in male antennae. Weak expression of SlituOR18 was observed in eggs and no expression was observed in the antennae of fourth instars and 5‐day‐old pupae. In situ hybridization experiments revealed that expression of these receptor types was clearly restricted to the bases of trichodea‐type olfactory sensilla (sensillum trichodeum), that are known to contain neurons sensitive to food odor or pheromones. Our data demonstrated that both SlituORco and SlituOR18 showed diurnal changes in their relative expression level. Expression of SlituOR18 varied among geographic populations of S. litura that had been trapped in the field using synthetic pheromone lures. The mRNA expression level of SlituOR18 was similar among S. litura populations from Sichuan, Guangxi, and Hunan, and higher than in populations from Shanghai and Ningbo. We suggest that OR18 could play a critical role in olfaction in noctuid moths and is a potential target for novel pest management strategies in the future.  相似文献   

肽基脯氨酰基顺反异构酶E (Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase E, PPIE)是亲环蛋白家族的成员之一,具有肽基脯氨酰基顺反异构酶(Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, PPIase)活性,能与亲环蛋白抑制剂CsA特异性结合。PPIE具有两个结构域:N-端的RNA识别域(RNA Recognition Motif, RRM)和C-端的PPIase活性域。PPIE和其他亲环蛋白一样,具有蛋白质折叠功能。研究表明,哺乳动物细胞中的PPIE能抑制流感病毒复制,能与MLL PHD3相互结合。但昆虫细胞中PPIE的功能研究较少。本文以斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura为研究对象,克隆得到ppie基因,通过生物信息学分析发现,斜纹夜蛾ppie基因ORF全长876 bp,共编码291个氨基酸,具有亲环蛋白家族标签:YQGSlFHRIIPDFMCQGG。构建了真核表达载体pIZT/V5-His-ppie,结果证明,构建的真核表达载体能在昆虫细胞中表达,融合蛋白大小为36 kDa左右,与预测大小一致。还通过免疫荧光实验确定,PPIE定位于细胞核中,与前人研究报道一致。本文研究内容将为进一步研究斜纹夜蛾PPIE功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

Fusion of the testis occurs in most Lepidoptera insects, including Spodoptera litura, an important polyphagous pest. Testicular fusion in S. litura is advantageous for male reproduction, and the molecular mechanism of fusion remains unknown. Doublesex influences the formation of genitalia, the behavior of courtship, and sexually dimorphic traits in fruit-fly and silkworm, and is essential for sexual differentiation. However, its purpose in the testis of S. litura remains unknown. The doublesex gene of S. litura (Sldsx) has male-specific SldsxM and female-specific SldsF isoforms, and exhibits a higher expression level in the male testis. At the testicular fusion stage (L6D6), Sldsx attained the highest expression compared to the pre-fusion and post-fusion periods. Moreover, Sldsx had a higher expression in the peritoneal sheaths of testis than that of germ cells in the follicle. CRISPR/Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/Cas9) was applied to S. litura to determine the role of Sldsx. A mixture of single guide RNA messenger RNA and Cas9 protein (300 ng/μL each) was injected into eggs within 2 h following oviposition. CRISPR/Cas9 successfully induced genomic mutagenesis of Sldsx at Go generation. The mutant males had smaller testis surrounded by less tracheae. Moreover, the mutant males had abnormal external genitalia and could not finish mating with wild-type females. Additionally, testes were fused for almost all mutant males. The results showed that Sldsx was not related to testicular fusion, and is required for both testis development and the formation and function of external genitalia in S. litura. The main roles of doublesex on the male are similar to other insects.  相似文献   

We have cloned apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III) cDNA from adult fat body of Spodoptera litura. The sequence encodes a 188 amino acid polypeptide including a 22 amino acid leader peptide. The circular dichroism spectrum from the purified apoLp-III indicated a considerable content of α-helix. Sequence alignment showed that S. Litura apoLp-III has a relatively high degree of sequence identity with the apoLps-III of lepidopteran, Manduca sexta (72%), Galleria mellonella (67%), Bombyx mori (60%). These alignments with four lepidopteran apoLps-III showed highly identical residues and conservative replacements at a degree of 86%. Levels of mRNA from last instar larval fat body and adult fat body were compared through Northern blot analysis using 32P-labeled 704 bp apoLp-III cDNA probe. A 850 bp mRNA was detected in both stages and mRNA level of day 1 adult fat body was much higher than that of last instar larval fat body. The tissue-distribution of apoLp-III mRNA in adult ovary and testis was also examined and we confirmed the presence of apoLp-III mRNA in ovary and testis although apoLp-III was expressed in these tissues at very low levels compared with the adult fat body. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 39:166–173, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

盛晔  闵丹  李轶女  张志芳  朱越雄  朱江 《微生物学报》2010,50(12):1600-1606
【目的】研究斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒II ORF146基因的结构与功能。【方法】根据SpltMNPV IIORF146基因序列设计引物,经PCR扩增克隆ORF146基因。在生物信息学分析基础上进行启动子活性分析和转录时相分析。构建ORF146片段的原核表达载体,表达并纯化融合蛋白后制备多克隆抗体。【结果】核苷酸序列分析表明,读码框含1383 bp,编码460个氨基酸的蛋白质,推定分子量为50.4 kDa。启动子活性分析和转录时相分析都表明该基因是个早、晚期都表达的基因,在病毒感染8 h和18 h有两个转录峰,24 h以后转录水平略有下降,但趋于稳定。pET-28a-ORF13原核表达的融合蛋白经纯化后制备的多克隆抗体特异性高,效价可达1∶3200以上。【结论】SpltMNPV II ORF146基因是一个早期和晚期都表达的病毒组成型结构蛋白基因。推测ORF146基因可能与SpltMNPV II病毒感染宿主细胞后病毒DNA复制有关。制备的多克隆抗体可用于深入研究该蛋白的生物学特性与功能。  相似文献   

Xestia c-nigrum granulovirus (XcGV) was tested for its ability to increase Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SINPV) infection in larvae of S. litura (F.). The interaction of XcGV with peritrophic matrix and SINPV in S. litura also was studied to account for the synergism. In dose-response bioassays with a constant XcGV concentration of 5-mg/ ml capsules and SINPV concentration that varied from 10(3) to 10(7) polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIB) per larva, XcGV increased the virulence of SINPV infection in fifth instars of S. litura. The lethal concentration of 50% individuals (LC50) of SINPV combined with XcGV was 3.35 x 10(5)PIB/ml, which was significantly lower than that of SINPV alone (2.17 x 10(6)). Compared with 10(7) PIB/ml SINPV alone, the lethal time of 50% individuals (LT50) of 10(7) PIB/ml SINPV combined with XcGV was not significantly shortened. In addition, no significant improvement in the activity and killing speed of SINPV progeny was noted after propagation with XcGV, indicating that native characters of SINPV associated with viral potency were not altered by XcGV. Investigation via environmental scanning electronic microscopy showed that the peritrophic matrix (PM) of S. litura exposed to XcGV or XcGV enhancin, or the combination treatment, was markedly disrupted. The outer surface of the PM was loose, or ruptured, which potentially facilitated the passage of virions through the PM. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the synergy between XcGV and SINPV was closely associated with the disruption of the PM in S. litura.  相似文献   

性信息素结合蛋白(pheromone binding proteins,PBPs)能够与性信息素分子结合,从而启动昆虫的寻偶及交配行为。本研究采用半定量RT-PCR技术分别对斜纹夜蛾3种性信息素结合蛋白SlitPBP1、SlitPBP2和SlitPBP3基因在雌、雄虫不同组织的基因表达模式进行了比较分析。组织表达模式结果表明,SlitPBP1基因只在雌、雄虫触角和雌虫前足中表达而在其他组织中无表达;SlitPBP2基因在雌虫的触角、喙、前足、中足、后足、翅膀和雄虫的触角、喙、前足、翅膀中均有表达,且在同一部位,SlitPBP2基因在雌虫的表达量均高于雄虫相应部位的表达量;除雌、雄虫的胸部外,SlitPBP3在雌、雄虫的触角、喙、前足、中足、后足、腹部和翅膀中均有较高水平的表达。可见,SlitPBP1、SlitPBP2和SlitPBP3基因在斜纹夜蛾不同组织的表达模式各不相同。本研究结果可为深入研究不同SlitPBPs蛋白在斜纹夜蛾生长发育过程中的不同生理功能提供科学参考。  相似文献   

蔗糖密度梯度离心法提纯斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒($Spodoptera litura  multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhdrovirus, SpltMNPV)包埋型病毒粒子(polyhedra-derived virus,PDV),以此病毒粒子作抗原,免疫家兔获得抗血清;用SDS裂解缓冲液提取斜纹夜蛾幼虫中肠组织细胞总蛋白。采用病毒铺覆蛋白印迹技术(VOPBA),利用抗PVD抗血清对病毒受体进行检测,结果表明斜纹夜蛾中肠细胞总蛋白中40kD、73kD、85kD的三种蛋白能够结合PDV。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾多角体病毒包埋型病毒受体的鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蔗糖密度梯度离心法提纯斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhdrovirus,SpltMNPV)包埋型病毒粒子(polyhedra-denved virus,PDV),以此病毒粒子作抗原,免疫家兔获得抗血清;用SDS裂解缓冲液提取斜纹夜蛾幼虫中肠组织细胞总蛋白.采用病毒铺覆蛋白印迹技术(VOPBA),利用抗PVD抗血清对病毒受体进行检测,结果表明斜纹夜蛾中肠细胞总蛋白中40kD、73kD、85kD的三种蛋白能够结合PDV.  相似文献   

刘艳荷  方继朝 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):817-823
研究SpltMNPV不同分离株及SpltMNPV分离株与SpliNPV间基因序列的同源性,为SpltMNPV分离株的利用提供理论基础。根据已发表的斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(SpltMNPV)中国株(Zh)基因组全序列(AF527603)和海灰翅夜蛾核型多角体病毒(SpliNPV)Not I-D片段序列(AF527603)设计引物,PCR方法扩增得到SpltMNPV日本福冈株(Fu)、埃及株(Eg)和小笠原株(Og)的ORF39~ORF42和ORF119~ORF124编码区全序列。SpltMNPV不同分离株及SpltMNPV分离株与SpliNPV间基因序列的相似性比较, Zh株和Og株,Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV的相似性高,而Zh株和Eg株、Fu株或SpliNPV,Og株和Eg株、Fu株或SpliNPV的相似性都比较低。亦即SpltMNPV 3种基因型,B型和C型的同源性高,A型与B型或C型的同源性比较低,但A型与SpliNPV的同源性高;同一基因型内不同分离株(Eg株和Fu株)的同源性高。ETG分子进化分析表明Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV处于一个分支,而Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV与Zh株和Og株则处于不同的分支。因此推断Eg株和Fu株为SpliNPV的分离株,而Og株为SpltMNPV的分离株。  相似文献   

To examine the expression profile of oxidative stress responsive genes in Spodoptera litura, we constructed a cDNA library from S. litura injected with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). Using a microarray chip composed of 2,964 cDNAs, we screened gene expression at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h post H(2)O(2) injection. Data were clustered into 15 groups of genes that behave similarly across each time course. Seventy-three genes were identified as being at least twofold up- or downregulated after treatment with H(2)O(2) in S. litura. We constructed expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for genes that changed at least twofold after treatment with H(2)O(2) . The functional classification of these ESTs based on Gene Ontology showed that the ESTs are rich in genes involved in oxidoreductase activity (5.7%), defense (14.3%), cellular process (22.9%), and development (17.1%).  相似文献   

An antibacterial peptide was isolated from a lepidopteran insect, Spodoptera litura. The molecular mass of this peptide was determined to be 4489.55 by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass (MALDI-TOF MS) spectrometry. The peptide consists of 42 amino acids and the sequence has 69-98% identity to those of moricin-related peptides, antibacterial peptides from lepidopetran insects. Thus, the peptide was designated S. litura (Sl) moricin. Sl moricin showed a broad antibacterial spectrum against Gram-positive and negative bacteria. Sl moricin gene was inducible by bacterial injection and expressed tissue-specifically in the fat body and hemocytes. Furthermore, the solution structure of Sl moricin was determined by two-dimensional (2D) 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and hybrid distance geometry-simulated annealing calculation. The tertiary structure revealed a long alpha-helix containing eight turns along nearly the full length of the peptide like that of moricin, confirming that Sl moricin is a new moricin-like antibacterial peptide. These results suggest that moricin is present not only in B. mori but also in other lepidopteran insects forming a gene family.  相似文献   

本文利用实验胚胎学方法详细研究了斜纹夜蛾胚胎发育的全过程。结果表明:在24±1℃的恒温条件下,仅需87小时即可孵化出幼虫,同时证明了马氏管起源于外胚层。  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)是生物体内重要的解毒酶系之一。根据斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)GST基因设计特异引物,从cDNA文库中扩增GST基因并克隆至pGEM-T载体,经鉴定后经SpeⅠ和EcoRⅠ双酶切后,与表达载体pPROEX HTb连接,转化感受态细胞E.coliDH5α,经PCR鉴定和双酶切鉴定得到阳性重组质粒pPROEX HTb-GST,在IPTG诱导下,获得融合蛋白的表达。经SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳鉴定,表达产物为25KD的GST融合蛋白。Northern杂交结果表明,2龄期斜纹夜蛾GST基因在mRNA水平上的表达量最大,3龄期次之,5龄期时的表达量最小。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾Cecropin D成熟肽的原核表达及活性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋杰  陈维春 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1207-1211
采用RT-PCR方法从斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura脂肪体组织中扩增得到了Cecropin D成熟肽基因序列,分析发现Cecropin D成熟肽与斜纹夜蛾Cecropin B之间存在2个氨基酸残基的差异。将获得的基因序列连接入原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1,并在原核细胞中实现了该蛋白的融合表达。SDS-PAGE结果表明,诱导后的宿主菌比未诱导菌中多出了一条融合蛋白表达带,诱导后1 h就可以检测到该蛋白,从诱导后1 h到5 h该蛋白在表达量上没有明显的差异。生长曲线显示在IPTG诱导后宿主菌的生长受到明显的抑制,纯化后的蛋白对细菌具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

采用生物信息学方法从葡萄(Vitis vinifera Linn.)全基因组中鉴定Actin基因家族,并对各基因的染色体定位和结构特征,编码蛋白质的理化性质、亚细胞定位、二级结构、三级结构和系统进化,以及不同组织的基因表达进行研究.结果表明:葡萄Actin基因家族16个基因分布在12条染色体上.16个基因的结构特征及其编码蛋白质的理化性质差异较大.16个基因的长度及其内含子总长度的变化范围较大,编码序列(CDS)和外显子总长度的变化范围较小.除登录号GSVIVG01008254001和GSVIVG01014035001的基因外,其他14个基因的GC含量均低于其CDS的GC含量.除登录号GSVIVG01008254001的基因外,其他15个基因编码的蛋白质的理论相对分子质量为12534.54~82612.33,理论等电点为pI 4.92~pI 9.13.16个基因编码蛋白质的消光系数为14105~73645,脂肪族氨基酸指数为65.54~92.06,其中9个为稳定蛋白,7个为不稳定蛋白.除登录号GSVIVG01014035001的基因外,其他15个基因编码的蛋白质均为亲水性蛋白.登录号GSVIVG01016517001的基因编码的蛋白质定位于细胞质和细胞核,其他15个基因编码的蛋白质定位于细胞质.二级结构和三级结构显示:葡萄Actin基因家族16个基因编码的蛋白质均由α螺旋、无规则卷曲和延伸链构成,且总体以无规则卷曲为主.系统进化分析和不同组织的基因表达分析结果显示:与拟南芥〔Arabidopsis thaliana(Linn.)Heynh.〕相似,葡萄Actin基因家族16个基因编码的蛋白质分为3个亚家族,ClassⅡ亚家族(营养型)包括登录号GSVIVG01003099001和GSVIVG01026580001的基因编码的蛋白质,这2个基因在所有组织中的表达均较高;ClassⅢ亚家族(生殖型)包括登录号GSVIVG01033494001、GSVIVG01024980001和GSVIVG01016550001的基因编码的蛋白质,这3个基因在花粉、雄蕊和花中的表达均较高;ClassⅠ亚家族包括其他11个基因编码的蛋白质,这11个基因在各组织中的表达总体上较低.研究结果显示:葡萄Actin基因家族的表达具有组织特异性.  相似文献   

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