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The butterfly Boloria aquilonaris is a specialist of oligotrophic ecosystems. Population viability analysis predicted the species to be stable in Belgium and to collapse in the Netherlands with reduced host plant quality expected to drive species decline in the latter. We tested this hypothesis by rearing B. aquilonaris caterpillars from Belgian and Dutch sites on host plants (the cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos). Dutch plant quality was lower than Belgian one conferring lower caterpillar growth rate and survival. Reintroduction and/or supplementation may be necessary to ensure the viability of the species in the Netherlands, but some traits may have been selected solely in Dutch caterpillars to cope with gradual changes in host plant quality. To test this hypothesis, the performance of Belgian and Dutch caterpillars fed with plants from both countries were compared. Dutch caterpillars performed well on both plant qualities, whereas Belgian caterpillars could not switch to lower quality plants. This can be considered as an environmentally induced plastic response of caterpillars and/or a local adaptation to plant quality, which precludes the use of Belgian individuals as a unique solution for strengthening Dutch populations. More generally, these results stress that the relevance of local adaptation in selecting source populations for relocation may be as important as restoring habitat quality.  相似文献   

Digestibility trials using common ringtail possums ( Pseudocheirus peregrinus ), small folivorous marsupials, were used to determine effects of tannins on a herbivore which has a specialized hind gut and which normally consumes tannin-rich eucalypt leaves. In one group, untreated leaves were fed to possums, and in a second group polyethylene glycol (PEG) was added to the eucalypt leaves to inactivate tannins. Animals maintained weight, and intakes were not different between the two dietary groups. Digestibility was determined chemically. Digesta were examined histologically. The presence of bacterial rafts in the stomachs of possums fed either diet indicated that PEG did not alter the coprophagic behaviour of possums. Cell wall digestion did not appear to be inhibited by tannins. Tanning of cell contents was predominant, rather than tanning of cell walls. PEG increased faecal excretion of tannins, suggesting that some tannins from normal leaves were digested during gut passage. Dry matter digestibility was higher when animals were fed normal tannin-rich leaves than when they were fed leaves in which tannins were inactivated. The difference could be explained in part by the high digestibility of tannins. The presence of tannin did not reduce nitrogen digestion. We suggest that dissociation of tannin-protein complexes may take place in the specialized caecum. We propose that some other folivorous marsupials may have a similar capacity to overcome tannins. This capacity may allow them to consume a tannin-rich diet.  相似文献   

We present data on feeding patterns in Avahi laniger and compare these data to temporal variations in leaf chemistry. Because A. laniger is one of the smallest folivorous primates and has a monogastric stomach, we hypothesized that this lemur would display behavioural adaptations to a leaf-based diet by scheduling feeding times when leaves were of highest quality. Data were collected from May to August 2004 at the Vatoharanana site in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. A. laniger fed during different time periods despite leaf carbohydrate and protein concentrations exhibiting little variation throughout the night. Although tannin concentrations exhibited temporal fluctuations, they did not covary with A. laniger feeding times. We suggest that A. laniger feeding times cannot be explained entirely by variations in leaf chemistry.  相似文献   

Parasite local adaptation in a geographic mosaic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A central prediction of the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution is that coevolving interspecific interactions will show varying degrees of local maladaptation. According to the theory, much of this local maladaptation is driven by selection mosaics and spatially intermingled coevolutionary hot and cold spots, rather than a simple balance between gene flow and selection. Here I develop a genetic model of host-parasite coevolution that is sufficiently general to incorporate selection mosaics, coevolutionary hot and cold spots, and a diverse array of genetic systems of infection/resistance. Results from this model show that the selection mosaics experienced by the interacting species are an important determinant of the sign and magnitude of local maladaptation. In some cases, this effect may be stronger than a previously described effect of relative rates of parasite and host gene flow. These results provide the first theoretical evidence that selection mosaics and coevolutionary hot and cold spots per se determine the magnitude and sign of local maladaptation. At the same time, however, these results demonstrate that coevolution in a geographic mosaic can lead to virtually any pattern of local adaptation or local maladaptation. Consequently, empirical studies that describe only patterns of local adaptation or maladaptation do not provide evidence either for or against the theory.  相似文献   



Ecological specialization is pervasive in phytophagous arthropods. In such specialization mode, limits to host range are imposed by trade-offs preventing adaptation to several hosts. The occurrence of such trade-offs is inferred by a pattern of local adaptation, i.e., a negative correlation between relative performance on different hosts.  相似文献   

<正>Plants are surrounded by myriad microbes during their growth, death, and importantly, evolution (Zhang et al.,2018). It is well known that the interaction between plantassociated microbes and their hosts greatly impacts host development and health (Verbon and Liberman, 2016; Berendsen et al., 2012). One of the strategies employed by plants to defend themselves against pathogens and adapt to adverse conditions is to selectively recruit specific host-associated microbial communities possessing beneficial functions. Thus far, numerous attempts have been made to  相似文献   

N2 fixation in phototrophs: adaptation to a specialized way of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gallon  J.R. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):39-48
Phototrophic diazotrophs include the photosynthetic green and purple bacteria, the heliobacteria, many cyanobacteria and the unusual chlorophyll-containing rhizobia that are found in the stem nodules of Aeschynomene spp. In this review, which concentrates on cyanobacteria, the interrelations between photosynthesis and N2 fixation are discussed. Photosynthesis can, in theory, directly provide the ATP and reductant needed to support N2 fixation but the link between these two processes is usually indirect, mediated through accumulated carbon reserves. In cyanobacteria, which possess an oxygenic photosynthesis, this serves to separate the O2 that is produced by photosynthesis from the O2-sensitive nitrogenase. However, in certain circumstances, oxygenic photosynthesis and N2 fixation coexist. Under these conditions, respiratory consumption of photosynthetically generated O2 may have an important role in minimizing O2-damage to nitrogenase.  相似文献   

Polygenic traits and parasite local adaptation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent to which parasites are locally adapted to their hosts has important implications for human health and agriculture. A recently developed conceptual framework--the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution--predicts that local maladaptation should be common and largely determined by the interplay between gene flow and spatially variable reciprocal selection. Previous investigation of this theory has predominately focused on genetic systems of infection and resistance characterized by few genes of major effect and particular forms of epistasis. Here we extend existing theory by analyzing mathematical models of host-parasite interactions in which host resistance to parasites is mediated by quantitative traits with an additive polygenic basis. In contrast to previous theoretical studies predicated upon major gene mechanisms, we find that parasite local maladaptation is quite uncommon and restricted to one specific functional form of host resistance. Furthermore, our results show that local maladaptation should be rare or absent in studies that measure local adaptation using reciprocal transplant designs conducted in natural environments. Our results thus narrow the scope over which the predictions of the geographic mosaic theory are likely to hold and provide novel and readily testable predictions about when and where local maladaptation is expected.  相似文献   

Adaptation of local populations to their environment is central to our understanding of biodiversity and processes of speciation; nevertheless, the genetic changes that are required for such local adaptations are understood poorly. Recent studies have shown that multilocus scans that compare different populations for several loci can identify genomic regions carrying a mutation that results in a local adaptation.  相似文献   

Parasites may be expected to become locally adapted to their hosts. However, while many empirical studies have demonstrated local parasite adaptation, others have failed to demonstrate it, or have shown local parasite maladaptation. Researchers have suggested that gene flow can swamp local parasite-host dynamics and produce local adaptation only at certain geographical scales; others have argued that evolutionary lags can account for both null and maladaptive results. In this paper, we use item response theory (IRT) to test whether host range influences the likelihood of parasites locally adapting to their hosts. We collated 32 independent experiments testing for local adaptation, where parasites could be assigned as having either broad or narrow host ranges (BHR and NHR, respectively). Twenty-five tests based on BHR parasites had a significantly lower average effect size than seven NHR tests, indicating that studies based on BHR parasites are less likely to demonstrate local parasite adaptation. We argue that this may relate to evolutionary lags during diffuse coevolution of BHR parasites with their hosts, rather than differences in experimental approaches or other confounds between BHR and NHR studies.  相似文献   

The rate and scale of gene flow can strongly affect patterns of local adaptation in host-parasite interactions. I used data on regional pathogen occurrence to infer the scale of pathogen dispersal and to identify pathogen metapopulations in the interaction between Plantago lanceolata and its specialist phytopathogen, Podosphaera plantaginis. Frequent extinctions and colonizations were recorded in the metapopulations, suggesting substantial gene flow at this spatial scale. The level of pathogen local adaptation was assessed in a laboratory inoculation experiment at three different scales: in sympatric host populations, in sympatric host metapopulations and in allopatric host metapopulations. I found evidence for adaptation to sympatric host populations, as well as evidence indicating that local adaptation may extend to the scale of the sympatric host metapopulation. There was also variation among the metapopulations in the degree of pathogen local adaptation. This may be explained by regional differences in the rate of migration.  相似文献   

Plant chemistry and bird repellents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D. R. CROCKER  S. M. PERRY† 《Ibis》1990,132(2):300-308
Research into chemical bird repellents is reviewed. The feeding preferences of Bullfinches Pyrrhula pyrrhula for bud extracts of 26 pear cultivars were established in the laboratory and correlated with underlying biochemical differences between extracts. A group of phenolic compounds was identified as aversive. Some of these compounds proved to be powerful inhibitors of protease activity in uitro , supporting theories about the role of phenolics as plant defences against herbivores. A larger study, however, failed to demonstrate a correlation between their biochemical reaction with digestive enzymes and their ability to deter feeding by feral pigeons Columba livia . Nevertheless, cinnamamide was identified as a promising bird repellent, although its mechanism of action is unclear.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the direction of local adaptation depends on the relative migration rates of hosts and parasites. Here we measured relative migration rates and tested for local adaptation in the interaction between a tree hole mosquito (Ochlerotatus sierrensis) and a protozoan parasite (Lambornella clarki). We found strong support for the hypothesis that the host migrates more than its parasite. Hosts colonized artificial tree holes in the field at a much higher rate than the parasite. Field releases of the parasite demonstrated that it colonizes and persists in natural tree holes where it was previously absent, suggesting that parasite distribution is limited by its migratory ability. Although the host migrates more than its parasite, we found no evidence for local adaptation by hosts and some evidence for local adaptation by parasites. Other life history traits of the host and parasite may also influence patterns in local adaptation, particularly parasite virulence and host dormancy.  相似文献   

Conceptual issues in local adaptation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Studies of local adaptation provide important insights into the power of natural selection relative to gene flow and other evolutionary forces. They are a paradigm for testing evolutionary hypotheses about traits favoured by particular environmental factors. This paper is an attempt to summarize the conceptual framework for local adaptation studies. We first review theoretical work relevant for local adaptation. Then we discuss reciprocal transplant and common garden experiments designed to detect local adaptation in the pattern of deme × habitat interaction for fitness. Finally, we review research questions and approaches to studying the processes of local adaptation – divergent natural selection, dispersal and gene flow, and other processes affecting adaptive differentiation of local demes. We advocate multifaceted approaches to the study of local adaptation, and stress the need for experiments explicitly addressing hypotheses about the role of particular ecological and genetic factors that promote or hinder local adaptation. Experimental evolution of replicated populations in controlled spatially heterogeneous environments allow direct tests of such hypotheses, and thus would be a valuable way to complement research on natural populations.  相似文献   

Summary Regressions of yields of cultivars upon means of sets of cultivars over diverse environments are often used as measures of stability/adaptability. Prolonged selection for performance in environments of high yield potential has generally led to unconscious selection for high regressions. If adaptation to poor environments is required (as it often is in Third World agriculture), common sense suggests that low regressions could be exploited for the purpose. Simulations show that systematic selection in the poor environment is required, not merely trials of potential cultivars after selection in a good environment. In effect, systematic exploitation of a GE interactions effect is proposed. The effects are large enough to reduce correlated responses in different environments to zero. Orderly experimental studies are needed but not available. What information there is does not disagree with the theory developed here.  相似文献   

Lu S 《植物学报(英文版)》2010,52(10):854-855
Although normally termed" plant secondary metabolism", the phrase" plant specialized metabolism" has become instruments, such as gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance.  相似文献   

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