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It is becoming increasingly accepted that gene loci comprise an extensive cis-regulatory system that encodes different layers of regulatory information, all of which are necessary to achieve and maintain tissue-specific gene expression in ontogeny. To gain a detailed understanding of developmental processes, it is clearly necessary to unravel the molecular basis behind the different regulatory processes that control gene expression. This information is also of utmost importance for any practical application that uses gene transfer technology.  相似文献   

Summary A 3-month-old boy with true microcephaly showed the same balanced reciprocal translocation 1q4p as his carrier mother. This reciprocal translocation had been transmitted for at least four generations. Different banding techniques allowed one to describe the rearrangement as: rcp t(1;4)(1pter 1q31::4p161 4pter; 4qter 4p153::1q321 1qter). On the other hand, the proband's father seemed to be a border-line mentally retarded and one of his relatives suffered from mental retardation of unknown origin. Taking into account all these results together with the current literature, it was concluded that the microcephaly appearing in our case could be due to the following two facts: (a) the father was an heterozygote for the gene for microcephaly, and (b) damage or a minute deletion on chromosome 1 between 1q31 and 1q321 bands could occur in the mother's family resulting in a mutation for microcephaly. If this was so, the gene for microcephaly should be located on chromosome 1 at the level of the 1q31–1q321 junction.  相似文献   

Is ZFY the sex-determining gene on the human Y chromosome?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sex-determining region of the human Y chromosome contains a gene, ZFY, that encodes a zinc-finger protein. ZFY may prove to be the testis-determining factor. There is a closely related gene, ZFX, on the human X chromosome. In most species of placental mammals, we detect two ZFY-related loci: one on the Y chromosome and one on the X chromosome. However, there are four ZFY-homologous loci in mouse: Zfy-1 and Zfy-2 map to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome, Zfx is on the mouse X chromosome, and a fourth locus is autosomal.  相似文献   

Three prostate cancer susceptibility genes have been reported to be linked to different regions on chromosome 1: HPC1 at 1q24-25, PCAP at 1q42-43, and CAPB at 1p36. Replication studies analyzing each of these regions have yielded inconsistent results. To evaluate linkage across this chromosome systematically, we performed multipoint linkage analyses with 50 microsatellite markers spanning chromosome 1 in 159 hereditary prostate cancer families (HPC), including 79 families analyzed in the original report describing HPC1 linkage. The highest lod scores for the complete dataset of 159 families were observed at 1q24-25 at which the parametric lod score assuming heterogeneity (hlod) was 2.54 (P=0.0006) with an allele sharing lod of 2.34 (P=0.001) at marker D1S413, although only weak evidence was observed in the 80 families not previously analyzed for this region (hlod=0.44, P=0.14, and allele sharing lod=0.67, P=0.08). In the complete data set, the evidence for linkage across this region was very broad, with allele sharing lod scores greater than 0.5 extending approximately 100 cM from 1p13 to 1q32, possibly indicating the presence of multiple susceptibility genes. Elsewhere on chromosome 1, some evidence of linkage was observed at 1q42-43, with a peak allele sharing lod of 0.56 (P=0.11) and hlod of 0.24 (P=0.25) at D1S235. For analysis of the CAPB locus at 1p36, we focused on six HPC families in our collection with a history of primary brain cancer; four of these families had positive linkage results at 1p36, with a peak allele sharing lod of 0.61 (P=0.09) and hlod of 0.39 (P=0.16) at D1S407 in all six families. These results are consistent with the heterogeneous nature of hereditary prostate cancer, and the existence of multiple loci on chromosome 1 for this disease.  相似文献   

For nephronophthisis (NPHP), the primary genetic cause of chronic renal failure in young adults, three loci have been mapped. To identify a new locus for NPHP, we here report on total-genome linkage analysis in seven families with NPHP, in whom we had excluded linkage to all three known NPHP loci. LOD scores >1 were obtained at nine loci, which were then fine mapped at 1-cM intervals. Extensive total-genome haplotype analysis revealed homozygosity in one family, in the region of the PCLN1 gene. Subsequent mutational analysis in this gene revealed PCLN1 mutations, thereby allowing exclusion of this family as a phenocopy. Multipoint linkage analysis for the remaining six families with NPHP together yielded a maximum LOD score (Zmax) of 8.9 (at D1S253). We thus identified a new locus, NPHP4, for nephronophthisis. Markers D1S2660 and D1S2642 are flanking NPHP4 at a 2.9-cM critical interval. In one family with NPHP4, extensive genealogical studies were conducted, revealing consanguinity during the 17th century. On the basis of haplotype sharing by descent, we obtained a multipoint Zmax of 5.8 for D1S253 in this kindred alone. In addition, we were able to localize to the NPHP4 locus a new locus for Senior-Løken syndrome, an NPHP variant associated with retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

On the sample of 43 gamma-ray and neutron-induced inversion or translocation exchanges with the vestigial (vg) phenotype, the molecular cytogenetic analysis of distribution of exchange breakpoints on the molecular map of Drosophila vg region (subsection 49D3-4 on the polytene chromosome 2R) was performed using hybridisation in situ technique. Simultaneously, PCR-assay of DNA alterations in all exons and introns (except for intron 4) of the vg gene for 18 mutants with exchange breakpoints outside of the gene was carried out. The results obtained by these molecular genetic techniques have shown that 1) radiation-induced breaks under chromosome exchanges with the vg phenotype were regularly located inside of the vg gene (19 cases out of 43 studied ones or 44.2%) passing through the large introns; 2) breakpoints were frequently flanked by deletions of the gene as whole (3 exchanges) or of its major part (3 exchanges); 3) many of the breaks (18/43 or 41.8%) are situated outside (distal or proximal) of the gene although such mutants have got the vg phenotype; 4) 2/3 (12/18 or 66.7%) vg mutants with the breakpoint outside of gene show the intragenic DNA lesions (microdeletions, microinversions) occurring obviously independently and simultaneously with the neighbor chromosome breaks; 5) only each third vg mutant with break outside of the gene (6/18 or 33.3%) have the unchanged gene subregions under study and presents obviously the result of "position effect" which appear to manifest itself for a distance of 2-30 kb (more near and farther locations of the proximal and distal breakpoints, respectively, relative to the vg gene). Our findings showing regular induction of the multiple genetic lesions (chromosome breaks and mutations of the adjacent genes) on the both ends of chromosome exchange induced by single track produced by gamma-rays or neutrons were discussed as a scientific basis for the conceptually new approaches to the assessment of both genetic damage numbers in the cell genome with chromosome exchange (the multiple genetic lesions) and radiation genetic risk (our molecular genetic approach showing the need for an increase of risk levels at least on a factor of 3 for the heritable chromosome alterations detected by the ordinary cytogenetic monitoring).  相似文献   

Contrasting results are usually reported in the literature regarding the factors influencing observed structuring of genetic variability. The goals of this study were, for five coral reef fishes in French Polynesia, (1) to infer the theoretical variance of single locus F(ST) estimates expected under neutrality in order to exclude outlier loci before inferring gene flow and (2) to test thereafter whether species laying pelagic eggs effectively disperse more than species laying benthic eggs in this system. For this purpose, a total of 952 individuals from five species belonging to two families (Chaetodontidae and Pomacentridae) were screened among populations sampled within a 60-600 km spatial range for intron length polymorphism at 11 loci in order to illuminate contrasting results previously published on allozymes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region polymorphisms. Statistically speaking, among the five species, four loci (three allozymes and one intron) were identified as outliers and discarded before interpretation of genetic differentiation in terms of effective dispersal. Biologically speaking, our results suggest that the observed genetic structure is not significantly related to the reproductive strategy of coral reef fish in the island system we analysed and that observed random genetic differentiation accommodates Wright's island model in all five species surveyed. Overall, our study emphasizes how cautious one has to be when trying to interpret present-day genetic structure in terms of gene flow while using a limited number of loci and/or different sets of loci.  相似文献   

The human Y chromosome contains a number of genes and gene families that are essential for germ cell development and maintenance. Many of these genes are located in highly repetitive elements that are subject to rearrangements. Deletion of azoospermia factor (AZF) regions AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc are found in approximately 10-15% of men with severe forms of spermatogenic failure. Several partial AZFc deletions have been described. One of these, which removes around half of all the genes within the AZFc region, appears to be present as an inconsequential polymorphism in populations of northern Eurasia. A second deletion, termed gr/gr, also results in the absence of several AZFc genes and it may be a genetic risk factor for spermatogenic failure. However, the link between these partial deletions and fertility is unclear. The gr/gr deletion is not a single deletion but a combination of deletions that vary in size and complexity and result in the absence of different genes. There are also regional or ethnic differences in the frequency of gr/gr deletions. In some Y-chromosome lineages, these deletions appear to be fixed and may have little influence on spermatogenesis. Most of these data (gene content and Y chromosome structure) have been deduced from the reference Y chromosome sequence deposited in NCBI. However, recently there have been attempts to define these types of structural rearrangements in the general population. These have highlighted the considerable degree of structural diversity that exist. Trying to correlate these changes with the phenotypic variability is a major challenge and it is likely that there will not be a single reference (or normal) Y chromosome sequence but many.  相似文献   

We sequenced the approximately 5-kb long gamma-globin gene locus from Tarsius bancanus and compared it to the published gamma-globin gene sequence from the related species Tarsius syrichta. The T. syrichta gene's promoter lacks the distal CCAAT box and has a point mutation in the functionally important proximal CCAAT box (CCgAT). This previous finding had suggested that in tarsiers the gamma-globin gene might be a nonexpressed pseudogene. The two tarsier species show the same point mutation at the third nucleotide of the proximal CCAAT element and absence of the distal CCAAT element. Nevertheless, our results indicate that in tarsiers the gamma-globin gene is active, since all three coding regions show only synonymous substitutions and a much lower level of divergence than the noncoding regions. This is significantly different from what would be expected for a silent gene evading stabilizing selection. Thus, we hypothesize that the tarsier's gamma-globin gene locus is expressed even with the mutation in the proximal CCAAT box.  相似文献   

In this paper the well-known non-random associations between Lap and Pept-1 loci and gene arrangements of chromosome O are studied in laboratory populations of D. subobscura. An increase of the frequency of the allele Lap 1.00, towards an equilibrium point (0.70), was found to be associated with an increase of the gene arrangement O3+4. This is an accordance to the associations found in natural populations. On the contrary no such an increase was observed in populations polymorphic for Lap and Pep-1 loci but homokaryotypic for gene arrangement O3+4+8 differing in the initial allele frequencies at these loci. Although epistatic selection cannot be completely ruled out, our results are better explained under the assumption of neutrality.  相似文献   

Advanced age is the largest risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD), a disease in which susceptibility correlates to almost all hallmarks of aging. Shared genetic signatures between LOAD and longevity were frequently hypothesized, likely characterized by distinctive epistatic and pleiotropic interactions. Here, we applied a multidimensional reduction approach to detect gene–gene interactions affecting LOAD in a large dataset of genomic variants harbored by genes in the insulin/IGF1 signaling, DNA repair, and oxidative stress pathways, previously investigated in human longevity. The dataset was generated from a collection of publicly available Genome Wide Association Studies, comprising a total of 2,469 gene variants genotyped in 20,766 subjects of Northwestern European ancestry (11,038 LOAD cases and 9,728 controls). The stratified analysis according to APOE*4 status and sex corroborated evidence that pathways leading to longevity also contribute to LOAD. Among the significantly interacting genes, PTPN1, TXNRD1, and IGF1R were already found enriched in gene–gene interactions affecting survival to old age. Furthermore, interacting variants associated with LOAD in a sex- and APOE-specific way. Indeed, while in APOE*4 female carriers we found several inter-pathway interactions, no significant epistasis was found in APOE*4 negative females; conversely, in males, significant intra- and inter-pathways epistasis emerged according to APOE*4 status. These findings suggest that interactions of risk factors may drive different trajectories of cognitive aging. Beyond helping to disentangle the genetic architecture of LOAD, such knowledge may improve precision in predicting the risk of dementia and enable effective sex- and APOE-stratified preventive and therapeutic interventions for LOAD.  相似文献   

Summary Among the DNA repair mutants of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the rad6 mutants are characterized by a highly pleiotropic phenotype. Most remarkably, these mutants are sensitive towards a variety of DNA-damaging agents and deficient in mutation induction. The RAD6 gene has been cloned and most recently, ubiquitin-conjugating activity of the Rad6 protein has been demonstrated. In this brief review, the properties of rad6 mutants are discussed in the light of these new findings. The available data hint at a connection between DNA repair, mutagenesis, chromosome structure and protein degradation.  相似文献   

Kuo CH  Avise JC 《Genetica》2008,132(3):219-225
One of the fundamental assumptions in the multi-locus approach to phylogeographic studies is that unlinked loci have independent genealogies. For this reason, congruence among gene trees from unlinked loci is normally interpreted as support for the existence of external forces that may have concordantly shaped the topology of multiple gene trees. However, it is also important to address and quantify the possibility that gene trees within a given species are all inherently constrained to some degree by their shared organismal pedigree, and thus in this strict sense are not entirely independent. Here we demonstrate by computer simulations that gene trees from a shared pedigree tend to display higher topological concordance than do gene trees from independent pedigrees with the same demographic parameters, but we also show that these constraining effects are normally minor in comparison to the much higher degree of topological concordance that can routinely emerge from external phylogeographic shaping forces. The topology-constraining effect of a shared pedigree decreases as effective population size increases, and becomes almost negligible in a random mating population of more than 1,000 individuals. Moreover, statistical detection of the pedigree effect requires a relatively large number of unlinked loci that far exceed what is typically used in current phylogeographic studies. Thus, with the possible exception of extremely small populations, multiple unlinked genes within a pedigree can indeed be assumed, for most practical purposes, to have independent genealogical histories.  相似文献   

Genomic organization of the complex α-gliadin gene loci in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To better understand the molecular evolution of the large -gliadin gene family, a half-million bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library clones from tetraploid durum wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (2n=4x=28, genome AB), were screened for large genomic segments carrying the -gliadin genes of the Gli-2 loci on the group 6 homoeologous chromosomes. The resulting 220 positive BAC clones—each containing between one and four copies of -gliadin sequences—were fingerprinted for contig assembly to produce contiguous chromosomal regions covering the Gli-2 loci. While contigs consisting of as many as 21 BAC clones and containing up to 17 -gliadin genes were formed, many BAC clones remained as singletons. The accuracy of the order of BAC clones in the contigs was verified by Southern hybridization analysis of the BAC fingerprints using an -gliadin probe. These results indicate that -gliadin genes are not evenly dispersed in the Gli-2 locus regions. Hybridization of these BACs with probes for long terminal repeat retrotransposons was used to determine the abundance and distribution of repetitive DNA in this region. Sequencing of BAC ends indicated that 70% of the sequences were significantly similar to different classes of retrotransposons, suggesting that these elements are abundant in this region. Several mechanisms underlying the dynamic evolution of the Gli-2 loci are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Using cloned cDNA for human 2-macroglobulin (A2M) as a probe, mink-Chinese hamster hybrid cells were analysed. The results allowed us to assign a gene for A2M to mink chromosome 9. Breeding tests demonstrated that the Lpm-locus coding for other related -macroglobulin protein and the gene for peptidase B (PEPB) are linked 11±3 cm apart. The PEPB gene is located on mink chromosome 9, and hence, the Lpw-locus is on the same mink chromosome. The relationship of the genetic systems controlling the isotypically different -macroglobulins in mink serum are discussed.  相似文献   

The Holliday junction (HJ) is a central intermediate of homologous recombination. Its cleavage is critical for the formation of crossover recombinants during meiosis, which in turn helps to establish chiasmata and promote genetic diversity. Enzymes that cleave HJs, called HJ resolvases, have been identified in all domains of life except eukaryotic nuclei. Controversially, the Mus81-Eme1 endonuclease has been proposed to be an example of a eukaryotic nuclear resolvase. However, hitherto little or no HJ cleavage has been detected in recombinant preparations of Mus81-Eme1. Here, we report the purification of active forms of recombinant Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mus81-Eme1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mus81-Mms4, which display robust HJ cleavage in vitro, which, in the case of Mus81-Eme1, is as good as the archetypal HJ resolvase RuvC in single turnover kinetic analysis. We also present genetic evidence that suggests that this activity might be utilised as a back-up to Mus81-Eme1's main activity of cleaving nicked HJs during meiosis in S. pombe.  相似文献   

A two year-old child presented with mild developmental delay. On karyotype analysis, a supernumerary small marker chromosome (SMC) was found in all cells examined. This SMC was approximately the size of an isochromosome 18p, being symmetrical with a central constriction. C-banding and silver staining were negative and FISH with all chromosome-specific paints, centromere probes and telomere probes showed no hybridization to the SMC; telomere repeat sequences were however present on both arms. Comparative genomic hybridization showed no amplification of any chromosome region. Flow sorting of the SMC and reverse painting onto normal metaphase spreads showed no hybridization to any chromosome, whereas reverse painting onto the patient's own metaphases showed hybridization to the SMC only. This SMC may thus represent either a complex amplicon of different genomic regions, or a multifold amplification of a very small region, with a neocentromere comprising an active kinetochore but no alphoid DNA. Prognostic implications for the proband were difficult to assess due to the absence of reports of similar marker chromosomes in the literature.  相似文献   

The cohesin complex is best known for its role in sister chromatid cohesion. Over the past few years, it has become apparent that cohesin also regulates gene expression, but the mechanisms by which it does so are unknown. Recently, three groups mapped numerous cohesin-binding sites in mammalian chromosomes and found substantial overlap with the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF).1-3 CTCF is an insulator protein that blocks enhancer-promoter interactions, and the investigators found that cohesin also contributes to this activity. Thus, these studies demonstrate at least one mechanism by which cohesin can control gene expression.  相似文献   

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