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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fungus farming is an unusual life style in insects that has evolved many times in the wood boring weevils named 'ambrosia beetles'. Multiple occurrences of this behaviour allow for a detailed comparison of the different origins of fungus farming through time, its directionality, and possible ancestral states. We tested these hypotheses with a phylogeny representing the largest data set to date, nearly 4 kb of nucleotides from COI, EF-1alpha, CAD, ArgK, 28S, and 200 scolytine taxa. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses using Bayesian or parsimony approaches placed the root of Scolytinae close to the tribe Scolytini and Microborus, but otherwise indicated low resolution at older nodes. More recent clades were well resolved, including ten origins of fungus farming. There were no subsequent reversals to bark or phloem feeding in the fungus farming clades. The oldest origin of fungus farming was estimated near 50 Ma, long after the origin of Scolytinae (100-120 Ma). Younger origins included the species rich Xyleborini, dated to 21 Ma. Sister group comparisons and test of independence between traits indicated that neither gregarious larval feeding nor regular inbreeding by sibling mating was strongly correlated with the origin of fungus farming. CONCLUSION: Origins of fungus farming corresponded mainly with two periods of global warming in the Cenozoic era, which were characterised by broadly distributed tropical forests. Hence, it seems likely that warm climates and expanding tropical angiosperm forests played critical roles in the successful radiation of diverse fungus farming groups. However, further investigation will likely reveal additional biological factors that promote fungus farming.  相似文献   

Insects that depend on microbial mutualists evolved a variety of organs to transport the microsymbionts while dispersing. The ontogeny and variability of such organs is rarely studied, and the microsymbiont*s effects on the animal tissue development remain unknown in most cases. Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae or Platypodinae) and their mutualistic fungi are an ideal system to study the animalfungus interactions. While the interspecific diversity of their fungus transport organ一 mycangia—is well-known, their developmental plasticity has been poorly described. To determine the ontogeny of the mycangium and the influence of the symbiotic fungus on the tissue development, we dissected by hand or scanned with micro-CT the mycangia in various developmental stages in five Xylosandrus ambrosia beetle species that possess a large, mesonotal mycangium: Xylosandrus amputatus. Xylosandrus compactus, Xylosandrus crassiusculus, Xylosandrus discolor, and Xylosandrus germanus. We processed 181 beetle samples from the United States and China. All five species displayed three stages of the mycangium development:(1) young teneral adults had an empty, deflated and cryptic mycangium without fungal mass;(2) in fully mature adults during dispersal, the promesonotal membrane was inflated, and most individuals developed a mycangium mostly filled with the symbiont, though size and symmetry varied;and (3) after successful establishment of their new galleries, most females discharged the bulk of the fun gal inoculum and deflated the mycangium. Experimental aposymbiotic individuals demonstrated that the pronotal membrane invaginated independently of the presence of the fungus, but the fungus was required for inflation. Mycangia are more dynamic than previously thought, and their morphological changes correspond to the phases of the symbiosis. Importantly, studies of the fungal symbionts or plant pathogen transmission in ambrosia beetles need to consider which developmental stage to sample. We provide illustrations of the different stages, including microphotography of dissections and micro-CT scans.  相似文献   

Some parameters of nitrogen utilization between the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus dispar in mutualistic association with its symbiotic fungus Ambrosiella hartigii, were examined. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the major nitrogenous excretory products were made on the various life stages of X. dispar. The main nitrogenous product found in excreta and hindguts of beetles, larvae, and pupae, was uric acid (range 7·6–14·8 μg uric acid/beetle). No ninhydrin-positive compounds were located in excreta of the beetles. The concentration of ammonia-nitrogen in the various life stages averaged between 0·70 and 1·13 μg NH3-N/beetle.Total nitrogen determinations were made on sapwood samples of Malus sylvestris (0·34 ± 0·005% N by dry weight), attacked wood, ‘pre-brood’ (0·31 ± 0·005% N by dry weight), and attacked wood ‘post-brood’ (0·17 ± 0·02% N). Similar determinations of the artificial medium (l-asparagine medium) indicated that a nitrogen requirement of about 0·08–0·1% N by dry weight was necessary before oviposition could occur.Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by individual X. dispar beetles in vitro was not indicated using the acetylene ethylene reductase method. Proteolytic enzyme activity was not found on examination of diapause beetles, their excreta, larval and pupal excreta, and the ambrosial and mycelial forms of A. hartigii.Comparative concentrations of soluble proteins and free amino acids suggested that fungus in the mycangia was built up from free amino acids of the insects. At the period of emergence, flight, and attack of new hosts, the females were found to have a concentration of soluble proteins more than double that found in the beetles during the remainder of the year. The free amino acids were the lowest values recorded during this period (March–October).  相似文献   

Although chemical volatiles emitted from host and non-host trees have been suggested as important cues for bark and ambrosia beetles, their responses to leaf volatiles is poorly understood. The oak ambrosia beetle, Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a vector for the fungus that causes Japanese oak wilt. Using a Y-tube olfactometer, we tested the behavioral response of P. quercivorus to leaf volatiles emitted from four host trees – Quercus crispula Blume, Quercus serrata Murray, Quercus salicina Blume, and Castanea crenata Sieb. & Zucc. (all Fagaceae) – and two non-host trees, Fagus crenata Blume (Fagaceae) and Cryptomeria japonica D. Don (Cupressaceae). A flight mill was used to evaluate the effect of flight on the behavioral response to leaf volatiles. The bioassays were repeated 10× before and 10× after flight in the flight mill for each of the 54 individual beetles. Leaf volatile components were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The bioassay results supported our hypothesis: P. quercivorus was attracted by the leaf volatiles of hosts and was deterred by the leaf volatiles of non-hosts. The behavioral response of P. quercivorus to the leaf volatiles was stronger after flight. Males had a stronger behavioral response than females to leaf volatiles. The leaf volatile chemical profile of the non-host C. japonica differed from the profile of the host plants. However, the chemical profile of the non-host F. crenata was similar to the profile of the hosts. Our findings provide insight into the functions of leaf chemical volatiles in the interaction of P. quercivorus with its hosts and non-hosts and may help improve the control of P. quercivorus and Japanese oak wilt.  相似文献   

The attractiveness of ultra high release ethanol lures to ambrosia beetles in Slovakian oak forests was tested from 2010 to 2012. A total of 24,705 specimens were captured during this three year period with Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg, 1837) representing 49.28% (12,174 specimens) of the total. Other dominant species captured in the traps were Anisandrus dispar (F., 1792) (27.84%), Xyleborus monographus (F., 1792) (9.72%) and Trypodendron signatum (F., 1792) (6.04%). During this experiment, Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894) was detected for the first time in Slovakia with an increase in capture each year (19, 40 and 77 specimens, respectively). Flight period for ambrosia beetles in Slovakia occurs from the beginning of April through the end of September. This is the first time that ethanol baited traps were deployed in Slovakian oak forests and the lures were an effective tool for monitoring native and non-native ambrosia beetles.  相似文献   

  1. Ambrosia beetles exhibit broad host ranges but a narrow preference based on the condition of the host. Tissues infected by pathogens or containing ethanol can facilitate attacks by ambrosia beetles, although it still remains unclear how these factors interact.
  2. The present study aimed to examine how (i) chestnut logs infected with the fungal pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica and treated with ethanol (i.e. baited with ethanol lure, soaked in ethanol or untreated) and (ii) hornbeam logs soaked in different ethanol concentrations (3–12.5%) affect host selection and colonization success of ambrosia beetles.
  3. Ethanol‐soaked logs were more attractive to Anisandrus dispar than ethanol‐baited logs or untreated logs, although this difference was more evident in uninfected than infected logs. Increasing ethanol concentration in host tissues was differentially attractive to Xyleborinus saxesenii and Xylosandrus germanus. A nonlinear relationship was also documented between ethanol concentration and emergence of X. germanus adults.
  4. Overall, the results obtained suggest that the presence of C. parasitica in chestnut logs can affect host selection in ambrosia beetles. In addition, the ethanol concentration in tree tissues affects host selection and colonization success, although the effect varies depending on the beetle species. This contrasting response could be a niche‐partitioning mechanism based on ethanol within host tissues.

The introduction of non-native ambrosia beetles can cause severe damage in forest ecosystems. Understanding the environmental drivers affecting their invasion at the local scale is of utmost importance to enhancing management strategies. Our objectives were: (1) to determine the influence of forest composition, forest structure, and climate on invasion success of non-native ambrosia beetles in deciduous temperate forests, and (2) to test the effect of host tree species on colonization success by non-native ambrosia beetles. In 2013, we sampled 25 forest stands located in North-East Italy belonging to three forest types dominated respectively by hop hornbeam, chestnut, and beech. Both ethanol-baited traps and trap-logs of five tree species (hop hornbeam, chestnut, beech, manna ash, and black locust) were used to sample non-native and native ambrosia beetle communities. We found a clear effect of forest composition on non-native species richness and activity-density, as measured in ethanol-baited traps, both of which were higher in chestnut-dominated forests. Furthermore, we found a positive effect of temperature on both the number of trapped non-native species and their activity-density, with cold temperatures limiting beetle spread in high-elevation forests. Only Xylosandrus germanus successfully colonized the trap-logs. The number of colonized logs was higher for chestnut and in chestnut-dominated forests. Both trapping and log-baiting indicated that chestnut-dominated forests were at greater risk of invasion than hop hornbeam- and beech-dominated forests. Given the economic and ecological importance of chestnut, ambrosia beetle communities present in chestnut-dominated forests should be monitored to determine where protective measures must be taken.  相似文献   

Different species of African dung beetles emerge from the soil at characteristic times of the day to fly and colonize the freshly-deposited dung of mammalian herbivores. Onitine dung beetles in their natural habitat displayed one of five distinctive daily flight behaviours: dusk crepuscular (Onitis alexis Klug, O. caffer Boheman, O. fulgidus Klug, O. tortuosus Houston, O. vanderkelleni Lansberge, O. westermanni Lansberge); dusk/dawn crepuscular (O. pecuarius Lansberge and O. viridulus Boheman); dusk/dawn crepuscular and nocturnal (O. aygulus (Fabricius), O. mendax Gillet, O. uncinatus Klug); late afternoon-dusk and dawn-early morning [Heteronitis castelnaui (Harold)]; or diurnal flight activity [O. belial (Fabricius), O. ion (Olivier)]. These diagnostic daily flight behaviours span a light intensity range of over 6 orders of magnitude and have been retained in selected species introduced into Australia. Ambient light intensity appears to be the primary determinant of the daily flight period in onitine dung beetles. Because the dung of mobile herbivores is rapidly exploited by onitine species for feeding and breeding purposes, different flight behaviours result in a spatial and temporal partitioning of species in the local dung beetle community. The timing of flight may contribute to, or lead to avoidance of, competition between species which may ultimately affect colonization success. Many onitines show a strong preference for dung of specific herbivores, which may further reduce interspecific competition. All crepuscular-nocturnal species examined raised their thoracic temperatures endothermically to between 35°C and 40°C before the onset of flight. In O. aygulus the thoracic temperature excess was as large as 19.3°C. The thermal threshold below which the frequency of flight onsets drops off rapidly is about 12°C for O. aygulus and 17°C for O. alexis and O. pecuarius. Radiant loss of body heat during cool nights and dawns may explain why smaller species (<0.4 g body weight), in particular, are adapted behaviourally so that they fly only during the day or early dusk.  相似文献   

1 Sudden oak death is caused by the apparently introduced oomycete, Phytophthora ramorum. We investigated the role of bark and ambrosia beetles in disease progression in coast live oaks Quercus agrifolia. 2 In two Marin County, California sites, 80 trees were inoculated in July 2002 with P. ramorum and 40 were wounded without inoculation. Half of the trees in each group were sprayed with the insecticide permethrin [cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, 3‐(2,2‐dichloroethenyl)‐2,2‐dimethyl‐(3‐phenoxyphenyl) methyl ester] to prevent ambrosia and bark beetle attacks, and then were sprayed twice per year thereafter. After each treatment, sticky traps were placed on only the permethrin‐treated trees. Beetles were collected periodically in 2003. 3 Inoculated trees accounted for 95% of all beetles trapped. The ambrosia beetles Monarthrum scutellare and Xyleborinus saxeseni and the western oak bark beetle Pseudopityophthorus pubipennis were the most abundant of the seven species trapped. 4 Permethrin treatment delayed initiation of beetle attacks and significantly reduced the mean number of attacks per tree. Beetles did not attack any wounded or noncankered inoculated trees. 5 Trees with larger cankers trapped more beetles early in the disease. Once permethrin lost effectiveness, the number of beetle entrance tunnels was a more reliable predictor of subsequent trap catch than was canker size. 6 Beetles were initially attracted to P. ramorum cankers in response to kairomones generated in the host‐pathogen interaction. After beetles attacked the permethrin‐treated trees, aggregation pheromones most probably were the principal factor in beetle colonization behaviour.  相似文献   

In vivo bone strain experiments were performed on the ulnae of three female rhesus macaques to test how the bone deforms during locomotion. The null hypothesis was that, in an animal moving its limbs predominantly in sagittal planes, the ulna experiences anteroposterior bending. Three rosette strain gauges were attached around the circumference of the bone slightly distal to midshaft. They permit a complete characterization of the ulna's loading environment. Strains were recorded during walking and galloping activities. Principal strains and strain directions relative to the long axis of the bone were calculated for each gauge site. In all three animals, the lateral cortex experienced higher tensile than compressive principal strains during the stance phase of walking. Compressive strains predominated at the medial cortex of two animals (the gauge on this cortex of the third animal did not function). The posterior cortex was subject to lower strains; the nature of the strain was highly dependent on precise gauge position. The greater principal strains were aligned closely with the long axis of the bone in two animals, whereas they deviated up to 45° from the long axis in the third animal. A gait change from walk to gallop was recorded for one animal. It was not accompanied by an incremental change in strain magnitudes. Strains are at the low end of the range of strain magnitudes recorded for walking gaits of nonprimate mammals. The measured distribution of strains in the rhesus monkey ulna indicates that mediolateral bending, rather than anteroposterior bending, is the predominant loading regime, with the neutral axis of bending running from anterior and slightly medial to posterior and slightly lateral. A variable degree of torsion was superimposed over this bending regime. Ulnar mediolateral bending is apparently caused by a ground reaction force vector that passes medial to the forearm. The macaque ulna is not reinforced in the plane of bending. The lack of buttressing in the loaded plane and the somewhat counterintuitive bending direction recommend caution with regard to conventional interpretations of long bone cross-sectional geometry. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:87–100, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

M. A. Baars 《Oecologia》1979,44(1):125-140
Summary Tracking of individual 192Ir-labeled ground beetles released in the field revealed that both the day-active and night-active species studied showed periods of small distances covered per day in random directions, alternating with periods of directed movement with large distances covered per day. This pattern occurred not only in the reproductive period but outside the breeding season as well in juvenile Pterostichus versicolor and spent Calathus melanocephalus. Although mean locomotory activity increased with temperature, great daily differences occurred between individuals, pointing to asynchronous behavior. In an unfavorable habitat directed movement occurred both more frequently and more extremely, sometimes resulting in escape to more favorable areas. Most of the radioactive beetles died within 7 weeks due to radiation effects, but independent field experiments and simulations showed that the recorded patterns were valid. Simulated individuals of P. versicolor living on 1 ha spread over 49 ha, whereas simulated C. melanocephalus covered only 9 ha after one activity season. Normal locomotory activities lead to both exchange of individuals between subpopulations and dispersal out of the habitat. The significance of these phenomena for population stability and for the survival of the species is discussed.Communication no. 184 of the Biological Station of the Agricultural University (Wageningen), Wijster (Drenthe), The Netherlands  相似文献   

Summary The acu-1 locus in Coprinus is the structural gene for acetyl-CoA synthetase. Five suppressor gene mutations, which suppress the acu-1,34 missense allele, were induced by mutagen treatment. All five suppressors were shown to have properties expected for tRNA structural gene mutations: they are recessive, they show a gene dosage effect in any doubly heterozygous combination of two sup + mutations and they are allele specific in action.Crosses between suppressed mutants established that at least four suppressor loci were represented. Doubly suppressed mutants derived from these crosses were used to show that the gene dosage effect is maintained when two sup + mutations are in cis as well as trans combinations in the two nuclei of the basidiomycete dikaryon.Extracts of the unsuppressed acu-1.34 mutant contained less than 2% of wild type acetyl-CoA synthetase activity whereas extracts of four of the five suppressor strains showed activities ranging from 28 to 37% of wild type. Only a slight increase in activity was detected in the fifth suppressor strain but this was associated with a temperature sensitive sup + phenotype. All five sup + mutations restored the ability of the acu-1.34 mutant to induce isocitrate lyase, an enzyme which, under the conditions of growth used, can only be induced when acetyl-CoA synthetase activity is present. Thus all five suppressors act to restore normal acu-1 protein function.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus spp. plantations represent >60% of the reforested area in Brazil. Although ambrosia beetle attacks on live trees were at first nonexistent, they have begun to appear with greater frequency. Monitoring for pest insects is a key factor in integrated pest management, and baited traps are one of the most widely used methods for insect population detection and survey. We compared the efficiency of the most widely used trap in Brazil to survey for ambrosia beetles and other Scolytidae, the ESALQ-84 type, with other traditionally employed traps: the multiple funnel (Lindgren trap); drainpipe; and slot (Theyson) traps, in a Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden stand in Brazil. The ESALQ-84 trap was the most efficient in trapping Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood and Hypothenemus obscurus (F.); the multiple funnel trap caught significantly more Cryptocarenus diadematus Eggers; whereas the slot trap caught more Premnobius cavipennis Eichhoff and Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff than the other traps. The drainpipe trap was the least effective trap overall. When corrected for number of beetles caught per trap surface area, catches were significantly higher on the ESALQ-84 trap for the majority of the species analyzed, probably because of a smaller trap surface area. The slot trap was recommended for it caught overall more beetles of the three most economically important scolytid species in eucalypt plantations in Brazil, P. cavipennis, X. affinis, and X. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

Forest insect pests are one of the major disturbance factors in forest ecosystems and their outbreaks are expected to be more severe under the influence of global warming. Coleopterans are dominant among forest insects and their ecological functions include general detritivores, dead wood feeders, fungivores, herbivores, live wood feeders and predators. Ambrosia and bark beetles contribute to ecological succession of forests and, therefore, ecological functions of forests can be changed in response to their outbreaks. Mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreaks are the most dramatic example of changes in the ecological functions of forest due to the outbreak of a forest insect pest altered by global warming. Composition of coleopteran species varies with latitude. However, composition of functional groups is consistent with latitude which indicates that resources available to beetles are consistent. In coleopteran communities, ambrosia and bark beetles can become dominant due to increases of dead or stressed trees due to the warming climate. This can also induce changes in the ecological functions of coleopterans, i.e. selective force to displace trees that have lower ecological fitness due to temperature increase. Therefore, recent increases in the density ambrosia and bark beetles offer a chance to study ecological processes in forests under the influence of global warming.  相似文献   

The extraordinary array of mating systems in the Scolytidae and Platypodidae has been largely overlooked by researchers interested in the evolution of sexual behaviour. This paper provides the first overview of reproductive behaviour in this important and widespread group, known to most biologists only by the reputations of tree-killing taxa. Referred to generally as ‘bark beetles’, these insects chew egg tunnels inside a variety of (usually dead) plant tissues, though most species are either phloeophagous (breeding in the inner bark of woody plants) or xylomycetophagous (all stages feeding on mutualistic fungi growing on sapwood or heartwood). In most species, permanent records of many aspects of reproductive behaviour are etched in the host; in many, engravings reveal female fecundity, eggs sired per male, hatching success, and offspring survivorship. Each gallery arm represents a good portion of a given female's lifetime reproduction, but in many species females commonly re-emerge to reproduce in one or two additional sites. In most species of bark beetles, each female initiates her own gallery, to be joined later by a male. These monogynous gallery systems are associated with mating systems defined by how long males stay with females: in a few species, males seldom if ever join females under the bark; in the vast majority of species, males stay for part or all of the oviposition period then leave to seek other mates; and a few groups exhibit permanent monogamy, in that both sexes die in their only gallery system. While these patterns emerge from an overview of the world scolytid fauna, the length of male residency has seldom been quantified, and the costs and benefits associated with male mating strategies have not been measured for any bark beetle. Male-initiated monogyny is uncommon in Scolytidae, though the rule in Platypodidae; all instances of which I am aware are summarized from a phylogenetic perspective. Inbreeding polygyny with highly biased sex ratios has arisen at least seven times in Scolytidae. These taxa are usually characterized by males being dwarfed, flightless, and uncommon. Sex determination is known for only a few examples, but both haplodiploidy and diplodiploidy have been reported. Multiple origins of harem polygyny (otherwise rare in invertebrates) add an exciting dimension to the comparative and experimental study of scolytid mating systems. In harem polygynous taxa, males initiate gallery construction. I summarize what little can be learned from the literature about the fine structure of harem polygynous mating systems in bark beetles, and the problem of measuring reproductive success. Data on the nature of harem polygyny in Pityophthorus lautus are presented, illustrating (a) the fluidity of harems; (b) that average eggs laid per gallery arm is relatively unaffected by harem size, but strongly influenced by resource quality; (c) that male egg-gain is strongly correlated with territory quality (a consequence of (b) above); and (d) the temporal patterning of immigration and emigration and its effects on gallery system sex ratios. The second half of this paper is a discussion of the evolution of bark and ambrosia beetle mating Mating systems, emphasizing sexual selection and the role of resources. Male, residence is interpreted as postcopulalory guarding—preventing sexual liaisons with wandering males. Operational sex ratio, encounter rate, synchrony of breeding, ejaculate competition, and spatiotemporal distribution of resources are discussed as evolutionary forces moulding scolytid and platypodid male postmating behaviour. The nature of male male competition is reviewed. The paucity of information on male behaviour in gallery systems is mentioned; whether or not males significantly aid females is not known. Three hypotheses are presented for why females re-emerge, a feature which strongly affects operational sex ratios. Finally, I summarize features of bark beetle existence predisposing them to the evolution of post-inseminative guarding. Male-initiated monogyny presents a puzzle. I propose that most uncontested examples can be explained by monogyny re-evolving from (male-initiated) harem polygyny, and I present an argument for the evolution of harem polygyny leading to the development of male gallery initiation. The evolution of harem polygyny in birds and mammals has attracted considerable attention. The Verner Willson Orians polygyny threshold model is discussed with respect to bark beetles in general and P. lautus in particular. Resource quality is a major factor in P. lautus harem dynamics: the cost to females of joining harems is apparently slight compared to benefits accrued from moving into sites with higher quality inner bark. Female-biased adult sex ratios have been suggested to lead to harem polygyny, and literature and original data pertinent to this hypothesis are examined. The geometric constraints model, based on the polygyny threshold concept but tailored to bark beetles, is proposed to account for the failure of most species to evolve harem polygyny, and testable predictions are derived that interrelate breeding systems, habitat quality, and progeny size. The evolution of Inbreeding is briefly covered, and two routes to inbreeding polygyny are suggested.  相似文献   

The strain environment of the tibial midshaft of two female macaques was evaluated through in vivo bone strain experiments using three rosette gauges around the circumference of the bones. Strains were collected for a total of 123 walking and galloping steps as well as several climbing cycles. Principal strains and the angle of the maximum (tensile) principal strain with the long axis of the bone were calculated for each gauge site. In addition, the normal strain distribution throughout the cross section was determined from the longitudinal normal strains (strains in the direction of the long axis of the bone) at each of the three gauge sites, and at the corresponding cross-sectional geometry of the bone. This strain distribution was compared with the cross-sectional properties (area moments) of the midshaft. For both animals, the predominant loading regime was found to be bending about an oblique axis running from anterolateral to posteromedial. The anterior and part of the medial cortex are in tension; the posterior and part of the lateral cortex are in compression. The axis of bending does not coincide with the maximum principal axis of the cross section, which runs mediolaterally. The bones are not especially buttressed in the plane of bending, but offer the greatest strength anteroposteriorly. The cross-sectional geometry therefore does not minimize strain or bone tissue. Peak tibial strains are slightly higher than the peak ulnar strains reported earlier for the same animals (Demes et al. [1998] Am J Phys Anthropol 106:87-100). Peak strains for both the tibia and the ulna are moderate in comparison to strains recorded during walking and galloping activities in nonprimate mammals.  相似文献   

Fungi in the orders Ophiostomatales and Microascales (Ascomycota), often designated as ophiostomatoid fungi, are frequent associates of scolytine bark and ambrosia beetles that colonize hardwood and coniferous trees. Several species, e.g., Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, are economically damaging pathogens of trees. Because little is known regarding the ophiostomatoid fungi in Europe, we have explored the diversity of these fungi associated with hardwood-infesting beetles in Poland. This study aims to clarify the associations between fungi in the genera Ambrosiella, Graphium (Microascales), Graphilbum, Leptographium, Ophiostoma and Sporothrix (Ophiostomatales) and their beetle vectors in hardwood ecosystems. Samples associated with 18 bark and ambrosia beetle species were collected from 11 stands in Poland. Fungi were isolated from adult beetles and galleries. Isolates were identified based on morphology, DNA sequence comparisons for five gene regions (ITS, LSU, ßT, TEF 1-α, and CAL) and phylogenetic analyses. In total, 36 distinct taxa were identified, including 24 known and 12 currently unknown species. Several associations between fungi and bark and ambrosia beetles were recorded for the first time. In addition, associations between Dryocoetes alni, D. villosus, Hylesinus crenatus, Ernoporus tiliae, Pteleobius vittatus and ophiostomatoid fungi were reported for the first time, and Sporothrix eucastanea was reported for the first time outside of the USA. Among the species of Ophiostomatales, 14 species were in Ophiostoma s. l., two species were in Graphilbum, nine species were in Sporothrix, and seven species were in Leptographium s. l. Among the species of Microascales, three species were in Graphium, and one was in Ambrosiella. Twenty taxa were present on the beetles and in the galleries, twelve only on beetles, and four only in galleries. Bark and ambrosia beetles from hardwoods appear to be regular vectors, with ophiostomatoid fungi present in all the beetle species. Most ophiostomatoid species had a distinct level of vector/host specificity, although Ophiostoma quercus, the most frequently encountered species, also had the greatest range of beetle vectors and tree hosts. Plant pathogenic O. novo-ulmi was found mainly in association with elm-infesting bark beetles (Scolytus multistriatus, S. scolytus, and P. vittatus) and occasionally with H. crenatus on Fraxinus excelsior and with Scolytus intricatus on Quercus robur.  相似文献   

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