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The effects of lethal and sub-lethal high temperatures on the morphology of intact flight muscle sarcosomes of adult Calliphora erythrocephala are described. Treatment of adult flies to lethal temperatures results in ultrastructural changes in the organisation of the cristae and the appearance of electron opaque inclusions. These changes have not been observed after sub-lethal heat treatment, when 50% of the animals recover. It is suggested that changes in the ultrastructure of the intact sarcosomes may be correlated with changes in their ability to couple oxidative phosphorylation with α-glycerophosphate. Age-dependent changes in the sensitivity of sarcosomes are related to changes in the heat death point of the animal and suggest that the impairment of sarcosomal function may be one of the primary lesions in heat death of adult C. erythrocephala.  相似文献   

By means of morphological methods the mechanisms of thanatogenesis were studied in 57 white mice after the hematoporphyrin derivative administration and xenon lamp radiation imitating the sun spectrum. In dependence of integrative doses of sensitized photoradiation and individual resistance of the organism there was observed immediate (hours), retained (days) and remote (weeks) death of animals. In the first two groups death came as a result of photocoagulation of plasma proteins and toxemic shock with liver, lung and brain injury, and in the third group--as a result of suppurative resorptive intoxication against the background of ulcerous skin necrosis.  相似文献   

Studies on amyloid beta (Aβ|), the peptide thought to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, have implicated mitochondria in Aβ-mediated neurotoxicity. We used differentiated PC12 cells stably transfected with an inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein containing an N'-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence (mtGFP), to examine the effects of sub-lethal Aβ on the import of nuclear-encoded proteins to mitochondria. Exposure to sub-lethal Aβ25–35 (10 μmol/L) for 48 h inhibited mtGFP import to mitochondria; average rates decreased by 20 ± 4%. Concomitant with the decline in mtGFP, cytoplasmic mtGFP increased significantly while mtGFP expression and intramitochondrial mtGFP turnover were unchanged. Sub-lethal Aβ1–42 inhibited mtGFP import and increased cytoplasmic mtGFP but only after 96 h. The import of two endogenous nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins, mortalin/mtHsp70 and Tom20 also declined. Prior to the decline in import, mitochondrial membrane potential (mmp), and reactive oxygen species levels were unchanged in Aβ-treated cells versus reverse phase controls. Sustained periods of decreased import were associated with decreased mmp, increased reactive oxygen species, increased vulnerability to oxygen-glucose deprivation and altered mitochondrial morphology. These findings suggest that an Aβ-mediated inhibition of mitochondrial protein import, and the consequent mitochondrial impairment, may contribute to Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have been carried out on the impacts of oil spills on coral physiology, most have relied on laboratory assays. This scarcity is partly explained by the difficulty of reproducing realistic conditions in a laboratory setting or of performing experiments with toxic compounds in the field. Mesocosm systems provide the opportunity to carry out such studies with safe handling of contaminants while reproducing natural conditions required by living organisms. The mesocosm design is crucial and can lead to the development of innovative technologies to mitigate environmental impacts. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a mesocosm system for studies simulating oil spills with several key advantages, including true replication and the use of gravity to control flow‐through that reduces reliance on pumps that can clog thereby decreasing errors and costs. This adaptable system can be configured to (a) have continuous flow‐through; (b) operate as an open or closed system; (c) be fed by gravity; (d) have separate mesocosm sections that can be used for individual and simultaneous experiments; and (e) simulate the migration of oil from ocean oil spills to the nearby reefs. The mesocosm performance was assessed with two experiments using the hydrocoral Millepora alcicornis and different configurations to simulate two magnitudes of oil spills. With few exceptions, physical and chemical parameters remained stable within replicates and within treatments throughout the experiments. Physical and chemical parameters that expressed change during the experiment were still within the range of natural conditions observed in Brazilian marine environments. The photosynthetic potential (Fv/Fm) of the algae associated with M. alcicornis decreased in response to an 1% crude‐oil contamination, suggesting a successful delivery of the toxic contaminant to the targeted replicates. This mesocosm is customizable and adjustable for several types of experiments and proved to be effective for studies of oil spills.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) frequently kill their host within 1-2 days, and interest in EPN focuses mainly on their lethality. However, insects may take longer to die, or may fail to die despite being infected, but little is known about the effects of EPN infection on insects, other than death. Here we investigate both lethal and sub-lethal effects of infection by two EPN species, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis downesi, on adults of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Following 12 h nematode-weevil contact in peat, S. carpocapsae killed a significantly higher proportion of weevils (87-93%) than H. downesi (43-57%) at all concentrations tested. Less than 10% of weevils were dead within 2 days, and weevils continued to die for up to 10 days after exposure (LT50 of 3 days or more). In a separate experiment, live weevils dissected 6 days after a 24 h exposure to nematodes on filter paper harbored encapsulated and dead nematodes, showing that weevils could defend themselves against infection. Some live weevils also harbored live nematodes 6 days after they had been removed from the nematode infested medium. Feeding by weevils was not affected by infection with, or exposure to, either species of EPN. We discuss these results in relation to the use of EPN in biological control against H. abietis.  相似文献   

Both Col- and ColV, I-K94+ strains of Escherichia coli , grown at pH 7–0, failed to grow after relatively short periods of exposure to pH 3·0 or 3·5. After growth in exposure medium initially at pH 5·0, both strains were almost unaffected by exposure to such acid pH values. Addition of catalase to nutrient agar only slightly increased plating efficiency after acid treatment and very slightly reduced the difference in survival, after acid treatment, between organisms grown from pH 5·0 and those grown from pH 7·0. Accordingly, acid resistance of organisms grown from pH 5·0 is not chiefly due to greater resistance to hydrogen peroxide already present in nutrient media.  相似文献   

The metabolic response of the earthworm Eisenia fetida to two pesticides, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and endosulfan, was characterized in contact tests using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and principal component analysis (PCA). PCA loading plots suggested that maltose, leucine and alanine were important metabolites contributing to the differences in dosed and control earthworms for both compounds at doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 μg/cm2. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to quantify the metabolites identified in E. fetida and determine if the changes in maltose, leucine and alanine following exposure to DDT and endosulfan (at 0.5 and 1.0 μg/cm2) were reproducible and greater than the natural variability. Quantification by GC/MS suggested that maltose was not a reliable biomarker since it both increased and decreased in earthworms exposed to DDT and increased by just 3% with exposure to endosulfan. Leucine was not stable with the GC/MS derivitization method used in this study and could not be confirmed as a reliable biomarker. However, alanine consistently increased for both DDT and endosulfan exposed E. fetida. Alanine showed considerable variability in control earthworms (±41.6%), yet the variability in alanine to glycine ratios was just ±10.5%. Increases in the alanine to glycine ratio were statistically significant at the P = 0.05 level for the 1.0 μg/cm2 DDT dose and both the 0.5 and 1.0 μg/cm2 endosulfan doses, suggesting that deviations from the normal homeostatic ratio of 1.5 for alanine to glycine is a potential biomarker of DDT and endosulfan exposure warranting further study. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Environmental Metabolomics Special Issue of Metabolomics.  相似文献   

Climate change is driving rapid and widespread erosion of the environmental conditions that formerly supported species persistence. Existing projections of climate change typically focus on forecasts of acute environmental anomalies and global extinction risks. The current projections also frequently consider all species within a broad taxonomic group together without differentiating species-specific patterns. Consequently, we still know little about the explicit dimensions of climate risk (i.e., species-specific vulnerability, exposure and hazard) that are vital for predicting future biodiversity responses (e.g., adaptation, migration) and developing management and conservation strategies. Here, we use reef corals as model organisms (n = 741 species) to project the extent of regional and global climate risks of marine organisms into the future. We characterise species-specific vulnerability based on the global geographic range and historical environmental conditions (1900–1994) of each coral species within their ranges, and quantify the projected exposure to climate hazard beyond the historical conditions as climate risk. We show that many coral species will experience a complete loss of pre-modern climate analogs at the regional scale and across their entire distributional ranges, and such exposure to hazardous conditions are predicted to pose substantial regional and global climate risks to reef corals. Although high-latitude regions may provide climate refugia for some tropical corals until the mid-21st century, they will not become a universal haven for all corals. Notably, high-latitude specialists and species with small geographic ranges remain particularly vulnerable as they tend to possess limited capacities to avoid climate risks (e.g., via adaptive and migratory responses). Predicted climate risks are amplified substantially under the SSP5-8.5 compared with the SSP1-2.6 scenario, highlighting the need for stringent emission controls. Our projections of both regional and global climate risks offer unique opportunities to facilitate climate action at spatial scales relevant to conservation and management.  相似文献   

The frequent occurrence of devastating blooms of the harmful dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico has motivated research into bloom dynamics and potential mitigation strategies. The use of competing phytoplankton to lower waterborne concentrations of the most abundant and toxic brevetoxins produced during these blooms has been proposed. However the ecological impacts of using such biocontrol agents have not been addressed. This study investigated the impact on marine invertebrates of lowered brevetoxin concentrations due to the presence of competing phytoplankton. Even at low brevetoxin concentrations, the presence of the common diatom Skeletonema grethae ameliorated harmful toxic effects of brevetoxins upon the brine shrimp, Artemia salina, and reduced the incidence of negative physiological and morphological responses of the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida. In addition, brevetoxin biotransformation products formed by competing phytoplankton appear to be non-toxic or do not trigger the same physiological responses as brevetoxins in the model organisms used. These findings may impact the interpretation of ecotoxicological data gathered during bloom events, since the presence of phytoplankton competitors in Karenia blooms is likely to reduce the harmful effects seen on many marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

A horizon with large, massive corals in growth position was discovered in the Paleocene, probably upper Danian, part of the Maastrichtian–Paleocene Lefipán Formation of Chubut (Patagonia, Argentina). All corals belong to one species, the cosmopolitan Haimesiastraea conferta Vaughan, which survived the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. The occurrence of massive corals at this site is exceptional both because of the siliciclastic depositional regime and because of the high palaeolatitude setting. An unusual autecology of this coral and strongly reduced sedimentation rates, were probably the prerequisites for coral growth, but a link to palaeoclimate is less likely.  相似文献   

Summary Our previous work showed that repeated exposure to methyl parathion (MP) caused a prolonged inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity (∼80%) and down-regulation of M1 and M2 muscarinic receptors (up to 38%) in rats at brain regions, including frontal cortex, striatum, hippocampus and thalamus. In the present neurobehavioral study, we found this repeated MP treatment had suppressant effects on rat’s locomotor activity. However, we observed no evidence of long-term effects of MP on associative learning and memory. Our data demonstrated that repeated exposure to MP caused some functional deficits in CNS, but motor activity and associative learning/memory process might differ in the sensitivity to its toxic effect. The motor dysfunctions in MP-treated rats may be mediated via reciprocal balance between cholinergic and dopaminergic systems at striatum following cholinergic over-stimulation. Our findings also suggest that the CNS deficits induced by repeated exposure to MP or other organophosphate (OP) pesticides cannot be attributed entirely to the inhibition of AChE. To accurately assess the neuro-toxic risk by occupational exposure to sub-lethal doses of MP, novel biomarkers besides in vivo anticholinesterase potency are needed.  相似文献   

Compared to catastrophic impacts from storms, disease epidemics and bleaching events, little is known about the effects of more routine chronic mortality in reef corals. To monitor this ongoing mortality, monthly visual assessments of the cause of tissue damage were related to mortality rates (changes in planar surface area) of tagged colonies of three common reef corals: Montastrea annularis, Porites astreoides and Diploria strigosa at Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. During the study Hurricane Hugo, the most powerful cyclone to affect the area in at least 60 y, made a direct impact on the site. Effects of the hurricane were extremely localized, with certain exposed sites being almost completely razed while others showed no detectable changes in community structure. Mortality caused both by the hurricane and by other factors during the 26 month study varied between species and also between site locations around the island. Differences in susceptibility were not dependent solely on gross morphology, because two robust, massive species showed opposite responses to hurricane damage and chronic mortality. Diploria strigosa was virtually unaffected by chronic factors, but was heavily damaged at exposed sites during the hurricane. In contrast, mortality from predation and tissue necrosis was high in Montastrea annularis, but it largely escaped damage from the hurricane because it was absent from the most severely scoured locations. Porites astreoides, with populations dominated by much smaller colonies, was affected by both chronic and hurricanerelated mortality. Differences in susceptibility to the various types of natural disturbance among species, coupled with high spatial and temporal variability in the effects of such disturbances, may be critical to the maintenance of species diversity on the reef.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the impact of laser irradiation on the larvae of the fouling barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Research pertaining to fouling invertebrate larvae-laser interaction is sparse and, hence, data on this aspect were thought significant in order to consider pulsed low power laser irradiations as a possible future antifouling tool. Lethal and sub-lethal impacts of four very low laser fluences, viz. 0.013, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 J cm-2 for three different durations, viz. 2, 10 and 30 s were investigated. Three growth stages of barnacle larvae, viz. nauplii stage II, nauplii stage IV and cyprids were exposed to the mentioned laser fluences for different durations. While lethal impact was assessed immediately after and 1 d after irradiation, sub-lethal impacts were studied by monitoring the success rate of the irradiated nauplii in reaching the cyprid stage. In addition, the swimming speed of VIth stage nauplii after irradiation was studied. In the case of cyprids, in addition to the mortality measurement immediately after and 1 d after irradiation, the settlement rate was investigated. In all the above experiments, non-irradiated larvae served as controls. The results showed an increase in mortality with increasing laser fluence and duration of irradiation. Irradiation for 2 s resulted in significant mortality in nauplii, while it was less in the case of cyprids. In IInd stage nauplii, the mortality immediately after irradiation for 2 s varied from 14.8 +/- 2.12 to 97.1 +/- 4.1% for laser fluences of 0.013 and 0.1 J cm-2, respectively. However, in cyprids, the mortality immediately after irradiation for 2 s varied from 12.2 +/- 3 to 13.4 +/- 1.2% for fluences of 0.013 and 0.1 J cm-2, respectively. The mortality in IVth stage nauplii was less than that for IInd stage nauplii but more than that for cyprids. There was a significant increase in mortality with time after irradiation. The formation of cyprids from the irradiated larvae was significantly less than that observed for non-irradiated larvae. Also, the irradiated larvae showed a significantly slower swimming speed compared to the control samples. The settlement rate in cyprids was reduced significantly by the laser irradiation. This was true even for the lowest fluence and shortest period of irradiation tested. Thus, the results of the experiment showed that even a low power pulsed laser irradiation of 0.013 J cm-2 for 2 s can cause significant damage to fouling barnacle larvae.  相似文献   

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