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Cooperatively breeding groups may be constrained in size by the territory available to them, or territories may be expanded to accommodate extra group members. Here, we show that there was no relationship between the number of adult green woodhoopoes Phoeniculus purpureus in a group and the size of its territory. Furthermore, territories were remarkably stable between seasons, with no significant changes in area, despite fluctuating group sizes. These results suggest that food was not limiting at the group sizes found in this study: sufficient resources were available within existing territories for groups that were expanding in size. Following an increase in group membership, a larger proportion of the available area was utilised. Groups also used a larger area in the non-breeding season compared to when breeding: in the latter instance, foraging was concentrated in the vicinity of the nest.  相似文献   

Eighty volatile compounds that create typical ang-kak aroma have been identified in samples of rice grains fermented byMonascus purpureus and in cultivation media afterM. purpureus fermentation. These volatile metabolites include alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and terpenoid compounds. Identification has been performed by means of GC-MS after sample distillation and extraction with dichloromethane.  相似文献   

It is shown that when hemin (Fe) coordinates imidazole groups (L) attached to a polymer such as poly(1-vinylimidazole) (PVI), then the experimentally observed equilibrium will correspond to the apparent equilibrium constant Kx = [FeLx]/[Fe][L] and the plot of log ([FeLx]/[Fe]) against log [L] will give a slope (n) of unity both when x = 1 and, provided both imidazole groups are attached to the same polymer molecule, when x = 2. In agreement with this, hemin reacts with PVI in dimethylsulfoxide at 25°C to give a single product that has a spectrum identical to that of the bisimidazole adduct and the equilibrium corresponds to n = 1.  相似文献   

The functions of vocal matching have been clarified in territorial songbirds, compositionally stable groups of birds and mammals, and species with multiple alarm or assembly signals. The functions of vocal matching are less well understood in fission/fusion species that are non-territorial, live in groups with variable composition, and lack multiple alarm signals. Here we present the results of interactive playbacks in a fission/fusion parrot species, the orange-fronted conjure (Aratinga canicularis), that provide evidence of vocal matching. A randomly selected loud contact call (chee) per trial was played to passing wild flocks and short-term captives in Costa Rica. Of the trials where subjects interacted, 30% of wild flocks and 21% of captive trials showed significantly linear or curvilinear changes in similarity between the stimulus and response chees over the course of the trial. Surprisingly, both convergent and divergent sequences were observed, and many trials lacking a single trend showed disjunct changes in stimulus–response similarity. These results suggest that chee exchanges prior to flock fusions are not simply an exchange of greetings but are more likely some form of negotiation. This would explain the presence of convergent, divergent, and variable patterns of stimulus–response similarity seen in our experiments.  相似文献   

The source-filter theory describes vocal production as a two-stage process involving the generation of a sound source, with its own spectral structure, which is then filtered by the resonant properties of the vocal tract. This theory has been successfully applied to the study of animal vocal signals since the 1990s. As an extension, models reproducing vocal tract resonance can be used to reproduce formant patterns and to understand the role of vocal tract filtering in nonhuman vocalizations. We studied three congeneric lemur species —Eulemur fulvus, E. macaco, E. rubriventer— using morphological measurements to build computational models of the vocal tract to estimate formants, and acoustic analysis to measure formants from natural calls. We focused on call types emitted through the nose, without apparent articulation. On the basis of anatomical measurements, we modeled the vocal tract of each species as a series of concatenated tubes, with a cross-sectional area that changed along the tract to approximate the morphology of the larynx, the nasopharyngeal cavity, the nasal chambers, and the nostrils. For each species, we calculated the resonance frequencies in 2500 randomly generated vocal tracts, in which we simulated intraspecific length and size variation. Formant location and spacing showed significant species-specific differences determined by the length of the vocal tract. We then measured formants of a set of nasal vocalizations (“grunts”) recorded from captive lemurs of the same species. We found species-specific differences in the natural calls. This is the first evidence that morphology of the vocal tract is relevant in generating filter-related acoustic cues that potentially provide receivers with information about the species of the emitter.  相似文献   

This paper considers the coordination and control of periodic movements of a pair of one-link arms. The system consists of two one-link arms each controlled by two muscle-like actuators. The muscle-like actuators are activated by simulated neural inputs. The model is simple enough to analyze, yet it embodies many aspects of human arms. Three attributes of the rhythmic coordinated movement of two arms, namely frequency, magnitude, and relative phase, are the only inputs to the controller. The controller uses mild co-activation and primarily activates the agonist. The effects of transmission delays, present in the reflex loop of physiological systems, also are modeled. The results of this research indicate the feasibility of controlling oscillatory body movements with short periods of activation. The result of many simulations, by varying the frequency or amplitude of the movement, indicate that the apparent lack of a simple relationship between neural control and desired behavior of the system should not be mistaken as evidence for the absence of a causal relationship between the activation patterns of the muscles and the desired behavior. Simulations of this system show stable oscillations at different frequencies and magnitudes even with additive noise and changes in the system mass.  相似文献   

This paper considers the coordination and control of periodic movements of a pair of one-link arms. The system consists of two one-link arms each controlled by two muscle-like actuators. The muscle-like actuators are activated by simulated neural inputs. The model is simple enough to analyze, yet it embodies many aspects of human arms. Three attributes of the rhythmic coordinated movement of two arms, namely frequency, magnitude, and relative phase, are the only inputs to the controller. The controller uses mild co-activation and primarily activates the agonist. The effects of transmission delays, present in the reflex loop of physiological systems, also are modeled. The results of this research indicate the feasibility of controlling oscillatory body movements with short periods of activation. The result of many simulations, by varying the frequency or amplitude of the movement, indicate that the apparent lack of a simple relationship between neural control and desired behavior of the system should not be mistaken as evidence for the absence of a causal relationship between the activation patterns of the muscles and the desired behavior. Simulations of this system show stable oscillations at different frequencies and magnitudes even with additive noise and changes in the system mass.  相似文献   

In the current study, we used male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) bleats in a habituation–discrimination paradigm to determine whether females discriminate between the vocalizations of different males. We found that females habituated to the bleats of a specific male showed a significant dishabituation when they were presented with bleats from a novel male. Further playbacks, in which we standardized the mean fundamental frequency (pitch) and amplitude modulation of male bleats, indicated that amplitude modulation is the key feature that females attend to when discriminating between male callers. Our results show that female giant pandas can discriminate between the vocalizations of potential mates and provide a platform for further studies investigating the functional role of caller identity in giant panda sexual communication.  相似文献   

The Violet Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus damarensis damarensis is considered a threatened subspecies and one of ten bird taxa endemic to Namibia and southwestern Angola. This species is distinguished from the more common and widespread Green Woodhoopoe P. purpureus by a variable plumage trait, resulting in uncertainty as to the distribution and degree of overlap between these taxa. Mitochondrial sequences from the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene show minimal divergence among Namibian woodhoopoes (0.15%, including P. d. damarensis and P. p. angolensis), and low divergence between Namibian birds and South African (1.06%, P. p. purpureus) or Kenyan (2.30%, P. p. marwitzi) Green Woodhoopoes. Sequences from Namibian woodhoopoes are phylogenetically nested within P. purpureus, rendering this species paraphyletic at mitochondrial DNA. Genetic divergences among Violet and Green Woodhoopoes fall within the range of intraspecific values recorded for avian mitochondrial protein coding genes, and are substantially less than most interspecific values. Comparisons with the related Scimitarbill Rhinopomastus cyanomelas suggest that the low divergences among Green and Violet Woodhoopoes are not an artefact of slow evolutionary rates in Phoeniculidae. We suggest that in the absence of evidence for evolutionary independence or a clear phenotypic diagnosis, the Violet Woodhoopoe should be synonymized with the Green Woodhoopoe. It is the status of this taxon that should be considered in formulating priorities for avian conservation in Namibia.  相似文献   

Social animals have to coordinate activities and collective movements to benefit from the advantages of group living. Animals in large groups maintain cohesion by self-organization processes whereas in smaller groups consensus decisions can be reached. Where consensus decisions are relevant leadership may emerge. Variation in the organization of collective movements has been linked to variation in female social tolerance among macaque species ranging from despotic to egalitarian. Here we investigated the processes underlying group movements in a wild macaque species characterized by a degree of social tolerance intermediate to previously studied congeneric species. We focused on processes before, during and after the departure of the first individual. To this end, we observed one group of wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in the Middle Atlas, Morocco using all-occurrence behaviour sampling of 199 collective movements. We found that initiators of a collective movement usually chose the direction in which more individuals displayed pre-departure behavior. Dominant individuals contributed to group movements more than subordinates, especially juveniles, measured as frequencies of successful initiations and pre-departure behaviour. Joining was determined by affiliative relationships and the number of individuals that already joined the movement (mimetism). Thus, in our study group partially shared consensus decisions mediated by selective mimetism seemed to be prevalent, overall supporting the suggestion that a species’ social style affects the organization of group movements. As only the most tolerant species show equally shared consensus decisions whereas in others the decision is partially shared with a bias to dominant individuals the type of consensus decisions seems to follow a stepwise relation. Joining order may also follow a stepwise, however opposite, relationship, because dominance only determined joining in highly despotic, but not in intermediate and tolerant species.  相似文献   

Extracellular pigment production by immobilised Monascus purpureus C322 has been studied in repeated-batch processes using different immobilising carriers such as Ca-alginate, polyurethane sponge, active carbon and pearlite. With Ca-alginate, pigment production was maximum (30.5 UA470 as process mean production, three batches) while the cell leakage was negligible (0.4 g l−1 free biomass) and the bead mechanical stability good; with this carrier, an extended repeated-batch fermentation (nine batches, 55 days) was carried out: the process pigment productivity was 3.87 UA470 day−1.  相似文献   

The life cycles of mosses and other bryophytes are unique among land plants in that the haploid gametophyte stage is free-living and the diploid sporophyte stage is ephemeral and completes its development attached to the maternal gametophyte. Despite predictions that populations of haploids might contain low levels of genetic variation, moss populations are characterized by substantial variation at isozyme loci. The extent to which this is indicative of ecologically important life history variation is, however, largely unknown. Gametophyte plants from two populations of the moss Ceratodon purpureus were grown from single-spore isolates in order to assess variation in growth rates, biomass accumulation, and reproductive output. The data were analyzed using a nested analysis of variance, with haploid sib families (gametophytes derived from the same sporophyte) nested within populations. High levels of life history variation were observed within both populations, and the populations differed significantly in both growth and reproductive characteristics. Overall gametophytic sex ratios did not depart significantly from 1:1 within either population, but there was significant variation among families in both populations for progeny sex ratio. Some families produced predominantly male gametophytes, while others yielded predominantly females. Because C. purpureus has a chromosomal mechanism of sex determination, these observations suggest differential (but unpredictable) germination of male and female spores. Life history observations showed that male and female gametophytes are dimorphic in size, maturation rates, and reproductive output.  相似文献   

Isolation calls produced by dependent young are a fundamental form of communication. For species in which vocal signals remain important to adult communication, the function and social context of vocal behavior changes dramatically with the onset of sexual maturity. The ontogenetic relationship between these distinct forms of acoustic communication is surprisingly under-studied. We conducted a detailed analysis of vocal development in sister species of Neotropical singing mice, Scotinomys teguina and S. xerampelinus. Adult singing mice are remarkable for their advertisement songs, rapidly articulated trills used in long-distance communication; the vocal behavior of pups was previously undescribed. We recorded 30 S. teguina and 15 S. xerampelinus pups daily, from birth to weaning; 23 S. teguina and 11 S. xerampelinus were recorded until sexual maturity. Like other rodent species with poikilothermic young, singing mice were highly vocal during the first weeks of life and stopped vocalizing before weaning. Production of first advertisement songs coincided with the onset of sexual maturity after a silent period of ≧2 weeks. Species differences in vocal behavior emerged early in ontogeny and notes that comprise adult song were produced from birth. However, the organization and relative abundance of distinct note types was very different between pups and adults. Notably, the structure, note repetition rate, and intra-individual repeatability of pup vocalizations did not become more adult-like with age; the highly stereotyped structure of adult song appeared de novo in the first songs of young adults. We conclude that, while the basic elements of adult song are available from birth, distinct selection pressures during maternal dependency, dispersal, and territorial establishment favor major shifts in the structure and prevalence of acoustic signals. This study provides insight into how an evolutionarily conserved form of acoustic signaling provides the raw material for adult vocalizations that are highly species specific.  相似文献   

Cultural transmission may be a significant source of variation in the behaviour of whales and dolphins, especially as regards their vocal signals. We studied variation in the vocal output of 'codas' by sperm whale social groups. Codas are patterns of clicks used by female sperm whales in social circumstances. The coda repertoires of all known social units (n = 18, each consisting of about 11 females and immatures with long-term relationships) and 61 out of 64 groups (about two social units moving together for periods of days) that were recorded in the South Pacific and Caribbean between 1985 and 2000 can be reliably allocated into six acoustic 'clans', five in the Pacific and one in the Caribbean. Clans have ranges that span thousands of kilometres, are sympatric, contain many thousands of whales and most probably result from cultural transmission of vocal patterns. Units seem to form groups preferentially with other units of their own clan. We suggest that this is a rare example of sympatric cultural variation on an oceanic scale. Culture may thus be a more important determinant of sperm whale population structure than genes or geography, a finding that has major implications for our understanding of the species' behavioural and population biology.  相似文献   

Investigations of vocal communication in captive groups of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus) revealed a repertoire of 17 basic patterns. Sixteen of them were recorded and their physical parameters analysed by sonagrams. During a field study these results were verified and complemented, and additional data on the vocal behaviour of this species were gathered. The vocal repertoire of lion-tailed macaques is characterized by discretely structured, mostly interaction- and situation-specific sound patterns. The fundamental characteristics of vocal communication seem to be adjusted to the acoustic conditions of the rain forest habitat as well as to the social organization in 1-male groups. In contrast to other species of the macaque genus, lion-tailed macaques are highly adapted to a strictly arboreal life in the rain forests of the Western Ghats (South India). Due to the dense vegetation in this habitat, propagation of visual signals is restricted to short distances. Vocal signals are therefore of great importance. The vocal repertoire of lion-tailed macaques differs from that of more terrestrial macaques insofar as the basic patterns show comparatively insignificant structural variations. Also, patterns were recorded which have not yet been found in any other member of the genus.  相似文献   

Field observations and spectrographic analyses of sound recordings of South Indian bonnet macaques revealed a vocal repertoire of at least 25 basic patterns. The repertoire consists of well separated sound classes and acoustic categories connected by structural intergradation. Besides structural variations within and between different elements of the repertoire, the vocal system ofMacaca radiata is characterized by regular combinations of particular basic patterns. These combinations occurred not only between calls of similar structure and function but also between calls usually emitted in entirely different social contexts. According to the qualitative analysis, sex-specific asymmetries of the vocal behaviour were less pronounced than age-dependent characteristics. The comparison of clear call vocalizations ofMacaca radiata andM. fuscata revealed significant species-specific differences on the structural and the behavioural level. Evaluations of the structural features of alarm calls of various macaque species imply marked differences between members of thefascicularis group andsinica group on one hand and thesilenus group andarctoides group on the other.  相似文献   

Using a combination of mitochondrial and z‐linked sequences, microsatellite data, and spatio‐geographic modeling, we examined historical and contemporary factors influencing the population genetic structure of the purple finch (Haemorhous purpureus). Mitochondrial DNA data show the presence of two distinct groups corresponding to the two subspecies, H. p. purpureus and H. p. californicus. The two subspecies likely survived in separate refugia during the last glacial maximum, one on the Pacific Coast and one east of the Rocky Mountains, and now remain distinct lineages with little evidence of gene flow between them. Southwestern British Columbia is a notable exception, as subspecies mixing between central British Columbia and Vancouver Island populations suggests a possible contact zone in this region. Z‐linked data support two mitochondrial groups; however, Coastal Oregon and central British Columbia sites show evidence of mixing. Contemporary population structure based on microsatellite data identified at least six genetic clusters: three H. p. purpureus clusters, two H. p. californicus clusters, and one mixed cluster, which likely resulted from high site fidelity and isolation by distance, combined with sexual selection on morphological characters reinforcing subspecies differences.  相似文献   

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