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Summary During the course of studies involving the in vitro manipulation of channel catfish peripheral blood leukocytes, spontaneous proliferation was observed with unexpectedly high frequency. Propagation of these spontaneously proliferating cells has resulted in the development of long-term (>11 mo.) cell lines which stain positively for nonspecific esterase and peroxidase, are phagocytic for latex beads, and morphologically resemble mammalian monocytes or macrophages. These long-term cell lines also exhibit two important additional functional features. First, induction with lipopolysaccharide results in the secretion of relatively high levels of catfish high and low molecular weight species of interleukin-1 active on channel catfish and mouse T cells, respectively. Second, these cell lines are efficient antigen-presenting cells to autologous peripheral blood leukocytes for antigen specific in vitro proliferative and antibody responses. This antigen-presenting function is blocked by inhibitors known to prevent antigen processing and presentation by mammalian monocytes. Allogeneic mixtures of cell line (used as antigen-presenting cells) and responding peripheral blood leukocytes, however, resulted in strong mixed leukocyte reaction but not in specific antibody responses. The availability of such cell lines should facilitate further studies on accessory cell functions in fish immune responses. This work was supported in part by grant 5-R37-AI-19530 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Fish cell lines: Establishment of a line from ovaries of channel catfish   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary A cell line was established from the ovaries of a healthy, juvenile channel catfish,Ictalurus punctatus. These cells, designated CCO, have been passed 130 times during 3 years. The cells grow well in Eagle's MEM-10 at a temperature of 30°C. Species of origin of the cells was confirmed by a cytotoxic dye exclusion test. The cells were found to be free of bacterial and fungal contamination. A study of chromosome preparations indicated that the karyotype is still in a state of flux. The CCO line replicated channel catfish virus but was refractory to 12 other viruses, 4 from fish, 1 from birds, and 7 from mammals. This research was supported by the Southeastern Cooperative Fish Disease Project, Sport Fish Restoration Funds and Regional Research S-83 Funds.  相似文献   

This study examines cytotoxic mechanisms used by channel catfish peripheral blood-derived effector cells. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), coupled with [(3)H]thymidine DNA fragmentation (JAM) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assays, provided the first evidence that catfish peripheral blood cytotoxic effectors killed allogeneic targets via an apoptotic pathway. TEM demonstrated that the effector cell population present within peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) was composed of agranular lymphocytes that formed conjugates with, and induced apoptosis in, allogeneic target cells. Both JAM and TUNEL assays showed that PBLs induced target cell DNA fragmentation within 1 h of coculture. In addition, fixed effectors did not induce target cell necrosis or apoptosis, and target cell lysis was completely inhibited by chelation of free Ca(2+) by EGTA. These results suggest that catfish peripheral blood-derived effector cells utilize a secretory mechanism rather than a ligand-based mechanism to trigger apoptosis.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of blood cell lineages in channel catfish   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The morphogenesis of blood cell lineages in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus , from head and trunk kidney and spleen imprints as well as from blood smears of bled and control fish, showed that early maturation stages resembled those in higher vertebrates. The erythroid lineage consisted of the proerythroblast, erythroblasts (basophilic, polychromatic, orthochromic), young erythrocyte and erythrocyte. The rare bilobed erythrocyte seemed to be a cell in apoptosis while old erythrocytes and erythroplastids represented remnants of this process. Maturation stages of neutrophils and basophils encompassed the granuloblast, young progranulocyte, progranulocyte and metagranulocyte. The basophilic lineage was regularly present in kidneys, rare in spleen and absent from blood. It contained large Sudan Black and PAS-negative, water soluble granules and small PAS-positive ones. Lymphocytes with azurophilic granulation occured regularly in kidneys and spleen. Monoblasts and promonocytes in kidneys preceded monocytes. A phagocytic lineage devouring apoptotic blood cell remnants was present in kidneys and spleen. Its youngest identified stage (promacrophage) resembled more a granuloid cell without granules than a monocytoid one. The larger, young macrophages contained a few to several ingestions and the very large mature macrophages were loaded with them. The latter two stages corresponded to cells in melano-macrophage centres (macrophage aggregates). Precursor stages of the thrombocyte were not identified.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation reports for the first time the establishment of immortalized clones of dopamine-producing nerve cells in culture. Freshly prepared single-cell suspensions from fetal (12-day-old) rat mesencephalic tissue were transfected with plasmid vectors, pSV3neo and pSV5neo, using an electroporation technique. Cells were plated in tissue culture dishes which were precoated with a special substrate and contained modified MCDB-153 growth medium with 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum. The immortalized cells were selected by placing the transfected cells in a selection medium (modified MCDB-153 containing 400μg/ml geneticin). The survivors showed the presence of T-antigens and were non-tumorigenic. Two cell lines, 1RB3 derived from cells transfected with pSV3neo, and 2RB5 derived from cells transfected with pSV3neo, revealed only 1 to 2% tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells. Repeated single-cell cloning of these cell lines by a standard technique failed to increase the number of TH-positive cells in any clones. Using three cycles of growth, alternating between hormone-supplemented, serum-free medium and serum-containing medium produced a cell line (1RB3A) that was very rich in TH-positive cells. The recloning of 1RB3A yielded clones some of which contained over 95% TH-positive cells. These cells produced homovanillic acid, a metabolite of dopamine, and may be useful not only for neural transplant but also for basic neurobiological studies.  相似文献   

Cell lines used for the manufacture of recombinant proteins are expected to arise from a single cell as a control strategy to limit variability and ensure consistent protein production. Health authorities require a minimum of two rounds of limiting dilution cloning or its equivalent to meet the requirement of single cell origin. However, many legacy cell lines may not have been generated with process meeting this criteria potentially impeding the path to commercialization. A general monoclonality assessment strategy was developed based on using the site of plasmid integration for a cell's identity. By comparing the identities of subclones from a master cell bank (MCB) to each other and that of the MCB, a probability of monoclonality was established. Two technologies were used for cell identity, Southern blot and a PCR assay based on plasmid-genome junction sequences identified by splinkerette PCR. Southern blot analysis revealed that subclones may have banding patterns that differ from each other and yet indicate monoclonal origin. Splinkerette PCR identifies cellular sequence flanking the point(s) of plasmid integration. The two assays together provide complimentary data for cell identity that enables proper monoclonality assessment and establishes that the three legacy cell lines investigated are all of clonal origin.  相似文献   

Two types of catfish alloantigen-dependent cytotoxic T cells were cloned from PBL from a fish immunized in vivo and stimulated in vitro with the allogeneic B cell line 3B11. Because these are the first clonal cytotoxic T cell lines derived from an ectothermic vertebrate, studies were undertaken to characterize their recognition and cytotoxic mechanisms. The first type of CTL (group I) shows strict alloantigen specificity, i.e., they specifically kill and proliferate only in response to 3B11 cells. The second type (group II) shows broad allogeneic specificity, i.e., they kill and proliferate in response to several different allogeneic cells in addition to 3B11. "Cold" target-inhibition studies suggest that group II CTL recognize their targets via a single receptor, because the killing of one allotarget can be inhibited by a different allotarget. Both types of catfish CTL form conjugates with and kill targets by apoptosis. Killing by Ag-specific cytotoxic T cells (group I) was completely inhibited by treatment with EGTA or concanamycin A, and this killing is sensitive to PMSF inhibition, suggesting that killing was mediated exclusively by the secretory perforin/granzyme mechanism. In contrast, killing by the broadly specific T cytotoxic cells (group II) was only partially inhibited by either EGTA or concanamycin A, suggesting that these cells use a cytotoxic mechanism in addition to that involving perforin/granzyme. Consistent with the presumed use of a secretory pathway, both groups of CTL possess putative lytic granules. These results suggest that catfish CTL show heterogeneity with respect to target recognition and cytotoxic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cytotoxic cells (NCC) obtained from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) kill Tetrahymena pyriformis, an opportunistic parasite in fish. Based upon this fact, a new mechanism for nonspecific cellular anti-parasitic immunity in fish is proposed. Optimum in vitro conditions for NCC killing of deciliated T. pyriformis were first obtained. Lysis of T. pyriformis by NCC occurred by 10 hr of cocultivation of effector and target cells. During this time period, 50 to 60% cytotoxicity occurred. Fish anti-T. pyriformis serum enhanced NCC killing of T. pyriformis either by prolonging immobilization (after the cilia regeneration period) or by delaying cilia regeneration. Shared antigenic determinants between T. pyriformis, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and NC-37 target cells were demonstrated by binding-depletion experiments. For these studies, NCC were depleted from anterior kidney cells (the hemopoetic organ in fish) by preincubating formalin-treated T. pyriformis, I. multifiliis, or viable NC-37 target cells with NCC for 3 hr. Conjugates of effector and target cells were removed by overlaying on fetal bovine serum. Unconjugated fish anterior kidney cells were tested for cytotoxic activity against NC-37 or T. pyriformis target cells. Cold target inhibition experiments by using a 4-hr 51chromium cytotoxicity assay also demonstrated these shared antigenic determinants. Target-specific antisera, used to mediate the killing of T. pyriformis by NCC, were required only for immobilizing the targets, and did not function in an antibody-dependent cell-mediated (ADCC)-like mechanism. Scanning electron micrographs of NCC-T. pyriformis conjugates additionally demonstrated NCC binding to both cilia and cell surface determinants.  相似文献   

A primary cell line (designated as CCf) derived from caudal fin tissue of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, was developed using explant techniques. The cell line grew fastest in media supplied with FBS and channel catfish serum. The duplication time of the cell line under optimal conditions was ∼56 h at a plating density of 1.1 × 105 cells/ml. The cell line has been propagated continuously for 25 passages (1:4 dilution per passage), cryopreserved, and recovered successfully at different passages. The cultured cells had fibroblastic morphology, and synthesized fibronectin and Type I and III collagens in the cytoplasm. The cell line maintained the normal diploid chromosome number (58) of channel catfish throughout the experiment. Nucleolus organizer regions were located on the short arms of a pair of medium-sized submetacentrics, which is typical for channel catfish. This study provides a method for acquiring a cell line from juvenile catfish without sacrifice, and is especially useful for early screening of valuable fishes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An improved method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has been developed which produces high resolution, reproducible images suitable for computer analysis. In the images that are presented, more than 800 proteins have been resolved without significant overlap, and many more proteins can be detected after longer exposures. To establish the usefulness of such methods for detailed quantitative comparisons of cultured cells, extensive controls have been carried out to test the reproducibility of the electrophoretic procedures, the sample preparation procedures, and the cell culture conditions. A computerized scanning system has been developed which can automatically detect and integrate the densities of the spots on a two-dimensional fluorogram or autoradiogram. The corresponding proteins from two or more samples can then be matched and their intensities compared. Several types of graphic output have been used to display the number and magnitude of the differences between the compared samples. These methods were used to study the patterns of protein synthesis in the nerve cell line B103 and the glial cell line B9. Both exponentially dividing and stationary cultures were analyzed and the relative rates of synthesis of approximately 300 proteins were compared by computer. For each cell line, no major qualitative differences were found between dividing and stationary phase cells although numerous quantitative differences of up to 15-fold were detected. The proteins that were increased or decreased in rate of synthesis as B103 cells became confluent were in general not the same proteins that were increased or decreased in rate of synthesis as B9 cells reached confluence, indicating that most of the changes do not reflect growth control responses common to all cells. When the two cell lines were analyzed in the same state of growth and compared by computer, qualitative differences were found in approximately 5% of the proteins analyzed, and at least 40% of the shared proteins were involved in quantitative differences of 2-fold or more. The rates of synthesis of the shared proteins were more divergent between the two cell lines than between dividing and stationary phase cells of either line. These studies show, therefore, that these cell lines can be distinguished, regardless of growth state, by their cell-specific proteins and by their characteristic rates of synthesis of many of the shared proteins.  相似文献   

Immune channel catfish lymphocytes were recovered from peripheral blood on an isotonic (250 mOsm) separation medium consisting of Ficoll-Hypaque adjusted to a specific gravity of 1·065–1·070 g ml−1. At least two types of cells similar to T and B lymphocytes of higher vertebrates were observed. One type of lymphocyte, referred to as "small lymphocyte" possessed surface erythrocyte receptors and appeared to be analogous to mammalian T cells. A second type of lymphocyte analogous to mammalian B cell possessed surface immunoglobulins and was capable of cytoadherence with Aeromonas hydrophila cells.  相似文献   

Y. Eilam  N. Szydel 《Cell calcium》1981,2(2):145-157
Calcium efflux patterns were investigated in two clonal osteosarcoma cell lines, ROS 172 and ROS 23. Efflux was measured after equilibrating the cells with 45calcium in medium containing 1% or 10% serum. The results of 45calcium efflux were analyzed by fitting them to a model of three exponential terms, using a computer program based on the non-linear least square method. The results indicated the presence of three exchangeable calcium pools which differ in their rate constants of calcium efflux: a “very fast turnover” (S1) a “fast turnover” (S2) and a “slow turnover” (S3). Washing the labelled cells with sucrose solutions, at pH 7.8 and pH 4, removed most of the calcium localized in S1, indicating that this calcium is membrane bound. The parameters of calcium efflux in ROS cells were found to be different from those measured previously in cultured bone cells: (1) There was no difference between efflux patterns in cells incubated in medium containing 1% and 10% serum; (2) Rates of calcium fluxes were much lower in ROS cells than those in bone cells; and (3) The amount of calcium in S3 was very small.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant protein from mammalian cells is a key feature of the biotechnology industry. However, the generation of recombinant mammalian cell lines is still largely performed on an empirical basis and there are many potential areas for enhancement. We have shown previously that despite two rounds of limiting dilution cloning (LDC) of recombinant cell lines, there remained a high degree of heterogeneity in the resulting cell lines. We suggested that a rapid phenotypic drift occurred with these cells. It was unclear if this was a consequence of the added burden of production of a recombinant protein, the selection procedures, or merely an inherent feature of cell growth in culture. To address this, we have subjected untransfected (parental) cells to three successive rounds of LDC and monitored the growth properties of the resultant cells. The results show that despite repeated rounds of cloning, it was not possible to obtain phenotypically similar cell lines. We also demonstrated that this phenotypic drift is not due to gross changes in the protein p27, a key regulators of the cell cycle. Although cells with a range of growth properties were observed even after three rounds of cloning, the variation in growth patterns between cell lines decreased after cloning. Hence, we suggest that by cloning it may be possible to generate untransfected cells, which have particular growth properties. Starting with a well-defined population of parental cells may aid in the subsequent generation of tranfectants with desired growth properties.  相似文献   

Summary Seven epithelial cell lines derived from kidney and 20 fibroblastic cell lines deriving from lung, heart, muscle, kidney, and skin tissue of five rhesus and six African green monkey fetuses have been established and propagated in culture. Four epithelial cell two fibroblastic cell lines resumed cell multiplication after a period of growth decline, and these lines developed cytogenetic changes and growth characteristics of cells capable of unlimited growth in vitro. Sixteen of the fibroblastic lines derived from lung, heart, muscle, or skin were characterized by a finite life consisting of a period of active cell multiplication, followed by growth decline, senescence, and cell death. Fibroblasts derived from lung appeared to have the greatest growth potential in terms of total population doublings, and fibroblastic lines from rhesus monkeys were usually capable of more doublings than similar lines from African green monkeys. All fibroblastic lines were predominantly diploid during active growth from passages 1 to 30, but several lines developed karyological changes preceding or during growth decline and senescence. All lines tested were found sensitive to a number of human viruses. All tests on these cells for microbial agents and for tumorigenicity have been negative, and the have been preserved by freezing without loss of properties. These cell lines may be useful as standardized substrates in studies requiring nonhuman primate cells. The research upon which this publication is based was performed pursuant to Contract No. NIH-69-100 with the Division of Biologics Standards of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Channel catfish virus (CCV, Ictalurid herpesvirus 1) and CCV disease have been extensively studied. Yet, little is known about CCV-host interaction after resolution of the primary infection. In order to determine potential recrudescence of CCV from latency, we established latency by exposing channel catfish juveniles with CCV or a thymidine kinase-negative recombinant (CCVlacZ) at a dose that caused less than 20% mortality. Then, we evaluated antibody response by serially sampling the same fish at 0 (pre-infection), 30, 60 and 90 d post challenge (DPC). We then attempted to induce viral recrudescence by intramuscular administration of dexamethasone and sampled the fish at 2, 4, 7, or 10 d post treatment. Recrudescence was evaluated by leukocyte co-cultivation and cell culture of tissue homogenates but no virus was detected. Western blot data demonstrated the highest number of seropositive fish by 30 DPC and a secondary antibody induction after dexamethasone treatment. The antigen specificity of the secondary response corresponded to viral proteins with molecular masses similar to those recognized by the same fish by 30 DPC. The recognized proteins were predominantly large, ranging from approximately 90 to >200 kDa. Expression analysis of selected virus genes at 90 DPC and following dexamethasone treatment demonstrated occasional immediate-early virus gene expression in peripheral blood leukocytes. Early and late gene expression was rarely detected. The combined data suggest restricted re-activation of CCV in our experimental system. Primary and secondary responses and virus gene expression were demonstrated in CCVlacZ-exposed fish but were less frequent than in CCV-exposed fish.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cytotoxic cells (NCC) may comprise an important effector population specific for recognition of aberrant (tumour) cells, regulation of cell interactions including antibacterial action and lysis of protozoan parasites. In the present study, peptides were synthesized based on the amino acid sequence of a novel protein (Natural Killer cell Target Antigen, NK Tag) found on the protozoan parasite Tetrahymena pyriformis and on NCC-sensitive tumour target cells. Partially purified NK Tag was obtained from Tetrahymena. It inhibited NCC lysis of a large variety of mammalian tumour target cells. Synthetic peptides composed of short 20 mer sequences obtained from the N-terminal and midregion portions of NK Tag were tested for their ability to inhibit NCC cytotoxicity. Synthetic peptide comprised of aa # 55-74 significantly inhibited NCC lysis of IM-9 target cells. A monoclonal antibody generated against an N-terminal dodecapeptide of NK Tag bound to Tetrahymena and to several mammalian NK-sensitive target cells including K562, YAC-1, U937, NC-37, EL-4, IM-9, HL-60 and MOLT-4. NK Tag sequence comparisons using Swisspro database revealed no significant homologies except in a restricted domain region of several glycolytic pathway enzymes. A supergene family relationship was indicated because of these similarities.  相似文献   

Clonal cell lines have been established from vagina of prepubertal female p53(-/-) mice. Because the mouse vagina has a dual origin (the cranial three-fifths derived from the Müllerian duct and the caudal two-fifths derived from the urogenital sinus), both parts were separately subjected to cloning. Sixteen epithelial and two fibroblastic cell lines were established from the cranial three-fifths (Müllerian vagina group), and four epithelial and three fibroblastic cell lines were established from the caudal two-fifths (sinus vagina group). They were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium and Ham's nutrient mixture F-12 containing 10% fetal calf serum and 17 beta-estradiol at 10(-8) M. Two cell lines (one epithelial and one fibroblastic) were examined using soft agar assay, but no colonies were formed. The doubling time of the cell lines was approximately 24 h, and all of them divided more than 200 times without crisis, suggesting that they were immortalized. All epithelial cell lines expressed cytokeratin 8. However, the epithelial cell lines expressed cytokeratin 14 and cytokeratin 10 when exposed to medium containing different concentrations of Ca(2+). Fibroblastic cell lines expressed vimentin. All epithelial and fibroblastic cell lines expressed estrogen receptor-alpha protein. This is the first successful establishment of clonal cell lines from the normal mouse vagina, and these lines may provide good models in vitro of the vagina for the study of the mechanism of estrogen action.  相似文献   

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