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Action selection, planning and execution are continuous processes that evolve over time, responding to perceptual feedback as well as evolving top-down constraints. Existing models of routine sequential action (e.g. coffee- or pancake-making) generally fall into one of two classes: hierarchical models that include hand-built task representations, or heterarchical models that must learn to represent hierarchy via temporal context, but thus far lack goal-orientedness. We present a biologically motivated model of the latter class that, because it is situated in the Leabra neural architecture, affords an opportunity to include both unsupervised and goal-directed learning mechanisms. Moreover, we embed this neurocomputational model in the theoretical framework of the theory of event coding (TEC), which posits that actions and perceptions share a common representation with bidirectional associations between the two. Thus, in this view, not only does perception select actions (along with task context), but actions are also used to generate perceptions (i.e. intended effects). We propose a neural model that implements TEC to carry out sequential action control in hierarchically structured tasks such as coffee-making. Unlike traditional feedforward discrete-time neural network models, which use static percepts to generate static outputs, our biological model accepts continuous-time inputs and likewise generates non-stationary outputs, making short-timescale dynamic predictions.  相似文献   

Pictorial stimuli are commonly used by scientists to explore central processes; including memory, attention, and language. Pictures that have been collected and put into sets for these purposes often contain visual ambiguities that lead to name disagreement amongst subjects. In the present work, we propose new norms which reflect these sources of name disagreement, and we apply this method to two sets of pictures: the Snodgrass and Vanderwart (S&V) set and the Bank of Standardized Stimuli (BOSS). Naming responses of the presented pictures were classified within response categories based on whether they were correct, incorrect, or equivocal. To characterize the naming strategy where an alternative name was being used, responses were further divided into different sub-categories that reflected various sources of name disagreement. Naming strategies were also compared across the two sets of stimuli. Results showed that the pictures of the S&V set and the BOSS were more likely to elicit alternative specific and equivocal names, respectively. It was also found that the use of incorrect names was not significantly different across stimulus sets but that errors were more likely caused by visual ambiguity in the S&V set and by a misuse of names in the BOSS. Norms for name disagreement presented in this paper are useful for subsequent research for their categorization and elucidation of name disagreement that occurs when choosing visual stimuli from one or both stimulus sets. The sources of disagreement should be examined carefully as they help to provide an explanation of errors and inconsistencies of many concepts during picture naming tasks.  相似文献   

In patients with lesions in the right hemisphere, frequently involving the posterior parietal regions, left-sided somatosensory (and visual and motor) deficits not only reflect a disorder of primary sensory processes, but also have a higher-order component related to a defective spatial representation of the body. This additional factor, related to right brain damage, is clinically relevant: contralesional hemianaesthesia (and hemianopia and hemiplegia) is more frequent in right brain-damaged patients than in patients with damage to the left side of the brain. Three main lines of investigation suggest the existence of this higher-order pathological factor. (i) Right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect may show physiological evidence of preserved processing of somatosensory stimuli, of which they are not aware. Similar results have been obtained in the visual domain. (ii) Direction-specific vestibular, visual optokinetic and somatosensory or proprioceptive stimulations may displace spatial frames of reference in right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect, reducing or increasing the extent of the patients'' ipsilesional rightward directional error, and bring about similar directional effects in normal subjects. These stimulations, which may improve or worsen a number of manifestations of the neglect syndrome (such as extrapersonal and personal hemineglect), have similar effects on the severity of left somatosensory deficits (defective detection of tactile stimuli, position sense disorders). However, visuospatial hemineglect and the somatosensory deficits improved by these stimulations are independent, albeit related, disorders. (iii) The severity of left somatosensory deficits is affected by the spatial position of body segments, with reference to the midsagittal plane of the trunk. A general implication of these observations is that spatial (non-somatotopic) levels of representation contribute to corporeal awareness. The neural basis of these spatial frames includes the posterior parietal and the premotor frontal regions. These spatial representations could provide perceptual-premotor interfaces for the organization of movements (e.g. pointing, locomotion) directed towards targets in personal and extrapersonal space. In line with this view, there is evidence that the sensory stimulations that modulate left somatosensory deficits affect left motor disorders in a similar, direction-specific, fashion.  相似文献   

A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study by our group demonstrated that dynamic emotional faces are more accurately recognized and evoked more widespread patterns of hemodynamic brain responses than static emotional faces. Based on this experimental design, the present study aimed at investigating the spatio-temporal processing of static and dynamic emotional facial expressions in 19 healthy women by means of multi-channel electroencephalography (EEG), event-related potentials (ERP) and fMRI-constrained regional source analyses. ERP analysis showed an increased amplitude of the LPP (late posterior positivity) over centro-parietal regions for static facial expressions of disgust compared to neutral faces. In addition, the LPP was more widespread and temporally prolonged for dynamic compared to static faces of disgust and happiness. fMRI constrained source analysis on static emotional face stimuli indicated the spatio-temporal modulation of predominantly posterior regional brain activation related to the visual processing stream for both emotional valences when compared to the neutral condition in the fusiform gyrus. The spatio-temporal processing of dynamic stimuli yielded enhanced source activity for emotional compared to neutral conditions in temporal (e.g., fusiform gyrus), and frontal regions (e.g., ventromedial prefrontal cortex, medial and inferior frontal cortex) in early and again in later time windows. The present data support the view that dynamic facial displays trigger more information reflected in complex neural networks, in particular because of their changing features potentially triggering sustained activation related to a continuing evaluation of those faces. A combined fMRI and EEG approach thus provides an advanced insight to the spatio-temporal characteristics of emotional face processing, by also revealing additional neural generators, not identifiable by the only use of an fMRI approach.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that action observation treatment without concomitant verbal cue has a positive impact on the recovery of verb retrieval deficits in aphasic patients. In agreement with an embodied cognition viewpoint, a hypothesis has been advanced that gestures and language form a single communication system and words whose retrieval is facilitated by gestures are semantically represented through sensory-motor features. However, it is still an open question as to what extent this treatment approach works. Results from the recovery of motor deficits have suggested that action observation promotes motor recovery only for actions that are part of the motor repertoire of the observer. The aim of the present experiment was to further investigate the role of action observation treatment in verb recovery. In particular, we contrasted the effects induced by observing human actions (e.g. dancing, kicking, pointing, eating) versus non human actions (e.g. barking, printing). Seven chronic aphasic patients with a selective deficit in verb retrieval underwent an intensive rehabilitation training that included five daily sessions over two consecutive weeks. Each subject was asked to carefully observe 115 video-clips of actions, one at a time and, after observing them, they had to produce the corresponding verb. Two groups of actions were randomly presented: humans versus nonhuman actions. In all patients, significant improvement in verb retrieval was found only by observing video-clips of human actions. Moreover, follow-up testing revealed long-term verb recovery that was still present two months after the two treatments had ended. In support of the multimodal concept representation's proposal, we suggest that just the observation of actions pertaining to the human motor repertoire is an effective rehabilitation approach for verb recovery.  相似文献   

Differences in the neural processing of six categories of pictorial stimuli (maps, body parts, objects, animals, famous faces and colours) were investigated using positron emission tomography. Stimuli were presented either with or without the written name of the picture, thereby creating a naming condition and a reading condition. As predicted, naming increased the demands on lexical processes. This was demonstrated by activation of the left temporal lobe in a posterior region associated with name retrieval in several previous studies. This lexical effect was common to all meaningful stimuli and no category-specific effects were observed for naming relative to reading. Nevertheless, category differences were found when naming and reading were considered together. Stimuli with greater visual complexity (animals, faces and maps) enhanced activation in the left extrastriate cortex. Furthermore, map recognition, which requires greater spatio-topographical processing, also activated the right occipito-parietal and parahippocampal cortices. These effects in the visuo-spatial regions emphasize inevitable differences in the perceptual properties of pictorial stimuli. In the semantic temporal regions, famous faces and objects enhanced activation in the left antero-lateral and postero-lateral cortices, respectively. In addition, we showed that the same posterior left temporal region is also activated by body parts. We conclude that category-specific brain activations depend more on differential processing at the perceptual and semantic levels rather than at the lexical retrieval level.  相似文献   

Recordings of local field potentials (LFPs) reveal that the sensory cortex displays rhythmic activity and fluctuations over a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes. Yet, the role of this kind of activity in encoding sensory information remains largely unknown. To understand the rules of translation between the structure of sensory stimuli and the fluctuations of cortical responses, we simulated a sparsely connected network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons modeling a local cortical population, and we determined how the LFPs generated by the network encode information about input stimuli. We first considered simple static and periodic stimuli and then naturalistic input stimuli based on electrophysiological recordings from the thalamus of anesthetized monkeys watching natural movie scenes. We found that the simulated network produced stimulus-related LFP changes that were in striking agreement with the LFPs obtained from the primary visual cortex. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the network encoded static input spike rates into gamma-range oscillations generated by inhibitory–excitatory neural interactions and encoded slow dynamic features of the input into slow LFP fluctuations mediated by stimulus–neural interactions. The model cortical network processed dynamic stimuli with naturalistic temporal structure by using low and high response frequencies as independent communication channels, again in agreement with recent reports from visual cortex responses to naturalistic movies. One potential function of this frequency decomposition into independent information channels operated by the cortical network may be that of enhancing the capacity of the cortical column to encode our complex sensory environment.  相似文献   

The theory of embodied language states that language comprehension relies on an internal reenactment of the sensorimotor experience associated with the processed word or sentence. Most evidence in support of this hypothesis had been collected using linguistic material without any emotional connotation. For instance, it had been shown that processing of arm-related verbs, but not of those leg-related verbs, affects the planning and execution of reaching movements; however, at present it is unknown whether this effect is further modulated by verbs evoking an emotional experience. Showing such a modulation might shed light on a very debated issue, i.e. the way in which the emotional meaning of a word is processed. To this end, we assessed whether processing arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with negative connotations (e.g. to stab) affects reaching movements differently from arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with neutral connotation (e.g. to comb). We exploited a go/no-go paradigm in which healthy participants were required to perform arm-reaching movements toward a target when verbs expressing emotional hand actions, neutral hand actions or foot actions were shown, and to refrain from moving when no-effector-related verbs were presented. Reaction times and percentages of errors increased when the verb involved the same effector as used to give the response. However, we also found that the size of this interference decreased when the arm/hand-related verbs had a negative emotional connotation. Crucially, we show that such modulation only occurred when the verb semantics had to be retrieved. These results suggest that the comprehension of negatively valenced verbs might require the simultaneous reenactment of the neural circuitry associated with the processing of the emotion evoked by their meaning and of the neural circuitry associated with their motor features.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that biological motion processing can begin within ~110 ms of stimulus onset, as indexed by the P1 component of the event-related potential (ERP). Here, we investigated whether modulation of the P1 component reflects configural processing alone, rather than the processing of both configuration and motion cues. A three-stimulus oddball task was employed to evaluate bottom-up processing of biological motion. Intact point-light walkers (PLWs) or scrambled PLWs served as distractor stimuli, whereas point-light displays of tool motion served as standard and target stimuli. In a second experiment, the same design was used, but the dynamic stimuli were replaced with static point-light displays. The first experiment revealed that dynamic PLWs elicited a larger P1 as compared to scrambled PLWs. A similar P1 increase was also observed for static PLWs in the second experiment, indicating that these stimuli were more salient than static, scrambled PLWs. These findings suggest that the visual system can rapidly extract global form information from static PLWs and that the observed P1 effect for dynamic PLWs is not dependent on the presence of motion cues. Finally, we found that the N1 component was sensitive to dynamic, but not static, PLWs, suggesting that this component reflects the processing of both form and motion information. The sensitivity of P1 to static PLWs has implications for dynamic form models of biological motion processing that posit temporal integration of configural cues present in individual frames of PLW animations.  相似文献   

A recent study of brain-damaged patients with various degrees of amnesia provides compelling new evidence that the hippocampus plays a vital role in the laying down of new memories. Why existing memories are also affected by hippocampal damage is particularly puzzling.  相似文献   

Approaches to the study of human mate preferences commonly involve judgements of facial photographs and assume that these judgements provide a reasonable reflection of how individuals would be perceived in real encounters. However, three recent studies have each reported non‐significant correlations between judgements using photos (static images) and those using videos (dynamic images). These results have led previous authors to conclude that static and dynamic faces are judged according to different evaluative standards and that this may call into question the validity of findings from experiments using static images. However, the extent of the discrepancy in judgements between image formats remains unknown, and may be influenced by different experimental designs. Here, we tested the effects of several experimental design factors on the strength of correlations between image presentation formats. Using both male and female targets, we compared observed static–dynamic judgement correlations when (1) judgements were made by the same or different raters, or (2) by raters of the same‐ or opposite‐sex to the targets, and (3) when dynamic stimuli were collected under different contextual scenarios. For (1) and (2), we also measured correlations when order of presentation of static and dynamic stimuli was alternated. Our results suggest that each design feature has independent effects on the strength of static–dynamic correlations. Correlations were stronger when static and dynamic stimuli were rated by the same raters. They were weakest for judgements of males by females, when based on seeing photos before videos. This interaction with sex is consistent with previous studies, indicating that females are especially responsive to male dynamic cues. However, in contrast to previous findings and in all cases, static–dynamic correlations were strongly and significantly positive, indicating that judgments based on static images provide an accurate representation of someone’s attractiveness during prolonged encounters.  相似文献   

The interaction between language and motor action has been approached by studying the effect of action verbs, kinaesthetic imagery and mental subtraction upon the performance of a complex movement, the squat vertical jump (SVJ). The time of flight gave the value of the height of the SVJ and was measured with an Optojump® and a Myotest® apparatuses. The results obtained by the effects of the cognitive stimuli showed a statistically significant improvement of the SVJ performance after either loudly or silently pronouncing, hearing or reading the verb saute (jump in French language). Action verbs specific for other motor actions (pince = pinch, lèche = lick) or non-specific (bouge = move) showed no or little effect. A meaningless verb for the French subjects (tiáo = jump in Chinese) showed no effect as did rêve (dream), tombe (fall) and stop. The verb gagne (win) improved significantly the SVJ height, as did its antonym perds (lose) suggesting a possible influence of affects in the subjects’ performance. The effect of the specific action verb jump upon the heights of SVJ was similar to that obtained after kinaesthetic imagery and after mental subtraction of two digits numbers from three digits ones; possibly, in the latter, because of the intervention of language in calculus. It appears that the effects of the specific action verb jump did seem effective but not totally exclusive for the enhancement of the SVJ performance. The results imply an interaction among language and motor brain areas in the performance of a complex movement resulting in a clear specificity of the corresponding action verb. The effect upon performance may probably be influenced by the subjects’ intention, increased attention and emotion produced by cognitive stimuli among which action verbs.  相似文献   

Neural network simulations have been used previously in the investigation of the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (HVOR) and vestibular compensation. The simulations involved in the present research were based on known anatomy and physiology of the vestibular pathway. This enabled the straightforward comparison of the network response, both in terms of behavioural (eye movement) and physiological (neural activity) data to empirical data obtained from guinea pig. The network simulations matched the empirical data closely both in terms of the static symptoms (spontaneous nystagmus) of unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) as well as in terms of the dynamic symptoms (decrease in VOR gain). The use of multiple versions of the basic network, trained to simulate individual guinea pigs, highlighted the importance of the particular connections: the vestibular ganglion to the type I medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) cells on the contralesional side. It also indicated the significance of the relative firing rate in type I MVN cells which make excitatory connections with abducens cells as contributors to the variability seen in the level of compensated response following UVD. There was an absence of any difference (both in terms of behavioural and neural response) between labyrinthectomised and neurectomised simulations. The fact that a dynamic VOR gain asymmetry remained following the elimination of the spontaneous nystagmus in the network suggested that the amelioration of both the static and dynamic symptoms of UVD may be mediated by a single network. The networks were trained on high acceleration impulse stimuli but displayed the ability to generalise to low frequency, low acceleration sinusoids and closely approximated the behavioural responses to those stimuli. Received: 12 October 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 11 February 1999  相似文献   

While considerable knowledge has been gained through the use of established cognitive and motor assessment tools, there is a considerable interest and need for the development of a battery of reliable and validated assessment tools that provide real-time and remote analysis of cognitive and motor function in the elderly. Smartphones appear to be an obvious choice for the development of these “next-generation” assessment tools for geriatric research, although to date no studies have reported on the use of smartphone-based applications for the study of cognition in the elderly. The primary focus of the current study was to assess the feasibility, reliability, and validity of a smartphone-based application for the assessment of cognitive function in the elderly. A total of 57 non-demented elderly individuals were administered a newly developed smartphone application-based Color-Shape Test (CST) in order to determine its utility in measuring cognitive processing speed in the elderly. Validity of this novel cognitive task was assessed by correlating performance on the CST with scores on widely accepted assessments of cognitive function. Scores on the CST were significantly correlated with global cognition (Mini-Mental State Exam: r = 0.515, p<0.0001) and multiple measures of processing speed and attention (Digit Span: r = 0.427, p<0.0001; Trail Making Test: r = −0.651, p<0.00001; Digit Symbol Test: r = 0.508, p<0.0001). The CST was not correlated with naming and verbal fluency tasks (Boston Naming Test, Vegetable/Animal Naming) or memory tasks (Logical Memory Test). Test re-test reliability was observed to be significant (r = 0.726; p = 0.02). Together, these data are the first to demonstrate the feasibility, reliability, and validity of using a smartphone-based application for the purpose of assessing cognitive function in the elderly. The importance of these findings for the establishment of smartphone-based assessment batteries of cognitive and motor function in the elderly is discussed.  相似文献   

A neural field model of ON and OFF cells with all-to-all inhibitory feedback is investigated. External spatiotemporal stimuli drive the ON and OFF cells with, respectively, direct and inverted polarity. The dynamic differences between networks built of ON and OFF cells (“ON/OFF”) and those having only ON cells (“ON/ON”) are described for the general case where ON and OFF cells can have different spontaneous firing rates; this asymmetric case is generic. Neural responses to nonhomogeneous static and time-periodic inputs are analyzed in regimes close to and away from self-oscillation. Static stimuli can cause oscillatory behavior for certain asymmetry levels. Time-periodic stimuli expose dynamical differences between ON/OFF and ON/ON nets. Outside the stimulated region, we show that ON/OFF nets exhibit frequency doubling, while ON/ON nets cannot. On the other hand, ON/ON networks show antiphase responses between stimulated and unstimulated regions, an effect that does not rely on specific receptive field circuitry. An analysis of the resonance properties of both net types reveals that ON/OFF nets exhibit larger response amplitude. Numerical simulations of the neural field models agree with theoretical predictions for localized static and time-periodic forcing. This is also the case for simulations of a network of noisy integrate-and-fire neurons. We finally discuss the application of the model to the electrosensory system and to frequency-doubling effects in retina.  相似文献   

MTJ1/ERdj1 and its human homologue HTJ1 are membrane proteins that interact with the molecular chaperone BiP through their J-domain. HTJ1 also contains a C-terminal cytosolic region of unknown function that consists of two SANT domains separated by a spacer region. We recently showed that the second SANT domain of HTJ1 (SANT2) binds to alpha1-antichymotrypsin and alters its serpin activity [B. Kroczynska, C.M. Evangelista, S.S. Samant, E.C. Elguindi, S.Y. Blond, The SANT2 domain of the murine tumor cell DnaJ-like protein 1 human homologue interacts with alpha1-antichymotrypsin and kinetically interferes with its serpin inhibitory activity, J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 11432-11443]. Here, we identified a new variant of human inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4 (ITIH4) that also interacts with the SANT2 domain of HTJ1. Biochemical, mutagenesis, and fluorescence studies demonstrate that SANT2 binds to a carboxyl-terminal fragment that corresponds to the last third of the new ITIH4 isoform sequence (residues 588-930). ITIH4 and MTJ1 co-immunoprecipitate from total liver protein extracts and SANT2 protects the ITIH4(588-930) recombinant fragment from being processed by kallikrein in vitro. This work reveals that the SANT2 domain of HTJ1 is a genuine protein-protein interaction module.  相似文献   

For the purposes of classification and effective communication among scientists, organisms must have unequivocal names. The binomial naming system of species was devised and popularized by Linnaeus in the 18th Century. His "Botanical Latin" is an artificial language first adopted for naming plants and is now internationally accepted as a naming system for both plants and animals. Genus and species names are based on Latin and Greek words which describe characteristics of the organism, as well as words from more modern sources, such as the name of the discoverer or place of discovery. Naming follows certain rules and all of the word endings are Latinized. The history of naming parasites is interesting and the molecular age may influence naming in the future.  相似文献   

Action potential encoding in the cockroach tactile spine neuron can be represented as a single-input single-output nonlinear dynamic process. We have used a new functional expansion method to characterize the nonlinear behavior of the neural encoder. This method, which yields similar kernels to the Wiener method, is more accurate than the latter and is efficient enough to obtain reasonable kernels in less than 15 min using a personal computer. The input stimulus was band-limited white Gaussian noise and the output consisted of the resulting train of action potentials, which were unitized to give binary values. The kernels and the system input-output signals were used to identify a model for encoding comprising a cascade of dynamic linear, static nonlinear, and dynamic linear components. The two dynamic linear components had repeatable and distinctive forms with the first being low-pass and the second being high-pass. The static nonlinearity was fitted with a fifth-order polynomial function over several input amplitude ranges and had the form of a half-wave rectifier. The complete model gave a good approximation to the output of the neuron when both were subjected to the same novel white noise input signal.  相似文献   

Mechanisms Explaining Variety Naming by Farmers and Name Consistency of Rice Varieties in The Gambia. Understanding variety naming by farmers is important for better understanding crop genetic diversity in farmer fields and its management by farmers. This paper describes variety naming of rice by farmers in The Gambia and presents mechanisms that explain naming diversity and consistency. Three types of variety names can be distinguished, referring to common old varieties, common new varieties, and uncommon varieties. Interview and plant data suggest that variety exchange affects variety naming within villages. As a result, variety names give information on the period of time a variety is used in a village, and on the flow of varieties between and within villages. Name consistency within and between villages results from and illuminates the dynamics of variety exchange within and between villages.  相似文献   

Previous research has posited that facial expressions of emotion may serve as honest signals of cooperation. Although findings from several empirical studies support this position, prior studies have not used comprehensive and dynamic measures of facial expression as potential predictors of behaviorally defined cooperation. The authors investigated (a) specific positive and negative facial actions displayed among strangers immediately following verbal promises of commitment within an unrestricted acquaintance period and (b) anonymous, behaviorally defined decisions of cooperation or defection in a one-shot, two-person Prisoner's Dilemma game occurring directly following the acquaintance period. The Facial Action Coding System [Ekman P. & Friesen W.V. (1978). Facial Action Coding System. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychology Press] was used to measure affect-related facial actions. It was found that facial actions related to enjoyment were predictive of cooperative decisions within dyads; additionally, facial actions related to contempt were predictive of noncooperative decisions within dyads. Furthermore, and consistent with previous works, participants were able to accurately predict their partner's decisions following the acquaintance period. These results suggest that facial actions may function as honest signals of cooperative intent. These findings also provide a possible explanation for the association between subjective affective experience and facial expression that advances understanding of cooperative behavior.  相似文献   

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