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Pre-sowing treatment of pulsed electromagnetic fields was used in corn seeds, in both indoor and outdoor conditions, in order to investigate the effect on plant growth and yield. The results of this research showed that pulsed electromagnetic fields can enhance plant characteristics, both under controlled environmental conditions and uncontrolled field conditions. The two varieties responded differently in the duration of magnetic field. Seeds were treated for 0, 15, 30, and 45 min with pulsed electromagnetic field (MF-0, MF-15, MF-30, and MF-45). Common corn variety performed better results in MF-30 treatment, while sweet corn variety performed better in MF-45 treatment. Magnetic field improved germination percentage, vigor, chlorophyll content, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weight, and finally yields. In the very interesting measurement of yield, seeds that have been exposed to magnetic field for 30 and 45 min have been found to perform the best results with no statistical differences among them. Another interesting finding was in root dry weight measurements, where magnetic field has a negative impact in MF-30 treatment in both hybrids, however without affecting other measurements. Enhancements on plant characteristics with economic impact on producer's income could be the future of a modern, organic, and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Growth,yield, and yield components of ethephon-treated corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field studies were conducted during 1985 and 1986 to study the effect of stage and rate of ethephon application on growth, combine-harvested yield, and yield components of three corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids at two densities. Ethephon was applied at four rates from 0 to 560g ha–1 at three growth stages: tassel elongation (TE 3mm), TE + 6d, and Ear elongation (EE 3mm). The greatest rate of ethephon decreased lodging by 85% in 1985 and 93% in 1986. Reduction in yield at the greatest rate of ethephon was 6% and 2% of the control in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Brace-root rating in 1986 was increased 20%, when comparing the greatest application rate with the control. In the same year, weight per seed was reduced 2%, which was equivalent to the percentage yield reduction. Plant and ear heights generally decreased in a linear fashion with increasing rate of ethephon. The growth stage at the time of ethephon application significantly altered all variables except grain moisture. Grain yield, seed weight, and lodging decreased as ethephon application was delayed. Decrease in seed weight probably caused the yield decrease with delayed application. Stages of application interacted with rate such that ear height was reduced less as ethephon application was delayed. The greatest rate of ethephon applied at the beginning of EE resulted in the best lodging control. However, reduction in lodging did not result in higher yield. Also, ethephon applied at the TE stage mainly affected elongation of internodes below the ear; at the EE stage, elongation of internodes above the ear was affected.  相似文献   

Mountain pastures dominated by the pasture grass Setaria sphacelata in the Andes of southern Ecuador are heavily infested by southern bracken (Pteridium arachnoideum), a major problem for pasture management. Field observations suggest that bracken might outcompete the grass due to its competitive strength with regard to the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). To understand the PAR absorption potential of both species, the aims of the current paper are to (1) parameterize a radiation scheme of a two-big-leaf model by deriving structural (LAI, leaf angle parameter) and optical (leaf albedo, transmittance) plant traits for average individuals from field surveys, (2) to initialize the properly parameterized radiation scheme with realistic global irradiation conditions of the Rio San Francisco Valley in the Andes of southern Ecuador, and (3) to compare the PAR absorption capabilities of both species under typical local weather conditions. Field data show that bracken reveals a slightly higher average leaf area index (LAI) and more horizontally oriented leaves in comparison to Setaria. Spectrometer measurements reveal that bracken and Setaria are characterized by a similar average leaf absorptance. Simulations with the average diurnal course of incoming solar radiation (1998–2005) and the mean leaf–sun geometry reveal that PAR absorption is fairly equal for both species. However, the comparison of typical clear and overcast days show that two parameters, (1) the relation of incoming diffuse and direct irradiance, and (2) the leaf–sun geometry play a major role for PAR absorption in the two-big-leaf approach: Under cloudy sky conditions (mainly diffuse irradiance), PAR absorption is slightly higher for Setaria while under clear sky conditions (mainly direct irradiance), the average bracken individual is characterized by a higher PAR absorption potential. (∼74 MJ m−2 year−1). The latter situation which occurs if the maximum daily irradiance exceeds 615 W m−2 is mainly due to the nearly orthogonal incidence of the direct solar beam onto the horizontally oriented frond area which implies a high amount of direct PAR absorption during the noon maximum of direct irradiance. Such situations of solar irradiance favoring a higher PAR absorptance of bracken occur in ∼36% of the observation period (1998–2005). By considering the annual course of PAR irradiance in the San Francisco Valley, the clear advantage of bracken on clear days (36% of all days) is completely compensated by the slight but more frequent advantage of Setaria under overcast conditions (64% of all days). This means that neither bracken nor Setaria show a distinct advantage in PAR absorption capability under the current climatic conditions of the study area.  相似文献   

种植密度对玉米-大豆间作群体产量和经济产值的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用二次饱和D最优设计,研究了种植密度对玉米 大豆间作群体产量和经济产值的影响,并建立了以玉米和大豆密度为变量,以间作群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值为目标函数的二元二次数学模型.模型解析表明: 种植密度对玉米 大豆间作群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值影响显著,玉米密度对群体各指标的影响大于大豆密度.在低密度水平下,群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值均随密度的增加而增加.群体籽粒产量达到8101.31 kg·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度72023株·hm-2+大豆密度99924株·hm-2;群体干物质积累达到15282.45 kg·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度75000株·hm-2+大豆密度93372株·hm-2;群体经济产值达到23494.50元·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度73758株·hm-2+大豆密度87597株·hm-2.通过计算机模拟得出,在本试验条件下,玉米-大豆间作群体籽粒产量≥7500kg·hm-2、干物质积累≥14250 kg·hm-2、经济产值≥22500元·hm-2的最佳密度组合为:玉米种植密度58554~71547株·hm-2,大豆种植密度82217~100303株·hm-2.  相似文献   

逆境下玉米果穗形状及其与产量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li NN  Yang JZ  Hao JP 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1782-1788
为量化玉米果穗形状并明确逆境对其生长的影响,借助图像处理,用矩形度(E)、体积差(V)、纵向质心(L)、偏轴距(T)和球体度(S)分别表示矩形相似性、体积均等性、纵向及横向对称性和圆球相似性,对2种生长条件、2个玉米品种和2种去叶处理的试验结果进行聚类、典型变量和方差分析.结果表明:在吐丝后2周内形状变化明显,E(0.72~0.78)和S(0.40~0.48)上升,L(0.56~0.51)、T(0.02~0.01)和V(0.25~0.21)下降,以后各特征都趋于稳定.逆境(高种植密度,不施肥)使成熟期的E降低了4.5%,V扩大了17.7%,它们与穗长和穗粗结合,能够解释产量变化的87%~97%.纵观玉米果穗生长全过程,L、V和S3个形状参数对逆境较敏感,可作为逆境胁迫的量化指标.  相似文献   

Summary Grain yield, plant height and test weight were studied in a population of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The population consisted of F2 bulk populations of 42 crosses among 11 genotypes adapted to S. W. Ontario. Heritabilities were: 0.30±0.32 for yield, 0.77±0.15 for height and 0.98±0.08 for test weight. Predicted genetic gain with 10% selection intensity was 0.15 t/ha for yield, 10.1 cm for height and 3.00 kg/hl for test weight. The low heritability for yield indicates that effective selection would require pedigree information and progeny tests, while the high heritabilities for height and test weight indicate that selection for these traits using single plots would be appropriate.  相似文献   

The formation of the lower nodes and internodes in maize (Zea mays L.) and the progression of their differentiation was investigated by generating clonal sectors from cells of the apical meristem. Marked clones were induced by irradiating dry seeds (kernels) and 2-, 8- and 13-day-old seedlings heterozygous for anthocyanin markers (b, pl) and a chlorophyll factor (wd). The extent and apparent number of cells generating the internodes 2–6, which normally remain condensed, were traced by promoting the elongation of these internodes with gibberellic acid. At the mature seed stage, internodes 2 and 3 are undergoing longitudinal expansion and each is represented by two or three circumferential populations of cells. Internodes 4 and 5 are in the process of radial expansion and each is represented by a single circumferential population of cells. At nodes 2–4, the cells for leaves and internodes have separated but such a separation has not occurred for nodes 5 and 6. The formation and expansion of basal six internodes progressed acropetally, i.e. from the base toward distal nodes. Analysis of sectors induced at the seedling stage shows that the formation of middle and top internodes also progress acropetally. The basal, middle and top internodes were found to develop at different apparent cell numbers in the apical meristem.  相似文献   

Shenker  Moshe  Ben-Gal  Alon  Shani  Uri 《Plant and Soil》2003,256(1):139-147
To define the nature of the combined response curve of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) plants to nitrogen and salinity, a lysimeter study was designed to follow water and solute budgets with combinations of the two variables over wide ranges of 0.5–7.5 dS m–1 and 0–150% of local N-fertilization recommendations. Patterns of water-use efficiency, N content, N uptake, and shoot dry-matter yield indicated the predominance of environmental interactions over Cl-nitrate physiological antagonism. At low salinities, the leaf N content, N uptake, and yield increased with increased N fertilization up to 45% of local N-fertilization recommendations, nitrogen was efficiently stripped from the percolating water and practically no nitrate was leached. At higher N fertilization the amount of leached N increased linearly with increased N input, and N uptake and yield were independent of N rates, levelling off at increased values for decreased salinities. The Liebig–Sprengel and Mitscherlich–Baule models were evaluated against measured data; both achieved similar values for the system's inherent N, the salinity level corresponding with zero-yield, and the predicted yields, which were highly correlated with the experimental data (R 2 > 0.9). It is suggested that both models can be used successfully in mechanistic-based plant–soil solution models to predict yield, water and nutrient needs, and the resulted N leaching.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of waterlogging on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of paired near-isogenic lines of waterlogging-tolerant (Zz-R) and waterlogging-sensitive (Zz-S) waxy corn inbred line seedlings. All plants were grown until the fifth leaves were fully expanded. Subsequently the plants in the pots were submerged in water for 4 d. During the waterlogging period, morphological and photosynthetic parameters related to waterlogging tolerance were examined. After 4 d, a significant decrease was observed in shoot and root fresh mass, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, water-use efficiency, light-saturation point, maximal photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum yield, maximal quantum yield of PSII, and effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry in waterlogged plants of both genotypes. The Zz-R genotype showed lesser reduction in all mentioned indices when compared to the Zz-S genotype. The inhibition of photosynthesis under waterlogging occurred due to the reduction in stomatal conductance, fluorescence parameters, and chlorophyll content. Thus, our study revealed that the Zz-R genotype can be a source of genetic diversity for important traits such as morphological and photosynthetic parameters.  相似文献   

In West-Europe, intensive cereal management uses plant growth regulators (PGRs) especially for wheat. A green-house experiment compared the effects of two PGRs on flag leaf characteristics and yield of winter wheat. Chlormequat chloride + choline chloride (CCC) and chlormequat chloride + choline chloride + imazaquin (CCC+I) were applied to winter wheat at growth stage 5 (Feekes Large scale). CCC and CCC+I significantly increased flag leaf surface area at anthesis. Both treatments also enhanced chlorophyll content of the main stem flag leaf. The grain filling period was extended with PGR application by 2 days. CCC and CCC+I significantly increased net CO2 assimilation rates during the flag leaf life. No effects of PGR spraying were observed on the pattern of 14C labelled assimilate distribution. Increased grain yield was due to the increase in average grain weight. The results indicate that PGR treatments increased flag leaf contribution to grain filling. The addition of imazaquin (I) to chlormequat (CCC) improved the effects of CCC.  相似文献   

Summary During recent years, much work has focused on which factors limit the reproductive success in plants. Several studies show a strong influence of either resource limitation, pollen limitation or a combined effect of both. The theoretical arguments for resource limitation are abundant, but there has been very little work done concerning the effect of pollinator availability. In this paper we construct a model to study how the reproductive success in plants is influenced by the foraging behaviour of the pollinators. The pollinator population is assumed to have a constant population density. A functional response function for the pollinators is derived. It is similar to a Holling type II functional response. It is shown that, since the pollinators are regulated by factors not included in the model and their capability to pollinate is limited by the functional response, this is sufficient for regulating the plant population. There also exists a threshold condition for the persistence of the plant population that depended on the search rate of the pollinators and the demographic parameters of the plant population. If this threshold condition is not satisfied the plant population cannot persist and will become extinct. If the condition is satisfied the plant population grows until it is limited at the equilibrium mentioned above.  相似文献   

Enzymes similar in function to contemporary bacteriorhodopsin could have been active in primordial living organisms for the utilization of solar energy to produce ATP. The energy-conversion system, which depends on a light-driven proton pump, is enzymatically simple, insensitive to cyanide inhibition and functional under highly lipid conditions in an anaerobic atmosphere.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether the species–energy and species–human relationships vary between native and both naturalized and casual alien species richness when other environmental variables had been taken into account. Location Trento Province, a region (c. 6200 km2) on the southern border of the European Alps (Italy), subdivided into 156 contiguous (c. 37.5 km2) cells and ranging in elevation from 66 to 3769 m. Methods Data were separated into three subsets, representing richness of natives, naturalized aliens and casual aliens and separately related to temperature, human population and various environmental correlates of plant species diversity. We applied ordinary least squares and simultaneous autoregressive regressions to identify potential contrasting responses of the three plant status subsets and hierarchical partitioning to evaluate the relative importance of the predictor variables. Results Variation in alien plant species richness along the region was almost entirely explained by temperature and human population density. The relationships were positive but strongly curvilinear. Native species richness was less strongly related to either factor but was positively related to the presence of calcareous bedrock. Native species richness had a decelerating positive relationship with temperature (R2= 55%), whereas naturalized and casual aliens had a positive accelerating relationship explaining 86% and 62% of the variation in richness, respectively. Native species richness had a positive decelerating relationship with population density (R2= 42%), whilst both alien subsets had a positive accelerating relationship. Main conclusions Alien species richness was higher in areas with the most rich and diverse assemblages of native species. Areas at high altitudes are not especially prone to alien invasion due to energy constraints, low propagule pressure and disturbance, even considering a potential increased in temperature. Thus, if we consider future environmental change, we should expect a stronger response of aliens than natives in the currently warm, urbanized, low‐altitude areas than in cold, high‐altitude areas where human population density is low.  相似文献   

Model for the chemotactic response of a bacterial population.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We present a mathematical model for the motion of a bacterial population in prescribed attractant or repellent gradients. The model is suggested by the observations of Mesibov et al. (1973, J. Gen. Physiol. 62:203) and Brown and Berg (1974, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71:1388) who found that the sensitivity of the chemotactic response depends on the concentration of attractant. Predictions of the theory are in general agreement with the experiments of Dahlquist et al. (1972, Nat. New Biol. 236:120) and of Mesibov et al. on populations of motile bacteria in fixed attractant gradients. Additional tests of the model are proposed.  相似文献   

Despite the acknowledged importance of frugivores as seed dispersal agents we still lack a general understanding of the mechanisms by which these animals could shape plant populations and communities. We used a spatially explicit stochastic simulation to explore how frugivore movement decisions interact with landscape properties, thus affecting plant population dynamics through dispersal. The model simulated bird movement, foraging, seed deposition and plant recruitment. We assumed that plants lived only for one season and that recruitment was a function of local seed density. We also considered the effect of perches as non‐food landscape features. Our simulation experiments consisted in varying the parameters governing bird foraging decisions in relation to 1) how fruit abundance biased their movement, and 2) how the willingness to visit a plant or perch decreased with distance to current location. Simulated plant population dynamics was strongly influenced by bird behavior. The scale of foraging decisions had a much stronger effect on plant dynamics than biases due to fruit abundance. Birds tended to concentrate their activities in the center of the landscape where plants became more abundant, increasing local competition. The presence of perches reduced this tendency resulting in larger population sizes. The importance of perches highlights the fact that behaviors other than foraging can have a strong impact on the patterns of seed deposition and hence on plant population dynamics. Several recent studies have combined animal movement data with seed retention time in order to predict seed dispersal kernels. These studies usually emphasize the ecological implications of the scale and shape of such kernels. However, our simulation results reveal that movement directionality and the fact that birds moved mostly among plants and perches can have a major impact on plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Calcium inhibition of potassium absorption in corn roots   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Elzam OE  Hodges TK 《Plant physiology》1967,42(11):1483-1488
Calcium (or magnesium) sulfate or chloride was found to inhibit energy dependent potassium transport in excised corn roots. This Ca2+ inhibition of K+ transport was most pronounced during the initial phases of transport. As the absorption periods were lengthened the effect of Ca2+ gradually changed from an inhibition to a typical promotion (after about 30-45 mins) of K+ transport. Kinetic analysis indicated the inhibition to be of a non-competitive nature.

Identical experiments with excised barley roots showed that CaSO4 had no effect on K+ absorption whereas CaCl2 had a typical stimulatory effect on K+ absorption. Kinetic analysis indicated that both corn and barley have efficient K+ transporting systems but barley roots are approximately 5 times more active (on a fr wt basis) than corn roots.

These results illustrate the hazards involved in applying results obtained with 1 (or even several) plant species to all species.


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