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Chloride extrusion in mature neurons is largely mediated by the neuron-specific potassium-chloride cotransporter KCC2. In addition, independently of its chloride transport function, KCC2 regulates the development and morphology of dendritic spines through structural interactions with the actin cytoskeleton. The mechanism of this effect remains largely unknown. In this paper, we show a novel pathway for KCC2-mediated regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in neurons. We found that KCC2, through interaction with the b isoform of Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor β-PIX, regulates the activity of Rac1 GTPase and the phosphorylation of one of the major actin-regulating proteins, cofilin-1. KCC2-deficient neurons had abnormally high levels of phosphorylated cofilin-1. Consistently, dendritic spines of these neurons exhibited a large pool of stable actin, resulting in reduced spine motility and diminished density of functional synapses. In conclusion, we describe a novel signaling pathway that couples KCC2 to the cytoskeleton and regulates the formation of glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are multifunctional integrative units of the nervous system and are highly diverse and dynamic in nature. Both internal and external stimuli influence dendritic spine density and morphology on the order of minutes. It is clear that the structural plasticity of dendritic spines is related to changes in synaptic efficacy, learning and memory and other cognitive processes. However, it is currently unclear whether structural changes in dendritic spines are primary instigators of changes in specific behaviors, a consequence of behavioral changes, or both. In this review, we first examine the basic structure and function of dendritic spines in the brain, as well as laboratory methods to characterize and quantify morphological changes in dendritic spines. We then discuss the existing literature on the temporal and functional relationship between changes in dendritic spines in specific brain regions and changes in specific behaviors mediated by those regions. Although technological advancements have allowed us to better understand the functional relevance of structural changes in dendritic spines that are influenced by environmental stimuli, the role of spine dynamics as an underlying driver or consequence of behavior still remains elusive. We conclude that while it is likely that structural changes in dendritic spines are both instigators and results of behavioral changes, improved research tools and methods are needed to experimentally and directly manipulate spine dynamics in order to more empirically delineate the relationship between spine structure and behavior.  相似文献   

The actin-binding protein αE-catenin may contribute to transitions between cell migration and cell–cell adhesion that depend on remodeling the actin cytoskeleton, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We show that the αE-catenin actin-binding domain (ABD) binds cooperatively to individual actin filaments and that binding is accompanied by a conformational change in the actin protomer that affects filament structure. αE-catenin ABD binding limits barbed-end growth, especially in actin filament bundles. αE-catenin ABD inhibits actin filament branching by the Arp2/3 complex and severing by cofilin, both of which contact regions of the actin protomer that are structurally altered by αE-catenin ABD binding. In epithelial cells, there is little correlation between the distribution of αE-catenin and the Arp2/3 complex at developing cell–cell contacts. Our results indicate that αE-catenin binding to filamentous actin favors assembly of unbranched filament bundles that are protected from severing over more dynamic, branched filament arrays.  相似文献   

α-Isopropylmalate synthase (α-IPMS) catalyzes the metal-dependent aldol reaction between α-ketoisovalerate (α-KIV) and acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA) to give α-isopropylmalate (α-IPM). This reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthesis of leucine in bacteria. α-IPMS is homodimeric, with monomers consisting of (β/α)(8) barrel catalytic domains fused to a C-terminal regulatory domain, responsible for binding leucine and providing feedback regulation for leucine biosynthesis. In these studies, we demonstrate that removal of the regulatory domain from the α-IPMS enzymes of both Neisseria meningitidis (NmeIPMS) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuIPMS) results in enzymes that are unable to catalyze the formation of α-IPM, although truncated NmeIPMS was still able to slowly hydrolyze AcCoA. The lack of catalytic activity of these truncation variants was confirmed by complementation studies with Escherichia coli cells lacking the α-IPMS gene, where transformation with the plasmids encoding the truncated α-IPMS enzymes was not able to rescue α-IPMS activity. X-ray crystal structures of both truncation variants reveal that both proteins are dimeric and that the catalytic sites of the proteins are intact, although the divalent metal ion that is thought to be responsible for activating substrate α-KIV is displaced slightly relative to its position in the substrate-bound, wild-type structure. Isothermal titration calorimetry and WaterLOGSY nuclear magnetic resonance experiments demonstrate that although these truncation variants are not able to catalyze the reaction between α-KIV and AcCoA, they are still able to bind the substrate α-KIV. It is proposed that the regulatory domain is crucial for ensuring protein dynamics necessary for competent catalysis.  相似文献   

T-protein is composed of chorismate mutase (AroQ(T)) fused to the N-terminus of prephenate dehydrogenase (TyrA). Here, we report the replacement of AroQ(T) with the β1-domain of protein G (Gβ1). The TyrA domain shows a strong dehydrogenase activity within the context of this fusion, and our data indicate that Gβ1-TyrA folds into a dimeric conformation. Amino acid substitutions in the Gβ1 domain of Gβ1-TyrA identified residues involved in stabilizing the TyrA dimeric conformation. Gβ1 substitutions in the N-terminal β-hairpin eliminated Gβ1-TyrA expression, whereas Gβ1-TyrA tolerated Gβ1 substitutions in the C-terminal β-hairpin and in the α-helix. All of the characterized variants folded into a dimeric conformation. The importance of the β2-strand in forming a Gβ1 homo-dimerization interface explains the relevance of the first-β-hairpin in stabilizing the dimeric TyrA protein.  相似文献   

Congenital myopathy is a broad category of muscular diseases with symptoms appearing at the time of birth. One type of congenital myopathy is Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion (CFTD), a severely debilitating disease. The G48D and G48C mutations in the D-loop and the actin–myosin interface are the two causes of CFTD. These mutations have been shown to significantly affect the structure and function of muscle fibers. To the author’s knowledge, the effects of these mutations have not yet been studied. In this work, the power stroke structure of the head domain of myosin and the wild and mutated types of actin were modeled. Then, a MD simulation was run for the modeled structures to study the effects of these mutations on the structure, function, and molecular dynamics of actin. The wild and mutated actins docked with myosin showed differences in hydrogen bonding patterns, free binding energies, and hydrogen bond occupation frequencies. The G48D and G48C mutations significantly impacted the conformation of D-loops because of their larger size compared to Glycine and their ability to interfere with the polarity or hydrophobicity of this neutralized and hydrophobic loop. Therefore, the mutated loops were unable to fit properly into the hydrophobic groove of the adjacent G-actin. The abnormal structure of D-loops seems to result in the abnormal assembly of F-actins, giving rise to the symptoms of CFTD. It was also noted that G48C and G48D did not form hydrogen bonds with myosin in the residue 48 location. Nevertheless, in this case, muscles are unable to contract properly due to muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the human cystatin C (hCC) dimer revealed that a stable twofold-symmetric dimer was formed via 3D domain swapping. Domain swapping with the need for near-complete unfolding has been proposed as a possible route for amyloid fibril initiation. Thus, the interesting interactions that occur between the two molecules may be important for the further aggregation of the protein. In this work, we performed steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations to investigate the dissociation of the β2 and β3 strands in the hCC dimer. The energy changes observed during the SMD simulations showed that electrostatic interactions were the dominant interactions involved in stabilizing the two parts of the dimer during the early stages of SMD simulation, whereas van der Waals (VDW) interactions and electrostatic interactions were equally matched during the latter stages. Furthermore, our data indicated that the two parts of the dimer are stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds among the residues Arg51 (β2), Gln48 (β2), Asp65 (β3), and Glu67 (β3), salt bridges among the residues Arg53 (β2), Arg51 (β2), and Asp65 (β3), and VDW interactions among the residues Gln48 (β2), Arg51 (β2), Glu67 (β3), Asp65 (β3), Phe63 (β3), and Asn61 (β3). The residues Gln48 (β2), Arg51 (β2), Asp65 (β3) and Glu67 (β3) appear to be crucial, as they play important roles in both electrostatic and VDW interactions. Thus, the present study determined the key residues involved in the stabilization of the domain-swapped dimer structure, and also provided molecular-level insights into the dissociation process of the hCC dimer.  相似文献   

It was shown previously that an ankyrin-sensitive, phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylcholine (PE/PC) binding site maps to the N-terminal part of the ankyrin-binding domain of β-spectrin (ankBDn). Here we have identified the amino acid residues within this domain which are responsible for recognizing monolayers and bilayers composed of PE/PC mixtures. In vitro binding studies revealed that a quadruple mutant with substituted hydrophobic residues W1771, L1775, M1778 and W1779 not only failed to effectively bind PE/PC, but its residual PE/PC-binding activity was insensitive to inhibition with ankyrin. Structure prediction and analysis, supported by in vitro experiments, suggests that "opening" of the coiled-coil structure underlies the mechanism of this interaction. Experiments on red blood cells and HeLa cells supported the conclusions derived from the model and in vitro lipid-protein interaction results, and showed the potential physiological role of this binding. We postulate that direct interactions between spectrin ankBDn and PE-rich domains play an important role in stabilizing the structure of the spectrin-based membrane skeleton.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPases have mainly been studied in association with their roles in the regulation of actin filament organization. These studies have shown that the Rho GTPases are essential for basic cellular processes, such as cell migration, contraction, and division. In this paper, we report that RhoD has a role in the organization of actin dynamics that is distinct from the roles of the better-studied Rho members Cdc42, RhoA, and Rac1. We found that RhoD binds the actin nucleation–promoting factor WASp homologue associated with actin Golgi membranes and microtubules (WHAMM), as well as the related filamin A–binding protein FILIP1. Of these two RhoD-binding proteins, WHAMM was found to bind to the Arp2/3 complex, while FILIP1 bound filamin A. WHAMM was found to act downstream of RhoD in regulating cytoskeletal dynamics. In addition, cells treated with small interfering RNAs for RhoD and WHAMM showed increased cell attachment and decreased cell migration. These major effects on cytoskeletal dynamics indicate that RhoD and its effectors control vital cytoskeleton-driven cellular processes. In agreement with this notion, our data suggest that RhoD coordinates Arp2/3-dependent and FLNa-dependent mechanisms to control the actin filament system, cell adhesion, and cell migration.  相似文献   



β2-Microglobulin (β2M) is the light chain of major histocompatibility class I (MHC I) that binds non-covalently with the α heavy chain. Both proteins attach to the antigen peptide, presenting a complex to the T cell to be destroyed via the immune mechanism.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, a cDNA sequence encoding β2M in the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) was identified and analyzed using in silico approaches to predict and characterize its functional domain. The β2M cDNA contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 351 bases with a coding capacity of 116 amino acids. A large portion of the protein consists of the IG constant domain (IGc1), similar to β2M sequences from other species studied thus far. Alignment of the IGc1 domains of β2M from L. calcarifer and other species shows a high degree of overall conservation. Seven amino acids were found to be conserved across taxa whereas conservation between L. calcarifer and other fish species was restricted to 14 amino acids at identical conserved positions.


As the L. calcarifer β2M protein analyzed in this study contains a functional domain similar to that of β2M proteins in other species, it can be postulated that the β2M proteins from L. calcarifer and other organisms are derived from a common ancestor and thus have a similar immune function. Interestingly, fish β2M genes could also be classified according to the ecological habitat of the species, i.e. whether it is from a freshwater, marine or euryhaline environment.  相似文献   

Rap small GTPases regulate excitatory synaptic strength and morphological plasticity of dendritic spines. Changes in spine structure are mediated by the F-actin cytoskeleton, but the link between Rap activity and actin dynamics is unclear. Here, we report a novel interaction between SPAR, a postsynaptic inhibitor of Rap, and α-actinin, a family of actin-cross-linking proteins. SPAR and α-actinin engage in bidirectional structural plasticity of dendritic spines: SPAR promotes spine head enlargement, whereas increased α-actinin2 expression favors dendritic spine elongation and thinning. Surprisingly, SPAR and α-actinin2 can function in an additive rather than antagonistic fashion at the same dendritic spine, generating combination spine/filopodia hybrids. These data identify a molecular pathway bridging the actin cytoskeleton and Rap at synapses, and suggest that formation of spines and filopodia are not necessarily opposing forms of structural plasticity.  相似文献   

The influence of the binding of orthosteric ligands on the conformational dynamics of the β-2-adrenoreceptor was identified using the molecular dynamics method. It was found that there was a small fraction of active states of the receptor in its apo (ligand free) ensemble. An analysis of the MD trajectories indicated that this spontaneous activation of the receptor was accompanied by the motion of its VI helix. Thus, the receptor’s constitutive activity is a direct result of its conformational dynamics. On the other hand, the binding of the full agonist resulted in a significant shift in the initial equilibrium towards its active state. Finally, the binding of the inverse agonist stabilized receptor in its inactive state. It is likely that the binding of the inverse agonists might be a universal method of the constitutive activity inhibition. Our results indicate that ligand binding redistributes preexisting conformational degrees of freedom (in accordance to the Monod-Wyman-Changeux Model), rather than causes an induced fit. Therefore, the ensemble of the biologically relevant receptors conformations has been encoded in its spatial structure and individual conformations from that ensemble and might be used by the cell according to the physiological behavior.  相似文献   

The vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1) is an essential component for thylakoid biogenesis in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. Vipp1 proteins share significant structural similarity with their evolutionary ancestor PspA (bacterial phage shock protein A), namely a predominantly α-helical structure, the formation of oligomeric high molecular weight complexes (HMW-Cs) and a tight association with membranes. Here, we elucidated domains of Vipp1 from Arabidopsis thaliana involved in homo-oligomerization as well as association with chloroplast inner envelope membranes. We could show that the 21 N-terminal amino acids of Vipp1, which form the first α-helix of the protein, are essential for assembly of the 2 MDa HMW-C but are not needed for formation of smaller subcomplexes. Interestingly, removal of this domain also interferes with association of the Vipp1 protein to the inner envelope. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of recombinant Vipp1 further indicates that Escherichia coli lipids bind tightly enough that they can be co-purified with the protein. This feature also depends on the presence of the first helix, which strongly supports an interaction of lipids with the Vipp1 HMW-C but not with smaller subcomplexes. Therefore, Vipp1 oligomerization appears to be a prerequisite for its membrane association. Our results further highlight structural differences between Vipp1 and PspA, which might be important in regard to their different function in thylakoid biogenesis and bacterial stress response, respectively.  相似文献   

β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase-I (GalTI) is unusual among the galactosyltransferase family, which has two isoforms that differ only in the length of their cytoplasmic domains [1]. In this study, we found that both the long and short isoforms of GalTI were expressed in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs), and localized in the cytoplasm near nucleus and cytomembrane. The expression level of GalTI and cellular adhesion ability was increased when DCs continued to mature. We also demonstrated that the cellular adhesion ability of DCs was inhibited by α-lactalbumin (α-LA) via interference with cell surface GalTI function, suggesting that the adhesion ability was positively correlated with the expression of cell surface long GalTI. α-LA also could inhibit DC-T clustering and CD4+ T cell proliferation. Collectively, the data suggests that GalTI might act as a key adhesion molecular participating in T cells-DCs contacts.  相似文献   

The binding of aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase in fetal calf brain homogenates and extracts has been investigated at both 0° and 37°C under high ionic strength conditions. The results demonstrate far greater enzyme binding at 37°C than at 0°C, which correlates with an increased sedimentation of cytoskeletal actin at the higher temperature. A dependence of enzyme sedimentation on the presence of polymerised actin was also demonstrated, and this indicates that cytoskeletal actin is a major adsorbent of glycolytic enzymes in this non-muscle tissue.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that the beta-spectrin ankyrin-binding domain binds lipid domains rich in PE in an ankyrin-dependent manner, and that its N-terminal sequence is crucial in interactions with phospholipids. In this study, the effect of the full-length ankyrin-binding domain of β-spectrin on natural erythrocyte and HeLa cell membranes was tested. It was found that, when encapsulated in resealed erythrocyte ghosts, the protein representing the full-length ankyrin-binding domain strongly affected the shape and barrier properties of the erythrocyte membrane, and induced partial spectrin release from the membrane, while truncated mutants had no effect. As found previously (Bok et al. Cell Biol. Int. 31 (2007) 1482–94), overexpression of the full-length GFP-tagged ankyrin-binding domain aggregated and induced aggregation of endogenous spectrin, but this was not the case with overexpression of proteins truncated at their N-terminus. Here, we show that the aggregation of spectrin was accompanied by the aggregation of integral membrane proteins that are known to be connected to spectrin via ankyrin, i.e. Na+K+ATP-ase, IP3 receptor protein and L1 CAM. By contrast, the morphology of the actin cytoskeleton remained unchanged and aggregation of cadherin E or N did not occur upon the overexpression of either full-length or truncated ankyrin-binding domain proteins. The obtained results indicate a substantial role of the lipid-binding part of the β-spectrin ankyrin-binding domain in the determination of the membrane and spectrin-based skeleton functional properties.  相似文献   

Complex social insect species exhibit task specialization mediated by morphological and behavioral traits. However, evidence of such traits is scarce for other social arthropods. We investigated whether the social pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides nidificator exhibits morphologically and behaviorally specialized individuals in prey capture. We measured body and chela sizes of adult pseudoscorpions and analyzed predation processes. Larger individuals spent more time moving through the colony and foraging than smaller pseudoscorpions. Individuals that captured prey had increased body and absolute chelae sizes. Although larger individuals had relatively small chelae size, they showed a higher probability of prey capture. Larger individuals manipulated prey often, although they fed less than smaller pseudoscorpions. Individuals that initiated captures fed more frequently and for more time than the others. Natural selection might be favoring individuals specialized in foraging and colony protection, allowing smaller and less efficient adults to avoid contact with dangerous prey. To our knowledge, there is incipient information regarding specialized individuals in arachnids, and our results might indicate the emergence of a morphologically specialized group in this species.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - βPix is a Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that is known to be a regulator of actin cytoskeleton remodeling. Recently, a novel splicing...  相似文献   

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