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An unresolved question concerns the nuclear localization of the heterotrimeric CCAAT-binding complex, which is evolutionarily conserved in eukaryotic organisms including fungi, plants and mammals. All three subunits are necessary for DNA binding. In the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans the corresponding complex was designated AnCF (A.nidulans CCAAT-binding factor). AnCF consists of the HapB, HapC and HapE subunits. Here, by using various green fluorescent protein constructs, a nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) of the HapB protein was identified, outside of the evolutionarily conserved domain. HapB-EGFP was transported into the nucleus in both DeltahapC and DeltahapE strains, indicating that its NLS interacts with the import machinery independently of the other Hap subunits. In contrast, HapC-EGFP did not enter the nucleus in the absence of HapE or HapB. A similar finding was made for HapE-EGFP, which did not localize to the nucleus in the absence of HapC or HapB. Addition of the HapB-NLS to either HapC or HapE led to nuclear localization of the respective protein fusions, indicating that both HapC and HapE lack a functional NLS. Furthermore, these data strongly suggest that HapC and HapE have first to form a heterodimer and can be transported only as a heterodimer via the HapB protein into the nucleus. Therefore, the HapB subunit is the primary cargo for the import machinery, while HapC and HapE are transported to the nucleus only as a heterodimer and in complex with HapB via a piggy back mechanism. This enables the cell to provide equimolar concentrations of all subunits to the nucleus.  相似文献   

In the ascomycetous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, the expression of two inducible, contiguous or closely linked genes (qutB and qutC) which encode enzymes for quinate breakdown to protocatechuate, appears to be controlled by the product of a tightly linked third gene (qutA). The qut gene cluster locates on chromosome VIII. The catalytic steps required for this conversion are dehydrogenase, dehydroquinase, and dehydratase, and these activities are induced by the presence of quinate in a similar manner. The dehydroquinase enzyme has been purified and shown to be multimeric, consisting of 20–22 identical subunits of approximately 10,000 MW. The enzyme has a pI value of 5.84, a K m of 5×10–4 m, and an amino acid composition that lacks tryptophan and cysteine. The enzyme also cross-reacts with rabbit antibodies raised against Neurospora crassa catabolic dehydroquinase.This work was supported in part by European Molecular Biology Organisation grants to J.R.K. and A.R.H. and by National Institutes of Health Grant GM23051 to N.H.G.  相似文献   

Gao L  Song Y  Cao J  Wang S  Wei H  Jiang H  Lu L 《Cellular signalling》2011,23(11):1750-1757
Establishment and maintenance of cell polarity are coordinated by signaling pathways such as NDR (nuclear Dbf2-related) protein-kinase signaling and calcium signaling pathway. The NDR family of kinase is structurally related to the human myotonic dystrophy kinase, which, when impaired, confers a disease that involves changes in cytoarchitecture and ion homeostasis. CotA kinase, a member of the NDR protein kinase family, forms a complex with MobB to regulate cell polarized growth in Aspergillus nidulans. Our previous study demonstrated that mobB/cotA defects could be suppressed by the osmotic stress in the presence of external calcium. In this study, via the genetic and molecular approach, we further demonstrated that Ca2+-permeable stretch-activated nonselective cation channel-MidA, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase catalatic subunit-CnaA and external calcium, but not voltage-gated calcium channel homolog-CchA, were required for the osmotic stabilizer-coupled suppression. The up-regulation of calcium/calcineurin signaling pathway induced by osmotic stress might be the reason for bypassing the requirements of NDR kinase complex, which is otherwise necessary for polar morphogenesis. Our results suggest that calcium-calcineurin signaling pathway coordinates with MobB/CotA kinase complex in regulating polarity growth via maintaining cellular calcium homeostasis. However, CchA may act differently as other components in calcium signaling pathway in Aspergillus nidulans. These findings provide an excellent opportunity to identify the potential pathway linking NDR protein-kinase network to calcium signaling pathway.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II (Topo II) is an essential enzyme that catalyzes topological changes of DNA and consists of a major member of mitotic chromosomes. To investigate the dynamic localization of Topo II in nuclei, we engineered the strain of Aspergillus nidulans expressing Topo II fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Time-lapse microscopy revealed that the distribution of Topo II-GFP in nuclei varied depending on the cell cycle. In interphase, Topo II-GFP distributed evenly in the nucleoplasm and at the onset of G2 phase became concentrated into nucleolus. During mitosis, Topo II-GFP accumulated on chromosomes, when the chromosomes condensed. In the early mitosis, the Topo II also showed a single or two brighter spots among the fluorescence of clumped chromosomes. The spots once divided into several spots and then concentrated again into a spot per nucleus in the dividing nuclei of anaphase. Along with the subsequent decondensation of chromosomes, Topo II diffused back into nucleoplasm.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) is a redox active lipid that is an essential component of the electron transport chain. Here, we show that steady state levels of Coq3, Coq4, Coq6, Coq7 and Coq9 polypeptides in yeast mitochondria are dependent on the expression of each of the other COQ genes. Submitochondrial localization studies indicate Coq9p is a peripheral membrane protein on the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane. To investigate whether Coq9p is a component of a complex of Q-biosynthetic proteins, the native molecular mass of Coq9p was determined by Blue Native-PAGE. Coq9p was found to co-migrate with Coq3p and Coq4p at a molecular mass of approximately 1 MDa. A direct physical interaction was shown by the immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged Coq9 polypeptide with Coq4p, Coq5p, Coq6p and Coq7p. These findings, together with other work identifying Coq3p and Coq4p interactions, identify at least six Coq polypeptides in a multi-subunit Q biosynthetic complex.  相似文献   

The import of cytochrome c into the mitochondrial intermembrane space is not understood at a mechanistic level. While the precursor apocytochrome c can insert into protein-free lipid bilayers, the purified translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex supports the translocation of apocytochrome c into proteoliposomes. We report an in organello analysis of cytochrome c import into yeast mitochondria from wild-type cells and different mutants cells, each defective in one of the seven Tom proteins. The import of cytochrome c is not affected by removal of the receptor Tom20 or Tom70. Moreover, neither the transfer protein Tom5 nor the assembly factors Tom6 and Tom7 are needed for import of cytochrome c. When the general import pore (GIP)-protein Tom40 is blocked, the import of cytochrome c is moderately affected. Mitochondria lacking the central receptor and organizing protein Tom22 contain greatly reduced levels of cytochrome c. We conclude that up to two components of the TOM complex, Tom22 and possibly the GIP, are involved in the biogenesis of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is an important process for cellular activities. However, in filamentous fungi, the existence of endocytosis has been so far elusive. In this study, we used AoUapC-EGFP, the fusion protein of a putative uric acid-xanthine permease with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in Aspergillus oryzae, to examine whether the endocytic process occurs or not. Upon the addition of ammonium into the medium the fusion protein was internalized from the plasma membrane. The internalization of AoUapC-EGFP was completely blocked by sodium azide, cold, and cytochalasin A treatments, suggesting that the internalization possesses the general features of endocytosis. These results demonstrate the occurrence of endocytosis in filamentous fungi. Moreover, we discovered that the endosomal compartments appeared upon the induction of endocytosis and moved in a microtubule-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Deficiency of the carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase (CACT), the most severe disorder of fatty acid beta-oxidation, is usually lethal in both humans and animals, precluding the development of animal models of the disease. In contrast, CACT deficiency is conditionally lethal in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, since loss-of-function mutations in acuH, the translocase structural gene, do not prevent growth on carbon sources other than ketogenic compounds, such as fatty acids. Here, we describe the molecular characterization of extant acuH alleles and the development of a fungal model for CACT deficiency based on the ability of human CACT to fully complement, when expressed at physiological levels, the growth defect of an A. nidulans DeltaacuH strain on acetate and long-chain fatty acids. By using growth tests and in vitro assays this model enabled us to carry out a functional characterization of human CACT mutations showing that it may be useful for distinguishing potentially pathogenic human CACT missense mutations from neutral, single residue substitution-causing polymorphisms.  相似文献   

One of the defining features of the fermentation process used in the production of bioethanol from sugarcane feedstock is the dynamic nature of the yeast population. Minisatellite molecular markers are particularly useful for monitoring yeast communities because they produce polymorphic PCR products that typically display wide size variations. We compared the coding sequences derived from the genome of the sugarcane bioethanol strain JAY270/PE-2 to those of the reference Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strain S288c, and searched for genes containing insertion or deletion polymorphisms larger than 24 bp. We then designed oligonucleotide primers flanking nine of these sites, and used them to amplify differentially sized PCR products. We analyzed the banding patterns in the most widely adopted sugarcane bioethanol strains and in several indigenous yeast contaminants, and found that our marker set had very good discriminatory power. Subsequently, these markers were used to successfully monitor the yeast cell populations in six sugarcane bioethanol distilleries. Additionally, we showed that most of the markers described here are also polymorphic among strains unrelated to bioethanol production, suggesting that they may be applied universally in S. cerevisiae. Because the relatively large polymorphisms are detectable in conventional agarose gels, our method is well suited to modestly equipped on-site laboratories at bioethanol distilleries, therefore providing both cost and time savings.  相似文献   

We observed that the filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, grown on agar media burst out cytoplasmic constituents from the hyphal tip soon after flooding with water. Woronin body is a specialized organelle known to plug the septal pore adjacent to the lysed compartment to prevent extensive loss of cytoplasm. A. oryzae Aohex1 gene homologous to Neurospora crassa HEX1 gene encoding a major protein in Woronin body was expressed as a fusion with DsRed2, resulting in visualization of Woronin body. Confocal microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction of images visualized the septal pore as a dark region surrounded by green fluorescence of EGFP-fused secretory protein, RNase T1, on the septum. Dual fluorescent labeling revealed the plugging of the septal pores adjacent to the lysed apical compartments by Woronin bodies during hypotonic shock. Disruption of Aohex1 gene caused disappearance of Woronin bodies and the defect to prevent extensive loss of cytoplasm during hypotonic shock.  相似文献   

Vps24 (vacuolar protein sorting) is a component of ESCRT III (endosomal sorting complex required for transport), which is required for the formation of MVB (multivesicular body). We have isolated the VPS24 homologue gene, Aovps24, from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae, and analyzed the localization of AoVps24 using EGFP. AoVps24 was localized in the cytoplasm and late endosome-like structures. Furthermore, we constructed an Aovps24 disruptant, which showed impaired growth, conidiation, and hyphal morphology. In addition, normal vacuoles were not observed in the Aovps24 disruptant. In the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vps24 disruptant, the normal vacuoles are formed and it does not show the impaired growth and abnormal cell shape as the A. oryzae Aovps24 disruptant. The results suggest that AoVps24 is required for vacuolar formation and normal vacuoles could have the function to maintain the normal hyphal elongation and conidiation in A. oryzae.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the molecular chaperone Hsp90 guards the organism against genetic variations by stabilizing variant Hsp90 substrate proteins. However, little is known about polymorphisms affecting its own functions. We have followed up on a recent study describing two polymorphisms that alter the amino acid sequences of the two Hsp90 isoforms Hsp90alpha and Hsp90beta. Hsp90 is essential for cell proliferation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but the human proteins can replace the endogenous ones. In this growth assay, the variant V656M of Hsp90beta was indistinguishable from wild-type. In contrast, the Hsp90alpha variant Q488H, which carries an alteration of a very highly conserved residue, was severely defective for growth compared to wild-type Hsp90alpha. Hence, the characteristics of this yeast-based system-simplicity, rapidity, low cost-make it ideal for phenotype screening of polymorphisms in HSP90 and possibly many other human genes.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins are molecular chaperones linked to a myriad of physiological functions in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In this study, we show that the Aspergillus nidulans hsp30 (ANID_03555.1), hsp70 (ANID_05129.1), and hsp90 (ANID_08269.1) genes are preferentially expressed in an acidic milieu, whose expression is dependent on the palA + background under optimal temperature for fungal growth. Heat shock induction of these three hsp genes showed different patterns in response to extracellular pH changes in the palA+ background. However, their accumulation upon heating for 2 h was almost unaffected by ambient pH changes in the palA background. The PalA protein is a member of a conserved signaling cascade that is involved in the pH-mediated regulation of gene expression. Moreover, we identified several genes whose expression at pH 5.0 is also dependent on the palA + background. These results reveal novel aspects of the heat- and pH-sensing networks of A. nidulans.  相似文献   

Tim23p is imported via the TIM (translocase of inner membrane)22 pathway for mitochondrial inner membrane proteins. In contrast to precursors with an NH2-terminal targeting presequence that are imported in a linear NH2-terminal manner, we show that Tim23p crosses the outer membrane as a loop before inserting into the inner membrane. The Tim8p-Tim13p complex facilitates translocation across the intermembrane space by binding to the membrane spanning domains as shown by Tim23p peptide scans with the purified Tim8p-Tim13p complex and crosslinking studies with Tim23p fusion constructs. The interaction between Tim23p and the Tim8p-Tim13p complex is not dependent on zinc, and the purified Tim8p-Tim13p complex does not coordinate zinc in the conserved twin CX3C motif. Instead, the cysteine residues seemingly form intramolecular disulfide linkages. Given that proteins of the mitochondrial carrier family also pass through the TOM (translocase of outer membrane) complex as a loop, our study suggests that this translocation mechanism may be conserved. Thus, polytopic inner membrane proteins, which lack an NH2-terminal targeting sequence, pass through the TOM complex as a loop followed by binding of the small Tim proteins to the hydrophobic membrane spanning domains.  相似文献   

The X-ray structures of Aspergillus oryzae aspartic proteinase (AOAP) and its complex with inhibitor pepstatin have been determined at 1.9A resolution. AOAP was crystallized in an orthorhombic system with the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and cell dimensions of a=49.4A, b=79.4A, and c=93.6A. By the soaking of pepstatin, crystals are transformed into a monoclinic system with the space group C2 and cell dimensions of a=106.8A, b=38.6A, c=78.7A, and beta=120.3 degrees. The structures of AOAP and AOAP/pepstatin complex were refined to an R-factor of 0.177 (R(free)=0.213) and of 0.185 (0.221), respectively. AOAP has a crescent-shaped structure with two lobes (N-lobe and C-lobe) and the deep active site cleft is constructed between them. At the center of the active site cleft, two Asp residues (Asp33 and Asp214) form the active dyad with a hydrogen bonding solvent molecule between them. Pepstatin binds to the active site cleft via hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the enzyme. The structures of AOAP and AOAP/pepstatin complex including interactions between the enzyme and pepstatin are very similar to those of other structure-solved aspartic proteinases and their complexes with pepstatin. Generally, aspartic proteinases cleave a peptide bond between hydrophobic amino acid residues, but AOAP can also recognize the Lys/Arg residue as well as hydrophobic amino acid residues, leading to the activation of trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. The X-ray structure of AOAP/pepstatin complex and preliminary modeling show two possible sites of recognition for the positively charged groups of Lys/Arg residues around the active site of AOAP.  相似文献   

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