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Changes in ovarian histology during the reproductive cycle of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus torquatus torquatus are described. In general, the variation in follicular histology observed during the seasonal cycle is similar to that of other lizards. Sceloporus t. torquatus exhibits a cycle in which small, previtellogenic follicles exist in the ovary from December to August. Vitellogenesis occurs between September and November, followed by ovulation from late November to early December. Parturition occurs the following spring. After ovulation, the remaining follicular cells form the corpus luteum and luteolysis did not occur until April-May. Follicular atresia is commonly observed in previtellogenic follicles with polymorphic granulosa, but occurs less frequently in follicles during late vitellogenesis. There are two germinal beds in each ovary. The yolk nucleus is evident in young oocytes as is a vacuolated ooplasma prior to vitellogenesis. Extensive polymorphism is observed in yolk platelets. Mast cells and secretory cells are observed in the thecal layer of the follicular wall as are melanocytes in the ovarian stroma. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The lizard Sceloporus jarrovi (Phrynosomatidae) is one of the most widely studied viviparous reptiles of North America. Past research has assumed that placentation in this species is relatively simple and functions mainly in gas exchange. Our examination of the late stage placenta via transmission electron microscopy reveals that S. jarrovi has a unique combination of placental characteristics, with unusual specializations for secretion and absorption. In the chorioallantoic placenta, chorionic and uterine tissues are directly apposed through eggshell loss, and their epithelia are greatly attenuated, enhancing gas exchange; this placenta shows evidence of both nutrient transfer and endocrine function. Contrary to past inferences, a yolk sac placenta forms from the avascular omphalopleure and persists through the end of gestation. The uterine epithelium is enlarged and secretory, and the fetal omphalopleure shows branching absorptive channels and other specializations for uptake. Elsewhere, the omphalopleure develops elongated folds that protrude into a coagulum of degenerating shell membrane and other organic material. Uterine tissue in this region shows specializations for absorption. Placental features in S. jarrovi have unexpected functional implications, and challenge assumptions that specializations for nutrient transfer are confined to matrotrophic species. J. Morphol. 271:1153–1175, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary In many vertebrates, seasonal activation of sexual and territorial behaviors coincides with seasonal gonadal activation and is caused by the increase in sex steroid hormones. Both male and femaleSceloporus jarrovi are territorial, but in this species territorial behavior is seasonally activated in late April, months before seasonal gonadal maturation, which occurs in August prior to the fall mating season. Measurements of seasonal changes in circulating levels of the sex steroid hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estradiol indicated that testosterone levels in both sexes are elevated when territorial behavior is expressed, even during the period of nonbreeding-season territoriality during the summer. This suggests that a nonbreeding season behavior is activated by a sex steroid hormone in this species.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine whether arginine vasotocin (AVT) stimulates synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) in reptilian oviducts. Homogenized oviducal tissue from female Sceloporus jarrovi in early and late pregnancy were cultured with radiolabeled (14C) prostaglandin precursor, arachidonic acid (AA). In late pregnancy, oviducts exposed to AVT exhibited a greater conversion of AA to PGF2 alpha than did controls, whereas in early pregnancy there was no difference. The conversion of AA to other prostaglandins (PGA2, PGD2, PGE2, PGI2) was not influenced by AVT. The second experiment examined whether endogenous in vitro synthesis of PGF and PGE2 from intact, pregnant oviducts was stimulated by AVT (50 ng/ml; 100 ng/ml). Both doses of AVT induced a similar, significant rise in PGF concentrations within 30 min whereas no significant increase was noted in PGE2 concentrations until 90 min after treatment. Indomethacin pretreatment blocked synthesis of both PGF and PGE2 for 30 min following AVT treatment. These data indicate that AVT induces a highly specific rise in the synthesis of PGF from the oviduct of female S. jarrovi in late pregnancy. Furthermore, the prostaglandin-stimulating effect of AVT in reptiles appears homologous with the effect of oxytocin in mammals and AVT in birds. We hypothesize that this interaction is an evolutionarily conserved relationship found in all amniote vertebrates.  相似文献   

D. E. Ruby  A. E. Dunham 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):473-480
Summary Variation in home range size among three populations of the saxicolous iguanid lizard Sceloporus merriami was studied in relation to density, food availability, behavioral patterns, and daily activity periods. These populations, separated by a maximum distance of 50 km, occur along an elevational gradient which spans the elevational range of the species in west Texas. The population with the smallest home ranges had the highest density, the lowest food availability, and the most restricted daily activity period. Within populations, males consistently had larger home ranges than females. No significant between-year variation in home range size was noted within a given area or sex. Intraspecific variation in home range size is not explained by any single factor, such as food availability or density, but appears to be complexly determined by the interaction of energetic, breeding, and activity constraints.  相似文献   

Placental membranes mediate maternal‐fetal exchange in all viviparous reptilian sauropsids. We used scanning electron microscopy to examine the placental interface in the mountain spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi (Phrynosomatidae). From the late limb bud stage until birth, the conceptus is surrounded by placental membranes formed from the chorioallantois and yolk sac omphalopleure. The chorioallantois lies directly apposed to the uterine lining with no intervening shell membrane. Both fetal and maternal sides of the chorioallantoic placenta are lined by continuous layers of flattened epithelial cells that overlie dense capillary networks. The chorioallantoic placenta shows specializations that enhance respiratory exchange, as well as ultrastructural evidence of maternal secretion and fetal absorption. The yolk sac placenta contains enlarged fetal and maternal epithelia with specializations for histotrophic nutrient transfer. This placenta lacks intrinsic vascularity, although the vascular allantois lies against its inner face, contributing to an omphallantoic placenta. In a specialized region at the abembryonic pole, uterine and fetal tissues are separated by a compact mass of shed shell membrane, yolk droplets, and cellular debris. The omphalopleure in this region develops elongate folds that may contribute to sequestration and absorption of this material. Fetal membrane morphogenesis and composition in S. jarrovi are consistent with those of typical squamates. However, this species exhibits unusual placental specializations characteristic of highly placentotrophic lizards. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Characterizing leptin's structure and function in mammals has been the subject of thousands of studies since 1994. Recently, the study of leptin has expanded to include its distribution in non-mammalian taxa, and the role that leptin plays in the reproductive axis. We demonstrated in a previous study that Sceloporus undulatus, fence lizards (ectotherms), express a leptin-like protein. In the current study we quantified seasonal variation in this putative leptin among free-ranging fence lizards from two populations characterized by early and late reproductive maturation (after one or two years, respectively). Immunoblots were performed on whole blood samples to detect leptin and estimate its titer. Leptin titers were higher in the reproductive population of S. undulatus (early maturing: 2.5 ± 0.2 μg/mL; late-maturing 2.2 ± 0.3 μg/mL; mean ± 2 S.E.), but both populations showed the same seasonal pattern. Leptin titers were lowest in fall when fat stores are expected to be highest (spring: 2.6 ± 0.3 μg/mL; summer: 2.6 ± 0.3; μg/mL; fall: 1.8 ± 0.3 μg/mL), consistent with findings of seasonal variation in free-ranging mammals. Our data support previous work asserting that lizards express leptin and that it has a similar physiological function in endotherms and ectotherms. Our long-term goal is to use leptin to manipulate age at maturity and to test fundamental questions in the evolution of life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Adult lizards (Sceloporus torquatus) were used to test whether seasonal differences in the effects of pinealectomy upon the locomotor activity rhythm exist. Animals were field collected and exposed to artificial light - dark cycles and constant temperature in winter and summer. Free running circadian rhythms under constant temperature and dim red light were monitored using infrared light-crossings. The effects of pinealectomy were assessed by analysing the circadian parameters of free running period and activity - rest ratio in constant darkness or light - dark cycles. Results obtained indicate that pinealectomy changes the free running period of locomotor activity rhythm, irrespective of season, while seasonal differences in activity-rest ratio were detected. Our findings support the hypothesis that seasonal regulation of circadian rhythms in lizards is accomplished, in part, via the output of the pineal gland.  相似文献   

The annual histological changes in ovarian morphology (oogenesis, follicular atresia, and corpus luteum) are described for the Mexican lizard Sceloporus grammicus, in two populations that inhabit contrasting environments (vegetation categories, climate, precipitation, and temperature) from Hidalgo State, Mexico. Two germinal beds were situated on the dorsal surface of each ovary of this species. In both the populations, oogenesis involves two major processes: previtellogenesis and vitellogenesis. The histological changes during previtellogenesis are similar to those for other reptilian sauropsids, whereas vitellogenesis differs and the features of this last process are described for the first time. In early previtellogenesis, primary oocytes have fibrillar chromosomes and the ooplasm stains slightly. The primordial follicles are surrounded by a granulosa composed of cuboidal follicular cells. During late previtellogenesis, the oocyte had an eccentric nucleus with lamp‐brush chromosomes and multiple nucleoli. The granulosa becomes multilayered and polymorphic, containing three cell types: small, intermediate, and pyriform. The zona pellucida was homogeneous and clearly observed. In early vitellogenesis, the oocyte showed several small acidophilic granules distributed in the center and the periphery of the oocyte. As vitellogenesis progresses, the yolk platelets move toward the central area of the oocyte and they fuse to form acidophilic and homogeneous yolk. Lipid droplets were distributed irregularly in the ooplasm of the oocyte. In Zacualtipán, the results revealed a strong seasonal reproductive activity. Females had vitellogenic follicles from July to September, and pregnant females were founded from September to March. In Tizayuca, the results showed an unusual pattern of reproductive activity. Females with vitellogenic follicles and pregnant females were found throughout the year, indicating continuous reproduction. We suggest that the observed differences in reproductive activity from these populations indicate adaptative fine tuning in response to local environmental conditions. These results contribute to the knowledge of variation in vitellogenesis and reproductive strategies of this species and among spiny lizards overall. J. Morphol. 275:949–960, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The placenta provides a maternal-fetal exchange interface that maximizes the diffusion of gases, nutrients, and wastes. However, the placenta also may permit diffusion of lipid-soluble steroid hormones that influence processes such as sex-specific fetal development and maternal pregnancy maintenance. In mammals, placental steroid metabolism contributes to regulation of maternal and fetal hormone levels. Such mechanisms may be less highly developed in species that have recently evolved placentation, such as many reptiles. We therefore chose to investigate placental metabolism of steroids in the viviparous lizard Sceloporus jarrovi. In vitro tissue incubations tested the abilities of the chorioallantoic placenta to clear progesterone and corticosterone by converting them to other metabolites and to synthesize progesterone. Placental tissue rapidly cleared progesterone and corticosterone added to the incubation media, indicating that the tissue had converted the steroids to other products. Placental tissue also synthesized substantial concentrations of progesterone from the prohormone pregnenolone. Thus, even in a species with a simple, recently evolved placenta, steroid metabolism appears to be highly developed and could be critical for regulation of maternal and fetal hormone levels. This finding suggests that placental hormone metabolism may be critical to the successful evolution of placentation.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates of lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, differed between acclimated and acclimatized individuals. Oxygen consumption of field acclimatized Sceloporus undulatus peaked during the early morning and afternoon and was highest overall during spring. Oxygen consumption in the summer was similar to that in the fall. Laboratory acclimated animals collected during spring exhibited significantly lower rates of oxygen consumption than acclimatized individuals. Rates were similar in summer. Oxygen consumption did not vary between spring and summer for acclimated animals. Activity season maintenance costs of adult males based on field body temperatures and seasonal measurements of metabolic rates of acclimatized lizards (23.8 kJ/g) were higher than maintenance costs computed with data for summer lizards (20.6 kJ/g; a difference of 13.4%) and acclimated lizards (15.6 kJ/g; a difference of 34.5%).  相似文献   

The reptile Iguana iguana exhibits four states of vigilance: active wakefulness (AW), quiet wakefulness (QW), quiet sleep (QS) and active sleep (AS). Cerebral activity decreases in amplitude and frequency when passing from wakefulness to QS. Both parameters show a slight increase during AS. Heart rate is at a maximum during AW (43.8+/-7.9 beats/min), decreases to a minimum in QS (25.3+/-3.2 beats/min) and increases in AS (36.1+/-5.7 beats/min). Tonical and phasical muscular activity is present in wakefulness, decreases or disappears in QS and reappears in AS. Single or conjugate ocular movements are observed during wakefulness, then disappear in QS and abruptly reappear in AS. Although these reptiles are polyphasic, their sleep shows a tendency to concentrate between 20:00 and 8:00 h. Quiet sleep occupies the greater percentage of the total sleep time. Active sleep episodes are of very short duration, showing an average of 21.5+/-4.9 (mean+/-SD). Compensatory increment of sleep following its total deprivation was significant only for QS. Reaction to stimuli decreased significantly when passing from wakefulness to sleep. It is suggested that the lizard I. iguana displays two sleep phases behaviorally and somatovegetatively similar to slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

We examined the role of tongue extrusions for the detection of chemicals in the iguanid lizard Sceloporus jarrovi, prior to the breeding season. Most extrusions resulted in the tongue touching the substrate and are referred to as tongue-touches. A total of 2819 tongue-touches were observed for four age/sex classes of lizards. We could not demonstrate that the tongue is involved in the detection of a natural predator, the Arizona kingsnake (Lampropeltis pyromelana), and it was clear that it was not used to find food. It did, however, seem to be involved in the exploration of temporally and spatially unfamiliar areas. The possibility that the tongue is involved in the detection of conspecifics is discussed for this study, as well as for complementary studies. Possible marking attempts in the form of chin wipes, pelvic rubs, and defaecations were examined. The latter two possibilities were not important at this time of year. Chin wiping may result in the depositing of chemical markers, although no external chin glands were found and the possibility is still uncertain.  相似文献   

We characterized steroidogenic properties of dispersed adrenocortical cells from field-active male and female eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) to investigate whether alterations in cell function could, in part, explain seasonal variation in baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone (B). Lizards were collected during the breeding and postbreeding seasons and shortly prior to hibernation. Dispersed cells in vitro produced B, aldosterone (ALDO), and progesterone in response to 8-Br-cAMP, 25-(OH)cholesterol, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH; as little as 100 fM), and angiotensin II. Maximal progesterone, B, and ALDO responses to ACTH were roughly 1000%, 500%, and 100% greater than corresponding basal values. Angiotensin II was an effective steroidogenic stimulant but much less so than ACTH. Corticosteroid production exhibited considerable steroid-specific variation among seasons. Maximal ACTH-induced B production was lower in the postbreeding season than at either of the other two measurement points, essentially opposite to the pattern for ALDO. Males and females generally produced B at similar rates, but ALDO and progesterone showed numerous sex differences that usually covaried between the two steroids. Cellular sensitivity to 25-(OH)cholesterol and angiotensin II showed few sex differences or seasonal changes. In contrast, sensitivity to ACTH decreased markedly from the breeding to the postbreeding season in males, corresponding to the decrease in stress-responsiveness, and in both sexes was considerably lower prior to hibernation than during the breeding season. Under some conditions, plasma B may be limited by the production capacity of adrenocortical cells. In summary, seasonal variations in body condition, reproductive activity, and baseline and stress-induced plasma B may be attributed at least in part to alterations in adrenocortical cell steroidogenic function.  相似文献   

Examination of the intestinal tracts of 74 granite spiny lizards (Sceloporus orcutti) from Riverside County, California (USA) revealed infection with one cestode species Oochoristica scelopori (Anoplocephalidae) and one nematode species Spauligodon giganticus (Pharyngodonidae). Helminth prevalence was 24%. The presence of Oochoristica scelopori represents a new host record.  相似文献   

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