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Natality rates and seasonality of births and conceptions were analyzed from 6,116 birth records in the pastoral community of Roio (Abruzzo, Italy) from 1802 to 1965. Gross natality rates averaged 25.5 x 1000 in the past, lower than those reported for agricultural groups. Seasonality of births showed a marked pattern: 807-67% of births occurred in the first six months of the year. The monthly distribution of conceptions was compared to that of marriages. The results show a high correlation in the 19th century and a lower one in the 20th century. These findings suggest that pastoralism acted as a primary regulator of reproduction in this community.  相似文献   

The study of biological microdifferentiation of human populations is usefully integrated by the analysis of the biodemographic parameters that provide information on the ecological context in which a population developed specific subsistence models. Seasonality of marriages and births are good parameters of the different “traditional' lifestyles, since they both are influenced by cultural traditions, demographic characteristics, socio-economic conditions, environmental factors, working activities and loads, the latter possibly resulting in a limiting factor of the fertility's physiological functions. An indirect way to estimate such limiting factor in historical societies is by relating seasonality of both vital events to natality rates. The present research investigated seasonality of 19,867 records of Marriages and 59,360 records of Baptisms as well as natality rates in several communities of the Provinces of Teramo and L'Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy) in the 19th century. Results show stable patterns of seasonality of both marriages and baptisms. Marriages display one model of seasonality typical of agricultural societies, with several sub-models, and a second developed by pastoral groups. The correlation between seasonality of marriages and that of conceptions is high in pastoral communities, and negative in agricultural groups. Gross natality rates average35×1000 in agricultural societies and27×1000 in pastoral groups thus suggesting that pastoralism acted as a regulator of reproduction.  相似文献   

This study investigates seasonality of marriages and reproductive isolation in six long-isolated communities in the central Apennines (Italy). It had two objectives: (1) the identification of an Apennine biodemographic model in comparison with mountain communities of other regions, and with non-Apennine communities in Abruzzo, and (2) to identify the possible effects of the drainage of Lake Fucino (1854-1876) on that area. Marriages in this region show two very stable seasonal patterns: one is typical of sedentary rural societies, with summer migrations and marriages preferentially celebrated in the winter, and the other has marriages that are strongly concentrated in the summer months, i.e. between 75% and 93.5% of marriages were celebrated between June and October in these communities in the 1800s. These were traditionally pastoral communities with winter transhumance of the flocks and their shepherds towards the lowlands of southern Italy. In both groups, restrictions imposed by the Catholic Church do not seem to have affected the timing of marriages. Indeed, economic factors related to work activities seem to have had more influence. Concerning reproductive isolation, the results show high rates of endogamy: between 85% and 98% in both the 19th and 20th centuries. Rates of consanguineous marriages were between 5% and 20%, and those of isonymous marriages rarely exceeded 9%. The coefficient of inbreeding a shows that there was a delayed, limited period of increased consanguinity in the few decades around the turn of the century. This is different from the national situation, and thus could be a consequence of the Lake Fucino drainage.  相似文献   

No information is currently available on the marriage patterns of German-speaking communities of the South Tyrol area. The aim of this study is to investigate the reproductive isolation of four South Tyrolean mountain villages during the 19th century. Data about 3953 marriages were drawn from existing pedigrees and completed with data from the parish registers of the studied villages to calculate the following indicators: age at marriage, endogamy, inbreeding from dispensations and from isonymy and repeated pairs of surnames among couples. The results show high levels of endogamy (78-87%) and an elevated age at marriage in all the studied villages. The percentages of consanguineous marriages (10-33%) vary considerably but result overall in relatively low inbreeding values (alpha 0.0015-0.0036; Ft 0.0098-0.0138). Levels of endogamy are consistent with the geographic characteristics of the area, while inbreeding values are lower than those observed in previous studies on Alpine communities. This is due to a low frequency of marriages between close relatives, probably related to the peculiar demographic and cultural characteristics of the studied populations that differentiate them from neighbouring Italian-speaking villages.  相似文献   

Most studies on consanguinity have been conducted on contemporary populations and have focused on the prevalence and types of preferred intra-familial marriage. With its comprehensive birth, marriage and deaths records dating back to the late 17th century, and the legal bar on first cousin marriage removed in the mid-19th century, Sweden offers unique opportunities to examine the factors that determine by whom, where and why consanguineous marriages were contracted. The present study covers the period 1780-1899 and presents a detailed portrait of cousin and sibling exchange marriages in the Skellefte? region of northern coastal Sweden. The combined prevalence of first, second and third cousin marriage increased from 2.3% in 1790-1810 to 8.8% in 1880-1899, and multi-generation consanguinity also increased significantly over the study period. The distribution and prevalence of first cousin marriages was strikingly non-random, with a significantly greater propensity for consanguinity among land-owning families, especially involving first-born sons, within specific pedigrees, and in a number of more remote inland communities. Additional factors associated with a greater likelihood of consanguineous marriage included physical or mental disability among males, and among females the prior birth of an illegitimate child. Besides the inherent interest in the social and demographic structure of this region of northern Sweden during the course of the 19th century, in future studies it will be important to determine the degree to which the observed patterns of consanguineous and sibling exchange marriages in these past generations could have influenced present-day genetic structure.  相似文献   

We present results on the seasonality of death in four communes of the Val di Scalve (Bergamo Pre-Alps, Lombardia, Italy). The seasonality is remarkable in all four localities and also in both halves of the century examined (1889-1988). In particular, the mortality peaks during the cold season.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of individuals who formed exogamic marriages in the Friuli region (north-east Italy) during the second half of the 19th century. Logistic regression models were devised to measure the influence of the determinants of exogamic marriage, taking into account not only variables related to context but also spouses' economic, social and cultural characteristics. The determinants of exogamic marriage differ for men and women, and also vary by region due to differences in geographical mobility and size of the marriage market. The majority of exogamic spouses belong to one of two categories: either older individuals, often, especially in the case of men, with a previous marriage; or the upper social classes.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of Italian population is described as regards the level of inbreeding measured through the frequency of consanguineous marriages during a long period of time in different geographical areas. Analyses of spatial and temporal variation of the different types of marriages between close biological relatives allow us to point out the major factors responsible for the availability of cousins to marry within a specific area: population size, fertility, mortality and migration rates and, in general the demographic structure, changing over time and greatly affected by variation in the socio-economic structure. A deepened analysis, within each consanguinity degree, of the various pedigrees differing in the sex of ancestors, give information on the type of migration (patrilocal or matrilocal) occurred in various parts of Italy, as probable consequence of differential type of economy (for instance: pastoral or agricultural in Sardinia). Moreover, a cultural factor of varying intensity could be recognized in the greater observed frequency of marriages in which the nearest ancestors are females, interpreted as a tendency to maintain family ties by mothers of consanguineous mates.  相似文献   

A sample of healthy unrelated individuals was typed for properdin factor B (Bf) polymorphism in four Sardinian villages. Two villages, Desulo and Tonara, are located in the highlands; the other two, Orosei and Galtellì, are located in the lowlands. No heterogeneity was found between the highland and the lowland villages, whereas a significant difference was found between the Sardinian villages and continental Italy. The allele Bf-F1 shows the highest gene frequency so far observed. Typically Sardinian is the gametic association (haplotype) HLA-A30, Cw5, B18, BfF1, DR3.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of human ecosystems and their stability over time provides knowledge of the processes of adaptability developed by isolated communities. Seasonality of vital events is a good indicator of the effects of different 'traditional' lifestyles, which in turn depend on the ecological context in which a population developed specific subsistence models. Seasonality of births reflects the cultural attitude towards the best time to conceive, in relation to work activities and loads; the latter may also affect physiological functions related to fertility. The present research concerns gross birth rates and seasonality of births and conceptions during four centuries in south-central Italy. Birth rates were between 33.0 and 36.5 per 1000. The pattern of seasonality of births and, by extension, of conceptions defines a southern-type agricultural area for the earlier periods. However, it also shows a progressive shift towards an increasing concentration of conceptions in spring-summer--namely from April to August--with a large increase in summer in the 19th century with respect to the previous periods. The new 19th century pattern is reported by Crisafulli, Dalla Zuanna & Solero (2000) as being representative of the central Adriatic region, a geographical classification to which Abruzzo can also be attributed.  相似文献   

Military medical information and data from civil registers of death and marriage have been used to study the role of physical characteristics and health conditions in explaining access to marriage for the male population of Alghero, a small city located in Sardinia Island (Italy), at the turn of 19th century. Literature data about contemporary populations have already demonstrated the influence of somatic traits in the mate choice. The results presented here show that men with low height and poor health status at the age of 20 were negatively selected for marriage. This holds true also in a society where families often arranged marriages for their children. This pattern of male selection on marriage was found to be particularly marked among the richest and wealthiest SES groups. Our hypothesis is that this social group carefully selected for marriage those individuals who were apparently healthier and therefore more likely to guarantee good health status and better life conditions to offspring. In evolutionary terms, the mate choice component of sexual selection suggests that the height of prospective partners could be claimed as one of the determinants, along with other environmental causes, of the observed higher stature of men belonging to the wealthiest social strata of the Alghero population. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the distribution of a previously described 9.1-kb insertion-deletion polymorphism located on chromosome 22. We analyzed 1,844 individuals sampled from 26 Mediterranean populations in mainland Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Greece, and Albania. The 9.1 kb - allele is the prevalent allele in the North African (range, 0.53-0.56), Greek (0.51), and Albanian (0.66) populations, whereas the 9.1 kb + allele is most frequent in a mainland Italian town (0.55) and in all Sicilian and Sardinian towns and villages thus far tested, with marked fluctuation ranges of 0.53-0.78 and 0.56-0.80, respectively. In tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium the genotype frequencies observed in Athens and in four of the nine towns in Sicily (but in none of the towns in Sardinia) departed highly significantly from the expected values. Identical results were found in the same towns for a second insertion-deletion polymorphism located on chromosome 22ql13 at a distance compatible with a low incidence of recombination. The data, which are in good agreement with the different histories of the two islands (Sardinia and Sicily), are consistent with a west-east differentiation in Sicily and support the evidence for ancient gene flow from the Iberian peninsula to Sardinia.  相似文献   

The pattern of birth seasonality in California's early Spanish-Mexican colonists between 1769 and 1898 was reconstructed using genealogical data for progeny of 657 marriages. The monthly distribution of the 3,824 births in this sample shows a strong seasonal pattern, with spring and fall peaks (corresponding to peaks in conceptions during July and February) and a low point in October. This seasonal reproductive pattern is the result of a complicated set of interactions among environmental, physiological, and cultural variables. California's strongly developed winter rainfall pattern and the 19th-century agricultural cycle clearly influenced the seasonal pattern of marriages and births in this agrarian society. Several historical processes interacted with these environmental and economic factors to transform the seasonal birth pattern of the early colonists. Through time the birth pattern becomes less variable and the birth maximum shifts from spring to early winter. This appears to be, at least in part, a result of changes in labor patterns and an increase in average parity. These data suggest a multifactorial explanation for birth seasonality, in which the timing of conceptions and births is influenced by both environmental and socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   

Surnames were obtained for the second half of the 20th century from civil and religious marriage registers on fifteen Proven?al-Italian and five Italian villages of Cuneo Province, Italy. To insert in the analysis an outward comparison, surnames from two Italian villages of Turin Province, one parish of Turin, one village of Alessandria Province and one village of Asti Province were also collected. Ethnicity does not seem to be the main factor affecting the present genetic structure of the Proven?al-Italians. They are an open community, and evidence the end of the genetic isolation of the alpine populations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the data for endogamy, exogamy and consanguinity in 20 Sardinian villages from 1800 to 1974, divided into generational periods (25 years). The data are taken from the records of 48,262 marriages celebrated in the parishes of 20 Sardinian villages. The results for Spearman's rank correlation coefficient indicate significant positive correlations of endogamy with consanguinity (r(s) = 0.6551, percentage of consanguineous marriages; r(s) = 0.5477, Bernstein's alpha), with altitude (r(s) = 0.6386), with population size (r(s) = 0.2519), as well as a significant negative correlation of endogamy with time (r(s) = -0.4210). In addition, consanguinity shows a significant positive correlation with altitude (r(s) = 0.5717, percentage of consanguineous marriages; r(s) = 0.6295, Bernstein's alpha) and a significant negative correlation with time (r(s) = -0.2363, percentage of consanguineous marriages); the negative correlation between the mean level of consanguinity (alpha) and time is statistically not significant. In the single parishes, the levels of endogamy and consanguinity are generally higher in the mountain villages than in those situated in the hill and plain areas. Finally, it is hypothesized that, in the time period considered, the level of consanguinity and especially of endogamy were largely determined by isolation.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which social norms and cultural constraints might affect the genetic contribution of remarriage to future generations in a mid–19th century Italian population. By reconstructing the life histories of the inhabitants of Casalguidi, 1,028 marriages were recorded and analyzed. Frequency and reproductive pattern of remarriages were found to play a quantitatively important role in the process of population renewal, featuring 20 percent of total unions and 12 percent of total children borne between 1820–58. Cultural patterns shaped the access to remarriage, but widows resulted more open than widowers in the partner choice. Furthermore, remarriages were more likely consanguineous than first unions because of socioeconomic reasons. As a result, a genotypic differentiation between the offspring of first marriage and remarriage was found. However, the lower intensity of female remarriage and the predominance of widowers' unions limited the potential differentiation in the gene pool of offspring.  相似文献   

Red deer Cervus elaphus of the endangered populations from Sardinia and Mesola Wood, northern Italy, were analysed for genetic variation at 531 bp of the mitochondrial control region and 12 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted including additional data from the literature to gain insight into the phylogeographical origin of the Sardinian subspecies C. e. corsicanus . Microsatellite variation was low in both populations but Sardinia showed comparatively high variability at the control region. Management recommendations are discussed. In particular, the Mesola red deer, the only remaining indigenous Italian population, ought to be managed to increase the effective population size and should be subdivided into two or more populations. As to the phylogeography of the Sardinian population, microsatellite data favoured mainland Italy as the place of origin in that Sardinia and Mesola showed the smallest distance values and were paired together in trees with high bootstrap support. However, the mitochondrial data only partially confirmed this conclusion but showed great similarity between Sardinian and Spanish red deer. Possible explanations for this discrepancy and general limits of mitochondrial sequences in resolving demographic and biogeographical processes of the recent past are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 691–701.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction amplification and haplogroup-specific restriction screening in populations from Corsica and Sardinia. These included 56 individuals from the area of Corte, central Corsica (France), 51 individuals from Gallura, northern Sardinia (Italy), and 45 individuals from Barbagia, central Sardinia. The screening revealed that about 95% of mtDNAs could be grouped in 8 of the 9 European haplogroups, including H-K, T-V, and X. Our results confirmed that these haplogroups encompass virtually all the mitochondrial lineages present in Europe and can be detected in both northern and southern European populations. We also discovered 2 restriction sites (-73 Alw441 and +75 SphI) that allow the detection of informative nucleotide changes in the second hypervariable segment of the control region, which help to detect the haplogroup identity of mtDNAs without requiring further DNA sequencing. Haplogroup H was the most common mtDNA lineage in this sample, reaching frequencies from about 40% in Corsican and Gallurese populations, to about 65% in the Barbagian population. Haplogroup V, possibly originating in the Iberian peninsula, was found only in the central Sardinian sample. Of the 5 Corsican mtDNAs belonging to the haplogroup T, 4 had a restriction fragment length polymorphism found only in this population. It seems that this mutation originated in Corsica and has had time to spread in the area, since the maternal grandmothers of the subjects came from different villages of the island. The sample from central Sardinia shows a remarkable discontinuity with those from the northern part of the island and from Corsica. Gallura and Corsica seem to have undergone a more recent peopling event, possibly related to the arrival of new mitochondrial variability from continental Italy, while Barbagia has apparently maintained more archaic haplotypes.  相似文献   

This paper examines longitudinal data to assess the effects of the recent transition from pastoralism to sedentary agriculture for Ariaal and Rendille mothers in northern Kenya. Dietary, morbidity, and anthropometric data resulting from bimonthly repeated surveys of the pastoral community of Lewogoso and the sedentary agricultural community of Songa, covering the period from September 1994-July 1995, were used to test two hypotheses: 1) that sedentism is associated with changes in diet, seasonality, morbidity, and socioeconomic differentiation, and 2) that these changes affect maternal body composition. The first hypothesis is partly supported, with starch replacing milk in the sedentary diet. Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed no seasonal effects for diet in the agricultural sample, while starch consumption was significantly affected by seasonality for the pastoral sample. The agricultural community also featured economic dietary disparities favoring wealthier mothers, while no such effect was found in the pastoral community. However, no seasonal or economic effects were found for morbidity patterns in either sample. The second hypothesis is also partially supported, as a generalized estimating equations analysis revealed differences in the way diet and economic strata influence maternal anthropometric values. Economic status was significantly associated with maternal arm-fat area in Lewogoso. Milk was a significant factor associated with maternal weight and arm-muscle area in Songa. These findings are discussed in light of development policy implications.  相似文献   

The monthly distribution of births for Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, during the period 1839-1859 is examined. Prior research on two rural registration districts in nineteenth-century Tasmania revealed patterns of birth seasonality. The pattern was responsive to both the distinctive seasonal rhythm of regional economic activities and the birth interval and differed from the pattern for all of Tasmania in the twentieth century. Here, I argue that the aggregate monthly pattern of births in a mid-nineteenth-century urban registration district was, by contrast, not seasonal. Some seasonality was found among farmers, seamen, and dealers in foodstuffs but not in other industry groups. Class differences were not apparent. The research establishes that the seasonal distribution of mid-nineteenth-century urban births corresponds neither to nineteenth-century rural patterns nor to the patterns evident in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

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