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Guidoni L  Torre V  Carloni P 《FEBS letters》2000,477(1-2):37-42
Molecular dynamics simulations and electrostatic modeling are used to investigate structural and dynamical properties of the potassium ions and of water molecules inside the KcsA channel immersed in a membrane-mimetic environment. Two potassium ions, initially located in the selectivity filter binding sites, maintain their position during 2 ns of dynamics. A third potassium ion is very mobile in the water-filled cavity. The protein appears engineered so as to polarize water molecules inside the channel cavity. The resulting water induced dipole and the positively charged potassium ion within the cavity are the key ingredients for stabilizing the two K(+) ions in the binding sites. These two ions experience single file movements upon removal of the potassium in the cavity, confirming the role of the latter in ion transport through the channel.  相似文献   

Although a few x-ray structures of the KcsA K(+) channel have been crystallized several issues concerning the mechanisms of the ionic permeation and the protonation state of the selectivity filter ionizable side chains are still open. Using a first-principles quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulation approach, we have investigated the protonation state of Glu-71 and Asp-80, two important residues located in the vicinity of the selectivity filter. Results from the dynamics show that a proton is shared between the two residues, with a slight preference for Glu-71. The proton is found to exchange on the picosecond timescale, an interesting phenomenon that cannot be observed in classical molecular dynamics. Simulations of different ionic loading states of the filter show that the probability for the proton transfer is correlated with the filter occupancy. In addition, the Glu-71/Asp-80 pair is able to modulate the potential energy profile experienced by a K(+) ion as it translates along the pore axis. These theoretical predictions, along with recent experimental results, suggest that changes of the filter structure could be associated with a shift in the Glu-Asp protonation state, which in turn would influence the ion translocation.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of an atomic model of the KcsA K(+) channel embedded in an explicit dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) phospholipid bilayer solvated by a 150 mM KCl aqueous salt solution are performed and analyzed. The model includes the KcsA K(+) channel, based on the recent crystallographic structure of, Science. 280:69-77), 112 DPPC, K(+) and Cl(-) ions, as well as over 6500 water molecules for a total of more than 40,000 atoms. Three K(+) ions are explicitly included in the pore. Two are positioned in the selectivity filter on the extracellular side and one in the large water-filled cavity. Different starting configurations of the ions and water molecules in the selectivity filter are considered, and MD trajectories are generated for more than 4 ns. The conformation of KcsA is very stable in all of the trajectories, with a global backbone root mean square (RMS) deviation of less than 1.9 A with respect to the crystallographic structure. The RMS atomic fluctuations of the residues surrounding the selectivity filter on the extracellular side of the channel are significantly lower than those on the intracellular side. The motion of the residues with aromatic side chains surrounding the selectivity filter (Trp(67), Trp(68), Tyr(78), and Tyr(82)) is anisotropic with the smallest RMS fluctuations in the direction parallel to the membrane plane. A concerted dynamic transition of the three K(+) ions in the pore is observed, during which the K(+) ion located initially in the cavity moves into the narrow part of the selectivity filter, while the other two K(+) ions move toward the extracellular side. A single water molecule is stabilized between each pair of ions during the transition, suggesting that each K(+) cation translocating through the narrow pore is accompanied by exactly one water molecule, in accord with streaming potential measurements (, Biophys. J. 55:367-371). The displacement of the ions is coupled with the structural fluctuations of Val(76) and Gly(77), in the selectivity filter, as well as the side chains of Glu(71), Asp(80), and Arg(89), near the extracellular side. Thus the mechanical response of the channel structure at distances as large as 10-20 A from the ions in the selectivity filter appears to play an important role in the concerted transition.  相似文献   

Potassium channels fluctuate between closed and open states. The detailed mechanism of the conformational changes opening the intracellular pore in the K+ channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) is unknown. Applying Monte Carlo normal mode following, we find that gating involves rotation and unwinding of the TM2 bundle, lateral movement of the TM2 helices away from the channel axis, and disappearance of the TM2 bundle. The open-state conformation of KcsA exhibits a very wide inner vestibule, with a radius approximately 5-7 A and inner helices bent at the A98-G99 hinge. Computed conformational changes demonstrate that spin labeling and X-ray experiments illuminate different stages in gating: transition begins with clockwise rotation of the TM2 helices ending at a final state with the TM2 bend hinged near residues A98-G99. The concordance between the computational and experimental results provides atomic-level insights into the structural rearrangements of the channel's inner pore.  相似文献   

The selectivity filter of K(+) channels is comprised of a linear queue of four equal-spaced ion-binding sites spanning a distance of 12A. Each site is formed of eight oxygen atoms from the protein. The first three sites, numbered 1-3 from the extracellular side, are made of exclusively main-chain carbonyl oxygen atoms. The fourth site, closest to the intracellular side, is made of four main-chain carbonyl oxygen atoms and four threonine side-chain hydroxyl oxygen atoms. Here we characterize the effects of mutating the threonine to cysteine on the distribution of ions in the selectivity filter and on the conduction of ions through the filter. The mutation influences the occupancy of K(+) at sites 2 and 4 and it reduces the maximum rate of conduction in the limit of high K(+) concentration. The mutation does not affect the conduction of Rb(+). These results can be understood in the context of a conduction mechanism in which a pair of K ions switch between energetically balanced 1,3 and 2,4 configurations.  相似文献   

Microscopic molecular dynamics free energy perturbation calculations of the K(+)/Na(+) selectivity in the KcsA potassium channel, based on its experimental three-dimensional structure, are reported. The relative binding free energies for K(+) and Na(+) in the most relevant ion occupancy states of the four-site selectivity filter are calculated. The previously proposed mechanism for ion permeation through the KcsA channel is predicted, in agreement with available experimental data, to have a significant selectivity for K(+) over Na(+). The calculations also show that the individual 'binding site' selectivities are generally not additive and the doubly loaded states of the filter thus display cooperative effects. The only site that is not K(+) selective is that which is located at the entrance to the internal water cavity, suggesting the possibility that internal Na(+) could block outward currents.  相似文献   

Furini S  Beckstein O  Domene C 《Proteins》2009,74(2):437-448
Previous studies have reported that the KcsA potassium channel has an osmotic permeability coefficient of 4.8 x 10(-12) cm3/s, giving it a significantly higher osmotic permeability coefficient than that of some membrane channels specialized in water transport. This high osmotic permeability is proposed to occur when the channel is depleted of potassium ions, the presence of which slow down the water permeation process. The atomic structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel and the mechanisms of water permeation have not been well characterized so far. Here, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, in conjunction with an umbrella sampling strategy and a nonequilibrium approach to simulate pressure gradients are employed to illustrate the permeation of water in the absence of ions through the KcsA K+ channel. Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations (95 ns combined total length) identified a possible structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel, and umbrella sampling calculations (160 ns combined total length) revealed that this structure is not permeable by water molecules moving along the channel axis. The simulation of a pressure gradient across the channel (30 ns combined total length) identified an alternative permeation pathway with a computed osmotic permeability of approximately (2.7 +/- 0.9) x 10(-13) cm3/s. Water fluxes along this pathway did not proceed through collective water motions or transitions to vapor state. All of the major results of this study were robust against variations in a wide set of simulation parameters (force field, water model, membrane model, and channel conformation).  相似文献   

Closing in on the resting state of the Shaker K(+) channel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Membrane depolarization causes voltage-gated ion channels to transition from a resting/closed conformation to an activated/open conformation. We used voltage-clamp fluorometry to measure protein motion at specific regions of the Shaker Kv channel. This enabled us to construct new structural models of the resting/closed and activated/open states based on the Kv1.2 crystal structure using the Rosetta-Membrane method and molecular dynamics simulations. Our models account for the measured gating charge displacement and suggest a molecular mechanism of activation in which the primary voltage sensors, S4s, rotate by approximately 180 degrees as they move "outward" by 6-8 A. A subsequent tilting motion of the S4s and the pore domain helices, S5s, of all four subunits induces a concerted movement of the channel's S4-S5 linkers and S6 helices, allowing ion conduction. Our models are compatible with a wide body of data and resolve apparent contradictions that previously led to several distinct models of voltage sensing.  相似文献   

In this study, evidence is given that a number of isolated coupled plant mitochondria (from durum wheat, bread wheat, spelt, rye, barley, potato, and spinach) can take up externally added K(+) ions. This was observed by following mitochondrial swelling in isotonic KCl solutions and was confirmed by a novel method in which the membrane potential decrease due to externally added K(+) is measured fluorimetrically by using safranine. A detailed investigation of K(+) uptake by durum wheat mitochondria shows hyperbolic dependence on the ion concentration and specificity. K(+) uptake electrogenicity and the non-competitive inhibition due to either ATP or NADH are also shown. In the whole, the experimental findings reported in this paper demonstrate the existence of the mitochondrial K(+)(ATP) channel in plants (PmitoK(ATP)). Interestingly, Mg(2+) and glyburide, which can inhibit mammalian K(+) channel, have no effect on PmitoK(ATP). In the presence of the superoxide anion producing system (xanthine plus xanthine oxidase), PmitoK(ATP) activation was found. Moreover, an inverse relationship was found between channel activity and mitochondrial superoxide anion formation, as measured via epinephrine photometric assay. These findings strongly suggest that mitochondrial K(+) uptake could be involved in plant defense mechanism against oxidative stress due to reactive oxygen species generation.  相似文献   

TEA is a classical blocker of K(+) channels. From mutagenesis studies, it has been shown that external blockade by TEA is strongly dependent upon the presence of aromatic residue at Shaker position 449 which is located near the extracellular entrance to the pore (Heginbotham, L., and R. MacKinnon. 1992. Neuron. 8:483-491). The data suggest that TEA interacts simultaneously with the aromatic residues of the four monomers. The determination of the 3-D structure of the KcsA channel using X-ray crystallography (Doyle, D.A., J.M. Cabral, R.A. Pfuetzner, A. Kuo, J.M. Gulbis, S.L. Cohen, B.T. Chait, and R. MacKinnon. 1998. Science. 280:69-77) has raised some issues that remain currently unresolved concerning the interpretation of these observations. In particular, the center of the Tyr82 side chains in KcsA (corresponding to position 449 in Shaker) forms a square of 11.8-A side, a distance which is too large to allow simultaneous interactions of a TEA molecule with the four aromatic side chains. In this paper, the external blockade by TEA is explored by molecular dynamics simulations of an atomic model of KcsA in an explicit phospholipid bilayer with aqueous salt solution. It is observed, in qualitative accord with the experimental results, that TEA is stable when bound to the external side of the wild-type KcsA channel (with Tyr82), but is unstable when bound to a mutant channel in which the tyrosine residue has been substituted by a threonine. The free energy profile of TEA relative to the pore is calculated using umbrella sampling simulations to characterize quantitatively the extracellular blockade. It is found, in remarkable agreement with the experiment, that the TEA is more stably bound by 2.3 kcal/mol to the channel with four tyrosine residues. In the case of the wild-type KcsA channel, TEA (which has the shape of a flattened oblate spheroid) acts as an ideal plug blocking the pore. In contrast, it is considerably more off-centered and tilted in the case of the mutant channel. The enhanced stability conferred by the tyrosine residues does not arise from Pi-cation interactions, but appears to be due to differences in the hydration structure of the TEA. Finally, it is shown that the experimentally observed voltage dependence of TEA block, which is traditionally interpreted in terms of the physical position of the TEA along the axis of the pore, must arise indirectly via coupling with the ions in the pore.  相似文献   

Structure of the KcsA channel intracellular gate in the open state   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Ion channels catalyze the selective transfer of ions across the membrane in response to a variety of stimuli. These channels gate by controlling the access of ions to a centrally located water-filled pore. The crystal structure of the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel (KcsA) has allowed a molecular exploration of this mechanism. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies have uncovered significant conformational changes at the intracellular end of the second transmembrane helix (TM2) upon gating. We have used site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) and EPR spectroscopy in an attempt to quantify the structural rearrangements of the KcsA TM2 bundle underlying the transition from the closed to the open state. Under conditions favoring the closed and open conformations, 10 intersubunit distances were obtained across TM2 segments from tandem dimer constructs. Analysis of these data points to a mechanism in which each TM2 helix tilts away from the permeation pathway, towards the membrane plane, and rotates about its helical axis, supporting a scissoring-type motion with a pivot point near residues 107-108. These movements are accompanied by a large increase in the diameter of the vestibule below the central water-filled cavity.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional computer modeling is used to further investigate the hypothesis forwarded in the accompanying paper of an evolutionary relationship between four related families of K(+) sympoter proteins and the superfamily of K(+) channel proteins. Atomic-scale models are developed for the transmembrane regions of one member from each of the three more distinct symporter families, i.e., a TrkH protein from Escherichia coli, a KtrB protein from Aquifex aeolicus, and a Trk1,2 protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The portions of the four consecutive M1-P-M2 motifs in the symporters that can be aligned with K(+) channel sequences are modeled directly from the recently determined crystal structure of the KcsA K(+) channel from Streptomyces lividans. The remaining portions are developed using our previously accumulated theoretical modeling criteria and principles. Concurrently, the use of these criteria and principles is further supported by the now verified predictions of our previous K(+) channel modeling efforts and the degree to which they are satisfied by the known structure of the KcsA protein. Thus the observed ability of the portions of the symporter models derived from the KcsA crystal structure to also satisfy the theoretical modeling criteria provides additional support for an evolutionary link with K(+) channel proteins. Efforts to further satisfy the criteria and principles suggest that the symporter proteins from fungi and plants (i.e., Trk1,2 and HKT1) form dimeric and/or tetrameric complexes in the membrane. Furthermore, analysis of the atomic-scale models in relation to the sequence conservation within and between the protein families suggests structural details for previously proposed mechanisms for the linked symport of K(+) with Na(+) and H(+). Suggestions are also given for experiments to test these structures and hypotheses.  相似文献   

Na(+) conductance through cloned K(+) channels has previously allowed characterization of inactivation and K(+) binding within the pore, and here we have used Na(+) permeation to study recovery from C-type inactivation in human Kv1.5 channels. Replacing K(+) in the solutions with Na(+) allows complete Kv1.5 inactivation and alters the recovery. The inactivated state is nonconducting for K(+) but has a Na(+) conductance of 13% of the open state. During recovery, inactivated channels progress to a higher Na(+) conductance state (R) in a voltage-dependent manner before deactivating to closed-inactivated states. Channels finally recover from inactivation in the closed configuration. In the R state channels can be reactivated and exhibit supernormal Na(+) currents with a slow biexponential inactivation. Results suggest two pathways for entry to the inactivated state and a pore conformation, perhaps with a higher Na(+) affinity than the open state. The rate of recovery from inactivation is modulated by Na(+)(o) such that 135 mM Na(+)(o) promotes the recovery to normal closed, rather than closed-inactivated states. A kinetic model of recovery that assumes a highly Na(+)-permeable state and deactivation to closed-inactivated and normal closed states at negative voltages can account for the results. Thus these data offer insight into how Kv1. 5 channels recover their resting conformation after inactivation and how ionic conditions can modify recovery rates and pathways.  相似文献   

We have determined the binding site on agitoxin2 (AgTx2) to the KcsA K(+) channel by a transferred cross-saturation (TCS) experiment. The residues significantly affected in the TCS experiments formed a contiguous surface on AgTx2, and substitutions of the surface residues decreased the binding affinity to the KcsA K(+) channel. Based on properties of the AgTx2 binding site with the KcsA K(+) channel, we present a surface motif that is observed in pore-blocking toxins affecting the K(+) channel. Furthermore, we also explain the structural basis of the specificity of the K(+) channel to the toxins. The TCS method utilized here is applicable not only for the channels, which are complexed with other inhibitors, but also with a variety of regulatory molecules, and provides important information about their interface in solution.  相似文献   

The ability of an ion channel to open in response to a defined stimulus is central to its function. In ligand-gated channels, pore opening is conferred through transduction of a conformational change in a gating domain to the helices of the pore. Here, we present the construction of a designed cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel, named KcsA-CNG, by addition of a prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide-binding domain to a KcsA-derived K+ channel. This channel is functional in lipid bilayers at physiological pH and has the combined properties of both of its parent-derived components. It conducts K+ and is blocked by the K+ channel inhibitors Na+ and agitoxin-2. Channel open times are increased by about two orders of magnitude compared to wild-type KcsA. The average number of open channels increases by approximately 50% upon addition of cAMP. Although the absolute open probabilities are somewhat variable from one channel to the next, the property of cyclic nucleotide sensitivity is very reproducible. An apparent Kd value of approximately 90 nM was estimated. The successful construction of a cyclic nucleotide-gated KcsA K+ channel suggests that it should be possible to produce channels that will respond to novel ligands.  相似文献   

The E71 residue is buried near the selectivity filter in the KcsA K+ channel and forms a carboxyl-carboxylate bridge with D80. We have investigated the importance of E71 by examining neutralization mutants at this position using biochemical and electrophysiological methods. E71 mutations differentially destabilize the detergent-solubilized tetramer; among them, the E71V neutralization mutant has a relatively subtle effect. The E71V channel displays electrical activity when reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In single channel recordings, the mutant retains K+/Na+ selectivity, and its conductance in the outward direction is unaltered. Some conduction properties are changed: inward conductance is increased. Our results show that that the E71 side chain is not a primary determinant of ion selectivity or conduction in the wild-type channel, either directly or through the E71:D80 carboxyl-carboxylate bridge.  相似文献   

K(+) channels play essential roles in regulating membrane excitability of many diverse cell types by selectively conducting K(+) ions through their pores. Many diverse molecules can plug the pore and modulate the K(+) current. Quaternary ammonium (QA) ions are a class of pore blockers that have been used for decades by biophysicists to probe the pore, leading to important insights into the structure-function relation of K(+) channels. However, many key aspects of the QA-blocking mechanisms remain unclear to date, and understanding these questions requires high resolution structural information. Here, we address the question of whether intracellular QA blockade causes conformational changes of the K(+) channel selectivity filter. We have solved the structures of the KcsA K(+) channel in complex with tetrabutylammonium (TBA) and tetrabutylantimony (TBSb) under various ionic conditions. Our results demonstrate that binding of TBA or TBSb causes no significant change in the KcsA structure at high concentrations of permeant ions. We did observe the expected conformational change of the filter at low concentration of K(+), but this change appears to be independent of TBA or TBSb blockade.  相似文献   

Valiyaveetil FI  Zhou Y  MacKinnon R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(35):10771-10777
Lipid molecules surround an ion channel in its native environment of cellular membranes. The importance of the lipid bilayer and the role of lipid protein interactions in ion channel structure and function are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the bacterial potassium channel KcsA binds a negatively charged lipid molecule. We have defined the potential binding site of the lipid molecule on KcsA by X-ray crystallographic analysis of a complex of KcsA with a monoclonal antibody Fab fragment. We also demonstrate that lipids are required for the in vitro refolding of the KcsA tetramer from the unfolded monomeric state. The correct refolding of the KcsA tetramer requires lipids, but it is not dependent on negatively charged lipids as refolding takes place in the absence of such lipids. We confirm that the presence of negatively charged lipids is required for ion conduction through the KcsA potassium channel, suggesting that the lipid bound to KcsA is important for ion channel function.  相似文献   

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