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Riboflavin, suggested to be a radiosensitizer, was studied in murine thymocytes and human hepatoma L02 cell line in vitro with MTT method and fluorescence microscopy. When the murine thymocytes treated with 5–400 μmol/L riboflavin were irradiated by 5 Gy 60Co γ ionizing radiation, the low concentration groups, i.e. treated with 5–50 μmol/L riboflavin, showed a different surviving fractions-time relating correlation compared with the high concentration groups, i.e. treated with 100–400 μmol/L riboflavin. The former had a high survival level at the end of irradiation, but which, after 4-h incubation, decreased rapidly to a low level. On the contrary, the high concentration groups showed a low survival level at the end of irradiation, and a poor correlation was found between the surviving fraction and the incubation time, after 4 h a little difference was observed. The results of fluorescence microscopy indicated that under low concentration conditions, the riboflavin localized mainly in nucleus (both perinuclear area and inside of nuclear membrane), while under high concentration conditions, intensive riboflavin also localized around cytoplasmic membranes. Thus we can conclude: the riboflavin had radiosensitivity effect on DNA under low concentration conditions, and enhanced the damage to cytoplasmic membrane under high concentration conditions. Also the most effective concentration of riboflavin can be evaluated to be approximate 100 μmol/L.  相似文献   

The phagocytic ability of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) granulocytes was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. In suspensions of head kidney cells, neutrophil granulocytes incorporated both latex beads and coccidian merozoites. In intestinal tissues from carp with a Goussia carpelli infection, all granulocyte cell types (neutrophils and cells of the basophilic-eosinophilic complex) phagocytosed cell detritus and coccidian developmental stages, mainly merozoites.  相似文献   

Thirty postmenopausal women (11 omnivores, 10 vegetarians and 9 apparently healthy women with surgically removed breast cancer) were investigated with regard to the association of their urinary excretion of estrogens, lignans and isoflavonoids (all diphenols) with plasma sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). A statistically significant positive correlation between urinary total diphenol excretion and plasma SHBG was found which remained statistically significant after elimination of the confounding effect of body mass determined by body mass index (BMI). Furthermore we found a statistically significant negative correlation between plasma SHBG and urinary excretion of 16α-hydroxyestrone and estriol which also remained significant after eliminating the effect of BMI. Furthermore we observed that enterolactone (Enl) stimulates the synthesis of SHBG by HepG2 liver cancer cells in culture acting synergistically with estradiol and at physiological concentrations. Enl was rapidly conjugated by the liver cells, mainly to its monosulfate. Several lignans and the isoflavonoids daidzein and equol were found to compete with estradiol for binding to the rat uterine type II estrogen binding site (the s.c. bioflavonoid receptor). It is suggested that lignans and isoflavonoids may affect uptake and metabolism of sex hormones by participating in the regulation of plasma SHBG levels and in this way influence their biological activity and that they may inhibit cancer cell growth like some flavonoids by competing with estradiol for the type II estrogen binding sites.  相似文献   

以红根草试管苗为材料,研究了不同培养基(MS、1/2MS、1/4MS)、蔗糖浓度和植物生长抑制剂(CCC、PP333、ABA、MH)在红根草试管苗保存中的作用。结果表明:培养基1/2MS对红根草保存最好,保存270d后存活率最高。培养基中不添加蔗糖较添加一定浓度蔗糖时植株的形态和色泽差,但保存时间更长,转继代后能正常恢复生长。添加生长抑制剂能减缓生长速度,延长保存时间,最佳浓度分别为:CCC1.2~1.6mg/L;PP3331.6mg/L;ABA0.5~4.0mg/L;MH0.5mg/L。其中,ABA0.5~4.0mg/L对植株的生长最好,CCC浓度为1.2mg/L和1.6mg/L时,保存时间长,360d时,存活率达90%。  相似文献   

To determine if hormone-induced events leading to ovulation an granulosa cell luteinization might be associated with changes in the surface configuration of granulosa cells we have studied the morphology of granulosa cells from the preovulatory follicles both in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, granulosa cells in follicles from rats primed with estradiol and FSH developed bulbous protrusions termed blebs in response to injected hCG. The blebs were restricted to the adluminal granulosa cells which possess the least number of receptors for hCG. When granulosa cells from follicles of rats primed with estradiol and FSH were cultured in vitro, in the absence of serum, approximately 10% of the cells formed blebs. In the presence of 10% rat or fetal calf serum, nearly 90% of the cells formed blebs by 18 hr. Serum-induced bleb formation was prevented by 1 mM dibutyryl cycle-AMP plus 0.5 mM methyl isobutyl xanthine and by cytochalasin B (25 mug/ml), while 0.1 muM colchicine had no effect. Fibronectin at 25 mug/ml increased bleb formation three-fold over control values in serum-free medium. When hCG was included in serum containing medium, the majority of the cells remained smooth without any blebs. Thus, in contrast to its action in vivo, hCG inhibited the formation of blebs in vitro. When the cells incubated in the presence of dbcAMP plus methyl isobutyl xanthine in serum-containing medium, none of the cells formed blebs. One explanation for the seemingly opposite actions of hCG in vivo and in vitro is that hCG might act to alter the permeability of the pre-ovulatory follicles, and thereby allow the admission of serum. The admitted serum component(s) could then induce the formation of blebs on receptor-deficient adluminal cells that did not have elevated cAMP concentrations. The results suggest that fibronectin and/or other serum components, act to induce microfilament-dependent, cAMP-inhibited bleb formation on granulosa cells in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

匙羹藤组织培养条件优化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以匙羹藤无菌种子苗为外植体,通过预备实验确定基本培养基后,采用完全实验和正交设计相结合的方法,研究植物生长调节剂两因素配合和多因素组合(NAA、TDZ、2-ip、IAA、6-BA和KT)对匙羹藤芽体诱导及继代培养的影响。结果显示,匙羹藤组织培养最适的基本培养基为N68;N68+NAA0.05mg/L+2-ip0.4mg/L+TDZ0.001mg/L利于芽体增殖,可用于继代培养;N68+NAA0.05mg/L+TDZ0.005mg/L促进植株长根,可用于生根培养。  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates (P n) of easy (EK 16-3) and difficult-to-acclimatize (EK 11-1) sea oats genotypes were examined under the following culture conditions: (1) photoautotrophic [sugar-free medium, high photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), high vessel ventilation rates and CO2 enrichment, (PA)]; (2) modified photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium diluted with sugar-free medium over time, high PPF, and high vessel ventilation rates (PM)]; (3) modified photomixotrophic enriched [same as PM with CO2 enrichment, (PME)]; or (4) conventional photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium, low PPF, and low vessel ventilation rates (control)]. Regardless of genotype, plantlets cultured under PA conditions died within 2 wk, whereas under PM and PME conditions, plantlets increased their P n. After 6 wk, P n per gram dry weight was 1.7 times greater in EK 16-3 than EK 11-1 plantlets cultured under PME conditions. In vitro-produced leaves of EK 16-3 plantlets were elongated with expanded blades, whereas EK 11-1 produced short leaves without expanded blades, especially under control conditions. After in vitro culture, EK 16-3 PME plantlets exhibited the highest dry weights among treatments. EK 16-3 PME and EK 16-3 PM had similarly high survivability, shoot and root dry weights and leaf lengths ex vitro compared to EK 16-3 control and EK 11-1 PM and PME plantlets. Ex vitro growth, survivability and P n per leaf area of either genotype were not affected by CO2 enrichment under modified photomixotrophic conditions. These results suggest that growth and survivability of sea oats genotypes with different acclimatization capacities can be enhanced by optimizing culture conditions.  相似文献   

采用幼胚离体培养方法克服幼胚败育从而直接获得杂种实生苗,对影响丁香幼胚培养成功的各种因子作了较系统的研究.结果表明,丁香幼胚培养的最适培养基为Monnier;最佳糖浓度为50g·L-1;幼胚在50~60d胚龄时培养最容易成功;加入适量的椰乳、谷氨酰胺或谷氨酸及活性炭可以促进幼胚的萌发和生长.低浓度(0.01mg·L-1)BA的加入可以提高幼胚的萌发率;NAA浓度以0.01mg·L-1为最佳.  相似文献   

When 19-day fetal rat triceps muscle was cultured for 7 to 14 days upon decalcified, sequentially extracted adult rat bone, cartilage formed within clefts and vascular spaces of the decalcified bone. The bone substrata were prepared by extracting tibias and femurs of Sprague-Dawley rats with 1:1 chloroform:methanol, 0.6 N HCl, 2 M CaCl2, 0.6 M EDTA, 8 M LiCl, and H2O at 56°C. The culture medium used was CMRL 1066 with 15% newborn calf serum. During cultivation, fibroblastic mesenchymal cells migrated out of muscle and into bone crevices where they secreted a cartilaginous matrix composed of thin, randomly dispersed collagen fibrils and proteoglycan granules. The latter are characteristic for cartilage matrix. Extracted bone matrix contained mature collagen fibrils, some of which retained their typical 640-Å banding. Other collagen fibrils were partially disaggregated and expanded to reveal component 50-Å-thick, beaded micro fibrils. Such an expansion of collagen fibrils is known to result from exposure to proteoglycan solvents such as 2 M CaCl2. The decalcified bone matrix contained many residual devitalized cells and cell fragments which often were seen in close proximity to chondrifying mesenchymal cells. This finding indicates the possibility that residual cellular material could play a role in stimulating cartilage development.  相似文献   

细叶卷柏提取物的体外抗肿瘤活性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李娟  陈科力  徐嘉成 《广西植物》2008,28(5):690-693
利用MTT法检测细叶卷柏乙酸乙酯和正丁醇提取物对HeLa细胞生长的抑制作用,利用流式细胞术(FCM)比较不同提取物对细胞凋亡的影响。结果显示:细叶卷柏的乙酸乙酯和正丁醇部位抑制细胞生长和诱导细胞凋亡作用均有明显的剂量依赖性。乙酸乙酯部位的IC50值为1.927μg/mL,正丁醇部位的IC50值为24.600μg/mL。因此,细叶卷柏乙酸乙酯部位的体外抗肿瘤活性相对较强,其次是其正丁醇部位,水提部位相对较弱。细叶卷柏是一种潜在的抗肿瘤药用植物。  相似文献   

以睡菜的幼嫩茎段为外植体,接种到附加不同浓度激素配比(6-BA/NAA)的MS培养基,诱导睡菜愈伤组织、芽及根的生长。研究发现,外植体在1.0mg/L 6-BA+0.1mg/L NAA+MS的培养基上培养10d,可观察到浅绿色的愈伤组织。愈伤组织转接到4.0mg/L 6-BA+0.3mg/L NAA+MS培养基上2周左右可生成芽。对带芽的愈伤组织再进行诱导生根进而形成完整再生植株,最适根诱导培养基为0.3mg/L 6-BA+1.0mg/L NAA+MS培养基。该实验采用植物离体快繁技术成功建立了睡菜再生体系,为睡菜种苗规模化奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

Exposure of endothelium to a nominally uniform flow field in vivo and in vitrofrequently results in a heterogeneous distribution of individual cell responses. Extremes in response levels are often noted in neighboring cells. Such variations are important for the spatial interpretation of vascular responses to flow and for an understanding of mechanotransduction mechanisms at the level of single cells. We propose that variations of local forces defined by the cell surface geometry contribute to these differences. Atomic force microscopy measurements of cell surface topography in living endothelium both in vitro and in situ combined with computational fluid dynamics demonstrated large cell-to-cell variations in the distribution of flow-generated shear stresses at the endothelial luminal surface. The distribution of forces throughout the surface of individual cells of the monolayer was also found to vary considerably and to be defined by the surface geometry. We conclude that the endothelial three-dimensional surface geometry defines the detailed distribution of shear stresses and gradients at the single cell level, and that there are large variations in force magnitude and distribution between neighboring cells. The measurements support a topographic basis for differential endothelial responses to flow observed in vivo and in vitro. Included in these studies are the first preliminary measurements of the living endothelial cell surface in an intact artery.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) produced by the endothelium is involved in the regulation of vascular tone. Decreased NO production or availability has been linked to endothelial dysfunction in hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Shear stress-induced NO release is a well-established phenomenon, yet the cellular mechanisms of this response are not completely understood. Experimental limitations have hindered direct, real-time measurements of NO under flow conditions. We have overcome these challenges with a new design for a parallel-plate flow chamber. The chamber consists of two compartments, separated by a Transwell® membrane, which isolates a NO recording electrode located in the upper compartment from flow effects. Endothelial cells are grown on the bottom of the membrane, which is inserted into the chamber flush with the upper plate. We demonstrate for the first time direct real-time NO measurements from endothelial cells with controlled variations in shear stress. Step changes in shear stress from 0.1 dyn/cm2 to 6, 10, or 20 dyn/cm2 elicited a transient decrease in NO followed by an increase to a new steady state. An analysis of NO transport suggests that the initial decrease is due to the increased removal rate by convection as flow increases. Furthermore, the rate at which the NO concentration approaches the new steady state is related to the time-dependent cellular response rather than transport limitations of the measurement configuration. Our design offers a method for studying the kinetics of the signaling mechanisms linking NO production with shear stress as well as pathological conditions involving changes in NO production or availability.  相似文献   

Sex steroids, in particular estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4), play, together with other hormones and growth factors, a role in the development of normal breast tissue. The effect of four progestagens (norethisterone, 3-ketodesogestrel, gestodene and P4) and Org OD14, a steroid with weak estrogenic, progestagenic and androgenic properties were studied on growth of breast tumor cells in vitro using two subclones of MCF-7 (H and A) and T47D (S and A) cells. In addition, we investigated the effects of 3-ketodesogestrel, gestodene and Org OD14 on the growth of 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene(DMBA)-induced mammary tumors in rats. In the in vitro assays with MCF-7 cells norethisterone, 3-ketodesogestrel and gestodene stimulated growth only at high doses (10−7 M), whereas P4 had no effect. Gestodene was more potent than 3-ketodesogestrel and norethisterone. Org OD14, stimulated cell growth at a dose of 10−8 M, while E2 is active at 10−10 M. In T47D-A cells similar effects were found, but the subclone S did not respond to the progestagens and Org OD14. The two T47D subclones also reacted differently to progestagens during growth stimulation with E2. In T47D-S the progestagens and Org OD14 inhibited, while in T47D-A these compounds did not modulate the effect of E2. In the DMBA model we found that gestodene and 3-ketodesogestrel were able to inhibit tumor growth to the same extent. Surprisingly, Org OD14 was even more effective in the DMBA model using the therapeutic approach. Using the prophylaxic approach tumor development was delayed and tumor growth was strongly suppressed. The inhibitory effects of Org OD14 on tumor growth in the DMBA model may be attributed to its mixed hormonal profile. From these studies we conclude that different cell lines and even subclones thereof respond quite differently to steroids. Both in vitro and in vivo studies are required to judge whether synthetic steroids might be involved in an increased risk for the development of breast tumors.  相似文献   

Swainsonine, an extract from Astragalus membranaceus, is known for its anti-cancer effects and could prevent metastases. In order to investigate the effects and mechanisms of swainsonine in C6 glioma cells, we carry out correlated experiments in vitro and in vivo. After treatment with swainsonine, the effective dose and IC50 value of swainsonine in the C6 glioma cell were examined using the MTT assay. Cell cycle distribution and apoptotic rates were analyzed using FCM and [Ca2+]i was measured by LSCM. Expressions of p16 and p53 protein were evaluated by immunocytochemical methods. Simultaneously, glioma-bearing rats were administered swainsonine at doses of 2, 4 and 8 mg/kg body wt. The inhibition rate was calculated and pathological sections were observed. The results indicated that the growth of C6 glioma cells is inhibited by swainsonine in vitro, with an IC50 value within 24 h of 0.05 μg/ml. Increases in swainsonine correlate with S phase percentages of 11.3%, 11.6% and 12.4%, respectively. Moreover, the expression of apoptosis inhibiting p53 and p16 protein decreases gradually. Tumor weight in vivo decreased clearly and HE dyeing of tumor tissue showed gray, its texture was soft, with necrosis and hemorrhagic concentrated inward. Swainsonine could inhibit the proliferation of C6 glioma cells in vitro and the growth of C6 glioma in vivo. The mechanisms of swainsonine-induced apoptosis may relate with the expression of apoptosis-related genes and overloading-[Ca2+]i-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress.  相似文献   

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