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Cicesetrema unami n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) is described from the intestine of the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, from San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico. The new genus is distinguished from other members of the Cryptogoniminae in having vitellaria that form asymmetric bunches of follicles and extend in lateral fields from the level of the ovary posteriad beyond the testes. In addition, the species in the new genus possess a subterminal, funnel-shaped oral sucker that is prominent when protruded but usually retracted in a fold at the anterior end.  相似文献   

Bathycestus brayi n. gen., n. sp. (Pseudophyllidea: Triaenophoridae) is proposed to accommodate a new cestode from a deep-sea fish, the shortfin spine eel Notacanthus bonaparte (Notacanthiformes: Notacanthidae), from the northeastern Atlantic. The new genus is placed in the Triaenophoridae because it possesses a uterine pore on the ventral surface, a marginal genital pore, and a follicular vitellaria. Bathycestus most closely resembles Eubothrioides, Fistulicola, Probothriocephalus, and Pseudeubothrioides, which have also an unarmed scolex, a single set of genital organs per proglottid, an unarmed cirrus, cortical vitellaria, and a compact rather dendritic ovary. It differs from these genera by combination of the following features: a sagittate scolex with a weakly developed apical disc and free posterior margins of bothria, no neck, a long cirrus sac, reaching to the median third of proglottids and angled anteromedially in its proximal part, the posterior position of the vagina in relation to the cirrus sac, the testes in 2 lateral fields confluent postovarially, circumcortical vitellaria continuous longitudinally, and unoperculate eggs. Bathycestus brayi n. sp. is the first cestode to be described from a deep-sea fish of the genus Notacanthus.  相似文献   

Neodiplostomula from the European grass snake Rhabdophis tigrina, in the Republic of Korea, were thought to represent 2 species: Pharyngostomum cordatum (large-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of cats, and Neodiplostomum seoulense (small-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of humans and rodents. The present study describes N. leei n. sp. (Digenea: Neodiplostomidae) on the basis of adult flukes recovered from the small intestines of chicks experimentally infected with small-sized neodiplostomula from the grass snake. The new species differs from N. seoulense in terms of the more extensive distribution of vitellaria, the more severe bilobation of 2 testes (each having a dumbbell shape), the absence of a genital cone, and the smaller size of the tribocytic organ and eggs. Neodiplostomula of the new species and N. seoulense are almost indistinguishable. The new species develops into an adult in chicks, whereas N. seoulense matures in mice and rats. Neodiplostomula of the new species migrate to the liver in mice and rats, without maturing. Results show that there are at least 3 species of neodiplostomid trematodes in the grass snake in the Republic of Korea, i.e.. P. cordatum, N. seoulense and N. leei n. sp.  相似文献   

Notomegarhynchus n. gen. (Eucestoda: Tetraphyllidea) is proposed to accommodate Notomegarhynchus navonae n. gen., n. sp. from Atlantoraja castelnaui in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Notomegarhynchus shetlandicum n. comb. from Bathyraja eatonii and B. maccaini in South Shetlands region, Antarctica, is a second species in the genus. Notomegarhynchus belongs to the Echeneibothriinae within the Phyllobothriidae. It can be distinguished from all other tetraphyllidean genera by the structure of the scolex in form of a massive myzorhynchus consisting of a proscolex and an apical organ, both of which are nonretractable and noninvaginable; in addition, there are 4 pedunculated and nonloculate acetabula. Notomegarhynchus shetlandicum is differentiated from N. navonae particularly in details of acetabular and myzorhynchus morphology, arrangement of testes, and shape of eggs. The inclusion of Notomegarhynchus in the Echeneibothriinae requires emendation of the diagnosis of the subfamily to include taxa possessing postvaginal testes. In addition, new terminology is proposed for distinct regions of the scolex.  相似文献   

Gyrometra kunduchi n.sp. from the body cavity of Plectorhinchus pictus from the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Tanzania is described and figured. The new species is differentiated from G. albotaenia , the only species of the genus, by the absence of an apical pit, the extent of testes and vitellaria and measurements of the various organs.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the subfamily Callodistomidae is described. The new genus is named Pirupalkia queulensis n. gen., and was found in the small intestine of the fish Cilus montti. This new genus, compared with other genus of the subfamily differs principally in the distribution of the vitellaria and location of the uterus.  相似文献   

Two sympatric species of Deretrema, D. combesae n. sp. and D. combesorum n. sp. are described from the manybar goatfish Parupeneus multifasciatus from off New Caledonia, South Pacific. D. combesae n. sp. does not fit any of the described Deretrema subgenera. The combination of the characters, tegumental spines, caeca reaching past the testes, the vitellarium reaching into the hindbody, much of the uterus at the level of and anterior to the gonads, a long oesophagus, testes in the hindbody and the pre-testicular ovary are not found in any of the described subgenera. D. combesorum n. sp. fits into the subgenus Deretrema (Deretrema), but differs from the described species in the sucker-ratio, eggs size, elongate shape and contiguous testes. The sympatry of these dissimilar species of Deretrema casts doubt on the value of the subgenera in Deretrema.  相似文献   


A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Praealbonemertes whangateaunienses n. gen. and n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species is characterised by inter alia a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, and a well-developed muscle plate dorsal to the foregut and anterior intestine. The material was collected in New Zealand.  相似文献   

A new species of Glypthelmins (Trematoda: Macroderoididae) is described from the intestine of Bufo marinus and Leptodactylus melanonotus from several localities of the Neotropical Region of Mexico. Glypthelmins poncedeleoni n. sp. can be differentiated from other species of the genus by having extracecally distributed vitellaria, ovary always larger than testes, and vitelline follicles grouped in 7 post-testicular, nonoverlapping, rosette-like clusters and 5 pretesticular overlapping clusters.  相似文献   

Pseudempleurosoma gibsoni n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) is described from the oesophagus of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner) from off the coast of Brazil. The type-species of Pseudempleurosoma Yamaguti, 1965, P. carangis Yamaguti, 1965, is redescribed and the diagnosis of the genus is amended. Metadiplectanotrema Gerasev et al. 1987 is considered synonym of Pseudempleurosoma. This genus now contains four species, including P. carangis, P. caranxi Gerasev et al., 1987 n. comb., P. myripristi Gerasev et al., 1987 n. comb. and the one new species.  相似文献   

Paraoistosomum novaeguineae n. gen., n. sp. is described based on specimens from the kidneys of a New Guinea crocodile Crocodylus novaeguineae collected in Papua New Guinea. The body shape and the topology of most internal organs of the new species are strongly reminiscent of Oistosomum caduceus Odhner 1902, the sole member of Oistosomum, a genus of unclear phylogenetic relationships and systematic position described from the Nile crocodile in Sudan in 1902 and never reported since then. At the same time, the new species has a number of significant differences from Oistosomum caduceus. Among them are much shorter intestinal ceca, a relatively larger ventral sucker, ovary anterolateral to ventral sucker (posterolateral in O. caduceus ), vitellaria arranged in 2 clusters of loosely organized follicles at the level of ventral sucker (2 narrow long lateral fields in O. caduceus ), much longer esophagus, and other characters. Most importantly, the new species has the genital pore situated at the anterior body end adjacent to the oral sucker, whereas O. caduceus has the genital pore in front of the ventral sucker. These dramatic differences suggest establishment of a new genus for the species from Papua New Guinea. The anatomy of P. novaeguineae n. gen., n. sp. suggests that these genera may not belong to the Plagiorchiidae, the current familial allocation of Oistosomum. Scarcity of material and lack of molecular data do not permit clarification of this problem at the present time.  相似文献   

Macrouridophora halargyrea n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) is described from the gills of the morid teleost Halargyreus johnsonii caught off the Faroe Islands in the North-eastern Atlantic. This new species is differentiated from ten other species in the genus Macrouridophora Rubec & Dronen, in press, by its: specialised heart-shaped haptor distinctly set-off from the body proper; inverted orientation of the first three anterior pairs of clamps; distinct spinulation covering the isthmus and haptor; small body size; small numbers of testes; and host.  相似文献   

A new trematode of the family Cryptogonimidae is described from Suwanee bass (Micropterus notius Bailey and Hubbs) from Florida. Turgecaecum longifauces gen. et sp. n. is characterized by having a long esophagus, precrural acetabula, short expanded ceca and vitellaria in the shoulder region. It is placed in the subfamily Caecincolinae and is compared with Caecincola Marshall and Gilbert 1905, the only other genus in the subfamily. Emendments to the subfamily are made.  相似文献   

Abstract. Coganomyia ornata gen. et sp.n. is described from Angola, and a possible second species from Uganda is reported. This genus resembles Auchmeromyia (Calliphoridae) in the presence of long, curved and fused male cerci, although there are five rather than four visible abdominal tergites.  相似文献   

Inanidrilus bulbosus gen. et sp.n. is described from subtidal sands near Miami, Florida. The species lacks alimentary canal, but it possesses highly modified penial setae and an unpaired dorsal spermatheca. It appears closely related to Phallodrilus Pierantoni, but since it is devoid of anterior prostate glands, which are attached to the ental ends of the atria in Phallodrilus , a new monotypic genus, Inanidrilus gen.n., is established.  相似文献   

Auriculostoma n. gen. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is proposed for Auriculostoma astyanace n. sp. from the intestine of the characid fish Astyanax fasciatus in the Atlantic coastal drainages of Nicaragua. The new genus differs from all papillose allocreadiid genera, except Bunoderella, in possessing 2 pairs of muscular oral papillae (instead of 1 or 3), of which the ventrolateral pair is moderately developed and the dorsolateral papillae are long and auricular. Auriculostoma differs from Bunoderella Schell, 1964, in having lateral vitelline follicles, completely separated or confluent only in the posttesticular region, a uterus limited to the pretesticular region or with a few eggs at the level of the testes, and a long cirrus sac that overlaps the acetabulum or usually reaches posteriorly to the ovarian level. Three other allocreadiid species, all from South American freshwater fishes and each of which had previously been placed in Crepidostomum, are transferred to Auriculostoma based on the presence of the diagnostic muscular oral papillae. These include Crepidostomum platense Szidat, 1954, C. macrorchis Szidat, 1954, and C. stenopteri Ma?é-Garzón and Gascón, 1973. Diagnostic features for Auriculostoma also include mainly pretesticular uterus, lateral vitellaria with variation in posttesticular confluence, and tandem testes. The genus appears to be typically associated with neotropical siluriforms (catfishes) and characiforms (tetras).  相似文献   

Australicola pectinatus n. gen., n. sp. (Pseudophyllidea: Triaenophoridae) is proposed to accommodate a new cestode from a deep-sea fish, the splendid alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe, 1834 (Beryciformes: Berycidae), from the Pacific coast of Tasmania. The new genus is placed in the Triaenophoridae, because it possesses a ventral uterine pore, marginal genital pore, and follicular vitellarium. Australicola is characterized by possessing a massive strobila with very short and wide, markedly craspedote proglottids; vitelline follicles forming a transverse equatorial band; a very deep and narrow genital atrium; a wide, convoluted vaginal canal; and unoperculate eggs. Australicola most closely resembles Eubothrium Nybelin, 1922 and Probothriocephalus Campbell, 1979 in having an unarmed scolex, an unarmed cirrus, the vagina anterior to the cirrus-sac, and cortical vitellaria. It differs from these 2 genera, in addition to the characteristics listed above, in possessing a dendritic rather than an entire ovary. Australicola pectinatus n. sp. is the third cestode described from B. splendens.  相似文献   

Aorella multiplex gen. et sp.n. is described and figured. The species lives amongst algae and phanerogams on reef flats in Fiji. The species cannot readily be assigned to any known genus of Aoridae (sensu Myers 1981), and a new genus is here erected for its inclusion.  相似文献   

A new cestode genus and species Relictolepis feodorovi gen. et sp. n. having armed scolex is described ex Clethrionomis rufocanus Sundevall, 1846 (Rodentia, Microtinae) from the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

We describe a new genus and species of sea anemone from Chilean Patagonia. Anthoparactis fossii n. gen. et sp. adds another acontiate genus and species to the family Isanthidae Carlgren, 1938. Anthoparactis n. gen. differs from the other isanthid genera in having the same number of mesenteries distally and proximally, acontia with basitrichs only, and a column with verrucae distally. Anthoparactis fossii n. sp. differs from the most similar species, Isoparactis fionae Lauretta et al., 2013, in the number of cycles of mesenteries and tentacles, structures of the column, colour pattern of the oral disc, cnidae, and geographical distribution. Isanthidae now includes seven genera and 11 species.  相似文献   

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