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 We built a “consensus” partial linkage map based on RAPD markers using 48 sibships of eight megagametophytes each from a natural population of Norway spruce. A RAPD linkage map for a single individual from the same population had previously been constructed. Using 30 random decamers that had yielded 83 RAPD markers in the single-tree map, eight megagametophytes for each of the 48 sibships were screened. The linkage relationship among markers was estimated considering each family of eight megagametophytes as a progeny of a phase-unknown backcross mating between a heterozygous mother and a fictitious ‘recessive’ father. Markers were assigned to windows using LOD=2.0 and θ=0.4 as thresholds, and ordered using a criterion of interval support ≥2.0. For eight “windows” of recombination selected on the single-tree map, we investigated the consistency of marker order in the two maps. We adopted restrictive criteria for rejecting co-linearity between the two locus orders. For each window we imposed the most likely locus order obtained from one data set to the other (and vice versa), obtaining two symmetrical log-likelihood differences. We considered the hypothesis of co-linearity rejected when both symmetrical differences were significant (ΔLOD>3.0). By bootstrapping a subset of markers for each window (highly informative, ‘framework’ loci chosen on the previous single-tree map using a matrix correlation method) the sampling variability of the single-tree and population maps was estimated. As expected the population map was affected by a larger variability than the single-tree map. Heterogeneity in pairwise recombination fractions among groups of sibship revealed a (possible) alternative genomic arrangement detected within a single recombination window. Received : 4 January 1997 / Accepted : 24 January 1997  相似文献   

 We have constructed a sex-averaged genetic linkage map in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco var ‘menziesii’) using a three-generation outcrossed pedigree and molecular markers. Our research objectives are to learn about genome organization and to identify markers associated with adaptive traits. The map reported here is comprised of 141 markers organized into 17 linkage groups and covers 1,062 centiMorgans (cM). Of the markers positioned on the map, 94 were derived from a Douglas-fir complimentary-DNA (cDNA) library that was constructed from new-growth needle tissue. Other markers include 11 Douglas-fir genomic-DNAs, 20 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) cDNAs, 15 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and a PCR-amplified phytochrome probe. A high degree of variation was detected in each of the two parents of our mapping population, and many of the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and RAPD phenotypes were complex. Marker data were analyzed for linkage using mapping software JOINMAP version 2.0. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

DNA marker maps based on single populations are the basis for gene, loci and genomic analyses. Individual maps can be integrated to produce composite maps with higher marker densities if shared marker orders are consistent. However, estimates of marker order in composite maps must include sets of markers that were not polymorphic in multiple populations. Often some of the pooled markers were not codominant, or were not correctly scored. The soybean composite map was composed of data from five separate populations based on northern US germplasm but does not yet include ‘Essex’ by ‘Forrest’ recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (E × F) or any southern US soybean cultivars. The objectives were, to update the E × F map with codominant markers, to compare marker orders among this map, the Forrest physical map and the composite soybean map and to compare QTL identified by composite interval maps to the earlier interval maps. Two hundred and thirty seven markers were used to construct the core of the E × F map. The majority of marker orders were consistent between the maps. However, 19 putative marker inversions were detected on 12 of 20 linkage groups (LG). Eleven marker distance compressions were also found. The number of inverted markers ranged from 1 to 2 per LG. Thus, marker order inversions may be common in southern compared to northern US germplasm. A total of 61 QTL among 37 measures of six traits were detected by composite interval maps, interval maps and single point analysis. Seventeen of the QTL found in composite intervals had previously been detected among the 29 QTL found in simple interval maps. The genomic locations of the known QTL were more closely delimited. A genome sequencing project to compare Southern and Northern US soybean cultivars would catalog and delimit inverted regions and the associated QTL. Gene introgression in cultivar development programs would be accelerated.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

A new genetic map of rye, developed by using the 541 x Ot1-3 F2 intercross, consists of 148 marker loci, including 99 RAPDs, 18 SSRs, 14 STSs, 9 SCARs and 7 ISSRs, and spans the distance of 1401.4 cM. To the 7 rye chromosomes, 8 linkage groups were assigned and compared with the reference map of the DS2 x RXL10 F2 intercross by using 24 common markers. The 2 combined maps contain altogether 611 marker loci (70-109 per chromosome) and constitute a substantial source of information useful for further genomic studies in rye. From 21 to 37 RAPD marker loci are distributed randomly along each chromosome length and their total number for all 7 rye chromosomes is 177. This abundance of RAPD marker loci in the rye genetic map can be exploited for development of SCARs in regions containing important genes or QTL.  相似文献   

A set of 146 single sequence repeats (SSRs) and 14 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations were used to enrich a previously developed linkage map obtained from a (Prunus persica×P. ferganensisP. persica BC1 progeny. Forty-one SSR primer pairs gave polymorphic patterns detecting 42 loci. The restriction/selective primer AFLP combinations produced a total of 79 segregating fragments. The resulting map is composed of 216 loci covering 665 cM with an average distance of 3.1 cM. Novel regions were covered by the newly mapped loci for a total of 159 cM. Eight linkage groups were assembled instead of the earlier 10 as two small groups (G1a and G8b), previously independent, were joined to their respective major groups (G1b and G8a). Several gaps were also reduced resulting in an improved saturation of the map. Twelve gaps ≥10 cm are still present. A comparative analysis against the Prunus reference map (71 anchor loci) pointed out an almost complete synteny and colinearity. Six loci were not syntenic and only two were not colinear. Genetic distances were significantly longer in our map than in the reference one.  相似文献   

The apple cultivar Honeycrisp is emerging in North American markets due to its outstanding eating quality. A set of three ‘Honeycrisp’ progeny populations from the University of Minnesota apple breeding program were utilized to construct parental and consensus ‘Honeycrisp’ linkage maps to enable marker-assisted breeding. Two populations were segregated for fruit texture traits and a third was of interest in examining disease resistance. All available individuals were genotyped with the International RosBREED SNP Consortium (IRSC) apple 8K SNP array v1, for a total of 318 progeny individuals. Three unique ‘Honeycrisp’ parental maps (‘Honeycrisp’ × ‘Monark,’ ‘Honeycrisp’ × ‘Gala,’ and ‘Honeycrisp’ × MN1764) were developed, consisting of 1,018, 1,042, and 1,041 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, respectively. Among all three ‘Honeycrisp’ parental maps, 951 SNP markers were in common. Combining these maps with the MergeMap tool, a consensus ‘Honeycrisp’ linkage map with 1,091 SNP markers was developed with an average distance of 1.36 cM between consecutive markers. The ‘Honeycrisp’ consensus map was largely in agreement with the physical position of markers in the ‘Golden Delicious’ reference genome sequence (v1.0, as of February 2013). The consensus linkage map is informative for an elite cultivar that is being utilized in breeding programs worldwide for its superb fruit quality traits.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a model cellulosic biofuel crop in the United States. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are valuable resources for genetic mapping and molecular breeding. A large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of switchgrass are recently available in our sequencing project. The objectives of this study were to develop new SSR markers from the switchgrass EST sequences and to integrate them into an existing linkage map. More than 750 unique primer pairs (PPs) were designed from 243,600 EST contigs and tested for PCR amplifications, resulting in 538 PPs effectively producing amplicons of expected sizes. Of the effective PPs, 481 amplifying informative bands in NL94 were screened for polymorphisms in a panel consisting of NL94 and its seven first-generation selfed (S1) progeny. This led to the selection of 117 polymorphic EST–SSRs to genotype a mapping population encompassing 139 S1 individuals of NL94. Of 83 markers demonstrating clearly scorable alleles in the mapping population, 79 were integrated into a published linkage map, with three linked to accessory loci and one unlinked. The newly identified EST–SSR loci were distributed in 17 of 18 linkage groups with 27 (32.5 %) exhibiting distorted segregations. The integration of EST–SSRs aided in reducing the average marker interval (cM) to 3.7 from 4.2, and reduced the number of gaps (each >15 cM) to 10 from 23. Developing new EST–SSRs and constructing a higher density linkage map will facilitate quantitative trait locus mapping and provide a firm footing for marker-assisted breeding in switchgrass.  相似文献   

Genetic markers were mapped in segregating progeny from a cross between two soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars: Minsoy (PI 27.890) and Noir 1 (PI 290.136). A genetic linkage map was constructed (LOD 3), consisting of 132 RFLP, isozyme, morphological, and biochemical markers. The map defined 1550cM of the soybean genome comprising 31 linkage groups. An additional 24 polymorphic markers remained unlinked. A family of RFLP markers, identified by a single probe (hybridizing to an interspersed repeated DNA sequence), extended the map, linking other markers and defining regions for which other markers were not available.  相似文献   

Using AFLP technology and a recombinant inbred line population derived from the sorghum cross of BTx623 × IS3620C, a high-density genetic map of the sorghum genome was constructed. The 1713 cM map encompassed 2926 loci distributed on ten linkage groups; 2454 of those loci are AFLP products generated from either the EcoRI/MseI or PstI/MseI enzyme combinations. Among the non-AFLP markers, 136 are SSRs previously mapped in sorghum, and 203 are cDNA and genomic clones from rice, barley, oat, and maize. This latter group of markers has been mapped in various grass species and, as such, can serve as reference markers in comparative mapping. Of the nearly 3000 markers mapped, 692 comprised a LOD 3.0 framework map on which the remaining markers were placed with lower resolution (LOD <3.0). By comparing the map positions of the common grass markers in all sorghum maps reported to date, it was determined that these reference markers were essentially collinear in all published maps. Some clustering of the EcoRI/MseI AFLP markers was observed, possibly in centromeric regions. In general, however, the AFLP markers filled most of the gaps left by the RFLP/SSR markers demonstrating that AFLP technology is effective in providing excellent genome coverage. A web site, http://SorghumGenome.tamu.edu, has been created to provide all the necessary information to facilitate the use of this map and the 2590 PCR-based markers. Finally, we discuss how the information contained in this map is being integrated into a sorghum physical map for map-based gene isolation, comparative genome analysis, and as a source of sequence-ready clones for genome sequencing projects.  相似文献   

We have constructed a molecular linkage map of pepper (Capsicum spp.) in an interspecific F2 population of 107 plants with 150 RFLP and 430 AFLP markers. The resulting linkage map consists of 11 large (206–60.3 cM) and 5 small (32.6–10.3 cM) linkage groups covering 1,320 cM with an average map distance between framework markers of 7.5 cM. Most (80%) of the RFLP markers were pepper-derived clones, and these markers were evenly distributed across the genome. By using 30 primer combinations, we were able to generate 444 AFLP markers in the F2 population. The majority of the AFLP markers clustered in each linkage group, although PstI/MseI markers were more evenly distributed than EcoRI/MseI markers within the linkage groups. Genes for the biosynthesis of carotenoids and capsaicinoids were mapped on our linkage map. This map will provide the basis of studying secondary metabolites in pepper. Received: 20 October 1999 / Accepted: 3 July 2000  相似文献   

Identification of markers associated with genes of interest and quantitative trait loci (QTLs), combined with high-density genetic linkage maps, can help reduce labor and costs by enabling marker-assisted selection (MAS). In this study, a dwarfing apple rootstock cultivar ??JM7?? (Malus prunifolia × Malus pumila ??Malling 9??) and wild apple Malus sieboldii ??Sanashi 63?? (section Sorbomalus) were used for constructing genetic linkage maps. Here, a species from section Sorbomalus was used for the first time as a target species in a genome-wide mapping study. We also developed and mapped 137 novel-expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers. The genetic linkage maps of ??JM7?? and ??Sanashi 63?? consisted of 415 and 310 loci and spanned 998.0 and 981.8?cM, respectively, comparable to the reference map of Malus × domestica ??Discovery??. A BLASTN search revealed that all of the EST-SSR sequences used in this study exhibited very high homology to one or more previously characterized apple genome contigs. Although the most homologous contigs of 89 EST-SSRs were located within the same linkage groups (LGs) identified by mapping analysis, the other 48 EST-SSRs were aligned into contigs positioned in different LGs than those identified by mapping. When search criteria were expanded to include the five most homologous contigs of each EST-SSR, at least one of the top five contigs for 15 of these 48 EST-SSRs corresponded to the LG obtained by mapping. The maps of ??JM7?? and ??Sanashi 63?? may be useful for analyzing important rootstock characteristics and identifying markers for MAS.  相似文献   

Nodal cuttings of D. alata L. Barzo fuerte and Florido, as well as of D. abyssinica Hoch, were cultured in vitro in order to assess the influence of the photoperiod on the production of microtubers. For both species, the highest number of microtubers was obtained under 16 and 24-h photoperiods, whereas larger microtubers were generally produced at 8-h photoperiod. In D. alata, further increase in microtuber size was observed in a culture medium where NH4NO3 was omitted. This effect was less noticeable in D. abyssinica.  相似文献   

A resource family of pigs has been constructed by using a boar of Göttingen miniature pig and two sows of Meishan pig as parents. In the construction of the family, two F1 males and 18 F1 females were intercrossed to generate 143 F2 offspring. The members of the family were genotyped using 243 genetic markers including 26 markers developed in our laboratory in order to generate a linkage map of markers for use in detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the family. The markers consisted of 237 microsatellites, five PRE-1 markers, and one RFLP marker. The linkage map was revealed to cover all 18 autosomes and the X chromosome; and the total length of the sex-averaged linkage map was calculated to be 2561 ·9 c m . Four out of the 26 markers developed in our laboratory ex-ended the current linkage map at the termini of chromosomes 1p, 5p, 11p, and Xq. The linkage maps of all the chromosomes except for chromosome 1 were found to be longer in females than in males. Concerning chromosome 1, the length of the linkage map showed no difference between females and males, which was attributed to low recombination rates between markers localized in the centromeric region in females. The average ratio of female-to-male recombination was calculated to be 1 ·55.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty microsatellite (simple sequence repeat (SSR)) and six gene-specific markers revealing 174 loci were scored in 94 seedlings from the inter-specific cross of Prunus avium ‘Napoleon’ × Prunus nipponica accession F1292. The co-segregation data from these markers were used to construct a linkage map for cherry which spanned 680 cM over eight linkage groups with an average marker spacing of 3.9 cM per marker and just six gaps longer than 15 cM. Markers previously mapped in Prunus dulcis ‘Texas’ × Prunus persica ‘Earlygold’ allowed the cherry map to be anchored to the peach × almond map and showed the high level of synteny between the species. Eighty-four loci segregated in P. avium ‘Napoleon’ versus 159 in P. nipponica. The segregations of 32 isoenzyme loci in a subset of 47 seedlings from the progeny were scored, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and/or isoelectric focusing separation followed by activity staining, and the co-segregation data were analysed along with those for 39 isoenzymes reported previously and for the 174 sequence-tagged site loci plus an additional two SSR loci. The second map incorporates 233 loci and spans 736 cM over eight linkage groups with an average marker spacing of 3.2 cM per marker and just two gaps greater than 15 cM. The microsatellite map will provide a useful tool for cherry breeding and marker-assisted selection and for synteny studies within Prunus; the gene-specific markers and isoenzymes will be useful for comparisons with maps of other rosaceous fruit crops. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, is the most economically-important soft-fruit species, but few practical molecular tools for the purpose of marker assisted selection currently exist. As a precursor to the development of such tools, a genetic linkage map was developed from a F1 population comprising 174 seedlings derived from a cross between two F. × ananassa cultivars, ‘Redgauntlet’ × ‘Hapil’. The resultant map is composed of 315 molecular markers—218 microsatellites, 11 gene-specific markers and 86 AFLP and RAPD markers—and spans 3,116 cM. In total, 69 linkage group fragments were recovered, more than the 56 linkage groups expected for the cultivated strawberry, however, all fragments contained a transferable marker that could be associated with one of 56 linkage group scaffolds. The female (Redgauntlet) and male (Hapil) linkage maps are composed, respectively of 170 loci in 32 linkage groups covering 1,675.3 cM and 182 loci in 37 linkage groups covering 1,440.7 cM, with 37 markers common to both maps. The maximum number of markers in one linkage group was 15, the minimum was two. All linkage groups resolved contained at least one transferable marker (SSR or gene-specific) that had been mapped on the diploid Fragaria reference map (FV × FB), and therefore all linkage groups could be identified as homologous to one of the seven diploid Fragaria linkage groups. When marker order was compared to the diploid Fragaria reference map, effectively complete colinearity was observed. However, the occurrence of duplicated loci on homologues of linkage groups FG1 and FG6 provided evidence of a putative chromosomal duplication or translocation event in Fragaria. The development of this linkage map will facilitate the study and dissection of QTL associated with traits of economic importance such as disease resistance and fruit quality, and provides a foundation for the development of markers for the purpose of marker assisted breeding and selection in the cultivated strawberry, F. × ananassa.  相似文献   

Non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica carnpestris ssp. chinensis Makino) is one of the most important vegetables in eastern China. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 127 doubled haploid (DH) lines, and the DH population was derived from a commercial hybrid "Hanxiao" (lines SW-13 x L-118). Out of the 614 polyrnorphic markers, 43.49% were not assigned to any of the linkage groups (LGs). Chi-square tests showed that 42.67% markers were distorted from expected Mendelian segregation ratios, and the direction of distorted segregation was mainly toward the paternal parent L-118. After sequentially removing the markers that had an interval distance smaller than 1 cM from the upper marker, the overall quality of the linkage map was increased. Two hundred and sixty-eight molecular markers were mapped into 10 LGs, which were anchored to the corresponding chromosome of the B. rapa reference map based on com- mon simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The map covers 973.38 cM of the genome and the average interval distance between markers was 3.63 cM. The number of markers on each LG ranged from 18 (R08) to 64 (R07), with an average interval distance within a single LG from 1.70 cM (R07) to 6.71 cM (R06). Among these mapped markers, 169 were sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular markers, 50 were SSR markers and 49 were random amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. With further saturation to the LG9 the current map offers a genetic tool for loci analysis for important agronomic traits.  相似文献   

The progeny of 87 BC(1) hybrids of 'Murcott' tangor and 'Pera' sweet orange, genotyped with fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) markers, was used for the construction of genetic maps for both citrus varieties. Mapping strategies, considering the progeny as a result of backcrossing and cross-pollination, were exploited in Mapmaker 2.0 (LOD score >or= 3.0 and or= 3.0 and theta 相似文献   

An F2 oat population was produced by crossing the diploid (n=7) species Avena strigosa (CI 3815) with A. wiestii (CI 1994), resistant and susceptible, respectively, to 40 isolates of Puccinia coronata, the causal agent of crown rust. Eighty-eight F2 individuals were used to construct an RFLP linkage map representing the A genome of cultivated hexaploid oat. Two hundred and eight RFLP loci have been placed into 10 linkage groups. This map covers 2416 cM, with an average of 12 cM between RFLP loci. Eighty-eight F3 lines, derived from F2 individuals used to construct the map, were screened for resistance to 9 isolates of P. coronata. One locus, Pca, was found to confer a dominant resistance phenotype to isolates 203, 258, 263, 264B, 290, 298, 325A, and 345. Pca also conferred resistance to isolate 276; however, an unlinked second gene may also be involved.Journal Paper No. 15143 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 3134 and 2447  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of tetraploid wheat was constructed based on a cross between durum wheat [Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) MacKey] cultivar Langdon and wild emmer wheat [T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (K?rn.) Thell.] accession G18-16. One hundred and fifty-two single-seed descent derived F(6) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were analyzed with a total of 690 loci, including 197 microsatellite and 493 DArT markers. Linkage analysis defined 14 linkage groups. Most markers were mapped to the B-genome (60%), with an average of 57 markers per chromosome and the remaining 40% mapped to the A-genome, with an average of 39 markers per chromosome. To construct a stabilized (skeleton) map, markers interfering with map stability were removed. The skeleton map consisted of 307 markers with a total length of 2,317 cM and average distance of 7.5 cM between adjacent markers. The length of individual chromosomes ranged between 112 cM for chromosome 4B to 217 cM for chromosome 3B. A fraction (30.1%) of the markers deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratios; clusters of loci showing distorted segregation were found on chromosomes 1A, 1BL, 2BS, 3B, and 4B. DArT markers showed high proportion of clustering, which may be indicative of gene-rich regions. Three hundred and fifty-two new DArT markers were mapped for the first time on the current map. This map provides a useful groundwork for further genetic analyses of important quantitative traits, positional cloning, and marker-assisted selection, as well as for genome comparative genomics and genome organization studies in wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   

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