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中国古生代放射虫十年来研究的进展   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  

古生代放射虫硅岩地层中富含浮游相的微体生物化石,这些化石中的脂类物质和有机质在地层中往往形成海相烃源岩而富含油气资源。这类地层的油田已在北极加拿大、美国、澳大利亚和俄罗斯等地发现,特别是俄罗斯的Domanik层(上泥盆统)是目前正在开采的世界上最有名的顶级大油田。我国西南地区的云南、贵州和广西等省区有与世界级大油田相似的古生代放射虫硅岩地层,但在过去的勘探中这类地层从未列入勘探目标,我们相信,在不久的将来,这类地层将成为一个潜在的油气勘探目标。  相似文献   

自林启彬先生1978年命名了我国第一个古生代昆虫至今, 中国学者共发表20余篇分类学论著, 描述鉴定我国古生代昆虫共61种, 归属于9目(总目)。这些标本分布于西北、 西南、 华东等9省区, 其中石炭纪47种, 二叠纪14种。本文统计了我国已发现的古生代化石昆虫属种名录以及它们的分布和地质年代, 总结了国内古生代化石昆虫当前的研究状况和发展趋势, 并分析了研究中存在的问题。其中关于化石昆虫普遍存在的脉序差异问题需给予足够的重视, 高级阶元的建立应更加慎重。研究表明我国古生代昆虫已经高度分异, 古翅类、 新翅类均已出现, 且代表着有翅昆虫辐射演化的重要阶段。  相似文献   

在这金秋宜人时光,我们怀着极其敬重与喜悦的心情迎来了杨福愉院士的八十华诞.值此庆贺寿辰之际,我们回顾杨福愉先生五十年来的科研活动,探讨他的学术思想,了解他的研究成果,这不仅是对杨福愉先生寿辰的最好庆贺,也是从事生物膜研究的同事、同仁们对生物膜研究领域中的前沿和热点问题进行深入交流和切磋的一个良好机会,特别是对进一步激励有志于生物膜研究的年轻一代将起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

中国近、现代内陆水域鱼类系统分类学研究历史回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文回顾了我国近、现代内陆水域鱼类系统分类学研究的历史。基于收集到的1758—2011年1230余篇与中国内陆水域鱼类系统分类研究相关的中外文著作、文献等,并根据特定的研究历史事件,对我国内陆水域鱼类研究历程进行了断代分析。将这一历程划分为5个时期:外国学者研究时期(1758—1927年)、中国学者开始自主研究时期(1927—1937年)、抗日战争和国内战争影响时期(1937—1949年)、恢复时期(1950—1980年)和加速发展时期(1980年至今),并分析了各时期的代表性研究以及时代特点。  相似文献   

中国特有金线鲃属鱼类研究的回顾与展望(鲤形目,鲤科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金线鲃属鱼类是中国特有类群,几乎所有种类的生息繁衍都离不开洞穴环境,由于洞穴间的隔离作用,属内物种分化十分强烈.本文对以往有关金线鲃属的研究进行了回顾,将其研究历程分为5个不同阶段:发现期、静默期、恢复期、快速发展期和深入研究期,每个阶段都有不同的特点和代表性工作.以往的研究以分类学为主,向传统分类和系统分类两个方向开展.目前金线鲃属鱼类研究还存在一系列问题以及研究空白.未来有关的研究可在物种演化、生态学、生理学、行为学和保护生物学等多个方面深入进行.  相似文献   

赵文金 《化石》2005,(2):2-6
早期脊椎动物主要是指古生代中期(包括志留纪和泥盆纪)生活在水中的无颌及有颌的鱼类,主要类群包括无颌类、盾皮鱼类(包括胴甲鱼类、节甲鱼类与瓣甲鱼类等)、棘鱼类、软骨鱼类以及硬骨鱼类。在地质历史上,志留纪和泥盆纪是脊椎动物发展过程中的一个十分重要的时期。在生物的演化史上,泥盆纪常被称为“鱼类时代”;目前,全球志留纪鱼类化石的大量发现,已使我们能够将“鱼类时代”推前至志留纪。  相似文献   

中国城市鸟类学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
张征恺  黄甘霖 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3357-3367
我国的城市鸟类学起步于20世纪80年代,随着城市化过程的加速,城市鸟类学也有了较快发展。为了全面系统地了解中国城市鸟类学研究的历史、现状与发展趋势,在中国期刊全文数据库中以"城市"和"鸟类"为主题词检索了1950—2015年间发表的文章,筛选获得128篇文章,并对检索结果进行综述。结果显示,城市鸟类学发表文章数量自20世纪80年代起逐渐增加,由1981—1990的年均0.7篇跃升至2011—2015年的年均11.6篇。研究地涉及全国29个省级行政区的57个城市。研究的主要议题包括:城市鸟类的群落结构和分布、影响城市鸟类的主要环境因素和城市鸟类的保护实践。综述发现,不同城市环带位置,城市中不同生境组合会影响城市的鸟类群落结构;不同尺度上的环境因素会对鸟类的分布、繁殖、觅食和生理情况产生多种影响,而城市化是影响这些环境因素的主要驱动力;鸟类栖息地规划以保护城市中自然栖息地,增加其景观连通性促进鸟类保护,鸟类招引技术主要通过补充巢资源和食物资源促进鸟类保护。然而,由于资源限制,有关城市鸟类的长期研究相对较少。并且,已有研究中城市鸟类的生态系统服务也鲜有涉及。为此,对我国城市鸟类学的发展提出了三点展望,城市鸟类学研究应加强城市绿地鸟类招引措施的生态影响研究,进一步发掘城市鸟类的自然体验与环境教育价值,并促进民间爱好者参与长期系统性城市鸟类学调查。  相似文献   

Two new genera (Sinosphaera and Trigonosphaera), including two new species and another left in open nomenclature, are described from the Changxingian (upper Permian) of southern Guangxi, southern China. They are characterized by a single spherical, subspherical or rounded triangular cortical shell composed of two spongy layers and the likely absence of both a medullary shell and internal spicule. They are tentatively grouped within the family Xiphostylidae Haeckel, 1881 and are considered as the most primitive representatives of this family.  相似文献   

A poorly preserved, but diversified radiolarian fauna was recovered from thin-bedded cherts occurring in the southeast of Daofu, Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Twenty-two radiolarian species belonging to 10 genera are identified and three new species (Paroertlispongus daofuensis n. sp., Falcispongus heinzi n. sp., Falcispongus pauliani n. sp.) are described. Falcispongus heinzi represents a transitional species between genera Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler and Falcispongus Dumitrica. The fauna is divided into two assemblages, namely Muelleritortis cochleata and Oertlispongus inaequispinosus assemblages, which can be well correlated with the Ladinian radiolarian zones from Europe. The fauna indicates that basaltic rocks occurring in the Xianshuihe Belt were formed mainly during the Middle Triassic. Our results thus extend the previously known geological age of the Xianshuihe Belt to the Middle and Late Triassic interval.  相似文献   

王剑峰  石福明 《昆虫学报》2005,48(2):242-246
本文对中国似织螽属已知种类进行了研究,并列出了该属已知种的检索表, 同时记述一新种,即宽翅似织螽 Hexacentrus expansus sp. nov.。该新种与H. inflatissimus Gorochov & Warcholowska-Sliwa, 1999 和H. yunnaneus Bey-Bienko, 1962相似,与前者的主要区别: 1)体明显较小; 2)雄性左前翅Cu2脉较长且直; 3)雄性前翅Rs脉从R脉近端部分出; 4)雌性翅狭,不到达产卵瓣端部; 与后者的主要区别: 1)体黄绿色,跗节第3、4节黑色; 2)雄性左前翅Cu2脉粗壮; 3)雄性前翅Rs脉从R脉近端部分出,基部稍弯曲; 4)雄性腹突细长,长于下生殖板的1/2。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Ovules (or seeds) are distributed widely in the beds of Paleozoic of China, but what have been found are all impressions or molds of them. Recently, while studying the fossil plants in coal balls of Coal Seam No.7 (P1) at the upper part of Taiyuan Formation in Xishan Coal- Field, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, We found a kind of petrified ovules with internal structures, which not only are abundant but also quite well presserved. Having been studied, they are put into Cardiocarpus Brongniart and considered as a new species C. samaratus. In the coal bails they are often found associated with the leaves, stems and fructifications of Cordaites, so it is very possible that these ovules belong to Cordaites. It is very interesting that these ovules are very similar to those of the earliest conifers Lebachia described by G. M. Rothwell in 1982. This indicates' that there is a close relation between Cordaites and conifers. Cardioearpus samaratus ap.nov. The ovules are small, flat and obviously-winged. The average length is 6–7mm. The largest width (nearly equal to the length) is at the lower middle part of the ovule. Wings and the top and base of the ovule bend to the same side in a varying extent. The ovule is not cordate at the base. The integument can be divided into three layers: the sarcrotesta consisting of parenchymatous cells, the sclerotesta and the endotesta consisting of longitudinally-elongated sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. The lower midrile part of the nucellus is vascularized. The micropyle is elliptical in transverse section. One main vascular bundle extends upwards from the base. Before it arrives at the sclerotesta, it biforcates into two vascular bundles and extend upwards in the sarcrotesta at the wings. In the meantime, the main vascular bundle continues' to extend upwards and passes across the sclerotesta and reaches the base of the nucellus from where it extends into the nucellus.  相似文献   

Based on the detailed morphological study of the type species of the genus Multisphaera Nazarov and Afanasieva, the author emends the status and diagnosis of this genus and of the subfamily Multisphaerinae Nazarov and Afanasieva. He found that the initial spicule of the type species is not multi-rayed, as initially thought, but a tetrahedral spicule. Accordingly, the genus is assigned to the former tribe Tetrentactiniini Kozur and Mostler that is herein raised to the family rank and comprises all Upper Devonian to lower Permian genera with a tetrahedral initial spicule. Consequently, the subfamily Multisphaerinae is considered a junior synonym of the family Tetrentactiniidae. To better solve the taxonomic problems of this family the author compares the morphological diversity of its members with the morphological diversity of the lower Tithonian (uppermost Jurassic) tetrahedral spicule-bearing entactinarian Radiolaria occurring in the Solnhofen area, southern Germany. Although these genera have the same type of spicule as the Paleozoic ones, they seem to belong to a new family because between the lower Tithonian and the lower Permian genera there is a long time interval of about 120 Ma in which no radiolarians with a tetrahedral initial spicule have been recorded so far. This comparison shows once more the conservative character of the initial spicule and the wide morphological diversity of the extraspicular shell.  相似文献   

目的了解马尔尼菲青霉病在我国大陆地区的临床及流行病学特征。方法应用计算机和人工检索我国大陆地区1985~2006年间公开报道的有关马尔尼菲青霉病的文献,归纳其临床和流行病学特征。结果共纳入46篇文献,涉及138例马尔尼菲青霉病患者,其中人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)阳性者98例(71.0%),发病呈逐年上升趋势,男性发病远多于女性(3.6∶1)。临床表现中发热132例(95.7%);有网状内皮系统体征(肝、脾、淋巴结肿大)111例(80.4%);贫血104例(75.3%);皮疹100例(72.5%);肺部病变(肺部结核样阴影、间质性肺炎、胸膜炎、胸腔积液、肺纹理增粗等)91例(65.9%)。66例(47.8%)死亡。结论我国大陆地区的马尔尼菲青霉病发病逐年上升,患者HIV阳性率高,临床表现主要为发热、贫血、肝脾或淋巴结肿大、肺部病变、皮疹等。  相似文献   

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