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Computational detection of recombination hotspots from population polymorphism data is important both for understanding the nature of recombination and for applications such as association studies. We propose a new method for this task based on a multiple-hotspot model and an (approximate) log-likelihood ratio test. A truncated, weighted pairwise log-likelihood is introduced and applied to the calculation of the log-likelihood ratio, and a forward-selection procedure is adopted to search for the optimal hotspot predictions. The method shows a relatively high power with a low false-positive rate in detecting multiple hotspots in simulation data and has a performance comparable to the best results of leading computational methods in experimental data for which recombination hotspots have been characterized by sperm-typing experiments. The method can be applied to both phased and unphased data directly, with a very fast computational speed. We applied the method to the 10 500-kb regions of the HapMap ENCODE data and found 172 hotspots among the three populations, with average hotspot width of 2.4 kb. By comparisons with the simulation data, we found some evidence that hotspots are not all identical across populations. The correlations between detected hotspots and several genomic characteristics were examined. In particular, we observed that DNaseI-hypersensitive sites are enriched in hotspots, suggesting the existence of human beta hotspots similar to those found in yeast.  相似文献   

We describe a general likelihood-based 'mixture model' for inferring phylogenetic trees from gene-sequence or other character-state data. The model accommodates cases in which different sites in the alignment evolve in qualitatively distinct ways, but does not require prior knowledge of these patterns or partitioning of the data. We call this qualitative variability in the pattern of evolution across sites "pattern-heterogeneity" to distinguish it from both a homogenous process of evolution and from one characterized principally by differences in rates of evolution. We present studies to show that the model correctly retrieves the signals of pattern-heterogeneity from simulated gene-sequence data, and we apply the method to protein-coding genes and to a ribosomal 12S data set. The mixture model outperforms conventional partitioning in both these data sets. We implement the mixture model such that it can simultaneously detect rate- and pattern-heterogeneity. The model simplifies to a homogeneous model or a rate-variability model as special cases, and therefore always performs at least as well as these two approaches, and often considerably improves upon them. We make the model available within a Bayesian Markov-chain Monte Carlo framework for phylogenetic inference, as an easy-to-use computer program.  相似文献   

Many of the steps in phylogenetic reconstruction can be confounded by “rogue” taxa—taxa that cannot be placed with assurance anywhere within the tree, indeed, whose location within the tree varies with almost any choice of algorithm or parameters. Phylogenetic consensus methods, in particular, are known to suffer from this problem. In this paper, we provide a novel framework to define and identify rogue taxa. In this framework, we formulate a bicriterion optimization problem, the relative information criterion, that models the net increase in useful information present in the consensus tree when certain taxa are removed from the input data. We also provide an effective greedy heuristic to identify a subset of rogue taxa and use this heuristic in a series of experiments, with both pathological examples from the literature and a collection of large biological data sets. As the presence of rogue taxa in a set of bootstrap replicates can lead to deceivingly poor support values, we propose a procedure to recompute support values in light of the rogue taxa identified by our algorithm; applying this procedure to our biological data sets caused a large number of edges to move from “unsupported” to “supported” status, indicating that many existing phylogenies should be recomputed and reevaluated to reduce any inaccuracies introduced by rogue taxa. We also discuss the implementation issues encountered while integrating our algorithm into RAxML v7.2.7, particularly those dealing with scaling up the analyses. This integration enables practitioners to benefit from our algorithm in the analysis of very large data sets (up to 2,500 taxa and 10,000 trees, although we present the results of even larger analyses).  相似文献   

Combining data sets with different phylogenetic histories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility that two data sets may have different underlying phylogenetic histories (such as gene trees that deviate from species trees) has become an important argument against combining data in phylogenetic analysis. However, two data sets sampled for a large number of taxa may differ in only part of their histories. This is a realistic scenario and one in which the relative advantages of combined, separate, and consensus analysis become much less clear. I propose a simple methodology for dealing with this situation that involves (1) partitioning the available data to maximize detection of different histories, (2) performing separate analyses of the data sets, and (3) combining the data but considering questionable or unresolved those parts of the combined tree that are strongly contested in the separate analyses (and which therefore may have different histories) until a majority of unlinked data sets support one resolution over another. In support of this methodology, computer simulations suggest that (1) the accuracy of combined analysis for recovering the true species phylogeny may exceed that of either of two separately analyzed data sets under some conditions, particularly when the mismatch between phylogenetic histories is small and the estimates of the underlying histories are imperfect (few characters, high homoplasy, or both) and (2) combined analysis provides a poor estimate of the species tree in areas of the phylogenies with different histories but gives an improved estimate in regions that share the same history. Thus, when there is a localized mismatch between the histories of two data sets, the separate, consensus, and combined analyses may all give unsatisfactory results in certain parts of the phylogeny. Similarly, approaches that allow data combination only after a global test of heterogeneity will suffer from the potential failings of either separate or combined analysis, depending on the outcome of the test. Excision of conflicting taxa is also problematic, in that doing so may obfuscate the position of conflicting taxa within a larger tree, even when their placement is congruent between data sets. Application of the proposed methodology to molecular and morphological data sets for Sceloporus lizards is discussed.  相似文献   

McVean G  Awadalla P  Fearnhead P 《Genetics》2002,160(3):1231-1241
Determining the amount of recombination in the genealogical history of a sample of genes is important to both evolutionary biology and medical population genetics. However, recurrent mutation can produce patterns of genetic diversity similar to those generated by recombination and can bias estimates of the population recombination rate. Hudson 2001 has suggested an approximate-likelihood method based on coalescent theory to estimate the population recombination rate, 4N(e)r, under an infinite-sites model of sequence evolution. Here we extend the method to the estimation of the recombination rate in genomes, such as those of many viruses and bacteria, where the rate of recurrent mutation is high. In addition, we develop a powerful permutation-based method for detecting recombination that is both more powerful than other permutation-based methods and robust to misspecification of the model of sequence evolution. We apply the method to sequence data from viruses, bacteria, and human mitochondrial DNA. The extremely high level of recombination detected in both HIV1 and HIV2 sequences demonstrates that recombination cannot be ignored in the analysis of viral population genetic data.  相似文献   

Two qualitative taxonomic characters are potentially compatible if the states of each can be ordered into a character state tree in such a way that the two resulting character state trees are compatible. The number of potentially compatible pairs (NPCP) of qualitative characters from a data set may be considered to be a measure of its phylogenetic randomness. The value of NPCP depends on the number of evolutionary units (EUs), the number of characters, the number of states in the characters, the distributions of EUs among these states, and the amount and distribution of missing information and so does not directly indicate degree of phylogenetic randomness. Thus, for an observed data set, we used Monte Carlo methods to estimate the probability that a data set chosen equiprobably from among those identical (with respect to all the other above determining features) to the observed data set would have as high (or low) an NPCP as the observed data set. This probability, the realized significance of the observed NPCP, is attractive as an indication of phylogenetic randomness because it does not require the assumptions made by other such methods: No character state trees are assumed and consequently, only potential compatibility can be determined; no particular method of phylogenetic estimation is assumed; and no phylogenetic trees are constructed. We determined the values and significances of NPCP for analyses of 57 data sets taken from 53 published sources. All data sets from 37 of those sources exhibited realized significances of < 0.01, indicating high levels of phylogenetic nonrandomness. From each of the remaining 16 sources, at least one data set was more phylogenetically random. Inclusion of outgroups changed significance in some cases, but not always in the same direction. Data sets with significantly low NPCP may be consistent with an ancient hybrid origin (or other ancient polyphyletic gene exchange, crossing over, viral transfer, etc.) of the study group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic profiles constitute a novel way of graphically displaying the coherence of the sequence relationships over the entire length of a set of aligned homologous sequences. Using a sliding-window technique, this method determines the pairwise distances of all sequences in the windows and evaluates, for each sequence, the degree to which the patterns of distances in these regions agree. This method is suited for exploring data consistency as well as detecting recombinant sequences. A computer program implementing the algorithm has been developed, and examples with simulated and natural sequences are given to demonstrate the sensitivity and accuracy of the method for identifying recombinant sequences and their recombination junctions as well as detecting hot spots of recombinational activity.   相似文献   



One method of identifying cis regulatory differences is to analyze allele-specific expression (ASE) and identify cases of allelic imbalance (AI). RNA-seq is the most common way to measure ASE and a binomial test is often applied to determine statistical significance of AI. This implicitly assumes that there is no bias in estimation of AI. However, bias has been found to result from multiple factors including: genome ambiguity, reference quality, the mapping algorithm, and biases in the sequencing process. Two alternative approaches have been developed to handle bias: adjusting for bias using a statistical model and filtering regions of the genome suspected of harboring bias. Existing statistical models which account for bias rely on information from DNA controls, which can be cost prohibitive for large intraspecific studies. In contrast, data filtering is inexpensive and straightforward, but necessarily involves sacrificing a portion of the data.


Here we propose a flexible Bayesian model for analysis of AI, which accounts for bias and can be implemented without DNA controls. In lieu of DNA controls, this Poisson-Gamma (PG) model uses an estimate of bias from simulations. The proposed model always has a lower type I error rate compared to the binomial test. Consistent with prior studies, bias dramatically affects the type I error rate. All of the tested models are sensitive to misspecification of bias. The closer the estimate of bias is to the true underlying bias, the lower the type I error rate. Correct estimates of bias result in a level alpha test.


To improve the assessment of AI, some forms of systematic error (e.g., map bias) can be identified using simulation. The resulting estimates of bias can be used to correct for bias in the PG model, without data filtering. Other sources of bias (e.g., unidentified variant calls) can be easily captured by DNA controls, but are missed by common filtering approaches. Consequently, as variant identification improves, the need for DNA controls will be reduced. Filtering does not significantly improve performance and is not recommended, as information is sacrificed without a measurable gain. The PG model developed here performs well when bias is known, or slightly misspecified. The model is flexible and can accommodate differences in experimental design and bias estimation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-920) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Physical partitioning techniques are routinely employed (during sample preparation stage) for segregating the prokaryotic and eukaryotic fractions of metagenomic samples. In spite of these efforts, several metagenomic studies focusing on bacterial and archaeal populations have reported the presence of contaminating eukaryotic sequences in metagenomic data sets. Contaminating sequences originate not only from genomes of micro-eukaryotic species but also from genomes of (higher) eukaryotic host cells. The latter scenario usually occurs in the case of host-associated metagenomes. Identification and removal of contaminating sequences is important, since these sequences not only impact estimates of microbial diversity but also affect the accuracy of several downstream analyses. Currently, the computational techniques used for identifying contaminating eukaryotic sequences, being alignment based, are slow, inefficient, and require huge computing resources. In this article, we present Eu-Detect, an alignment-free algorithm that can rapidly identify eukaryotic sequences contaminating metagenomic data sets. Validation results indicate that on a desktop with modest hardware specifications, the Eu-Detect algorithm is able to rapidly segregate DNA sequence fragments of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin, with high sensitivity. A Web server for the Eu-Detect algorithm is available at http://metagenomics.atc.tcs.com/Eu-Detect/.  相似文献   

We introduce a new method for identifying optimal incomplete data sets from large sequence databases based on the graph theoretic concept of alpha-quasi-bicliques. The quasi-biclique method searches large sequence databases to identify useful phylogenetic data sets with a specified amount of missing data while maintaining the necessary amount of overlap among genes and taxa. The utility of the quasi-biclique method is demonstrated on large simulated sequence databases and on a data set of green plant sequences from GenBank. The quasi-biclique method greatly increases the taxon and gene sampling in the data sets while adding only a limited amount of missing data. Furthermore, under the conditions of the simulation, data sets with a limited amount of missing data often produce topologies nearly as accurate as those built from complete data sets. The quasi-biclique method will be an effective tool for exploiting sequence databases for phylogenetic information and also may help identify critical sequences needed to build large phylogenetic data sets.  相似文献   

We describe two new methods to partition phylogenetic data sets of discrete characters based on pairwise compatibility. The partitioning methods make no assumptions regarding the phylogeny, model of evolution, or characteristics of the data. The methods first build a compatibility graph, in which each node represents a character in the data set. Edges in the compatibility graph may represent strict compatibility of characters or they may be weighted based on a fractional compatibility scoring procedure that measures how close the characters are to being compatible. Given the desired number of partitions, the partitioning methods then seek to cluster the characters with the highest average pairwise compatibility, so that characters in each cluster are more compatible with each other than they are with characters in the other cluster(s). Partitioning according to these criteria is computationally intractable (NP-hard); however, spectral methods can quickly provide high-quality solutions. We demonstrate that the spectral partitioning effectively identifies characters with different evolutionary histories in simulated data sets, and it is better at highlighting phylogenetic conflict within empirical data sets than previously used partitioning methods.  相似文献   

Nonparamtric bootstrapping methods may be useful for assessing confidence in a supertree inference. We examined the performance of two supertree bootstrapping methods on four published data sets that each include sequence data from more than 100 genes. In "input tree bootstrapping," input gene trees are sampled with replacement and then combined in replicate supertree analyses; in "stratified bootstrapping," trees from each gene's separate (conventional) bootstrap tree set are sampled randomly with replacement and then combined. Generally, support values from both supertree bootstrap methods were similar or slightly lower than corresponding bootstrap values from a total evidence, or supermatrix, analysis. Yet, supertree bootstrap support also exceeded supermatrix bootstrap support for a number of clades. There was little overall difference in support scores between the input tree and stratified bootstrapping methods. Results from supertree bootstrapping methods, when compared to results from corresponding supermatrix bootstrapping, may provide insights into patterns of variation among genes in genome-scale data sets.  相似文献   

A simple graphic method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from molecular data. This method is similar to the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean, but the process of computation of average distances and reconstruction of new matrices, required in the latter method, is eliminated from this new method, so that one can reconstruct a phylogenetic tree without using a computer, unless the number of operational taxonomic units is very large. Furthermore, this method allows a phylogenetic tree to have multifurcating branches whenever there is ambiguity with bifurcation.  相似文献   

We provide a novel method, DRISEE (duplicate read inferred sequencing error estimation), to assess sequencing quality (alternatively referred to as "noise" or "error") within and/or between sequencing samples. DRISEE provides positional error estimates that can be used to inform read trimming within a sample. It also provides global (whole sample) error estimates that can be used to identify samples with high or varying levels of sequencing error that may confound downstream analyses, particularly in the case of studies that utilize data from multiple sequencing samples. For shotgun metagenomic data, we believe that DRISEE provides estimates of sequencing error that are more accurate and less constrained by technical limitations than existing methods that rely on reference genomes or the use of scores (e.g. Phred). Here, DRISEE is applied to (non amplicon) data sets from both the 454 and Illumina platforms. The DRISEE error estimate is obtained by analyzing sets of artifactual duplicate reads (ADRs), a known by-product of both sequencing platforms. We present DRISEE as an open-source, platform-independent method to assess sequencing error in shotgun metagenomic data, and utilize it to discover previously uncharacterized error in de novo sequence data from the 454 and Illumina sequencing platforms.  相似文献   

Evaluating trait correlations across species within a lineage via phylogenetic regression is fundamental to comparative evolutionary biology, but when traits of interest are derived from two sets of lineages that coevolve with one another, methods for evaluating such patterns in a dual‐phylogenetic context remain underdeveloped. Here, we extend multivariate permutation‐based phylogenetic regression to evaluate trait correlations in two sets of interacting species while accounting for their respective phylogenies. This extension is appropriate for both univariate and multivariate response data, and may use one or more independent variables, including environmental covariates. Imperfect correspondence between species in the interacting lineages can also be accommodated, such as when species in one lineage associate with multiple species in the other, or when there are unmatched taxa in one or both lineages. For both univariate and multivariate data, the method displays appropriate type I error, and statistical power increases with the strength of the trait covariation and the number of species in the phylogeny. These properties are retained even when there is not a 1:1 correspondence between lineages. Finally, we demonstrate the approach by evaluating the evolutionary correlation between traits in fig species and traits in their agaonid wasp pollinators. R computer code is provided.  相似文献   

The performance of 14 different recombination detection methods was evaluated by analyzing several empirical data sets where the presence of recombination has been suggested or where recombination is assumed to be absent. In general, recombination methods seem to be more powerful with increasing levels of divergence, but different methods showed distinct performance. Substitution methods using summary statistics gave more accurate inferences than most phylogenetic methods. However, definitive conclusions about the presence of recombination should not be derived on the basis of a single method. Performance patterns observed from the analysis of real data sets coincided very well with previous computer simulation results. Previous recombination inferences from some of the data sets analyzed here should be reconsidered. In particular, recombination in HIV-1 seems to be much more widespread than previously thought. This finding might have serious implications on vaccine development and on the reliability of previous inferences of HIV-1 evolutionary history and dynamics.  相似文献   

The problem of character weighting in cladistic analysis is revisited. The finding that, in large molecular data sets, removal of third positions (with more homoplasy) decreases the number of well supported groups has been interpreted by some authors as indicating that weighting methods are unjustified. Two arguments against that interpretation are advanced. Characters that collectively determine few well‐supported groups may be highly reliable when taken individually (as shown by specific examples), so that inferring greater reliability for sets of characters that lead to an increase in jackknife frequencies may not always be warranted. But even if changes in jackknife frequencies can be used to infer reliability, we demonstrate that jackknife frequencies in large molecular data sets are actually improved when downweighting characters according to their homoplasy but using properly rescaled functions (instead of the very strong standard functions, or the extreme of inclusion/exclusion); this further weakens the argument that downweighting homoplastic characters is undesirable. Last, we show that downweighting characters according to their homoplasy (using standard homoplasy‐weighting methods) on 70 morphological data sets (with 50–170 taxa), produces clear increases in jackknife frequencies. The results obtained under homoplasy weighting also appear more stable than results under equal weights: adding either taxa or characters, when weighting against homoplasy, produced results more similar to original analyses (i.e., with larger numbers of groups that continue being supported after addition of taxa or characters), with similar or lower error rates (i.e., proportion of groups recovered that subsequently turn out to be incorrect). Therefore, the same argument that had been advanced against homoplasy weighting in the case of large molecular data sets is an argument in favor of such weighting in the case of morphological data sets. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy of tree reconstruction, phylogeneticists are extracting increasingly large multigene data sets from sequence databases. Determining whether a database contains at least k genes sampled from at least m species is an NP-complete problem. However, the skewed distribution of sequences in these databases permits all such data sets to be obtained in reasonable computing times even for large numbers of sequences. We developed an exact algorithm for obtaining the largest multigene data sets from a collection of sequences. The algorithm was then tested on a set of 100,000 protein sequences of green plants and used to identify the largest multigene ortholog data sets having at least 3 genes and 6 species. The distribution of sizes of these data sets forms a hollow curve, and the largest are surprisingly small, ranging from 62 genes by 6 species, to 3 genes by 65 species, with more symmetrical data sets of around 15 taxa by 15 genes. These upper bounds to sequence concatenation have important implications for building the tree of life from large sequence databases.  相似文献   

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