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The change in intracellular pH (pHi) upon fertilization and the effects of changing the pHi by microinjection of pH buffers were investigated in the eggs of the sand dollar, Clypeaster japonicus. The pHi was determined by the tint of a pH indicator, phenol red, microinjected into eggs. The pHi ranged from 6.5 to 6.75 in unfertilized eggs and it rose by 0.4 to 0.5 unit within 3 min upon fertilization. The elevated pHi ranging from 7.0 to 7.25 was maintained at least until the first cleavage. As reported in eggs of other species of sea urchin (1–4), development of fertilized eggs which had been transferred to Na-free sea water immediately after insemination was arrested and the pHi did not rise remaining at the level of unfertilized eggs. Development was initiated in eggs arrested in Na-free sea water when the pHi was elevated up to the level of fertilized eggs, i.e. 7.0 to 7.25, by microinjecting 1 M HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid)-KOH buffer at pH 8.0. By microinjection of pH 7.5 buffer, some eggs started development though none of them underwent cleavage. By microinjection of pH 7.0 or pH 6.5 buffer, development was not initiated. The initiation of development depended on the pH value of microinjected pH buffer, and in consequence, on the final pHi. The elongation of microvilli which had been arrested in eggs in Na-free sea water was also induced by microinjection of pH 8.0 or 7.5 buffer.  相似文献   

Electron micrograph evidence is presented that the nuclear envelope of the mature ovum of Dendraster excentricus is implicated in a proliferation of what appear as nuclear envelope replicas in the cytoplasm. The proliferation is associated with intranuclear vesicles which apparently coalesce to form comparatively simple replicas of the nuclear envelope closely applied to the inside of the nuclear envelope. The envelope itself may become disorganized at the time when fully formed annulate lamellae appear on the cytoplasmic side and parallel with it. The concept of interconvertibility of general cytoplasmic vesicles with most of the membrane systems of the cytoplasm is presented. The structure of the annuli in the annulate lamellae is shown to include small spheres or vesicles of variable size embedded in a dense matrix. Dense particles which are about 150 A in diameter are often found closely associated with annulate lamellae in the cytoplasm. Similar structures in other echinoderm eggs are basophilic. In this species, unlike other published examples, the association apparently takes place in the cytoplasm only after the lamellae have separated from the nucleus. If 150 A particles are synthesized by annulate lamellae, as their close physical relationship suggests, then in this species at least the necessary synthetic mechanisms and specificity must reside in the structure of annulate lamellae.  相似文献   

Microinjected Polystyrene Beads Move Along Astral Rays in Sand Dollar Eggs   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Movements of polystyrene beads along astral rays of the sperm aster and the mitotic aster were investigated in eggs of the sand dollars, Clypeaster japonicus and Scaphechinus mirabilis . Polystyrene beads injected into the unfertilized egg were at a standstill in the protoplasm. After fertilization, these beads exhibited movements toward the center of the sperm aster along the rays, and finally gathered around the astral center. They were distributed in blastomeres together with the mitotic centers during successive cleavages. When injected into eggs during mitosis, beads moved to the centers of the mitotic asters along astral rays. The injected beads did not move when the aster was disorganized by treatment with Colcemid, and moved when it formed after UV-irradiation. These results indicate that microtubules of astral rays are essential to the movement of polystyrene beads. The movement of small polystyrene beads (0.2–0.3 μm in diameter) resembled the saltatory movement of endogenous cytoplasmic granules, and the movement of large beads (ca. 1 μm in diameter) resembled the female pronuclear migration. All of these movements observed in fertilized eggs were demonstrated to be microtubule-dependent, perhaps sharing the same basic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Although inositol trisphosphate (IP3) functions in releasing Ca2+ in eggs at fertilization, it is not known how fertilization activates the phospholipase C that produces IP3. To distinguish between a role for PLCγ, which is activated when its two src homology-2 (SH2) domains bind to an activated tyrosine kinase, and PLCβ, which is activated by a G protein, we injected starfish eggs with a PLCγ SH2 domain fusion protein that inhibits activation of PLCγ. In these eggs, Ca2+ release at fertilization was delayed, or with a high concentration of protein and a low concentration of sperm, completely inhibited. The PLCγSH2 protein is a specific inhibitor of PLCγ in the egg, since it did not inhibit PLCβ activation of Ca2+ release initiated by the serotonin 2c receptor, or activation of Ca2+ release by IP3 injection. Furthermore, injection of a PLCγ SH2 domain protein mutated at its phosphotyrosine binding site, or the SH2 domains of another protein (the phosphatase SHP2), did not inhibit Ca2+ release at fertilization. These results indicate that during fertilization of starfish eggs, activation of phospholipase Cγ by an SH2 domain-mediated process stimulates the production of IP3 that causes intracellular Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

The "source and sink" for the intracellular calcium released during fertilization were examined in sea urchin eggs, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , with chlortetracycline as a fluorescent chelate probe. In order to distinguish the differential distribution of membrane-associated calcium in various compartments in cytoplasm, eggs were stratified by centrifugation before or after fertilization. Only the layer containing mainly mitochondria exhibited the chlortetracycline-fluorescence in unfertilized eggs. After fertilization, a new fluorescent band emerged in the membrane-rich clear layer of stratified eggs. Chlortetracycline-fluorescence in the clear layer was gradually redistributed surrounding the prophase nucleus and then incorporated into the mitotic apparatus. From these observations, we postulate that the major source(s) of released free calcium ions at fertilization is in the mitochondira layer and membranes in the clear layer are newly activated as the calcium sequestering system after fertilization.  相似文献   

The requirement for calcium and the change in calcium content in eggs of Oryzias iatipes during the cortical reaction and sperm penetration were examined. Naked eggs failed to exhibit the cortical reaction upon insemination under Ca Mg-free conditions. These eggs exhibited the cortical reaction by reinsemination in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. The effect of extracellular Ca2+ on sperm penetration could be replaced by one of several divalent cations in the external medium. Unlike the cortical reaction, sperm penetration failed to be induced by microinjection to increase intracellular Ca2+. Verapamil significantly reduced the action of extracellular Ca2+ or Ba2+ of divalent cations examined in fertilization, while TEA and TTX had no effect on fertilization in the presence of these cations. No 45Ca uptake into the egg proper was recognized before completion of the cortical reaction. These observations suggest that extracellular divalent cations are indispensable for sperm stimulation of the egg and its penetration into the egg, for which an influx of Ca2+ from the external medium is not required.  相似文献   

The calcium wave subsequent to fertilization of the egg is analyzed interms of an electrical equivalent circuit. The circuit consists of aswitch, capacitor, an inductor, and a resistor. The switch symbolizes aseries of chemical reactions initiated by the sperm the lead to thedevelopment of the calcium wave. Its closure signifies the onset of thecalcium wave. The capacitor and inductor represent the endoplasmicreticulum. The capacitive component of the endoplasmic reticulum controlsthe release of calcium ions while the inductive component regulates thesequestration of clacium ions. The resistor represents the inductor andcytoplasm and has very low resistance. The analysis of the circuit showsthat the period of the calcium oscillations is proportional to the size ofthe egg. It agrees with the measurements on various types of eggs.  相似文献   

The formation and migration of the sperm aster, and the migration of male and female pronuclei during fertilization were investigated in the eggs of the sand dollar, Clypeaster japonicus using the Colcemid-UV method. When an egg in Colcemid sea water was irradiated locally with UV light (about 365 nm wavelength) at a limited region containing sperm head, a sperm aster formed in this region, and migrated to the center of the UV-irradiated region during its formation. When the UV-irradiated region was displaced or its shape was changed after the formation of the sperm aster, the aster migrated to the center of the new UV-irradiated region. The direction of the migration of the sperm aster coincided with the direction of the longest astral rays. Direct contact between astral rays and the egg surface was not essential for sperm aster migration. When a region containing both the sperm centrosome and the female pronucleus was irradiated with UV light, the female pronucleus migrated toward the center of the sperm aster after they were connected by astral rays. The migration was suppressed when UV light was shaded over the region between the aster and the female pronucleus. These results suggest that the female pronucleus migrates to the sperm aster by attractive force between them.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural Aspects of Fertilization in Spiralian Eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normally, the eggs of Spisula are monospermic. How polyspermyis prevented in this organism is unclear, particularly whenthe cortex of the fertilized ovum is examined. Using conventionalmicroscopic procedures, little alteration of the surface ofthe egg is observed following insemination; the microvilli,vitelline layer and cortical granules are morphologically unchanged.Investigations employing freeze fracture replication of fertilizedand unfertilized Spisula eggs demonstrate that there is a dichotomywith respect to the distribution of intra membranous particleswithin the plasmalemma of Spisula eggs. There is a structuralreorganization of microvilli and a two-fold increase in particleson the A-face of the plasma membrane along their bases followinginsemination. These transformations in microvillar structureand intramembranous particle number may be involved in establishinga block to polyspermy, however, further evidence is necessaryto demonstrate a cause-effect relation.  相似文献   

During fertilization or ionophore induced activation, ascidian eggs rapidly release cell surface N-acetylglucosaminidase activity used in the block against polyspermy and undergo cortical contractions before they re-initiate meiosis. To better understand the activation process, we probed the relationship between these two processes in Ascidia ceratodes eggs by activating with different agents that increase intracellular Ca levels and under different ionic conditions. Glycosidase activity release was followed by the use of a fluorogenic substrate, and cortical contractions were followed by examining changes in cell shape with light microscopy. Ionomycin (2.7 μM) and thimerosal (1 mM) initiate glycosidase release and cortical contractions when administered in complete sea water (SW) but only the contractions in low Ca SW. Ryanodine (0.67 mM), known to raise free intracellular Ca in a number of cell types by release from the endoplasmic reticulum, causes glycosidase release but fails to initiate cortical contractions in complete SW. Thapsigargin (10 μM), which inhibits Ca dependent ATPase in the ER, causes glycosidase release but induces the contractions only about 50% of the time. These experiments show that, although glycosidase release normally precedes the ooplasmic shape changes that accompany the resumption of meiosis in ascidian eggs, they are not obligately coupled. That both processes can be induced by treatments known to raise intracellular Ca in other systems but under different conditions indicates that there may be a multiplicity of Ca requiring but functionally independent events during egg activation.  相似文献   

To investigate whether or not causal relationship exists between the increase in intracellular Ca2+ and other cortical reactions at fertilization in the medaka, Oryzias latipes , intracellular Ca2+ was determined from luminescence of aequorin previously microinjected into cortical cytoplasm in acetone-treated eggs, when they were inseminated or activated by microinjection of Ca2+. Neither an increase in cytoplasmic calcium nor exocytosis of cortical alveoli occurred in eggs treated with acetone, though other events of fertilization i.e. completion of meiosis, fusion of pronuclei, and accumulation of cortical cytoplasm with intact cortical alveoli in the animal pole region were observed in normal time sequence in these eggs. When denuded eggs were treated with acetone, contraction of the egg and slow resumption of meiosis (extrusion of polar body) were observed without insemination. When denuded eggs were inseminated immediately after acetone-treatment, the number of spermatozoa that penetrated into the egg was greater in the animal hemisphere than in the vegetal hemisphere. These results may indicate that acetone inactivates the egg plasma membrane or its adjacent cortical cytoplasm so that it cannot participate in a propagative increase in intracellular Ca2+ and exocytosis, while it also induces cytoplasmic activation leading to egg contraction, resumption of meiosis and formation of pronuclei. The present results suggest that sperm penetration, resumption of meiosis and ooplasmic segregation are regulated separately from the release of intracellular Ca2+ and exocytosis.  相似文献   

Time Sequence of Early Events in Fertilization in the Medaka Egg   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The time sequence of early events in fertilization was examined in eggs of the medaka Oryzias latipes . The mean time after insemination required for sperm attachment to the egg surface through the micropyle depended on sperm concentrations. It was 3 ± 1 sec with a range from 1 to 6 sec after insemination when concentration of spermatozoa was high (about 2 × 108/ml at 23°–25°C). The mean time from sperm attachment until cessation of its movement on the egg surface was 4 ± 1 sec with a range from 1 to 9 sec. Small cortical alveoli at the animal pole region within 15 μm of the sperm attachment point began to undergo exocytosis 9 ± 0.3 sec (range 5–16 sec) after sperm attachment. The velocity at which the exocytosis wave propagated increased from the earliest initiation point of exocytosis up to the 100 μm area, and became constant at about 12 μm/sec from 100 μm to 500 μm from the sperm attachment point. The present results suggest that at the time of fertilization in the fish egg, exocytosis of small cortical alveoli in the area about 15 μm away from the sperm attachment point occurs simultaneously.  相似文献   

Various agents were microinjected into the cortical cytoplasm at the animal pole of unfertilized eggs of Oryzias latipes under Ca-free conditions. The agents that triggered a wave of the cortical alveolus exocytosis were Ca2+, inositol, 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3), Ca-ionophore A23187, cGMP, GMP, GTP and guanosine 5'-0-(2-thio-triphosphate)(GTP-γ-s), while CAMP, ATP, gnanosine 5'-0-(2-thio-triphosphate)(GDP- β-s), inositol monophosphate (IMP) and inositol triphosphate (ITP) were ineffective. Ca2+, IP3 and A231 87 induced the propagative exocytosis after a time lag (5–8 sec), irrespective of the presence of Co2+. The time lag was shorter than that (13–28 sec) following microinjection of cGMP or GTP, while were not effective in the presence of Co2+. The present data suggest that (1) free cytoplasmic Ca2+ participates in both an early and a late step in exocytosis, and (2) cGMP or GTP acts on an early step before initiation of Ca2+ release during exocytosis in the medaka egg.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is normally localized to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane and the requirement of PS translocation to the outer leaflet in cellular processes other than apoptosis has been demonstrated recently. In this work we investigated the occurrence of PS mobilization in mouse eggs, which express flippase Atp8a1 and scramblases Plscr1 and 3, as determined by RT-PCR; these enzyme are responsible for PS distribution in cell membranes. We find a dramatic increase in binding of flouresceinated-Annexin-V, which specifically binds to PS, following fertilization or parthenogenetic activation induced by SrCl2 treatment. This increase was not observed when eggs were first treated with BAPTA-AM, indicating that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was required for PS exposure. Fluorescence was observed over the entire egg surface with the exception of the regions overlying the meiotic spindle and sperm entry site. PS exposure was also observed in activated eggs obtained from CaMKIIγ null females, which are unable to exit metaphase II arrest despite displaying Ca2+ spikes. In contrast, PS exposure was not observed in TPEN-activated eggs, which exit metaphase II arrest in the absence of Ca2+ release. PS exposure was also observed when eggs were activated with ethanol but not with a Ca2+ ionophore, suggesting that the Ca2+ source and concentration are relevant for PS exposure. Last, treatment with cytochalasin D, which disrupts microfilaments, or jasplakinolide, which stabilizes microfilaments, prior to egg activation showed that PS externalization is an actin-dependent process. Thus, the Ca2+ rise during egg activation results in a transient exposure of PS in fertilized eggs that is not associated with apoptosis.  相似文献   

The fertilization process in flowering plants in a broad sense includes a progamic phase preceding the phase of double fertilization. To our present knowledge, calcium as a second messenger in the signal transduction plays important roles in all the links of this process. The present review attempts to highlight the recent advances in this research field, including: calcium in relation to in vitro pollen tube growth (distribution of calcium in pollen tube tip; regulation of pollen tube growth by calcium; calcium oscillation in pollen tube); distribution of calcium in pistil and its relation to in vivo pollen tube growth (calcium in relation to pollen-pistil recognition; pollen tube growth in pistil; pollen tube entry into embryo sac and the discharge and transportation of sperms); and calcium in relation to sperm-egg fusion and egg cell activation. In conclusion the author summarizes into several main view points, and gives recommendation for further researches on this topic.  相似文献   

Effects of microinjected cations on the early events of fertilization were examined using eggs of Oryzias latipes . Microinjection of either Ca2+, Ba2+ or Sr2+ into the thin cortical cytoplasm induced breakdown of cortical alveoli (vesicles) (CABD) under Ca-Mg-free conditions, but microinjection of Mg2+, Mn2+ or Co2+ prevented CABD at the injected region when the eggs were inseminated in regular saline. Under Ca-Mg-free conditions, CABD could also be induced by microinjection of various solutions (NaCl, choline chloride, sucrose, pH buffer) without any divalent cations or ionophore A23187. Ca2+ microinjected into the cortical cytoplasm did not play a role in sperm penetration. Upon microinjection with either Ca2+, Mg2+ or K+, the resting membrane potential leakage was transiently observed. However, depolarization of the membrane followed by slow hyperpolarization was observed only upon microinjection of Ca2+. From these experiments, it was inferred that microinjected divalent cations such as Ca2+, Ba2+ or Sr2+ do not act directly upon the cortical alveolus membrane, but trigger the induction of CABD via depolarization of the membrne and increase in intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Pairs of nucleate and non-nucleate fragments prepared by manually bisecting unfertilized eggs of Clypeaster japonicus were inseminated to obtain a pair of egg fragments, one with a diploid nucleus (zygote) and the other with a male pronucleus (merogone). Haploid male pronuclei in the merogone always entered the first mitosis (NEB) later than the zygote partner. The delay in NEB ranged from 6 to 24 min in different pairs. The interval from the first NEB to formations of the karyomere and the cleavage furrow, and the durations of the second, third and fourth cell cycles were identical in the zygote-merogone pairs. Observations of Colcemid-treated eggs suggested that the duration of the first DNA synthetic period was prolonged in the merogone. From this observation of wide variation in the time of the first mitosis, in contrast to constant durations of subsequent mitotic intervals, we suppose that some critical event triggers the transition of development for the start of well-ordered sequences in the mitotic cycle in sea urchin development.  相似文献   

Chorions isolated from unfertilized eggs of medaka, Oryzias latipes , harden during incubation with Ca2+ ions (Masuda et al. , 1991). In this process, i.e. in vitro Ca2+-hardening, the amounts of the major proteins of unfertilized egg chorions (83 K, 78 K and 51 K, corresponding to ZI-1, 2 and 3 of oocyte chorions reported by Hamazaki et al , 1987) decreased and new proteins having molecular weights of 148 K or more appeared. Immunoblotting analysis using anti-ZI-1, 2 antisera and anti-ZI-3 antisera showed that the 148 K protein was an intermediate formed during polymerization of the original proteins.
The mechanism of in vitro Ca2+-hardening was studied by examining the decrease in ZI-1, 2, and 3, the formation of 148 K protein, and the change in solubility of chorions in 6% sodium dodecylsulfate-1% 2-mercaptoethanol-15% glycerol-0.2 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8). In vitro Ca2+-hardening was inhibited at temperatures higher than 70°C and its optimum pH was about 5.5. It was inhibited by neither aminotriazole nor cadaverine. The results suggested that in vitro Ca2+-hardening was generated by some factor(s) other than ovoperoxidase and transglutaminase.  相似文献   

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