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Howe AT  Bass D  Chao EE  Cavalier-Smith T 《Protist》2011,162(5):710-722
Glissomonadida is an important cercozoan order of predominantly biflagellate gliding bacterivores found largely in soil and freshwater. Their vast diversity is largely undescribed. We studied 23 mostly newly isolated strains by light microscopy and sequenced their 18S rDNA genes; nine represent new species. For two misidentified ATCC 'Heteromita triangularis' strains, we establish novel gliding genera and species: the sandonid Mollimonas lacrima, the only glissomonad forming anterior and posterior pseudopodia, and Dujardina stenomorpha, a strongly flattened member of the new family Dujardinidae. A new strain from Oxfordshire grassland soil is the first reliably identified isolate of the virtually uniflagellate, smooth-gliding glissomonad genus, AllantionSandon, 1924. Phylogenetic analysis and cytological features reveal Allantion to be a member of Allapsidae. Sandona limna and Bodomorpha prolixa from Lake Baikal and Sandona hexamutans from volcanic Costa Rican soil are described as new species. Fifteen glissomonad strains were from grassland beside Lake Baikal. We describe two as new species of Sandona (S. heptamutans and S. octamutans); the others included strains of Sandona and Allapsa species that have already been described; and three were new species of Sandona and Allapsa but these died before being described. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of these new strains.  相似文献   

描述并绘制了越南唇形科一新属及新种:日轮果属(Heliacria Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)和日轮果(H. maritima Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)。日轮果属因具攀援藤本习性,花大且花冠为纯白色,花萼近辐射对称、5深裂、裂片长且在果期增大并开展,果实顶端具放射状的瘤状突起等特征而明显区别于黄芩亚科的其他5属。目前,该属仅发现于越南东南部沿海的平定省、富安省、庆和省和宁顺省,常生于海岸边干旱的低地矮林中。  相似文献   

Two morphologically similar groups of ascomycetes with globose to subglobose perithecia, elongate necks, unitunicate asci floating freely at maturity, and hyaline ascospores currently placed in Calosphaeria s. lat. and Ceratostomella s. lat., respectively, are studied. The Calosphaeria-like fungi have groups of perithecia growing between cortex and wood, arranged in circular groups with converging necks and piercing the cortex in a common point; the asci with a shallow apical ring and U- to horseshoe-shaped hyaline ascospores are compared with Calosphaeria pulchella, the type species of the genus. Conidiogenesis of the investigated Calosphaeria-like fungi is holoblastic-denticulate; ramichloridium-like and sporothrix-like conidiophores and conidia were formed in vitro. Ascospore and ascus morphology, structure of the ascal apex, ascogenous system, mode of conidiogenesis and the large subunit rRNA sequences of this group differ considerably from C. pulchella and both groups are unrelated. Thus a new genus, Tectonidula, is described with two accepted species, T. hippocrepida and T. fagi; they are separated by ascospore and ascus morphology and holoblastic-denticulate conidiogenesis from the core species of Calosphaeria. The placement of Tectonidula among perithecial ascomycetes is discussed. The relationship of Tectonidula with Barbatosphaeria and two ramichloridium-like hyphomycetous genera Rhodoveronaea and Myrmecridium is investigated. Three species formerly attributed to Ceratostomella are studied. The revision of the herbarium type specimen and fresh material of Ceratostomella ligneola revealed that it is conspecific with Ceratostomella ampullasca and Ceratostomella similis. The LSU phylogeny clearly separated C. ligneola from Ceratostomella s. str. and morphologically similar Lentomitella. On the basis of molecular sequence data and detailed comparison of morphology of asci, ascospores and ascogenous system the genus Natantiella is described for C. ligneola with C. ampullasca and C. similis as its synonyms. Natantiella produced sterile mycelium in vitro.  相似文献   

Cavalier-Smith T  Chao EE 《Protist》2003,154(3-4):341-358
The protozoan phylum Cercozoa embraces numerous ancestrally biciliate zooflagellates, euglyphid and other filose testate amoebae, chlorarachnean algae, phytomyxean plant parasites (e.g. Plasmodiophora, Phagomyxa), the animal-parasitic Ascetosporea, and Gromia. We report 18S rRNA sequences of 27 culturable zooflagellates, many previously of unknown taxonomic position. Phylogenetic analysis shows that all belong to Cercozoa. We revise cercozoan classification in the light of our analysis and ultrastructure, adopting two subphyla: Filosa subphyl. nov. a clade comprising Monadofilosa and Reticulofilosa, ranked as superclasses, ancestrally having the same very rare base-pair substitution as all opisthokonts; and subphylum Endomyxa emend. comprising classes Phytomyxea (Plasmodiophorida, Phagomyxida), Ascetosporea (Haplosporidia, Paramyxida, Claustrosporida ord. nov.) and Gromiidea cl. nov., which did not. Monadofilosa comprise Sarcomonadea, zooflagellates with a propensity to glide on their posterior cilium and/or generate filopodia (e.g. Metopion;Cercomonas; Heteromitidae – Heteromita, Bodomorpha, Proleptomonas and Allantion) and two new classes: Imbricatea (with silica scales: Euglyphida; Thaumatomonadida, including Allas, Thaumatomastix) and Thecofilosea (Cryomonadida; Tectofilosida ord. nov. – non-scaly filose amoebae, e.g. Pseudodifflugia). Reticulofilosa comprise classes Chlorarachnea, Spongomonadea and Proteomyxidea (e.g. Massisteria, Gymnophrys, a Dimorpha-like protozoan). Cercozoa, now with nine classes and 17 orders (four new), will probably include many, possibly most, other filose and reticulose amoebae and zooflagellates not yet assigned to phyla.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of Alexandrium monilatum to other Alexandrium spp. was explored using 18S rDNA sequences. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of the combined rDNA sequences established that A. monilatum paired with Alexandrium taylori and that the pair was the first of the Alexandrium taxa to diverge, followed by Alexandrium margalefii. All three are members of the Alexandrium subgenus Gessnerium Halim nov. comb.  相似文献   

Serial section reconstruction shows that kinetid ultrastructure in two genetically divergent Paracercomonas (P. virgaria, P. metabolica) is basically similar, differing somewhat from clade A cercomonads. Paracercomonas (Paracercomonadidae fam. n.) have a posterior root (dp1) attached to the posterior centriole, unlike Cercomonadidae (here revised to include only Eocercomonas, Cercomonas, Filomonas gen. n., and Neocercomonas), which belong in clade A (new suborder Cercomonadina) with Cavernomonas (Cavernomonadidae fam. n.). Whether dp1 is serially homologous to anterior root da is unclear. The common ancestor of Cercomonadida probably had five microtubular roots, two fibrillar microtubule-nucleating centres generating microtubular cones, and striated connectors between obtusely angled centrioles. Our new data leave the question of holophyly versus polyphyly of Cercomonadida unresolved, but clarify cercozoan root diversity and homologies. Ventral root vp1 is throughout Cercozoa; vp2 might be restricted to the new superclass Ventrifilosa plus Sarcomonadea. Though cercozoan microtubular arrangements differ substantially from others within the kingdom Chromista, the microtubular root numbering system used for other chromists and Plantae is applicable to them; in doing this we found that the single anterior root of excavates (probably ancestral to Chromista, Plantae and unikonts) and Euglenozoa corresponds with R3 (not R4 as previously thought) of corticate eukaryotes (Chromista plus Plantae).  相似文献   

During studies on the bacteriology of appendicitis in children, we often isolated from inflamed and non-inflamed tissue samples, an unusual bile-resistant pigment-producing strictly anaerobic gram-negative rod. Phenotypically this organism resembles members of Bacteroides fragilis group of species, as it is resistant to bile and exhibits a special-potency-disk pattern (resistance to vancomycin, kanamycin and colistin) typical for the B. fragilis group. However, the production of brown pigment on media containing haemolysed blood and a cellular fatty acid composition dominated by iso-C15:0, suggests that the organism most closely resembles species of the genus Porphyromonas. However, the unidentified organism differs from porphyromonads by being bile-resistant and by not producing butyrate as a metabolic end-product. Comparative 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing studies show the unidentified organism represents a distinct sub-line, associated with but distinct from, the miss-classified species Bacteroides putredinis. The clustering of the unidentified bacterium with Bacteroides putredinis was statistically significant, but they displayed > 4% sequence divergence with each other. Chromosomal DNA-DNA pairing studies further confirmed the separateness of the unidentified bacterium and Bacteroides putredinis. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that Bacteroides putredinis and the unidentified bacterium from human sources be classified in a new genus Alistipes, as Alistipes putredinis comb. nov. and Alistipes finegoldii sp. nov., respectively. The type strain of Alistipes finegoldii is CCUG 46020(T) (= AHN243(T)).  相似文献   

Hampl V  Cepicka I  Flegr J  Tachezy J  Kulda J 《Protist》2007,158(3):365-383
The family Monocercomonadidae (Parabasala, Trichomonadida) is characterized by the absence of a costa and in most species also of an undulating membrane; both of which are typical structures of trichomonadids. We have examined 25 isolates of Monocercomonadidae species by sequencing of the SSU rDNA and the ITS region and by light and transmission electron microscopy. The isolates formed three distinct phylogenetically unrelated clades: (1) Monocercomonas colubrorum, (2) Monocercomonas ruminantium together with a strain ATCC 50321 designated as Pseudotrichomonas keilini, and (3) Hexamastix. Twenty isolates of Monocercomonas colubrorum split into three clades with no host-specificity. The morphological differences among clades were insufficient to classify them as a separate species. Non-monophyly of the cattle commensal Monocercomonas ruminantium with the type species Monocercomonas colubrorum and absence of Pseudotrichomonas characters in the free-living strain ATCC 50321 led to their reclassification into a new genus (Honigbergiella gen. nov.). The close relationship of these strains indicates a recent switch between a free-living habit and endobiosis. Two strains of Hexamastix represented different species -Hexamastix kirbyi Honigberg 1955 and Hexamastix mitis sp. nov. Polyphyly of the Monocercomonadidae confirmed that the absence of a costa and an undulating membrane are not taxonomically significant characters and were probably secondarily lost in some or all clades. Our observations, however, indicated that other characters - infrakinetosomal body, comb-like structure, marginal lamella, and the type of axostyle - are fully consistent with the position of Monocercomonadidae species in the parabasalian tree and are, therefore, reasonable taxonomic characters.  相似文献   

Two strains of a previously undescribed Eubacterium-like bacterium were isolated from human faeces. The strains are Gram-variable, obligately anaerobic, catalase negative, asporogenous rod-shaped cells which produced acetate, butyrate and lactate as the end products of glucose metabolism. The two isolates displayed 99.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to each other and treeing analysis demonstrated the faecal isolates are far removed from Eubacterium sensu stricto and that they represent a new subline within the Clostridium coccoides group of organisms. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic criteria, it is proposed that the two strains from faeces be classified as a new genus and species, Anaerostipes caccae. The type strain of Anaerostipes caccae is NCIMB 13811T (= DSM 14662T).  相似文献   

张蒙  黄敏 《昆虫分类学报》2012,34(3):509-519
测定了中国Singhardina亚属15个代表种的核糖体28S基因D2区和线粒体16S基因、COI基因部分序列,分别采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建分子系统树。系统发育树显示了相似的拓扑结构,明晰了各分支间的关系。首次探讨了中国Singhardina亚属4个种团间的系统发育关系。结果显示,Singhardina亚属构成了1个独立支系,代表1个单系群。本研究首次提出种团Eurhadina(Singhardina)rubra,并推测该种团可能是Singhardina亚属中最原始的种团。种团Eurhadina(Singhardina)robusta和E.(Singhardina)mamata为姐妹群。种团E.(Singhardina)vittata不能从种团E.(Singhardina)punjabensis中分出得到了分子数据的支持。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of Erysiphe alphitoides s. lat. using sequences of the rDNA ITS region and the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA revealed a complex consisting of several genetically and morphologically distinguished taxa, including the already described Erysiphe alphitoides s. str. and E. hypophylla. The ascomata (chasmothecia) of E. hypophylla are morphologically very similar to those of E. alphitoides, but the two species are easily distinguishable by their symptoms, as well as the shape and size of the conidia. The fungus on Quercus phillyraeoides, distributed in warmer regions in southern Japan, is genetically clearly separated from E. alphitoides s. str., and morphologically characterized by having chasmothecia with appendages consistently shorter than the chasmothecial diameter. This fungus, named Erysiphe quercicola in this paper, is also able to infect some other oak species, and it is genetically identical with anamorphs on some tropical trees of other host genera. Collections of E. alphitoides s. lat. on Quercus acutissima and Q. variabilis, both belonging to Quercus sect. Cerris, are genetically distinct from E. alphitoides s. str., E. hypophylla and E. quercicola. They form two genetically and morphologically differentiated groups. The hypophyllous taxon on Q. acutissima and Q. variabilis, named Erysiphe hypogena in this paper, is characterized by forming distinctive persistent hypophyllous mycelial patches, causing necrotic discolouration of the host tissue. The epiphyllous taxon on these hosts, for which the name E. epigena is proposed, differs in having epiphyllous mycelium, smaller chasmothecia with fewer appendages, and does not cause leaf discolouration.  相似文献   

[背景] 在陕西省的毛泡桐腐木桩上观察和采集到一株绒毛状真菌子实体,编号为HMNWAFU-CF-HS002。[目的] 为了确定该菌的分类地位,对其进行形态观察及分子鉴定。[方法] 获取宏观彩色图像并对显微结构进行测量、统计和绘图。此外,用PDA培养基分离纯化该菌的培养物,并结合最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法进行rDNA ITS分子系统学研究。[结果] HMNWAFU-CF-HS002的形态特征与Punctularia atropurpurascens高度相似。系统发育分析将HMNWAFU-CF-HS002聚在P.atropurpurascens的单系分支中。[结论] 结合形态学特征与系统发育结果,HMNWAFU-CF-HS002被鉴定紫黑点壳菌(Punctularia atropurpurascens),为中国的新记录种。此外,毛泡桐为其新记录寄主。至此,Punctularia属下的3个种,均在中国有分布记录。  相似文献   

Cercomonads are among the most abundant and widespread zooflagellates in soil and freshwater. We cultured 22 strains and report their complete 18S rRNA sequences and light microscopic morphology. Phylogenetic analysis of 51 Cercomonas rRNA genes shows in each previously identified major clade (A, B) two very robust, highly divergent, multi-species subclades (A1, A2; B1, B2). We studied kinetid ultrastructure of five clade A representatives by serial sections. All have two closely associated left ventral posterior microtubular roots, an anterior dorsal root, a microtubule-nucleating left anterior root, and a cone of microtubules passing to the nucleus. Anterior centrioles (=basal bodies, kinetosomes) of A1 have cartwheels; the posterior centriole does not, suggesting it is older, and implying flagellar transformation similar to other bikonts. Strain C-80 (subclade A2) differs greatly, having a dorsal posterior microtubule band, but lacking the A1-specific fibrillar striated root, nuclear extension to the centrioles, centriolar diaphragm, extrusomes; both mature centrioles lack cartwheels. For clade A2 we establish Eocercomonas gen. n., with type Eocercomonas ramosa sp. n., and for clade B1 Paracercomonas gen. n. (type Paracercomonas marina sp. n.). We establish Paracercomonas ekelundi sp. n. for culture SCCAP C1 and propose a Cercomonas longicauda neotype and Cercomonas (=Neocercomonas) jutlandica comb. n. and Paracercomonas (=Cercomonas) metabolica comb. n.  相似文献   

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