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A previous study of the lychee mite Aceria litchii showed that mites could become attached to the bodies of honey-bees as they foraged on infested florets but evidence that this process resulted in infestation by the mites of flower paricles visited subsequently by bees, was not acquired. The present study, which followed the development of erinose symptoms on flower panicles on uninfested trees from a single infested panicle, showed that infestation was correlated with the sequence of flower opening and bee visitation © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

G. K. Waite  U. Gerson 《BioControl》1994,39(3-4):275-280
Lychees were surveyed in Queensland, Australia and in Guangdong Province and Hainan Island China, for natural enemies of the lychee erinose mite,Aceria litchii (Keifer), one of the most serious pests of lychee in Australia. A guild of seventeen predators, including ten species of phytoseiid mites, was associated with lychee erinose in Queensland. Six other predaceous mite species and a cecidomyiid larva,Arthrocnodax sp. were also part of the complex. Despite the apparent predation of most of the seventeen species recorded in Queensland onA. litchii, the pest continues to cause major problems. In China, whereA. litchii is a relatively minor pest, nine phytoseiid species were collected in lychee orchards. The value of introducing additional predators to Australia, especially from China, is discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the endoparasitic tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi (Rennie) on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) is a challenge to observe because of its small size. Through a microscope, we videotaped this mite's movement on young bees, dead bees and bees exposed to vegetable oil. Previous studies have shown that solid vegetable oil decreases mite infestations in a bee colony. We hypothesized that the oil alters mite behaviour to the detriment of the parasite, thus helping to safeguard the host. Habitat-seeking behaviour, identified as necessary for mites to locate a new host environment, was disrupted on both dead and oil-treated bees. Questing behaviour, which is associated with transfer between hosts, increased significantly on the dead and oily bees. The behaviours of mites were significantly different between all three treatments (x 2=494.96, p<0.001 on dead bees and x 2=851.11, p<0.001 on oily bees). Both questing and seeking behaviours were significantly different on each of the thoracic treatments (F 2,66=7.88, p<0.001 and F 2,66=21.28, p<0.001) and mite questing behaviour was not altered between males and females on live or oily bees (F 1,22=0.25, p<0.62), but habitat seeking was (F 1,22=7.42, p<0.012). The male questing and habitat-seeking behaviours were observed. We conclude that oil-treated bees gained protection from habitat-seeking mites because the normal behaviour of the mites seeking an oviposition site is interrupted.  相似文献   

As honey bee workers switch from in-hive tasks to foraging, they undergo transition from constant exposure to the controlled homogenous physical and sensory environment of the hive to prolonged diurnal exposures to a far more heterogeneous environment outside the hive. The switch from hive work to foraging offers an opportunity for the integrative study of the physiological and genetic mechanisms that produce the behavioral plasticity required for major life history transitions. Although such transitions have been studied in a number of animals, currently there is no model system where the evolution, development, physiology, molecular biology, neurobiology and behavior of such a transition can all be studied in the same organism in its natural habitat. With a large literature covering its evolution, behavior and physiology (plus the recent sequencing of the honey bee genome), the honey bee is uniquely suited to integrative studies of the mechanisms of behavior. In this review we discuss the physiological and genetic mechanisms of this behavioral transition, which include large scale changes in hormonal activity, metabolism, flight ability, circadian rhythms, sensory perception and processing, neural architecture, learning ability, memory and gene expression.  相似文献   

The tendency of honey bees, Apis mellifera L, to become infested with tracheal mites, Acarapis woodi (Rennie), was measured in six different types of F1 colonies. The colonies were produced by mating a stock (Buckfast) known to resist mite infestation to each of five commercially available stocks and to a stock known to be susceptible to mites. Young uninfested bees from progeny and parent colonies were simultaneously exposed to mites in infested colonies, then retrieved and dissected to determine resultant mite infestations. Reduced infestations similar to but numerically greater than those of the resistant parent bees occurred in each of the six crosses made with resistant bees regardless of the relative susceptibility of the other parental stock. Reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible queens and drones proved equally effective in improving resistance. Therefore, allowing resistant stock queens to mate naturally with unselected drones, or nonresistant queens to mate with drones produced by pure or outcrossed resistant queens, can be used for improving resistance of production queens.  相似文献   

Honey bee pathology: current threats to honey bees and beekeeping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Managed honey bees are the most important commercial pollinators of those crops which depend on animal pollination for reproduction and which account for 35% of the global food production. Hence, they are vital for an economic, sustainable agriculture and for food security. In addition, honey bees also pollinate a variety of wild flowers and, therefore, contribute to the biodiversity of many ecosystems. Honey and other hive products are, at least economically and ecologically rather, by-products of beekeeping. Due to this outstanding role of honey bees, severe and inexplicable honey bee colony losses, which have been reported recently to be steadily increasing, have attracted much attention and stimulated many research activities. Although the phenomenon “decline of honey bees” is far from being finally solved, consensus exists that pests and pathogens are the single most important cause of otherwise inexplicable colony losses. This review will focus on selected bee pathogens and parasites which have been demonstrated to be involved in colony losses in different regions of the world and which, therefore, are considered current threats to honey bees and beekeeping.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of honey bees to dance compromise directions when confronted with conflicting light and gravity references was used to determine their spectral sensitivity. The action spectrum has peaks at 450 nm and 550 nm and thus indicates the contributions of the blue and green receptors of the bees' compound eyes. There is no obvious contribution from the UV receptors. The dance directions indicate that blue and yellow-green light is regarded as sunlight. UV light seems not to be so interpreted, though it clearly influences the bees' orientation to gravity, if it is polarized. This result is consistent with our earlier findings which demonstrated that the bees' 350 nm receptors are used as detectors of blue skylight rather than sunlight. Because the receptor contributions differ, there is a clear distinction between the sun compass behaviour apparent in the dances and the phototaxis responses observed in other contexts.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-Schwerpunkt 322, 243  相似文献   

The false spider mite, Brevipalpus californicus (Banks), is a major citrus pest in Texas. This phytophagous mite causes damage to fruit, leaves and stems of citrus, and is also a vector of citrus leprosis virus. Galendromus helveolus (Chant) is one of the most prevalent predacious mite species found on Texas citrus. The predation potential of G. helveolus on different stages of B. californicus was evaluated in the laboratory. An individual immature G. helveolus mite consumed an average of 30.7 eggs, 53.6 larvae, or 22.7 nymphs of B. californicus before developing to an adult. An individual adult female G. helveolus consumed an average of 164.8 eggs, 369.6 larvae, or 80.9 nymphs of B. californicus. Both immature and adult G. helveolus never fed on adult stage of B. californicus and never completed development. The development times of the immature stages of G. helveolus were 4.5, 4.1 and 4.6 days when fed on eggs, larvae and nymphs of B. californicus, respectively. When G. helveolus fed on the larval stage of B. californicus, the adults had the longest longevity (18.5 days) and the highest fecundity (14.0 eggs/female).  相似文献   

Hygienic behaviour performed by middle‐aged worker bees is an important intranidal task in colonies of the honey bee Apis mellifera (L.). It comprises detecting diseased brood in the larval and pupal stages and removing all such infected brood, thereby decreasing the incidence of infection. Hygienic behaviour consists of two task‐components: uncapping cells and removing the cell contents. The aim of this study was to observe bees performing hygienic behaviour to determine their age at performance of the behaviour and to describe their behavioural repertoire. The bees performing hygienic behaviour were middle‐aged bees, younger than foragers. In the colonies where the behaviours of individual bees were observed, all bees performing the hygienic behaviour were seen to exhibit both the components, though at different frequencies. One behavioural class performed the task of uncapping cells at higher frequencies than the task of removing cell contents, while another class performed both tasks to the same extent. While these two classes had higher frequencies of the tasks comprising the hygienic behaviour but lower frequencies of other common behaviours in their repertoire, a third class of bees included those that performed all behaviours in their repertoire at similar frequencies. There was no difference in the ages of the bees in these three behavioural classes. These results suggest that there is no evidence of task partitioning among bees performing the hygienic behaviour. The segregation observed could, however, be based on their response thresholds to the stimulus and/or on their ability to discriminate the various cues emanating from the dead brood.  相似文献   

Unstable microhabitats (merocenoses)—such as decayed wood, ant hills, bird and mammal nests—constitute an important component of forest (and non-forest) environments. These microhabitats are often inhabited by specific communities of invertebrates and their presence increases the total biodiversity. The primary objective of the present study was to compare communities of Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata) inhabiting soil and unstable microhabitats in order to explore the specificity of these communities and their importance in such ecosystems. Uropodine communities inhabiting merocenoses are often predominated by one or two species, which constitute more than 50 % of the entire community. Many species occur commonly in particular merocenoses, but are absent or rare in soil and litter, for example, Allodinychus flagelliger, Metagynella carpatica, Oplitis alophora, and Phaulodiaspis borealis. The biology of Uropodina inhabiting unstable microhabitats is modified by the adaptations required for living in such habitats. Mites associated with merocenoses developed special dispersal mechanisms, such as phoresy, which enable them to migrate from disappearing environments. Communities of Uropodina in soil and litter predominately consisted of species which reproduce parthenogenetically (thelytoky), whereas in merocenoses bisexual species prevail.  相似文献   

Honey bees are well known to rely on stored landmark information to locate a previously visited site. While various mechanisms underlying insect navigation have been thoroughly explored, little is yet known about the degree of integration of spatial parameters to form higher-level spatial representations. In this paper we explore the basic interactions between landmark cues and directional cues, which stand at the basis of our understanding of piloting mechanisms. A novel experimental paradigm allowed us independent manipulation of each parameter in a highly controlled environment. The approach taken was twofold: cue-conflict experiments were first conducted to examine the interactions between positional cues and directional cues. The bees were then successively deprived of sensory cues to question the dependence of landmark navigation on context cues. Our results confirm previous findings that landmark cues are used in concert with external directional cues if present. Conversely, the bees' ability to locate a food site was not disrupted in the absence of an external directional reference. Thus, bees store landmark memories in an egocentric frame of reference and only loose and facultative associations between visual memories and compass cues are formed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(1):45-48
Two new species of Sennertia Oudemans, 1905, Sennertia punctatus sp. nov. and Sennertia xylocopi sp. nov. which are phoretic on Carpenter bees collected from West Bengal for the first time are illustrated and described.  相似文献   

1. Parasites can affect the communities of their hosts; and hosts, in turn, shape communities of parasites and other symbionts. This makes host–symbiont relationships a key but often overlooked aspect of community ecology. 2. Mites associated with bees have a range of lifestyles; however, little is known about mites associated with wild bees or about factors influencing the make‐up of bee‐associated mite communities. This study investigated how mite communities associated with bumble bees (Bombus spp.) are shaped by the Bombus community and geographic proximity. 3. Bees were collected from 15 sites in Ontario, Canada, and examined for mites. Mite abundance and species richness increased with local bee abundance. Several bee species also differed in mite abundance, species richness, prevalence, and diversity. Locally uncommon species tended to have more mites than other bees. Queen bees had the most mites, and males had more mites than workers. 4. Spatial proximity was not a predictor of mite community composition, despite a strong effect of proximity on bee community similarity. 5. On the 11 Bombus spp. examined, 33 mite species were found. Whereas nearly half of these mite species are obligate associates of bumble bees, none was restricted to particular Bombus species. 6. The best predictor of mite community composition was bee identity. Although many parasite communities show strong geographic patterns, the communities of primarily commensalistic bee‐mites in this study did not. These findings have implications for bumble bee conservation, given that pollen‐feeding commensals might become harmful at high densities or act as disease vectors.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The coastal plain of Israel hosts the last few remaining populations of the endemic Iris atropurpurea (Iridaceae), a Red List species of high conservation priority. The flowers offer no nectar reward. Here the role of night-sheltering male solitary bees, honey-bees and female solitary bees as pollinators of I. atropurpurea is documented.


Breeding system, floral longevity, stigma receptivity, visitation rates, pollen loads, pollen deposition and removal and fruit- and seed-set were investigated.

Key Results

The main wild pollinators of this plant are male eucerine bees, and to a lesser extent, but with the potential to transfer pollen, female solitary bees. Honey-bees were found to be frequent diurnal visitors; they removed large quantities of pollen and were as effective as male sheltering bees at pollinating this species. The low density of pollen carried by male solitary bees was attributed to grooming activities, pollen displacement when bees aggregated together in flowers and pollen depletion by honey-bees. In the population free of honey-bee hives, male bees carried significantly more pollen grains on their bodies. Results from pollen analysis and pollen deposited on stigmas suggest that inadequate pollination may be an important factor limiting fruit-set. In the presence of honey-bees, eucerine bees were low removal–low deposition pollinators, whereas honey-bees were high removal–low deposition pollinators, because they removed large amounts into corbiculae and deposited relatively little onto receptive stigmas.


Even though overall, both bee taxa were equally effective pollinators, we suggest that honey-bees have the potential to reduce the amount of pollen available for plant reproduction, and to reduce the amount of resources available to solitary bee communities. The results of this study have potential implications for the conservation of this highly endangered plant species if hives are permitted inside reserves, where the bulk of Oncocyclus iris species are protected.  相似文献   

在实验条件下,系统研究了芬兰真绥螨Euseius finlandicus Oudemans对苹果全爪螨Panony-chus ulmi Koch的控制能力。研究结果表明:(1)在15~32℃的温度条件下,芬兰真绥螨雌成螨的捕食量随着温度的上升呈线型正相关。在15~25℃的温度内芬兰真绥螨的产卵量随温度升高而增加,在15℃下平均单雌产卵0.42粒,25℃时平均单雌产卵2.56粒;当温度升到32℃时单雌产卵下降为1.62粒,雌成螨的产卵量与温度的关系呈抛物线型。(2)在5~15头/叶的猎物密度下,雌成螨的捕食量随着猎物的密度增加呈线型正相关,而当猎物密度达到30头/叶时,芬兰真绥螨雌成螨的捕食量处于平稳状态。在5~15头/叶的猎物密度下,芬兰真绥螨的产卵量和产卵量均与猎物的密度呈线型正相关;当每头雌成螨捕食量为1.8~3.5头时,产卵量为1.0~1.5粒。(3)不同温度下,芬兰真绥螨对猎物的不同密度和虫态的功能反应可用圆盘方程II型进行拟合;在25℃条件下捕食效率最高且喜好捕食的虫态是卵和幼螨。  相似文献   

Infection of broad mites, Polyphagotarsonemus latus, by conidia of Beauveria bassiana, Hirsutella thompsonii, and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus conidia was investigated in the laboratory under controlled temperature and moisture conditions. Infection of P. latus by the fungus (LC50) was related positively to the 1.16 × 106 B. bassiana conidia per ml, 2.39 × 103 H. thompsonii conidia per ml, and 1.29 × 105 P. fumosoroseus conidia per ml. Mortality caused by B. bassiana occurred the fastest among densities fluctuating between 65 and 125 mites per leaf. The pathogens B. bassiana and P. fumosoroseus, adjuvants (oil and molasses), and the acaricide ABG6364, a microbial insecticide containing the Beta-exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis were evaluated for efficacy against P. latus in a greenhouse test. The B. bassiana treated plants had the greatest and most persistent effect on percentage mortality of total broad mites present per leaf (88 %) followed by the acaricide ABG6364. Use of adjuvants (oil and molasses) did not increase infection of P. latus.  相似文献   

Two major parasitic pests threaten honey bee populations, the external mite Varroa destructor and the internal mite Acarapis woodi (Rennie). Varroa are beginning to develop resistance to the main chemical defense fluvalinate, and alternative control methods are being pursued. Previous studies have shown that botanical oils, especially thymol, can be effective. Six release devices for either thymol or a blend of botanical oils known as Magic 3 were tested in beehives. The release devices were as follows: (1) low density polyethylene (LDPE) sleeves filled with Magic 3, (2) Magic 3-infused florist blocks, (3) thymol infused florist blocks, (4) a canola oil and thymol mixture wick release, (5) a plastic strip coated with calcium carbonate and Magic 3, and (6) an untreated control. There were significant decreases in varroa levels with the use of Magic 3 sleeves, but brood levels also decreased. Tracheal mite levels significantly decreased with the Magic 3 sleeve treatment, the Magic 3 florist block treatment, and the thymol canola wick treatment. A second experiment showed that changing the location of Magic 3 sleeves in the colony did not detrimentally effect brood levels, but also did not effectively control varroa mites.  相似文献   

Summary Prior to this paper there have been no reports of a multiple sex chromosome mechanism operative in any tick. The present paper deals with two species of Ixodidae, Amblyomma moreliae and Amblyomma limbatum that exhibit an X1X1X2X2:X1X2Y type of sex chromosome mechanism. Cells from males of both species show nine bivalents plus one sex trivalent. Eleven bivalents were observed in one female A. moreliae. The sex trivalent probably evolved through reciprocal translocation from a system that included ten autosomal bivalents and one sex univalent (the system found in most ixodid species). As a result of the translocation, there are now two X chromosomes (X1 and X2) segregating from an unaltered autosome, the neo-Y. A large X chromosome is characteristic of many ticks; in this instance the reciprocal translocation did not change appreciably its relative size.The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of the author and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the Naval service at large.This study was begun during the tenure of a North Alantic Treaty Organization (National Science Foundation) Postdoctoral Fellowship.  相似文献   

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