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1. Phosphorus (P) release from bottom sediments is an important source of nutrient enrichment in many lakes in sedimentary basins, such as those in western Canada. On the Boreal Plain, sediment P release is particularly strong during periods of seasonal anoxia.
2. In this study, the effects of reduction–oxidation (redox)-sensitive and -insensitive chemicals on P release were examined in sediment cores collected from three eutrophic lakes.
3. Contrary to expectations, redox-sensitive treatments were no more effective at lowering total phosphorus (TP) in sediment cores than some redox-insensitive treatments. Redox-sensitive treatments with FeCl3 and FeCl3 + O2 reduced TP to 8 and 6%, respectively, of reference concentrations, whereas redox-insensitive treatments with alum or lime + alum reduced TP to 14% of reference concentrations. Lime and O2 treatments reduced TP concentrations to 35 and 52% of reference concentrations, respectively.
4. The fraction of P that adsorbed and co-precipitated with iron and aluminium in the sediment cores was low (non-apatite phosphorus fractions < 5%), suggesting that P release was controlled by apatite solubility and bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

Lijklema  Lambertus 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):335-348
The transport and cycling of nutrients through the various pools in water, soil and sediment is controlling the long term and short term productivity of water bodies. An understanding of the size of these pools and the fluxes between them is essential for the assessment of the usefulness of management measures resulting in reduced external input and the anticipated resilience of the system towards changes in trophic character. Large pools, such as phosphorus in surficial sediments and nitrate in groundwater have a potential for prolonged stimulation of productivity. Diffuse sources, fluxes towards sinks, competition between biota and adsorbents for sparse nutrients, feedback mechanisms, non-linearities and shifts among prevailing processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on measured and calculated long‐term data on external phosphorus (P) load (1920–2009), hypolimnetic P accumulation and trophic parameters for the dimictic Lake Scharmützelsee, we aimed to identify factors which cause variable P net sedimentation and the importance of internal P loading for different time periods especially focusing on non‐steady state after abrupt external load reduction in 1988. P retention (R) decreased from 0.85 during the high external P loading (0.37 g m–2 a–1) phase (1950–1988) to 0.71 during the following transient phase, and increased to 0.81 for the present recovery phase (0.17 g m–2 a–1) beginning in 2003. Mean net sedimentation coefficients for the same periods were 0.47, 0.22 and 0.30. Our results show that a) empirical models overestimate R during the high loading phase and underestimate R during the transient phase after load reduction, and b) the application of simple one‐box models which assume that a portion of in‐lake P stock is retained requires the consideration of the variability of the net sedimentation coefficient. We identified multiple reasons for variable gross sedimentation (e.g., particle trapping in the elongated lake; efficient accumulation of sewage P) as well as release of P (delayed release of mobile P from sediment; changes in plant colonization and food webs), so that their relation (net sedimentation) varies. Despite a new equilibrium reached in 2003, it is still unclear when the lake will reach mesotrophic reference conditions and a good ecological status. Historical data and elevated Cl concentration (22 mg L–1) indicate that P import from sewage contaminated groundwater still continues, so that the mean in‐lake P concentration is still too high (53 µg L–1), and biological structures have not fully recovered yet. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Kallio  Kari 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):371-378
The effect of weather on the eutrophication of a shallow lake was estimated by a hydrodynamic lake model coupled with a simple water quality module. The model was applied to Lake Villikkalanjärvi in southern Finland. This shallow, agriculturally loaded lake may stratify during warm and calm periods in summer and as a result oxygen is often consumed from the hypolimnion, causing high internal loading of phosphorus. Vertical mixing and temperature distribution in the lake were simulated by a one-dimensional, horizontally integrated hydrodynamic model. State variables included in the water quality model were dissolved reactive phosphorus, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. The model was first calibrated against observations from 1989 and 1990. Thereafter, simulations were carried out using weather data from the years 1961 to 1988. The results indicated that warm summer periods may cause high chlorophyll a concentrations due to high internal loading. In four years with exceptionally warm summers the model predicted maximum chlorophyll a concentrations almost twice as high as in years without remarkable internal loading. The model simulates accurately temperature and mixing but the reliability of water quality predictions could be improved by adding more factors regulating algal biomass and sediment phosphorus release.  相似文献   

1. Recent experimental and field studies on temperate shallow lakes indicate that nitrogen may play a greater role in their functioning than previously thought. Several studies document that abundance and richness of submerged macrophytes, both central in shallow lake ecology, may decrease with increasing nitrogen loading, especially at high phosphorus levels. However, the role of nitrogen in warm lakes with fluctuating water regimes remains to be described in detail. 2. The effect of increasing nitrate and phosphate concentrations on submerged macrophyte growth was examined in a 3‐month mesocosm experiment conducted in summer in a shallow freshwater lake on the north western coast of Turkey with a Mediterranean climate. Twenty four field mesocosms, open to the sediment and atmosphere, were stocked with Myriophyllum spicatum shoots and small cyprinid fish. Three nitrate loadings in combination with two phosphate loadings were applied in a fourfold replicated design. 3. Mean ± SD nutrient concentrations maintained throughout the experiment were 0.55 ± 0.17, 2.2 ± 0.97, 9.2 ± 5.45 mg L?1 total nitrogen and 55 ± 19.2, 73 ± 22.9 μg L?1 total phosphorus. Mean periphyton biomass increased with increasing nutrient concentrations and peaked at the highest nitrogen and phosphorus loadings, while the mean phytoplankton biomass remained relatively low in all treatments. 4. Percent volume inhabited (% PVI) by macrophytes throughout the experiment and total macrophyte biomass at the end of the experiment did not differ among treatments. In addition to stocked M. spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum and Potamogeton crispus appeared in the majority of the mesocosms. The plants grew continuously up to 50% PVI throughout the experiment and remained resilient to shading provided by periphyton and phytoplankton. 5. The mean summer air temperature in 2007 was 2.2 °C higher than the average of the last 32 years, which resulted in a water level decrease of 0.3 m in the mesocosms over three months. This might have counteracted the shading of submerged macrophytes provided by phytoplankton and periphyton. The results of the experiment are consistent with observations of higher macrophyte resilience to nutrient loading in Mediterranean lakes compared with northern temperate lakes.  相似文献   

1. The impacts of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) and planktivorous fish on phytoplankton composition and biomass were studied in six shallow, macrophyte‐dominated lakes across Europe using mesocosm experiments. 2. Phytoplankton biomass was more influenced by nutrients than by densities of planktivorous fish. Nutrient addition resulted in increased algal biomass at all locations. In some experiments, a decrease was noted at the highest nutrient loadings, corresponding to added concentrations of 1 mg L?1 P and 10 mg L?1 N. 3. Chlorophyll a was a more precise parameter to quantify phytoplankton biomass than algal biovolume, with lower within‐treatment variability. 4. Higher densities of planktivorous fish shifted phytoplankton composition toward smaller algae (GALD < 50 μm). High nutrient loadings selected in favour of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, while biovolumes of diatoms and dinophytes decreased. High temperatures also may increase the contribution of cyanobacteria to total phytoplankton biovolume in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Sediment from lakes on abandoned coal mines in the Midwestern U.S.A. was examined to determine the factors controlling chemical composition and the role the sediment plays in lake neutralization. Sediment concentrations of many cations, (especially heavy metals) are strongly correlated with sediment sulfide concentration, but poorly correlated with the pH of the overlying water. Leaching the sediment of one lake with 1 N ammonium acetate, 0.1 N HCl, and 6 N HCl revealed that cations were mostly bound in weak acid-leachable and strong acid-leachable forms. The weak acid-leachable form is likely to be metal sulfides and calcium carbonate. The sulfide-poor sediments of extremely acid lakes contained few weak acid-leachable cations. Raw mine-spoil contained large amounts of easily leached cations. There is little relationship between changes in sediment chemistry over time determined from cores of lake sediment and past lake pH. Rates of sulfide deposition were examined in sediment cores because sulfate reduction and deposition has been suggested as a major source of alkalinity in lakes influenced by acid precipitation. Although the rate of sulfate deposition in surface mine lakes is high, it alone seems to be insufficient to cause neutralization.  相似文献   

A pulse sequence is proposed to select water magnetization with enhanced specificity through a synergetic combination of several filtering principles. This approach relies on a constant-time evolution period implemented without quadrature detection, which results in a 2 increase in signal-to-noise ratios as compared to traditional non-selective methods for water filtration. In addition, the quadrature-free constant-time block facilitates the implementation of the water flip-back strategy, which leads to further gains in sensitivity. The proposed experiment was applied to unlabeled HEW lysozyme and to 15 N-labeled chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 which was partially or non 13C-enriched. Water molecules belonging to a spine of hydration between two pseudo -sheet strands were identified, solving previously reported discrepancies between the X-ray and the refined NMR structure of CI2. The proposed experiment is particularly suitable for hydration studies of mixtures of labeled and unlabeled components, such as ligand–macromolecule complexes.  相似文献   


The floristic composition and spatial structure of a West African riverine forest in north-western Benin were studied in order to identify vegetation zones and their arrangement and composition. Data were collected on five continuous belt transects and were analysed using multivariate methods. A total of 133 tree taxa from 34 plant families were identified, with Rubiaceae and Leguminosae-Papilionoideae as the most frequent families. Fifteen homogeneous transect sections were documented. Near-river sections were dominated by water-demanding species (Syzygium guineense, Garcinia ovalifolia, Berlinia grandiflora, Breonardia salicina) (=gallery forest), whereas uphill sections were characterised by savanna species (Terminalia laxiflora, Hymenocardia acida, Detarium microcarpum, Burkea africana) (= savanna). The shift from gallery forest to savanna was reflected by a floristic turnover and the different physiognomy of the vegetation, although diversity values for gallery forest and savanna were very similar. In the Principal Co-ordinates Analysis (PCoA), gallery forest and savanna sections did not overlap. Parallel sections at both sides of the river could be linked by isolines following the topography parallel to the river, resulting in a continuous gallery forest belt (width between 10 and 30 m) flanked by savanna. Tree species typical for gallery forests have wider areas of distribution than savanna species.  相似文献   

When evaluating fishing gear catches, the focus is often on a few species as opposed to the entire catch. In some fisheries this can lead to ignoring major part of catch composition. Thus, there is a need for a more holistic approach when evaluating the ecological impact of using a specific fishing gear and when comparing two or more gears. In this context, it is relevant to have a method that describes the total catch and quantifies proportions of the catch being wanted and unwanted. In this study, we outline such a method and demonstrate its applicability to catch data from a small-scale coastal gillnet fishery targeting European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, Linnaeus, 1758) by comparing catch composition when using nylon and biodegradable gillnets. The results showed no significant differences in catch composition between gillnets made of the two materials. Therefore, the catch composition obtained using the more environmentally friendly biodegradable materials does not represent a barrier in this specific gillnet fishery. However, species selectivity of gillnets is still of concern as the primary target species constituted only half of the total catch composition in numbers while the rest was unwanted catch. The presented approach for quantifying and inferring the differences in catch composition can be further applied for assessing the performance of different fishing gears and their modifications.  相似文献   

In order to examine the usefulness of detoxifying genes as molecular markers in different chemical environments, isolation of cytochrome P450 genes (CYPs) belonging to the CYP4 family was performed in different samples from two subalpine populations of Daphnia pulex. The use of degenerate primers allowed us to isolate seven cDNAs. Four of them were assigned to the CYP4C subfamily, and were closely related to previously isolated crustacean CYP4s while the others were assigned to new CYP4AN and CYP4AP subfamilies. Expression studies, using semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by Southern blot hybridization with specific probes revealed differences in CYP4C32 and CYP4AP1 expressions between the two populations, which differ in the polyphenol richness of the vegetation surrounding their aquatic habitat. Further exposure to toxic dietary polyphenols showed different CYP induction patterns. Taken together, these preliminary results suggest a possible involvement of CYP4s in the ecological differentiation of subalpine D. pulex populations related to the polyphenol richness of the environmental vegetation. CYP4s may thus be considered as possible molecular markers in aquatic environmental bioreporting.  相似文献   

The model transmembrane peptide P16 (Ac-KKGLLLALLLLALLLALLLKKA-NH2) was incorporated into small unaligned phospholipid bicelles, which provide a `native-like' lipid bilayer compatible with high-resolution solution NMR techniques. Using amide-water chemical exchange and amide-lipid cross-relaxation measurements, the interactions between P16 and bicelles were investigated. Distinctive intermolecular NOE patterns observed in band-selective 2D-NOESY spectra of bicellar solutions with several lipid deuteration schemes indicated that P16 is preferentially interacting with the `bilayered' region of the bicelle rather than with the rim. Furthermore, when amide-lipid NOEs were combined with amide-water chemical exchange cross-peaks of selectively 15N-labeled P16 peptides, valuable information was obtained about the position of selected residues relative to the membrane-water interface. Specifically, three main classes were identified. Class I residues lie outside the bilayer and show amide-water exchange cross-peaks but no amide-lipid NOEs. Class II residues reside in the bilayer-water interface and show both amide-water exchange cross-peaks and amide-lipid NOEs. Class III residues are embedded within the hydrophobic core of the membrane and show no amide-water exchange cross-peaks but strong amide-lipid NOEs.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition of the protein in the oral secretion, which is widely used for construction and maintenance of social wasp nests, was analyzed in preemergence nests of Polistes (Polistes) riparius. The kinds and proportion (%) of amino acids of the protein detected from nests of P. riparius were very similar to those of a consubgeneric species, P. (P.) chinensis, but were conspicuously different from those of other social wasp genera. Further, it was estimated that protein contents in oral secretion of P. riparius were nearly the same as those of P. chinensis; namely, foundresses of P. riparius, which build much larger nests than those of P. chinensis, did not reduce relative protein contents to produce more oral secretion at a smaller cost. Amino acid composition may reflect phylogenetic relationships among wasp taxa. Received: March 10, 2000 / Accepted: May 29, 2000  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the first time that the cytochrome P450XVII-catalysed androgen formation from progesterone (P) in rat testicular microsomal membranes represents a metabolic sequence that exhibits the ability of intrinsic regulation of intermediate transfer and product formation efficiency. Exposure of this system, which catalyses a hydroxylation and oxidative cleavage reaction sequence, to increasing P concentration results in a decreased specific retention of the putative intermediate, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (HP) in the membrane compartment, and in a decreased HP conversion to androgens in favour of increasing HP transfer into the extramembrane space. This behaviour results in a decreased ratio of product vs. intermediate formation rates, which is interpreted as a partial "uncoupling" of the normal hydroxylation and cleavage reaction sequence catalysed by P450XVII. A similar pattern can likewise be observed in isolated testicular Leydig cells after exposure to increasing P concentrations under more physiological continuous-flow conditions. Further calculations indirectly indicate that the specific retention of HP in the membrane compartment can partially be attributed to its specific association with the P450XVII during catalysis. The results strongly suggest the existence of a local "channel" that becomes more leaky and therefore less effective if loaded with high influx rates. This pattern may be related to significant but incomplete competition of exogenously entering P and endogenously formed and transiently bound HP for oxygen attack at the P450XVII active site.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 family members participate in xenobiotic transformation as a detoxification mechanism. We have characterized a CYP gene, assigned to the 4G family, in Chironomus riparius, a reference organism in aquatic toxicology. Due to the potential interest of CYP genes and P450 proteins for monitoring pollution effects at the molecular level, the alterations in the pattern of expression of this gene, induced by different xenobiotics, were analyzed. Different compounds, such as the biocide tributyltin (TBTO) and two other well-known endocrine disruptors, nonylphenol (NP) and bisphenol A (BPA), were tested at different concentrations and acute exposures. Upregulation of the CrCYP4G gene was found after exposures to TBTO (1 ng/L 24h-0.1 ng/L 96 h) and, as measured by RT-PCR mRNA quantification, its level was up to twofold that of controls. However, in contrast, NP (1, 10, 100 μg/L, 24h) and BPA (0.5mg/L 24h-3mg/L 96 h) downregulated the gene (by around a half of the control level) suggesting that this gene responds specifically to particular chemicals in the environment. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzymatic activity was also evaluated for each condition. A fairly good correlation was found with CYP4G gene behavior, as it was activated by TBTO (96 h), but inhibited by NP and BPA (24h). Only the higher concentration of BPA tested activated GST, whereas it inhibited CYP4G activity. The results show that different xenobiotics can induce distinct responses in the detoxification pathway, suggesting multiple xenobiotic transduction mechanisms. This work confirms that specific P450 codifying genes, as well as GST enzyme activities, could be suitable biomarkers for ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) genes might influence the detoxification activities of the enzymes predisposing individuals to cancer risk. Owing to the presence of these genetic variants, inter-individual and ethnic differences in GSTs detoxification capacity have been observed in various populations. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the prevalence GSTM1 0/0, GSTT1 0/0, GSTP1 Ile(105)Val, and GSTA1 A/B polymorphisms in 154 healthy individuals from South Tunisia, and to compare them with those observed in North and Centre Tunisian populations and other ethnic groups. GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms were analyzed by a Multiplex-PCR approach, whereas GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms were examined by PCR-RFLP. The frequencies of GSTM10/0 and GSTT1 0/0 genotypes were 53.9% and 27.9%, respectively. The genotype distribution of GSTP1 was 47.4% (Ile/Ile), 40.9% (Ile/Val), and 11.7% (Val/Val). For GSTA1, the genotype distribution was 24.7% (A/A), 53.9% (A/B), and 21.4% (B/B). The combined genotypes distribution of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms showed that thirty one of the 36 possible genotypes were present in our population; eight of them have a frequency greater than 5%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of GSTs polymorphisms in South Tunisian population. Our findings demonstrate the impact of ethnicity and reveal a characteristic pattern for Tunisian population. The molecular studies in these enzymes provide basis for further epidemiological investigations in the population where these functional polymorphisms alter therapeutic response and act as susceptibility markers for various clinical conditions.  相似文献   

A new cytochrome P450 gene, CYP4G25, was identified as a differentially expressed gene between the diapausing and post-diapausing pharate first instar larvae of the wild silkmoth Antheraea yamamai, using subtractive cDNA hybridization. The cDNA sequence of CYP4G25 has an open reading frame of 1674 nucleotides encoding 557 amino acid residues. Sequence analysis of the putative CYP4G25 protein disclosed the motif FXXGXRXCXG that is essential for heme binding in P450 cytochromes. Hybridization in situ demonstrated predominant expression of CYP4G25 in the integument of pharate first instar larvae. Northern blotting analysis showed an intensive signal after the initiation of diapause and no or weak expression throughout the periods of pre-diapause and post-diapause, including larval development. These results indicate that CYP4G25 is strongly associated with diapause in pharate first instar larvae.  相似文献   

QuestionsDoes the plant species composition of Thandiani sub Forests Division (TsFD) correlate with edaphic, topographic and climatic variables? Is it possible to identify different plant communities in relation to environmental gradients with special emphasis on indicator species? Can this approach to vegetation classification support conservation planning?LocationThandiani sub Forests Division, Western Himalayas.MethodsQuantitative and qualitative characteristics of species along with environmental variables were measured using a randomly stratified design to identify the major plant communities and indicator species of the Thandiani sub Forests Division. Species composition was recorded in 10 × 2.5 × 2 and 0.5 × 0.5 m square plots for trees, shrubs and herbs, respectively. GPS, edaphic and topographic data were also recorded for each sample plot. A total of 1500 quadrats were established in 50 sampling stations along eight altitudinal transects encompassing eastern, western, northern and southern aspects (slopes). The altitudinal range of the study area was 1290 m to 2626 m above sea level using. The relationships between species composition and environmental variables were analyzed using Two Way Cluster Analysis (TWCA) and Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) via PCORD version 5.ResultsA total of 252 plant species belonging to 97 families were identified. TWCA and ISA recognized five plant communities. ISA additionally revealed that mountain slope aspect, soil pH and soil electrical conductivity were the strongest environmental factors (p  0.05) determining plant community composition and indicator species in each habitat. The results also show the strength of the environment-species relationship using Monte Carlo procedures.ConclusionsAn analysis of vegetation along an environmental gradient in the Thandiani sub Forests Division using the Braun-Blanquet approach confirmed by robust tools of multivariate statistics identified indicators of each sort of microclimatic zones/vegetation communities which could further be used in conservation planning and management not only in the area studied but in the adjacent regions exhibit similar sort of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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