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The present study was carried out to determine whether the presence of photostimulated sedated male goats could stimulate the LH preovulatory surge and ovulation in seasonal anestrous goats. Sexually experienced male goats were treated with artificial long days (16 hours light per day) from 1 November to 15 January to stimulate their sexual activity in March and April, corresponding to the natural sexual rest. A female group of goats (n = 20) was exposed to non-sedated males who displayed an intense sexual behavior and provided strong odor (non-sedated group). Another female group of goats (n = 20) was exposed to the photo-stimulated male goats, but these males were sedated with Xylazine 2% to prevent the expression of sexual behavior (sedated group). The sedated males also provided a strong odor. Females of both groups had full physical and visual contact with non-sedated or sedated males. In both groups, the males remained with females during 4 days. The LH preovulatory surge of 10 female goats per group was measured by determination of LH plasma concentrations in samples taken every 3 hours. In addition, in all goats, (n = 20 by group), ovulation was determined by measuring plasma concentrations of progesterone. The proportion of female goats showing a preovulatory LH surge was higher in goats exposed to non-sedated (10/10) than in those exposed to sedated bucks (0/10; P < 0.0001). Similarly, most of does in contact with non-sedated males ovulated (19/20), but none of those in contact with sedated males did so (0/20; P < 0.0001). We conclude that the expression of an intense sexual behavior by male goats is necessary to induce LH preovulatory surge and ovulation in seasonally anovulatory goats.  相似文献   

A long-standing goal for biologists has been to understand how female preferences operate in systems where males have evolved numerous sexually selected traits. Jumping spiders of the Maratus genus are exceptionally sexually dimorphic in appearance and signalling behaviour. Presumably, strong sexual selection by females has played an important role in the evolution of complex signals displayed by males of this group; however, this has not yet been demonstrated. In fact, despite apparent widespread examples of sexual selection in nature, empirical evidence is relatively sparse, especially for species employing multiple modalities for intersexual communication. In order to elucidate whether female preference can explain the evolution of multi-modal signalling traits, we ran a series of mating trials using Maratus volans. We used video recordings and laser vibrometry to characterize, quantify and examine which male courtship traits predict various metrics of mating success. We found evidence for strong sexual selection on males in this system, with success contingent upon a combination of visual and vibratory displays. Additionally, independently produced, yet correlated suites of multi-modal male signals are linked to other aspects of female peacock spider behaviour. Lastly, our data provide some support for both the redundant signal and multiple messages hypotheses for the evolution of multi-modal signalling.  相似文献   

Summary In two conscious goats with chronically implanted spinal thermodes, fifty-six experiments were carried out at two environmental conditions of + 5 °C DB and 30 °C DB. The temperature of the spinal cord was altered by perfusing the thermodes with water whose temperature, as measured at the inlet of the thermodes, varied between 30 °C and 43 °C. Heat production, respiratory evaporative heat loss, rectal and oesophageal temperatures were measured. At the lower air temperature, spinal cord cooling resulted in an elevation of rectal temperature, while spinal cord heating caused a fall in rectal temperature. At the higher air temperature, spinal cord cooling did not result in an increase of rectal temperature. As in the lower air temperature, spinal cord heating caused a fall hi rectal temperature. The experiments suggest that the generation of spinal warm signals is independent of air temperature between +5 °C and 30 °C, while spinal cold signals are not generated in the absence of skin cold signals.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2009,84(1-3):29-33
The objective of this study was to evaluate the LH and ovulatory response of dominant and subordinate dairy does following the introduction of males. A behavioral study was carried out to determine the individual success index (SI) of 35 anestrous does according to their ability to dominate other females. The 8 highest-ranking (highest SI) and the 8 lowest-ranking does (lowest SI) in terms of dominance were separated from the rest of the herd and placed together in the same pen, where a male was later introduced. Blood samples for plasma LH determinations were obtained from the 16 females at 30 min intervals from 0 to 6, 12 to 18 and 33 to 39 h after the introduction of the male, using an intravenous catheter. After day 8, plasma progesterone was also measured daily in order to determine the occurrence of ovulation. None of the does showed LH pulses during the sampling period prior to the introduction of the male. The dominant does showed significantly (p < 0.05) more LH pulses (2.0 ± 0.18 ng/ml vs. 1.2 ± 0.25 ng/ml) and a higher mean plasma LH concentration (0.25 ± 0.03 ng/ml vs. 0.14 ± 0.03 ng/ml) than the subordinate goats during the first 6 h of exposure to the male. There were no differences in LH pulsatility or concentrations at other times. The frequency of goats that ovulated tended to be greater in high-ranked than low-ranked does (87% vs. 37%). It could be concluded that the immediate LH response to the presence of the male (number of LH pulses) is higher in the dominant, compared to the subordinate goats, and this is associated with a higher number of dominant goats ovulating in response to the male effect.  相似文献   

Cognitive ability varies dramatically among individuals, yet the manner in which this variation correlates with reproduction has rarely been investigated. Here, we ask (1) do male sexual signals reflect their cognitive ability, and (2) is cognitive ability associated with male mating success? Specifically, we presented threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus ) with a detour‐reaching task to assess initial inhibitory control. Fish that performed better were those who solved the detour‐reaching task, solved it faster, and required fewer attempts to solve. We then reexamined males’ performance on this task over several days to assess learning ability in this context. We next measured sexual signals (coloration, nest area, and courtship vigor) and asked whether they reveal information about these male cognitive abilities. Finally, we examined whether success at attracting a female is associated with male cognition. After controlling for the strong effect of neophobia, we found that no measured sexual signals were associated with initial inhibitory control. Sexual signals were also not associated with change in performance on the detour‐reaching task over time (learning). However, females preferred mating with males who had better initial inhibitory control. We speculate that inhibitory control is a critical trait for male sticklebacks. In this system, males perform all parental care, but must avoid eating their own fry which closely resemble their prey items. Therefore, males with better inhibitory control may be more likely to successfully raise their offspring to independence. Our research adds to a growing list of mating systems and taxa in which cognition is important for measures related to fitness.  相似文献   

The pollen grain and the pollen tube that grows from it are complex entities which must respond to a diverse array of signals to carry out their roles in sexual reproduction. Research is beginning to reveal the nature both of the signals and of the signal transduction machinery that converts these signals into directional, polarized growth.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate methods for enhancing the sexual performance of male dairy goats in the context of controlled breeding (“hand-mating”) and semen collection. Nine male goats were individually exposed to a single restrained estrous female who served either as a natural-mating stimulus or as a teaser female for semen collection. Tests were conducted under four conditions: (1) with another male watching in a runway adjacent to the test arena (W); (2) after observing the previously tested male court and copulate with the stimulus female (S); (3) a combination of the aforementioned two treatments (S---W); (4) an unstimulated control treatment (C).In the natural-mating tests, sexual performance was significantly enhanced by each of the forms of stimulation. Differences in sexual performance under the three stimulation treatments were not statistically significant. In the artificial-mating tests, latencies to mount and ejaculate (into the artificial vagina) were significantly shortened by the S and S---W treatments, but not by being watched (W treatment). Again, stimulation treatments did not differ significantly.Sexual stimulation did not affect semen volume or concentration.The improved sexual performance of stimulated male goats may result in a significant sav saving of time and labor to animal breeders involved in hand-mating or semen collection.  相似文献   

Survey data from 36,771 European grandparents were analyzed with respect to childcare assistance that interviewees provided to their birth children versus stepchildren. Interviewees with current partners provided far more such assistance to adult children who were the progeny of both partners than to those who were stepchildren of either one's self or one's partner, but both husband and wife helped the wife's children from prior unions more than they helped the husband's children, supporting the interpretation of stepfathers' involvement as primarily an investment in the new partnership (“mating effort”) rather than in the grandchildren. Interviewees resided farther away from their adult stepchildren than from their birth children, on average, but discriminative care did not depend merely on residential proximity, being substantial regardless of whether proximity was statistically controlled. Grandmothers without current partners exhibited the greatest discrimination, with stepchild: birth child Odds Ratios of 0.10 or less in various analyses, whereas grandfathers without partners exhibited no significant discrimination. Interviewees of both sexes listed far more stepchildren, proportionately, if they had a current partner than if they were either widowed or divorced, however, which suggests that single respondents may have omitted former stepchildren with whom they had ceased to interact from their list of children, and hence that the degree to which single grandparents divest from them may be even larger than estimated.  相似文献   

Male–male competition shapes resource distributions and reproductive success among individuals, and can drive trait evolution when phenotypes differ in competitive abilities and/or strategies. Divergence of populations, regardless of the cause, is often accompanied by divergence in male competitive ability, and such asymmetries can play an important role in mediating the interactions and evolutionary trajectory of the nascent lineages. Here, we designed a field experiment to examine the importance of color, a divergent trait, in determining territorial contest outcomes in the poison frog Oophaga pumilio. Males of different O. pumilio color morphs differ in aggression level, suggesting a potential dominance hierarchy between these divergent phenotypes. In a contact zone between red and blue-color morphs, we first removed territorial males from their calling sites, and examined whether certain color morph(s) were better at establishing in these now-vacant territories. We then staged a territorial contest by simultaneously releasing the original and the new occupant to their point of capture. Surprisingly, we found no significant effect of color on acquiring territories or winning staged contests. However, the original occupants won against the new occupant in 84% of the staged contests, revealing a strong prior residence effect. This suggests that asymmetries that stem from prior residency override coloration in predicting contest outcomes of male–male territorial contests in wild O. pumilio. Thus, contradicting our hypothesis, male–male territorial competition alone seems unlikely to exert selection on coloration in this contact zone.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):837-842
Two different sets of courtship encounters between female Desmognathus ochrophaeus and males of large (=58) and small (=38 mm) body size were staged in the laboratory. In the first set, encounters were arranged between male-female pairs so that each of five females individually encountered each of 10 males. In these encouters, small and large males were equally likely to court with and inseminate females. In the second set, each encounter was staged for a trio fo one female and two males (one large and one small); each female had a courtship opportunity with five large-small pairs of males, and each pair of males encountered five different females. In the 25 trio encounters, the large male always chased away the small male before proceeding to court the female. Small males never deposited spermatophores if a large male was present. Male body size should have a significant effect on courtship success in natural populations of D. ochrophaeus if male-male competition affects access to females.  相似文献   

The results of embryo transfers from 130 donor Angora goats and 60 sheep of 3 breeds are presented, and the data analyzed to determine some of the sources of variation in success rate. Of all adult donor goats programmed, 94.9% yielded embryos suitable for transfer and 93.4% yielded offspring from the transfers. Donor ewes yielded percentages of 76.8 and 46.7, respectively. Fertilization failure and/or degeneration of embryos in donors prior to flushing accounted for the lower recoveries of viable embryos from sheep, the incidence of both being greater in donors with higher ovulation rates. High ovulation rate of donors also decreased percentage survival of sheep but not goat embryos after transfer. Stage of embryo development, site of transfer (oviduct vs. uterus) or number of embryos transferred (1 vs. 2) per recipient did not affect survival of sheep embryos following transfer to appropriately synchronized recipients. In goats, survival was significantly better with two than with one embryo transferred per recipient. Super-ovulation failure and poor fertilization limited the yield of embryos obtained from donor goats and sheep less than 1 year of age. These could be overcome to some extent by use of progestagen sponge rather than prostaglandin in the superovulation treatment regimen.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is generally caused by female choice and male–malecompetition. In female choice process, female preference isfavored indirectly and/or directly by sexual selection. In indirectselection, females expressing the preference might gain indirectgenetic benefits. In direct selection, females expressing thepreference might gain direct benefits or avoid male-imposedcosts. The white-tailed zygaenid moth Elcysma westwoodii ismonandrous, and males often gather around a female to mate withher, suggesting a high opportunity for sexual selection on maletraits. We quantified phenotypic selection on male morphologyin this species in the field. The morphological characters analyzedincluded body weight, antenna length, forewing length, hindwing length, hind wing tail length, genital clasper length,and the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of these bilateral traits.In E. westwoodii, selection favored males with more symmetricgenital claspers, as well as longer and more symmetrical hindwings and antennae. Negative correlations between FA and sizewere also detected in the clasper and the antenna. Our resultssuggest that FAs of male traits, in particular the genital clasper,may have indirect and direct influences on mating success. Duringa copulatory attempt, an E. westwoodii male will try to graspthe female's abdominal tip with his claspers but often failto do so because of the female's reluctance to mate. The femaleabdominal tips are smooth and strongly sclerotized and couldthus be difficult for males to grasp. We hypothesize that moresymmetrical male claspers are more efficient in overcoming femalereluctance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether the failure of males to induce sexual activity in goats during seasonal anestrus is due to unresponsiveness of females to male stimulus or insufficient stimulation from males. In the first study, one group of males (sexually inactive, SI; n = 4) was kept under natural photoperiod while the other (sexually active, SA; n = 4) was subjected to 2.5 mo of long days (16L:8D) and received 2 s.c. implants of melatonin. Two mo later, 2 different flocks of anovulatory goats previously separated from bucks were exposed to either SI (n = 34) or SA (n = 40) bucks. Progesterone assays and estrous behavior were used to determine ovarian and behavioral responses of the females to teasing. Of the goats exposed to SI males, only 2 ovulated, and none showed estrous behavior during the 35 days of the study. In contrast, all females (40 of 40) in contact with SA males ovulated and showed at least one estrous behavior during the first 11 days following male introduction (P < 0.001). Overall, 38 of 40 females stimulated with SA bucks were diagnosed pregnant at Day 35, according to progesterone assay (versus 0 in SI-treated group: P < 0.001). To control for a possible difference of responsiveness between flocks, the experiment was repeated 1 yr later using a single flock of goats divided into 2 groups. Again, over the first 14 days, 1 of 33 goats showed estrous behavior in the SI-treated group versus 27 of 33 in the SA-treated group (P < 0.001). Therefore, treating bucks with long days and melatonin increased their teasing capacity to induce sexual activity in females during anestrus. These results indicate that the absence of response to teasing at this time of the year is not due to female unresponsiveness, but to insufficient stimulation from the male.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that the larger sex shouldbe that for which fitness increases at the faster rate withsize. In butterflies, as in most invertebrates, females areusually the larger sex, but previous comparative analysis hasshown that relative male size increases with female polyandryamong butterflies. In agreement with this pattern, males arelarger than females in the strongly polyandrous green-veinedwhite butterfly, Pieris napi L., and in this article we assessthe size dependence of reproductive success in both sexes. Inan experiment where virgin males and females were released inthe field, we found no strong association between size and malemating success. However, laboratory experiments showed thatthere was a strong correlation between size and the ejaculatethat the male delivered to the female at mating and that largeejaculates delayed female remating for a longer time comparedto small ejaculates. Moreover, female P. napi utilize male-derivednutrients received at mating to increase their fecundity. Hence,large males sire more offspring both by way of donating morenutrients to female egg production and by way of delaying femaleremating (given that the last male to mate with the female willfather most of the offspring). Laboratory experiments showedthat the association between size and fecundity was low, ornonexistent, among P. napi females allowed to mate only once.However, weak size dependence was found for polyandrous females.We hypothesize that size dependence of female fecundity maybe especially weak among polyandrous butterflies because a fundamentalsource of variation in fecundity relates to their ability tofind nutrient giving males, an ability which may be unrelatedto female size. According to this hypothesis there is a causalassociation between weak size dependence of female fecundityand polyandry, and a strong size dependence of male reproductivesuccess that may underlie the comparative pattern of positivecorrelation between relative male size and polyandry.  相似文献   

Mgongo FO 《Theriogenology》1988,30(5):987-995
A study was conducted on 35 East African shorthorned female goats to determine if a combination of buck teasing and low doses of a prostaglandin (PGF(2) alpha) analogue, cloprostenol, given intravulvo-submucosally (i.v.s.m.) would be suitable for synchronization of estrus. Goats were allotted, with the onset of estrus, to seven groups (n = 5 goats per group). Five of the seven groups received varying doses of cloprostenol: Group 1 (125 mug cloprostenol i.m. per goat); Group 2 (62.5 mug cloprostenol i.v.s.m. per goat); Group 3 (62.5 mug cloprostenol i.v.s.m. per goat plus buck teasing); Group 4 (31.25 mug cloprostenol i.v.s.m. per goat); Group 5 (31.25 mug cloprostenol i.v.s.m. per goat plus buck teasing); Group 6 (buck teasing); Group 7, (2 ml physiological saline i.v.s.m. per goat, control group). Plasma progesterone concentration was measured on day of treatment and for 6 d thereafter. All goats in groups 1, 2, 3 and 5 exhibited estrus within 68 h. Thus, the number of goats receiving low doses of PG-cloprostenol intravulvo-submucosally observed in estrus increased (P < 0.05) with exposure to bucks. Exhibition of behavioral signs of estrus was maximal between 2 and 20 h after onset of signs of estrus. The exposure of females to males prior to intrauterine penetration was an advantage because copious mucus eased penetration.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine whether parity is a factor that influences the estrous and ovulatory responses of female goats when they are stimulated by males that show increased sexual activity. To stimulate sexual activity, four adult male goats were subjected to photoperiodic treatment for 2.5 months comprising long days, with the treatment commencing on 1 November. On 14 April at 1900 h, a group of multiparous females (n = 21) and a group of 16 months-old nulliparous females (n = 19) were exposed to four bucks (two per group) for 15 days. Throughout the study period, the estrous behavior of these female goats was detected twice on a daily basis. Ovulations of the female goats were determined by ecography on days 7 and 18 after exposure to males. The sexual behavior of males was recorded twice every day from 0800 to 0900 h and from 1730 to 1830 h during the first 4 days after introduction in the pen of females. The total cumulative proportion of multiparous females that had ovulations (100%) and displayed estrous behavior (100%) during the 15 days of exposure to males did not differ (P > 0.05) from that of nulliparous females (100% and 95%, respectively). The interval between introduction of males and onset of estrous behavior did not differ (P > 0.05) between multiparous (1.9 ± 0.1 days) and nulliparous (1.7 ± 0.2 days) females. The proportion of females displaying a short estrous cycle was greater (P < 0.05) in multiparous (13/21, 62%) than in nulliparous (5/19, 26%) females. Duration of these shorter than typical estrous cycles did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups (multiparous: 5.2 ± 0.3 days, nulliparous: 4.5 ± 0.1 days). The number of anogenital sniffings was greater (P < 0.001) in males exposed to nulliparous than in those exposed to multiparous females. In contrast, the number of mounting attempts was greater (P < 0.01) in males that were introduced to multiparous than in those that were introduced to nulliparous does. The number of flehmen, nudging, self-marking with urine, and mounts was not different (P > 0.05) between males that were in contact with multiparous and nulliparous females. These results indicate that regardless of parity, female goats respond to male introduction if they are stimulated by males that were previously exposed to artificial long days to increase their sexual behavior.  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine if complete separation between sexes is a pre-requisite to stimulate sexual activity of anovulatory female goats by male exposure in mid-anestrus when reproductive activity is greatly inhibited. The response to the male was studied in anovulatory goats which had either been in contact with bucks before the stimulation (n = 22; CONT), or totally isolated from bucks (n = 22; ISOL). At the time of male exposure, the bucks from the CONT groups were removed and females of both groups (CONT and ISOL) were divided into two subgroups (n = 11) exposed to novel bucks (n = 1 per subgroup), either in sexual rest (sexually inactive; SI) or in which sexual activity had been induced by a photoperiodic treatment (sexually active; SA). The sexual behavior of the SA bucks during the first 5 days of stimulation was greater than that of SI bucks (P < 0.01). Regardless of whether females had been (82%) or not (91%) exposed to bucks before teasing, most goats stimulated by SA males displayed estrous behavior and ovulation in the first 15 days following stimulation, whereas no female from the two subgroups exposed to SI bucks showed estrous behavior and only one of them ovulated (P < 0.02). These results indicate that previous isolation of seasonally anovulatory goats from bucks is not required to stimulate their reproductive activity by the male effect, if sexually active bucks are used.  相似文献   

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