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Summary We have investigated the effects of UV irradiation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in order to distinguish whether UV-induced recombination results from the induction of enzymes required for homologous recombination, of the production of substrate sites for recombination containing regions of DNA damage. We utilized split-dose experiments to investigate the induction of proteins required for survival, gene conversion, and mutation in a diploid strain of S. cerevisiae. We demonstrate that inducing doses of UV irradiation followed by a 6 h period of incubation render the cells resistant to challenge doses of UV irradiation. The effects of inducing and challenge doses of UV irradiation upon interchromosomal gene conversion and mutation are strictly additive. Using the yeast URA3 gene cloned in non-replicating single- and double-stranded plasmid vectors that integrate into chromosomal genes upon transformation, we show that UV irradiation of haploid yeast cells and homologous plasmid DNA sequences each stimulate homologous recombination approximately two-fold, and that these effects are additive. Non-specific DNA damage has little effect on the stimulation of, homologous recombination, as shown by studies in which UV-irradiated heterologous DNA was included in transformation/recombination experiments. We further demonstrate that the effect of competing single- and double-stranded heterologous DNA sequences differs in UV-irradiated and unirradiated cells, suggesting an induction of recombinational machinery in UV-irradiated S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

The basic unit of chromatin in eukaryotes is the nucleosome, comprising 146 bp of DNA wound around two copies of each of four core histones. Chromatin is further condensed by association with linker histones. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hho1p has sequence homology to other known linker histones and interacts with nucleosomes in vitro. However, disruption of HHO1 results in no significant changes in the phenotypes examined thus far. Here, we show that Hho1p is inhibitory to DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR). We find Hho1p is abundant and associated with the genome, consistent with a global role in DNA repair. Furthermore, we establish that Hho1p is required for a full life span and propose that this is mechanistically linked to its role in HR. Finally, we show that Hho1p is inhibitory to the recombination-dependent mechanism of telomere maintenance. The role of linker histones in genome stability, aging, and tumorigenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Song W  Petes TD 《Genetics》2012,191(1):279-284
Diploid Saccharomyes cerevisae strains lacking the RAD52 gene required for homologous recombination have a very high rate of chromosome loss. Two of four isolates subcultured ~20 times (~500 cell divisions) became haploid. These strains were capable of mating with wild-type haploids to produce diploid progeny capable of undergoing meiosis to produce four viable spores.  相似文献   

Barton AB  Pekosz MR  Kurvathi RS  Kaback DB 《Genetics》2008,179(3):1221-1235
Meiotic reciprocal recombination (crossing over) was examined in the outermost 60-80 kb of almost all Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes. These sequences included both repetitive gene-poor subtelomeric heterochromatin-like regions and their adjacent unique gene-rich euchromatin-like regions. Subtelomeric sequences underwent very little crossing over, exhibiting approximately two- to threefold fewer crossovers per kilobase of DNA than the genomic average. Surprisingly, the adjacent euchromatic regions underwent crossing over at twice the average genomic rate and contained at least nine new recombination "hot spots." These results prompted an analysis of existing genetic mapping data, which showed that meiotic reciprocal recombination rates were on average greater near chromosome ends exclusive of the subtelomeres. Thus, the distribution of crossovers in S. cerevisiae appears to resemble that found in several higher eukaryotes where the outermost chromosomal regions show increased crossing over.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RDH54 is a key member of the evolutionarily conserved RAD52 epistasis group of genes needed for homologous recombination and DNA double strand break repair. The RDH54-encoded protein possesses a DNA translocase activity and functions together with the Rad51 recombinase in the D-loop reaction. By chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), we show that Rdh54 is recruited, in a manner that is dependent on Rad51 and Rad52, to a site-specific DNA double strand break induced by the HO endonuclease. Because of its relatedness to Swi2/Snf2 chromatin remodelers, we have asked whether highly purified Rdh54 possesses chromatin-remodeling activity. Importantly, our results show that Rdh54 can mobilize a mononucleosome along DNA and render nucleosomal DNA accessible to a restriction enzyme, indicative of a chromatin-remodeling function. Moreover, Rdh54 co-operates with Rad51 in the utilization of naked or chromatinized DNA as template for D-loop formation. We also provide evidence for a strict dependence of the chromatin-remodeling attributes of Rdh54 on its ATPase activity and N-terminal domain. Interestingly, an N-terminal deletion mutant (rdh54Delta102) is unable to promote Rad51-mediated D-loop formation with a chromatinized template, while retaining substantial activity with naked DNA. These features of Rdh54 suggest a role of this protein factor in chromatin rearrangement during DNA recombination and repair.  相似文献   

V D Semenova  I P Arman 《Genetika》1988,24(3):568-571
The ploidy of a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae defective in recombination (Rec-) has been determined using tetrad analysis and flowing fluorometry. Evidence is obtained that the effect of the Rec- phenotype, i.e. the increase of the stability of plasmids with 2 mkm DNA ori replication in the yeast cirO cells is not the result of the diploidy in cells of the Rec- mutant developed in the process of transformation.  相似文献   

Meyer DH  Bailis AM 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3318
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex required for the replication and protection of telomeric DNA in eukaryotes. Cells lacking telomerase undergo a progressive loss of telomeric DNA that results in loss of viability and a concomitant increase in genome instability. We have used budding yeast to investigate the relationship between telomerase deficiency and the generation of chromosomal translocations, a common characteristic of cancer cells. Telomerase deficiency increased the rate of formation of spontaneous translocations by homologous recombination involving telomere proximal sequences during crisis. However, telomerase deficiency also decreased the frequency of translocation formation following multiple HO-endonuclease catalyzed DNA double-strand breaks at telomere proximal or distal sequences before, during and after crisis. This decrease correlated with a sequestration of the central homologous recombination factor, Rad52, to telomeres determined by chromatin immuno-precipitation. This suggests that telomerase deficiency results in the sequestration of Rad52 to telomeres, limiting the capacity of the cell to repair double-strand breaks throughout the genome. Increased spontaneous translocation formation in telomerase-deficient yeast cells undergoing crisis is consistent with the increased incidence of cancer in elderly humans, as the majority of our cells lack telomerase. Decreased translocation formation by recombinational repair of double-strand breaks in telomerase-deficient yeast suggests that the reemergence of telomerase expression observed in many human tumors may further stimulate genome rearrangement. Thus, telomerase may exert a substantial effect on global genome stability, which may bear significantly on the appearance and progression of cancer in humans.  相似文献   

We have developed an effective method to delete or invert a chromosomal segment and to create reciprocal recombination between two nonhomologous chromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using the site-specific recombination system of pSR1, a circular cryptic DNA plasmid resembling 2 microns DNA of S. cerevisiae but originating from another yeast, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. A 2.1-kilobase-pair DNA fragment bearing the specific recombination site on the inverted repeats of pSR1 was inserted at target sites on a single or two different chromosomes of S. cerevisiae by using integrative vectors. The cells were then transformed with a plasmid bearing the R gene of pSR1, which encodes the site-specific recombination enzyme and is placed downstream of the GAL1 promoter. When the transformants were cultivated in galactose medium, the recombination enzyme produced by expression of the R gene created the modified chromosome(s) by recombination between two specific recombination sites inserted on the chromosome(s).  相似文献   

We have developed an assay utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell extracts to catalyze recombination in vitro between homologous plasmids containing different mutant alleles of the tet gene. Electrophoretic analysis of product DNA indicated that a number of novel DNA species were formed during the reaction. These species migrated through agarose gels as distinct bands with decreased electrophoretic mobility compared with the substrate DNA. The DNA from each individual band was purified and shown to be enriched 5- to 100-fold for tetracycline-resistant recombinants by using a transformation assay. The structure of the DNA molecules present in these bands was determined by electron microscopy. Recombination between circular substrates appeared to involve the formation and processing of figure-eight molecules, while recombination between circular and linear substrates involved the formation of molecules in which a circular monomer had a monomer-length linear tail attached at a region of homology.  相似文献   

Novel recombinational repair of a site-specific double-strand break (DSB) in a yeast chromosome was investigated. When the recognition site for the HO endonuclease enzyme is embedded in nonyeast sequences and placed between two regions of homology, expression of HO endonuclease stimulates recombination between the homologous flanking regions to yield a deletion, the apparent product of an intrachromosomal exchange between direct repeats. This deletion-repair event is very efficient, thus preventing essentially all the potential lethality due to the persistence of a DSB. Interestingly, unlike previous studies involving spontaneous recombination between chromosomal repeats, the recombination events stimulated by HO-induced DSBs are accompanied by loss of the sequences separating the homologous regions greater than 99.5% of the time. Repair is dependent on the RAD52 gene. The deletion-repair event provides an in vivo assay for the sensitivity of any particular recognition site to HO cleavage. By taking advantage of a galactose-inducible HO gene, it has been possible to follow the kinetics of this event at the DNA level and to search for intermediates in this reaction. Deletion-repair requires approximately 45 min and is inhibited when cycloheximide is added after HO endonuclease cleavage.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rmi1 protein is a component of the highly conserved Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 complex. Deletion of SGS1, TOP3, or RMI1 is synthetically lethal when combined with the loss of the Mus81-Mms4 or Slx1-Slx4 endonucleases, which have been implicated in Holliday junction (HJ) resolution. To investigate the causes of this synthetic lethality, we isolated a temperature-sensitive mutant of the RMI1 strain, referred to as the rmi1-1 mutant. At the restrictive temperature, this mutant phenocopies an rmi1Δ strain but behaves like the wild type at the permissive temperature. Following a transient exposure to methyl methanesulfonate, rmi1-1 mutants accumulate unprocessed homologous recombination repair (HRR) intermediates. These intermediates are slowly resolved at the restrictive temperature, revealing a redundant resolution activity when Rmi1 is impaired. This resolution depends on Mus81-Mms4 but not on either Slx1-Slx4 or another HJ resolvase, Yen1. Similar results were also observed when Top3 function was impaired. We propose that the Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 complex constitutes the main pathway for the processing of HJ-containing HRR intermediates but that Mus81-Mms4 can also resolve these intermediates.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme-mediated events (REM events; integration of transforming DNA catalyzed by in vivo action of a restriction enzyme) and illegitimate recombination events (IR events; integration of transforming DNA that shares no homology with the host genomic sequences) have been previously characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study determines the effect of mutations in genes that are involved in homologous recombination and/or in the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks on these recombination events. Surprisingly, REM events are completely independent of the double-strand-break repair functions encoded by the RAD51, RAD52, and RAD57 genes but require the RAD50 gene product. IR events are under different genetic control than homologous integration events. In the rad50 mutant, homologous integration occurred at wild-type frequency, whereas the frequency of IR events was 20- to 100-fold reduced. Conversely, the rad52 mutant was grossly deficient in homologous integration (at least 1,000-fold reduced) but showed only a 2- to 8-fold reduction in IR frequency.  相似文献   

Double-strand break repair is executed by two major repair pathways: non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR). Whereas NHEJ contributes to the repair of ionizing radiation (IR)-induced double strand breaks (DSBs) throughout the cell cycle, HR acts predominantly during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. The rare-cutting restriction endonuclease, I-SceI, is in common use to study the repair of site-specific chromosomal DSBs in vertebrate cells. To facilitate analysis of I-SceI-induced DSB repair, we have developed a stably expressed I-SceI fusion protein that enables precise temporal control of I-SceI activation, and correspondingly tight control of the timing of onset of site-specific chromosome breakage. I-SceI-induced HR showed a strong, positive linear correlation with the percentage of cells in S phase, and was negatively correlated with the G1 fraction. Acute depletion of BRCA1, a key regulator of HR, disrupted the relationship between S phase fraction and I-SceI-induced HR, consistent with the hypothesis that BRCA1 regulates HR during S phase.  相似文献   

Houston P  Simon PJ  Broach JR 《Genetics》2004,166(3):1187-1197
Haploid Saccharomyces can change mating type through HO-endonuclease cleavage of an expressor locus, MAT, followed by gene conversion using one of two repository loci, HML or HMR, as donor. The mating type of a cell dictates which repository locus is used as donor, with a cells using HML and alpha cells using HMR. This preference is established in part by RE, a locus on the left arm of chromosome III that activates the surrounding region, including HML, for recombination in a cells, an activity suppressed by alpha 2 protein in alpha cells. We have examined the ability of RE to stimulate different forms of interchromosomal recombination. We found that RE exerted an effect on interchromosomal mating-type switching and on intrachromosomal homologous recombination but not on interchromosomal homologous recombination. Also, even in the absence of RE, MAT alpha still influenced donor preference in interchromosomal mating-type switching, supporting a role of alpha 2 in donor preference independent of RE. These results suggest a model in which RE affects competition between productive and nonproductive recombination outcomes. In interchromosome gene conversion, RE enhances both productive and nonproductive pathways, whereas in intrachromosomal gene conversion and mating-type switching, RE enhances only the productive pathway.  相似文献   

DNA damage-induced multiple recombination was studied by cotransforming yeast cells with pairs of nonreplicating plasmids carrying different genetic markers. Reaction of one of the plasmids with the interstrand crosslinking agent, psoralen, stimulated cellular transformation by the undamaged plasmid. The cotransformants carried copies of both plasmids cointegrated in tandem arrays at chromosomal sites homologous to either the damaged or the undamaged DNA. Plasmid linearization, by restriction endonuclease digestion, was also found to stimulate the cointegration of unmodified plasmids. Disruption of the RAD1 gene reduced the psoralen damage-induced cotransformation of intact plasmid, but had no effect on the stimulation by double strand breaks. Placement of the double strand breaks within yeast genes produced cointegration only at sequences homologous to the damaged plasmids, while digestion within vector sequences produced integration at chromosomal sites homologous to either the damaged or the undamaged plasmid molecules. These observations suggest a model for multiple recombination events in which an initial exchange occurs between the damaged DNA and homologous sequences on an undamaged molecule. Linked sequences on the undamaged molecule up to 870 base pairs distant from the break site participate in subsequent exchanges with other intact DNA molecules. These events result in recombinants produced by reciprocal exchange between three or more DNA molecules.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, loss of topoisomerase III, encoded by the TOP3 gene, leads to a genomic instability phenotype that includes slow growth, hyper-sensitivity to genotoxic agents, mitotic hyper-recombination, increased chromosome missegregation, and meiotic failure. Slow growth and other defects of top3 mutants are suppressed by mutation of SGS1, which encodes the only RecQ helicase in S. cerevisiae. sgs1 is epistatic to top3, suggesting that the two proteins act in the same pathway. To identify other factors that function in the Sgs1-Top3 pathway, we undertook a genetic screen for non-sgs1 suppressors of top3 defects. We found that slow growth and DNA damage sensitivity of top3 mutants are suppressed by mutations in RAD51, RAD54, RAD55, and RAD57. In contrast, top3 mutants show extreme synergistic growth defects with mutations in RAD50, MRE11, XRS2, RDH54, and RAD1. We also analyzed recombination at the SUP4-o region, showing that in a rad51, rad54, rad55, or rad57 background top3Delta does not increase recombination to the same degree as in a wild-type strain. These results suggest that the presence of the Rad51 homologous recombination complex in a top3 background facilitates creation of detrimental intermediates by Sgs1. We present a model wherein Rad51 helps recruit Sgs1-Top3 to sites of replicative damage.  相似文献   

Butler DK  Gillespie D  Steele B 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1065-1075
Large DNA palindromes form sporadically in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and are often associated with amplified genes. The presence of a short inverted repeat sequence near a DNA double-strand break has been implicated in the formation of large palindromes in a variety of organisms. Previously we have established that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae a linear DNA palindrome is efficiently formed from a single-copy circular plasmid when a DNA double-strand break is introduced next to a short inverted repeat sequence. In this study we address whether the linear palindromes form by an intermolecular reaction (that is, a reaction between two identical fragments in a head-to-head arrangement) or by an unusual intramolecular reaction, as it apparently does in other examples of palindrome formation. Our evidence supports a model in which palindromes are primarily formed by an intermolecular reaction involving homologous recombination of short inverted repeat sequences. We have also extended our investigation into the requirement for DNA double-strand break repair genes in palindrome formation. We have found that a deletion of the RAD52 gene significantly reduces palindrome formation by intermolecular recombination and that deletions of two other genes in the RAD52-epistasis group (RAD51 and MRE11) have little or no effect on palindrome formation. In addition, palindrome formation is dramatically reduced by a deletion of the nucleotide excision repair gene RAD1.  相似文献   

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