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Ale? Hrdli?ka's hypothesis on a Neandertal phase of human evolution is examined in light of current data and interpretations on Neandertals. Hrdli?ka's interpretations are related to his ideas regarding the peopling of the New World. A major early statement of Hrdli?ka's views on Neandertal was his Huxley Memorial Lecture of 1927. We assess this formulation and subsequent development of his hypothesis. Hrdli?ka's position is compared with the “presapiens” and “pre-neandertal” hypotheses on the basis of current theory and data.  相似文献   

Ale? Hrdli?ka produced a tremendous amount of data in his career, much of which was published in a series of catalogs by the US National Museum. The Gulf States catalog, for example, contains raw craniometric data for over 700 individuals from the state of Florida alone. However, many of these skeletons are poorly sourced by Hrdli?ka, thus limiting their utility in modern bioarchaeological analyses where context is critical. In particular, the age of the skeletal material is often based solely on associated material culture and information on the sites themselves is not presented by Hrdli?ka. To address this impasse we attempted radiocarbon dates for 10 of the largest Florida sites published in the Gulf States catalog. In addition, archival data in the form of unpublished field notes and personal correspondence were accessed to better contextualize the radiocarbon dates and to provide some guidance on the degree of temporal variability at the sites. Eight AMS radiocarbon dates were successful. Archival data was of variable quality per site. In some cases very little is known about the provenience of the specimens. In other cases, however, individual burials could be allocated to specific strata within specific mounds. The relevance of using published raw data is discussed with respect to the Howells and Boas Immigrant datasets and the impact the dissemination of these resources has had on the discipline. Am J Phys Anthropol 145:163–167, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hrdli?ka ('32) theorized that the tendency towards perforation of the coronoid-olecranon septum of the humerus was phylogenetic in origin, but its appearance also seemed to be negatively correlated with bone size. By determining the correlation between the occurrence of the perforation and certain standard anthropometric measurements, the present study provides a statistical tool to test Hrdli?ka's hypothesis more rigorously. The minimum middle diameter of the humerus is shown to be significantly related to the occurrence of septal perforation, in samples of archeological skeletal material. Using the minimum middle diameter of the humerus as a quantitative assessment of robusticity, more robust samples were found to have smaller mean percentages of perforation.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward about the origins and evolution of the inhabitants of the Aleutian Islands. Both Hrdli?ka [The Aleutian and Commander Islands and Their Inhabitants (Philadelphia: Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1945)] and Laughlin ["The Alaska gateway viewed from the Aleutian Islands," in Papers on the Physical Anthropology of the American Indian, W. S. Laughlin, ed. (New York: Viking Fund, 1951), 98-126] analyzed cranial morphology and came to somewhat different conclusions using a typological approach and limited analytical methods. Subsequent investigations using morphological data have not significantly improved our understanding of Aleut prehistory. More recently, radiocarbon dating and mitochondrial DNA analyses have shed light on Aleut genetic variation and changes over time, but better morphological methods using multivariate statistical analysis have not yet been used. We analyzed craniometric data using multivariate procedures and found that Aleuts demonstrate significant changes in cranial morphology over time, and these changes correspond to Hrdli?ka's observations but may not necessarily reflect in-migration. The morphological changes were concentrated in the very aspects of morphology that are easily observable and that Hrdli?ka most often measured, namely, cranial length, breadth, and height, but they were obscured when craniometric variation as a whole was analyzed. Also, we found that the morphological changes over time were not related to the changes in haplogroup frequencies over time, suggesting that migration into the Aleutians did not play a significant role in producing the morphological changes. However, craniometric variability apparently increases over time, suggesting in-migration, localized selection, and/or greater environmental heterogeneity. Our results contradict Laughlin's observations but may be more in line with his hypothesis of in situ evolutionary changes absent gene flow. In addition to selection, gene flow, and gene drift, however, sociocultural changes must also be considered as a factor in why morphology changed over time.  相似文献   

In 1918, the first issue of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology was prepared and distributed by Aleš Hrdlička, the Curator of Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution. This was a singular act, both in the general and specific sense. It was the first journal of physical anthropology published in the United States, and it was a sole effort by Hrdlička, who was committed to promoting and recognizing physical anthropology as a new science in America. On this 100th anniversary of the founding of the journal, Hrdlička's efforts were successful: physical/biological anthropology is a strong and timely discipline that represents a major area of scientific research today.  相似文献   

Variation in human nasal height and breadth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been suggested that the long-standing association of variability in the human nasal index [100 × (nasal breadth)/(nasal height)] with climatic variation is spurious evidence for natural selection in humans (Hoyme, 1965; St. Hoyme and Iscan, 1989). The argument is based principally on the observation that nasal height is globally more variable than nasal breadth, with nasal breadth thus contributing little to variation in the index. This argument does not take into account the confounding effect of absolute size of these variables on their variances. In this study we compare the intrinsic variation in skeletal nasal height and breadth within and among 26 mixed-sex populations (N = 2,408) at globally diverse localities (Howells, 1989), using 2 × 2 variance-covariance matrices of the logarithmically transformed variates. Hypothesis tests for homogeneity of matrices and equalvariance/equal-covariance indicate that the intrinsic variation in nasal breadth is greater than that for nasal height within populations, and that nasal breadth and nasal height exhibit equivalent intrinsic variation among populations. The argument that nasal breadth contributes little to the worldwide variation in the human nasal index is rejected. Given our present understanding of nasal physiological morpho-function, these results support, but do not demonstrate, an adaptive role for human nasal index variation. Promising methods for elucidating natural selection on human nasal form are suggested.  相似文献   

Calculating biodistances among South American populations using cranial measurements is often hindered, as many available skeletal collections exhibit deformation. Acknowledging vault modifications, researchers have sought measurements in other regions which are unaffected by deformation. In the 1970s, a set of 10 "relatively" unaffected facial measurements was identified in Argentinean crania that later became the basis of numerous South American biodistance studies. These measurements include: minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, orbit height, orbit breadth, palate breath, palate length, upper facial height, basion-prosthion length, nasal height, and nasal breadth. Palate length was excluded from the present analysis due to considerable measurement error. The suitability of these measurements in populations other than Argentineans has not been rigorously tested. Using a sample of 350 prehistoric crania from the Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa (MASMA, Arica, Chile), this project tested the hypothesis that these measurements are unaffected by either annular or tabular deformation. Results obtained from MANOVA analysis indicate this hypothesis cannot be fully supported. Among males, only 3 of the 9 measurements are unaffected by either form of deformation (palate breadth, basion-prosthion length, and nasal breadth), while analysis of females indicates that 4 of the 9 measurements remain unaltered (minimum frontal breadth, orbit breadth, basion-prosthion length, and nasal breadth). Additionally, analogous to the vault, facial measurements display patterns consistent with the deformation applied. Two implications can be drawn from this research: 1) previous studies using these measurements must be interpreted cautiously, and 2) researchers using these measurements must explicitly test their suitability in each population.  相似文献   

Lansing man: a half century later   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the major fossil man finds from the Plains Area of the United States and one of the few from Kansas are the “Lansing Man” skeletons. The discovery was in February 1902 on the west bank of the Missouri River, south of Leavenworth near the town of Lansing, Kansas. Much was written about this skeleton following its discovery and Ale? Hrdli?ka's only trip to Kansas in October 1902 was to observe the skeletons and the site of its discovery. Numerous articles were written suggesting that “Lansing Man” was many thousands of years old. Geologists could not agree on an age of the skeletons, an adult male and a six to seven year old child, because they were discovered in deposits of slumped loess, confusing the geological picture. Hrdli?ka states that the skeletons were physically identical to Indians of that region at the period of historical contact. William Holmes had the skull sent to the U. S. National Museum and the remaining bones were placed in the Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas. While on the staff of the University of Kansas, I had Carbon-14 tests conducted on bones from the lower limbs by three separate laboratories. These dates range from 2660 to 5020 B.C. with an average date of four samples (1 each from Geochron Laboratories and the University of Michigan and two from the Smithsonian Institution) of 3579 B.C. This suggests that the “Lansing Man” skeletons are Early Middle Archaic and not Paleoindian. They do, however, represent the oldest known human skeletons from Kansas.  相似文献   

Following the discovery of the “Taung Child” (Australopithecus africanus) in 1924 in the Buxton‐Norlim Limeworks near Taung, the fossil‐bearing deposits associated with the Dart and Hrdli?ka pinnacles have been interpreted as the mined remnants of cave sediments that formed within the Plio–Pleistocene Thabaseek Tufa: either as a younger cave‐fill or as contemporaneous carapace caves. When combined with the Plio–Pleistocene dolomitic cave deposits from the “Cradle of Humankind,” a rather restricted view emerges that South African early hominins derived from cave deposits, whereas those of east and central Africa are derived from fluvio‐lacustrine and paleosol deposits. We undertook a sedimentological and paleomagnetic analysis of the pink‐colored deposit (PCS) from which the “Taung Child” is purported to have derived and demonstrate that it is a calcrete, a carbonate‐rich pedogenic sediment, which formed on the paleo‐land surface. The deposit extends 100 s of meters laterally beyond the Dart and Hrdli?ka Pinnacles where it is interbedded with the Thabaseek Tufa, indicating multiple episodes of calcrete development and tufa growth. The presence of in situ rhizoconcretions and insect trace fossils (Celliforma sp. and Coprinisphaera sp.) and the distinctive carbonate microfabric confirm that the pink deposit is a pedogenic calcrete, not a calcified cave sediment. Paleomagnetic and stratigraphic evidence indicates that a second, reversed polarity, fossil‐bearing deposit (YRSS) is a younger fissure‐fill formed within a solutional cavity of the normal polarity tufa and pink calcrete (PCS). These observations have implications for the dating, environment, and taphonomy of the site, and increase the likelihood of future fossil discoveries within the Buxton‐Norlim Limeworks. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:316–324, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Human remains excavated from Vindija cave include a large although fragmentary sample of late Mousterian-associated specimens and a few additional individuals from the overlying early Upper Paleolithic levels. The Mousterian-associated sample is similar to European Neandertals from other regions. Compared with earlier Neandertals from south central Europe, this sample evinces evolutionary trends in the direction of Upper Paleolithic Europeans. Compared with the western European Neandertals, the same trends can be demonstrated, although the magnitude of difference is less, and there is a potential for confusing temporal with regional sources of variation. The early Upper Paleolithic-associated sample cannot be distinguished from the Mousterian-associated hominids. We believe that this site provides support for Hrdli?ka's “Neandertal phase” of human evolution, as it was originally applied in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the development of physical anthropology in the period from 1880 to 1980, beginning with the founding of the U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology and the advent of professionalism in anthropology. The growth of physical anthropology within academic anthropology and the effect of the bias toward ethnology and archaeology is considered. Three historical phases are suggested: pre-1900, the pre-academic period of physical anthropology; 1900–1930, the initial development of academic physical anthropology, which witnessed the founding of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology and the American Association of Physical Anthropologists by Hrdli?ka, and of Hooton's program at Harvard University; 1930-present, which has seen the full development of physical anthropology in an academic context.  相似文献   

The distal half of a right human humerus (E.898), recovered ex situ in 1925 by Hrdli?ka at the Broken Hill Mine, Kabwe, Zambia, has figured prominently in assessments of Middle Pleistocene Homo postcranial variation and of the phylogenetic polarity and functional anatomy of Pleistocene Homo upper limb morphology. Reassessment of distal humeral features that distinguish modern human and some archaic Homo humeri, especially relative olecranon breadth and medial and lateral pillar thicknesses, confirm previous studies placing it morphologically close to recent humans, as well as possibly to Early Pleistocene Homo. However, it completely lacks stratigraphic context, and there is faunal and archeological evidence for human activity at Broken Hill from the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. Given its uncertain geological age and modern human morphology, the Broken Hill E.898 humerus should not be used in analyses of Pleistocene humans until it is securely dated. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:312–317, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the relationships and patterns of spatial variation from morphological cranial variability of 17 population samples representing the ancient inhabitants of the central territory of Argentina (archaeologically known as "Sierras Centrales") and other pre-Hispanic populations from different ecological and geographic regions of the Southern Cone of South America (Argentina and Uruguay), based on the analysis of 10 craniofacial measurements. Results obtained from D2 distances can be interpreted as evidence of a similar biological history for the populations that inhabited the Sierras Centrales and the population of Santiago del Estero. Matrix correlation analysis demonstrated that craniometric variation is significantly influenced by geography, suggesting that populations that lived at lower geographical distance share more biological similarity. Global spatial autocorrelation analysis suggests a clinal pattern for the biological variation, although Moran's I estimates calculated for each variable demonstrate that only nasal height and breadth show this spatial pattern of variation. Results from spatial regression techniques show a significant effect of altitude modeling nasal shape, in agreement with previous studies suggesting that nasal morphology is strongly influenced by environment variables.  相似文献   

为探讨遗传与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童头面部特征的影响, 对呼和浩特市和包头市7-12岁369对双生子儿童(同卵180对, 同性别异卵141对, 异性别异卵48对)的16项头面部指标进行活体测量。采用通径分析方法, 用Mx软件拟合最佳结构方程模型, 计算各指标遗传与环境方差组分, 分析年龄、性别的作用。结果发现, 校正年龄后, 头部指标中头围的遗传度(男66%, 女66%)较高; 面部指标中, 容貌面高的遗传度(男73%, 女84%)最高, 其次为鼻宽(男57%, 女67%)、眼内角间宽(男57%, 女50%)和额最小宽(男50%, 女50%); 头长(男64%, 女25%)、头宽(男26%, 女82%)、眼外角间宽(男76%, 女34%)和容貌耳长(男23%, 女70%)的遗传度存在一定的性别差异。表明遗传因素与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童的头面部发育均有一定影响, 其中遗传因素对男女头围及容貌面高、男性头长和眼外角间宽、女性头宽、鼻宽、口宽、容貌耳长的影响相对较大。  相似文献   

The Aleut region has the longest history of anthropological and archaeological investigations in all of Alaska. Although predating formal anthropological studies, the extensive ethnographic account by the Russian Orthodox priest Ivan Veniaminov in the early 1800s laid a solid foundation for scientific archaeological and anthropological investigations over the next 100 years, including those by William Healy Dall in the 1870s, Waldemar Jochelson from 1909 to 1910, and Ale? Hrdli?ka in the 1930s. Following World War II, research continued, and the evolving political picture in Alaska gave Aleut people increasing influence and control over such efforts.  相似文献   

Invasive species alter ecosystem structure, impact biodiversity, and have significant economic costs. In Oregon's Willamette Valley, invasive grasses Arrhenatherum elatius and Schedonorus arundinaceus alter the dynamics of the phenologically paired interaction between an endangered butterfly, Icaricia icarioides fenderi (Fender's blue), and its larval host plant, Lupinus oreganus (Kincaid's lupine). To test methods to restore this interaction, we established a 3‐year experiment where a post‐emergent grass‐specific herbicide, fluazifop‐p‐butyl, was applied to Fender's blue habitat. Plant community data were recorded throughout the growing season at eight paired plots for 1 year prior to treatment and 3 years during treatment. We asked whether annual application of herbicide could reduce the height of invasive grasses to levels at or beneath the height of Kincaid's lupine racemes throughout the Fender's blue flight season. We hypothesized that native forb species, which are critical nectar sources for Fender's blue, would increase in cover and frequency following the release from competitive dominance of invasive grasses. Grass‐specific herbicide reduced grass height during the flight season of Fender's blue, but with several costs. We found no change in nectar and a suppression of lupine growth in plots in response to experimental herbicide treatment. Each study site had multiple secondary invaders; the long‐term impact of these new invaders is unknown. We suggest that herbicide application results in a net negative effect in the context of Fender's blue habitat restoration. That is, the costs to primary resources for Fender's blue and the influx of secondary invaders may be as problematic as the primary invasion by non‐native grasses.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimates of familial correlations are presented for 12 cranio-facial measurements taken on 399 nuclear families from Southern India. Marital resemblance is significantly different from zero for head circumference, head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects reveals that family resemblance for head circumference, head length, bigonial breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects breadth, and sex effects in transmission were found for head breadth and nose dimensions. Sex effects in this sample may be due to the fact that different anthropometrists were used for male and female subjects.  相似文献   

香港地区现代人头骨的研究:性别和地区类型的判别分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
王令红 《人类学学报》1989,8(3):222-230
本文报告了香港地区现代中国人头骨测量性状的性别差异情况和香港与太原的男性头骨的差异情况。在此基础上,使用判别分析的方法建立了各自的判别函数,正判率分别达到93.1%和85.3%。它们分别适用于华南头骨的性别鉴定和华南与华北男性头骨的区分。  相似文献   

Seven measurements were taken on a sample of 50 human cadaveric pelves, all white Texans born in the 20th century. Two separate methodologies were used to obtain these data: radiographs and direct measurements. These two methodologies were compared and contrasted, with the relative advantages and disadvantages of each explored. Results indicate that significant differences exist between the two methodologies. Pelvic height, breadth of symphysis, sacro-iliac breadth (P = 0.0001) and anterior upper spinal breadth (P = 0.0002) were larger when measured directly. Pelvic breadth, transverse diameter of the pelvic brim, and height of the ilium did not significantly differ between methodologies (P = 0.2037, P = 0.5253, P = 0.1752). Due to secular changes and inherent intrapopulational variation, taking measurements either directly from modern cadaveric specimens or radiographically on living volunteers in a limited geographic or socioeconomic grouping, rather than from skeletal collections or archived radiographs, may be more appropriate for providing data for current anthropometric applications. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:471–479, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

南京直立人的高鼻梁是由于对寒冷气候的适应吗?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴新智  尚虹 《人类学学报》2007,26(4):289-294
有人质疑南京直立人的高耸鼻梁的成因,认为高鼻梁是对寒冷和干燥气候的适应,有两篇论文被引用来作为支持。本文指出那两篇论文讨论的是鼻高,鼻宽与纬度的关系,结论是纬度较高者鼻宽较小,并没有论证高鼻梁是对寒冷和干燥气候的适应。本文还援引其他不同纬度地区人群反映鼻的不同部分向前方突出程度的资料,指出目前很难看出鼻的突出程度与气候如何相关。这些资料和寒带因纽特人的扁鼻梁与热带的Bodo化石头骨的高鼻梁的对比以及南京直立人1号头骨所在的堆积物反映温带或亚热带气候,都反对或至少是不支持高耸鼻梁是适应寒冷和干燥气候结果的观点。目前也还没有证据表明南京直立人的高鼻梁可以在东亚的人类谱系上溯源到某些曾经由于对寒冷气候的适应而具有高鼻梁的古人类。  相似文献   

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