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Gotsev MG  Ivanov PM  Jaime C 《Chirality》2007,19(3):203-213
Molecular dynamics simulations in water solution were performed on six large-ring cyclodextrins (LR-CDs) with a degree of polymerization 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The AMBER parm99 force field and explicit water molecules (TIP3P) were used in the simulations. The present research was aimed at further extending our knowledge on the structural dynamics and the energetics of this new class of compounds that may eventually provide chiral cavities suitable for formation of inclusion complexes with small molecules, and, accordingly, to serve as host structures for chiral recognition. The study focused on several representatives flanking CD26-the largest LR-CD for which X-ray data is available. Both the monitoring of the structural variations during the simulations as well as the analyses of energy balances are indicative for high flexibility of the macrorings. Slight differences of the overall preferred shapes were detected with diminishing the size of the macromolecules from CD29 to CD24. An elongated cavity (CD28) or a double parallel strand in different specific representations are the dominating motifs in the LR-CDs studied: with loops at the two ends (CD25, CD28, CD29), with a loop at one end (CD25), twisted (CD26, CD27) or twisted with an open portion in the middle (CD24), helical (CD24, CD25), or linking two loops from one of their sides (CD27). Two loops connected by an arc (CD28, CD29) and a cavity with the shape of an extended rectangular (CD24, CD28) appear preferentially during the conformational interconversions of the two larger CDs, whereas helical motifs are present in the smaller macrorings: an extended helix with ends linked by an arc (CD24), helical turn and helical portion (CD26, CD27). A triple propeller conformation or three symmetrical loops of almost equal size were also detected for CD26 and CD29, respectively. The present results further support the hypothesis for the existence of more than one cavity in large-ring cyclodextrins and suggest preferred conformations in water solution for the LR-CDs with degree of polymerization from 24 to 29.  相似文献   

The N‐terminal 1–34 segments of both parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone‐related protein (PTHrP) bind and activate the same membrane receptor in spite of major differences between the two hormones in their amino acid sequence. Recently, it was shown that in (1–34)PTH/PTHrP segmental hybrid peptides, the N‐terminal 1–14 segment of PTHrP is incompatible with the C‐terminal 15–34 region of PTH leading to substantial reduction in potency. The sites of incompatibility were identified as positions 5 in PTH and 19 in PTHrP. In the present paper we describe the synthesis, biological evaluation, and conformational characterization of two point‐mutated PTH/PTHrP 1–34 hybrids in which the arginine residues at positions 19 and 21 of the native sequence of PTHrP have been replaced by valine (hybrid V21) and glutamic acid (hybrid E19), respectively, taken from the PTH sequence. Hybrid V21 exhibits both high receptor affinity and biological potency, while hybrid E19 binds weakly and is poorly active. The conformational properties of the two hybrids were studied in aqueous solution containing dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles and in water/2,2,2‐trifluoroethanol (TFE) mixtures. Upon addition of TFE or DPC micelles to the aqueous solution, both hybrids undergo a coil‐helix transition. The maximum helix content in 1 : 1 water/TFE, obtained by CD data for both hybrids, is ∼ 80%. In the presence of DPC micelles, the maximum helix content is ∼ 40%. The conformational properties of the two hybrids in the micellar system were further investigated by combined 2D‐nmr, distance geometry (DG), and molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. The common structural motif, consisting of two helical segments located at N‐ and C‐termini, was observed in both hybrids. However, the biologically potent hybrid V21 exhibits two flexible sites, centered at residues 12 and 19 and connecting helical segments, while the flexibility sites in the weakly active hybrid E19 are located at position 11 and in the sequence 20–26. Our findings support the hypothesis that the presence and location of flexibility points between helical segments are essential for enabling the active analogs to fold into the bioactive conformation upon interaction with the receptor. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 525–535, 1999  相似文献   

B‐cell lymphoma (Bcl‐2) is commonly associated with the progression and preservation of cancer and certain lymphomas; therefore, it is considered as a biological target against cancer. Nevertheless, evidence of all its structural binding sites has been hidden because of the lack of a complete Bcl‐2 model, given the presence of a flexible loop domain (FLD), which is responsible for its complex behavior. FLD region has been implicated in phosphorylation, homotrimerization, and heterodimerization associated with Bcl‐2 antiapoptotic function. In this contribution, homology modeling, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in the microsecond (µs) time‐scale and docking calculations were combined to explore the conformational complexity of unphosphorylated/phosphorylated monomeric and trimeric Bcl‐2 systems. Conformational ensembles generated through MD simulations allowed for identifying the most populated unphosphorylated/phosphorylated monomeric conformations, which were used as starting models to obtain trimeric complexes through protein–protein docking calculations, also submitted to µs MD simulations. Principal component analysis showed that FLD represents the main contributor to total Bcl‐2 mobility, and is affected by phosphorylation and oligomerization. Subsequently, based on the most representative unphosphorylated/phosphorylated monomeric and trimeric Bcl‐2 conformations, docking studies were initiated to identify the ligand binding site of several known Bcl‐2 inhibitors to explain their influence in homo‐complex formation and phosphorylation. Docking studies showed that the different conformational states experienced by FLD, such as phosphorylation and oligomerization, play an essential role in the ability to make homo and hetero‐complexes. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 393–413, 2016.  相似文献   

The N‐terminal 1–34 segments of both parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone‐related protein (PTHrP) bind and activate the same membrane receptor in spite of major differences in their amino acid sequence. The hypothesis was made that they share the same bioactive conformation when bound to the receptor. A common structural motif in all bioactive fragments of the hormone in water/trifluoroethanol mixtures or in aqueous solution containing detergent micelles is the presence of two helical segments at the N‐ and C‐termini of the sequence. In order to stabilize the helical structures, we have recently synthesized and studied the PTHrP(1–34) analog [(Lys13–As p17, Lys26–As p30)]PTHrP(1–34)NH2, which contains lactam‐constrained Lys‐Asp side chains at positions i, i+4. This very potent agonist exhibits enhanced helix stability with respect to the corresponding linear peptide and also two flexible sites at positions 12 and 19 in 1:1 trifluoroethanol/water. These structural elements have been suggested to play a critical role in bioactivity. In the present work we have extended our conformational studies on the bicyclic lactam‐constrained analog to aqueous solution. By CD, 2D‐NMR and structure calculations we have shown that in water two helical segments are present in the region of the lactam bridges (13–18, and 26–31) with high flexibility around Gly12 and Arg19. Thus, the essential structural features observed in the aqueous‐organic medium are maintained in water even if, in this solvent, the overall structure is more flexible. Our findings confirm the stabilizing effect of side‐chain lactam constraints on the α‐helical structure. Copyright © 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new and very promising strategy for HIV drug discovery consists in blocking the multiple functional interactions between HIV‐1 integrase (IN) and its cellular cofactors. At present, this line of action is hindered by the absence of three‐dimensional structures of IN in complex with any of them. In this article, we developed a full‐length three‐dimensional structure of IN, including the highly flexible terminal residues 270–288, which are not experimentally solved. Additionally, we built models of IN complexed to the human acetyltransferases GCN5 and p300 based on available structural and mutagenesis data. Then, we studied the dynamical behavior of these models by means of the Coarse‐Grained Molecular Dynamics (CGMD) and Essential Dynamics (ED) to locate and characterize the nature of the largest collective motions. We found correlated motions involving distant regions of IN. Moreover, we found that these are influenced by the binding with the acetyltransferases (HATs). Taken together these findings suggest a way to affect the acetyltransferase binding by an allosteric type of inhibition and provide an important new approach for the drug design against HIV disease. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an extensive search procedure of the multi‐dimensional folding energy landscape of a protein. Our aim is to identify different classes of structures that have different aggregation propensities and catalytic activity. Following earlier studies by Daggett et al. [Jong, D. D.; Riley, R.: Alonso, D.O.: Dagett, V. J. Mol. Biol. 2002, 319, 229], a series of high temperature all‐atom classical molecular simulation studies has been carried out to derive a multi‐dimensional property space. Dynamical changes in these properties are then monitored by projecting them along a one‐dimensional reaction coordinate, dmean. We have focused on the application of this method to partition a wide array of conformations of wild type human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) and its unstable mutant His‐107‐Tyr along dmean by sampling a 35‐dimensional property space. The resultant partitioning not only reveals the distribution of conformations corresponding to stable structures of HCA II and its mutant, but also allows the monitoring of several partially unfolded and less stable conformations of the mutant. We have investigated the population of these conformations at different stages of unfolding and collected separate sets of structures that are widely separated in the property space. The dynamical diversity of these sets are examined in terms of the loading of their respective first principal component. The partially unfolded structures thus collected are qualitatively mapped on to the experimentally postulated light molten globule (MGL) and molten globule (MG) intermediates with distinct aggregation propensities and catalytic activities. Proteins 2016; 84:726–743. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The structural/dynamical properties of three truncated octahedral DNA nano‐cages composed by identical double helices but single strand linkers with different composition, namely 7 thymidines, 7 adenines, and 7 alternated thymidines and adenines, have been investigated through classical molecular dynamics simulations. Trajectories have been analyzed to investigate the role of the linkers in defining nano‐cages stability and flexibility, including possible influence on the internal cages motions. The data indicate that the cages behavior is almost identical and that the structural/dynamical parameters measured along the trajectories are not particularly affected by the presence of different bases. These results demonstrate that the constraints imposed by the nano‐structure geometry are the main factor in modulating these properties. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 992–999, 2014.  相似文献   

Disulfide cyclization is a well-known procedure to impose conformational restriction to peptides undergoing backbone flexibility. Rigid conformations are induced only for small rings with a specific combination of amino acids. In this work, we present a computational search of the backbone and backbone-dependent side-chain orientation of two series of linear and cyclic peptide analogs. The -C[XY]C- scaffold (where X,Y is arginine, aspartic acid or alanine residue) in its open and (S,S) cyclic form was used for the design of the studied analogs. Thirty-six compounds, resulting from the extension with one residue at either the N- or the C-terminus were studied with classical MD. The local backbone conformation and the relative orientation of the X and Y side chains induced by either cyclization and/or the presence of the charged residues are discussed. From the present study it is concluded that cyclization has a great impact on the synplanar orientation of the X and Y side chains in the (S,S)Ac-XCYC-NH2 series of compounds while charge-charge interaction has only a weak synergic effect. On the contrary, the antiplanar orientation is favored in the case of (S,S)Ac-CXCY-NH2.  相似文献   

Simulations of various beta-peptides have in the last years clarified several issues concerning peptide folding equilibria and interpretation of experimental data, especially from NMR and CD spectroscopy. These simulations involved different temperatures, pH-values, ionic strengths, solvents, and force-field parameters, but a variation of these factors for one beta-peptide has not yet been done. To investigate the influence of varying these factors, we analyze the helix stability of an all-beta3-icosapeptide bearing all 20 proteinogenic amino acid side chains, which is experimentally observed to fold into a 3(14)-helix in methanol but not in water. Structural aspects, such as hydrogen-bonded rings and salt bridges, are discussed and a comparison with NMR primary (NOE distance bounds and 3J-values) and secondary (NMR derived model structures) data is made. We further investigate the reasons for the 3(14)-helix stability/instability in methanol/water. Of all factors studied, the presence of counterions seems to be the one inducing most significant effects in the simulations.  相似文献   

Although several models have been proposed for the interaction of collagen with gelatinase‐A (matrix metalloproteinases‐2 (MMP‐2)), the extensive role of each domain of gelatinase A in hydrolyzing the collagens with and without interruptions is still elusive. Molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, normal mode analysis (NMA) and framework rigidity optimized dynamics algorithm (FRODAN) based analysis were carried out to understand the function of various domains of MMP‐2 upon interaction with collagen like peptides. The results reveal that the collagen binding domain (CBD) binds to the C‐terminal of collagen like peptide with interruption. CBD helps in unwinding the loosely packed interrupted region of triple helical structure to a greater extent. It can be possible to speculate that the role of hemopexin (HPX) domain is to prevent further unwinding of collagen like peptide by binding to the other end of the collagen like peptide. The catalytic (CAT) domain then reorients itself to interact with the part of the unwound region of collagen like peptide for further hydrolysis. In conclusion the CBD of MMP‐2 recognizes the collagen and aids in unwinding the collagen like peptide with interruptions, and the HPX domain of MMP‐2 binds to the other end of the collagen allowing CAT domain to access the cleavage site. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the structural basis of collagenolysis by MMP‐2. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 779–794, 2014.  相似文献   

The mRNA cap‐binding oncoprotein “eIF4E” is phosphorylated at residue S209 by Mnk kinases, and is closely associated with tumor development and progression. Despite being well‐established, mechanistic details at the molecular level of mRNA recognition by eIF4E due to phosphorylation have not been clearly elucidated. We investigated this through molecular modeling and simulations of the S209 phosphorylated derivative of eIF4E and explored the associated implication on the binding of the different variants of mRNA‐cap analogs. A key feature that emerges as a result of eIF4E phosphorylation is a salt‐bridge network between the phosphorylated S209 (pS209) and a specific pair of lysine residues (K159 and K162) within the cap‐binding interface on eIF4E. This interaction linkage stabilizes the otherwise dynamic C‐terminal region of the protein, resulting in the attenuation of the overall plasticity and accessibility of the binding pocket. The pS209‐K159 salt‐bridge also results in an energetically less favorable environment for the bound mRNA‐cap primarily due to electrostatic repulsion between the negative potentials from the phosphates in the cap and those appearing as a result of phosphorylation of S209. These observations collectively imply that the binding of the mRNA‐cap will be adversely affected in the phosphorylated derivative of eIF4E. We propose a mechanistic model highlighting the role of eIF4E phosphorylation as a regulatory tool in modulating eIF4E: mRNA‐cap recognition and its potential impact on translation initiation.  相似文献   

Multiple MD simulations were performed for the full‐length wild‐type A1, the full length A1 mutations S27E and S27A, as well as the N‐terminal peptide (AMVSEFLKQAWFIDNEEQEYIKTVKG S 27 KGGPGSAVSPYPTFN) of wild‐type A1 and mutations S27E and S27A. The MD simulation trajectories of about 350 ns were generated and analyzed to examine the changes of core domain calcium binding affinity, core domain and N‐terminal domain structures, and N‐terminal domain orientation. Our results indicated that S27A and S27E mutations caused little changes on the calcium‐binding affinity of the core domain of A1. However, the S27A mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 less helical, and made the N‐terminal domain migrate faster toward the core domain; these impacts on A1 are beneficial to the membrane aggregation process. On the contrary, the S27E mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 more stable, and hindered the migration to the core domain; these changes on A1 are antagonistic for the membrane aggregation process. Our results using MD simulations provide an atomistic explanation for experimental observations that the S27E mutant showed a higher calcium concentration requirement and lower maximal extent of aggregation, while the wild‐type and two mutants S27E and S27A required identical calcium concentrations for liposome binding. Proteins 2014; 82:3327–3334. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the backbone of poly(cis‐1,4‐isoprene) (IR) in solid rubber material was accomplished by the addition of partially purified latex clearing protein (Lcp1VH2) using a 200‐mL enzyme reactor. Two strategies for the addition of Lcp1VH2 were studied revealing that the daily addition of 50 µg mL?1 of Lcp1VH2 for 5 days was clearly a more efficient regime in comparison to a one‐time addition of 250 µg of Lcp1VH2 at the beginning. Soluble oligo(cis‐1,4‐isoprene) molecules occurred as degradation products and were identified by ESI‐MS and GPC. Oxygenase activity of Lcp1VH2 with solid IR particles as substrate was shown for the first time by measuring the oxygen consumption in the reaction medium. A strong decrease of the dissolved oxygen concentration was detected at the end of the assay, which indicates an increase in the number of cleavage reactions. The oligo(cis‐1,4‐isoprene) molecules comprised 1 to 11 isoprene units and exhibited an average molecular weight (Mn) of 885 g mol?1. Isolation of the oligo(cis‐1,4‐isoprene) molecules was achieved by using silica gel column chromatography. The relative quantification of the isolated products was performed by HPLC‐MS after derivatization with 2,4‐dinitrophenilhydrazyne yielding a concentration of total degradation products of 1.62 g L?1. Analysis of the polymer surface in samples incubated for 3 days with Lcp1VH2 via ATR‐FTIR indicated the presence of carbonyl groups, which occurred upon the cleavage reaction. This study presents a cell‐free bioprocess as an alternative rubber treatment that can be applied for the partial degradation of the polymer. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:890–899, 2018  相似文献   

Genus Astyanax is known by its wide genetic and morphological diversity. Among the South America's fish, it is one of the most studied groups and with greatest number of characterized population. At the present work, the combined approach of morphological and genetic data analysis was applied. Cytogenetic and morphometric studies were performed in populations of Astyanax aff. fasciatus originating from Paranaíba river and São João river, both from the hydrographic basin of Paranaíba river. Fish originating from a third place at the Mogi‐Guaçu river (Tietê river's basin) and with 2n = 46 chromosomes also went through morphometric analysis. The morphologic data evidenced the populational structuring, following the geographical distribution of the subjects. Cytogenetic data disclosed the same diploid number and karyotype formula for both populations. The other cytogenetic markers comply with the literature. These data show that the two populations of A. aff. fasciatus do not differ among themselves concerning the chromosomal structure, but they structure themselves regarding morphometry. Aspects of evolution of the group are discussed facing this study.  相似文献   

Quaternary environmental changes substantially impacted the landscape and promoted rapid evolutionary changes in many species; however, analyses of adaptive phenotypic variation in plants have usually neglected the underlying historical context. Here, we associate phylogeography and phenotypic evolution by analysing the divergence of Calceolaria polyrhiza multivariate floral phenotype after a Pleistocene post‐glacial expansion in Patagonia. Phenotypic matrix ( P ) properties (size, shape, orientation and phenotypic integration) of six refugium and six recent populations from two different phylogroups were compared following different approaches. We found that P ‐matrix shape and orientation remained stable despite the strong phylogeographic footprint of post‐glacial expansion. However, average proportional reductions in matrix size supported the expectation that drift had a significant effect on the floral phenotype in the northern phylogroup. When phylogeographic history was not included in the analyses, the results overestimated phenotypic differences, whereas under explicit phylogeographic control, drift appeared as the best explanation for matrix differences. In general, recent populations showed a larger phenotypic divergence among them, but a lower overall phenotypic variation than refugium populations. Random Skewers analyses indicated a lower potential response to selection in recently colonized populations than in refugium populations. We discuss that the combination of phylogeographic analyses with geographical distribution of functional phenotypic (genotypic) variation is critical not only to understand how historical effects influence adaptive evolution, but also to improve field comparisons in evolutionary ecology studies.  相似文献   

The composition of 21 essential‐oil samples isolated from Helichrysum italicum collected in seven locations of Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy), characterized by different soil types, during three different periods (January, May, and October 2010) was determined by GC‐FID and GC/EI‐MS analyses. In total, 115 components were identified, representing 96.8–99.8% of the oil composition. The oils were characterized by a high content of oxygenated monoterpenes (38.6–62.7%), while monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons accounted for 2.3–41.9 and 5.1–20.1% of the identified constituents, respectively. The main oxygenated derivatives were nerol (2.8–12.8%) and its ester derivative neryl acetate (5.6–45.9%). To compare the chemical variability of the species within Elba Island and between the island and other localities within the Mediterranean area, studied previously, multivariate statistical analysis was performed. The results obtained showed a difference in the composition of the essential oils of H. italicum from Elba Island, mainly due to the environment where the plant grows, and, in particular, to the soil type. These hypotheses were further confirmed by the comparison of these oils with essential oils obtained from H. italicum collected on other islands of the Tuscan archipelago.  相似文献   

Traditionally classifications of the Urostyloida have been mainly based on morphology and morphogenesis. Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have been largely based on single‐gene data for a limited number of taxa. Consequently, incongruence has arisen between the morphological/morphogenetic and the molecular data. In this study, the three phylogenetic markers (SSU rDNA, ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 region, and LSU‐rDNA) of three urostyloid genera represented by four species (Bakuella granulifera, Anteholosticha monilata, Caudiholosticha sylvatica, and C. tetracirra) were sequenced to investigate their phylogeny. The results show that: (1) all three genera should be regarded as the members of the order Urostyloida within the subclass Hypotrichia, as indicated by morphological characters; (2) phylogenetic analyses and sequence similarities both indicate that neither Anteholosticha nor Caudiholosticha are monophyletic and the systematic assignment of both genera awaits further evaluation; and (3) Bakuella has a closer relationship with Urostyla than with bakuellids (e.g. Apobakuella and Metaurostylopsis), suggesting Bakuella may belong to the family Urostylidae rather than the family Bakuellidae.  相似文献   

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