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Little is known about the behavior of chimpanzees living in savanna-woodlands, although they are of particular interest to anthropologists for the insight they can provide regarding the ecological pressures affecting early hominins living in similar habitats. Fongoli, Senegal, is the first site where savanna chimpanzees have been habituated for observational data collection and is the hottest and driest site where such observation of chimpanzees occurs today. Previously, indirect evidence suggested these chimpanzees consumed termites throughout the year, an unusual occurrence for western and eastern chimpanzees. Although meat eating by chimpanzees continues to receive much attention, their use of invertebrate prey has received less emphasis in scenarios of hominin evolution. Here, we further examine the invertebrate diet of Fongoli chimpanzees using direct observational methods and accounting for potential environmental influences. Termite feeding positively correlated with high temperatures. Fongoli chimpanzees spend more time obtaining termites than any other chimpanzee population studied, and this extensive insectivory contributes to the list of distinctive behaviors they display relative to chimpanzees living in more forested habitats. We suggest that savanna chimpanzees at Fongoli differ significantly from chimpanzees elsewhere as a result of the selective pressures characterizing their harsh environment, and this contrast provides an example of a viable referential model for better understanding human evolution. Specifically, our results support the hypotheses that invertebrate prey may have figured more prominently into the diet of early hominins in similar habitats, especially given that invertebrates are an important source of protein and other essential nutrients in a highly seasonal environment.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) make nests for resting and sleeping, which is unusual for anthropoid primates but common to all great apes. Arboreal nesting has been linked to predation pressure, but few studies have tested the adaptive nature of this behavior. We collected data at two chimpanzee study sites in southeastern Senegal that differed in predator presence to test the hypothesis that elevated sleeping platforms are adaptations for predator defense. At Assirik in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, chimpanzees face four species of large carnivore, whereas at Fongoli, outside national park boundaries, humans have exterminated almost all natural predators. We quantified the availability of vegetation at the two sites to test the alternative hypothesis that differences in nesting reflect differences in habitat structure. We also examined possible sex differences in nesting behavior, community demographic differences, seasonality and nest age differences as variables also potentially affecting nest characteristics and nesting behavior between the two sites. Chimpanzees at Fongoli nested at lower heights and farther apart than did chimpanzees at Assirik and sometimes made nests on the ground. The absence of predators outside of the national park may account for the differences in nest characteristics at the two sites, given the similarities in habitat structure between Fongoli and Assirik. However, Fongoli chimpanzees regularly build arboreal nests for sleeping, even under minimal predation pressure, and this requires explanation.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal, consume termites year-round. Understanding the ecological context behind this behavior is especially important in light of the environmental conditions at Fongoli. This mosaic savanna habitat is one of the hottest and driest sites where chimpanzees have been studied. Two genera and four species of termites were found in association with tools used by chimpanzees in a sample of 124 termite mounds that were monitored. The chimpanzees of Fongoli termite fish predominantly in woodland and forest habitat types, and, although woodland accounts for the majority of the chimpanzees' home range, forest habitat types comprise only about 4% of their range. Thus, habitat type has an influence on the Fongoli chimpanzees' termite fishing. Termite consumption to the degree seen at Fongoli may have particular significance for hominid evolution, given the expansion of Pliocene hominids into increasingly open, hot, and dry habitats.  相似文献   

The composition of the diet of a savanna-living population of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mt. Assirik in Senegal is presented. The study site had a prolonged dry season, high temperatures, and vegetation dominated by grasses. Data came from direct observation, fecal specimens, and feeding traces; thus, strict criteria for acceptance of the indirect data were specified. Composition of diet was given in terms of species and family of prey, parts eaten, life-form, type of habitat, and criteria for inclusion. Forty-three species of plants with 60 parts were eaten; mostly fruits, from trees, in woodland. Nine species of animal prey were eaten, mostly social insects. An additional 41 species of plants with 53 parts were classed as likely to be eaten by chimpanzees, mostly on the grounds of their being eaten by sympatric anthropoids. Overall, the diet of the apes at Mt. Assirik resembles that of this species elsewhere in Africa, but the size of the dietary repertoire seems small and the proportion of low-quality foodstuffs high. The latter are mostly time-consuming to collect or tedious to obtain or process, and include underground storage organs.  相似文献   

The use and control of fire are uniquely human traits thought to have come about fairly late in the evolution of our lineage, and they are hypothesized to correlate with an increase in intellectual complexity. Given the relatively sophisticated cognitive abilities yet small brain size of living apes compared to humans and even early hominins, observations of wild chimpanzees' reactions to naturally occurring fire can help inform hypotheses about the likely responses of early hominins to fire. We use data on the behavior of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal during two encounters with wildfires to illuminate the similarities between great apes and humans regarding their reaction to fire. Chimpanzees' close relatedness to our lineage makes them phylogenetically relevant to the study of hominid evolution, and the open, hot and dry environment at Fongoli, similar to the savanna mosaic thought to characterize much of hominid evolution, makes these apes ecologically important as a living primate model as well. Chimpanzees at Fongoli calmly monitor wildfires and change their behavior in anticipation of the fire's movement. The ability to conceptualize the “behavior” of fire may be a synapomorphic trait characterizing the human‐chimpanzee clade. If the cognitive underpinnings of fire conceptualization are a primitive hominid trait, hypotheses concerning the origins of the control and use of fire may need revision. We argue that our findings exemplify the importance of using living chimpanzees as models for better understanding human evolution despite recently published suggestions to the contrary. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Periodicity of repetitive linear enamel hypoplasia (rLEH) in apes from high latitudes with single wet and dry seasons annually has not been described. We reconstruct periodicity and duration of rLEH in canine teeth from three recently deceased chimpanzees from Fongoli, Senegal with a marked seven‐month dry season. High‐resolution dental molds were taken in the field for magnified imaging with digital microscopy. Photomontages allowed counting of perikymata between episodes of rLEH for reconstruction of periodicity and duration of physiological stress. Where rLEH spans the imbricational enamel, the number of events is consistent with years required to form canine imbricational enamel; i.e., periodicity of rLEH seems circannual. We predicted perikymata counts between rLEH events ranging from 52 to 61 based on reported “long counts” of 7–6 days. Counts ranged from 29.5 to 44, individual mean of 36.7. This discrepancy could be explained by recurrent stress with a periodicity of 7.2–8.4 months, or by long counts of 10 days per stria. Neither is supported in the literature. Since we find evidence of rLEH with circannual periodicity, we postulate the existence of non‐emergent imbricational striae. Based on evidence that stress at Fongoli recurs annually, we reconstruct stress duration of 2–3 months, longer than reported for chimpanzees living in other habitats, which we attribute to heat stress and food shortage near shrinking waterholes. We conclude that canine teeth from a small mortality cohort of chimpanzees at Fongoli preserve a faithful record of dry season stress in an extreme environment. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was carried out on 65 individuals from a captive colony of guinea baboons (Papio hamadryas papio) at Brookfield Zoo, in order to determine the allocation of reproductive success among 7 active males. DNA fingerprinting was found to reveal very low levels of genetic variability in the study population, rendering discrimination of different levels of relatedness, and hence paternity, impossible. A method was therefore developed for emphasizing the region of the fingerprint pattern which revealed the greatest level of band variability, and the effect of this experimental modification on band sharing statistics was tested. Band sharing coefficients among unrelated individuals were significantly lower using the modified system, which was then applied to paternity testing in the whole population. However even when using the modified system, of the 33 offspring analyzed only 4 could be assigned solely to 1 male, 14 offspring were assigned to 1 of 2 males, 7 offspring had 3 potential fathers, and the remainder had 4 or more possible fathers. The implications of the limitations of these data for behavioural studies and genetic management of captive populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental and clinical parasitology need natural baselines or “controls”. We present normative data intestinal parasite loads in two genera of African primates. Wild Pan troglodytes and Papio spp. were studied at two sites: Gombe in Tanzania (P. anubis) and Mt. Assirik in Senegal (P. papio). Presence or absence of parasites, especially nematodes, was recorded from fecal specimens. Gombe's primates were more often infected than were Mt. Assirik's. At Gombe, but not at Mt. Assirik, chimpanzees seemed to have a higher incidence of infection than baboons. Comparison of three baboon troops yielded apparent differences in prevalence of infection. No differences in infection were found between the wet and dry seasons in Mt. Assirik's chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion encroaches on tropical forests and primates in such landscapes frequently incorporate crops into their diet. Understanding the nutritional drivers behind crop-foraging can help inform conservation efforts to improve human-primate coexistence. This study builds on existing knowledge of primate diets in anthropogenic landscapes by estimating the macronutrient content of 24 wild and 11 cultivated foods (90.5% of food intake) consumed by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea, West Africa. We also compared the macronutrient composition of Bossou crops to published macronutrient measures of crops from Bulindi, Uganda, East Africa. The composition of wild fruits, leaves, and pith were consistent with previous reports for primate diets. Cultivated fruits were higher in carbohydrates and lower in insoluble fiber than wild fruits, while wild fruits were higher in protein. Macronutrient content of cultivated pith fell within the ranges of consumed wild pith. Oil palm food parts were relatively rich in carbohydrates, protein, lipids, and/or fermentable fiber, adding support for the nutritional importance of the oil palm for West African chimpanzees. We found no differences in the composition of cultivated fruits between Bossou and Bulindi, suggesting that macronutrient content alone does not explain differences in crop selection. Our results build on the current understanding of chimpanzee feeding ecology within forest-agricultural mosaics and provide additional support for the assumption that crops offer primates energetic benefits over wild foods.  相似文献   

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