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The cellular mechanisms whereby gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) augments glucose-dependent insulin secretion remains poorly defined. Since glucose-dependent insulin secretion is modulated by membrane associated phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and intracellular lipoxygenase (LPX) and cyclooxygenase (CO) we hypothesize that GIP's augmentation of insulin secretion involves these enzyme systems. Neonatal rat pancreatic islet cell cultures were preincubated with 5.6mM glucose for 60 minutes. The cultures were then stimulated for 60 minutes with 16mM glucose alone or with GIP with or without the addition of PLA2, LPX, and CO inhibitors. Insulin secretion significantly increased (P less than 0.05) when the glucose concentration was raised from 5.6 to 16mM glucose and this was further augmented by the addition of GIP (P less than 0.05). PLA2 inhibitors significantly (P less than 0.025) decreased 16mM glucose insulin secretion but this was restored by the simultaneous addition of GIP. LPX inhibitors significantly (P less than 0.01) decreased glucose-dependent insulin secretion and this decrease persisted despite the addition of GIP. Simultaneous treatment of islet cell cultures with GIP and CO inhibitors yielded insulin responses that were indistinguishable from CO inhibition alone. These studies suggest that GIP exerts its influence in part by modulating membrane associated PLA2 activity. Furthermore, the formation of intracellular LPX products appears to be a pivotal step in the insulinotrophic action of GIP.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the role of neural cholinergic mechanisms in intestinal phase insulin secretion during increasing intraduodenal instillation rates of the test meals. In groups of 12 anesthetized rats arterial insulin levels rose significantly in relation to the increase of the rate at which the liver extract/sucrose was instilled intraduodenally (0.15, 0.5 and 1.5 ml/min). The injection of atropine (10 micrograms/kg) 5 min prior to the intraduodenal infusion of the test meals abolished this rate-dependent augmentation of insulin levels completely. Similarly, no effect of increasing intraduodenal infusion rates of the meal was observed in islet-transplanted rats. These data demonstrate that neural - at least in part muscarinic cholinergic - mechanisms participate in intestinal phase insulin secretion of rats supporting previous observations about the importance of neural factors in the regulation of postprandial insulin release.  相似文献   

The sodium pump and insulin secretion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Literature data on the ontogeny of voluntary control of activity are reviewed. The relationship of the development of different components of voluntary activity control with the functional maturation of the brain, mainly the frontal lobes, which are traditionally regarded as the main cerebral substrate of the programming, regulation, and control of human activity at different stages of development, is considered.  相似文献   

The roles of gastrin, somatotropic hormone, insulin, and glucose in the formation of long-term and acute adaptation of gastric secretion in wrestlers during sport and post-sport ontogeny are discussed. The basal secretion of hormones and the blood glucose level have been found to change with age in a wavelike manner. Ascents and declines of different waves of their time course correspond to sensitive stages of ontogeny. Changes in hormone secretion and the glucose level under bicycle ergometry are statistically nonsignificant in 90% of cases, but these changes are enough to obtain a final result, namely, an adequate level of protein hydrolysis as a result of physical activity.  相似文献   

The growth and function of the conodont skeletal apparatus have important implications for early vertebrate relationships and the evolution of vertebrate hard tissues, yet they are poorly understood. Analysis of element length, platform linear dimensions, and platform area in discrete Pa elements of Carboniferous Idiognathodus and Gnathodus bilineatus reveals that the platform increased in size at a rate significantly above that required to maintain geometric similarity. Measurements of P, M and S elements in bedding-plane assemblages of Idiognathodus and G. bilineatus indicate that relative to Pa element length, Pb and S element growth was isometric, whereas M elements grew with negative allometry. There is no evidence to support loss or resorption of S and M elements in later growth stages, or to indicate periodic shedding and replacement of elements. These results are important for understanding apparatus and element Function. The positive allometry of the Pa element platform supports interpretations of a mashing or grinding tooth-like Function for platformed Pa elements. If conodonts were active suspension-feeders, the increasing food requirements of a growing conodont would require the filter array formed by the S and M elements to have grown at a rate significantly above isometry. The lack of positive allometry of S and M elements indicates that conodonts were not suspension-feeders and supports hypotheses that conodonts fed with a raptorial apparatus and teeth. □ Conodonts, vertebrates, skeletal apparatus, ontogeny, allometry, function, suspension-feeding, teeth.  相似文献   

Age-related characteristics of the systemic organization of intra- and interhemispheric interactions during a stereognostic task (tactile shape recognition with the right or left hand) were studied in adults and children aged five to six, seven to eight, and nine to ten years. A combined pattern of cortical interactions was found in adults. It was expressed in a considerable enhancement of relationships between cortical bioelectric potentials compared to the baseline accompanied by a substantial increase in the intensity of the systemic interactions between anterior and posterior cortical areas. This pattern was revealed by both coherence and cross-correlation analyses of the electroencephalogram (EEG). In the EEGs of children, the enhancement of interhemispheric relationships was observed at an age as early as five to six years and was the highest in seven- to eight-year-old children, whereas the increase in the cross-correlation of cortical bioelectric potentials in the frontal—occipital direction developed gradually, approaching the definitive level typical of adults by the age of nine to ten years. The results suggest that the central mechanisms of stereognosis, a function important for manual and occupational activities, gradually develop during postnatal ontogeny. Heterochronic involvement of intra- and interhemispheric interactions in the performance of stereognostic task may be related to gradual, heterochronic myelination of commissural and associative pathways.  相似文献   

The secretion of newly synthesized insulin in vitro   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
1. An immunological method for the purification of small quantities of insulin has been devised. 2. This method has been used to isolate labelled insulin secreted from pancreas slices incubated in vitro. The insulin had previously been labelled by incubation of the slices with [3H]leucine in vitro. 3. There is some release of labelled insulin when such slices are further incubated in media of low glucose content. When the glucose content of the medium is raised, little additional radioactive insulin is released in the first hour after labelling. However, there is a marked increase in specific radioactivity of insulin released from slices in response to a high concentration of glucose in the second and third hours. Release of labelled insulin is again diminished in the final phase, 4hr. from the start of the experiment. 4. These results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of insulin release from the β-cell.  相似文献   

Secretion of insulin could be stimulated by several ways. Comparison of glucose- and swelling-induced mechanisms in pancreatic islets revealed the involvement of a novel signal transduction pathway with specific features of osmotically stimulated peptide hormone release including Ca2+ independence and resistance to noradrenalin (NA) inhibition. Cell swelling can be induced by hypotonicity or small permeant molecules (e.g. ethanol, urea). Our experiments were aimed to compare the effect of these permeants on insulin secretion from natural system — freshly isolated pancreatic islets and rat insulinoma cell lines INS-1 and INS-1E. As expected glucose and both permeants (80 mM ethanol and urea in isosmotic medium) induced insulin release from islets and NA did not inhibit permeant-induced secretion. Although ethanol and urea induced similar swelling of tumor cells, they produced opposite effect on insulin secretion; while exposure to ethanol led to stimulation of insulin secretion, exposure to urea led to suppression in both types of neoplastic cells. Surprisingly, stimulating effect of ethanol was completely suppressed by NA in both tumor cell lines. Ethanol in hyperosmotic medium failed to stimulate and even inhibited insulin release from both tumor cell lines in present study indicating thus involvement of an osmotic component. In conclusion, the opposite effect of ethanol and urea on insulin secretion from insulinoma cells and sensitivity of ethanol stimulation to NA indicate utilization of different cellular signaling pathways in tumor cells as compared to natural β-cells. Participation of permeant effect in the mechanism of ethanol stimulation remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria is composed of two membranes, which are separated by the peptidoglycan-containing periplasm. Whereas the envelope forms an essential barrier against harmful substances, it is nevertheless a compartment of intense traffic for large proteins such as enzymes and toxins. Numerous studies dealing with the molecular mechanism of protein secretion have revealed that Gram-negative bacteria evolved different strategies to achieve this process. Among them, the type II secretion mechanism is part of a two-step process. Exoproteins following this pathway are synthesized as signal peptide-containing precursors. After cleavage of the signal peptide, the mature exoproteins are released into the periplasm, where they fold. The type II machinery, also known as the secreton, is responsible for the translocation of the periplasmic intermediates across the OM. The type II system is broadly conserved in Gram-negative bacteria and involves a set of 12-16 different proteins named GspC-M, GspAB, GspN, GspO, and GspS. The type II secretion system is highly reminiscent of the type IV piliation assembly system. Based on findings about the subcellular localisation of the Gsp components, protein-protein interactions between Gsps and their multimerisation status, structural data and electron microscopy observation, it could be proposed a working model that strikingly runs both systems in parallel.  相似文献   

Functional systems as well as other mechanisms of regulation of animal behavior (reflexes) have very high adaptive properties. Specific mechanisms of reorganization of the functional systems have been elaborated during ontogenesis to adapt an individual to changing environment.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance contributes to metabolic disorders in obesity and type 2 diabetes. In mechanisms of insulin resistance, the roles of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids have been extensively documented in literature. However, the activities of nucleotides remain to be reviewed comprehensively in the regulation of insulin sensitivity. Nucleotides are well known for their activities in biosynthesis of DNA and RNA as well as their signaling activities in the form of cAMP and cGAMP. Their activities in insulin resistance are dependent on the derivatives and corresponding receptors. ATP and NADH, derivatives of adenosine, inhibit insulin signaling inside cells by downregulation of activities of AMPK and SIRT1, respectively. ATP, ADP and AMP, the well-known energy carriers, regulate cellular responses to insulin outside cells through the purinergic receptors in cell surface. Current evidence suggests that ATP, NADH, cGAMP, and uridine are potential biomarkers of insulin resistance. However, GTP and cGMP are likely the markers of insulin sensitization. Here, studies crossing the biomedical fields are reviewed to characterize nucleotide activities in the regulation of insulin sensitivity. The knowledge brings new insights into the mechanisms of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the way in which fetal insulin secretion is influenced by interrelated changes in blood glucose and sympathoadrenal activity. Experiments were conducted in late gestation sheep fetuses prepared with chronic peripheral and adrenal catheters. The fetus mounted a brisk insulin response to hyperglycemia but with only a minimal change in the glucose-to-insulin ratio, indicating a tight coupling between insulin secretion and plasma glucose. In well-oxygenated fetuses, alpha(2)-adrenergic blockade by idazoxan effected no change in fetal insulin concentration, indicating the absence of a resting sympathetic inhibitory tone for insulin secretion. With hypoxia, fetal norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine secretion and plasma NE increased markedly; fetal insulin secretion decreased strikingly with the degree of change related to extant plasma glucose concentration. Idazoxan blocked this effect showing the hypoxic inhibition of insulin secretion to be mediated by a specific alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanism. alpha(2)-Blockade in the presence of sympathetic activation secondary to hypoxic stress also revealed the presence of a potent beta-adrenergic stimulatory effect for insulin secretion. However, based on an analysis of data at the completion of the study, this beta-stimulatory mechanism was seen to be absent in all six fetuses that had been subjected to a prior experimentally induced hypoxic stress but in only one of nine fetuses not subjected to this perturbation. We speculate that severe hypoxic stress in the fetus may, at least in the short term, have a residual effect in suppressing the beta-adrenergic stimulatory mechanism for insulin secretion.  相似文献   

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