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Diphyllobothrium pacificum has been reported as a human parasite from coprolites and skeletons in Peru and Chile. Our analysis of Chinchorro mummies from Chile provides the oldest evidence of D. pacificum directly associated with human mummies. These mummies date between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. The basis for our diagnosis is presented. We find that the size of the eggs in the mummies is smaller than other discoveries of D. pacificum. We suggest that this is due to the peculiar circumstances of preservation of parasite eggs within mummies and the release of immature eggs into the intestinal tract as the tapeworms decompose after the death of the host. This information is important to consider when making diagnoses from mummies.  相似文献   

A mortality and sex ratio survey has been done on both the osteological and the mummy collections from the Gebelen and Asiut cemeteries of Upper Egypt. The results show a fairly low average age of death for adults of about 36 years and a sex differentiation in mortality, that is higher for young females. This fact may be correlated with childbirth.  相似文献   

The origins of state formation in ancient Egypt have been the focus of recent research utilizing biological data to test hypotheses regarding in situ development of local groups, or large‐scale in‐migration, possibly by an invading army. The primary goal of the present research is to further test these hypotheses. Our secondary goal is to compare different distance measures and assess how they might affect interpretation of population history. We analyze craniodental nonmetric data using several different measures of biological distance, as well as a method for estimating group diversity using multidimensional scaling of distance estimates. Patterns of biological variation and population relationships were interpreted in temporal and geographic contexts. The results of our analyses suggest that the formation of the ancient Egyptian state likely included a substantial in situ process, with some level of contribution by outside migrants probable. The higher level of population structure in Lower Egypt, relative to Upper Egypt, suggests that such influence and migration by outsiders may not have been widespread geographically. These findings support, but serve to refine further those obtained by the second author in a previous study. Moreover, our comparison of distance measures indicates that the choice of measure can influence identification and interpretation of the microevolutionary processes shaping population history, despite being strongly correlated with one another. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ancient mummified soft‐tissues are a unique source to study the evolution of disease. Diagnostic imaging of such historic tissues is of foremost interest in paleoanthropology or paleopathology, with conventional x‐ray and computed tomography (CT) being the gold‐standard. Longer wavelength radiation in the far‐infrared or Terahertz region allows diagnostic close‐to‐surface tissue differentiation of bone morphology while being harmless to human cells. The aim of this study is to show the feasibility and the morpho‐diagnostic impact of THz imaging of historic remains. Images of an artificially embalmed ancient Egyptian human mummy hand, an artificially embalmed ancient Egyptian mummified fish and a macerated human lumbar vertebra were obtained by THz‐pulse imaging and compared with conventional X‐ray and CT images. Although conventional x‐ray imaging provides higher spatial resolution, we found that THz‐imaging is well‐suited for the investigation of ancient mummified soft tissue and embalming‐related substances / wrappings. In particular, bone and cartilaginous structures can be well differentiated from surrounding soft‐tissues and bandage‐wrappings by THz imaging. Furthermore, THz‐pulse imaging also measures the time‐delay of the pulsed signal when passing through the sample, which provides supplementary information on the optical density of the sample that is not obtained by X‐ray and CT. Terahertz radiation provides a completely non‐invasive diagnostic imaging modality for historic dry specimens. We anticipate this modality also to be used for detection of hidden objects in historic samples such as funerary amulets still in situ in wrapped mummies, as well as potentially for the identification of spectral signatures from chemical substances, e.g., in embalming essences.. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From the Mook—Collection in Munich 81 skulls and 7 complete heads of mummies found around Thebes and Abydos and dating from 1500–1000 BC were examined by fiberendoscope and operation microscope. Especially the nasal cavities and the ethmoidal perforations were studied through which the ancient moidal perforations were studied through which the ancient Egyptian embalmers removed the brain in the process of mummification. In many skulls these ethmoidal perforations had been nicely and meticulously prepared and we called in question whether this could be achieved merely by means of a metal hook as been described by Herodotus. We saw four different sites of the artificial foramina in the ethmoid. 22 perforations were symmetrically located in the ethmoid, 12 predominantly in the right ethmoid, 49 prediminantly in the left ethmoid and 5 perforations in the sphenoid. We present a new concept about the transnasal approach to the cranium, based on experiments in fresh cadavers in which we were able to remove the brain through the nostril by means of a simple rod of bamboo partially wrapped with moistened linen bandages. This technique of brain removal could during the process of mummification.  相似文献   

L. Zweifel  F.J. Rühli 《HOMO》2009,60(5):405-427
There is a plethora of published scientific studies on ancient Egyptian mummies. Surprisingly, hitherto there is no systematic review of this research, which would help to assess the quality of this vast body of published literature and thus to increase “evidence” in palaeopathological research. The aim of this study was to review all PubMed-listed scientific studies performed on Ancient Egyptian mummies. A total of 131 studies were found in the database for the selected time period, 1977-2005. Our “meta-analysis” showed that the number of publications per year varies enormously. The majority of mummies examined date to the third intermediate and Ptolemaic periods; data from other time periods were lacking. Identification of the cause of death and 14C-dating of the mummy or funeral goods were rarely addressed. There was a tendency towards an increased use of non-invasive examination methods in more modern times. Our meta-analysis addressed both scientific content (e.g. palaeopathological findings/examination methods) and publication issues (e.g. location of the first author or year of publication) in these studies. Based on our experience, we recommend some minimum publication standards for palaeopathologic studies on ancient mummies, which shall improve evidence-based research in palaeopathology in general.  相似文献   

Trotter and Gleser's (Trotter and Gleser: Am J Phys Anthropol 10 (1952) 469-514; Trotter and Gleser: Am J Phys Anthropol 16 (1958) 79-123) long bone formulae for US Blacks or derivations thereof (Robins and Shute: Hum Evol 1 (1986) 313-324) have been previously used to estimate the stature of ancient Egyptians. However, limb length to stature proportions differ between human populations; consequently, the most accurate mathematical stature estimates will be obtained when the population being examined is as similar as possible in proportions to the population used to create the equations. The purpose of this study was to create new stature regression formulae based on direct reconstructions of stature in ancient Egyptians and assess their accuracy in comparison to other stature estimation methods. We also compare Egyptian body proportions to those of modern American Blacks and Whites. Living stature estimates were derived using a revised Fully anatomical method (Raxter et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 130 (2006) 374-384). Long bone stature regression equations were then derived for each sex. Our results confirm that, although ancient Egyptians are closer in body proportion to modern American Blacks than they are to American Whites, proportions in Blacks and Egyptians are not identical. The newly generated Egyptian-based stature regression formulae have standard errors of estimate of 1.9-4.2 cm. All mean directional differences are less than 0.4% compared to anatomically estimated stature, while results using previous formulae are more variable, with mean directional biases varying between 0.2% and 1.1%, tibial and radial estimates being the most biased. There is no evidence for significant variation in proportions among temporal or social groupings; thus, the new formulae may be broadly applicable to ancient Egyptian remains.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that parasite eggs have been identified in the coprolites of Korean mummies. These eggs have shed light on parasitic infection patterns in Korean populations living several hundred years ago. We conducted a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study on ancient Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Metagonimus yokogawai, Paragonimus westermani, and Gymnophalloides seoi eggs recovered from Korean mummies of the Joseon Dynasty. We anticipated that the taphonomic conditions of mummification would alter the eggs of certain species but not of others. Our SEM data show that each species of ancient egg exhibited different degrees of preservation. Thus, some of them, for example, M. yokogawai, exhibited a better preservation status than others, suggesting that they should be the first candidates considered when choosing subjects for future paleoparasitological studies.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphics of Egyptians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The frequency of isoniazid slow inactivators is very high among Eqyptians, 82% have more than 0.91 γ/ml of free INH in serum specimens obtained six hours after a single dose of 10 mgm/kgm. The incidence of the allele for INH acetylase enzyme deficiency is estimated at 0.9059 and that of the heterozygous carrier of this allele at 0.1705.  相似文献   

In 1997 agricultural workers, turned into looters, found an intact funerary site in the cloud forest in northeastern Peru. A prompt archaeological rescue project permitted the recovery of an important collection of mummies and artifacts that are providing important insights about the archaeology of the Chachapoya people that established in this area around 900 AD up to the Inca conquest of this territory around the year 1475. The mummies recovered showed evidence of cultural practices devised and used to assure the preservation of the human bodies. Such practices are also reported for among Chinchorro and Chiribaya mummies in the Andes. A cultural interpretation of these funerary activities is discussed connecting the practice of the cult to the ancestors to the access and management of resources and territory.  相似文献   

A survey of the tumors found in the remains of the Ancient Egyptians shows the occurrence of all the kinds of tumors which would be expected to be preserved in the osteological evidence. On the other hand, findings of tumors in the soft tissues of mummies are only exceptional. The frequency of tumors seems to be lower than in recent years, probably because of the shorter mean duration of life. The pathological lesions preserved in bony structure reveal not only osseous tumors, but also the presence of some tumors of soft tissues eroding the bone. To the survey of cases described in the literature, original findings of a calcified myoma uteri and of a probable epipharyngeal carcinoma are added. Because our knowledge on the history of tumors is not yet comprehensive, much more attention should be devoted to the search for them, starting from the moment of excavation of any cemetery.  相似文献   

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