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BACKGROUND: Platelet-derived growth factor C (PDGF-C) was recently identified as a member of the PDGF ligand family. Some observation suggests that PDGF-C could play an important role in palatogenesis highlighted by the Pdgfc(-/-) mouse with cleft palate, which led us to examine the mechanism of PDGF-C signaling in palatogenesis. It is well known that retinoic acid (RA) is a teratogen that can effectively induce cleft palate in the mouse. Due to the critical roles of PDGF-C and RA in cleft palate, the link between cleft palate induced by RA and loss of PDGF-C was investigated. METHODS: Retarded mesenchymal proliferation is an important cause for cleft palate. To clarify the mechanism of PDGF-C in palatogenesis, we evaluated the effects of PDGF-C and anti-PDGF-C neutralizing antibody on proliferation activity in mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal (MEPM) cells. RESULTS: Briefly, our results show PDGF-C promotes proliferation, anti-PDGF-C antibody inhibits it in MEPM cells, and RA downregulates the PDGF-C expression both at the mRNA and protein levels. CONCLUSIONS: These demonstrate that PDGF-C is a potent mitogen for MEPM cells, implying that inactivated PDGF-C by gene-targeting or reduced PDGF-C by RA may both cause inhibition of proliferation in palatal shelves, which might account for the pathogenesis of cleft palate in Pdgfc(-/-) mouse or RA-treated mouse. In conclusion, our results suggest that PDGF-C signaling is a new mechanism of cleft palate induced by RA.  相似文献   

The effect of glucocorticoids (GC) on the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in mesenchymal cells obtained from palatal shelves of mouse embryos was studied. Both hyaluronic acid (HA) synthesis and sulfated GAG synthesis were inhibited with triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the degree of inhibition of synthesis with TA was greater for HA than for the sulfated GAGs. To determine whether the inhibitory effects of TA on HA and sulfated GAGs synthesis were mediated through GC receptors, we performed experiments using progesterone, vitamin B6, and molybdate. The inhibitory effect of TA was antagonized by all three. The results obtained in the present study suggest that the inhibition of synthesis of HA and sulfated GAGs with GC is mediated through GC receptors and is involved in cleft palate induction by GC.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) inhibited the in vitro growth of the mouse mast cell tumor line P815 in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The inhibition was accompanied by an increase in the amount of neutral intracellular mucopolysaccharides. Study of cell cycle kinetics showed that exposure to retinoic acid led to a slowing-down of the cell-cycle progression possibly related to a more differentiated cell population disclosed by microscopy with a lower proliferative capacity. In vivo, delays in both tumor appearance and mouse mortality were observed after injecting RA into mice bearing mastocytomas. These results suggest that RA could be of interest in the treatment of human malignant systemic mastocytosis with proliferation of immature mast cells.  相似文献   

All-trans-retinoic acid (RA) is teratogenic to the embryonic mouse, producing malformations in many developing systems, including the limb bud and palate. High incidences of limb defects and cleft palate are induced at doses which are not maternally toxic and do not increase resorptions. Exposure to RA on gestational day (GD) 10 results in small palatal shelves, which fail to make contact on GD 14. The formation of small shelves could be a consequence of increased cell death, reduced proliferation, a combination of these effects, or some other effect such as inhibition of extracellular matrix production. After exposure to 100 mg RA/kg on GD 10, proliferation in mesenchymal cells of the palatal shelves was not reduced from GD 12 to GD 14 and the levels of cell death in control and treated shelves did not differ when observed by light and electron microscopy. The present study examines the effects of RA on cell death and proliferation from GDs 10-12 and compares the effects in palatal shelves and limb buds. Embryonic mice were exposed to RA suspended in corn oil (100 mg/kg on GD 10), a dose that was teratogenic but not maternally toxic or embryolethal. Embryos were collected at 4, 12, 24, 36, or 48 hr postexposure, and tissues which form the palate or limb were dissected from the embryos, stained by a modified Feulgen procedure, and whole mounted on slides. Mitotic index (MI) and percentage dead cells were determined for mesenchymal cells of the first visceral arch, maxillary process, or palatal shelf (depending on stage of development) and forelimb buds. In the palatal tissues from GD 10 to GD 12, RA did not significantly alter MI and percentage dead cells was significantly increased only at 4 hr postexposure. Some whole embryos were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). At 48 hr (GD 12) a reduction in the size of the shelves was not apparent on SEM. In the limb buds, RA did not increase percentage dead cells, but MI was significantly decreased. A decreasing rate of proliferation was detected in control facial tissues as development progressed, and this agrees with findings in rat and chick. Thus it appears that mesenchymal cell death and reduced proliferation are not responsible for the small palatal shelves seen on GD 14. RA did not increase cell death but inhibited proliferation in the limb bud, and this effect may contribute to the retarded development and malformations occurring in the limb.  相似文献   

The effect of retinoic acid on glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis was investigated in rat costal cartilage chondrocytes in vitro. At levels of 10?9 to 10?8m retinoic acid, 35SO4 uptake into glycosaminoglycans was reduced 50%. At these low levels of retinoic acid there was no evidence of lysosomal enzyme release. The results are explained best in terms of modification of glycosaminoglycan synthesis, rather than accelerated degradation. Retinoic acid selectively modified the incorporation of 35SO4 or [14C]glucosamine into individual glycosaminoglycans fractions under the conditions studied. The relative incorporation of radiolabeled precursor into heparan sulfate (and/or) heparin increased three- to fourfold. The relative incorporation of radiolabeled precursor remained constant for chondroitin 6-sulfate, whereas incorporation into chondroitin 4-sulfate and chondroitin (and/or) hyaluronic acid decreased. Under the conditions studied, retinoic acid did not appear to be cytotoxic and did exhibit selective control over glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis. It is suggested that the decreased incorporation of 35SO4 into glycosaminoglycans at hypervitaminosis A levels of retinol may be accounted for by the presence of low levels of retinoic acid, a naturally occurring metabolite.  相似文献   

Elongation and elevation of palatal shelves, mainly caused by proliferation and extra-cellular matrix synthesis of palatal mesenchymal cells (PMCs), are essential for normal palatal development. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) pathway could induce proliferation inhibition and collagen synthesis in PMCs. Recent studies found that miRNA-17-92 (miR-17-92) cluster, including miR-17, miR-18a, miR-19a, miR-20a, miR-19b, and miR-92a, expressed in the 1st bronchial arch of mouse embryos during the period of palatal shelf elongation and elevation, and directly targeted TGFB pathway in cancer cell lines. Whether miR-17-92 cluster expresses and targets TGFB pathway in PMCs has not yet been studied. Using quantitative real-time RT-PCR, we found that miR-17-92 expressed in PMCs and decreased from embryonic day (E) 12 to E14 in palatal shelves. MTT assay and Western blot showed that miR-17-92 inhibited TGFB1 induced proliferation inhibition and collagen synthesis in PMCs by decreasing TGFBR2, SMAD2, and SMAD4 protein level. Further luciferase assay showed that miR-17 and miR-20a directly targeted 3′UTR of TGFBR2, and that miR-18a directly targeted 3′UTR of SMAD2 and SMAD4. We thus conclude that miR-17-92 cluster could inhibit TGFB pathway induced proliferation inhibition and collagen synthesis in PMCs by directly targeting TGFBR2, SMAD2, and SMAD4.  相似文献   

Cleft palate is one of the most common birth defects. Several environment factors are involved in the disorder, such as smoking, vitamin deficiency and teratogens. We investigated the teratogenic agent phenytoin and extract of the immunostimulant Echinacea purpurea in the etiology of cleft palate associated with the proliferation and apoptosis of mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal (MEPM) cells. We measured the effects of phenytoin, E. purpurea extract, and the mixture of phenytoin and E. purpurea extract on the cell viability of MEPM cells by CCK‐8 assay and on the proliferation and apoptosis of MEPM cells by BrdU labeling assay, flow cytometry, and TUNEL assay. Exposure to phenytoin for 24 h inhibited cell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis of MEPM cells, and E. purpurea extract had the reverse effect. Importantly, treatment with the mixture of phenytoin and E. purpurea extract increased the proliferation and decreased the apoptosis of MEPM cells as compared with treatment with phenytoin alone. The teratogenic effect of phenytoin on cleft palate is associated with the proliferation and apoptosis of MEPM cells, and E. purpurea extract may have a protective effect. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 1311–1317, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In five lines of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, PCC3/A1, PCC4, PCC4/Aza-R1, and F9, collagen synthesis was examined by immunofluorescence reaction using specific antibodies directed against collagen. All the embryonal carcinoma cell lines showed type IV collagen, and PCC7-S/Aza-R1 revealed the additional presence of type III collagen. When the F9 and PCC3/A1 EC cells were treated with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP, they differentiated into morphologically different cellular types. These cellular types showed new types of collagen. Thus, in treated F9 cells, type I, type III, and type V collagen were detected and in treated PCC3/A1 cells, type III and type V collagen were detected. In two established cellular strains, PYS-2 corresponding to parietal endoderm and 3TDM-1 corresponding to trophoblastoma, collagen was identified by immunological reaction and electrophoretic mobility. The trophoblastoma cell line was characterized by the production of type I, type III, and type IV collagen, whereas endodermal PYS-2 revealed type IV collagen.  相似文献   

1. When pig ear skin slices were cultured for 18h in the presence of 1μg of tunicamycin/ml the incorporation of d-[3H]glucosamine into the epidermis, solubilized with 8m-urea/5% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate, was inhibited by 45–55%. This degree of inhibition was not increased by using up to 5μg of tunicamycin/ml or by treating the skin slices with tunicamycin for up to 8 days. The incorporation of (U-14C)-labelled l-amino acids under these conditions was not affected by tunicamycin. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated that the labelling of the major glycosaminoglycan peak with d-[3H]glucosamine was unaffected, whereas that of the faster migrating glycoprotein components was considerably decreased in the presence of tunicamycin. 2. Subcellular fractionation indicated that tunicamycin specifically inhibited the incorporation of d-[3H]glucosamine but not of (U-14C)-labelled l-amino acids into particulate (mainly plasma-membrane) glycoproteins by about 70%. The labelling of soluble glycoproteins was hardly affected. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the plasma-membrane fraction showed decreased d-[3H]glucosamine incorporation into all glycoprotein components, indicating that the plasma-membrane glycoproteins contained mainly N-asparagine-linked oligosaccharides. 3. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of both cellular and extracellular glycosaminoglycans showed that tunicamycin had no significant effect on the synthesis of the major component, hyaluronic acid. However, the incorporation of both d-[3H]glucosamine and 35SO42− into sulphated glycosaminoglycans was inhibited by about 50%. This inhibition was partially overcome, at least in the cellular fraction, by 2mm-p-nitrophenyl β-d-xyloside indicating that tunicamycin-treated epidermis retained the ability to synthesize sulphated glycosaminoglycan chains. Tunicamycin may affect the synthesis and/or degradation of proteoglycan core proteins or the xylosyltransferase. 4. Electron-microscopic examination of epidermis treated with tunicamycin for up to 4 days revealed no significant changes in cell-surface morphology or in epidermal-cell adhesion. Either N-asparagine-linked carbohydrates play little role in epidermal-cell adhesion or more probably there is little turnover of these components in epidermal adhesive structures such as desmosomes and hemidesmosomes during organ culture.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and prostaglandins (PGs) have been implicated in the regulation of a number of developmental processes in the mammalian embryonic palate. Normal palatal ontogenesis is dependent on the presence and quite possibly on the interaction of various hormones and growth factors. The interaction between EGF and PGs in regulation of murine embryonic palate mesenchymal (MEPM) cell growth and differentiation was therefore investigated by monitoring the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the principle and rate limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis. ODC activity is tightly coupled to the proliferative and differentiative state of eukaryotic cells and therefore serves as a reliable indicator of such cellular functions. Treatment of confluent cultures of MEPM cells with EGF (1-50 ng/ml) resulted in a dose-related increase in ODC activity, while similar treatment with either PGE2 or PGF2 alpha (at concentrations up to 1 microM) did not elicit a dose-dependent increase in enzyme activity. Concurrent treatment of MEPM cells with EGF (20 ng/ml) and either PGE2 or PGF2 alpha (0.1-10000 nM) resulted in a marked prostaglandin dose-dependent induction of ODC activity, suggesting a strong cooperative interaction between these factors. ODC activity was maximal by 4 to 8 hr and could be completely inhibited by preincubation of the cells with actinomycin D or cycloheximide, indicating that de novo synthesis of RNA and protein is necessary for enzyme induction. Stimulation of ODC activity by EGF and PGE2 in these cells was not positively correlated with the level of cellular DNA synthesis but did result in a ninefold increase in the synthesis of extracellular glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), a key macromolecular family implicated in palatal morphogenesis. Stimulation of GAG synthesis was significantly inhibited by the administration of 5 mM DFMO (an irreversible inhibitor of ODC), indicating that the marked increase in GAG production was dependent, in part, on the induction of ODC activity by EGF and PGE2. Qualitative analysis of the palatal GAGs indicated that synthesis of several major classes of GAGs was stimulated. Collectively these data demonstrate a cooperative interaction between EGF and PGs in the induction of ODC activity. Such activity may serve to regulate the synthesis of GAGs, which are instrumental in mammalian palatal ontogenesis.  相似文献   



Retinoic acid is the bioactive derivative of vitamin A, which plays an indispensible role in kidney development by activating retinoic acid receptors. Although the location, concentration and roles of endogenous retinoic acid in post-natal kidneys are poorly defined, there is accumulating evidence linking post-natal vitamin A deficiency to impaired renal concentrating and acidifying capacity associated with increased susceptibility to urolithiasis, renal inflammation and scarring. The aim of this study is to examine the presence and the detailed localization of endogenous retinoic acid activity in neonatal, young and adult mouse kidneys, to establish a fundamental ground for further research into potential target genes, as well as physiological and pathophysiological roles of endogenous retinoic acid in the post-natal kidneys.

Methodology/Principal Findings

RARE-hsp68-lacZ transgenic mice were employed as a reporter for endogenous retinoic acid activity that was determined by X-gal assay and immunostaining of the reporter gene product, β-galactosidase. Double immunostaining was performed for β-galactosidase and markers of kidney tubules to localize retinoic acid activity. Distinct pattern of retinoic acid activity was observed in kidneys, which is higher in neonatal and 1- to 3-week-old mice than that in 5- and 8-week-old mice. The activity was present specifically in the principal cells and the intercalated cells of the collecting duct system in all age groups, but was absent from the glomeruli, proximal tubules, thin limbs of Henle''s loop and distal tubules.


Endogenous retinoic acid activity exists in principal cells and intercalated cells of the mouse collecting duct system after birth and persists into adulthood. This observation provides novel insights into potential roles for endogenous retinoic acid beyond nephrogenesis and warrants further studies to investigate target genes and functions of endogenous retinoic acid in the kidney after birth, particularly in the collecting duct system.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor/urogastrone (EGF-URO) has previously been implicated in murine secondary-palate formation. We report here that, in correlation with its effects on palate fusion, EGF-URO in physiological amounts (1.7 nmol/l) markedly affects glycosaminoglycan (GAG) production in organ cultures of mouse palate tissue; the effects of EGF-URO are dependent on the developmental stage of the palate. GAG production, particularly that of hyaluronic acid (HA), is stimulated two- to eight-fold by EGF-URO in cultures of palate tissue obtained between days 11-12 and 13-15 of development; by the time of birth, EGF-URO no longer stimulates GAG production in such cultures. EGF-URO increases the amount and alters the distribution of HA within the palate. The results suggest a role for EGF-URO and for HA in the process of normal palatal development.  相似文献   

Kawamorita M  Suzuki C  Saito G  Sato T  Sato K 《Human cell》2002,15(3):178-182
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts. ES cells are able to differentiate into the three primitive layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) of the organism, including the germline. In recent reports mouse ES cells have been successfully applied in the treatment of spinal cord injury, hereditary myelin disorder of the central nervous system, and diabetes mellitus. In this study, we investigated the induction of mouse ES cell differentiation, using culture of embryoid bodies (EBs) into the diverse tissues. EBs were formed by culturing ES cells (129/SV strain) in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, in the absence of feeder cells and leukemia inhibitory factor (LF). EBs were induced to differentiate by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). In control medium (non-RA medium) beating muscles, blood vessels, hemocytes, and cartilages were frequently observed in EBs. Moreover, when EBs were cultured in medium including RA (5 x 10(-8) M, and 5 x 10(-9) M), differentiation of the optic vesicle, lens, retina, and neural groove was observed. In this study we demonstrated that an efficient system for inducing the differentiation of ES cells using EBs.  相似文献   

Chemopreventive approaches for the treatment of breast cancer have been validated clinically and with in vitro studies. The combined action of tamoxifen/all‐trans retinoic acid was advantageous in MCF‐7 cells, reducing cell proliferation, Bcl‐2 and c‐Myc protein levels and increasing E‐Cadherin protein levels and Gap junctional Intercellular Communication. We further investigated their combined effect in the presence of bradykinin, a pro‐inflammatory agent, previously reported to contribute to the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Bradykinin increased MCF‐7 cell proliferation, c‐Myc levels and ERK1/2 activity. The co‐incubation of bradykinin‐MCF‐7 cells with tamoxifen/all‐trans retinoic acid reduced cell proliferation, ERK1/2 activity, as well as Bcl‐2, c‐Myc, and bradykinin receptor‐2 levels, without altering the enhanced E‐cadherin levels induced by tamoxifen/all‐trans retinoic acid. We showed that the anti‐tumoral effect of tamoxifen/all‐trans retinoic acid is beneficial in MCF‐7 breast cancer cells grown in a bradykinin‐pro‐mitogenic environment, an effect that might be, at least in part, through the MAPK pathway and B2‐bradykinin receptor inhibition. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 473–481, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is teratogenic in many species, producing multiple malformations, including cleft palate. The effects of RA which lead to cleft palate vary depending on the stage of development exposed. After exposure of embryonic mice to RA on gestation day (GD) 10, abnormally small palatal shelves form. After exposure on GD 12 shelves of normal size form, but fail to fuse, as the medial cells proliferate and differentiate into a nasal-like epithelium. Growth factors and their receptors play an important role in regulating development, and the expression of EGF receptors, EGF, TGF-alpha, TFG-beta 1, and TGF-beta 2 has been reported in the mouse embryo. In a variety of cell types in culture, these growth factors are capable of regulating proliferation, differentiation, expression of matrix proteins, and other cellular events including epithelial-mesenchymal transformations. The present study examines immunohistochemically the expression of EGF, TGF-alpha, TGF-beta 1, and TGF-beta 2 in the control embryonic palatal shelves from GD 12 to 15 and the effects of RA treatment on GD 10 or 12 on their expression on GD 14 and 16. These growth factors were shown to have specific temporal and spatial expression in the palatal shelf. With advancing development the levels of TGF-alpha decreased while the expression of EGF increased. TGF-beta 2 localization became regional by GD 14-15, with higher levels found in epithelial cells and chondrogenic mesenchyme. TGF-beta 1 occurred in epithelial and mesenchymal cells and distribution did not change substantially with advancing development. RA exposure altered the expression of TFG-alpha, TGF-beta 1, and TGF-beta 2, but significant effects on EGF were not found. The effects on TGF-alpha and TGF-beta 1 expression were dependent on the gestational age exposed. Levels of TGF-alpha on GD 14 decreased after RA exposure on GD 10, but increased after GD 12 exposure. TGF-beta 1 expression in the mesenchyme was increased after exposure on GD 12, but was unaffected by RA on GD 10. After exposure on either day, the levels of TGF-beta 2 increased in GD 14 nasal epithelial cells. Acting in concert, growth factors could regulate events critical to formation of the secondary palate, including cessation of medial epithelial cell proliferation, synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins in the mesenchyme, programmed cell death of medial epithelial peridermal cells, and transformation of basal epithelial medial cells to mesenchymal cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The relationships of mesenchymal cells to the basal lamina underlying regions of the palatal-shelf epithelium that are known to increase in cell density during shelf reorientation are quantitatively different from those of cells underlying neighboring regions that do not increase in cell density. Chlorcyclizine-induced alterations of the extracellular matrix were used to investigate the possible contribution of extracellular matrix to these differences. Chlorcyclizine causes hyaluronate and the chondroitin sulfates to be degraded into pieces with smaller molecular weights and lower charge densities, with little or no effect on their synthesis, and also results in cleft palate. Pregnant CD-1 mice were gavaged with chlorcyclizine on days 10.5, 11.5, and 12.5 of gestation, and the fetuses were harvested on day 13.5. Some palatal shelves were excised immediately and fixed for electron microscopy; other heads were partially dissected and incubated for 4 hr prior to fixation. In normal heads differences in mesenchymal cell configurations are detectable after 4 hr in vitro. Electron micrographs were taken of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface in nasal and oral regions that increased in epithelial cell density and in nasal and oral regions which did not. Several variables of mesenchymal cell configuration were measured in a 500-nm-wide zone delimited on photographic prints. Chlorcyclizine-induced glycosaminoglycan alterations resulted in quantifiable, region-specific differences in mesenchymal cell relationships to the basal lamina and in the ultrastructural appearance of the zone immediately subjacent to the basal lamina. These results suggest that the epithelial-mesenchymal interface and sublaminar zone of the nasal and oral regions as well as their active and inactive segments may be constitutively different.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid reduces the growth rate of mouse S91 melanoma cells in culture and increases the proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Because of the integral role protein synthesis has been shown to play in growth control we studied the effect of retinoic acid on the protein synthesis machinery with a cell-free system developed from the melanoma cells. This system was capable of translating endogenous mRNA, exogenous globin mRNA, and the synthetic template poly(U). Of the above activities of the protein synthesis system only the translation of endogenous mRNA was reduced significantly in the cell-free system prepared from retinoic acid-treated cells. Analyses of the amount and function of RNA revealed that treatment with retinoic acid leads to reductions in total RNA content, in the proportion of ribosomes in polysomes, in the amount of poly(A)RNA, and in the amount of polysome-associated mRNA. All these effects of retinoic acid contribute to the decrease in protein synthesis activity of treated cells. Two-dimensional electrophoresis anlaysis of L-[35S]methionine-labeled proteins produced by untreated and treated cells revealed only a few quantitative differences. We suggest that retinoic acid-induced suppression of protein synthesis activity may be the cause for growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Effects of retinoic acid (RA) on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentrations were investigated in high density, micromass cultures of mesenchymal cells derived from chick limb buds. Exposure of cells during the initial 24 h of culture to RA concentrations between 0.05–1.0 μg/ml inhibited chondrogenesis in a dose-dependent manner with 1.0 μg/ml totally inhibiting cartilage formation. Concentrations of PGE2 and cAMP increased during the prechondrogenic period in control cells in a closely related way and remained elevated throughout the six-day period examined. Addition of RA (0.05 and 0.5 μg/ml) did not significantly alter cAMP concentrations at any time point, but significantly elevated PGE2 levels relative to control cells in six-day cultures in a concentration-dependent manner. Addition of dibutyryl cAMP enhanced chondrogenesis in control cells between days 3 and 4, but failed to alter the inhibitory effect of RA on chondrogenesis. The results indicate that while PGE2 and cAMP are important signals in cartilage differentiation, the inhibitory effects of RA on this process are mediated through some other mechanism.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同浓度全反式维甲酸(all-trans retinoic acid,atRA)诱导P19细胞向心肌分化的效力。方法细胞分成P19细胞组,2nm/L atRA诱导组,5nm/L atRA诱导组,8nm/L atRA诱导组。各组细胞经过诱导、聚集培养、聚集体贴壁培养10天后,RT-PCR检测GATA-4,α-肌球蛋白重链(α-myosin heavychain,α-MHC)的mRNA表达,免疫荧光双标检测α-sarcomeric actin和cTnT蛋白共表达,Western blot检测cTnT的蛋白表达。结果 atRA可诱导聚集P19细胞表达GA-TA-4、a-MHC mRNA;α-sarcomeric actin和cTnT的表达和共表达增加;5nm/L atRA组,8nm/L atRA组GATA-4、a-MHCmRNA的表达量显著高于P19细胞组;5nm/L atRA组,8nm/L atRA组两种蛋白的表达和共表达量显著高于P19细胞组,以5nm/L atRA组最高,显著高于其它组。结论 atRA可诱导聚集P19细胞向心肌分化,其中5nm/L atRA组效果最好。  相似文献   

The influence of fixed fibroblasts on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis of gastric carcinoma cells was examined by incubation along with [3H]glucosamine. In well-differentiated adenocarcinoma cells, the amount of 3H-GAG in the interface material between the carcinoma cells and the fixed fibroblasts was much larger (about twenty times) than in the interface between the carcinoma cells and the bare culture plates, and 3H-GAG consisted mainly of heparan sulfate, with a small amount of dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. On the other hand, in poorly differentiated carcinoma cells, the amount of 3H-GAG in the interface material produced by the carcinoma cells on the fibroblast was almost the same as on the bare culture dish. In a conventional monolayer culture, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma cells produced a much greater amount of GAG, consisting mainly of dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate, than poorly differentiated carcinoma cells. Almost the same amount of hyaluronic acid was secreted into the medium by both types of carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

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