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While social interactions play an important role for the evolution of bacterial siderophore production in vitro, the extent to which siderophore production is a social trait in natural populations is less clear. Here, we demonstrate that siderophores act as public goods in a natural physical environment of Pseudomonas fluorescens: soil-based compost. We show that monocultures of siderophore producers grow better than non-producers in soil, but non-producers can exploit others'' siderophores, as shown by non-producers'' ability to invade populations of producers when rare. Despite this rare advantage, non-producers were unable to outcompete producers, suggesting that producers and non-producers may stably coexist in soil. Such coexistence is predicted to arise from the spatial structure associated with soil, and this is supported by increased fitness of non-producers when grown in a shaken soil–water mix. Our results suggest that both producers and non-producers should be observed in soil, as has been observed in marine environments and in clinical populations.  相似文献   

This study shows, for the first time, that the evolution of a simple behavior, scrounging, at the individual level can have effects on populations, food chains, and community structure. In particular, the addition of scrounging in consumer populations can allow multiple consumers to coexist while exploiting a single prey. Also, scrounging in the top predator of a tritrophic food chain can stabilize interactions between the top predator, its prey, and its prey's prey. This occurs because the payoffs to scrounging for food in a population are negative frequency dependent, allowing scroungers to invade a population and to coexist with producers at a frequency which is density‐dependent. The presence of scroungers, who do not search for resources but simply use those found by others (producers) reduces the total amount of resource acquired by the group. As scrounging increases with group size, this leads to less resource acquired per individual as the group grows. Ultimately, this limits the size of the group, its impact on its prey, and its ability to outcompete other species. These effects can promote stability and thus increase species diversity. I will further suggest that prey may alter their spatial distribution such that scrounging will be profitable among their predators thus reducing predation rate on the prey.  相似文献   

Cooperation should be favored under environmental conditions allowing the preferential interaction of cooperators among themselves and limiting interactions with defectors. Bacteria cooperating to kill competitors by secreting a toxin evolved during several hundred generations in two environments: a viscous environment that should promote cooperator assortment, and a nonviscous environment that should not allow such preferential interaction. A quantitative decrease in cooperation was observed in all populations, but as expected, cooperation was maintained at a higher level in the viscous environment. Mutants that are resistant against but not producing the toxin were identified at a low frequency in a few populations from the viscous environment and at a high frequency in all the populations from the nonviscous environment. The underlying mutations were identified. Relative fitness of the cooperator and mutant genotypes were obtained with bacteria that were isogenic, except for the identified mutations. Competition experiments indicated that cooperation is not favored by environmental viscosity as imposed in our system and suggested that when it comes to cooperation, environmental viscosity should be considered not only in terms of individual movement, but also in terms of the distribution of the public good.  相似文献   

The ecological role of interference competition through toxin production is not well understood. In particular, it is unclear under what conditions the benefits of toxic killing outweigh the metabolic costs involved. A killer advantage has been suggested to rely on local competitive interactions where the benefits of killing accrue to the toxin producer preferentially, but this notion has little empirical support. In addition, contrasting predictions exist about the effect of resource abundance on the benefits of toxin production; this benefit should either be highest when resources are abundant and metabolic costs are relatively low or when resources are scarce and toxic killing is a 'last resort strategy' to obtain nutrients. Here, we test these predictions for one aspect of competitive ability, that is, the ability of toxin producers to invade a population of sensitive non-producers from a low initial frequency. We use competition experiments between isogenic K1 toxin-producing and non-producing strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where we manipulate dispersal under two extreme nutrient conditions: one environment with and the other without replenishment of nutrients. We find that toxin production is beneficial when dispersal is limited under both nutrient conditions, but only when resources are abundant these outweigh its cost and allow invasion of the producer.  相似文献   

For bacteria growing in colonies, spatial structure can allow maintenance of costly traits such as the production of antibiotics. Using spatially structured environments, Westhoff et al. examined the benefits of streptomycin production for the bacterium Streptomyces griseus in competition with a streptomycin-susceptible strain. Streptomyces griseus outcompeted susceptible competitors, but the benefit of its antibiotic decreased as competitor resistance to streptomycin increased. Spatial structure also increased the ability of S. griseus to invade susceptible competitor populations from low starting densities. These results demonstrate that spatially structured environments can both provide and amplify benefits of antibiotics to antibiotic-producing bacteria on a microbial scale.  相似文献   

Summary Genetically well-characterized strains of antibiotic-producing soil bacteria (Streptomyces griseus andStreptomyces coelicolor) were used to examine the ecological role of antibiotic production. Streptomycetes were competed against sensitive and resistantBacillus subtilis, another soil bacterium, on surface (agar) culture. The ecological role of antibiotics was examined in three levels of competition. (1) Capacity of antibiotics to allow invasion of producing organisms (B. subtilis established and streptomycetes added later). (2) Capacity of antibiotics to mediate competition between established populations (B. subtilis and streptomycetes co-inoculated). (3) Capacity of antibiotics to prevent invasion by competitors (streptomycetes established andB. subtilis added later). Antibiotic production was found to play a significant role in preventing the invasion of competitors in these experiments. Antibiotic production did not improve the ability of producers to invade a population of sensitive cells nor did it play a strong role in mediating competition between established populations. Antibiotic production also selected for antibiotic-resistant bacteria among invading competitors.  相似文献   

Genetically identical cells in microbial populations often exhibit a remarkable degree of phenotypic heterogeneity even in homogenous environments. Such heterogeneity is commonly thought to represent a bet‐hedging strategy against environmental uncertainty. However, evolutionary game theory predicts that phenotypic heterogeneity may also be a response to negative frequency‐dependent interactions that favor rare phenotypes over common ones. Here we provide experimental evidence for this alternative explanation in the context of the well‐studied yeast GAL network. In an environment containing the two sugars glucose and galactose, the yeast GAL network displays stochastic bimodal activation. We show that in this mixed sugar environment, GALON and GALOFF phenotypes can each invade the opposite phenotype when rare and that there exists a resulting stable mix of phenotypes. Consistent with theoretical predictions, the resulting stable mix of phenotypes is not necessarily optimal for population growth. We find that the wild‐type mixed strategist GAL network can invade populations of both pure strategists while remaining uninvasible by either. Lastly, using laboratory evolution we show that this mixed resource environment can directly drive the de novo evolution of clonal phenotypic heterogeneity from a pure strategist population. Taken together, our results provide experimental evidence that negative frequency‐dependent interactions can underlie the phenotypic heterogeneity found in clonal microbial populations.  相似文献   

This article explores factors that shape population structure in novel environments that have received scant theoretical attention: cities. Urban bird populations exhibit higher densities and lower diversity. Some work suggests this may result from lower predation pressure and more predictable and abundant resources. These factors may lead to populations with few winners and many losers regarding access to food, body condition, and reproductive success. We explore these hypotheses with an individual-energy-based competition model with two phenotypes of differing foraging ability. We show that low frequency resource fluctuations favor strong competitors and vice versa. We show that low predation skews equilibrium populations in favor of weak competitors and vice versa. Increasing the time between resource pulses can thus shift population structure from weak to strong competitor dominance. Given recent evidence for more constant resource input and lower predation in urban areas, the model helps understand observed urban bird population structure.  相似文献   

The invasion of alien species and genotypes is an increasing concern in contemporary ecology. A central question is, what life-history traits enable invasion amidst populations of wild species and conventional cultivars? In order to invade, the initially rare species must perform better than their resident competitors. We conducted a mathematical analysis and simulation of a two-species extension of the Maynard Smith and Slatkin model for population dynamics in discrete time to study the role of density dependence as different types of competition in the invasion of new species. The type of density dependence ranged from scramble to contest competition. This led to intrinsic dynamics of the species range from point equilibrium to cycles and chaos. The traits were treated either as free parameters or constrained by a trade-off resulting from a common fixed strength of density dependence or equilibrium density. Resident and intruder traits had up to ten-fold differences in all of the parameters investigated. Higher equilibrium density of the intruder allowed invasion. Under constrained equilibrium density, an intrinsically stable intruder could invade an unstable resident population. Scramble competition made a population more susceptible to invasion than contest competition (e.g., limitation by light or territory availability). This predicts that a population which is mainly limited by food (or nutrients in plants) is more likely to be invaded than a population limited by a hierarchical competition, such as light among plants. The intruder population may have an effect on the resident population's dynamics, which makes the traditional invasion analysis unable to predict invasion outcome.  相似文献   

Fluctuating population density in stochastic environments can contribute to maintain life‐history variation within populations via density‐dependent selection. We used individual‐based data from a population of Soay sheep to examine variation in life‐history strategies at high and low population density. We incorporated life‐history trade‐offs among survival, reproduction and body mass growth into structured population models and found support for the prediction that different life‐history strategies are optimal at low and high population densities. Shorter generation times and lower asymptotic body mass were selected for in high‐density environments even though heavier individuals had higher probabilities to survive and reproduce. In contrast, greater asymptotic body mass and longer generation times were optimal at low population density. If populations fluctuate between high density when resources are scarce, and low densities when they are abundant, the variation in density will generate fluctuating selection for different life‐history strategies, that could act to maintain life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Microbes have evolved ways of interference competition to gain advantage over their ecological competitors. The use of secreted killer toxins by yeast cells through acquiring double‐stranded RNA viruses is one such prominent example. Although the killer behaviour has been well studied in laboratory yeast strains, our knowledge regarding how killer viruses are spread and maintained in nature and how yeast cells co‐evolve with viruses remains limited. We investigated these issues using a panel of 81 yeast populations belonging to three Saccharomyces sensu stricto species isolated from diverse ecological niches and geographic locations. We found that killer strains are rare among all three species. In contrast, killer toxin resistance is widespread in Saccharomyces paradoxus populations, but not in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces eubayanus populations. Genetic analyses revealed that toxin resistance in S. paradoxus is often caused by dominant alleles that have independently evolved in different populations. Molecular typing identified one M28 and two types of M1 killer viruses in those killer strains. We further showed that killer viruses of the same type could lead to distinct killer phenotypes under different host backgrounds, suggesting co‐evolution between the viruses and hosts in different populations. Taken together, our data suggest that killer viruses vary in their evolutionary histories even within closely related yeast species.  相似文献   

In numerous species of social animals and social microorganisms,fitness is positively dependent on population density, at leastin some environments and over some density ranges. This "Alleeeffect" is observed in the cooperative bacterium Myxococcusxanthus during multicellular fruiting body development, duringwhich the standard laboratory genotype sporulates less efficientlyat lower population densities and produces no spores below aminimum threshold density. Here we demonstrate significant quantitativevariation in Allee patterns among distinct natural isolatesof M. xanthus. Isolates with similar developmental performanceat intermediate population densities exhibit stark variationin performance at both very low and very high densities. Suchvariation has implications for evolutionary performance underfluctuating natural environments. It also suggests that distinctintraspecific populations of social animals and other socialmicrobes with different selective histories may vary in theeffects of density on social fitness.  相似文献   

Dynamics of biological invasions may be complicated in size-structured animal populations. Differences in timing of life history events such as juvenile emergence create complex interaction webs where different life stages of native and non-native species act as predators, competitors, and prey. Stream salmonids are an ideal group for studying these phenomena because they display competition and predation in size-structured populations and have been introduced worldwide. For example, introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are invading streams of Hokkaido Island, Japan and have caused declines in native masu salmon (O. masou) populations. However, age-0 rainbow trout emerge later than age-0 masu salmon and are smaller, which raises the question of why they are able to recruit and therefore invade in the face of a larger competitor. We conducted experiments in laboratory stream channels to test effects of increasing density of age-0 and age-1 rainbow trout on age-0 masu salmon. Age-1 rainbow trout dominated age-0 masu salmon by aggressive interference, relegating them to less favorable foraging positions downstream and reducing their foraging frequency and growth. The age-1 trout also reduced masu salmon survival by predation of about 40% of the individuals overall. In contrast, age-0 rainbow trout had little effect on age-0 masu salmon. Instead, the salmon dominated the age-0 trout by interference competition and reduced their survival by predation of 60% of the individuals. In each case, biotic interactions by the larger species on the smaller were strongly negative due to a combination of interspecific competition and intraguild predation. We predict that together these produce a positive indirect effect in the interaction chain that will allow the recruitment of rainbow trout in the face of competition and predation from age-0 masu salmon, and thereby facilitate their invasion in northern Japan.  相似文献   

Summary There are several published hypotheses that consider spacing behavior to be a significant factor causing the multiannual density fluctuations characteristic of some microtine rodent populations. Recent modeling efforts have concluded, however, that spacing behavior should have a stabilizing rather than a destabilizing effect on population dynamics. Why doesn't spacing behavior stabilize these cyclic populations? We argue that while spacing behavior does have a stabilizing influence on population dynamics by limiting the number of breeding individuals, reproduction continues and population size is not limited in an asymptotic manner. Rather, microtine social organization produces demographic changes within a population that allow density cycles to occur under certain conditions. Using a simulation model, we demonstrate that in a strongly seasonal environment populations with low density dependence in reproduction will cycle whereas populations with high density dependence in reproduction will have relatively stable densities. Given such complicating factors as the annual species nature of microtine rodents, occasionally intense predation, and the tendency for territoriality to break down during the non-breeding season, individuals with low density dependence in reproduction will always be able to invade and eventually dominate populations with high density dependence in reproduction, regardless of the resulting destabilization of population dynamics.  相似文献   

The cost of herbicide resistance measured by a competition experiment   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The cost of resistance has been measured by a competition experiment over a range of densities, in the absence of herbicide treatment, on two nearly isogenic lines of Foxtail millet, differing in a chloroplastic resistance to herbicide. Three characters have been measured: shoot height, shoot weight, and seed production. Sensitive individuals were better competitors despite a larger decrease in production under within-biotype competition. The cost of resistance was density dependent and increased with density. The cost was higher when measured on seed production and reached 65% at the higher density for resistant individuals. This is compatible with the low frequency or the absence of that gene in natural populations. This work illustrates that the cost is easiest to observe when high levels of constraints are used.  相似文献   

Deleterious alleles constantly enter populations through mutation. Understanding the nature of selection against such alleles is required to assess their impact on populations. In a subdivided population, two distinct aspects of selection are important: the strength and softness of selection. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we estimated both aspects of selection for each of eight loci across two environments. These data allow us to test conflicting predictions about the factors affecting the softness of selection. First, we show that the softness of selection is not determined by ecological conditions alone. Second, we find that resource limitation makes selection stronger but does not make it softer. Third, we find that wild‐type individuals tend to benefit more than mutants from being reared with competitors of low genetic quality. This means that selection is effectively “harder” on mutants than wild types. A model is presented showing that the sensitivities of mutants and wild types to local competitors differentially affect equilibrium mutation frequency and measures of load.  相似文献   

Many microbes cooperatively secrete extracellular products that favorably modify their environment. Consistent with social evolution theory, structured habitats play a role in maintaining these traits in microbial model systems, by localizing the benefits and separating strains that invest in these products from ‘cheater’ strains that benefit without paying the cost. It is thus surprising that many unicellular, well‐mixed microalgal populations invest in extracellular toxins that confer ecological benefits upon the entire population, for example, by eliminating nutrient competitors (allelopathy). Here we test the hypotheses that microalgal exotoxins are (1) exploitable public goods that benefit all cells, regardless of investment, or (2) nonexploitable private goods involved in cell‐level functions. We test these hypotheses with high‐toxicity (TOX+) and low‐toxicity (TOX?) strains of the damaging, mixotrophic microalga Prymnesium parvum and two common competitors: green algae and diatoms. TOX+ actually benefits from dense populations of competing green algae, which can also be prey for P. parvum, yielding a relative fitness advantage over coexisting TOX?. However, with nonprey competitors (diatoms), TOX? increases in frequency over TOX+, despite benefiting from the exclusion of diatoms by TOX+. An evolutionary unstable, ecologically devastating public good may emerge from traits selected at lower levels expressed in novel environments.  相似文献   

Habitat selection under foraging—predation-risk trade-offshas been a frequent topic of interest to theoretical behavioraland evolutionary ecologists. However, most habitat selectionmodels assume that individuals compete exploitatively for resourcesand that predation is either density independent or dilutedcompletely by competitor number, despite empirical evidencethat other forms of competition and predation also occur innature. I developed an individual-based model for studyingthe effects of alternative forms of competition and predationon the process of habitat selection under foraging—predation-risktrade-offs. To make the model more relevant to natural populations,I assumed that individuals vary continuously in traits relatedto competitive ability and vulnerability to predation and allowed resources and predators to be distributed across more than twohabitats. The results of my investigation demonstrate thatthe predicted pattern of habitat selection can be affecteddramatically by the form predation is assumed to take. Whenpredation is density dependent or frequency dependent, individuals will tend to be distributed across habitats according to theirabsolute vulnerability to predation. In contrast, when predationis density dependent or vulnerability dependent, individualswill tend to segregate by competitive ability. Whether oneassumes that individuals compete for resources via exploitationor interference also influences the predicted pattern of habitat selection. In general, interference competition results in amore even distribution of competitors across habitats.  相似文献   

Behavioural decisions in a social context commonly have frequency-dependent outcomes and so require analysis using evolutionary game theory. Learning provides a mechanism for tracking changing conditions and it has frequently been predicted to supplant fixed behaviour in shifting environments; yet few studies have examined the evolution of learning specifically in a game-theoretic context. We present a model that examines the evolution of learning in a frequency-dependent context created by a producer–scrounger game, where producers search for their own resources and scroungers usurp the discoveries of producers. We ask whether a learning mutant that can optimize its use of producer and scrounger to local conditions can invade a population of non-learning individuals that play producer and scrounger with fixed probabilities. We find that learning provides an initial advantage but never evolves to fixation. Once a stable equilibrium is attained, the population is always made up of a majority of fixed players and a minority of learning individuals. This result is robust to variation in the initial proportion of fixed individuals, the rate of within- and between-generation environmental change, and population size. Such learning polymorphisms will manifest themselves in a wide range of contexts, providing an important element leading to behavioural syndromes.  相似文献   

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