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The peptide backbones in folded native proteins contain distinctive secondary structures, alpha-helices, beta-sheets, and turns, with significant frequency. One question that arises in folding is how the stability of this secondary structure relates to that of the protein as a whole. To address this question, we substituted the alpha-helix-stabilizing alanine side chain at 16 selected sites in the sequence of sperm whale myoglobin, 12 at helical sites on the surface of the protein, and 4 at obviously internal sites. Substitution of alanine for bulky side chains at internal sites destabilizes the protein, as expected if packing interactions are disrupted. Alanine substitutions do not uniformly stabilize the protein, either in capping positions near the ends of helices or at mid-helical sites near the surface of myoglobin. When corrected for the extent of exposure of each side chain replaced by alanine at a mid-helix position, alanine replacement still has no clear effect in stabilizing the native structure. Thus linkage between the stabilization of secondary structure and tertiary structure in myoglobin cannot be demonstrated, probably because of the relatively small free energy differences between side chains in stabilizing isolated helix. By contrast, about 80% of the variance in free energy observed can be accounted for by the loss in buried surface area of the native residue substituted by alanine. The differential free energy of helix stabilization does not account for any additional variation.  相似文献   

Stabilization of the ribonuclease S-peptide alpha-helix by trifluoroethanol   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The effects of trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the stability of the alpha-helix formed by ribonuclease S-peptide, residues 1-19 of ribonuclease A, were studied by measuring circular dichroism as a function of TFE concentration, pH, and temperature. The S-peptide forms an unusually stable alpha-helix, which is known to be stabilized by TFE. The magnitude of the effect of charged groups on the peptide, manifested by the change in alpha-helix stability as a function of pH, was not altered significantly by either TFE concentration or temperature, indicating that the lower dielectric constant of TFE is not important in the stabilization of this alpha-helix. This suggests that the alpha-helix might be stabilized by many interactions in addition to the effects of charges. The titration curve of circular dichroism vs. TFE concentration appears to be cooperative at 0 degree C, but becomes progressively less cooperative at temperatures between 25 and 75 degrees C. The properties of the TFE stabilization indicate that TFE might be a useful probe with which to measure the stability of marginally stable peptides and small proteins.  相似文献   

A A Rashin 《Proteins》1992,13(2):120-131
A computational study of the role of all ionizable groups of the C-peptide in its helix-coil transition is performed within the framework of continuum electrostatics. The method employed in our computations involves a numeric solution of the Poisson equation with the Boundary Element Method. Our calculations correctly predict the experimentally observed trends in the helix-coil equilibrium of the C-peptide, and suggest that the mechanisms involved are more complex than usually presumed in the literature. Our results suggest that electrostatic interactions in the unfolded conformation are often more important than in the helix, total electrostatic contribution to the helix-coil transition due to the side chains of the C-peptide destabilizes the helix, changes in the helix stability produced by the changes in the ionization state of the side chains are dominated by side chain effects, the effect of the helix dipole on the energetics of the helix-coil transition of the C-peptide is either minor or similar to other contributions in magnitude; while the formation of a salt bridge is electrostatically favorable, formation of the hydrogen bond between a charged and a polar side chains is not. Factors limiting the accuracy of the computations are discussed.  相似文献   

To test, at the level of individual amino acids, the conformation of an exchangeable apolipoprotein in aqueous solution and in the presence of an osmolyte trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), six synthetic peptide analogues of human apolipoprotein C-1 (apoC-1, 57 residues) containing point mutations in the predicted alpha-helical regions were analyzed by circular dichroism (CD). The CD spectra and the melting curves of the monomeric wild-type and plasma apoC-1 in neutral low-salt solutions superimpose, indicating 31 +/- 4% alpha-helical structure at 22 degrees C that melts reversibly with T(m,WT) = 50 +/- 2 degrees C and van't Hoff enthalpy deltaH(v,WT)(Tm) = 18 +/- 2 kcal/mol. G15A substitution leads to an increased alpha-helical content of 42 +/- 4% and an increased T(m,G15A) = 57 +/- 2 degrees C, which corresponds to stabilization by delta deltaG(app) = +0.4 +/- 1.5 kcal/mol. G15P mutant has approximately 20% alpha-helical content at 22 degrees C and unfolds with low cooperativity upon heating to 90 degrees C. R23P and T45P mutants are fully unfolded at 0-90 degrees C. In contrast, Q31P mutation leads to no destabilization or unfolding. Consequently, the R23 and T45 locations are essential for the stability of the cooperative alpha-helical unit in apoC-1 monomer, G15 is peripheral to it, and Q31 is located in a nonhelical linker region. Our results suggest that Pro mutagenesis coupled with CD provides a tool for assigning the secondary structure to protein groups, which should be useful for other self-associating proteins that are not amenable to NMR structural analysis in aqueous solution. TMAO induces a reversible cooperative coil-to-helix transition in apoC-1, with the maximal alpha-helical content reaching 74%. Comparison with the maximal alpha-helical content of 73% observed in lipid-bound apoC-1 suggests that the TMAO-stabilized secondary structure resembles the functional lipid-bound apolipoprotein conformation.  相似文献   

The assumption that the intrinsic alpha-helical propensities of the amino acids are position independent was critical in several helix/coil transition theories. In the first paper of these series, we reported that this is not the case for Gly and nonpolar aliphatic amino acids (Val, Leu, Met, and Ile). Here we have analyzed the helical intrinsic propensities of noncharged polar residues (Ser, Thr, Asn, and Gln) at different positions of a model polyalanine-based peptide. We found that Thr is more favorable (by approximately 0.3 kcal/mol) at positions N1 and N2 than in the helix center, although for Ser, Asn, and Gln the differences are smaller (+/-0.2 kcal/mol), and in many cases within the experimental error. There is a reasonable agreement (+/-0.2 kcal/mol) between the calculated free energies, using the ECEPP/2 force field equipped with a hydration potential, and the experimental data, except at position N1.  相似文献   

The usefulness of molecular dynamics to assess the structural integrity of mutants containing several mutations has been investigated. Our goal was to determine whether molecular dynamics would be able to discriminate mutants of a protein having a close-to-wild-type fold, from those that are not folded under the same conditions. We used as a model the B1 domain of protein G in which we replaced the unique central alpha-helix by the sequence of the second beta-hairpin, which has a strong intrinsic propensity to form this secondary structure in solution. In the resulting protein, one-third of the secondary structure has been replaced by a non-native one. Models of the mutants were built based on the three-dimensional structure of the wild-type GB1 domain. During 2 ns of molecular dynamics simulations on these models, mutants containing up to 10 mutations in the helix retained the native fold, while another mutant with an additional mutation unfolded. This result is in agreement with our circular dichroism and NMR experiments, which indicated that the former mutants fold into a structure similar to the wild-type, as opposed to the latter mutant which is partly unfolded. Additionally, a mutant containing six mutations scattered through the surface of the domain, and which is unfolded, was also detected by the simulation. This study suggests that molecular dynamics calculations could be performed on molecular models of mutants of a protein to evaluate their foldability, prior to a mutagenesis experiment.  相似文献   

We address the question of whether the distribution of secondary structure propensities of the residues along the polypeptide chain (denominated here as secondary structure profiles) is conserved in proteins throughout evolution, for the particular case of alpha-helices. We have analyzed by CD the conformation of peptides corresponding to the five alpha-helices of two alpha/beta parallel proteins (ComA and Ara). The large alpha-helical population of peptide ComA-4 detected by CD in aqueous solution has been confirmed by NMR. These proteins are members of the CheY and P21-ras families, respectively, which have been studied previously in the same way (Muñoz V, Jiménez MA, Rico M, Serrano L, 1995, J Mol Biol 245:275-296). Comparison of the helical content of equivalent peptides reveals that protein alpha-helix propensity profiles are not conserved. Some equivalent peptides show very different helical populations in solution and this is especially evident in very divergent proteins (ComA and CheY). However, all the peptides analyzed so far adopted an important population of helical conformations in the presence of 30% trifluoroethanol, indicating that there could be a conserved minimal requirement for helical propensity.  相似文献   

We introduce here i, i + 3 and i, i + 4 side chain interactions into the modified Lifson-Roig helix-coil theory of Doig et al. (1994, Biochemistry 33:3396-3403). The helix/coil equilibrium is a function of initiation, propagation, capping, and side chain interaction parameters. If each of these parameters is known, the helix content of any isolated peptide can be predicted. The model considers every possible conformation of a peptide, is not limited to peptides with only a single helical segment, and has physically meaningful parameters. We apply the theory to measure the i, i + 4 interaction energies between Phe and Met side chains. Peptides with these residues spaced i, i + 4 are significantly more helical than controls where they are spaced i, i + 5. Application of the model yields delta G for the Phe-Met orientation to be -0.75 kcal.mol-1, whereas that for the Met-Phe orientation is -0.54 kcal.mol-1. These orientational preferences can be explained, in part, by rotamer preferences for the interacting side chains. We place Phe-Met i, i + 4 at the N-terminus, the C-terminus, and in the center of the host peptide. The model quantitatively predicts the observed helix contents using a single parameter for the side chain-side chain interaction energy. This result indicates that the model works well even when the interaction is at different locations in the helix.  相似文献   

Interactions between hydrophobic side chains within alpha-helices.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The thermodynamic basis of helix stability in peptides and proteins is a topic of considerable interest. Accordingly, we have computed the interactions between side chains of all hydrophobic residue pairs and selected triples in a model helix, using Boltzmann-weighted exhaustive modeling. Specifically, all possible pairs from the set Ala, Cys, His, Ile, Leu, Met, Phe, Trp, Tyr, and Val were modeled at spacings of (i, i + 2), (i, i + 3), and (i, i + 4) in the central turn of a model poly-alanyl alpha-helix. Significant interactions--both stabilizing and destabilizing-- were found to occur at spacings of (i, i + 3) and (i, i + 4), particularly in side chains with rings (i.e., Phe, Tyr, Trp, and His). In addition, modeling of leucine triples in a helix showed that the free energy can exceed the sum of pairwise interactions in certain cases. Our calculated interaction values both rationalize recent experimental data and provide previously unavailable estimates of the constituent energies and entropies of interaction.  相似文献   

It was recently found that some short peptides (including C- and S-peptide fragments of RNase A) can have considerable helicity in solution, 1–12 which was considered to be surprising. Does the observed helicity require a new explanation, or is it consistent with previous understanding? In this work we show that this helicity is consistent with the physical theory of secondary structure12–19 based on an extension of the conventional Zimm-Bragg model.20 Without any special modifications, this theory explains reasonably well almost all the experimentally observed dependencies of helicity on pH, temperature, and amino acid replacements. We conclude that the observed “general level” of helicity of C- and S-peptides (5–30% at room temperature and 10–50% near 0°C) is “normal” for short peptides consisting mainly of helix-forming and helix-indifferent residues. The helicity is modified by a multitude of weak specific side chain interactions, many of which are taken into account by the present theory;13–19 some discrepancies between the theory and experiment can be explained by weak side-chain-side chain interactions that were neglected. A reasonable coincidence of the theory with experiment suggests that it had been used to investigate the role of local interactions in the formation of α-helical “embryos” in unfolded protein chains.  相似文献   

The energetics of alpha-helix formation are fairly well understood and the helix content of a given amino acid sequence can be calculated with reasonable accuracy from helix-coil transition theories that assign to the different residues specific effects on helix stability. In internal helical positions, alanine is regarded as the most stabilizing residue, whereas glycine, after proline, is the more destabilizing. The difference in stabilization afforded by alanine and glycine has been explained by invoking various physical reasons, including the hydrophobic effect and the entropy of folding. Herein, the contribution of these two effects and that of hydrophilic area burial is evaluated by analyzing Ala and Gly mutants implemented in three helices of apoflavodoxin. These data, combined with available data for similar mutations in other proteins (22 Ala/Gly mutations in alpha-helices have been considered), allow estimation of the difference in backbone entropy between alanine and glycine and evaluation of its contribution and that of apolar and polar area burial to the helical stabilization typically associated to Gly-->Ala substitutions. Alanine consistently stabilizes the helical conformation relative to glycine because it buries more apolar area upon folding and because its backbone entropy is lower. However, the relative contribution of polar area burial (which is shown to be destabilizing) and of backbone entropy critically depends on the approximation used to model the structure of the denatured state. In this respect, the excised-peptide model of the unfolded state, proposed by Creamer and coworkers (1995), predicts a major contribution of polar area burial, which is in good agreement with recent quantitations of the relative enthalpic contribution of Ala and Gly residues to alpha-helix formation.  相似文献   

In this study, we have analyzed experimentally the helical intrinsic propensities of non-charged and non-aromatic residues at different C-terminal positions (C1, C2, C3) of an Ala-based peptide. The effect was found to be complex, resulting in extra stabilization or destabilization, depending on guest amino acid and position under consideration. Polar (Ser, Thr, Cys, Asn, and Gln) amino acids and Gly were found to have significantly larger helical propensities at several C-terminal positions compared with the alpha-helix center (-1.0 kcal/mole in some cases). Some of the nonpolar residues, especially beta-branched ones (Val and Ile) are significantly more favorable at position C3 (-0.3 to -0.4 kcal/mole), although having minor differences at other C-terminal positions compared with the alpha-helix center. Leu has moderate (-0.1 to -0.2 kcal/mole) stabilization effects at position C2 and C3, whereas being relatively neutral at C1. Finally, Met was found to be unfavorable at C1 and C2 ( +0.2 kcal/mole) and favorable at C3 (-0.2 kcal/mole). Thus, significant differences found between the intrinsic helical propensities at the C-terminal positions and those in the alpha-helix center must be accounted for in helix/coil transition theories and in protein design.  相似文献   

Several proteins and peptides that can convert from alpha-helical to beta-sheet conformation and form amyloid fibrils, including the amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) and the prion protein, contain a discordant alpha-helix that is composed of residues that strongly favor beta-strand formation. In their native states, 37 of 38 discordant helices are now found to interact with other protein segments or with lipid membranes, but Abeta apparently lacks such interactions. The helical propensity of the Abeta discordant region (K16LVFFAED23) is increased by introducing V18A/F19A/F20A replacements, and this is associated with reduced fibril formation. Addition of the tripeptide KAD or phospho-L-serine likewise increases the alpha-helical content of Abeta(12-28) and reduces aggregation and fibril formation of Abeta(1-40), Abeta(12-28), Abeta(12-24), and Abeta(14-23). In contrast, tripeptides with all-neutral, all-acidic or all-basic side chains, as well as phosphoethanolamine, phosphocholine, and phosphoglycerol have no significant effects on Abeta secondary structure or fibril formation. These data suggest that in free Abeta, the discordant alpha-helix lacks stabilizing interactions (likely as a consequence of proteolytic removal from a membrane-associated precursor protein) and that stabilization of this helix can reduce fibril formation.  相似文献   

As a model for analyzing the role of charge repulsion in proteins and its shielding by the solvent, we designed a peptide of 27 amino acid residues that formed a homodimeric coiled-coil. The interface between the coils consisted of hydrophobic Leu and Val residues, and 10 Lys residues per monomer were incorporated into the positions exposed to solvent. During the preparation of a disulfide-linked dimer in which the two peptides were linked in parallel by the two disulfide bonds located at the N and C terminals, a cyclic monomer with an intramolecular disulfide bond was also obtained. On the basis of CD and 1H-NMR, the conformational stabilities of these isomers and several reference peptides were examined. Whereas all these peptides were unfolded in the absence of salt at pH 4.7 and 20 degrees C, the addition of NaClO4 cooperatively stabilized the alpha-helical conformation. The crosslinking of the peptides by disulfide bonds significantly decreased the midpoint salt concentration of the transition. The 1H-NMR spectra in the presence of NaClO4 suggested that, whereas the disulfide-bonded dimer assumed a native-like conformation, the cyclic monomer assumed a molten globule-like conformation with disordered side chains. However, the cyclic monomer exhibited cooperative transitions against temperature and Gdn-HCl that were only slightly less cooperative than those of the disulfide-bonded parallel dimer. These results indicate that the charge repulsion critically destabilizes the native-like state as well as the molten globule-like state, and that the solvent-dependent charge repulsion may be useful for controlling the conformation of designed peptides.  相似文献   

We have determined the N- and C-capping preferences of all 20 amino acids by substituting residue X in the peptides NH2-XAKAAAAKAAAAKAAGY-CONH2 and in Ac-YGAAKAAAAKAAAAKAX-CO2H. Helix contents were measured by CD spectroscopy to obtain rank orders of capping preferences. The data were further analyzed by our modified Lifson-Roig helix-coil theory, which includes capping parameters (n and c), to find free energies of capping (-RT ln n and -RT ln c), relative to Ala. Results were obtained for charged and uncharged termini and for different charged states of titratable side chains. N-cap preferences varied from Asn (best) to Gln (worst). We find, as expected, that amino acids that can accept hydrogen bonds from otherwise free backbone NH groups, such as Asn, Asp, Ser, Thr, and Cys generally have the highest N-cap preference. Gly and acetyl group are favored, as are negative charges in side chains and at the N-terminus. Our N-cap preference scale agrees well with preferences in proteins. In contrast, we find little variation when changing the identity of the C-cap residue. We find no preference for Gly at the C-cap in contrast to the situation in proteins. Both N-cap and C-cap results for Tyr and Trp are inaccurate because their aromatic groups affect the CD spectrum. The data presented here are of value in rationalizing mutations at capping sites in proteins and in predicting the helix contents of peptides.  相似文献   

Electrostatic stabilization in four-helix bundle proteins.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Charge substitutions generated by site-directed mutagenesis at the termini of adjacent anti-parallel alpha-helices in a four-helix bundle protein were used to determine a precise value for the contribution of indirect charge-charge interactions to overall protein stability, and to simulate the electrostatic effects of alpha-helix macrodipoles. Thermodynamic double mutant cycles were constructed to measure the interaction energy between such charges on adjacent anti-parallel helices in the four-helix bundle cytochrome b562 from Escherichia coli. Previously, theoretical calculations of helix macrodipole interactions using modeled four-helix bundle proteins have predicted values ranging over an order of magnitude from 0.2 to 2.5 kcal/mol. Our system represents the first experimental evidence for electrostatic interactions such as those between partial charges due to helix macrodipole charges. At the positions mutated, we have measured a favorable interaction energy of 0.6 kcal/mol between opposite charges simulating an anti-parallel helix pair. Pairs of negative or positive charges simulating a parallel orientation of helices produce an unfavorable interaction of similar magnitude. The interaction energies show a strong dependence upon ionic strength, consistent with an electrostatic effect. Indirect electrostatic contacts do appear to confer a limited stabilization upon the association of anti-parallel packing of helices, favoring this orientation by as much as 1 kcal/mol at 20 mM K phosphate.  相似文献   

In the N-terminal domain of lambda repressor, the Asp 14 side chain forms an intrahelical, hydrogen bond/salt bridge with the Arg 17 side chain and a tertiary hydrogen bond with the Ser 77 side chain. By measuring the stabilities to urea denaturation of the wild-type N-terminal domain and variants containing single, double, and triple alanine substitutions at positions 14, 17, and 77, the side-chain interaction energies, the coupling energy between interactions, and the intrinsic effects of each wild-type side chain on protein stability have been estimated. These studies indicate that the Asp 14-Arg 17 and Asp 14-Ser 77 interactions are stabilizing by roughly 0.8 and 1.5 kcal/mol, respectively, but that Asp 14, by itself, is destabilizing by roughly 0.9 kcal/mol. We also show that a peptide model of alpha-helix 1, which contains Asp 14 and Arg 17, forms a reasonably stable, monomeric helix in solution and responds to alanine mutations at positions 14 and 17 in the fashion expected from the intact protein studies. These studies suggest that it is possible to view the stability effects of mutations in intact proteins in a hierarchical fashion, with the stability of units of secondary structure being distinguishable from the stability of tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of an 18 residues peptide spanning the entire sequence, L1KTPA5QFDAD10ELRAA15MKG, of the first helix (A-helix) of domain 2 of annexin I, were thoroughly investigated. This fragment exhibits several singular features, and in particular, two successive potential capping boxes, T3xxQ6 and D8xxE11. The former corresponds to the native hydrogen bond network stabilizing the alpha helix N-terminus in the protein; the latter is a non-native capping box able to break the helix at residue D8, and is observed in the domain 2 partially folded state. Using 2D-NMR techniques, we showed that two main populations of conformers coexist in aqueous solution. The first corresponds to a single helix extending from T3 to K17. The second corresponds to a broken helix at residue Ds. Four mutants, T3A, F7A, D8A, and E11A, were designed to further analyze the role of key amino acids in the equilibrium between the two ensembles of conformers. The sensitivity of NMR parameters to account for the variations in the populations of conformers was evaluated for each peptide. Our data show the delta13Calpha chemical shift to be the most relevant parameter. We used it to estimate the population ratio in the various peptides between the two main ensembles of conformers, the full helix and the broken helix. For the WT, E11A, and F7A peptides, these ratios are respectively 35/65, 60/40, 60/40. Our results were compared to the data obtained from helix/coil transition algorithms.  相似文献   

Using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, we studied the solution structure and dynamics of bovine beta-lactoglobulin A at pH 2.0 and 45 degrees C, where the protein exists as a monomeric native state. The monomeric NMR structure, comprising an eight-stranded continuous antiparallel beta-barrel and one major alpha-helix, is similar to the X-ray dimeric structure obtained at pH 6.2, including betaI-strand that forms the dimer interface and loop EF that serves as a lid of the interior hydrophobic hole. [1H]-15N NOE revealed that betaF, betaG, and betaH strands buried under the major alpha-helix are rigid on a pico- to nanosecond time scale and also emphasized rapid fluctuations of loops and the N- and C-terminal regions.  相似文献   

alpha t alpha is a 38-residue peptide designed to adopt a helical hairpin conformation in solution (Fezoui Y, Weaver DL Osterhout JJ, 1995, Protein Sci 4:286-295). A previous study of the carboxylate form of alpha t alpha by CD and two-dimensional NMR indicated that the peptide was highly helical and that the helices associated in approximately the intended orientation (Fezoui Y, Weaver DL, Osterhout JJ, 1994, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:3675-3679). Here, the solution structure of alpha t alpha as determined by two-dimensional NMR is reported. A total of 266 experimentally derived distance restraints and 20 dihedral angle restraints derived from J-couplings were used. One-hundred initial structures were generated by distance geometry and refined by dynamical simulated annealing. Twenty-three of the lowest-energy structures consistent with the experimental restraints were analyzed. The results presented here show that alpha t alpha is comprised of two associating helices connected by a turn region.  相似文献   

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