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利用已建立的宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)愈伤组织器官发生和体细胞胚发生体系,对多胺在其离体形态发生中的作用进行研究.通过检测内源多胺含量发现,在所研究的三种多胺中,Put是器官发生途径的主要多胺,而在体细胞胚发生途径Spd含量占优势.Put含量变化在两条途径中相似在愈伤组织分化的早期迅速积累不久又下降,随着芽原基和球形胚的形成含量又进一步上升.器官发生中Spd最高含量仅在培养的第一天出现;而从诱导愈伤组织发生体细胞胚的第一天后,Spd含量才开始上升,到第十天时达到最高值.三种外源多胺的添加均能有效地促进两条离体分化途径的形态建成Spd(100μmol/L)能显著增加不定芽数,而体细胞胚发生中Spd(10μmol/L)或Put(100μmol/L)的单独处理能最好地促进体细胞胚形成和进一步发育成苗;尽管Spm在离体形态发生中含量较低,但添加外源Spm也促进了不定芽形成和体细胞胚形成然后成苗.多胺生物合成抑制剂CHA处理阻碍不定芽形成和体细胞胚的进一步发育;但是MGBG对器官发生途径中的形态建成没有影响,却降低体细胞胚的发生频率及再生苗数.添加Spd(50μmol/L)能部分逆转CHA、MGBG的抑制效应.以上结果表明,多胺对宁夏枸杞器官发生和体细胞胚发生途径的离体形态建成有一定影响.  相似文献   

枸杞体细胞胚发生过程中内源多胺代谢动态的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
完全脱分化的枸杞继代愈伤组织在转入分化培养后第1天就开始启动分化,接着体细胞转变为胚性细胞,继而分裂形成多细胞原胚,球形胚和成熟胚等。与此同时,Put含量迅速上升形成第1个峰值,随后有所下降,但到多细胞原胚期Put含量又上升,并达到最高峰,为对照的6倍,Spd只在胚性细胞分化早期出现,Spm仅在体细胞胚发育晚期存在,外源Put不仅可提高体细胞胚发生频率,而且使3种内源多胺含量均有所提高,加入多胺生物合成抑制剂DFMA后,多胺水平下降,体细胞胚发生几乎完全被抑制。补充外源Put后,多胺的生物合成得到部分恢复,DFMA对体细胞胚发生的抑制效应也被部分解除。结果表明,维持一定量的多胺水平是枸杞体细胞胚发生的必要因素。  相似文献   

伏令夏橙愈伤组织体细胞胚发生中多胺水平的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以继代培养8年的伏令夏橙愈伤组织为材料,研究了不同类型愈伤组织体细胞胚发生能力的差异和多胺水平的变化及两者之间的关系.结果表明,胚性愈伤组织的多胺含量高于非胚性愈伤组织,体细胞胚发生能力与多胺水平呈正相关.体细胞胚发生早期Put含量的增加有利于体细胞胚发生.球形胚大量形成时,Spd达到最高值;球形胚发育后期并有少量心形胚形成时Spm达到峰值.随着倍性的增加,伏令夏橙体细胞胚发生能力降低.精氨酸脱羧酶的活性变化与Put水平呈正相关,表明它是调节伏令夏橙体细胞胚发生中多胺水平的重要因子.  相似文献   

在幼穗发育过程中,不育系和保持系幼穗多胺含量先剧降后稳定或略回升,精氨酸脱羧酶活性快速下降,而二胶和多胺氧化酶活性缓慢下降。从雌雄蕊形成期到花粉母细胞形成期,不育系的多胺含量和精氨酸脱羧酶活性明显低于保持系;不过,两系二胺氧化酶和多胺氧化酶活性却差别不大。外施D-Arg抑制两系Put合成,也抑制以Put为前体的Spd的合成;外施MGBG抑制Spd和Spm的合成;同时,D-Arg或MGBG对不育系花粉育性影响不大,但明显降低保持系花粉育性,D-Arg+MGBG对花粉育性的降低效应更强;Put和pd+Spm可抵消(或部分抵消)D-Arg和MGBG的降低效应。且Put+Spd+Spm能使不育系花粉的育性得以轻度恢复。  相似文献   

水分胁迫对小麦幼苗叶片多胺含量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水分胁迫下小麦幼苗叶片多胺含量变化的研究表明,聚乙二醇(PEG)的渗透胁迫明显提高了抗旱性强的周麦系列幼苗叶片游离态Put、Spd和Spm的含量和抗旱性弱的温麦6号的Put含量。外源Spd显著提高了水分胁迫下温麦6号的Spd的含量,对其抗性也有所改善。外源MGBG(Spd和Spm生物合成抑制剂)可提高水分胁迫下周麦12号Put的含量,但降低了Spd和Spm的含量和幼苗的抗性。  相似文献   

应用添加TDZ的MS培养基离体培养铁皮石斛去根苗,研究了TDZ对花芽形态建成及内源多胺含量变化的影响。结果发现,0.1 mg·L-1 TDZ处理的铁皮石斛去根苗的成花率达21.1%,而ck组的为0;在花芽形态建成中铁皮石斛顶枝中内源Spd(亚精胺)、Spm(精胺)含量,Spd/Put(腐胺)、Spm/Put高于对照组的,在花芽初现时显著高于对照组的,Put、DAP(1,3-二氨基丙烷)含量均明显低于对照组的,表明外施TDZ可引起铁皮石斛内源多胺代谢及其比值的变化进而有利于花芽的形态建成。  相似文献   

土壤自然干旱条件下叶面喷施精胺(Spm)、D-精氨酸(D-Arg)、甲基乙二醛-双(脒基腙)(MGBG)不改变小麦幼苗内源多胺含量变化趋势,只是不同程度地影响内源多腹水平。SPm处理提高内源腐胺(Put)和亚精胶(Spd)水平;D-Arg处理的内源Put和Spd水平也略有提高;MGBG提高内源Put水平,且MGBG作用前期降低Spd水平,后期则导致Spd水平增高。  相似文献   

研究了外源多胺对离体黄瓜(CucumissativusL.)子叶内在多胺含量和花芽构建的影响。在MS培养基中添加5×10-2mmol·L-1亚精胺(Spd)、精胺(Spm)能明显提高子叶内Spd含量和SpdPut值,子叶成花率也明显高于对照组,而添加5×10-2mmol·L-1Put、5mmol·L-1环己胺硫酸盐(CHAS)培养的结果则相反。表明子叶内Spd含量和SpdPut与成花率呈正相关关系。在添加5mmol·L-1D精氨酸(DArg)处理后,子叶内SpdPut高于Spd处理,但子叶成花率低于对照组,表明Put、Spd含量也影响离体子叶花芽的构建。在实验中添加CHAS处理后子叶内Spm含量高出对照组10倍,子叶成花率却为0,其它各处理与对照组的内源Spm变化基本一致,成花率却差别明显,表明子叶内Spm含量与黄瓜子叶花芽构建之间无明显相关性。  相似文献   

研究了外源多胺对离体黄瓜( Cucumis sativus L. ) 子叶内在多胺含量和花芽构建的影响。在MS 培养
基中添加5@ 10- 2 mmol#L- 1 亚精胺( Spd) 、精胺( Spm) 能明显提高子叶内Spd 含量和SpdPPut 值, 子叶成
花率也明显高于对照组, 而添加5 @ 10- 2 mmol#L- 1 Put、5 mmol#L- 1 环己胺硫酸盐( CHAS) 培养的结果则相
反。表明子叶内Spd 含量和SpdPPut 与成花率呈正相关关系。在添加5 mmol#L- 1 D- 精氨酸( D-Arg) 处理后,
子叶内SpdPPut 高于Spd 处理, 但子叶成花率低于对照组, 表明Put、Spd 含量也影响离体子叶花芽的构建。
在实验中添加CHAS 处理后子叶内Spm 含量高出对照组10 倍, 子叶成花率却为0, 其它各处理与对照组的内
源Spm 变化基本一致, 成花率却差别明显, 表明子叶内Spm 含量与黄瓜子叶花芽构建之间无明显相关性。  相似文献   

外源亚精胺对盐胁迫下毕氏海蓬子体内多胺含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用含不同浓度(0、100、200、300、400和500 mmol·L 1)NaCl的Hoagland营养液及叶面喷施0.1 mmol·L-1外源亚精胺(Spd)处理毕氏海蓬子幼苗,研究外源Spd对NaCl胁迫下海蓬子体内游离态、结合态和束缚态3种形态多胺含量的影响,分析内源多胺含量的变化与植物耐盐性的关系.结果表明:(1)随盐胁迫浓度的升高,海蓬子幼苗叶片中3种形态腐胺(Put)含量均先降后升;同期的游离态Spd含量持续上升,结合态和束缚态Spd含量均先升后降;同期的游离和结合态精胺(Spm)含量均先升后降,而其束缚态Spm含量呈上升趋势;游离态和束缚态多胺(PAs)总量变化随盐浓度升高均呈上升趋势,而结合态PAs总量先升后降.(2)3种形态(Spd+ Spm) /Put比值均先升后降,而3种形态Put/PAs比值则均呈先降后升的相反趋势.(3)外源Spd处理提高了海蓬子幼苗叶片中结合态和束缚态PAs总量,也提高了游离态和束缚态(Spd+Spm)/Put比值.研究发现,外源Spd参与了NaCl胁迫下海蓬子内源PAs代谢的调节,可能通过促进盐胁迫植株中Put向Spd和Spm的转化,以及游离态多胺向结合态和束缚态多胺的转化来增强海蓬子耐盐性.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous polyamines (PAs) on enhancement of somatic embryogenic calli was investigated in Momordica charantia L. in vitro. Induction of somatic embryogenesis (SE) in leaf explants of M. charantia after 21 days of culture in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was determined using scanning electron microscopy. During induction of SE there were high titers of Putrescine (Put) as compared to Spermidine (Spd) and Spermine (Spm), a prerequisite for cell division. Addition of PAs to the embryogenic media resulted in an increase in fresh weights and number of somatic embryos of 21-day old embryogenic calli. Put at a concentration of 1 mM showed maximum increase in fresh weights of embryogenic calli (5 fold) and number of somatic embryos produced per 0.2 g of callus (2.5 fold). Moreover addition of PAs to the embryogenic media resulted in lowering of endogenous free PA level of 21-day old embryogenic calli. Thus, when the media was supplemented with exogenous PAs a positive correlation was found to exist between Somatic Embryogenesis enhancement and decrease in endogenous free PA levels.  相似文献   

After the calli originating from the leaf explant of Lycium barbarum L. were selected and proliferated, the yellowish calli with same origin, similar state were transferred to O medium or E medium and the regenerative systems of organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis might form. By these systems, a comparative study on the synthetic activities of DNA, RNA and protein in the two in vitro regeneration pathways was carried out. The results were as follows: (1) Before meristemoid and embryogenic cells were formed, the synthesis of RNA was activated firstly, followed with the increase of synthesis rates of DNA and protein. During the formation of globular embryo, the synthesis rate of DNA increased quickly and then the activities of syntheses of RNA and protein reached the peak, while it was the contrary during germination of adventitious bud. (2) Components of soluble protein changed regularly. A peptide (153.6 kD) appeared during the initiation of both organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Several peptides disappearing gradually in the early-stage of differentiation could regenerate with the formation of shoot primordium and globular embryo. Corresponding to morphogenesis, both regenerative systems had specific peptides (84.9 kD, 46.3 kD and 44 kD, 36.2 kD) as molecular markers of its own development. In addition, the relation and mechanism of the two regenerative systems were discussed.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)叶外植体来源的愈伤组织经筛选、繁殖后,将来源相同、状态较为一致的淡黄色愈伤组织转移至O型或E型培养基上,可以诱导出器官发生和体细胞胚胎发生。利用该体系,对两条离体再生途径进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)在拟分生组织和胚性细胞形成之前,RNA合成首先被激活,随后DNA、蛋白质合成加速;而球形胚形成期间,先是DNA合成的加快,接着RNA、蛋白质的合成高峰出现,在不定芽形成期间却正好相反;(2)可溶性蛋白组分发生规律性变化;器官发生和体细胞胚胎发生的启动阶段都有-153.6kD多肽出现,一些多肽分子在分化早期逐渐消失,而随芽原基或球形胚的形成又重新合成;与形态发生相对应,两种再生体系都有作为各自分子标记的特异多肽(84.9kD、46.3kD和44kD、36.2kD)的表达。此外,还对两种离体再生体系之间的关系和发生机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The relationship between polyamines (PAs) metabolism and adventitious shoot morphogenesis from cotyledons of cucumber was investigated in vitro. The endogenous levels of free putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) in the explants decreased sharply, whereas endogenous spermine (Spm) increased during adventitious shoot morphogenesis. The presence of 1–15 mM Put, 1–2 mM Spd, 0.05–1 mM Spm, 5–10 M aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) or 5 M AVG together with 50 M 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the regeneration medium could promote adventitious shoot formation. Conversely, 1–5 mM D-arginine (D-Arg) or 0.01–0.1 mM methylglyoxal bis-guganylhydrazone (MGBG) inhibited regeneration; and 0.005–0.05 mM ACC displayed little or no evident effects. The explants growing on medium containing 5 M AVG produced higher levels of free Put and Spm, and on medium containing 5 mM Put the explants responded similarly to the AVG-treated explants. However, the exogenous use of 1 mM D-Arg reduced the levels of Put, Spd and Spm, and 0.1 mM MGBG reduced the levels of free Spd and Spm. Moreover, although the explants cultured on medium containing Put and MGBG enhanced ethylene production, AVG and D-Arg inhibited ethylene biosynthesis. This study shows the PAs requirement for the formation of adventitious shoot from cotyledons of cucumber in vitro and the enhanced adventitious shoot morphogenesis may be associated with the elevated level of endogenous free Spm, albeit the promotive effect of PAs on adventitious shoot morphogenesis may not be related to ethylene metabolism.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effect of polyamines (PAs) putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) on growth, morphology evolution, endogenous PAs levels and nitric oxide (NO) release in Ocotea catharinensis somatic embryo cultures. We observed that Spd and Spm reduced culture growth, permitted embryo morphogenetic evolution from the earliest to last embryo development stages, increased endogenous PAs levels, and induced NO release in O. catharinensis somatic embryos. On the other hand, Put had little effect on these parameters. Spd and Spm could successfully be used to promote somatic embryo maturation in O. catharinensis. The results suggest that Spd and Spm have an important role during the growth, development and morphogenetic evolution of somatic embryos, through alterations in the endogenous nitric oxide and PAs metabolism in this species.  相似文献   


Long-sized oligogalacturonides (OGs) are plant cell wall fragments involved in defence responses and developmental processes. A hormone/OG interaction in the control of different organogenic processes is known. However, hormones also modulate polyamine (PA) effects on organogenesis. Furthermore, OGs are known to affect mitotic activity leading to specific morphogenic events, and PAs are known to affect mitotic activity leading to xylogenesis. Thus, it may be reasonable to assume that OGs and PAs affect mitotic activity in the same cell types, and in the same hormone-induced morphogenic processes, e.g., xylogenesis. To gain further insight into this aspect, the effects of OGs, and of putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd), on auxin (indoleacetic acid, IAA) plus benzyladenine (BA)-induced morphogenesis in tobacco leaf explants were investigated histologically. The effect of PA biosynthetic inhibitors in the culture medium was also monitored, as well as the combined application of the inhibitor with the corresponding PA. Results show that vascular mitoses consistently occurred in the control (IAA+BA-treated) explants, leading exclusively to xylogenic nodule formation. The application of OGs resulted in an inhibition of vascular mitoses, and into a strong reduction of vascular nodule formation. By contrast, Spd enhanced both vascular mitoses and nodule formation, and Put was less effective than Spd on both events. Taken together, the results reveal a new biological activity of OGs and Spd in morphogenesis, obtained under the same hormonal conditions, and in the same tissue (i.e., the vascular parenchyma), namely the inhibition of xylogenesis by OGs, and its promotion by Spd. The fact that the effects of Spd and OGs on this morphogenic event may involve a different relationship with auxin is discussed.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from suspension cell lumps of Medicago lupulina L. started to divide after 2 clays in K8p culture medium containing 0. 1~2.0 mg/L of 2, 4-D, with a maximum division frequency of 38. 35%. After S weeks of culture, the protoplast-derived cell lumps were transferred to liquid/solid double-layer media for microcallus regeneration, with a maximum frequency of 0.58%. The whole plants were regenerated from protoplastderived calli via somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis. In somatic embryogenesis, the embryoids were induced on MS and W14 media with rather wide range (1. 0420.0 mg/L) of 2, 4-D concentration. The highest induction frequency of embryoids was 71.0%. In organogenesis, the differentiation media containing lower concentration of 6-BA (0. 5~0. 7 mg/L) were suitable for adventitious bud formation. The highest frequency of adventitious bud formation from calli was 27. 8%. The mature protoplast-regenerated plants were obtained 3 months after transplanting the plantlets into soil.  相似文献   

荔枝胚珠中多胺含量变化与胚胎发育的关系   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
荔枝胚胎发育与胚珠中3种多胺(PAs)含量及其比例变化关系密切。试验结果表明:正常发育的胚珠中腐胺(Put)、亚精胺(Spd)和精胺(Spm)的含量在胚胎发育的各个阶段均高于败育胚珠,并在花后7d即达到最高值,其中Put的含量最高,随后都呈下降趋势。但正常胚珠中Spm含量在花后22至31d(球形胚至心形胚发育阶段)均有所回升,而败育胚珠无此现象。败育胚珠中的Spd和Spm在胚胎败育期的下降速度显著  相似文献   

葡萄再生系统研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述近年来葡萄再生系统的研究进展及存在问题。葡萄器官发生型再生途径易产生不定芽 ,但嵌合体的比例较高 ,胚状体再生途径诱导胚状体较困难 ,仅有少部分葡萄品种能成功。今后葡萄遗传转化的重点是高效再生途径的研究。  相似文献   

Changes in polyamines (PAs) in cells and cultivation media of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and tobacco bright yellow 2 (BY-2) (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cell suspension cultures were studied over their growth cycles. The total content of PAs (both free and conjugated forms) was nearly 10 times higher in alfalfa, with high level of free putrescine (Put) (in exponential growth phase it represented about 65-73% of the intracellular Put pool). In contrast, the high content of soluble Put conjugates was found in tobacco cells (in exponential phase about 70% of the intracellular Put). Marked differences occurred in the amount of PAs excreted into the cultivation medium: alfalfa cells excreted at the first day after inoculation 2117.0, 230.5, 29.0 and 88.0 nmol g(-1) of cell fresh weight (FW) of Put, spermidine (Spd), spermine (Spm) and cadaverine (Cad), respectively, while at the same time tobacco cells excreted only small amount of Put and Spd (12.7 and 2.4 nmol g(-1) FW, respectively). On day 1 the amounts of Put, Spd, Spm and Cad excreted by alfalfa cells represented 21, 38, 12 and 15% of the total pool (intra- plus extra-cellular contents) of Put, Spd, Spm and Cad, respectively. In the course of lag-phase and the beginning of exponential phase the relative contents of extracellular PAs continually decreased (with the exception of Cad). On day 10, the extracellular Put, Spd, Spm and Cad still represented 11.3, 10.9, 2.1 and 27% of their total pools. The extracellular PAs in tobacco cells represented from day 3 only 0.1% from their total pools. The possible role of PA excretion into the cultivation medium in maintenance of intracellular PA contents in the cells of the two cell culture systems, differing markedly in growth rate and PA metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

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