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简述了近年来国内外对昆虫产生抗性的模式及其分子机制的研究进展,对与昆虫抗性有关的中肠蛋白酶和多种受体进行了较深入的讨论。展望了持续有效地利用Bt生物制剂和保持转Bt基因作物的抗虫性的前景。  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌作为一种对人畜安全、环境友好型绿色杀虫剂在全球被广泛使用。Bt毒素与昆虫中肠上特定毒素受体结合并发挥作用,形成毒素穿孔导致昆虫死亡是其重要的杀虫机制之一,靶标害虫对Bt毒素产生抗性是制约转Bt作物长期有效种植和Bt毒素持续使用的重要因素。文中从鳞翅目昆虫中肠细胞Bt毒素重要受体的研究阐述昆虫对Bt的抗性机制,为Bt抗性机制的深入研究和对害虫的防控与治理提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

高温对昆虫影响的生理生化作用机理研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
杜尧  马春森  赵清华  马罡  杨和平 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1565-1572
温度是影响昆虫生命活动的重要因素,将其与某一时间的种群数量结合,可用于对昆虫未来种群数量进行预测预报。过高的环境温度常使昆虫的生长发育、生殖及存活等受到严重影响,对这种影响缺乏了解降低了害虫测报的准确性。探明高温对昆虫生理生化的作用机理是了解高温对昆虫生命活动影响的根本途径。总结了高温对昆虫生理生化的重要影响。高温使昆虫表皮的蜡质层瓦解,油脂融化,表皮渗透性增加,虫体大量失水。引起昆虫体内重要离子的浓度发生变化,改变许多重要大分子的电荷状态,使生物大分子的动力学能量增大,离子键、氢键和范德华力降低,分子间疏水作用增强,大分子保持形状的能力降低,空间构象发生改变,从而影响生物大分子行使其功能。高温使昆虫细胞骨架瓦解,细胞遭到破坏;细胞膜内磷脂组分比例改变,细胞膜流动性下降。虫体内重要遗传物质DNA和RNA复杂的二级结构和三级结构在高温下发生改变,对昆虫性状的稳定遗传造成严重影响。细胞内蛋白质的数量和种类组成均发生改变,原有常温下的蛋白质合成系统关闭,空间构象及功能发生变化,而产生耐热性物质(如热激蛋白)的蛋白质合成系统则开启。高温影响酶及酶促反应速率,对昆虫体内神经传导关键酯酶——乙酰胆碱酯酶的影响使昆虫无法进行正常的神经传递,丧失躲避不良环境的能力。高温影响脂质、低聚糖等物质的代谢。最后梳理了高温作用下昆虫各种生理生化指标发生变化之间可能存在的关联性,并提出高温对昆虫造成伤害的顺序过程假设。讨论了不同程度的高温对昆虫造成死亡的机理可能不同。指出了未来该领域研究的重点内容,如高温对昆虫造成损害的最初作用位点;高温伤害的完整生理生化路径;耐热性产生的生化基础;高温对昆虫不同发育阶段或生命过程的具体作用机制等。  相似文献   

昆虫Bt毒素受体蛋白的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Bt是一种被广泛应用的生物杀虫剂,昆虫Bt受体蛋白在Bt发挥毒性过程中起到非常重要的作用,而且受体蛋白与Bt结合能力的改变可能是昆虫对Bt产生抗性的主要原因,近年来已成为国际研究的热点。该文从昆虫Bt受体蛋白的分离鉴定,结合动力学,与Bt杀虫毒性、抗性的关系及其分子本质等方面综述受体蛋白的研究进展。  相似文献   

苏宏华  宋彬  李丽  陆永威  杨益众 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1659-1663
甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)是世界性农业害虫,近年来在我国由次要害虫上升为主要害虫。甜菜夜蛾对很多种化学杀虫剂和生物杀虫剂产生了抗性。本文分别阐述了甜菜夜蛾对常用杀虫剂如有机磷类、拟除虫菊酯类、氨基甲酸酯类、生长调节类杀虫剂、Bt杀虫剂等的抗性发展现状,并且对抗药性机理进行了总结,提出了抗性治理措施。  相似文献   

类杆菌的抗性机理研究进展川北医学院附院传染科637000周仲辉华西医科大学附一院传染科610041范昕建随着大量高效广谱抗生素及免疫抑制剂的广泛应用,以及厌氧菌检测水平的提高,使临床发现厌氧菌的感染日益增多,并成为医院内感染的重要条件致病菌。临床检出...  相似文献   

昆虫对苏云金杆菌的抗性及防治策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨红  洪华珠 《昆虫知识》1997,34(2):117-120,117
苏云金杆菌Bacillusthuringiensis(B.t.)因其毒力高,致病快,且对非靶标昆虫及人类无毒,对环境安全等优点,成为世界上应用最广泛的一类微生物杀虫剂。使用对年来,一直没有害虫对其产生抗性的报道。然而,肥年代以来,人们在不同的实验室分别发现,经人工选择多代以后,昆虫对B.t.产生了抗性,有的抗性水平还很高[1]。更为严重的是,80年代后期,在美国的夏威夷及菲律宾等长期使用B.t.制剂的地区,发现一种世界性蔬菜害虫小菜蛾PtoteyatwteHa(LinnaeuJ对B.t.产生了抗性[4,5]。这些事实说明,昆虫对微生物杀虫剂同样有可能…  相似文献   

【目的】革兰氏阳性菌中的dlt操纵子编码细胞壁中磷壁酸发生D-丙氨酰化修饰所必需的酶。D-丙氨酰化使细胞表面产生正电荷,并因此排斥带正电的分子,例如阳离子抗菌肽,从而赋予对宿主的抗性。本文中,我们研究了dlt操纵子对苏云金芽胞杆菌表型性状的影响及在对昆虫毒力中发挥的作用。【方法】通过同源重组构建了Δdlt ABt基因缺失突变株,并对其进行形态学观察、表面电荷差异分析、抗逆性分析和毒力测定。【结果】结果表明,dlt A的失活显著降低了细胞表面的净负电荷,对阳离子抗菌肽(多粘菌素B和溶菌酶)的抗性和碱耐受性显著下降。同时,Δdlt ABt的生长曲线发生明显改变,细胞表面粗糙且形状不规则,生物膜形成减少和群游运动能力增强。此外,dlt A的失活降低了对昆虫中肠上皮细胞的粘附能力,并减弱了对家蚕的毒力。【结论】研究结果表明,dlt操纵子介导的磷壁酸发生D-丙氨酰化修饰与苏云金芽胞杆菌的许多表型性状密切相关,并且在苏云金芽胞杆菌对昆虫的致病性及抵抗昆虫体液免疫保护中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

新疆棉铃虫对溴氰菊酯和硫丹 抗性的生化机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过生物测定和生化分析研究了新疆棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)敏感种群和室内筛选获得的抗性种群对硫丹和溴氰菊酯的反应及其α-乙酸萘酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶的动态活性反应。结果表明,筛选后新疆棉铃虫对硫丹和溴氰菊酯产生的抗性倍数分别为13倍和66倍。两个抗性种群的α-乙酸萘酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶比活力均高于敏感种群。相应杀虫剂预处理后,α-乙酸萘酯酶酶活力受到抑制。抗性种群的α-乙酸萘酯酶对底物的亲和力高于敏感种群,但Vmax低于敏感种群。抗性种群的乙酰胆碱酯酶对底物的亲和力显著低于敏感种群,Vmax比敏感种群高。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳显示,两个抗性种群都有一条特异性酶带,其迁移率相近,且均可被甲基对氧磷抑制。因此推测,α-乙酸萘酯酶参与了新疆棉铃虫对硫丹和溴氰菊酯的抗性,具有代谢和阻断作用;乙酰胆碱酯酶对抗性的产生也起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

植物对铁毒的抗性机理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要介绍了植物抗铁毒的可能机理,并提出了致病因子亚铁的双重作用。  相似文献   

本文主要针对害虫对苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)的抗性机理和防治对策方面进行综述.深入研究昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性机理,将有助于建立虫害综合防治体系,实现无公害Bt农药的广泛及持续利用.  相似文献   

Bt crop pyramids produce two or more Bt proteins active to broaden the spectrum of action and to delay the development of resistance in exposed insect populations. The cross‐resistance between Bt toxins is a vital restriction factor for Bt crop pyramids, which may reduce the effect of pyramid strategy. In this review, the status of the cross‐resistance among more than 20 Bt toxins that are most commonly used against 13 insect pests was analyzed. The potential mechanisms of cross‐resistance are discussed. The corresponding measures, including pyramid RNA interference and Bt toxin, “high dose/refuge,” and so on are advised to be taken for adopting the pyramided strategy to delay the Bt evolution of resistance and control the target pest insect.  相似文献   

Abstract Current knowledge of biochemical mechanisms of insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis is reviewed. Available information on resistance inheritance and on patterns of cross-resistance is included. Modification of the binding sites for B. thuringiensis insecticidal crystal proteins has been found in different populations of three insect species. This resistance mechanism seems to be inherited as a single recessive or partially recessive major gene, and the resistance levels reached are high. Altered proteolytic processing of B. thuringiensis crystal proteins has been suggested to be involved in one case of resistance. From the available data it seems that binding site modification is the most significant resistance mechanism under field conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract The binding and pore formation properties of toxins derived form Bacillus thuringiensis 9816C were analyzed by using brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) of Spodoptera exigua and Helicoverpa armigera , and the results were compared to the results of toxicity bioassays. The strain 9816C is highly toxic to both S. exigua and H. armigera , whereas HΔ-73, which only produces Cry1Ac, is merely effective for H. armigera. Ligand blot experiment performed with peroxidase-labeled toxins revealed that the toxins of the two strains had the same binding sites as H. armigera BBMV and different binding sites from S. exigua BBMV. The toxins of Bt 9816C bind to a 210-kDa protein of S. exigua BBMV, while Cry1Ac cannot recognize this binding site. Both toxins were tested for the ability to alter the permeability of S. exigua BBMV, as measured by a light scattering assay. The toxins of Bt 9816C, which is toxic to S. exigua , permeabilized BBMV, whereas Cry1Ac did not. These results suggest that the specific binding site recognized by Bt 9816C toxins is responsible for its high toxicity against Spodoptera exigua.  相似文献   

Resistance in insect pests against the endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) is a major threat to the usefulness of this biopesticide, both used as traditional formulations and in transgenic crops. A crucial requirement for the development of successful resistance management strategies is a molecular understanding of the nature and inheritance of resistance mechanisms. This information can be used to design management strategies that will delay or counteract Bt resistance. The best known Bt resistance mechanism is inactivation of brush border membrane receptors. This type of resistance has a largely recessive mode of inheritance, which has enabled the design of resistance management approaches involving high dose and refuge strategies. Recent observations suggest that other resistance mechanisms are possible, including a mechanism that sequesters the toxin in the gut lumen through inducible immune reactions. The elevated immune status associated with tolerance to the toxin can be transmitted to subsequent generations by a maternal effect, which has implications for resistance management in the field. The high dose/refuge strategy may not be appropriate for the management of these alternative resistance mechanisms and other strategies have to be developed if inducible dominant resistance or tolerance mechanisms occur frequently in the field.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the genetics of Cry1C resistance in Spodoptera litura. Selection of S. litura (Fab.) with Cry1C was done for eight generations to develop resistance. Reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible populations were made to understand the population genetics of Cry1C resistance in S. litura. Generation wise selection with Cry1C was evaluated for resistance development in S. litura. The LC50 of Cry1C was 0.14 µg/cm2 for the first selected generation and it increased to 23.98 µg/cm2 after eight selected generations, which is a 285.47-fold increase in resistance compared with the susceptible strain. The estimated realized heritability (h2) after eight generations of selection with Cry1C insecticidal protein was 0.44. The number of generations required for the tenfold increase in LC50 (1/R) was estimated to be 3.33. Response to Cry1C selection in S. litura was 0.30, the estimated selection differential was 0.69 and the pheonotypic standard deviation (dP) was 0.24. Reciprocal crosses between Cry1C resistant and susceptible strain of S. litura showed autosomal resistance.  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌及其杀虫晶体蛋白 作用机制的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘子铎  喻子牛 《昆虫学报》2000,43(2):207-213
综合叙述了苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis和杀虫晶体蛋白的作用机制及在不同水平上解释这些机制的一些流行模型和有关亚分子结构的作用。  相似文献   

A cloned CryIVB toxin was purified from a cured strain of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) containing the cryIVB gene on the recombinant plasmid Cam135. Solubilized protoxin was treated with Aedes gut extract or trypsin for varying times and tested for toxicity in vitro on three dipteran and one lepidopteran cell line. Treatment with the Aedes extract but not trypsin, produced an active toxin which lysed only Aedes aegypti cells out of those tested. This activation was time-dependent reaching a maximum after 6 h. Both the Aedes extract-treated and trypsin-treated toxin killed A. aegypti larvae, but this toxicity declined rapidly with increasing time of exposure to the proteolytic preparations.  相似文献   

Analysis of non-active engineered Bacillus thuringiensis crystal proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis are known for their insecticidal specificity. This specificity is, to a large extent, determined by the interaction of the proteins with high-affinity binding sites on the epithelial membrane of the midgut of sensitive insects. In particular, domain II of the three domains of the toxic moiety has been implicated in specificity. To determine which sequences of the protein are involved in binding, loops of domain II which terminate in the molecular apex of CryIA(b) were replaced by the corresponding regions of CryIE, a protein with different binding characteristics and insect specificity. In contrast to expression of the wild-type genes, expression of the mutant alleles in Escherichia coli resulted in the formation of biologically inactive, insoluble aggregates. Although these aggregates could be solubilized in vitro using urea, in contrast to the wild-type CryIA(b), the mutant proteins did not correctly refold as is shown by their increased protease sensitivity and lack of biological activity. The results indicate that engineering CryI proteins, based on the CryIIIA structure, is likely to prove difficult, particularly since the conformation of CryIIIA and CryI proteins might differ in domain II.  相似文献   

198 9年自云南昆明市石林的红棕壤中分离到数株苏云金芽孢杆菌 (Bacillusthuringien sis,Bt)菌株[1] ,对其中的一株YK30 0 4进行了生物学特性、杀虫特性研究及分类鉴定。1 材料与方法1.1 供鉴定的Bt菌株由云南昆明市石林的红棕壤中分离的苏云金芽孢杆菌YK30 0 4菌株。1.2 标准Bt菌株血清型H1 H4 1、H4 4 H55及H57 H69标准Bt菌株由法国巴斯德研究院DrLecadet提供 ,其余为本实验室保存。1.3 生物测定用昆虫小菜蛾 (Plutellaxylostella) 3龄幼虫 ;斜纹夜盗蛾 (Pr…  相似文献   

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