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已经证明,前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)是一种有价值的前列腺癌(PCa)肿瘤标记物,血清PSA的广泛使用提高了前列腺癌的检出率,使晚期癌患得明显减少。然而,PSA对PCa的检测缺乏特异性,由于其高的假阳性率,引起许多不必要的活检。为了提高PSA对PCa诊断的特异性,降低不必要的活检,众多学正在探讨与PSA相关的几项参数的临床应用价值,本就此作一综述。  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) provides an excellent serum marker for prostate cancer, the most frequent form of cancer in American males. PSA is a 237-residue protease based on sequence homology to kallikrein-like enzymes. To predict the 3-dimensional structure of PSA, homology modeling studies were performed based on sequence and structural alignments with tonin, pancreatic kallikrein, chymotrypsin, and trypsin. The structurally conserved regions of the 4 reference X-ray proteins provided the core structure of PSA, whereas the loop structures were modeled on the loops of tonin and kallikrein. The unique "kallikrein loop" insert, between Ser 95b and Pro 95k of kallikrein, was constructed using molecular mechanics, dynamics, and electrostatics calculations. In the resulting PSA structure, the catalytic triad, involving residues His 57, Asp 102, and Ser 195, and hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions typical of serine proteases were extremely well conserved. Similarly, the 5-disulfide bonds of kallikrein were also conserved in PSA. These results, together with the fact that no major steric clashes arose during the modeling process, provide strong evidence for the validity of the PSA model. Calculation of the electrostatic potential contours of kallikrein and PSA was carried out using the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method. The calculations revealed matching areas of negative potential near the catalytic triad, but differences in the positive potential surrounding the active site. The PSA glycosylation site, Asn 61, is fully accessible to the solvent and is enclosed in a positive region of the isopotential map. The bottom of the substrate specificity pocket, residue S1, is a serine (Ser 189) as in chymotrypsin, rather than aspartate (Asp 189) as in tonin, kallikrein, and trypsin. This fact, plus other features of the S1 binding-pocket region, suggest that PSA would prefer substrates with hydrophobic residues at the P1 position. The location of a potential zinc ion binding site involving the side chain of histidines 91, 101, and 233 is also suggested. This PSA model should facilitate the understanding and prediction of structural and functional properties of this important cancer marker.  相似文献   

We covalently linked doxorubicin with a peptide that is hydrolyzable by prostate-specific antigen. In the presence of prostate tumor cells secreting prostate-specific antigen, the peptide moiety of this conjugate, L-377,202, was hydrolyzed, resulting in the release of leucine-doxorubicin and doxorubicin, which are both very cytotoxic to cancer cells. However, L-377,202 was much less cytotoxic than conventional doxorubicin to cells in culture that do not secrete prostate-specific antigen. L-377,202 was approximately 15 times more effective than was conventional doxorubicin at inhibiting the growth of human prostate cancer tumors in nude mice when both drugs were used at their maximally tolerated doses. Nude mice inoculated with human prostate tumor cells secreting prostate-specific antigen showed considerable reductions in tumor burden with minimal total body weight loss when treated with L-377, 202. This improvement in therapeutic index correlated with the selective localization of leucine-doxorubicin and free doxorubicin in tissues secreting prostate-specific antigen after exposure to L-377,202.  相似文献   

Summary A three-dimensional histoculture of wet stratified squamous epithelium of rat lingual frenulum was cultured on a liquid-air interface. The tissue retained its morphology for many days in culture. During this period the vast majority of the epithelial cells remained viable and exhibited dye (lucifer yellow) coupling in all living epithelial strata. Dye coupling was determined using two methods: the conventional intracellular injection method, and a new method—“cut-loading.” In the cut-loading method, an incision is made in the epithelium in the presence of dye, and intracellular diffusion of dye throughout the epithelium was measured using confocal microscopy. The basolateral surface of the lingual frenulum also acted as a substrate for neuroblastoma cells to grow without exogenously added trophic factors. These neuroblastoma cells grow neurites that establish contacts with epithelial cells. This preparation can serve as a model for investigating interactions among epithelial cells and between nerves and epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activity of human prostate-specific antigen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human prostate-specific antigen has been found to exhibit a mild activity of protease at neutral pH. This finding is based on two observations: a proteolytic activity was always associated with the antigen fractions during purification, and the proteolytic activity and the antigen were precipitated with specific antibody to the antigen. In comparison with physico-chemical and catalytic properties of known proteases, human prostate-specific antigen is a distinct neutral protease.  相似文献   

Using a synthetic oligonucleotide primer complementary to human prostate-specific antigen mRNA, we found that an additional sequence possibly similar to human glandular kallikrein-1 could be read by a primer-extension sequencing technique. We were able to confirm the identity of that additional sequence with another oligonucleotide primer complementary to a specific region of the human glandular kallikrein-1 mRNA sequence. Northern blot analysis with 2 oligonucleotide probes respectively specific for prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein-1 mRNAs showed that the length of both mRNAs was similar at 1.5 kb. The level of human glandular kallikrein-1 mRNA relative to that of prostate-specific antigen could be estimated as approx. 10-20%. This study constitutes the first evidence that the human glandular kallikrein-1 gene is expressed at a high level in a human tissue.  相似文献   

Although immunological tolerance to self Ags represents an important mechanism to prevent normal tissue injury, there is growing evidence that tolerance to tumor Ags, which often represent normal peripherally expressed proteins, is not absolute and can be effectively reverted. Prostate-specific Ag (PSA) is a self Ag expressed by both normal and malignant prostatic epithelium, and therefore offers a unique opportunity to examine the ability of self Ags to serve as specific CTL targets. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of autologous dendritic cells (DC) transfected with mRNA encoding PSA to stimulate CTL against PSA Ags in vitro. Ag in form of RNA carries the advantage to encode multiple epitopes for many HLA alleles, thus permitting induction of CTL responses among many cancer patients independent of their HLA repertoire. In this study, we show that PSA mRNA-transfected DC were capable of stimulating primary CTL responses against PSA Ags in vitro. The PSA-specific CTL did not cross-react with kallikrein Ags, a protein, which shares significant homology with PSA, suggesting that harmful autoimmune toxicity may not represent a significant problem with this approach. PSA RNA-transfected DC generated from male or female healthy volunteers or from cancer patients were equally effective in stimulating PSA-specific CTL in vitro, implying that neither natural tolerance to PSA Ags nor tumor-mediated T cell anergy may represent major barriers for CTL generation against the self Ag PSA. This study provides a preclinical rationale for using PSA RNA-transfected DC in active or adoptive immunization protocols.  相似文献   

RNAi (RNA interference) has been widely used to silence specific genes. However, RNAi may also cause off-target silencing and elicit non-specific side effects. To achieve cell-specific gene silencing, a cell-selective promoter has to be used to drive RNAi expression. Furthermore, different terminators of cell-selective promoters may cause different silencing efficacies. In order to explore the best promoter and terminator combination and prove the cell-selective gene silencing effect of PSMAe/p (prostate-specific membrane antigen enhancer/promoter), we first constructed three plasmids by using PSMAe/p and three different terminators [poly(A), minipoly(A) and poly(U)] to explore the cell-selective driving ability of PSMAe/p by targeting EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) in LNCaP, PC-3, EJ and HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) cells. Then we chose NS (nucleostemin), an important endogenous gene of prostate cancer, and constructed the NS-targeting shRNA (small-hairpin RNA) expression plasmid by using PSMAe/p-poly(A) combination. Cell proliferation, cell cycle and early apoptosis in vitro and xenograft tumour growth in BALB/c nude mice in vivo were detected after NS knockdown. Results showed that PSMAe/p can drive EGFP silencing in LNCaP, not in PC-3, EJ and HEK-293 cells and PSMAe/p-poly(A) combination achieved the best silencing efficacy. Then PSMAe/p-shNS-poly(A) drives NS knockdown in LNCaP cells, not in PC-3, EJ and HEK-293 cells. Furthermore, RNAi-mediated NS knockdown not only reduces cell proliferation rate, reduces the percentage of S-stage cells and increases the percentage of G1-stage cells and increases the early apoptosis ratio in LNCaP cells in vitro, but also inhibited the LNCaP xenograft tumour growth in BALB/c nude mice in vivo by intratumoural injection. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that PSMAe/p-poly(A) combination is a promising delivery system for targeted RNAi gene therapy of prostate cancer. We showed one effective antitumour strategy by targeting NS protein, an important target in prostate cancer, with PSMAe/p-shNS-poly(A). These results serve as an important step for developing novel strategies to treat prostate cancer.  相似文献   

K Akiyama  T Nakamura  S Iwanaga  M Hara 《FEBS letters》1987,225(1-2):168-172
gamma-Seminoprotein (gamma-Sm) is a human prostate-specific antigen and a serine protease judging from the complete amino acid sequence which shows extensive homology with the kallikrein family. The enzymatic activity of gamma-Sm was defined as a chymotrypsin-like activity using reduced and S-3-(trimethylated amino)propylated lysozyme and insulin-oxidized A and B chains as substrates. The -Leu/Ser- peptide bond of lysozyme was rapidly hydrolyzed by gamma-Sm. gamma-Sm also hydrolyzed the -Phe/Glu- of lysozyme and the -Leu/Cys(SO3H)- of insulin B chain. Insulin A chain and arginyl- or lysyl-linkage of these proteins were not hydrolyzed by gamma-Sm at all.  相似文献   

Wang N  Tribukait B 《Cytometry》2002,50(3):144-152
BACKGROUND: Although the assessment of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has become a powerful instrument in the diagnosis and for prognosis of prostate carcinoma, there are few quantitative studies of PSA in tissue sections. METHODS: We developed a technique using double-fluorescence image microscopy for quantifying immunohistochemical reactions in tissue sections. PSA was stained by Texas Red and the cellular DNA was counterstained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI). The fluorescence of Texas Red and DAPI was quantified separately after subtraction of background and shading correction. The amount of PSA related to the amount of DNA in identical tissue parts was studied in archival specimens from patients with hyperplasia and prostate carcinoma. RESULTS: The amount of tissue PSA decreased with the increase in tumor grade, Gleason score, and the change from diploid to aneuploid. CONCLUSION: Double-fluorescence image microscopy is a valuable technique for obtaining quantitative information of cellular constituents. For standardization of immunochemical reactions in tissue sections, cellular DNA seems to be most appropriate.  相似文献   

Human prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a 33 kDa serine protease with comprehensive homology to glandular kallikrein, is secreted from prostatic tissue into the seminal fluid and enters into the circulation. The level of PSA increases in the serum of patients with prostatic cancer and hence is widely employed as a marker of the disease status. In particular, an enzymatically active PSA that is a form cleaved at the N-terminal seven-amino-acids prosequence, APLILSR, of proPSA may play an important roll in the progression of prostate cancer. Thus, the presence of the active form would selectively discriminate the cancer from benign prostatic hyperplasia. In this study, we developed a convenient purification method for the acquisition of active PSA and proPSA. Recombinant proPSA and active PSA were expressed directly in Escherichia coli, easily and efficiently isolated from inclusion bodies, refolded, and purified. Moreover, the enzymatic activity of the recombinant active PSA was confirmed as serine protease using chromogenic chymotrypsin substrate. This purified active PSA could be further applied to scrutinize the biological or conformational characteristics of the protein and to develop specific diagnostic and/or therapeutic agents against prostate cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: It is well documented that mechanical manipulation of the prostate can elevate total PSA (t-PSA) levels in serum. However, less is known about its effects on free PSA (f-PSA) and the free-to-total PSA ratio (f/t-PSA). We therefore examined the impact of prostate manipulation on t-PSA and f-PSA during surgical procedures involving the prostate. METHODS: Intraoperative blood samples for t-PSA and f-PSA measurement (Hybritech) were collected every 15 min during 14 radical retropubic prostatectomies (RRP) and 10 radical cystoprostatectomies (RCP). RESULTS: Prostatic manipulation induced significant elevations in t-PSA and f-PSA during RRP and RCP. Postmanipulatory peaks were markedly higher for f-PSA than for t-PSA. The mean maximum f-PSA levels showed a 4.3- (RRP) and 7.9-fold (RCP) increase, followed by a rapid decline after prostate removal. t-PSA increased 1.2- (RRP) and 1.3-fold (RCP), and declined more slowly. Postmanipulatory f/t-PSA ratios also increased significantly, reaching mean elevations of +0.29 and +0.28 over preoperative ratios during RRP and RCP, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Prostate manipulation can induce transient increases in t-PSA, f-PSA and f/t-PSA in benign and malignant prostates. The extent of these alterations and their course over time must be taken into account when postmanipulatory changes in PSA forms are investigated. Timing of postmanipulatory venipunctures and the molar response ratio of t-PSA assays used (equimolar versus nonequimolar) seem to have substantial impact on the results of such studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the value of the nadir level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to predict androgen-independent progression (AIP) in metastatic prostate cancer patients after androgen deprivation therapy. In a group of 185 metastatic prostate cancer patients who received androgen deprivation therapy serum PSA was determined every three months until AIP occurred. Multiple regression analysis was performed to define independent clinical and PSA-related predictors of AIP. AIP was assumed to be present after two consecutive increases in serum PSA after the PSA nadir. Independent predictors of the duration of AIP-free survival (less than 12 months versus more than 12 months) were the extent of bone involvement (six or fewer hot spots versus more than six) with an odds ratio (O.R.) of 3.95, Gleason score (7 or less versus more than 7) with an O.R. of 3.47, and PSA nadir (2 microg/L or less versus more than 2 microg/L) with an O.R. of 14.63. AIP was independently predicted by the extent of bone involvement with an O.R. of 1.72, Gleason score with an O.R. of 1.74, PSA nadir with an O.R. of 3.22, and time to reach the PSA nadir (9 months or less versus more than 9 months) with an O.R. of 2.84. When patients were stratified according to these predictors, those with three good prognostic factors had a median AIP-free survival of 58 months while those with two, one or no good prognostic factors had a median AIP-free survival of 19 months, 12 months and 7 months, respectively. We conclude that the PSA nadir seems to be a good predictor of AIP in patients with metastatic prostate cancer after androgen deprivation therapy. Time to PSA nadir, extent of bone involvement and Gleason score are also independent predictors. The combination of these prognostic factors allows to stratify metastatic prostate cancer patients for the prediction of AIP.  相似文献   

The serum level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is useful as a clinical marker for diagnosis and assessment of the progression of prostate cancer, and in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment. We characterized four Sp1/Sp3 binding sites in the proximal promoter of the PSA gene. In a luciferase assay, these sites contributed to the basal promoter activity in prostate cancer cells. In an electrophoretic mobility shift assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, we confirmed that Sp1 and Sp3 bind to these sites. Overexpression of wild-type Sp1 and Sp3 further upregulated the promoter activity, whereas overexpression of the Sp1 dominant-negative form or addition of mithramycin A significantly reduced the promoter activity and the endogenous mRNA level of PSA. Among the four binding sites, a GC box located at nucleotides -53 to -48 was especially critical for basal promoter activity. These results indicate that Sp1 and Sp3 are involved in the basal expression of PSA in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

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