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It is often hoped that population genetics can answer questions about the demographic and geographic dynamics of recent biological invasions. Conversely, invasions with well-known histories are sometimes billed as opportunities to test methods of population genetic inference. In both cases, underappreciated limitations constrain the usefulness of genetic methods. The most significant is that human-caused invasions have occurred on historical timescales that are orders of magnitude smaller than the timescales of mutation and genetic drift for most multicellular organisms. Analyses based on the neutral theory of molecular evolution cannot resolve such rapid dynamics. Invasion histories cannot be reconstructed in the same way as biogeographic changes occurring over millenia. Analyses assuming equilibrium between mutation, drift, gene flow, and selection will rarely be applicable, and even methods designed for explicitly non-equilibrium questions often require longer timescales than the few generations of most invasions of current concern. We identified only a few population genetic questions that are tractable over such short timescales. These include comparison of alternative hypotheses for the geographic origin of an invasion, testing for bottlenecks, and hybridization between native and invasive species. When proposing population genetic analysis of a biological invasion, we recommend that biologists ask (i) whether the questions to be addressed will materially affect management practice or policy, and (ii) whether the proposed analyses can really be expected to address important population genetic questions. Despite our own enthusiasm for population genetic research, we conclude that genetic analysis of biological invasions is justified only under exceptional circumstances.  相似文献   

A number of single gene mutations dramatically reduce the ability of fruit flies to learn or to remember. Cloning of the affected genes implicated the adenylyl cyclase second-messenger system as key in learning and memory. The expression patterns of these genes, in combination with other data, indicates that brain structures called mushroom bodies are crucial for olfactory learning. However, the mushroom bodies are not dedicated solely to olfactory processing; they also mediate higher cognitive functions in the fly, such as visual context generalization. Molecular genetic manipulations, coupled with behavioral studies of the fly, will identify rudimentary neural circuits that underly multisensory learning and perhaps also the circuits that mediate more-complex brain functions, such as attention.  相似文献   

Many organisms have the ability to form spores, a remarkable phase in their life cycles. Compared with vegetative cells, spores have several advantages (e.g. resistance to toxic compounds, temperature, desiccation and radiation) making them well suited to various applications. The applications of spores that first spring to mind are bio-warfare and the related, but more positive, field of biological control. Although they are often considered metabolically inert, spores can also be used as biocatalysts. Other uses for spores are found in the fields of probiotics, tumour detection and treatment, biosensing and in the "war against drugs".  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) of the eukaryotic cell provides an essential barrier that separates the nuclear compartment from the cytoplasm. In addition, the NE is involved in essential functions such as nuclear stability, regulation of gene expression, centrosome separation and nuclear migration and positioning. In metazoa the NE breaks down and re-assembles around the segregated chromatids during each cell division. In this review we discuss the molecular constituents of the Caenorhabditis elegans NE and describe their role in post-mitotic NE re-formation, as well as the usefulness of C. elegans as an in vivo system for analyzing NE dynamics.  相似文献   

A number of single gene mutations dramatically reduce the ability of fruit flies to learn or to remember. Cloning of the affected genes implicated the adenylyl cyclase second-messenger system as key in learning and memory. The expression patterns of these genes, in combination with other data, indicates that brain structures called mushroom bodies are crucial for olfactory learning. However, the mushroom bodies are not dedicated solely to olfactory processing; they also mediate higher cognitive functions in the fly, such as visual context generalization. Molecular genetic manipulations, coupled with behavioral studies of the fly, will identify rudimentary neural circuits that underly multisensory learning and perhaps also the circuits that mediate more-complex brain functions, such as attention.  相似文献   

Among the Actinobacteria, the genus Frankia is well known for its facultative lifestyle as a plant symbiont of dicotyledonous plants and as a free-living soil dweller. Frankia sp. strains are generally classified into one of four major phylogenetic groups that have distinctive plant host ranges. Our understanding of these bacteria has been greatly facilitated by the availability of the first three complete genome sequences, which suggested a correlation between genome size and plant host range. Since that first report, eight more Frankia genomes have been sequenced. Representatives from all four lineages have been sequenced to provide vital baseline information for genomic approaches toward understanding these novel bacteria. An overview of the Frankia genomes will be presented to stimulate discussion on the potential of these organisms and a greater understanding of their physiology and evolution.  相似文献   

The group model is a useful tool to understand broad-scale patterns of interaction in a network, but it has previously been limited in use to food webs, which contain only predator-prey interactions. Natural populations interact with each other in a variety of ways and, although most published ecological networks only include information about a single interaction type (e.g., feeding, pollination), ecologists are beginning to consider networks which combine multiple interaction types. Here we extend the group model to signed directed networks such as ecological interaction webs. As a specific application of this method, we examine the effects of including or excluding specific interaction types on our understanding of species roles in ecological networks. We consider all three currently available interaction webs, two of which are extended plant-mutualist networks with herbivores and parasitoids added, and one of which is an extended intertidal food web with interactions of all possible sign structures (+/+, -/0, etc.). Species in the extended food web grouped similarly with all interactions, only trophic links, and only nontrophic links. However, removing mutualism or herbivory had a much larger effect in the extended plant-pollinator webs. Species removal even affected groups that were not directly connected to those that were removed, as we found by excluding a small number of parasitoids. These results suggest that including additional species in the network provides far more information than additional interactions for this aspect of network structure. Our methods provide a useful framework for simplifying networks to their essential structure, allowing us to identify generalities in network structure and better understand the roles species play in their communities.  相似文献   

The role of feruloyl esterases in plant wall development, in gut health, and in the breakdown of plant biomass for the production of bioactive phytochemicals and biofuel is covered in this review. These enzymes have potential roles in stomatal cell function and the phenolic substitutions and cross-linkages between plant cell wall components. As more plant genomes are sequenced, the role of ferulic acid and feruloyl esterases in planta may be better understood. In human and ruminal digestion, these enzymes are important to de-esterify dietary fibre, releasing hydroxycinnamates and derivatives which have been shown to have positive health effects, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities. They are also involved in colonic fermentation where their extracellular and intracellular activities in the microbiota improve the breakdown of polysaccharides and increase microbial production of short chain fatty acids. Their specificity can also be employed to synthesize bioactive compounds for cosmetic and health applications. The enzymatic disassembly of cereal straws is greatly enhanced when feruloyl esterase activity is present, although the substrate specificity of the esterase appears to have some bearing on its optimal application. The involvement of feruloyl esterases in the improved enzymatic and microbial saccharification of cereal-derived material demonstrates a high importance for these enzymes in animal feed preparation and bioalcohol production.  相似文献   

There was a major diversification known as the Ordovician Radiation,in the period immediately following the Cambrian. This eventis unique in taxonomic, ecologic and biogeographic aspects. While all of the phyla but one were established during the Cambrianexplosion, taxonomic increases during the Ordovician were manifestat lower taxonomic levels although ordinal level diversity doubled.Marine family diversity tripled and within clade diversity increasesoccurred at the genus and species levels. The Ordovician radiationestablished the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna; those taxa whichdominated the marine realm for the next 250 million years. Communitystructure dramatically increased in complexity. New communitieswere established and there were fundamental shifts in dominanceand abundance. Over the past ten years, there has been an effort to examinethis radiation at different scales. In comparison with the Cambrianexplosion which appears to be more globally mediated, localand regional studies of Ordovician faunas reveal sharp transitionswith timing and magnitudes that vary geographically. These transitionssuggest a more episodic and complex history than that revealedthrough synoptic global studies alone. Despite its apparent uniqueness, we cannot exclude the possibilitythat the Ordovician radiation was an extension of Cambrian diversitydynamics. That is, the Ordovician radiation may have been anevent independent of the Cambrian radiation and thus requiringa different set of explanations, or it may have been the inevitablefollow-up to the Cambrian radiation. Future studies should focuson resolving this issue.  相似文献   

The spectacular diversity of the Cape flora has promoted wide speculation on the evolutionary processes behind its origins, but until recently these ideas could not be tested rigorously due to the almost complete absence of a fossil record for the region. Now, molecular phylogenetic approaches, combined with analyses of ecological and biogeographical information, offer the potential to test key hypotheses about speciation of so-called Cape clades of flowering plants. We outline the main theories and how they might be tested by phylogenetic approaches. One conclusion is that population level studies of particular species complexes are now needed to complement the growing volume of phylogenetic information for Cape clades and to provide better understanding of mechanisms of population divergence in the Cape. Another is that comparisons between Cape and non-Cape clades are needed to confirm whether speciation is indeed faster in the Cape region. An alternative possibility, that extinction rates are lower, should also be considered in these comparisons. By virtue of the ongoing, coordinated efforts by a global team of botanists, the Cape is now uniquely placed for exploring the origins and assembly of a regional assemblage or biome.  相似文献   

Genetic data are often used to assess ‘population connectivity’ because it is difficult to measure dispersal directly at large spatial scales. Genetic connectivity, however, depends primarily on the absolute number of dispersers among populations, whereas demographic connectivity depends on the relative contributions to population growth rates of dispersal vs. local recruitment (i.e. survival and reproduction of residents). Although many questions are best answered with data on genetic connectivity, genetic data alone provide little information on demographic connectivity. The importance of demographic connectivity is clear when the elimination of immigration results in a shift from stable or positive population growth to negative population growth. Otherwise, the amount of dispersal required for demographic connectivity depends on the context (e.g. conservation or harvest management), and even high dispersal rates may not indicate demographic interdependence. Therefore, it is risky to infer the importance of demographic connectivity without information on local demographic rates and how those rates vary over time. Genetic methods can provide insight on demographic connectivity when combined with these local demographic rates, data on movement behaviour, or estimates of reproductive success of immigrants and residents. We also consider the strengths and limitations of genetic measures of connectivity and discuss three concepts of genetic connectivity that depend upon the evolutionary criteria of interest: inbreeding connectivity, drift connectivity, and adaptive connectivity. To conclude, we describe alternative approaches for assessing population connectivity, highlighting the value of combining genetic data with capture‐mark‐recapture methods or other direct measures of movement to elucidate the complex role of dispersal in natural populations.  相似文献   

Fifty-five million years ago, a furry, hoofed mammal about the size of a dog ventured into the shallow brackish remnant of the Tethys Sea and set its descendants on a path that would lead to their complete abandonment of the land. These early ancestors of cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises, and whales) thereafter set on an evolutionary course that is arguably the most unusual of any mammal that ever lived. Primates and cetaceans, because of their adaptation to exclusively different physical environments, have had essentially nothing to do with each other throughout their evolution as distinct orders. In fact, the closest phylogenetic relatives of cetaceans are even-toed ungulates.  相似文献   

S Munro 《FEBS letters》2001,498(2-3):223-227
The N-glycans found on eukaryotic glycoproteins occur in a vast range of different structures. A universal N-glycan core is attached to proteins during synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, and then diversity is generated as the proteins pass through the Golgi apparatus. Many of the Golgi-localised glycosyltransferases have now been identified in both yeast and mammalian cells, but it is still unclear how these enzymes are integrated into the Golgi and the rest of the cell so as to ensure efficient and specific processing of passing substrates. This review discusses the potential of the yeast system to address these issues.  相似文献   

This review describes the advantages of adopting a molluscan complementary model, the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, to study the neural basis of learning and memory in appetitive and avoidance classical conditioning; as well as operant conditioning of its aerial respiratory and escape behaviour. We firstly explored ‘what we can teach Lymnaea’ by discussing a variety of sensitive, solid, easily reproducible and simple behavioural tests that have been used to uncover the memory abilities of this model system. Answering this question will allow us to open new frontiers in neuroscience and behavioural research to enhance our understanding of how the nervous system mediates learning and memory. In fact, from a translational perspective, Lymnaea and its nervous system can help to understand the neural transformation pathways from behavioural output to sensory coding in more complex systems like the mammalian brain. Moving on to the second question: ‘what can Lymnaea teach us?’, it is now known that Lymnaea shares important associative learning characteristics with vertebrates, including stimulus generalization, generalization of extinction and discriminative learning, opening the possibility to use snails as animal models for neuroscience translational research.  相似文献   

The study of hybrids and their evolutionary significance is often based on a number of tacit assumptions regarding character expression in hybrids. This article examines morphological, chemical, and molecular character expression in hybrids to determine whether traditionally recognized properties of hybrid plants, such as hybrid intermediacy and character coherence, are actually supported by empirical evidence, and also examines the impact of hybrids on phylogenetic analyses. We show that hybrids are a mosaic of both parental and intermediate morphological characters rather than just intermediate ones, and that a large proportion of first (64%) and later generation hybrids (89%) exhibit extreme or novel characters. Chemical character expression in hybrids is more predictable, with predominantly additive or complementary expression for both first generation hybrids (68%) and hybrid taxa (54%). Likewise, the genetic basis, and thus the expression of molecular characters, is well-worked out and predictable, although non-Mendelian inheritance has been reported in a few instances for molecular markers as well.

There is even less empirical support for the concept of character coherence than hybrid intermediacy. Although morphological character coherence has been reported in both artificial and natural hybrid populations, it appears to be the exception rather than the rule. This idiosyncratic relationship among morphological characters is shown to be the norm for the relationship of morphological to molecular characters, as well as for the relationship among molecular characters.

Hybrids are shown to have little impact on the topology of nonhybrid taxa in phylogenetic trees. However, the expression of primitive vs. derived character states, the placement of hybrids in cladograms, the number of equally parsimonious trees produced, and the effects of hybrids on phylogenetic topology do not appear to be predictable. Thus, cladistic identification of hybrid taxa is difficult and may not be possible based on phenotypic data, regardless of the analytical tools used.  相似文献   

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