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This study evaluates a new synthetic substitute (CRYO3, Ref. 5617, Stem Alpha, France) for animal-based products in bovine embryo cryopreservation solutions. During the experiment, fetal calf serum (FCS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were used as references. A combination of a thermodynamic approach using differential scanning calorimetry and a biological approach using in vitro-produced bovine embryo slow-freezing was used to characterize cryopreservation solutions containing CRYO3, FCS and BSA. The CRYO3 and fetal calf serum (FCS) slow-freezing solutions were made from Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline containing 1.5 m ethylene glycol, 0.1 m sucrose and 20% (v.v−1) of CRYO3 or FCS. The bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution was made by adding 0.1 m sucrose to a commercial solution containing 1.5 m ethylene glycol and 4 g L−1 BSA. These solutions were evaluated using three characteristics: the end of melting temperature, the enthalpy of crystallization (thermodynamic approach) and the embryo survival and hatching rates after in vitro culture (biological approach). The CRYO3 and FCS solutions had similar thermodynamic properties. In contrast, the thermodynamic characteristics of the BSA solution were different from those of the FCS and CRYO3 solutions. Nevertheless, the embryo survival and hatching rates obtained with the BSA and FCS solutions were not different. Similar biological properties can thus be obtained with slow freezing solutions that have different physical properties within a defined range. The embryo survival rate after 48 h of in vitro culture obtained with the CRYO3 solution (81.5%) was higher than that obtained with the BSA (42.2%, P = 0.000 12) and FCS solutions (58%, P = 0.016). Similarly, the embryo hatching rate after 72 h of in vitro culture was higher with the CRYO3 solution (61.1%) than with the BSA (31.1%, P = 0.0055) and FCS solutions (36%, P = 0.018). We conclude that CRYO3 can be used as a chemically defined substitute for animal-based products in in vitro-produced bovine embryo cryopreservation solutions.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the use of phenazine ethosulfate (PES) during culture of embryos on fetal and postnatal calf development. Oocytes collected from abbatoir-derived ovaries were matured and fertilized, and the resulting embryos were cultured in vitro by standard procedures, in a chemically defined medium plus BSA. Day 0 of culture was 18 ± 2 h after the onset of IVF. From 2.5 to 6.5 d, half of the eight-cell embryos served as controls, and the remainder were exposed to 0.3 μM PES, which decreases lipid content of embryos. Good-quality blastocysts exposed to PES (n = 38) or control (n = 35) blastocysts were transferred nonsurgically to synchronized recipients in estrus 6-7.5 d earlier, resulting in 9 calves in each group. These in vitro-produced pregnancies were evaluated weekly between 35 and 98 d postestrus by ultrasonography, and postnatal development of the calves was monitored for 1 month. Based on a limited number of transfers, use of PES during in vitro culture did not affect pregnancy rates compared to the control at 35 or 98 d (P > 0.1). Transfer at 7-7.5 d after estrus resulted in higher 98-d pregnancy rates than at 6-6.5 d (34% vs. 10%; P < 0.05). In vitro-derived fetuses that aborted had retarded fetal and placental development compared to those that went to term, but there was no difference in fetal loss between the PES treatment and controls. One calf in the PES group weighing 36 kg was born dead at 252 d of gestation, and another calf in this group was dead some hours after birth and weighed 22.2 kg when parturition was induced at 310 d of gestation. It is unclear whether these two abnormal calves were caused by the PES treatment, or were due to in vitro procedures in general. In conclusion, the use of PES during in vitro culture had no effect (P > 0.1) on pregnancy rates, conceptus losses between Days 35 and 98 of pregnancy, nor fetal postnatal development in calves born normally.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the closed pulled straw (CPS) method for cryopreserving in vitro-produced and in vivo-produced bovine (Bos taurus) embryos. Based on the open pulled straw (OPS) protocol, the top end of a CPS was closed by tweezers (heated in a flame) to prevent the cryoprotectant medium containing embryos from contacting the liquid nitrogen. Bovine in vitro or in vivo morulae and early blastocyst embryos were frozen by slow cryopreservation, OPS vitrification, or CPS vitrification. Morphology of postthawed embryos was evaluated, and normal embryos were used for successive culture for 72 h. There were no significant differences between OPS and CPS freezing groups in postthawed in vitro-produced embryos with respect to rates of morphologically normal embryos (mean ± SD, 87.9 ± 5.2% vs. 85.4 ± 4.9%), survival at 24 h (58.0 ± 6.8% vs. 56.3 ± 4.4%), and survival at 72 h (35.2 ± 6.0% vs. 34.9 ± 6.7%). However, both OPS and CPS vitrification resulted in higher postthaw rates of morphologically normal embryo and survival at 24 and 72 h than those of the slow-freezing method (P < 0.05). Similar results were obtained for in vivo-derived embryos. We concluded that CPS vitrification was a feasible method to cryopreserve both in vitro-derived and in vivo-derived bovine embryos. This method not only eliminated the risk of embryo contamination by preventing contact with liquid nitrogen but also retained the advantages of the OPS vitrification method.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to test the use of a new device designed to vitrify and in-straw warm in vitro produced (IVP) embryos, which can potentially be used for their direct transfer to recipient females in field conditions. In experiment 1, IVP embryos from both prepubertal and adult animals were vitrified on cryotops and warmed in steps (1, 0.5 and 0 M sucrose; protocol W3) or directly in 0.5 M (protocol W1/0.5) or 0 M sucrose (protocol W1/0). Similar survival rates were recorded 24 h after warming for calf embryos irrespective of the warming procedure (W3: 79.2%, W1/0.5: 62.5%, W1/0: 66.7%). For cow embryos, survival rates at 24 h post-warming were significantly higher when embryos were warmed using the W3 (85.7%) or W1/0.5 (89.1%) protocols compared to the W1/0 protocol (70.5%). In experiment 2, IVP embryos were vitrified on the new designed device followed by their in-straw cryoprotectant (0.5 M sucrose) dilution/warming and different warming temperatures (45, 50, 60 and 70 °C) were tested. When warming solution passed through the new vitrification/warming device at 45 °C, 61.5% of blastocysts were fully re-expanded or hatched at 24 h post-warming, being not significantly different to the control (65%). Other warming temperatures triggered significantly lower survival rates at 24 h post-warming. No significant differences were detected in total cell numbers and blastocyst apoptosis indices in response to vitrification followed by warming at 45 °C respect to the control. Our findings indicate that the new device allows vitrification and in-straw warming of IVP bovine embryos, being a useful option for their direct transfer in field conditions.  相似文献   

Lin TA  Chen CH  Sung LY  Carter MG  Chen YE  Du F  Ju JC  Xu J 《Theriogenology》2011,75(4):760-768
The objective was to determine cryotolerance of in vitro cultured rabbit embryos to the open-pulled straw (OPS) method. Overall, 844 rabbit embryos at pronuclear, 2- to 4-cell, 8-cell, and morula/blastocyst stages were vitrified, and ≥ 1 mo later, were sequentially warmed, rehydrated, and subjected to continuous culture (n = 691) or embryo transfer (ET, n = 153). Embryos vitrified at the 8-cell stage or beyond had greater survival, expanded blastocyst and hatched blastocyst rates in vitro, and better term development than those vitrified at earlier stages. The 8-cell group had 70.1% expanded blastocysts, 63.7% hatched blastocysts, and 25.7% term development, as compared to 1.5-17.7%, 1.5-4.3% and 2.8-3.7% in the pronuclear, 2-cell and 4-cell embryos, respectively (P < 0.05). The expanded and hatched blastocyst rates in vitrified morula/blastocyst post-warming were higher than that in the 8-cell group; however, their term development after ET was similar (8-cell vs morula/blastocyst: 25.7 vs 19.4%, P > 0.05). Development after ET was comparable between vitrified-warmed embryos and fresh controls at 8-cell and morula/blastocyst stages (19.4-25.7 vs 13.7-26.6%, P > 0.05). For embryos at pronuclear or 2- to 4-cell stages, however, term rates were lower in the vitrified-warmed (2.8-3.7%) than in fresh controls (28.6-35.6%, P < 0.05). Therefore, cultured rabbit embryos at various developmental stages had differential crytolerance. Under the present experimental conditions, the 8-cell stage appeared to be the critical point for acquiring cryotolerance. We inferred that for this OPS cryopreservation protocol, rabbit embryos should be vitrified no earlier than the 8-cell stage, and stage-specific protocols may be needed to maximize embryo survival after vitrification and re-warming.  相似文献   

Embryo quality of in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts was assessed at several steps of a vitrification procedure in which glycerol and ethylene glycol were used as cryoprotectants (3-step equilibration with cryoprotectants followed by vitrification, dilution of the cryoprotectants in 0.85 M galactose then in embryo transfer freezing medium [ETF], and finally co-culture for periods). To visualize cell membrane alterations, double staining was performed using a cell permeant fluorochrome (bisbenzimide--BIS) and a nonpermeant one (propidium iodide--PI). In Experiment 1, the effect of the vitrification procedure on the hatching rate and total cell number was assessed 72 h after treatment. Hatching rate and the number of stained nuclei were decreased in comparison with untreated embryos when blastocysts were exposed to the whole procedure with or without vitrification (respectively 42 and 53% vs 76% for hatching and 128 +/- 17 and 141 +/- 17 vs 226 +/- 13 for stained nuclei). In Experiment 2, the effect of cryoprotectants and their dilution was evaluated on membrane permeability and total cell numbers at various steps of the vitrification procedure. Blastocysts exposed only to cryoprotectant solutions and stained immediately after dilution in galactose showed no modification. After dilution in ETF, the total number of stained nuclei decreased, and the number of blastomeres showing membrane permeabilization (PI-stained) increased (respectively, 74 +/- 5 vs 110 +/- 5 and 32 +/- 2% vs 0.1 +/- 1.8%). In Experiment 3, we demonstrated that the total number of stained nuclei after ethanol fixation (membrane permeabilization) was higher when embryos treated up to dilution in ETF were stained with PI than when the same embryos were stained with BIS. This suggests that, for unknown reasons, some nuclei of the treated embryos were not stained with BIS. Membrane permeabilization and inability of BIS to stain some nuclei were the most obvious alterations probably induced by osmotic shock at dilution. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the introduction of a further dilution step in 0.42 M galactose (Experiment 4) before dilution in ETF decreased the proportion of cells permeant to PI and increased the hatching rate after 72 h of co-culture. In conclusion, double staining with BIS and PI allowed for discrimination between different types of cellular injuries after the various steps of our vitrification protocol. It represents a useful tool for adjusting equilibration and dilution conditions during a cryopreservation procedure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) interacts with in vitro produced (IVP) bovine embryos. One milliliter of a suspension of FMDV (2 x 10(7) TCID50/mL) was added to several batches of these embryos 7 d after in vitro fertilization, by which time they had either developed to the morula/blastocyst stage (n = 256) or degenerated (n = 260). Six experiments were performed in which developed or degenerated batches of embryos were incubated with FMDV for periods of 1 h (3), 2 h (2) or 4h (1). After this, the embryos were washed 10 times according to the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS), then pooled and ground up to form a suspension, and assayed on cell cultures for FMDV. The cell cultures were observed daily for cytopathic effects for 3 d post exposure. In addition to the cell culture method, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to assay for the presence of the virus in the washing fluids. Assays for FMDV were also conducted on the first and second wash and on the pooled sample constituting the eight, ninth and tenth wash. With the exception of the second wash from a batch of embryos exposed to FMDV for 2 h, all samples of the first and second wash produced FMDV cytopathic effects, but none occurred with the pooled samples of the 8th, 9th and 10th wash. FMDV was also isolated from all but 1 of the batches of embryos after 1 h of incubation, from 1 of 4 batches after 2 h of incubation and from all batches after 4 h incubation. By contrast, the presence of virus could not be demonstrated by PCR based on the technique used here. These results show that 7 d old IVP bovine embryos can retain FMDV after washing, unlike in vivo-derived embryos, which do not appear to carry risks of FMDV transmission when washed according to IETS recommendations. Stricter controls are, therefore, necessary when using IVP embryos from cattle in a non-FMD-free zone in domestic or international trade.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of fetal calf serum (FCS) on the quality of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Cumulus oocyte-complexes (COCs, n = 2 449) recovered by ovum pick-up from Bos taurus indicus donors were randomly assigned to experimental groups. Sperm selected by Percoll gradient was used for in vitro fertilization (insemination = Day 0). In Experiment 1 (n = 1 745 COCs), zygotes were cultured in vitro in Synthetic Oviduct Fluid + 4 mg/mL of bovine serum albumin (BSA), or BSA + 2% FCS (BSA+FCS). In Experiment 2 (n = 704 COCs), the COCs were cultured in SOF + BSA, BSA + 2% FCS, or BSA + 2% FCS on D4 (BSA + FCSD4). In Experiment 1, blastocyst yield (51%) and Quality I blastocysts (41%) at Day 7 were higher (P < 0.05) in the BSA + FCS treatment than in BSA (42 and 30%, respectively). In Experiment 2, blastocyst yield was higher (P < 0.05) in the BSA+FCS (47%) treatment. Quality I blastocyst yield was higher (P < 0.05) for BSA + FCS (34%) and BSA+FCSD4 (32%) compared to the BSA treatment (20%). A total of 820 embryos were transferred, with no significant differences among groups in pregnancy rates. In conclusion, in vitro culture in SOFaaci + BSA + FCS enhanced blastocyst yield and Quality I blastocysts; adding FCS to the culture medium increased the efficiency of IVP of bovine embryos.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether addition of hyaluronan to culture medium could improve survival of bovine embryos after vitrification or following embryo transfer. In Experiment 1, embryos were produced in vitro and cultured for 7 days in modified synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) containing one of four concentrations of hyaluronan (0, 0.1, 0.5, or 1 mg/mL), with or without 4 mg/mL of bovine serum albumin (BSA). On Day 7 after insemination, blastocysts and expanded blastocysts were vitrified using open-pulled straws. At a concentration of 1 mg/mL, hyaluronan increased (P < 0.05) the percentage of oocytes that were blastocysts and re-expansion rate at 24 h after warming. At 0.5 mg/mL, hyaluronan tended (P < 0.10) to increase re-expansion rate at 48 h after warming and increased (P < 0.05) embryo hatching rate at 24 and 72 h. Treatment with BSA caused a slight reduction in cleavage rate (P < 0.05), but only for cultures containing hyaluronan (BSA × hyaluronan, P = 0.10), an increase in the percentage of oocytes that became blastocysts (P < 0.001), and a reduction in re-expansion rates (P < 0.001) and hatching rates (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) at all times examined. In Experiment 2, embryos were produced in vitro and cultured in modified SOF containing 4 mg/mL BSA, with or without 1 mg/mL hyaluronan. At 159-162 h after insemination, grade 1 morula, blastocysts and expanded blastocysts were harvested for embryo transfer. Harvested embryos were transferred individually to lactating Holstein recipients with a palpable corpus luteum on Day 7 after presumptive ovulation. There was an interaction (P < 0.05) between hyaluronan and embryo stage on pregnancy rate. Recipients that received morula and blastocyst stage embryos treated with hyaluronan had a higher pregnancy rate than recipients that received control embryos of the same stage. There was no effect of hyaluronan on pregnancy rates of recipients that received expanded blastocysts. In conclusion, addition of hyaluronan to embryo culture enhanced blastocyst yield, improved survival following vitrification, and enhanced the post-transfer survival of fresh morula and blastocyst stage embryos.  相似文献   

Based on in vitro experiments, Bos indicus embryos were more resistant to heat stress (HS) than Bos taurus embryos. To increase knowledge regarding differences between Bos indicus and Bos taurus in resistance to HS, the primary objective of this study was to determine if tolerance to HS is due to the breed, origin of the oocyte, sperm, or both. Additionally, the influence of the interval between ovary acquisition (in the abattoir) and oocyte aspiration in the laboratory, on early embryo development was ascertained. Oocytes were collected from Nelore and Holstein cows in an abattoir; 4.0 or 6.5 h later, oocytes were aspired in the laboratory, and then matured and fertilized using semen from Nelore (N), Gir (GIR), or Holstein (H) bulls. Ninety-six h post insemination (hpi), embryos with ≥ 16 cells were divided in two groups: control and HS. In the control group, embryos were cultured at 39°C, whereas in the HS group, embryos were subjected to 41°C for 12 h, and then returned to 39°C. Rates of cleavage, and formation of morula and blastocysts were higher (P < 0.05) for oocytes aspirated at 4.0 versus 6.5 h after ovaries were acquired. Heat stress decreased rates of blastocyst formation for all breeds (N × N; H × H; and H × GIR) and in both time intervals (4.0 and 6.5 h). However, N × N had higher cleavage rate (P < 0.05) in both time intervals when compared with H × H and H × GIR. In addition, Nelore oocytes fertilized with Nelore semen (N × N) had higher blastocyst yields (P < 0.05) in the control and HS group, when compared with the other two breeds (H × H and H × GIR). We concluded that the breed of origin of the oocyte was more important than that of the sperm for development of thermotolerance, because bull breed did not influence embryo development after HS, and in vitro early embryonic development was impaired by increasing (from 4 to 6.5 h) the interval between ovary acquisition and oocyte aspiration.  相似文献   

In vitro systems for oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryo culture [in vitro production (IVP)] have the potential for more wide-spread use in creative breeding programs for dairy and beef cattle. However, one negative consequence of both IVP and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in cattle and other species is that embryos, fetuses, placentas, and offspring can differ significantly in morphology and developmental competence compared with those from embryos produced in vivo. Fetuses and placentas derived from IVP and SCNT embryos may fall within the normal range of development, may have obvious abnormalities such as increased fetal and placental weights, or may have subtle abnormalities such as aberrant development of fetal skeletal muscle, placental blood vessels, and altered metabolism. Failures in physiologic and/or genetic mechanisms essential for proper fetal growth and survival outside of the uterus contribute significantly to pregnancy and neonatal losses. Oversized fetuses are at increased risk of death during parturition and the adverse consequences of severe dystocia may compromise the dam. Collectively, these abnormalities have been referred to as 'large offspring syndrome' or 'large calf syndrome'. Abnormal phenotypes resulting from IVP and SCNT embryos are stochastic in occurrence and they have not been consistently linked to aberrant expression of single genes or specific pathophysiology. Thus, reliable methods of early diagnosis of the condition are not yet available. The objective of this paper is to examine abnormal development of fetuses and placentas resulting from embryos produced using in vitro systems. The term 'abnormal offspring syndrome (AOS)' is introduced and a classification system of developmental outcomes is proposed to facilitate research efforts on the mechanisms of the various abnormal phenotypes. We also discuss potential genetic and physiologic mechanisms that may contribute to abnormal phenotypes following transfer of IVP and SCNT embryos.  相似文献   

The oviduct provides the optimal environment for the transport of sperm and oocyte at the earliest stages of mammalian embryo development. During the early postfertilization period, several major developmental events occur in the embryo including (i) the first cleavage division, (ii) activation of the embryonic genome, (iii) compaction of the morula, and (iv) formation of the blastocyst. Most of these events are initiated in the oviduct. The absence of assistance from the oviduct may compromise the developmental ability of the cattle embryo under in vitro culture conditions. The oviducts of several mammalian species, including rabbits, cow, sheep (in situ), and mice (organ culture), can sustain early bovine embryos and yield blastocysts of better quality compared with those of culture conditions in vitro, leading to normal pregnancy rates in recipient animals. This review focuses on the use of oviducts in vitro or in vivo as intermediate hosts for postfertilization culture environment of bovine in vitro-produced zygotes with emphasis on the mouse model.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to develop a low cost and easy to perform vitrification method for in vitro-produced cattle embryos. Effect of container material was evaluated (plastic straw compared to glass capillary, experiment 1), two volume sample (1 compared to 0.5 μL, experiment 2) and warming solution composition medium (Tissue Culture Medium 199 (TCM-199) compared to phosphate buffered saline (PBS), experiment 3) as modifications of the open pulled straw (OPS) system in order to reduce embryo damage caused by exposure to cold.  相似文献   

Bovine blastocysts were produced through maturation, fertilization, and development in vitro. For vitrification, solutions designated EFS, GFS, and PFS were prepared; these were 40% ethylene glycol, 40% glycerol, and 40% propylene glycol, respectively, diluted in modified phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 30% Ficoll + 0.5 M sucrose. The embryos were exposed to the solutions in one step at room temperature, kept in the solutions for various times, vitrified in liquid nitrogen, and warmed rapidly. When the embryos were vitrified in EFS solution after 1 or 2 min exposure, the postwarming survival rate, assessed by the reexpansion of the blastocoel, was 74–77%. However, when the exposure time was extended to 3 min or longer, this rate dropped to 7–0%. This reduction was attributed to the toxicity of ethylene glycol. Of the embryos vitrified in GFS solution, 53% survived when they were cooled after 1 min exposure; as the duration of the exposure increased, the survival rate increased, reaching a peak (72%) at 4 min. The rate then decreased gradually with exposure time. In PFS solution, embryos surviving after vitrification were recovered only with 1 min exposure (33%), reflecting the high toxicity of propylene glycol. After vitrification in EFS or GFS solution, two embryos were nonsurgically transferred into each of 14 recipient animals. Of the 14 recipients, ten (71%) became pregnant; two resulted in early stillbirths, four recipients delivered twins (four alive and four stillborn), and two delivered single live calves, demonstrating the effectiveness of this simple vitrification method for the cryopreservation of in-vitro-produced bovine blastocysts. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bovine (Bos indicus) herpesviruses have been associated with reproductive disease. Type 1, the most studied species, is best known for its reproductive and respiratory effects. Type 5 (BoHV-5) has been detected in bull semen and aborted fetuses but not in oocytes and embryos. This study consisted of three experiments that evaluated (1) BoHV-5-infected oocytes matured in medium with fetal bovine serum (BoHV-FBS) or polyvinyl alcohol (BoHV-PVA) and fertilized by noninfected sperm; (2) noninfected oocytes fertilized by BoHV-5-infected sperm; and (3) infection of presumptive zygotes by BoHV-5. Each treatment involved nine drops of 15 to 20 oocytes. Infection with BoHV-5 was detected by polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization assay, and fertilization capacity and embryonic development were assessed using in vitro culture. Experimentally induced infection was obtained in all experiments, and vertical transmission of BoHV-5 by gametes was confirmed. The cleavage rate was reduced (P = 0.0201) in BoHV-FBS (80.4 ± 8.9%; mean ± SD) compared with that of noninfected oocytes (89.9 ± 6.5%); neither differed from BoHV-PVA (87.3 ± 7.1%), and the resulting embryo production rate was not significantly different among groups. Rates of cleavage (87.5 ± 7.5% vs. 92.2 ± 5.5%, control vs. infected) and development of embryos (41.7 ± 9.9% vs. 44.3 ± 7.7% to morula/blastocyst/expanded blastocyst [M/B/EB] and 39.6 ± 10.3% vs. 40.8 ± 9.2% to blastocyst/expanded blastocyst/hatching blastocyst [B/EB/HB] stages) were not compromised by infected sperm (P = 0.1462, P = 0.5402, and P = 0.8074, respectively). However, presumptive zygotes directly infected 1 d after fertilization produced a lower number (P = 0.0140 to M/B/EB and P = 0.002 to B/EB/HB stages) of in vitro-produced embryos (31.6 ± 4.6 vs. 25.0 ± 5.5 and 31.6 ± 4.6 vs. 20.2 ± 5.4; control vs. infected). In conclusion, BoHV-5 infected gametes and was transmissible to the embryo during in vitro development. As zygotes infected 1 d after fertilization had compromised development, BoHV-5 has the potential to be a pathogen with economic consequences.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine if BHV-1 is able to replicate within in vitro produced embryos and to investigate the degree to which the zona pellucida (ZP) is able to protect in vitro produced embryos against infection with BHV-1. Both ZP-intact and ZP-free matured oocytes, zygotes (1 d post insemination; 1dpi), 8-cell stage embryos (3 dpi), morulae (6 dpi) were incubated for 1 h in 1 ml of MEM containing 10(7.7) TCID(50)/ml BHV-1 (Cooper strain). Three titers (10(5.7), 10(6.7) and 10(7.7) TCID(50)/ml) of the Cooper strain were used for incubation of hatched blastocysts (9 dpi). Bovine embryonic lung cells (BEL) on microcarriers were inoculated following the same protocol as for the embryos. At 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h post inoculation (hpi), groups of embryos and BEL cells were collected for virus titration and for the determination of the percentage of viral antigen positive cells by immunofluorescence. For the 3 developmental stages in ZP-free embryos, similar maximal intracellular virus progeny titers were obtained at 24 to 48 hpi ranging from 10(1.32) to 10(1.43) TCID(50)/ 100 embryonic cells. The intracellular virus titer in the BEL cells peaked at 10(3.08) TCID(50)/ 100 BEL cells. The percentage of cells which expressed viral antigens was 13% in ZP-free hatched blastocysts, 17% in ZP-free morulae and 100% in BEL cells. In ZP-intact embryos, no replication of BHV-1 was detected. These results clearly show that only after removal of the zona pellucida, BHV-1 is able to replicate within the in vitro produced embryos, with only a subset of embryonic cells being fully susceptible.  相似文献   

In this study, the quantitative fluctuation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LD) and cryotolerance were investigated in bovine embryos derived from in vitro-matured (IVM) and in vitro-fertilized (IVF) oocytes developed in different culture systems using serum-free or serum-containing media. The serum-free cultures were grown using IVMD101 medium in conjunction with bovine cumulus/granulosa cell (BCGC) cocultures or IVD101 medium without BCGC cocultures, and the serum-containing cultures were grown in the presence of BCGC cocultures using HPM199 medium supplemented with 5% calf serum (HPM199 + CS). Large numbers of sudanophilic LD were present in the cytoplasm of bovine embryos from 2-cell to hatched blastocyst stages, and the number and size differed between the embryos cultured in serum-free and serum-supplemented media. In the embryos cultured in HPM199 + CS, large (2-6 microm in diameter) sudanophilic LD increased significantly from the morula to the blastocyst stages. Throughout the embryonic development, the embryos developed in serum-free cultures with and without BCGC cocultures had numerous sudanophilic LD, but most of these droplets were small (<2 microm in diameter) and large LD were less numerous than those embryos cultured in HPM199 + CS. Giant LD (>6 microm in diameter) were frequently observed in morulae and blastocysts (including early blastocysts) developed in HPM199 + CS. Electron microscopic observations demonstrated that large LD were abundant in the cytoplasm of trophoblast and embryonic (inner cell mass) cells of blastocysts cultured in HPM199 + CS. These large LD were identified as osmophilic LD, an indication that these lipid inclusions contained a significant proportion of unsaturated lipids. Many elongated mitochondria were found in embryos developed in IVMD101 and IVD101 at the morula and early blastocyst stages, whereas many of the mitochondria in the morulae developed in HPM199 + CS were of an immature form such as spherical or ovoid shape. The survival and hatching rates of embryos (morulae, early blastocysts, and blastocysts) produced in serum-free media (both IVMD101 and IVD101) after post-thaw culture were superior to those of embryos produced in serum-containing medium. These results showed that bovine embryos cultured in serum-containing medium abnormally accumulated cytoplasmic lipids into their cytoplasm and the excess accumulation of cytoplasmic LD in embryos may affect the cryotolerance of embryos.  相似文献   

One or two in vitro-produced (IVP) Japanese Black (JB) cattle embryos at 8 days after in vitro fertilization were transferred to the contralateral uterine horn of previously bred Japanese Shorthorn (JSH) or JSH-JB cross recipients, and then the occurrence of early embryonic death, abortion during mid- and late gestation, and calving loss were recorded. The survival rate of embryos, including indigenous ones, was not affected by the number of embryos transferred, and a significantly higher twinning rate (68% of pregnant recipients at 80 days after transfer) was achieved when two IVP embryos were transferred, as compared with the rate when one IVP embryo was transferred (24%). In late ET (recipients at 8.5-9.0 days after the onset of oestrus), the embryo survival rate (22%) and the pregnancy rate (42%) at 80 days after ET were significantly lower than those rates in the synchronous ET (recipients at 8.0 days after the onset of oestrus; 47 and 79%, respectively). In the early ET (recipients at 6.0-7.5 days after the onset of oestrus), no significant differences from the synchronous ET were detected in these rates. Twenty-six percent of twin pregnant recipients were aborted during mid- or late-pregnancy, and 39% of twin calves were stillborn. The mean gestation length of the twin-bearing JSH dams (276 days) was 1 week shorter than that of the single-bearing JSH dams, and it was 2 weeks shorter than that of the JB dams bearing a single JB calf derived from the IVP embryos. The longer gestation length of single JB calves derived from IVP embryos resulted in a significantly higher mean birth weight than that of in vivo control calves with the standard length of gestation. In conclusion, the number of embryos to be transferred did not affect the embryo survival rate, and the transfer of two IVP embryos to previously inseminated recipients induced a significantly higher twinning rate during early pregnancy than that of one IVP embryo transfer. The incidence of embryonic losses during early pregnancy increased when Day 8 embryos were transferred to the recipients later in the oestrous cycle (>8.0 days). The results suggested that one cause of the high rate of abortions and stillbirths in twin-bearing dams is the difference in the mean gestation length between the native JSH and JB foetuses derived from transferred IVP embryos.  相似文献   

Detrimental effects of oxygen-derived free radicals on embryos during culture have been demonstrated in several species. Vitamin E occurs naturally in cell membranes and protects cells from oxidative stress. Under some conditions, vitamin C acts synergistically to enhance the antioxidant effects of vitamin E, a benefit that may be further enhanced by EDTA. The present experiments concerned culture of bovine embryos derived from in vitro-matured, fertilized oocytes with vitamin E, vitamin C, and EDTA in a chemically defined culture medium + 0.2% BSA at 5% O(2), 5% CO(2), and 90% N(2). In the first experiment, more zygotes developed to expanded blastocysts (17%, n = 224, P < 0.05) when culture medium contained 100 microM vitamin E than in control medium (11%, n = 234). Development to early, expanded, and hatched blastocysts was lower with vitamins E and C combined than with vitamin E alone (15%, 9%, and 2% vs. 24%, 17%, and 5%, respectively; P < 0.05), as was the mean number of cells per blastocyst (56 vs. 84, P < 0.05). Addition of EDTA (3 microM) failed to improve development over that in culture with vitamin E + vitamin C. In experiment 2, in vitro-produced embryos cultured 5.5 days in medium with or without 100 microM vitamin E were transferred nonsurgically to recipient cows and heifers and then collected nonsurgically 7 days later. Embryos cultured with vitamin E (n = 37) were approximately 63% larger in surface area than controls (1.16 mm(2) vs. 0.71 mm(2) surface area; n = 27, P < 0.04).  相似文献   

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