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调查了宁夏回、汉族拇指类型,环食指长、扣手,交叉臂及惯用手等5项人类遗传学经典指标,结果显示:(1)2民族间环食指长百分率有极的差异(P<0.01),拇指类型,扣手,交叉臂及惯用手百分率无显著性差异(P>0.05),(2)拇指类型,扣手,交叉臂及惯用手百分率无性别间差异,男性环指长百分率高于女性,差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)惯用手与扣手,交叉臂之间存在明显的相互关系,交叉臂与扣手之间无关。  相似文献   

内蒙古汉、回、蒙古族扣手、交叉臂及惯用手的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严国义  桂咏新 《遗传》2003,25(1):14-16
利用对数线性模型分析了郑连斌、陆舜华等1996年在内蒙古调查的汉、回、蒙古族的3项人类遗传学指标(扣手、交叉臂、惯用手),得出与其既有相同又有不同的结论。结果显示:(1)扣手与民族、性别都无关;(2)交叉臂与民族不相关,与性别相关;(3)惯用手、民族、性别三者存在三因子效应;(4)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂分别存在相关性,而交叉臂与扣手之间相关性不显著。  相似文献   

作者于1996年在内蒙古调查了汉、回、蒙古族5项人类遗传学经典指标(拇指类型、环食指长、扣手、交叉臂、惯用手)。研究结果显示:(1)3个民族间拇指类型、扣手出现率存在显著性差异,交叉臂、惯用手出现率则无显著性差异,环食指长出现率蒙-汉、蒙-回间存在显著性差异;(2)拇指类型、扣手、惯用手出现率无性别间差异,环食指长出现率男女间存在显著性差异;(3)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂间存在明显的相互关系,交叉臂与扣手之间则无关;(4)与国外人群比较,3个民族环指长出现率高,交叉臂R型出现率较高,扣手R型出现率较低,惯用手L型出现率高于印度的一些群体。 Abstract:Authors in vestigated 5 general indexes of anthrotogical genetics including pollical type,palmar digital formula,hand clasping,arm folding and handedness in Han,Hui and Mongol nationalities in 1996.The results showed as follows:(1)There were significant differences in the frequency of pollical type and hand clasping in 3 nationalities,but those of arm folding and handedness showed nosignificant difference and the frequencies of palmar digital formula between the Mongol and the Hui revealed significant difference.(2)There were no significant sexual difference in the frequency of pollical type,hand clasping and handedness while the long type (R) of ring finger revealed significant sexual difference.(3)There were obvious correlations between handedness and hand clasping,handedness and arm folding but no relation between arm folding and hand clasping.(4)In comparison with foreign ethnic groups,the 3 nationalities showed higher frequencies of long type (R) of ring finger and right-arm folding but the frequence right-hand clasping revealed slightly lower.The findings showed higher frequence of Left-Handedness than that of Indian population.  相似文献   

作者于1996年在内蒙古调查了汉、回、蒙古族5项人类遗传学经典指标(拇指类型、环食指长、扣手、交叉臂、惯用手)。研究结果显示:(1)3个民族间拇指类型、扣手出现率存在显著性差异,交叉臂、惯用手出现率则无显著性差异,环食指长出现率蒙-汉、蒙-回间存在显著性差异;(2)拇指类型、扣手、惯用手出现率无性别间差异,环食指长出现率男女间存在显著性差异;(3)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂间存在明显的相互关系,交叉臂与扣手之间则无关;(4)与国外人群比较,3个民族环指长出现率高,交叉臂R型出现率较高,扣手R型出现率较低,惯用手L型出现率高于印度的一些群体。 Abstract:Authors in vestigated 5 general indexes of anthrotogical genetics including pollical type,palmar digital formula,hand clasping,arm folding and handedness in Han,Hui and Mongol nationalities in 1996.The results showed as follows:(1)There were significant differences in the frequency of pollical type and hand clasping in 3 nationalities,but those of arm folding and handedness showed nosignificant difference and the frequencies of palmar digital formula between the Mongol and the Hui revealed significant difference.(2)There were no significant sexual difference in the frequency of pollical type,hand clasping and handedness while the long type (R) of ring finger revealed significant sexual difference.(3)There were obvious correlations between handedness and hand clasping,handedness and arm folding but no relation between arm folding and hand clasping.(4)In comparison with foreign ethnic groups,the 3 nationalities showed higher frequencies of long type (R) of ring finger and right-arm folding but the frequence right-hand clasping revealed slightly lower.The findings showed higher frequence of Left-Handedness than that of Indian population.  相似文献   

孙晓东  卫荣华  桑明 《生命科学研究》2012,16(5):417-419,427
报道了湖北医药学院1 498名(男746、女752)汉族大学生的拇指类型、环食指长、手的惯用、手指嵌合、交叉臂共五项人类遗传学经典指标.研究显示:1)拇指类型、环食指长、手指嵌合、交叉臂的分布在男女性别间有显著差异;2)手指嵌合、拇指类型、惯用手、交叉臂、环食指长等性状存在地区间差异;3)惯用手与扣手间存在明显的相互关系.  相似文献   

采用Slater区分单基因和多基因遗传的计算模式及Smith无偏分析方法对21个家系资料的分析表明:利手、优势足、扣手特征均为常染色体单基因显性遗传,R型为显性性状。虽然环境因素对这类特征的表现也有一定的影响,但遗传因素仍起主要作用。 Abstract:The data of 21 families were analyzed by the method of Slater's calculating model to differentiate between single-gene and multi-gene heredity and by the method of non-deviation analysis.The results showed that the hereditary mode of handedness or preferential foot or hand-clasping is the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome,and the right type of all of them is the dominant character.In a way,although environmental factors affected the phenotypes of these characters,hereditary factors were also the decisive ones.  相似文献   

从1998~2001年调查了内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市、锡林郭勒盟、巴彦淖尔盟的蒙古族、汉族6个群体的拇指类型、环食指长、指甲类型、足趾长等4项人类群体遗传学指标,共获有效资料2760例。研究表明:(1)6个群体的直型拇指出现率均在60%以上,且均无性别间明显差异;(2)6个群体环指长率均远高于食指长率,有4个群体存在性别间显著差异;(3)各群体均表现出长型指甲最多、方型次之、扁型最少;(4)6个群体均多为拇趾长型,且各群体均无性别间显著差异;(5)4项指标之间无明显相关关系。 Abstract:From 1998 to 2001,a sample of 2760 Mongol and Han individuals was investigated in 3 areas (Eerduosi city,Xilinguole and Bayannaoer leagues) from Inner Mongolia.Each individual was studied on 4 genetic characters (thumb type,palmar digital formular,fingernail type and plantar digital formular).The result is as follows:(1) The frequencies of the straight thumb were over 60%,and there were no significant sexual differences in all of 6 groups.(2) The frequencies of the ring-finger-longer were much higher in 6 groups,and there were significant sexual differences in 4 groups.(3) The frequencies of the long-shaped fingernail were the highest in all groups,the squat-shaped were the lowest.(4) The big toes were longer than the second toes in most people of 6 groups,but without significant sexual differences in each groups.(5) There were no significant correlations between 4 characters.  相似文献   

郭超文GUO  Chao-wen 《遗传》2001,23(5):442-627
以骨髓细胞为材料研究赤链蛇的染色体,结果表明该物种2n=46,由8对大型的和15对微小的染色体组成,AF=50.性染色体的大小介于3号和4号之间,为ZW型;8对大型染色体均显示着丝粒C带,1-6号还显示浅染端粒C带.W染色体为整条C带阳性;该物种一对NOR位于7号染色体近着丝粒区.不同地理分布群赤链蛇核型可能经历过Z与W染色体不等交换。 Abstract:The Karyotype,C-bands and Ag-NORs of Dinodon rufozonaturn (Cantor) reported is in this paper including the diploid number(2n=46)comprising 8 pairs of macro-and 15 pairs of microchromosomes,and AF=50 in the D.rufozonatum.The sex chromosome in size locates between the autochromosones No.3 and No.4,which belongs to ZW type.The C-banding technique revealed that the all macrochromosomes there are centromerc C band,the telomeric C band was only observed in Nos.1~6,while a whole W chromosome is constitutive heterochromatinization.Two NOR were observed on the pericentric of the No.7 chromosome.  相似文献   

采用Giemas染色、C-带、Ag-NORs、荧光染色和复制带显带的技术对黄颡鱼染色体进行了研究。结果表明, 黄颡鱼只有部分的染色体呈现阳性C-带, 可分为三类, 其中NORs区是染色最深、染色面积最大的区域, 为深染居间C-带。其Ag-NORs位于m5q末端。CMA3染色显示 NORs区呈现出明亮的荧光。中复制染色体上着丝粒区、端粒区和居间区浅染。发现核仁缢痕、深染居间C-带、Ag-NORs、CMA3明亮区和中复制带浅染NORs区位置基本一致, C-带阳性区和中复制带浅染区具有对应性。 Abstract Metaphase chromosomes of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco were analyzed by means of Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs, fluorochrome staining and replication banding. Only parts of chromosomes showed C-band positive, the C-band heterochromatin was located in three regions. The NORs-bearing chromosomes had the largest and strongest C-bands. The long arms of chromosome pair 5 were the regions showing positive labeling with Ag-staining. Fluorochrome CMA3positively stained the NORs. In mid-period, negative replication bands were located in the centromere, the terminal and interstitial regions of the chromosomes. The distributions of secondary ?constri-ctions, positive C-bands, Ag-NORs, positive fluorescence bands and negative replication bands of mid-period were coincident.  相似文献   

赵振民ZHAO  Zhen-Min 《遗传》1997,19(3):13-16
采用DNA指纹分析和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法, 对一例与公驴交配生育了后代的母|JUE||TI|后代进行了亲缘鉴定和血清蛋白、酯酶遗传的分析。结果可以认定其亲子关系并证实母骡生育的事实。虽然本例母|JUE|| TI|的后代在Pr、Al、Pa和Hb、Es等基因座位上的基因表达倾向于驴,但其外貌仍明显地带有种间杂种的特征。因此,尚不能简单地认为其已“回归”为纯种的驴。 Abstract:By adopting DNA fingerprints analysis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis simultaneously,the author made an genetical study on analytical evaluation of kindred relationship and contents of serum protein and esterase of a female hinny and her offspring bred after her mating with a masculine ass.As a result,the parental relationship together with the child-bearing fact of the hinny is hereby clearly verified.The appearance of the offsping,however,still showed some prominent characters of interspecific hybrid,though in the gene demonstration the offsping was proved inclining to the ass especially on those gene loci as Pr,AL,Pa,Hb and Es.Therefore,in the author′s opinion,the offsping could not be simply regarded as a “regressed” ass pure-line.  相似文献   

Among 1,438 persons in four Solomon Island populations, handclasp showed no age, sex, or tribal differences. The percentage of R-claspers (right thumb on top), 66.4, exceeded those previously reported for Caucasian and Mongoloid peoples and resembled those for Oceanic and African samples. Handclasp was associated with handedness but not with armfold; it showed no assortative mating and no simple form of inheritance. Armfold showed an age association (more R-folders among the youngest children), but none with sex or tribe, no assortative mating, and no pattern of inheritance. Its frequency, 41.4%, resembled those of populations around the world. Left handedness, 2.8% over all four tribes, paralleled contact with Western culture.  相似文献   

Dahms  Hans-Uwe 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):505-513
The copepodite antennule development of several harpacticoid families is studied and male antennule development of 5 species is schematically illustrated. The origin of newly formed segments can be determined by seta numbers of segments, relative segment length, furrows indicating previous articulations and by the position of the segment which bears the proximal aesthetasc. At least in some species sexual dimorphism of antennules is present from C II onwards. Females practically reach the adult antennular state at C V whereas males undergo drastic changes from C V to C VI with proximal addition of segments, and often with distal fusions and formation of a unique armature due to functional adaptations in clasping behaviour. No correlation has been found between clasping mode, male antennule type and taxonomic level. In closely related species of the same genus both chirocer and subchirocer antennules are found. The postnaupliar development of the chirocer type can proceed along different ways. Consequently it is suggested that at least chirocer antennules have originated several times independently during harpacticoid evolution.  相似文献   

Continuous growth in industrialization and lack of awareness in safety parameters the cases of amputations are growing. The search of safer, simpler and automated prosthetic arms for managing upper limbs is expected. Continuous efforts have been made to design and develop prosthetic arms ranging from simple harness actuated to automated mechanisms with various control options. However due the cost constraints, the automated prosthetic arms are still out of the reach of needy people. Recent data have shown that there is a wide scope to develop a low cost and light weight upper limb prosthesis. This review summarizes the various designs methodologies, mechanisms and control system developed by the researchers and the advances therein. Educating the patient to develop acceptability to prosthesis and using the same for the most basic desired functions of human hand, post amputation care and to improve patient’s independent life is equally important. In conclusion it can be interpreted that there is a wide scope in design in an adaptive mechanism for opening and closing of the fingers using other methods of path and position synthesis. Simple mechanisms and less parts may optimize the cost factor. Reduction in the weight of the prosthesis may be achieved using polymers used for engineering applications. Control system will remain never ending challenge for the researchers, but it is essential to maintain the simplicity from the patients perspective.  相似文献   

Hand preference was assessed in 12 gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), 13 orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus abelii), and 9 gibbons (Hylobates lar) by using a floor retrieval task and a mesh retrieval task. Hand preference was also assessed in 8 gorillas and 8 orang-utans by using a task involving the unfastening of a hasp. A bipedal requirement during testing (mesh retrieval task) facilitated detection of hand preferences. A significant left-hand preference was found for the gibbons with 6 of 6 gibbons preferring their left hand on the mesh retrieval task. Similarly, a significant right-hand preference was found for the gorillas with 10 of 12 gorillas preferring their right hand on the mesh retrieval task. The data for the orang-utan suggest a bimodal distribution on all tasks. Since the gibbon and gorilla in the wild engage in bipedal locomotion more frequently than the orangutan, one possible interpretation for these results correlates the degree of bipedal behavior of a species in its natural environment with its readiness to exhibit a unilateral population-level hand preference.  相似文献   

在湖南省娄底地区调查了汉族湘语族群507例(男269例、女238例)高中学生的7项不对称行为特征(扣手、利手、叠臂、叠腿、利足、起步类型和优势眼)。研究结果显示:1)湘语族群叠臂与起步类型L型率高于R型率, 其余5项均R型率高于L型率。2)湘语族群利手、叠臂、利足出现率存在性别间差异, 其余4项出现率均不存在性别间差异。3)在已发表的资料中, 湘语族群扣手和起步类型右型率中等偏高, 利手右型率处于中等水平, 叠臂和叠腿右型率低,利足和优势眼右型率高。4)主成分分析结果显示, 汉族各族群不对称行为特征有一定的共性, 相对接近于中国北亚类型族群, 而与南亚类型族群差距较大。中国族群间不对称行为特征的差异, 主要反映在叠臂率差异、利足率差异。  相似文献   

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