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K R Fox 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(18):5387-5391
Plasmids containing long tracts of (dA)n.(dT)n have been prepared and their conformations examined in linear and supercoiled DNA using a series of chemical and enzymic probes which are known to be sensitive to unusual DNA structures. Under superhelical stress and in the presence of magnesium the sequence T69.A69 adopts a conformation at pH 8.0 consistent with the formation of an intramolecular DNA triplex. Site specific cleavage of the supercoiled plasmid by single-strand specific nucleases occurs within the A.T insert; the 5'-end of the purine strand is sensitive to reaction with diethylpyrocarbonate while the central 5-6 bases of the pyrimidine strand are reactive to osmium tetroxide. By contrast shorter inserts of A33.T33 and A23.T23 do not appear to form unusual structures.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction in fibres revealed that the calcium salt of poly(dA).poly(dT) is a 10-fold double helix with a pitch of 3.23 nm. The opposite sugar-phosphate chains in the refined model are characterized by a complete conformational equivalence and contain sugars in a conformation close to C2'-endo. As a result a new model of the sodium salt of poly(dA).poly(dT) has been constructed, which is different from the Heteronomous DNA proposed earlier (S. Arnott et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 11, 4141 (1983)). The new model of Na-poly(dA).poly(dT) has conformationally similar opposite chains; it is a structure of the B-type, rather like that of Ca-poly(dA).poly(dT).  相似文献   

Coralyne is a small crescent-shaped molecule known to intercalate duplex and triplex DNA. We report that coralyne can cause the complete and irreversible disproportionation of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA). That is, coralyne causes the strands of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA) to repartition into equal molar equivalents of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA). Poly(dT)·poly(dA) will remain as a duplex for months after the addition of coralyne, if the sample is maintained at 4°C. However, disproportionation readily occurs upon heating above 35°C and is not reversed by subsequent cooling. A titration of poly(dT)·poly(dA) with coralyne reveals that disproportionation is favored by as little as one molar equivalent of coralyne per eight base pairs of initial duplex. We have also found that poly(dA) forms a self-structure in the presence of coralyne with a melting temperature of 47°C, for the conditions of our study. This poly(dA) self-structure binds coralyne with an affinity that is comparable with that of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT). A Job plot analysis reveals that the maximum level of poly(dA) self-structure intercalation is 0.25 coralyne molecules per adenine base. This conforms to the nearest neighbor exclusion principle for a poly(dA) duplex structure with A·A base pairs. We propose that duplex disproportionation by coralyne is promoted by both the triplex and the poly(dA) self-structure having binding constants for coralyne that are greater than that of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA).  相似文献   

J Klysik  K Rippe    T M Jovin 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(25):7145-7154
DNA oligonucleotides with appropriate sequences can form a stable duplex in which the two strands are paired in a parallel orientation instead of as the conventional antiparallel double helix of B-DNA. In parallel-stranded DNA (ps-DNA) base pairing is noncanonical with the glycosidic bonds in a trans orientation. The two grooves are equivalent. We have synthesized DNA duplexes consisting of a central parallel-stranded (dA)15.(dT)15 tract flanked by normal antiparallel regions, and ligated them into the pUC18 plasmid. The effect of negative supercoiling on the covalently closed circular molecules was studied by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis and by chemical modification with OsO4-pyridine (Os,py) and diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC). The following results were obtained: (i) The ps insert, and by inference ps-DNA in general, adopts a right handed helical form. (ii) Upon increasing the negative superhelix density (-sigma) to greater than 0.03 the 15 bp ps insert undergoes a major transition leading to a relaxation corresponding to a reduction in twist of approximately 2.5 helical turns. The transition free surgery is approximately kcal/mol. (iii) The chemical modification pattern of the resulting structure suggests that the purine strand folds back and associates with the pyrimidine strand, forming a novel intramolecular triplex structure consisting of d(A.A.T) base triplets. A model for the triplex conformation is proposed and its thermodynamic properties are analyzed by statistical mechanics.  相似文献   

The propeller DNA conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT).   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Physical properties of the DNA duplex, poly(dA).poly(dT) differ considerably from the alternating copolymer poly(dAT). A number of molecular models have been used to describe these structures obtained from fiber X-ray diffraction data. The recent solutions of single crystal DNA dodecamer structures with segments of oligo-A.oligo-T have revealed the presence of a high propeller twist in the AT regions which is stabilized by the formation of bifurcated (three-center) hydrogen bonds on the floor of the major groove, involving the N6 amino group of adenine hydrogen bonding to two O4 atoms of adjacent thymine residues on the opposite strand. Here we show that it is possible to incorporate the features of the single crystal analysis, specifically high propeller twist, bifurcated hydrogen bonds, and a narrow minor groove, as well as the close interstrand NMR signal between adenine HC2 and ribose HC1' of the opposite strand, into a model that is fully compatible with the diffraction data obtained from poly(dA).poly(dT).  相似文献   

Six polynucleotide duplexes containing polydeoxyadenylic acid, polyadenylic acid or poly-2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-adenylic acid in one strand, and polydeoxyuridylic acid or polydeoxythymidylic acid in the other strand have been studied by circular dichroism, ionic strength dependence of melting temperatures and binding of the DNA specific antibiotic netropsin. Circular dichroism spectra of (dA)n . (dT)n and (dA)n . (dU)n indicated the presence of the B-form of DNA, while those of (dAfl)n . (dT)n and (rA)n . (dT)n (and the corresponding (dU)n hybrids) indicated the presence of the A-form. (dAfl)n . (dT)n and (dAfl)n . (dU)n bound netropsin only slightly less than the (dA)n containing duplexes, while replacement by (rA)n decreased netropsin binding to a large degree. Since netropsin requires B-DNA for binding, it is concluded that the A to B transition is facilitated in the case of fluorine substitution in the sugar moiety, while the 2'-OH group greatly limits this conformational change.  相似文献   

Structural conformation of triple-helical poly(dT)-poly(dA)-poly(dT) has been a very controversial issue recently. Earlier investigations, based on fiber diffraction data and molecular modeling, indicated an A-form conformation with C'3-endo sugar pucker. On the other hand, Raman, solution infrared spectral, and NMR studies show a B-form structure with C'2-endo sugars. In accordance with these experimental results, a theoretical model with B-form, C'2-endo sugars was proposed in 1993. In the present work we investigate the dynamics and stability of the two conformations within the effective local field approach applied to the normal mode calculations for the system. The presence of counterions was explicitly taken into account. Stable equilibrium positions for the counterions were calculated by analyzing the normal mode dynamics and free energy of the system. The breathing modes of the triple helix are shifted to higher frequencies over those of the double helix by 4-16 cm-1. The characteristic marker band for the B conformation at 835 cm-1 is split up into two marker bands at 830 and 835 cm-1. A detailed comparison of the normal modes and the free energies indicates that the B-form structure, with C'2-endo sugar pucker, is more stable than the A-form structure. The normal modes and the corresponding dipole moments are found to be in close agreement with recent spectroscopic findings.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of poly (dT).poly (dA).poly (dT) has been determined and refined using the continuous x-ray intensity data on layer lines in the diffraction pattern obtained from an oriented fiber of the DNA. The final R-value for the preferred structure is 0.29 significantly lower than that for plausible alternatives. The molecule forms a 12-fold right-handed triple-helix of pitch 38.4 A and each base triplet is stabilized by a set of four Crick-Watson-Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. The deoxyribose rings in all the three strands have C2'-endo conformations. The grooveless cylindrical shape of the triple-helix is consistent with the lack of lateral organization in the fiber.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrostatic pressure upon the DNA duplex, poly(dA)poly(dT), and its component single strands, poly(dA) and poly(dT) has been studied by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The spectral data indicate that at 28 degrees C and pressures up to 12 kbar (1200 MPa) all three polymers retain the B conformation. Pressure causes the band at 967 cm(-1), arising from water-deoxyribose interactions, to shift to higher frequencies, a result consistent with increased hydration at elevated pressures. A larger pressure-induced frequency shift in this band is observed in the single stranded polymers than in the double stranded molecule, suggesting that the effect of pressure on the hydration of single strands may be greater than upon a double stranded complex. A pressure-dependent hypochromicity in the bands attributed to base stacking indicates that pressure facilitates the base stacking in the three polymers, in agreement with previous assessments of the importance of stacking in the stabilization of DNA secondary structure at ambient and high pressures.  相似文献   

The resonances of the imino protons and all of the non-exchangeable protons (except for H5'/H5') of d(CGCAAAAAAGCG)d(CGCTTTTTTGCG) have been assigned by means of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopies. Qualitative analyses showed that the overall structure is of the B-form, but local conformational deviations exist. The NOEs between the imino protons of thymines and H2 of adenines suggest that the A-T base pairs are propeller-twisted to almost the same degree as in crystals. A remarkable chemical shift of H1' was observed for the residue located just before the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract, suggesting the presence of conformational discontinuity at the junctions between the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract and the other portions. Analyses of cross peaks in NOESY spectra between H2 of adenines and H1' of the 3'-neighbouring residues on the complementary strand revealed that the minor groove of the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract is narrow and compressed gradually, from 5' to 3', along the tract.  相似文献   

C Zimmer  G Luck    I Fric 《Nucleic acids research》1976,3(6):1521-1532
The formation of oligomeric duplex molecules in the presence of the antibiotic netropsin in the series p(dA)n-p(dT)n is demonstrated using low-temperature CD measurements. Addition of Netropsin to mixtures of oligomers generates the same type of CD spectra as observed for poly(dA)-poly(dT) and maintains the duplex structure at temperatures at which base pairing of free oligomers is thermodynamically unstable. The shortest chain length forming a netropsin complex by thymine-specific interaction with the oligopeptide is represented by p(dA)4-p(dt)4. Studies with sequence isomers show that adjacent thymine residues strongly favour the complex formation with the oligopeptide.  相似文献   

(dG-dC)n.(dG-dC) was converted to the Z conformer by heating in the presence of Mn++n. Reaction of this preparation with the crosslinking reagent, DL-diepoxybutane (DEB), stabilized this conformer so that it retained its structure even when returned to conditions that favored reversion to the B conformation. Treatment of the crosslinked Z conformer with periodate caused scission of the crosslink, allowing reversion to the B conformer. Reaction of (dG-dC)n.(dG-dC)n in the B conformation with DEB did not prevent conversion to the Z conformer in 4M NaC1; dialysis of the high salt solution against low ionic strength buffer allowed return to the B conformer. The Z in equilibrium B transitions were followed by circular dichroism studies and immunochemical procedures. The results suggest the feasibility of stabilizing Z sequences of DNA in chromatin by crosslinking, so that they could then be identified after DNA isolation.  相似文献   

Nucleosome reconstitution on plasmid-inserted poly(dA) . poly(dT).   总被引:30,自引:7,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
Chromatin was reconstituted from core histones and recombinant plasmid DNAs carrying poly(dA) . poly(dT) inserts of various lengths. A 97-bp insert was found to occupy discrete and regularly-spaced positions on the edges of the nucleosome. This insert cannot, however, be entirely included due to a block in the center of the particle. In contrast, nucleosomes reconstitute on a shorter 20-bp insert. In this case, the insert shows a marked preference for the edges of the particle. Possible structural and physiological implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The triple-helix formation by the oligonucleotide (dA)12-x-(dT)12-x-(dT)12, where x is a hexaethylene glycol group, was investigated by thermal denaturation analysis and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Thermal denaturation analysis showed that this single-stranded oligonucleotide is able to fold back on itself twice to give a triple helix at low temperature. Upon an increase in the temperature, two cooperative transitions were observed: formation of a double-stranded structure with a dangling x-(dT)12 extremity, then formation of a single-stranded coil structure. Due to the intramolecular character of the transition, the triplex is much more stable than that formed by the reference mixture (dA)12 + 2(dT)12. In 0.1 M NaCl, the triplex-to-coil transition occurred at about 30 degrees C whereas the duplex-to-coil was at about 60 degrees C. Upon an increase in the salt, the increase of temperature corresponding to the triplex-to-duplex transition was larger than that of the duplex-to-coil transition. MgCl2 showed higher efficiency than NaCl to promote triplex or duplex formation. The thermodynamic parameters delta H and delta S were determined at various ionic strengths for both transitions. Both the enthalpy change and entropy change associated with triplex-to-duplex transition (Hoogsteen base pairing) were smaller than those associated to the duplex-to-coil transition (Watson-Crick base pairing). When the ionic strength increased, the parameters -delta H and -delta S showed a very small decrease for the duplex-to-coil transition whereas a strong increase was observed with the triplex-to-duplex transition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mutagenic properties of UV-induced photoproducts, both the cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer (TT) and the thymine-thymine pyrimidine pyrimidone (6-4) photoproduct [T(6-4)T] were studied in mammalian cells using shuttle vectors. A shuttle vector able to replicate in both mammalian cells and bacteria was produced in its single-stranded DNA form. A unique photoproduct was inserted at a single restriction site and after recircularization of the single-stranded DNA vector, this latter was transfected into simian COS7 cells. After DNA replication the vector was extracted from cells and used to transform bacteria. Amplified DNA was finally analyzed without any selective screening, DNA from randomly picked bacterial colonies being directly sequenced. Our results show clearly that both lesions are mutagenic, but at different levels. Mutation frequencies of 2 and 60% respectively were observed with the TT dimer and the T(6-4)T. With the TT dimer the mutations were targeted on the 3'-T. With the T(6-4)T a large variety of mutations were observed. A majority of G-->T transversions were semi-targeted to the base before the 5'-T of the photoproduct. These kinds of mutations were not observed when the same plasmid was transfected directly into SOS-induced JM105 bacteria or when the T(6-4)T oligonucleotide inserted in a different plasmid was replicated in SOS-induced SMH10 Escherichia coil bacteria. These semi-targeted mutations are therefore the specific result of bypass of the T(6-4)T lesion in COS7 cells by one of the eukaryotic DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Structural constraints derived from proton NMR relaxation measurements on poly(dA).poly(dT) in the form of interproton separations and orientation have been combined with molecular mechanics and annealed molecular dynamics calculations to derive a model for the solution-state structure of this molecule. Three different possible starting configurations, including the standard A and B forms of Arnott and Hukins [Arnott, S., & Hukins, D. W. L. (1972) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 47, 1506-1509] and the heteronomous (H) structure [Arnott, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Hall, I. H., & Puigjaner, L. C. (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4141-4155], were examined. Both the B- and H-DNA structures converged to the same B-like structure (approximately C2'-endo conformation on both the A and T sugars, glycosidic bond torsional angle of 63-73 degrees) with the same energies and average helical parameters that gave good fits of the NMR relaxation rates. This model also accounts for the experimental observation [Behling, R. W., & Kearns, D. R. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3335-3346] that the AH2 proton interacts more strongly with the H1' sugar proton on the T strand than on the A strand. Although the helix repeat angle (39 degrees) is larger than that for standard B-DNA (36 degrees), this does not result in a significantly smaller minor groove, as monitored by the interstrand P-P separation. Calculations starting with the A-DNA structure lead to a very high energy structure that gave a poorer fit of the NMR data.  相似文献   

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