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A study is made of the problem of electron dynamics in the presence of a plane electrostatic wave in a model in which the Earth’s magnetic field is parabolic. The problem is reduced to a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom, which is investigated by the methods of perturbation theory. The structure of the phase space of the system is described, and the phenomena of capture into the resonance and scattering on the resonance are considered. It is shown that these phenomena lead to breaking of the second (longitudinal) adiabatic invariant and stochastization of the electron dynamics.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dispersion properties of nonlinear surface waves propagating along a plasma-metal interface under conditions corresponding to the formation of a space charge sheath that equalizes the electron and ion fluxes to the wall. Oscillations of the plasma boundary under the action of the surface wave field are taken into account. It is shown that these oscillations are the main nonlinear mechanism for generating wave field harmonics and are analogous to the nonlinearity in the current-voltage characteristic of the space charge sheath. The effect of the nonlinearity on the dispersion properties of surface waves due to the relationship between the sheath thickness and wave amplitude is calculated with allowance for harmonic generation. The energy transported by surface waves under conditions typical of RF and microwave discharges is calculated.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory is constructed that describes steady-state ion-acoustic waves in an ideal plasma in which the electron component is a degenerate Fermi gas and the ion component is a classical gas. The parameter ranges in which such a plasma can exist are determined, and dispersion relations for ion-acoustic waves are obtained that make it possible to find the linear ion-acoustic velocity. Analytic gas-dynamic models of ion sound are developed for a plasma with the ion component as a cold, an isothermal, or an adiabatic gas, and moreover, the solutions to the equations of all the models are brought to a quadrature form. Profiles of a subsonic periodic and a supersonic solitary wave are calculated, and the upper critical Mach numbers of a solitary wave are determined. For a plasma with cold ions, the critical Mach number is expressed by an explicit exact formula.  相似文献   

The problem of stimulated emission from a relativistic electron beam in an external electrostatic pump field is studied. A set of nonlinear time-dependent equations for the spatiotemporal dynamics of the undulator radiation amplitude and the amplitude of the beam space charge field is derived. The beam electrons are described by a modified version of the macroparticle method. The regimes of the single-particle and collective Cherenkov effects during convective and absolute instabilities are considered. The nonlinear dynamics of radiation pulses emitted during the instabilities of the beam in its interaction with the forward and backward electromagnetic waves is investigated.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for the previously discovered phenomenon of acceleration of an ion flow along the normal to the axis of a beam-plasma discharge in a weak magnetic field is investigated. It is suggested that the ions are accelerated in the field of a helicon wave excited in the discharge plasma column. It is shown theoretically that, under actual experimental conditions, a helicon wave can be excited at the expense of the energy of an electron beam. The spectral parameters and spatial structure of the waves excited in a beam-plasma discharge in the frequency ranges of Langmuir and helicon waves are studied experimentally and are shown to be related to the parameters of the ion flow. Theoretical estimates are found to agree well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether local arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow along perivascular spaces (PVS) within the spinal cord. A theoretical model of the perivascular space surrounding a "typical" small artery was analysed using computational fluid dynamics. Systolic pulsations were modelled as travelling waves on the arterial wall. The effects of wave geometry and variable pressure conditions on fluid flow were investigated. Arterial pulsations induce fluid movement in the PVS in the direction of arterial wave travel. Perivascular flow continues even in the presence of adverse pressure gradients of a few kilopascals. Flow rates are greater with increasing pulse wave velocities and arterial deformation, as both an absolute amplitude and as a proportion of the PVS. The model suggests that arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause fluid flow in the perivascular space even against modest adverse pressure gradients. Local increases in flow in this perivascular pumping mechanism or reduction in outflow may be important in the etiology of syringomyelia.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dispersion properties of surface waves at a plasma-metal interface under thermodynamically nonequilibrium conditions such that a space charge sheath forms at the plasma boundary. In the simplest model, the sheath is described as a dielectric with a given permittivity. The wave parameters in a highly collisional plasma are discussed. The effect of interaction between waves propagating near the opposite plasma boundaries is considered, in particular, for space charge sheaths of different thicknesses. Conditions are determined under which the parameters of surface waves are substantially altered by the plasma-sheath geometric resonance.  相似文献   

The effect of long-wavelength magnetic field disturbances typical of the Earth’s auroral region on the generation of auroral kilometric radiation in a narrow three-dimensional plasma cavity in which a weakly relativistic electron flow propagates against the background of cold low-density plasma is analyzed. The dynamics of the propagation and amplification of fluctuation waves with initial group velocities directed toward the higher magnetic field is considered in the geometrical optics approximation. Analysis of wave trajectories shows that the wave amplification coefficients depend on the magnetic field gradient in the reflection region. If the wave reflection point lies in the region where the gradient of the disturbed magnetic field is less than that of the undisturbed dipole field, then the wave amplification coefficients exceed those of waves propagating in the undisturbed field, and vice versa. Thus, the shape of the spectrum of generated waves changes in the presence of long-wavelength disturbances of the dipole magnetic field in such a way that segments with different curvatures can form in the spectrum.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine whether local arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow along perivascular spaces (PVS) within the spinal cord. A theoretical model of the perivascular space surrounding a "typical" small artery was analysed using computational fluid dynamics. Systolic pulsations were modelled as travelling waves on the arterial wall. The effects of wave geometry and variable pressure conditions on fluid flow were investigated. Arterial pulsations induce fluid movement in the PVS in the direction of arterial wave travel. Perivascular flow continues even in the presence of adverse pressure gradients of a few kilopascals. Flow rates are greater with increasing pulse wave velocities and arterial deformation, as both an absolute amplitude and as a proportion of the PVS. The model suggests that arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause fluid flow in the perivascular space even against modest adverse pressure gradients. Local increases in flow in this perivascular pumping mechanism or reduction in outflow may be important in the etiology of syringomyelia.  相似文献   

Many proteins can be immobilized in silica hydrogel matrices without compromising their function, making this a suitable technique for biosensor applications. Immobilization will in general affect protein structure and dynamics. To study these effects, we have measured the P(+)Q(A)(-) charge recombination kinetics after laser excitation of Q(B)-depleted wild-type photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides in a tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) sol-gel matrix and, for comparison, also in cryosolvent. The nonexponential electron transfer kinetics observed between 10 and 300 K were analyzed quantitatively using the spin boson model for the intrinsic temperature dependence of the electron transfer and an adiabatic change of the energy gap and electronic coupling caused by protein motions in response to the altered charge distributions. The analysis reveals similarities and differences in the TMOS-matrix and bulk-solvent samples. In both preparations, electron transfer is coupled to the same spectrum of low frequency phonons. As in bulk solvent, charge-solvating protein motions are present in the TMOS matrix. Large-scale conformational changes are arrested in the hydrogel, as evident from the nonexponential kinetics even at room temperature. The altered dynamics is likely responsible for the observed changes in the electronic coupling matrix element.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector in the form of a spherical conducting body in a space plasma is considered. An equation describing the radial evolution of a steady electron beam with a self-similar density profile in the electric field of the injector is formulated. A method for calculating the radial evolution of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector is developed. The method is based on the numerical integration of a set of ordinary differential equations for the beam radius and field potential in the space charge region under the relevant boundary conditions at the injector surface. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the radial dynamics of an electron beam in the vicinity of a spherical screen system for neutralizing the electric charge carried away by the beam. The numerical results show that the electric field of the injector hastens the beam expansion.  相似文献   

The early vertebrate developmental process of somitogenesis involves bands of gene expression that form periodically at the posterior end of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and traverse it with decreasing width and velocity. We have constructed a chemical flow system that, based on the novel flow-distributed oscillator (FDO) mechanism of wave pattern formation, reproduces key physical features of the PSM and observe concentration waves having similar spatio-temporal behavior. This suggests that the gene expression waves can be understood qualitatively in terms of phase dynamics in an open flow of a self-oscillating medium and that chemical flow systems can be used to mimic and model biological pattern formation during axial growth. In fact, expressions for wavelength and wave velocity derived from phase dynamics are found to be in quantitative agreement with measurements from both the biological and the chemical systems. This indicates that they, despite their significant differences, have common dynamics.  相似文献   

The problem of the evolution of a perturbation in a dusty plasma and its transformation into a nonlinear wave structure is considered. A computational method that allows one to solve the set of nonlinear evolutionary equations describing variable-charge dust grains, Boltzmann electrons, and inertial ions is developed. Exact steady-state solutions corresponding to ion-acoustic shock structures associated with anomalous dissipation originating from dust grain charging are found taking into account the effect of electron and ion charge separation. The role of this effect increases with the speed of the shock. The evolutions of an initial soliton (which is a steady-state wave solution in a plasma containing dust grains with a constant charge) and an initially immobile perturbation with a constant increased ion density are investigated. In a charge-varying dusty plasma, the soliton evolves into a nonsteady shock wave structure that propagates at a constant speed and whose amplitude decreases with time. The initially immobile perturbation with a constant increased ion density evolves into a shock structure similar to a steady-state shock wave. In the latter case, the compression shock wave is accompanied by a rarefaction region (dilatation wave), which finally leads to the destruction of the shock structure. The solution of the problem of the evolution of a perturbation and its transformation into a shock wave in a charge-varying dusty plasma opens up the possibility of describing real phenomena (such as supernova explosions) and laboratory and active space experiments.  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulations and analysis of the formation and nonlinear dynamics of the squeezed state of a helical electron beam in a vircator with a magnetron injection gun as an electron source and with additional electron deceleration are presented. The ranges of control parameters where the squeezed state can form in such a system are revealed, and specific features of the system dynamics are analyzed. It is shown that the formation of a squeezed state of a nonrelativistic helical electron beam in a system with electron deceleration is accompanied by low-frequency longitudinal dynamics of the space charge.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory is developed that describes the interaction between an annular electron beam and an electromagnetic surface wave propagating strictly transverse to a constant external axial magnetic field in a cylindrical metal waveguide partially filled with a cold plasma. It is shown theoretically that surface waves with positive azimuthal mode numbers can be efficiently excited by an electron beam moving in the gap between the plasma column and the metal waveguide wall. Numerical simulations prove that, by applying a constant external electric field oriented along the waveguide radius, it is possible to increase the amplitude at which the surface waves saturate during the beam instability. The full set of equations consisting of the waveenvelope equation, the equation for the wave phase, and the equations of motion for the beam electrons is solved numerically in order to construct the phase diagrams of the beam electrons in momentum space and to determine their positions in coordinate space (in the radial variable-azimuthal angle plane).  相似文献   

Cancellous bone is a highly porous material, and two types of waves, fast and slow, are observed when ultrasound is used for detecting bone diseases. There are several possible stimuli for bone remodelling processes, including bone fluid flow, streaming potential, and piezoelectricity. Poroelasticity has been widely used for elucidating the bone fluid flow phenomenon, but the combination of poroelasticity with charge density has not been introduced. Theoretically, general poroelasticity with a varying charge density is employed for determining the relationship between wave velocity and attenuation with charge density. Fast wave velocity and attenuation are affected by porosity as well as charge density; however, for a slow wave, both slow wave velocity and attenuation are not as sensitive to the effect of charge density as they are for a fast wave. Thus, employing human femoral data, we conclude that charged ions gather on trabecular struts, and the fast wave, which moves along the trabecular struts, is significantly affected by charge density.  相似文献   

Anions of cytosine and thymine predominate in radiation-damaged DNA. This is in contrast to the experimental order of adiabatic electron affinities: A, 0.95; G, 1.51; >T, 0.79, U, 0.80; C, 0.56 (+/-0.05 eV). Excited negative-ion states of adenine (A) and guanine (G) are identified using semiempirical AM1-MCCI quantum mechanical calculations. A planar G(-) has an excited state adiabatic electron affinity, AEA*, of 0.3 +/- 0.05 eV. This state and the unique Watson-Crick structure are responsible for the preponderance of charge on C(-) in radiation-damaged DNA. By analogy to the value for cytosine, the dipole-bound EA of G is estimated as 0.25 eV. New AEA values from literature reduction potentials for the ribose nucleotides are rC, 0.6; rU, 0.8; and rT, 0.8 (+/-0.1 eV). From literature photoelectron spectroscopy, AEA* vales for U are 0.15, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.6 eV. In GC(-2), stacked [GC:GC](-3), and [GC:GC:GC](-4), the charge moves to G. In [GC:GC:GC](-2 to -4), the charge moves from GC(1) to GC(3) through space without a bridge or bond. This is important to electron conduction, radiation damage and repair, and nanoscale devices.  相似文献   

Physical processes occurring in an intense electron beam with a virtual cathode in an interaction space filled with neutral gas are studied in a two-dimensional model. A mathematical model is proposed for investigating complicated self-consistent processes of neutral gas ionization by the beam electrons and the dynamics of an electron beam and heavy positive ions in the common space charge field with allowance for the two-dimensional motion of charged particles. Three characteristic dynamic regimes of the system are revealed: complete suppression of oscillations of the virtual cathode as a result of neutralizing its space charge by positive ions; the pulsed generation regime, in which the ions dynamics repeatedly suppresses and restores the virtual cathode oscillations; and the continuous generation regime with an anomalously high level of noisy oscillations.  相似文献   


We present a theoretical model to describe the propagation of a transverse magnetic surface plasmon polariton in graphene based on equivalent voltage and charge current waves, which includes the spatial dispersion effect. Electrons and holes in graphene are governed by the Boltzmann equation in the particle conserving relaxation time approximation. First, we deduce expressions for the non-equilibrium distributions when there are charge oscillations in graphene as a response to the electromagnetic field applied to it. These distribution functions are used in the Boltzmann equations to derive other equations for the following four local macroscopic averages: the oscillating electron and hole densities, and the electron and hole current densities. Then, for a specific structure, we solve the wave equations for the electric and vector magnetic potentials to obtain the relations between the charge oscillations and the potentials. So, we reach a homogeneous system of four coupled equations relating the amplitudes of the voltage and the current waves. The non-trivial solutions of the system allow us to compute the dispersion and loss curves for such waves. As it is already known, for a given frequency, we can see that the higher the Fermi level is, the lesser the spatial-dispersion effect is. Following the analysis, a distributed-element circuit for the equivalent transmission line in which would propagate the waves, is developed. Finally, we analyze the dependence of these circuit elements and the impedance on both the frequency and Fermi level.


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