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The introduced North-American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) has become widespread throughout Europe where it has often replaced the native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). The impact of this replacement on ecosystem processes in boreal lakes is still largely unknown. We compared the trophic niches of these two crayfish species in 16 small to medium sized boreal lakes in southern Finland; eight lakes with noble crayfish and eight lakes where the native crayfish populations had been lost and replaced by signal crayfish. We analysed carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from samples of the crayfish and their putative food sources, and used stable isotope models to compare trophic niche widths of the two species of crayfish and to quantify the food sources used by them. At species level the signal crayfish exhibited a substantially larger trophic niche than that of the noble crayfish, but within-lake populations of the species did not differ in their niche widths. The isotopic niches of the two species strongly overlapped, and while the estimated proportions of food resources (profundal and littoral macroinvertebrates, terrestrial leaf detritus and macrophytes) used by crayfish varied considerably among individual populations, they did not differ consistently between the species. Our results suggest that, contrary to often expressed concerns, replacement of lost noble crayfish populations by the signal crayfish may not greatly alter the littoral food web structure in boreal lakes.  相似文献   

Summary A -1,3-glucan-binding protein (GBP) was purified from crayfish plasma, and incubated with laminarin (L), a -1,3-glucan. The GBP reacted with laminarin (GBP-L) induced strong spreading and partial degranulation of isolated and separated crayfish granular haemocytes. However, neither the GBP nor laminarin alone induced any changes in the crayfish granular cells. When monolayers of granular haemocytes were incubated with 20 g of GBP-L, more than 82% of the haemocytes were affected. The activity of GBP-L on granular cells was dose-dependent and a plateau was reached at 10 g of GBP-L. The degranulation of crayfish haemocytes induced by GBP-L seemed to occur by a regulated exocytosis, since it was strongly inhibited by specific blockers of this process such as SITS or calmidazolium. Monospecific anti-GBP antibodies also totally blocked the effect of GBP-L on crayfish granular cells. Indirect immunofluoresence staining demonstrated that the GBP-L could bind to the surface of granular cells, whereas GBP did not bind or bound very weakly to the haemocyte surface.  相似文献   

Neuron response to injury depends on the distance to the lesion site, which means that neurons are capable of sensing this distance. Several mechanisms explaining how neurons can do this have been proposed and it is possible that neurons use a combination of several mechanisms to make such measurements. In this paper we investigate the feasibility of the simplest mechanism, which is based on the hypothesis that death signals, produced at the lesion site, propagate toward the neuron soma. The signals are propelled by dynein motors. If signals have a finite half-life, they decay as they propagate. By measuring the concentration of death signals arriving to the soma, neurons should thus be able to determine the distance to the injury site. We develop and solve a transport equation based on the above model. We investigate how a death signal distribution depends on the dynein velocity distribution. We evaluate the efficiency of such a mechanism by investigating the sensitivity of death signal concentration at the soma to the distance to the injury site. By using the hypothesis that system performance is optimized by evolution, we evaluate death signal half-lives that would maximize this sensitivity.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight specimens belonging to four genera and 15 species of the nudibranch family Phyllidiidae were examined to investigate whether the morphology of their integumentary calcareous spicules and/or the occurrence of the spicules within the regions of the body could be used to distinguish genera and species. The spicules were studied separately from five regions of the body of each specimen—the foot, gills, mantle, dorsal pustules (or ridges in Reticulidia) and rhinophores. The mantle itself plus its pustules were found to possess the full complement of spicules in every individual. Four types of spicules were recorded overall—smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines, triactines and tetractines. Different regions of the body were found to possess different spicule types: (a) only smooth diactines in the gills, (b) both smooth diactines and triactines in the foot and (c) all of smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines and triactines in the mantle, dorsal pustules and the rhinophores. Among the genera, three types of spicules (smooth diactine, triactine, and tetractine) are present in Phyllidia, Phyllidiopsis and Reticulidia, but the form of the spicules is not diagnostic between these genera or between the constituent species. The fourth type of spicule (centro-polytylote diactine) is present exclusively in Phyllidiella, and is diagnostic for that genus. However, we failed to find any difference in spicule form, or composition, or location in the body between the three (closely related) species of Phyllidiella we investigated. Therefore, our key conclusion is that spicule morphology is an extremely important character to tell the genus Phyllidiella apart from all the other genera of the family, but it is not taxonomically informative at the level of species.  相似文献   

The parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs, has no known wild population, but has been introduced into natural ecosystems in two continents. Interactions with native crayfish, particularly through fighting, could affect the ecological impact of Marmorkrebs introductions. Marmorkrebs have been characterized anecdotally as having low levels of aggression, which could mitigate their potential to compete with native species. We isolated Marmorkrebs and Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), then conducted size-matched intra and interspecific pairings. Marmorkrebs were as likely to win a fight as P. clarkii, although contests between P. clarkii and Marmorkrebs began significantly faster than contests between two Marmorkrebs. These results suggest that Marmorkrebs have the potential to compete with other species on the same level as P. clarkii, which is itself a highly successful introduced species around the world.  相似文献   

Experimental and clinical data have demonstrated that activating the immune system in the CNS can be destructive. However, other studies have shown that enhancing an immune response can be therapeutic, and several clinical trials have been initiated with the aim of boosting immune responses in the CNS of individuals with spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Here, we evaluate the controversies in the field and discuss the remaining scientific challenges that are associated with enhancing immune function in the CNS to treat neurological diseases.  相似文献   

The continuing interest in the biology of stem cells is enhanced by new discoveries surrounding developmental plasticity of both embryonic and adult stem cells. Adoptive transfer of concepts and definitions from the hematopoietic system to other tissue stem cells suggests inclusion of characteristics such as ability to self-renew and differentiate to functionally reconstitute a tissue/organ of origin. How adequate and accurate are these definitions? Within the great unknown of how these cells function, modulate their gene expression patterns and respond to extrinsic signals, it is apparent that there are numerous levels of stemness. We may envision a scale of developmental flexibility. At one end of the scale are positioned the embryonic stem cells, and at the other end are positioned partially-differentiated, differentiation restricted (committed) tissue/organ stem cells. There is evidence that some stem cells in the adult are pluripotent, thus positioned close to the embryonic end of the stem scale. It is uncertain yet to what extent stem cells can move back and forth along the stem scale.  相似文献   

Experimental metabolic alkalosis is known to stimulate whole-animal urea production and active ion secretion by the rectal gland in the dogfish shark. Furthermore, recent evidence indicates that a marked alkaline tide (systemic metabolic alkalosis) follows feeding in this species and that the activities of the enzymes of the ornithine-urea cycle (OUC) for urea synthesis in skeletal muscle and liver and of energy metabolism and ion transport in the rectal gland are increased at this time. We therefore evaluated whether alkalosis and/or NaCl/volume loading (which also occurs with feeding) could serve as a signal for activation of these enzymes independent of nutrient loading. Fasted dogfish were infused for 20 h with either 500 mmol L(-1) NaHCO3 (alkalosis + volume expansion) or 500 mmol L(-1) NaCl (volume expansion alone), both isosmotic to dogfish plasma, at a rate of 3 mL kg(-1) h(-1). NaHCO3 infusion progressively raised arterial pH to 8.28 (control = 7.85) and plasma [HCO3-] to 20.8 mmol L(-1) (control = 4.5 mmol L(-1)) at 20 h, with unchanged arterial P(CO2), whereas NaCl/volume loading had no effect on blood acid-base status. Rectal gland Na+,K+-ATPase activity was increased 50% by NaCl loading and more than 100% by NaHCO3 loading, indicating stimulatory effects of both volume expansion and alkalosis. Rectal gland lactate dehydrogenase activity was elevated 25% by both treatments, indicating volume expansion effects only, whereas neither treatment increased the activities of the aerobic enzymes citrate synthase, NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, or the ketone body-utilizing enzyme beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in the rectal gland or liver. The activity of ornithine-citrulline transcarbamoylase in skeletal muscle was doubled by NaHCO3 infusion, but neither treatment altered the activities of other OUC-related enzymes (glutamine synthetase, carbamoylphosphate synthetase III). We conclude that both the alkaline tide and salt loading/volume expansion act as signals to activate some but not all of the elevated metabolic pathways and ionoregulatory mechanisms needed during processing of a meal.  相似文献   

Plant clades may exhibit little or wide morphological variation as a result of (1) the retention of ancestral characteristics or phylogenetic signal, (2) character displacement, or (3) random phenotypic drift or convergence. Understanding the taxonomy and systematics of many plant lineages has been challenging due to continuous intra‐ and interspecific morphological variation. To assess which evolutionary hypothesis could explain the morphological diversity in the genus Geonoma (Arecaceae), we performed a Mantel test between phylogenetic and morphological distances of 54 taxa, and tested for phylogenetic signal using Blomberg's K‐statistic on continuous variables, and a randomization of character states. To obtain a phylogenetic (patristic) distance matrix for Geonoma, we constructed a molecular phylogeny of tribe Geonomateae using three nuclear DNA regions. A positive relationship between the patristic and a 26‐discrete‐character distance matrix (R2 = 0.55, P < 0.001) supported the phylogenetic signal hypothesis. The randomization test showed that signal was present in 16 characters. No relationship was evident using a 17‐quantitative‐variable distance matrix (R2 = 0.07, P = 0.13), supporting the random drift hypothesis or convergence, and all 17 K‐values were close to 0, suggesting less phylogenetic signal than under the Brownian model. If most morphological variables traditionally used to classify Geonoma evolved randomly or convergently, it might explain Geonoma's challenging taxonomy. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 528–539.  相似文献   



Sexual selection theory predicts that females, being the limiting sex, invest less in courtship signals than males. However, when chemical signals are involved it is often the female that initiates mating by producing stimuli that inform about sex and/or receptivity. This apparent contradiction has been discussed in the literature as 'the female pheromone fallacy'. Because the release of chemical stimuli may not have evolved to elicit the male's courtship response, whether these female stimuli represent signals remains an open question. Using techniques to visualise and block release of urine, we studied the role of urine signals during fighting and mating interactions of crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Test individuals were blindfolded to exclude visual disturbance from dye release and artificial urine introduction.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis, conceived for testosterone and vertebrates, has recently been applied to juvenile hormone (JH) and insects. Scott [Scott, M.P., 2006a. Resource defense and juvenile hormone: the "challenge hypothesis" extended to insects. Horm. Behav. 49, 276-281] found that JH in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis increased in response to a social challenge in the presence of a breeding resource, while there was no such JH response in the purported brood parasite Nicrophorus pustulatus. Two important implications of the challenge hypothesis that need to be tested are whether JH affects dominance and why there are interspecific differences in the JH response to a social challenge. The effect of JH on dominance in burying beetles was examined by topical application of JH III to one of two competing females at 24 h and again at 1 h prior to presentation of a breeding resource (mouse carcass). JH supplementation had no effect on dominance in intraspecific interactions in N. orbicollis, as measured by possession of the carcass on Day 1, 3 or 7. Similarly, JH did not alter carcass ownership during competition between N. orbicollis and N. pustulatus nor did it affect reproductive success. Irrespective of JH supplementation, N. pustulatus became increasingly dominant as the trials progressed, rarely occupying the carcass on Day 1, but excluding N. orbicollis in nearly half the trials by Day 7. These findings, and a brief review of the burying beetle literature, suggest that the challenge hypothesis, as applied to testosterone and vertebrates, does not yet have an analogous model for JH and insects.  相似文献   

Signal peptides are selectively recognized and degraded by membrane associated proteases called as signal peptide peptidases. The hydrolysis of the signal peptide occurs only after its cleavage from the precursor. The possible reasons for this selectivity have been investigated. The results indicate that in signal peptides, leucine residues are clustered to a large extent on the same side of the membrane spanning alpha helix as the polar residues, but are distinctly separated along the length of the axis. Such topological differences in the distribution of amino acids on the surface of the membrane spanning alpha helix may play a crucial role in selective degradation of signal peptides.  相似文献   

There is continuing controversy about the extent to which publicly insured children are treated differently than privately insured children, and whether differences in treatment matter. We show that on average, hospitals are less likely to admit publicly insured children than privately insured children who present at the ER and the gap grows during high flu weeks, when hospital beds are in high demand. This pattern is present even after controlling for detailed diagnostic categories and hospital fixed effects, but does not appear to have any effect on measurable health outcomes such as repeat ER visits and future hospitalizations. Hence, our results raise the possibility that instead of too few publicly insured children being admitted during high flu weeks, there are too many publicly and privately insured children being admitted most of the time.  相似文献   

An investigation of various formulae for the Endo medium has been made, using about 20 different samples of basic fuchsia. It has been found that some samples are unsatisfactory in the standard formula of the American Public Health Association and others unsatisfactory in the formula given in the Manual of Methods for Pure Culture Study of Bacteria (of the Society of American Bacteriologists). A slight modification of the A. P. H. A. standard formula, however, is enough to make it satisfactory for any sample of basic fuchsin with which it has so far been tried. This modification is the use of 1 ml. of a 1% basic fuchsin solution instead of 0.5 ml. of a 10% solution. This modification in the formula brings about a change of the ratio of sulfite to fuchsin in the finished medium of 12 1/2:1 instead of roughly 3:1; and it is shown that this ratio permits the use of a greater variety of different fuchsins than the one which is in the standard formula.  相似文献   

The decoy-database approach is currently the gold standard for assessing the confidence of identifications in shotgun proteomic experiments. Here, we demonstrate that what might appear to be a good result under the decoy-database approach for a given false-discovery rate could be, in fact, the product of overfitting. This problem has been overlooked until now and could lead to obtaining boosted identification numbers whose reliability does not correspond to the expected false-discovery rate. To overcome this, we are introducing a modified version of the method, termed a semi-labeled decoy approach, which enables the statistical determination of an overfitted result.  相似文献   

Equality and respect are, together with dignity, considered foundational values in international human rights discourse. While equality in particular has been established as a widely accepted goal in the women's rights movement, respect is, however, less commonly invoked. Based on long‐term ethnographic fieldwork conducted among the Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia, this article examines the notion of wayyuu, a tacit moral model of respect and sacredness that is central to institutions and norms that have secured women certain rights and power. These norms and institutions represent a challenge to the liberal feminist conceptualization of gender equality that dominates international women's rights discourse. Drawing on theories of respect and on feminist and anthropological discussions of equality, I argue that even though there are certain limitations inherent in wayyuu, the sacredness it entails and the implications this has had for women's status and power among the Arsi Oromo call for an exploration of respect not as an alternative to equality, but as a complementary notion which to a greater extent could be included in global discussions of gender justice.  相似文献   

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted by the infectious bite of Anopheles mosquitoes. Vector control of malaria has predominantly focused on targeting the adult mosquito through insecticides and bed nets. However, current vector control methods are often not sustainable for long periods so alternative methods are needed. A novel biocontrol approach for mosquito-borne diseases has recently been proposed, it uses maternally inherited endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria transinfected into mosquitoes in order to interfere with pathogen transmission. Transinfected Wolbachia strains in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the primary vector of dengue fever, directly inhibit pathogen replication, including Plasmodium gallinaceum, and also affect mosquito reproduction to allow Wolbachia to spread through mosquito populations. In addition, transient Wolbachia infections in Anopheles gambiae significantly reduce Plasmodium levels. Here we review the prospects of using a Wolbachia-based approach to reduce human malaria transmission through transinfection of Anopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Results of in vitro studies conducted on isolated bone specimens have indicated a higher tolerance to static load than exists when exposed to cyclic loading, when controlled for creep rate. If this difference in load tolerance exists, it may be exploited to extend the life of vertebral bone exposed to repetitive compression, and potentially alter the development of spinal injury. However, little work has been conducted on functional spinal units to determine if bone displays this characteristic within an intact joint. Additionally, static loading may result in load redistribution within the intervertebral disc forcing more of the compressive load towards the periphery of the endplate away from the nucleus. In order to examine these potential mechanisms, 218 osteoligamentous porcine functional spinal units were assigned to one of 15 loading scenarios. This involved one of three normalized peak load magnitudes (50%, 70% and 90% of estimated compressive tolerance) and one of five normalized static load applications (0%, 50%, 100%, 200% and 1000% of the total dynamic work duration). Load magnitude significantly altered the resistance to cumulative compression with decreased peak magnitudes corresponding to both increased cumulative load tolerance and increased height loss. Static load periods did not alter the resistance of the spinal unit to cumulative compression or impact the number of cycles tolerated to failure. The insertion of static load periods impacted the total survival time to failure, but only for the 1000% static load group, an exposure unlikely to occur for most in vivo exposures. The insertion of static load periods decreased the amount of height loss during testing which may play a protective role by allowing load redistribution within the vertebral bone and intervertebral disc.  相似文献   

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