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In order to improve culture media and to discover potential drug targets, uptake of an acidic, a basic, and an aromatic amino acid were investigated. Current culture systems, axenic or co-cultivation with mammalian cells, do not provide either the quantity or quality of cells needed for biochemical studies of this organism. Insight into nutrient acquisition can be expected to lead to improved culture media and improved culture growth. Aspartic acid uptake was directly related to substrate concentration, Q(10) was 1.10 at pH 7.4. Hence the organism acquired this acidic amino acid by simple diffusion. Uptake of the basic amino acid arginine and the aromatic amino acid tyrosine exhibited saturation kinetics consistent with carrier-mediated mechanisms. Kinetic parameters indicated two carriers (K(m)=22.8+/-2.5 microM and K(m)=3.6+/-0.3 mM) for arginine and a single carrier for tyrosine (K(m)=284+/-23 microM). The effects of other L-amino acids showed that the tyrosine carrier was distinct from the arginine carriers. Tyrosine and arginine transport were independent of sodium and potassium ions, and did not appear to require energy from ATP or a proton motive force. Thus facilitated diffusion was identified as the mechanism of uptake. After 30 min of incubation, these amino acids were incorporated into total lipids and the sedimentable material following lipid extraction; more than 90% was in the cellular soluble fraction.  相似文献   

The interactions of long chain fatty acids (FA) with wild type (WT) fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) and engineered FABP mutants have been monitored to determine the equilibrium binding constants as well as the rate constants for binding and dissociation. These measurements have been done using the fluorescent probes, ADIFAB and ADIFAB2, that allow the determination of the free fatty acid (FFA) concentration in the reaction of FA with proteins and membranes. The results of these studies indicate that for WT proteins from adipocyte, heart, intestine, and liver, Kd values are in the nM range and affinities decrease with increasing aqueous solubility of the FA. Binding affinities for heart and liver are generally greater than those for adipocyte and intestine. Moreover, measurements of the rate constants indicate that binding equilibrium at 37øC is achieved within seconds for all FA and FABPs. These results, together with the level of serum (unbound) FFA, suggests a buffering action of FABPs that helps to maintain the intracellular concentration of FFA so that the flux of FFA between serum and cells occurs down a concentration gradient. Measurements of the temperature dependence of binding reveal that the free energy is predominately enthalpic and that the enthalpy of the reaction results from FA-FABP interactions within the binding cavity. The nature of these interactions were investigated by determining the thermodynamics of binding to engineered point mutants of the intestinal FABP. These measurements showed that binding affinities did not report accurately the changes in protein-FA interactions because changes in the binding entropy and enthalpy tend to compensate. For example, an alanine substitution for arginine 106 yields a 30 fold increase in binding affinity, because the loss in enthalpy due to the elimination of the favorable interaction between the FA carboxylate and Arg106, is more than compensated for by an increase in entropy. Thus understanding the effects of amino acid replacements on FA-FABP interactions requires measurements of enthalpy and entropy, in addition to affinity.  相似文献   

Summary Pre-mRNA processing in eukaryotic cells requires the participation of multiple protein factors and ribonucleoprotein particles. One class of proteins involved in this process are RNA-binding proteins, which contain a domain of ca. 90 amino acids with a characteristic ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence (RNP-CS). A PCR approach that is suitable for the characterization of RNP-CS-type proteins is described. Fifteen different RNA-binding domains were amplified from Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) using oligonucleotide primers specific for the sequences (K/R)G(F/Y)(G/A)FVX(F/Y) and (L/I/V)(F/Y)(V/I)(G/K)(N/G)L, which are conserved in known RNP-CS proteins. Using the tobacco domains as probes, cDNAs encoding two RNA-binding proteins, each containing two RNP-CS-type domains, were characterized in N. plumbaginifolia. The proteins, designated CP-RBP30 and CP-RBP31, are targeted to chloroplasts as demonstrated by expression of epitope-tagged cDNAs in transfected protoplasts, followed by indirect immunofluorescence. High levels of mRNA for each protein were found in leaves but not in roots, and expression of the CP-RBP31 mRNA was strongly regulated by light. The N. plumbaginifolia proteins described in this work are distinct from chloroplast RNA-binding proteins characterized recently in tobacco and spinach.  相似文献   

Overlapping cDNAs have been isolated containing all the coding sequences for Artemia salina protein GRP33, a glycine-rich protein (16.6 mol % glycine), with a molecular weight of 32,992. GRP33 is closely related to HD40, the major protein component of Artemia heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles, and shares certain characteristics with other RNA binding proteins. The C-terminal region (123 amino acids) contains 39 glycine residues. This region has multiple arginine residues flanked by glycines, resembling the glycine-dimethylarginine clusters present in other RNA binding proteins. Secondary structure predictions for the protein reveal two distinct domains: a hydrophilic C-terminal domain with an extended conformation and a larger N-terminal domain with a number of alpha-helices and beta-sheets.  相似文献   

Replacement of glycine by aspartic acid at either of two sites in a conserved, glycine-rich region inactivates the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme D-serine dehydratase (DSD) from Escherichia coli. To investigate why aspartic acid at position 279 or 281 causes a loss of activity, we measured the affinity of the G----D variants for pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and a cofactor:substrate analog complex and compared the UV, CD, and fluorescence properties of wild-type D-serine dehydratase and the inactive variants. The two G----D variants DSD(G279D) and DSD (G281D) displayed marked differences from wild-type D-serine dehydratase and from each other with respect to their affinity for pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and for a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate:glycine Schiff base. Compared to the wild-type enzyme, the cofactor affinity of DSD(G279D) and DSD(G281D) was decreased 225- and 50-fold, respectively, and the ability to retain a cofactor:glycine complex was decreased 765- and 1970-fold. The spectral properties of the inactive variants suggest that they form a Schiff base linkage with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate but do not hold the cofactor in a catalytically competent orientation. Moreover, the amount of cofactor aldamine in equilibrium with cofactor Schiff base is increased in DSD(G279D) and DSD(G281D) relative to that in wild-type DSD. Collectively, our findings indicate that introduction of a carboxymethyl side chain at G-279 or G-281 directly or indirectly disrupts catalytically essential protein-cofactor and protein-substrate interactions and thereby prevents processing of the enzyme bound cofactor:substrate complex. The conserved glycine-rich region is thus either an integral part of the D-serine dehydratase active site or conformationally linked to it.  相似文献   

Prediction of RNA binding sites in proteins from amino acid sequence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RNA-protein interactions are vitally important in a wide range of biological processes, including regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis, and replication and assembly of many viruses. We have developed a computational tool for predicting which amino acids of an RNA binding protein participate in RNA-protein interactions, using only the protein sequence as input. RNABindR was developed using machine learning on a validated nonredundant data set of interfaces from known RNA-protein complexes in the Protein Data Bank. It generates a classifier that captures primary sequence signals sufficient for predicting which amino acids in a given protein are located in the RNA-protein interface. In leave-one-out cross-validation experiments, RNABindR identifies interface residues with >85% overall accuracy. It can be calibrated by the user to obtain either high specificity or high sensitivity for interface residues. RNABindR, implementing a Naive Bayes classifier, performs as well as a more complex neural network classifier (to our knowledge, the only previously published sequence-based method for RNA binding site prediction) and offers the advantages of speed, simplicity and interpretability of results. RNABindR predictions on the human telomerase protein hTERT are in good agreement with experimental data. The availability of computational tools for predicting which residues in an RNA binding protein are likely to contact RNA should facilitate design of experiments to directly test RNA binding function and contribute to our understanding of the diversity, mechanisms, and regulation of RNA-protein complexes in biological systems. (RNABindR is available as a Web tool from http://bindr.gdcb.iastate.edu.).  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity of the arginine/aspartic acid (RD) repeats of the 70K protein of U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) was determined to be conformationally dependent. The monoclonal autoantibody 2.73, isolated from a lupus-prone MRL/n mouse model, is reactive with the RD repeat regions of U1 snRNP 70K protein. Immunochemical analysis of the antigenic determinants with use of chemically synthesized peptides characterized the 2.73 epitope as the RD repeat [Pelsue, S.,et al. (1993)Autoimmunity,15, 231–236] Analysis by circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy indicates conformational preferences in the immunoreactive peptides. Computer analyses of CD spectra obtained on the RD-containing peptides predict-turns and-sheet to be the preferred conformations of the RD repeats. This structure was also predicted by the Chou-Fasman algorithm. The RD repeat is believed to be a conserved structural motif; however, the biological function is still unclear. Immunological and biochemical analysis of autoimmune antibodies and their respective antigenic determinants has helped to characterize the possible mechanisms that lead to autoimmune diseases. This is the first report of a conformationally dependent, linear epitope of an autoantibody.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is an abundant nucleolar protein which is involved in the early stages of ribosome assembly. The central 40-kDa domain of nucleolin comprises four RNA recognition motifs (RRM) which are presumed to be involved in specific interactions with pre-rRNA. In order to examine in detail the role of this central domain and the contribution of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of nucleolin to RNA binding, we have used an Escherichia coli expression system to synthezise polypeptides corresponding to various combinations of the three domains and their subdomains. By means of an in-vitro binding assay and a synthetic RNA corresponding to a specific recognition site in pre-rRNA we have been able to demonstrate conclusively that the central 40-kDa domain is indeed responsible for the specificity of RNA recognition and that the N-terminal domain can be removed without affecting RNA binding. Most interestingly, it appears that the C-terminal 10-kDa domain, which is rich in glycine and arginine residues, is essential for efficient binding of nucleolin to RNA, but does not itself contribute to the specificity of the interaction. Circular dichroic spectroscopic probing of the RNA component shows that the C-terminal domain significantly modifies the RNA-binding properties of the central RRM core. Finally, infrared spectroscopic studies reveal that the central 40-kDa domain is structured in alpha helices and beta sheets and that the interaction with the specific pre-rRNA site induces subtle changes in the beta sheet conformation.  相似文献   



Proteins of the tetraspanin family contain four transmembrane domains (TM1-4) linked by two extracellular loops and a short intracellular loop, and have short intracellular N- and C-termini. While structure and function analysis of the larger extracellular loop has been performed, the organization and role of transmembrane domains have not been systematically assessed.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2 (ERK1/2) proteins regulate a variety of cellular functions, including cell proliferation and differentiation, by interacting with and phosphorylating substrate proteins. Two docking sites, common docking (CD/ED) domain and F-site recruitment site (FRS), on ERK proteins have been identified. Specific interactions with the CD/ED domain and the FRS occur with substrates containing a docking site for ERK and JNK, LXL (DEJL) motif (D-domain) and a docking site for ERK, FXF (DEF) motif (F-site), respectively. However, the relative contributions of the ERK docking sites in mediating substrate interactions that allow efficient phosphate transfer are largely unknown. In these studies, we provide a quantitative analysis of ERK2 interactions with substrates using surface plasmon resonance to measure real time protein-protein interactions. ERK2 interacted with ELK-1 (DEF and DEJL motifs), RSK-1 (DEJL motif), and c-Fos (DEF motif) with K(D) values of 0.25, 0.15, and 0.97 μM, respectively. CD/ED domain mutations inhibited interactions with ELK-1 and RSK-1 by 6-fold but had no effect on interactions with c-Fos. Select mutations in FRS residues differentially inhibited ELK-1 or c-Fos interactions with ERK2 but had little effect on RSK-1 interactions. Mutations in both the ED and FRS docking sites completely inhibited ELK-1 interactions but had no effect on interactions with stathmin, an ERK substrate whose docking site is unknown. The phosphorylation status of ERK2 did not affect interactions with RSK-1 or c-Fos but did inhibit interactions with ELK-1 and stathmin. These studies provide a quantitative evaluation of specific docking domains involved in mediating interactions between ERK2 and protein substrates and define the contributions of these interactions to phosphate transfer.  相似文献   

An aromatic amino acid is present in the binding site of a number of sugar binding proteins. The interaction of the saccharide with the aromatic residue is determined by their relative position as well as orientation. The position-orientation of the saccharide relative to the aromatic residue was found to vary in different sugar-binding proteins. In the present study, interaction energies of the complexes of galactose (Gal) and of glucose (Glc) with aromatic residue analogs have been calculated by ab initio density functional (U-B3LYP/ 6-31G**) theory. The position-orientations of the saccharide with respect to the aromatic residue observed in various Gal-, Glc-, and mannose-protein complexes were chosen for the interaction energy calculations. The results of these calculations show that galactose can interact with the aromatic residue with similar interaction energies in a number of position-orientations. The interaction energy of Gal-aromatic residue analog complex in position-orientations observed for the bound saccharide in Glc/Man-protein complexes is comparable to the Glc-aromatic residue analog complex in the same position-orientation. In contrast, there is a large variation in interaction energies of complexes of Glc- and of Gal- with the aromatic residue analog in position-orientations observed in Gal-protein complexes. Furthermore, the conformation wherein the O6 atom is away from the aromatic residue is preferred for the exocyclic -CH2OH group in Gal-aromatic residue analog complexes. The implications of these results for saccharide binding in Gal-specific proteins and the possible role of the aromatic amino acid to ensure proper positioning and orientation of galactose in the binding site have been discussed.  相似文献   

BACE1 is a membrane-bound aspartyl protease that specifically cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) at the beta-secretase site. Membrane bound reticulon (RTN) family proteins interact with BACE1 and negatively modulate BACE1 activity through preventing access of BACE1 to its cellular APP substrate. Here, we focused our study on RTN3 and further show that a C-terminal QID triplet conserved among mammalian RTN members is required for the binding of RTN to BACE1. Although RTN3 can form homo- or heterodimers in cells, BACE1 mainly binds to the RTN monomer and disruption of the QID triplet does not interfere with the dimerization. Correspondingly, the C-terminal region of BACE1 is required for the binding of BACE1 to RTNs. Furthermore, we show that the negative modulation of BACE1 by RTN3 relies on the binding of RTN3 to BACE1. The knowledge from this study may potentially guide discovery of small molecules that can mimic the effect of RTN3 on the inhibition of BACE1 activity.  相似文献   

Gao HW  Liu XH  Qiu Z  Tan L 《Amino acids》2009,36(2):251-260
We studied the non-specific interactions of two azo compounds: biebrich scarlet (BS) and naphthochrome green (NG), with four model proteins: bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, poly-l-lysine and hemoglobin by UV-VIS spectrometry, fluorophotometry and circular dichroism melting technique. The optimal acidities of NG and BS for binding to proteins correspond to the physiological pHs of skin and gastro tissues. The saturation binding numbers of BS and NG on peptide chains were determined and the effects of electrolytes and temperature were investigated. These interactions were fitted by the Temkin absorption model and their thermodynamic parameters were calculated. The different bindings of BS and NG to proteins were compared from their molecular structures. We inferred that an ion-pair electrostatic interaction first fixes azo compounds to basic amino acid residues and subsequent binding involves the collective action of other non-covalent bonds: hydrogen bond, van der Waals force, and hydrophobic interaction. This combination of bonds caused a change of secondary conformation of protein from β-sheet to helix and the possible process was illustrated. The potential protein toxicity resulting from such a non-specific binding was analyzed. Besides, the interaction of BS with peptide chains was applied to protein assay.  相似文献   

A DNA sequence encoding a protein with predicted EF-hand and dynein light chain binding domains was identified in a Fasciola hepatica EST library. Sequence analysis of the encoded protein revealed that the most similar known protein was the Fasciola gigantica protein FgCaBP3 and so this newly identified protein was named FhCaBP3. Molecular modelling of FhCaBP3 predicted a highly flexible N-terminal region, followed by a domain containing two EF-hand motifs the second of which is likely to be a functioning divalent ion binding site. The C-terminal domain of the protein contains a dynein light chain like region. Interestingly, molecular modelling predicts that calcium ion binding to the N-terminal domain destabilises the β-sheet structure of the C-terminal domain. FhCaBP3 can be expressed in, and purified from, Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein dimerises and the absence of calcium ions appeared to promote dimerisation. Native gel shift assays demonstrated that the protein bound to calcium and manganese ions, but not to magnesium, barium, zinc, strontium, nickel, copper or cadmium ions. FhCaBP3 interacted with the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide and chlorpromazine as well as the myosin regulatory light chain-binding drug praziquantel. Despite sequence and structural similarities to other members of the same protein family from F. hepatica, FhCaBP3 has different biochemical properties to the other well characterised family members, FH22 and FhCaBP4. This suggests that each member of this trematode calcium-binding family has discrete functional roles within the organism.  相似文献   

The polypeptide contained in the cyanophycin granule, a characteristic cyanobacterial subcellular inclusion, is shown to be a highly branched structure consisting of a polyaspartic acid core to which arginyl residues are attached at each free car☐yl group of the polyaspartic acid. The evidence supporting such a model includes: (i) The resistance of the polypeptide to a variety of enzymatic procedures commonly used to degrade linear polypeptide chains. (ii) The inability to degrade the polypeptide from the amino terminal using sequential Edman degradation. (iii) The preferential release of arginine following hydrolysis of the polypeptide in dilute acid (0.03 M acetic acid, 105 °C). (iv) The demonstration by chemical linkage analysis that both the car☐yl groups of aspartic acid are unavailable for reduction and must therefore by involved in covalent linkages and that many arginyl residues can be reduced and therefore must not be involved in covalent linkage. (v) The removal approximately 75% of the arginine from the polypeptide by chemical treatment of the polypeptide using methods designed to cleave car☐yl-terminal amino acids.The highly branched structure of the cyanophycin granule polypeptide is similar in form to synthetically produced multichain polyamino acids, and using the nomenclature for describing multichain polyamino acids, it is proposed that the cyanophycin granule polypeptide be called multi-L-arginyl--polyaspartic acid.  相似文献   

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